Method and system for assisting the start-up of a motor vehicle

The present invention provides start-up assistance for a motor vehicle having braking equipment which, in the stationary state of the mo-or vehicle, automatically or under the control of a vehicle driver summons up braking forces needed for the stationary state. To assist start-up of the motor vehicle through a reduction of the braking forces generated in the stationary state, a start-up request of a vehicle driver is determined when defined conditions, which are to be met for start-up of the motor vehicle, exist in the stationary state. Once a start-up request has been recognized, the operating state of the motor vehicle is checked until an operating state required for start-up exists. Once such an operating state is reached, the braking equipment of the motor vehicle is controlled in such a way that its braking forces generated in the stationary state are reduced to allow start-up of the vehicle.


[0001] 1. Field of the Invention

[0002] The present invention relates to a method and a system for assisting the start-up of a motor vehicle. In particular, the present invention relates to a method and a system which during start-up of a motor vehicle control braking equipment, which is activated in the stationary state of the motor vehicle, so as to assist and allow the start-up.

[0003] 2. Background of the Invention

[0004] The braking equipment or parts of the braking equipment of a motor vehicle are usually operated also in the stationary state of the motor vehicle in order to maintain the stationary state of the latter. Generally, for said purpose use is made of a parking brake, which is typically actuated by a vehicle driver, or of braking equipment which in a controlled manner generates braking forces required for the stationary state.

[0005] To start up the motor vehicle, it is necessary to reduce the braking forces generated in the stationary state.

[0006] 3. Prior Art

[0007] In the case of conventional parking brakes (hand brakes) which are to be operated by a vehicle driver, it is necessary for the vehicle driver to take not only the measures required for starting up but also measures to release the parking brake.

[0008] For assisting a vehicle driver during start-up of a motor vehicle it is known from DE-OS-24 20 252 to deactivate the parking brake of a motor vehicle in dependence upon a position of an accelerator pedal. In said case, the parking brake, which in the stationary state generates a permanently defined braking force, is deactivated to reduce the permanently defined braking force as soon as the accelerator pedal is actuated. This has the result that the parking brake is released even when an actuation of the accelerator pedal does not lead to an operating state of the motor vehicle which is necessary for start-up. This is the case, for example, when the vehicle is not started, the engine speed occasioned by the actuation of the accelerator pedal or the engine torque is insufficient to start the vehicle, and the like. Thus, said known parking brake may lead to an unwanted release or to a release of the parking brake which makes it necessary for the vehicle driver during start-up of the motor vehicle to take additional measures to avoid undesirable driving states.

[0009] From DE 36 18 532 A1 start-up assistance for a motor vehicle on an ascending gradient is known. In said case, a brake system comprises a valve, which is disposed between the master brake cylinder and the wheel brake cylinders and which is closed in the stationary state to maintain a brake-actuating pressure and opened to cancel the brake-actuating pressure and allow start-up of the motor vehicle. When the motor vehicle is to be brought from the stationary state into a travelling state, the engine torque defined by a vehicle driver is checked to see whether it corresponds to a starting torque required for start-up. In said case, the required starting torque is determined in dependence upon a current angle of inclination of the vehicle on an ascending gradient and upon the vehicle weight. Said procedure has the drawback that the current engine torque, even when it corresponds to the required starting torque, does not provide any reliable indication about whether the motor vehicle is actually in a driving state required for start-up. This-is the case, for example, when the clutch is actuated or no gear is selected. When in such cases the required starting torque is reached, the brake system is nevertheless deactivated with the result that an undesirable movement of the motor vehicle may occur.

[0010] In the case of said start-up assistance it is alternatively provided that torques acting upon driving wheels of the motor vehicle be detected. When torques acting upon the driving wheels are high enough to overcome the braking torques generated by the wheel brake cylinders and the backward rolling torque caused by an ascending gradient, the valve is opened to cancel the brake-actuating pressure generated in the stationary state. This has the drawback that, while the torques of the driving wheels needed to open the valve are sufficient to keep the vehicle stationary particularly on an ascending gradient, they are not high enough actually to bring the motor vehicle from the stationary state to a travelling state. A further drawback is that said procedure does not check whether the torques acting upon the driving wheels are generated by the engine or are attributable to other causes. Such situations where torques not generated by the engine act upon the driving wheels may arise, for example, when the motor vehicle situated on an ascending gradient is laden.

