Method and system for circuit design top level and block optimization


  • Patent Grant
  • 6496972
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, September 13, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, December 17, 2002
    21 years ago
In a computer-implemented synthesis system, a method of optimizing a design of an integrated circuit device. The optimization process includes the computer-implemented steps of accessing a circuit netlist representing an integrated circuit design to be realized in physical form, wherein the circuit netlist includes a top-level block and at least a first and a second circuit block. The top-level block includes glue logic for coupling the first and second circuit blocks. The process creates a first model of the first circuit block and a second model of the second circuit block, the first model and the second model each operable for independently abstracting embodying circuitry of the first and second circuit blocks, respectively. The circuit netlist is optimized by independently optimizing the first circuit block and the second circuit block, and the top-level block to yield a fully optimized circuit netlist. The first and second circuit blocks are both independently optimized. Then, the first and second circuit blocks within the top-level block are replaced with the first and second models respectively. The top-level block is then optimized with the first and second models included therein, thereby reducing the computer resources required to optimize the top-level block. Subsequently, a fully optimized circuit netlist is generated by combining the optimized first and second circuit blocks with the optimized top-level block.


The field of the present invention pertains to the field of integrated circuit design optimization using electronic design automation tools. More particularly, aspects of the present invention pertain to a circuit design optimization process for use in the design of complex integrated circuits with computer aided design (CAD) tools.


Computer systems, software applications, and the devices and processes built around them are continually growing in power and complexity. Society's reliance on such systems is likewise increasing, making it critical that the systems deliver the expected performance and obey the properties that their designers intended. As each successive generation of computer and software implemented systems and processes become more powerful, the task of designing and fabricating them becomes increasingly difficult.

The design and manufacture of increasingly complex integrated circuits involves extensive use of CAD tools. The development of ASICs (application specific integrated circuits) and other complex integrated circuits using CAD tools is referred to as electronic design automation, or EDA. The design, checking, and testing of large-scale integrated circuits are so complex that the extensive use of CAD and EDA tools are required for realization of modern, complex integrated circuits.

The development of a new integrated circuit device begins with a design phase involving extensive use of CAD tools to facilitate various aspects of designing the new integrated circuit device. Typically, CAD tools function in part by decomposing the overall desired behavior of the integrated circuit into simpler functions which are more easily manipulated and processed by the CAD tool. The CAD tool performs considerable computation to generate an efficient layout of a resulting “network” of design elements (e.g., logic gates, storage elements, etc.). The resulting network, commonly referred to as a netlist, comprises a detailed specification defining the integrated circuit, typically in terms of a particular fabrication technology (e.g., CMOS). The netlist can be regarded as a template for the fabrication of the physical embodiment of the integrated circuit using transistors, routing resources, etc.

Netlists for integrated circuit designs can represent a particular integrated circuit in different levels of abstraction, such as the register transfer level (RTL) and the logical level, using a hardware description language (HDL), also called high level design language. Design engineers typically define netlists using one of two popular forms of HDL, Verilog, and VHDL. Via the HDL defined netlist, the integrated circuit can be represented by different layers of abstractions (e.g., behavioral levels, structural levels, and gate levels). For example, an RTL level netlist is an intermediary level of abstraction between the behavioral and structural levels. HDL descriptions (e.g., netlists) can represent all of these levels.

The HDL description is used along with a set of circuit constraints as an input to a computer-implemented compiler (also called a “silicon compiler” or “design compiler”). The compiler program processes the HDL description of the integrated circuit and generates therefrom a low-level netlist comprised of detailed lists of logic components and the interconnections between these components. The components specified by the netlist can include primitive cells such as full-adders, NAND gates, NOR gates, XOR gates, latches, and D-flip flops, etc., and their interconnections.