[0011] A general drawback of said start-up assistance is that the reduction—occasioned by opening of the valve—of braking forces summoned up in the stationary state is effected independently of the manner in which the motor vehicle is to be moved out of the stationary state. This may lead to uncomfortable, jerky start-up phases, during which it may be necessary for the driver to take additional measures to achieve start-up of the motor vehicle in a desired manner.


[0012] The object of the present invention is to provide a method and a system for assisting the start-up of a motor vehicle having braking equipment activated in the stationary state, which method and system assist and render more comfortable the transitions from a stationary to a travelling state, wherein the previously described drawbacks of prior art are overcome.


[0013] To achieve said object, the invention provides a method of assisting the start-up of a motor vehicle, the braking equipment of which is activated in the stationary state in a controlled manner, automatically or by a vehicle driver and may be deactivated in a controllable manner without any activity on the part of the vehicle driver. In the method according to the invention parameters are determined, which characterize a motor vehicle operating state, in which the motor vehicle is to be moved from the stationary state. Determination of the so-called starting parameters is used to recognize a starting request, which is defined by a vehicle driver or, in the case of an automatic vehicle controller (“autopilot”), by a vehicle control system.

[0014] Once a starting request has been recognized, current operating states of the motor vehicle are determined until an operating state is determined, which actually allows a transition from the stationary to a travelling state. In particular, during said process a check is made for the existence of an operating state, which is caused by an active connection between the vehicle engine and one or more driving wheels.

[0015] The braking equipment and, in particular, parking brakes of the motor vehicle are subsequently controlled in such a way that the braking forces generated in the stationary state are reduced in order to allow the desired transition from the stationary state to a travelling state.

[0016] Preferably parameters are defined, which define for the motor vehicle in the stationary state an operating state, which has to exist before the motor vehicle may be moved at all out of the stationary state. Prior to recognition of the starting request, parameters characterizing current operating states of the motor vehicle are acquired in the stationary state in order to check whether the defined initial operating state exists. If this is the case, the starting parameters are determined.

[0017] For defining the initial operating state, use may be made of parameters which indicate whether an ignition system of the motor vehicle is switched on, i.e. the vehicle engine has been started or is in a state enabling it to be started e.g. through actuation of an accelerator pedal or under the control of a vehicle controller, and/or the velocity of the motor vehicle is zero, and/or the braking equipment has been activated in such a way that it generates the braking forces needed for the stationary state existing at said time.

[0018] It is further provided that, as an initial operating state, an operating state of the motor vehicle is defined, in which a clutch or a clutch switch has been actuated. Generally, the actuation of the clutch is used for a motor vehicle having a conventional shift transmission, while the switching state of a clutch switch is taken as a basis for motor vehicles having automatic or semi-automatic transmissions.

[0019] During determination of the starting parameters for recognizing the starting request, it is provided that a check is made to ascertain whether the accelerator pedal has been actuated, an accelerator switch, if provided, has been activated, movements of the accelerator pedal exist, the current rotational speed of the engine is higher than a rotational speed defined for idling of the engine, the desired engine torque, i.e. the engine torque defined in response to an actuation of the accelerator pedal, is higher than the current engine torque, the current engine torque is higher than an engine torque defined for no-load operation, and/or changes of the engine torque exist.

[0020] The starting parameters are preferably determined until at least one of the starting parameters characterizes an operating state, which differs from an operating state of the motor vehicle in the stationary state. With regard to the previously described starting parameters it is, for example, possible to recognize a starting request when the accelerator pedal has been actuated, the current engine speed is higher than the idling speed, the engine torque defined in response to the starting request is higher than the current engine torque and the current engine torque is higher the no-load engine torque.

[0021] To ascertain the existence of the operating state, in which the motor vehicle may actually be moved from the stationary state, it is provided that the current engine torque, changes of the engine torque and/or of the desired engine torque, and/or time-averaged changes of the engine torque are acquired. In said case, the current engine torque is compared with a combination (e.g. sum, product) of the defined no-load engine torque and a correction factor. The correction factor is used to take account of parameters, which may influence start-up phases for the motor vehicle, such as e.g. the vehicle weight. It may moreover be checked whether the engine torque and/or the desired engine torque are increasing. It may moreover be determined whether the current, time-averaged change of the engine torque during a defined period of time (e.g. 400 milliseconds) lies within a predefined range (e.g. 1%-60%).

[0022] Alternatively or additionally, when determining the current operating states the inclination or changes of inclination of the motor vehicle may be acquired. If the current vehicle inclination has changed by a predetermined value (e.g. 5%) relative to the vehicle inclination in the stationary state or if changes of the vehicle inclination are detected, which do not occur in the stationary state, an operating state exists, which allows the motor vehicle to be actually movable out of the stationary state.

[0023] The procedure for the previously described determination of current opening states is based on a recognition of a reaction of the engine to the biting of the clutch (i.e. change of gradient of the engine speed curve) with a simultaneous increase of the engine torque and/or a recognition of movements of the motor vehicle in response to forces transmitted from the engine to the driving wheels (“dipping” of the motor vehicle).

[0024] The braking equipment is preferably activated to reduce the braking forces generated in the stationary state when the parameters required for the initial operating state, the parameters required for recognition of the starting request and/or the parameters for the operating state allowing a transition from the stationary state to a travelling state exist over suitably defined periods of time.

[0025] On the basis of the quantities acquired for the initial operating state, the starting request and the start-up operating state it is possible to control the brake system so as to reduce the braking forces, which are provided in the stationary state, in dependence upon one or more of said parameters. In said manner the reduction of the braking forces is adapted to the respective operating state of the motor vehicle and/or to the respective recognized starting request.

[0026] When controlling the braking equipment for leaving the stationary state it is further provided that the motor vehicle is controlled in such a manner that start-up takes place as jerk-free as possible and without increased strain on or damage of the braking equipment, in particular the brake linings. For controlling the operating states of the motor vehicle occurring during control of the braking equipment, it is possible to resort to already existing systems, such as an engine management system. The control of the motor vehicle may during the control of the braking equipment for leaving the stationary state take place in dependence upon an operating state of the braking equipment in the stationary state, the detected startup parameters, the detected current operating state in the state of start-up, and a current operating state during the control of the braking equipment.

[0027] Preferably the engine speed and/or the engine torque are controlled during the control of the operating states of the motor vehicle during start-up. It is possible in this case that the engine speed and/or the engine torque is/are reduced at least for a short period of time during start-up if the braking equipment still generates braking forces preventing an actual starting of the motor vehicle. The engine speed and/or engine torque can be increased, for example in response to the chronological order of the effective braking forces while controlling the braking equipment, so that the stationary state can be left. In particular, engine speed and/or engine torque can be controlled in such a manner that an undesired movement of the motor vehicle (rolling away) is prevented during control of the braking equipment. Increase of the engine speed and/or engine torque may be effected abruptly, linearly, in steps or according to another function that effects a start-up comfortable to the driver and avoids increased strain on or damages of the brake linings.

[0028] The invention further provides a system for ass sting the start-up of a motor vehicle, which is held in the stationary state by braking equipment activated in said stationary state. The system according to the invention comprises a control device as well as a plurality of detection devices (sensors) for acquiring parameters, which characterize operating states of the motor vehicle, and an interface for controlling the braking equipment, wherein the control device is operated using one of the previously described methods.

[0029] In addition the invention provides a computer program product that comprises program code portions allowing it to carry out the above method steps.


[0030] In the following description reference is made to the accompanying drawings, which show:

FIG. 1 a diagrammatic view of a system according to the invention for assisting the start-up of a motor vehicle,

FIG. 2 a flowchart of an embodiment of a method according to the invention for assisting startup, and

FIG. 3 a flowchart of a further embodiment of a method according to the invention for assisting startup.


[0034] The start-up assistance system 1 illustrated in FIG. 1 may be a separately constructed device of a motor vehicle, use at least partially already existent components of further systems of the motor vehicle or be encompassed by a system which provides further control and check functions for the motor vehicle.

[0035] The start-up assistance system 1 comprises a control device 2, which via an interface 4 controls braking equipment 6 of a motor vehicle. For control of the braking equipment 6, the control device 2 by means of a plurality of devices, which are described below, detects the current operating state of the motor vehicle and on the basis of data supplied by said devices determines an operating state for the motor vehicle, into which operating state the motor vehicle is to be brought under the control of a vehicle driver.