Prior art

FIG. 1

shows an exemplary flow chart diagram of a typical prior art logic synthesis process


. Process


is implemented in a CAD environment within a computer system. Process


begins in step


, where an HDL description of the integrated circuit is received (e.g., from a design application). In step


, the HDL description is compiled by a specialized HDL compiler tool. The compiler (also called an HDL compiler, RTL synthesizer, or architectural optimizer) inputs the HDL description and compiles this description using logic optimization procedures and mapping procedures which interface with a technology-dependent cell library


(e.g., from LSI, VLSI, TI or Xilinx technologies, etc.). The cell library


contains specific information regarding the cells of the specific technology selected. Such information includes, for example, the cell logic, number of gates, area consumption, power consumption, pin descriptions, etc., for each cell in the library


. The compiling procedure of step


ultimately generates a gate level mapped netlist that is technology dependent, having cells specifically selected in accordance with the particular manufacturing technology being used to fabricate the integrated circuit device.

In step


, the compiler then performs optimization processing on the resulting mapped netlist from step


. The optimization processing is performed using a set of design constraints


. The gate level netlist received from step


is processed in light of the design constraints


. Design constraints


include the set of performance constraints applicable to the design, which typically include timing, area, power consumption, and other performance-related limitations that the compiler (e.g., in step


) will attempt to satisfy when synthesizing the integrated circuit design. These constraints can also include non-performance related constraints such as structural and routing constraints.

Referring still to step


of prior art

FIG. 1

, constraints are used to guide the optimization and mapping of a design towards feasible realization in terms of area, performance, costs, testability, power consumption, and other physical limitations. The constraints provide the goals for the optimization and synthesis tools to achieve. Performance and area constraints are. the two most common constraints. For example, for behavioral synthesis, the area constraints are usually specified at the architectural level where a designer specifies the number of function units, registers, and busses to be used on the RTL structure. The timing constraints are specified as the expected clock frequency of each clock signal.

Technology libraries


and design constraints


typically contain all the information needed by the synthesis tool to make correct choices in building the structure of the integrated circuit. They contain descriptions of the behavior of a cell and information such as the area of the cell, the timing of the cell, the capacitance loading of the cell, the rise and fall delay values for the basic cells, etc. The objective of the optimization process is to generate the most efficient detailed layout of the integrated circuit possible.

Subsequently, in step


, the resulting optimized netlist is simulated to verify its performance. In step


, if the optimized netlist performs as desired, the resulting verified netlist proceeds to subsequent fabrication processing and is fabricated into a resulting integrated circuit device. However, should performance of the optimized netlist prove sub-standard, additional optimization processing and simulation is performed until the netlist can be verified.

The increasing size and complexity of modern integrated circuit devices lead to numerous problems with prior art process


. The compiling and optimization of large integrated circuit designs are very resource and computer intensive. The compiling and optimization a large integrated circuit designs typically require one, or more, of the most powerful CAD workstations. Large amounts of memory required to store the details regarding the various aspects of the netlist and large amounts of CPU time are required to perform the various compilation and optimization routines on the netlist.

Thus, large complex integrated circuit designs do not lend themselves to efficient optimization using prior art processes, such as process


. Optimization processing on large design as shown by the steps




is often cost and time prohibitive. This leads to a number of serious consequences. For example, successive passes through steps




, as is often required in order to optimize a design completely, can be very impractical. Because of this, large designs are typically not optimized is vigorously as smaller designs. This leads to fabricated integrated circuit devices which are less than optimally efficient (e.g., larger than necessary die size, slower performance, greater power consumption, and the like).

For this reason, it is typical for large integrated circuit designs to be broken down into separate circuit blocks which each block independently being subjected to one or more of the steps of process


. Specifically, “characterization” refers to the process of setting up distinct circuit blocks of a large circuit design to be optimized independently, outside of the whole integrated circuit design. For instance, assume a circuit design, E, contains circuit blocks: A; B; C; and D. Circuit E has specified timing constraints and timing exceptions. Characterization automatically generates timing constraints and exceptions which are appropriate for the optimization of blocks A, B, C and D, independently. When optimizing the blocks, the optimization tool



FIG. 1

) need only load and process one block at a time. This decreases the demand of the tool on the computer resources. After the blocks have been optimized, they are then re-assembled back into circuit E. One example of the characterization described above is the “characterize” command found in the above referenced Design Compiler tool from Synopsys.