[0036] A sensor device 8 is connected to an ignition system 10 of the motor vehicle, to sensors 12 for detecting open and closed positions of vehicle doors and to a safety device 14, which is used to recognize the occupation of vehicle seats and current operating states of protection devices for vehicle occupants (e.g. airbags, seat belt systems)

[0037] A sensor device 16 for recognizing positions and/or movements of an accelerator pedal 18 is connected to the latter and, if provided, to an accelerator pedal switch 20, which checks whether the vehicle driver is contacting or actuating the accelerator pedal 18.

[0038] In a comparable manner a sensor device 22 is connected to a brake pedal 24 and, if provided, to a brake pedal switch 26 in order to determine positions and/or movements as well as actuation of the brake pedal 27. By means of a sensor device 28 a current actuating state of a clutch pedal 30 and optionally of a clutch pedal switch 32 is detected.

[0039] To ascertain whether a gear is selected and which gear is selected, a sensor device 34 is connected to a transmission 36. A sensor device 38 is used to acquire parameters which characterize the current operating state of an engine 40.

[0040] The control device 2 is further connected to a temperature sensor 42 for detecting the ambient temperature, a velocity sensor 44 for detecting the current vehicle velocity, a vehicle inclination sensor 46 for detecting the current inclination of the motor vehicle in longitudinal direction of the latter, sensors 48 for detecting the rotational speeds of one or more vehicle wheels, and a weight sensor 50 for detecting a current vehicle weight. The control device 2 moreover via a brake sensor device 52 detects the current operating state of the braking equipment 6.

[0041] Via an interface 54 the control device 2 receives data, which are provided by further components (not shown) of the motor vehicle and supply, in addition to the previously described performance quantities, further information about the state of the vehicle. Examples thereof are data, which characterize correct and/or defective operating states of a vehicle engine management system, an anti-skid system (ABS) and traction and stability control systems (e.g. ESP, ASR, ASD) and indicate the tyre air pressure of one or more tyres and available quantities of operating substances (e.g. gear oil, engine oil). It is further possible via the interface 54 to detect whether the motor vehicle is connected to a towed vehicle (e.g. a caravan) and to detect parameters characterizing the current operating state of the towed vehicle.

[0042] The start-up assistance system 1 is suitable for vehicles having conventional shift transmissions, automatic transmissions and semi-automatic transmissions. Given use of the system 1 in conjunction with an automatic or semiautomatic transmission, as opposed to use with a shift transmission, the sensor device 28 is connected to a clutch switch (not shown) instead of to the clutch pedal switch 32. Connection of the sensor device 28 to a clutch pedal is not possible in said cases.

[0043] Operation of the start-up assistance system 1 in a motor vehicle having a conventional shift transmission is described with reference to the flowchart shown in FIG. 2.

[0044] As explained initially, in the stationary state of the motor vehicle the braking equipment 6 independently and automatically generates braking forces which are needed to keep the motor vehicle in the stationary state.

[0045] Accordingly, upon start-up of the motor vehicle, i.e. upon a transition from the stationary state to a travelling state, the braking forces generated in the stationary state have to be reduced.

[0046] In step 1, it is checked whether the braking equipment 6 is generating braking forces to keep the motor vehicle in the stationary state. If it is ascertained here that the braking equipment 6 has not been activated, i.e. is not generating immobilizing braking forces, which is attributable e.g. to a defective operating state of the braking equipment 6 or manual deactivation of the braking equipment 6 by a vehicle driver, the steps described below for reducing braking forces generated by the braking equipment 6 are not necessary. Accordingly, at this point the method (the program flow) for control of the system 1 is terminated.

[0047] The method likewise terminates if it is ascertained in step 2 that the ignition system 10 is not switched on, if in step 3 the velocity sensor 44 detects a vehicle velocity, or if it is ascertained in step 4 that the clutch pedal 30 and/or, if provided, the clutch pedal switch 32 has not been actuated.

[0048] In step 2 it is checked whether the ignition system 10 is switched on. In said case, it may be checked whether the ignition system 10 has effected a start of the engine 40, i.e. the engine 40 is running, Cr whether the ignition system 10, e.g. because of a detected ignition key position, is in a state which allows starting of the engine 40. The last case of checking the ignition system 10 is adequate particularly for motor vehicles, in which the engine 40 is automatically stopped in the stationary state and automatically started, e.g. through actuation of the accelerator pedal 18, when the ignition key is in an appropriate position.

[0049] If it is ascertained in steps 2 and 3 that the ignition system 10 is switched on and the motor vehicle has zero velocity, a check is made in step 4 for the actuation of a clutch (not shown) necessary for start-up of a motor vehicle having a shift transmission. If said check is likewise successfully concluded, the basic preconditions for control of the braking equipment 6 to assist start-up are met. In the steps described below, current operating states and operating states for the motor vehicle requested by the vehicle driver are determined in order to control the braking equipment 6 accordingly during start-up of the motor vehicle.

[0050] In step 5, the state of the accelerator pedal 18 and, if provided, of the accelerator pedal switch 20 is checked. If it is ascertained here that the accelerator pedal 18 has been moved out of its neutral position (and, optionally, the accelerator pedal switch 20 indicates an accelerator pedal operation), the control system moves on to step 6. It is further provided that in step 5 the nature of the movement of the accelerator pedal out of its neutral position, i.e. the speed at which the accelerator pedal is moved out of the neutral position, is determined. Detection of the accelerator pedal movement, which characterizes the manner in which the vehicle driver would like to start, may then be used to control the reduction of the braking forces generated by the braking equipment 6 in the stationary state in a corresponding manner, provided further conditions described below are met. In the event of an unsuccessful check in step 5, the control system goes back to step 1.

[0051] In step 6 the transmission ratio of the transmission 36 is determined in order to ascertain its suitability for startup of the motor vehicle. Usually said check is successfully concluded when the transmission ratio of the transmission 36 indicates that first gear or reverse gear has been selected. Advantageously, a transmission ratio for second gear should also lead to a successful check because, particularly in the case of a road surface quality having low friction (e.g. snow-covered roads, black ice), second gear is frequently used for starting up.

[0052] In step 7 the current engine speed and the current engine torque are determined. Here, it is checked whether the current engine speed is higher than the idling speed defined for the engine 40, whether the current engine torque is higher than a defined engine torque during no-load operation, and whether the engine torque requested by the vehicle driver through actuation of the accelerator pedal 18 is equal to or greater than the current engine torque.

[0053] For the comparison of the current engine speed with the defined idling speed, it is advantageous if the temperature sensor 42 detects the ambient temperature in order to take account of temperature-dependent influences upon the engine speed. Thus, in the event of low external temperatures which generally lead to an increased idling speed, it is possible for checking of the current engine speed to be effected accordingly. Here, in a comparable manner to step 5, the increase of the engine torque may also be determined in order to ascertain whether the increase is equal to or greater than zero. As with the detection of accelerator pedal movements, the engine torque increase may be used during the reduction of the immobilizing braking forces of the braking equipment 6.

[0054] If the said three (four) conditions, which are necessary for recognizing the start-up request of the vehicle driver, are met, then in the following steps parameters/quantities characterizing the current operating state of the motor vehicle are checked.

[0055] In step 8 the current engine torque is compared with a value, which reflects the engine torque defined for no-load operation and correction factors. During said comparison the current engine torque is checked to ascertain whether it is actually sufficient for start-up of the vehicle from the stationary state. To said end, the vehicle inclination sensor 46 determines whether the motor vehicle is situated on an ascending or descending gradient, wherein optionally by means of the weight sensor 50 the current vehicle weight and/or via the interface 52 the weight of a towed vehicle connected to the motor vehicle may be ascertained. On the basis of said information, the correction factors are calculated.

[0056] After a successful check in step 8, in step 9 it is determined whether the current engine torque or the engine torque requested by the vehicle driver is increasing.

[0057] If this is the case, in step 10 it is checked whether the clutch (not shown) of the motor vehicle is in a state which enables power transmission from the engine 40 to the wheels. For said purpose a time-averaged increase of the engine torque is detected, wherein said check is concluded successfully when the average torque increase during a defined period of time (e.g. around 4 milliseconds) lies within a defined range, e.g. is between 1% and 60%.