Accordingly, what is required is a system capable of efficiently optimizing large complex integrated circuit designs. What is acquired is a system capable of vigorously optimizing a complex integrated circuit design within the reasonable time and resource constraints of modern EDA design synthesis processes. What is further required is a system capable of optimizing all portions and all aspects of a complex integrated circuit design. The present invention provides a novel solution to these requirements.


The present invention provides a system capable of efficiently optimizing large complex integrated circuit designs. The present invention provides a method and system for vigorously optimizing a complex integrated circuit design within the reasonable time and resource constraints of modern EDA design synthesis processes. Additionally, the present invention provides a method and system capable of optimizing all portions and all aspects of a complex integrated circuit design.

In one embodiment, the present invention is implemented as an optimization process within a computer-implemented synthesis system. The optimization process functions with other design synthesis tools within the synthesis system (e.g., a CAD workstation) to optimize a gate level netlist of an integrated circuit device in light of specific design constraints. Using modeling technology in accordance with the present invention, optimization occurs in an incremental manner, at a top level of the netlist and at the one or more included circuit block levels of the netlist, such that the entire netlist is optimized while efficiently utilizing the memory and processing resources of the CAD workstation.

The optimization process includes the computer-implemented steps of accessing a circuit netlist representing an integrated circuit design to be realized in physical form (e.g., from a design application), wherein the circuit netlist includes a top-level block and at least a first and a second circuit block. The top-level block includes glue logic and other types of connection circuitry and couples/interfaces the first and second circuit blocks. The optimization process creates a first model of the first circuit block and a second model of the second circuit block. The models are created using modeling technology in accordance with the present invention, wherein the models include sufficient information to describe timing aspects and timing exceptions that are applicable to the first and second circuit blocks respectively.

With this information, the first and second models function by abstracting the embodying circuitry of the first block and the second block, including design constraint dependencies, such as timing constraints and timing exceptions. The first and second models require much less memory and computer resources to store and simulate than the first and second circuit blocks themselves. Hence, the first and second circuit blocks within the top-level block are replaced by their respective models, thereby greatly reducing the amount of memory and computer resources required to store and simulate the top-level block. This allows the entirety of the integrated circuit device to be optimized in a piece-wise fashion wherein multiple blocks can be optimized simultaneously, e.g., in parallel.

In block and top optimization, the entire circuit netlist is optimized by independently optimizing the first circuit block and the second circuit block using characterization. The first and second circuit blocks within the top-level block are replaced by their respective models, thereby allowing the top-level block to be independently optimized within the finite resources of the CAD workstation. Then, the optimized top-level block and the optimized first and second circuit blocks are recombined, yielding a fully optimized circuit netlist. In so doing, all portions and all aspects of the complex integrated circuit design are efficiently optimized, at both the top level and the one or more included circuit blocks.

In a bottle optimization embodiment of the present invention, the circuit blocks are optimized simultaneously with a selected part of the top-level circuit block. Each circuit block has a unique selected part of the top-level circuit which does not overlap the selection of any other part. This selected part of the top-level circuit is the glue logic and connections which are connected closest to the outputs of a particular circuit block. The particular circuit block is optimized with the selected part of the top level circuit.

In an in-context embodiment of the present invention, the circuit blocks are individually optimized within the context of the top level circuit. In-context optimization runs at the top-level of the chip. It is enabled by the use of models in place of all but one or just a few circuit blocks. Optimization is then run at the top-level. This allows the optimization of the remaining circuit blocks (those not replaced by models) with the top level circuit.


The present invention is illustrated by way of example and not by way of limitation, in the figures of the accompanying drawings and in which like reference numerals refer to similar elements and in which:

Prior art

FIG. 1

shows an exemplary flowchart diagram of a typical prior art logic synthesis process, including an optimization process.

FIG. 2

shows a computer system in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.


shows a block diagram of an integrated circuit including a top-level block and a plurality of sub-portion circuit blocks in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.


shows a flow chart of the steps of a block and top optimization process in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.


shows a circuit diagram of block circuitry and glue logic used in a bottle optimization process in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.


shows a flow chart of the steps of a bottle optimization process in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 5

shows a diagram of four bottle optimizations on four circuit blocks included within a top-level block in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 6

shows an alternate bottle optimization embodiment where more than one block and its associated top level glue logic and connections are optimized in a single run in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 7

shows a diagram of a modified version of bottle optimization in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 8

shows an example of four bottle optimizations as performed on a top-level block and a plurality of included circuit blocks in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.


shows a diagram of in-context optimization in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.


shows a flow chart of the steps of an in-context optimization process in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 10

shows a flow chart of the steps of an optimization process in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 11A

illustrates an integrated circuit design having a circuit block therein and included are paths with timing exceptions that are not self-contained within the circuit block.

FIG. 11B

illustrates a circuit model in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention that effectively models the timing information associated with the timing exceptions of the circuit block of FIG.



FIG. 12A

illustrates an exemplary logic circuit having exemplary arrival times (associated with an arrival tag) defined at each circuit segment.

FIG. 12B

illustrates an exemplary logic circuit having exemplary required times (associated with a required tag) defined in a first format at each circuit segment.

FIG. 12C

illustrates an exemplary logic circuit having exemplary required times (associated with a required tag) defined in a second format at each circuit segment.

FIG. 13

is an exemplary circuit showing multiple paths to illustrate a number of timing exceptions.

FIG. 14A

is a circuit diagram illustrating a circuit path entering an exemplary circuit block at an input pin of the circuit block.

FIG. 14B

is a circuit diagram illustrating the circuit path of

FIG. 14A and a

required time (and required tag) that is recorded by the present invention and associated with the input pin.

FIG. 15A

is a circuit diagram illustrating a circuit path exiting an exemplary circuit block at an output pin of the circuit block.

FIG. 15B

is a circuit diagram illustrating the circuit path of FIG.


A and an arrival time (and arrival tag) that is recorded by the present invention and associated with the output pin.

FIG. 16A

illustrates an exemplary circuit and an arrival tag associated with a launch clock in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 16B

illustrates an exemplary circuit having some circuit paths associated with a first launch clock and other circuit paths associated with a second launch clock in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 17A

is a block diagram of an exemplary circuit block having at least one input pin and one output pin and various arrival and required tags associated with each pin as generated by a static timing analysis process.

FIG. 17B

is a block diagram of a circuit model in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention having an associated timing data structure which contains textual commands describing timing exception information.



A and

FIG. 18B

are steps in a process in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention for automatically generating circuit models from input circuit blocks and related information generated from a static timing analysis process.

FIG. 19A

is a circuit diagram of an exemplary circuit block that can be processed by embodiments of the present invention.

FIG. 19B

is the circuit model generated by an embodiment of the present invention based on the exemplary circuit block of FIG.





A and

FIG. 20B

are steps in a process in accordance with a virtual clock embodiment of the present invention for automatically generating circuit models from input circuit blocks and related information generated from a static timing analysis process.

FIG. 21A

is a diagram illustrating the manner in which tags are converted into create_clock and set_arrival terms in accordance with the embodiment of the present invention of FIG.


A and FIG.



FIG. 21B

is a diagram illustrating the manner in which an arrival tag is created by the timing analysis process in accordance with the embodiment of the present invention of FIG.


A and FIG.



FIG. 21C

is another diagram illustrating the manner in which a required tag is created by the timing analysis process in accordance with the embodiment of the present invention of FIG.


A and FIG.




Reference will now be made in detail to the embodiments of the invention, a method and system for circuit design top-level and block optimization, examples of which are illustrated in the accompanying drawings. While the invention will be described in conjunction with the preferred embodiments, it will be understood that they are not intended to limit the invention to these embodiments. On the contrary, the invention is intended to cover alternatives, modifications, and equivalents, which may be included within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims. Furthermore, in the following detailed description of the present invention, numerous specific details are set forth in order to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention. However, it will be obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art that the present invention may be practiced without these specific details. In other instances, well known methods, procedures, components, and circuits have not been described in detail as not to obscure aspects of the present invention unnecessarily.