[0058] As an alternative to steps 8, 9 and 10, it is provided that in step 11 it is checked whether the inclination detected by the vehicle inclination sensor 46 has changed by a defined amount relative to the vehicle inclination existing after steps 4 to 7 (i.e. after recognition of the start-up request). Thus, for example, the check in step 11 is successfully concluded when the inclination detected here has increased by 5% relative to the inclination of the motor vehicle upon recognition of the start-up request.

[0059] Alternatively in step 11, instead of the inclination, the current change of inclination may be compared with changes of inclination in steps 4 to 7.

[0060] Whereas in steps 8, 9 and 10 the reaction of the engine 40 to biting of the clutch, i.e. the gradient change of the engine speed curve, with a simultaneous increase of the engine torque is recognized, in step 11 a “dipping” of the motor vehicle, which is typical of start-up, is determined. As is indicated in FIG. 2 by the dashed lines, step 11, instead of replacing steps 8, 9 and 10, may be effected after said steps.

[0061] In an optional step 12 further parameters/quantities may be acquired, which indicate whether the motor vehicle may or should actually be moved out of the stationary state. An obstacle to start-up of the motor vehicle is, for example, detection by the sensor device 22 of an actuation of the brake pedal 24 and/or of the brake pedal switch 26. Data provided via the interface 54 may also reflect such operating states. Thus, for example, the motor vehicle should not be started up if the engine management system, the anti-skid system or traction and stability control systems are not operating correctly, if one of the tyres has insufficient air pressure or no air pressure at all, if operating substances fall below the minimum quantities needed to operate the motor vehicle, and the like.

[0062] Here, moreover, the state of the sensors 12 for vehicle switches and of the safety device 14 may be checked, wherein a start-up is admissible when all doors are closed and the seat belt systems of the occupied seats are activated. In said case, it should however be noted that start-up of the motor vehicle is desirable also with open vehicle doors when, for example, the driver door has been opened for manoeuvring into a parking space or bulky articles are transported with the boot lid open. The checking of seat belt systems may also lead to undesirable prevention of starting if, for example, an article is situated on a seat and activates the seat occupation recognition.

[0063] A further factor to be considered in respect of step 12 is that the checks, which may be effected there, may be effected by other control and monitoring devices of the motor vehicle.

[0064] Once steps 1 to 12 have been successfully completed in one of the described sequences, in step 13 via the interface 4 the braking equipment 6 is controlled by the control device 2 in such a way that the braking forces generated in the stationary state are reduced, advantageously in dependence upon parameters/quantities acquired in the preceding steps.

[0065] Operation of the start-up control system 1 in the case of an automatic or semi-automatic transmission is described with reference to FIG. 3.

[0066] Of the steps used to check the basic requirements for operation of the system 1, steps 1, 2 and 3 of FIG. 3 correspond to steps 1, 2 and 3 according to FIG. 2. In step 4 of FIG. 3, on the other hand, a clutch switch (not shown) is checked.

[0067] Steps 5, 6 and 7 for recognition of a start-up request of a vehicle driver correspond, here, to the steps 5, 6 and 7 described in connection with a shift transmission.

[0068] Because of the mode of operation of an automatic or semiautomatic transmission, in said cases steps 9 and 10 according to FIG. 2 are omitted from control of the system 1. Consequently, during operation of the system 1 according to FIG. 3 step 8 is implemented, which checks whether the current operating state of the engine 40 is actually capable of bringing the motor vehicle from a stationary state to a travelling state. In said case, the implementation of step 8 of FIG. 3 corresponds to that of step 8 according to FIG. 2.

[0069] The reason for said procedure is that, in the case of an automatic or semi-automatic transmission, a transfer function is awaited, which describes the relationship between positions and/or movements of the accelerator pedal and the driving wheels. Said transfer function is achieved when, according to step 8, the engine torque required for start-up of the motor vehicle has been reached.

[0070] Here too, in a comparable manner to operation of the system 1 according to FIG. 2, optional or additional implementation of the previously described step 11 is provided.

[0071] The previously described optional step 12 may then be implemented. Then in step 13, as described above, the braking equipment 6 is controlled so as to enable start-up of the motor vehicle, provided that the previously implemented steps have been successfully concluded.