The present invention provides a system capable of efficiently optimizing large complex integrated circuit designs. The present invention provides a method and system for incrementally optimizing a complex integrated circuit design within the reasonable time and resource constraints of modern EDA design synthesis processes. Additionally, the present invention provides a method and system capable of optimizing portions and aspects of a complex integrated circuit design. The present invention and its benefits are further described below.

Notation and Nomenclature

Some portions of the detailed descriptions which follow are presented in terms of procedures, steps, logic blocks, processing, and other symbolic representations of operations on data bits within a computer memory. These descriptions and representations are the means used by those skilled in the data processing arts to convey most effectively the substance of their work to others skilled in the art. A procedure, computer executed step, logic block, process, etc., are here, and generally, conceived to be self-consistent sequences of steps or instructions leading to a desired result. The steps are those requiring physical manipulations of physical quantities. Usually, though not necessarily, these quantities take the form of electrical or magnetic signals capable of being stored, transferred, combined, compared, and otherwise manipulated in a computer system. It has proven convenient at times, principally for reasons of common usage, to refer to these signals as bits, values, elements, symbols, characters, terms, numbers, or the like.

It should be borne in mind, however, that all of these and similar terms are to be associated with the appropriate physical quantities and are merely convenient labels applied to these quantities. Unless specifically stated otherwise as apparent from the following discussions, it is appreciated that throughout the present invention, discussions utilizing terms such as “processing,” “computing,” “translating,” “instantiating,” “determining,” “optimizing,” “recognizing,” or the like, refer to the action and processes of a computer system, or similar electronic computing device, that manipulates and transforms data represented as physical (electronic) quantities within the computer system's registers and memories into other data similarly represented as physical quantities within the computer. system registers or memories or other such information storage, transmission, or display devices.

Computer System Environment

Referring to

FIG. 2

, a computer system


is illustrated. Within the following discussions of the present invention, certain processes and steps are discussed that are realized, in one embodiment, as a series of instructions (e.g., software program) that reside within computer readable memory units of system


and executed by processors of system


. When executed, the instructions cause computer system


to perform specific actions and exhibit specific behavior which is described in detail to follow.

Specific aspects of the present invention are operable within a programmed computer aided design (CAD) system. A CAD system


operable to implement the elements of the present invention is shown in FIG.


. In general, the CAD system


of the present invention includes an address/data bus


for communicating information, one or more central processor(s)


coupled with bus


for processing information and instructions, a computer readable volatile memory unit


(e.g., random access memory, static RAM, dynamic RAM, etc.) coupled with bus


for storing information and instructions for the central processor(s)


, and a computer readable non-volatile memory unit


(e.g., read only memory, programmable ROM, flash memory, EPROM, EEPROM, etc.) coupled with bus


for storing static information and instructions for processor(s)


. System


can optionally include a mass storage computer readable data storage device


, such as a magnetic or optical disk and disk drive coupled with bus


for storing information and instructions. Optionally, system


can also include a display device


coupled to bus


for displaying information to the computer user, an alphanumeric input device


including alphanumeric and function keys coupled to bus


for communicating information and command selections to central processor(s)


, a cursor control device


coupled to bus for communicating user input information and command selections to the central processor(s)


, and a signal input/output device


coupled to the bus


for communicating messages, command selections, data, etc., to and from processor(s)



Program instructions executed by the CAD system can be stored in RAM




, or the storage device


and, when executed in a group, can be referred to as logic blocks or procedures. It is appreciated that data produced at the various logic synthesis stages of the present invention, including representations of the different levels of abstraction of the integrated circuit design, can also be stored in RAM




, or the storage device


as shown in FIG.



The display device



FIG. 2

utilized with the computer system


of the present invention may be a liquid crystal device, cathode ray tube, or other display device suitable for creating graphic images and alphanumeric characters recognizable to the user. The cursor control device


allows the computer user to signal dynamically the two dimensional movement of a visible pointer on a display screen of the display device


. Many implementations of the cursor control device are known in the art including a trackball, mouse, joystick, or special keys on the alphanumeric input device


capable of signaling movement of a given direction or manner of displacement.

General Definitions

Following are general definitions various terms and processes used in the description of the method and system of the present invention and its various aspects.

Circuit optimization: Circuit optimization, or “optimization,” as used herein refers to the process of mapping one representation of functionality for an electronic circuit to another. The representation may be in terms of a circuit netlist (an abstract interconnection of electronic components), a circuit layout (an interconnection of components and their associated physical placement and wiring), or an abstract functional description which simply describes the function a circuit should perform without fully specifying circuit details. In general, optimization attempts to improve some aspect of the functionality of a circuit, such as, for example, its size, its speed, its power consumption, or some other circuit characteristic.

Circuit block: circuit block as used herein refers to a distinct component of functionality of a circuit design. For example, in very large integrated circuit, it is common to split the functionality of the integrated circuit into distinct circuit blocks. The circuit blocks are often designed and built separately and assembled into a larger circuit. The choice of boundaries between blocks can be arbitrary, depending upon any particular requirements of a user.

Circuit block pin: A circuit block pin, often referred to simply as a “pin,” is the point at which a circuit block connects to the circuit around it.

Circuit block model: A circuit-block model, often referred to as a “circuit model” or “model,” is a replacement for a circuit block. Circuit blocks can be pulled out of a top-level circuit and replaced by circuit models. Models are generally much smaller than their corresponding circuit blocks in terms of complexity and the computer memory needed to represent them. In typical cases, models cannot be used as universal replacements for circuit blocks and are typically designed for a specific purpose such as timing analysis (see definition of timing analysis below). However, as further described below, circuit block models in accordance with the present invention include sufficient information to allow their use in the optimization of top-level blocks.

Model pin: A model pin as used herein refers to the point at which a model connects to the circuit around it. Model pins have a one-to-one correspondence with the pin of the circuit block that the model replaces.

Top-level circuit: The top-level circuit, or top-level block, represents the complete electronic integrated circuit that is being designed which is usually a complete computer chip. Within the top-level block is one or more circuit blocks which are to be assembled together.

Incremental optimization: As used herein, incremental optimization refers to a process of optimizing an integrated circuit design in portions (e.g., piece-wise), rather than all at once. For example, an integrated circuit design which contains two interconnected circuit blocks can be optimized all at once, or incrementally, first one circuit blocks then the other, then the connections between the two. In incremental optimization, while the circuit blocks are optimized incrementally of other blocks, generally, they can nevertheless be optimized in parallel to save processing time.

Glue logic: Glue logic refers to the electronic circuitry required to interface two or more circuit blocks. When circuit blocks are assembled into a larger circuit, it is common to put electronic circuitry (or electrical connections) between the circuit blocks to couple and make them operate together. The circuitry which sits between circuit blocks is called glue logic.

Circuit path: A circuit path is a sequence of circuit components along which a logical signal is propagated. For instance, a circuit path can be a logic signal which starts at component A, is passed through component B, through C, and is used at component D.

Circuit delay: Circuit delay describes the speed at which a logic signal can be passed along a circuit path.

Timing constraints: As used herein, timing constraints are a type of design constraints resulting from, for example, a circuit designer specifying his goals for the speed (timing) of a circuit. If a designer specifies a “tight” timing constraint, then the circuit optimization should attempt to make a circuit fast. For instance, a timing constraint may specify that circuit delays should be made to be 10 nanoseconds or less.

Timing exception: A timing exception overrides the general timing constraints of a circuit and generally associates a circuit path. For example, the timing constraint may specify that a circuit should complete its processing in 10 nanoseconds. A timing exception can then specify that the circuit delay between point A and point B within the circuit should be 20 nanoseconds instead. Another exception can specify that the circuit delay between C and D is not important at all and should be ignored for the purpose of optimization.