  • 1. Method of assisting the start-up of a motor vehicle having a braking equipment (6) which is activated in the stationary state, comprising the following steps: determination of starting parameters characterizing an operating state of the motor vehicle in which the motor vehicle is to be brought from a stationary state into a traveling state; determination of current operating states of the motor vehicle until an operating state is determined which is occasioned by an active connection between an engine (40) and driving wheels of the motor vehicle, and control of braking equipment (6) which is activated in the stationary state so as to reduce the braking forces generated in the stationary state in order to allow startup of the motor vehicle, characterized in that the determination of actual operating states is effected until an operating state is determined in which a current inclination of the motor vehicle has varied by a defined value relative to an inclination of the motor vehicle in the stationary state.
  • 2. Method according to claim 1, wherein the determination of current operating states is effected until an operating state is determined in which a current inclination change of the motor vehicle reaches a predetermined value.
  • 3. Method according to claim 1 or 2, comprising the following steps: definition, for the stationary state, of an initial operating state which has to exist prior to determination of the starting parameters, and determination of current operating states of the motor vehicle in the stationary state until an operating state is determined which corresponds to the initial operating state.
  • 4. Method according to claim 3, wherein when defining the initial operating state, an operating state is defined in which an ignition system (10) is activated and/or the vehicle velocity equals zero and/or the braking equipment (6) is generating braking forces.
  • 5. Method according to claim 3 or 4, wherein when defining the initial operating state an operating state is defined in which a clutch pedal (30) and/or a clutch pedal switch (32) and/or a clutch switch has/have been operated.
  • 6. Method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein when determining the starting parameters at least one of the parameters is determined which indicate that an accelerator pedal (18) has been actuated and/or a current rotation speed of the engine (40) is higher than a defined rotational speed of the engine (40) during no-load operation, and/or a requested engine torque is higher than the current engine torque, and/or the current engine torque is higher than an idling torque defined for no-load operation of the engine (40).
  • 7. Method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein when determining the starting parameters at least one of the parameters is determined which indicate that an accelerator pedal switch (20) has been actuated and/or the accelerator pedal has been dynamically actuated, and/or a current change of the engine torque is greater than zero.
  • 8. Method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein determination of the starting parameters is effected until at least one of the starting parameters characterizes an operating state which differs from the operating state of the motor vehicle in the stationary state.
  • 9. Method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein when determining current operating states a current engine torque and/or a current change of the engine torque and/or a change of a requested engine torque and/or a time-averaged change of a current engine torque is/are determined.
  • 10. Method according to claim 9, wherein the determination of operating states is effected until the current engine torque is higher than a combination of an engine torque, which is defined for no-load operation of the engine (40), and a correction factor, and/or the current change of the engine torque and/or the current change of the requested engine torque is greater than zero, and/or the current time-averaged change of the engine torque during a defined period of time lies within a defined range.
  • 11. Method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein control of the braking equipment (6) is effected in response to an operating state of the braking equipment (6) in the stationary state, and/or the determined starting parameters, and/or the determined current operating state, and/or a current operating state during control of the braking equipment (6).
  • 12. Method according to one of the preceding claims, wherein during control of the braking equipment (6) the current operating state of the motor vehicle is controlled in response to an operating state of the braking equipment (6) in the stationary state, and/or the detected startup parameters, and/or the detected current operating state, and/or a current operating state when controlling the braking equipment (6).
  • 13. Method according to claim 12, wherein during control of the braking equipment (6) a current speed and/or a current torque of the engine (40) is/are controlled.
  • 14. System for assisting the start-up of a motor vehicle having a braking equipment (6) that is activated in the stationary state, comprising a control device (2) and detection devices (8, 16, 22, 28, 34, 38, 42, 44, 46, 48, 54) for acquiring parameters characterizing operating states of the motor vehicle, and an interface (4) for control of the braking equipment (6), the control device (2) being designed to be operated in accordance with one of the methods according to claims 1 to 13.
  • 15. Computer program product having: program code portions for carrying out the steps according to one of patent claims 1 to 14.
  • 16. Computer program product according to claim 15, stored on a computer-readable recording medium or in a computer-readable recording device.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
100 63 061.8 Dec 2000 DE
Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent PCT/EP01/14947 Dec 2001 US
Child 10464283 Jun 2003 US