Arrival time: As used herein, arrival time can be defined for any arbitrary chosen place in a circuit. Its value represents the actual circuit delay leading from a predetermined start point to the chosen place within the circuit.

Required time: As used herein, required time can be defined for any arbitrary chosen place in a circuit. Its value represents the desired circuit delay leading from a predetermined start point to the chosen place. The required time varies with timing constraints and timing exceptions of the circuit. In accordance with the present embodiment, the goal of optimization is to make the arrival time at a point less than or equal to the required time.

Static timing analysis: Static timing analysis is the process by which a computer program calculates the circuit delays of a circuit. In a simple embodiment, timing analysis merely adds the individual delays along a circuit path to obtain a circuit delay. In a more general embodiment, timing analysis calculates arrivals times and required times, taking into account timing constraints and timing exceptions.

Circuit Optimization Generally

The present invention provides a method and system for efficiently optimizing large complex integrated circuit designs. In so doing, the present invention overcomes the problems posed by the optimization analysis of very large integrated circuit designs. Modern high-performance integrated circuits are growing larger and larger. When the designs of such circuits become very large, they place a huge burden on optimization and analysis tools which try to process them. In particular, with the increasing size of integrated circuits, the tools require increasingly large amounts of computer memory and CPU time to process the circuits in their entirety.

Embodiments of the present invention optimize large complex integrated circuits in part by using novel modeling technology to partition an overall integrated circuit design into two or more circuit blocks (e.g., a top-level block and one or more lower-level blocks). Modeling technology of the present invention represents a circuit block in a more compact form so that it requires less computer memory to represent and process while retaining specific information required to optimize circuitry interacting with the circuit block. In addition, the modeling technology of the present invention provides sufficient information to properly calculate timing in the presence of timing exceptions. These attributes allow embodiments of the present invention to optimize large complex integrated circuits piece-wise, with individual circuit blocks being optimized independently, as opposed to optimizing the entire integrated circuit at once. In so doing, the resources of the CAD workstation performing the optimization (e.g., memory, CPU cycles, bus bandwidth, etc.) are more efficiently utilized since the large complex integrated circuit can be optimized in a piece-wise and parallel manner. Alternatively, since the circuit blocks can be optimized independently, the individual circuit blocks comprising the large integrated circuit can be optimized in parallel, using, for example, a number of CAD workstations.

As described above, optimization as performed by embodiments of the present invention refers to the process of mapping one representation of functionality for an electronic circuit to another. The representation may be in terms of a circuit netlist (an abstract interconnection of electronic components), a circuit layout (an interconnection of components and their associated physical placement and wiring), or an abstract functional description which simply describes the function that a circuit should perform without fully specifying circuit details.

In general, optimization attempts to improve some aspect of the functionality of a circuit, such as, for example, its size, its speed, its power consumption, or some other circuit characteristic. Characterization refers to the process of setting up distinct circuit blocks of a large circuit to be optimized independently, outside of the whole circuit. For example, given a circuit E which contains blocks A, B, C, and D, in a case where circuit E has specified timing constraints and timing exceptions, characterization will automatically generate timing constraints and exceptions which are appropriate for the optimization of A, B, C, and D. When optimizing the circuit blocks, the optimization tool needs only to load and process one circuit block at a time, thereby decreasing the demand on the tool. In accordance with one embodiment of the present invention, blocks A, B, C, and D are replaced by respective models within circuit E, thereby allowing the optimization of circuit E (since the models of the present invention require much less storage resources than the actual circuit blocks). After the circuit blocks have been optimized, they are then re-assembled back into circuit E.

Modeling Generally

Modeling in accordance with the present invention represents a circuit block in a more compact form so that it requires less computer memory to represent. Usually, models achieve their smaller memory requirements by omitting details about the original block in the model. Because details are omitted from them, models generally cannot be used as a universal replacement for a circuit block. Usually models can only be used for very specific purposes. A model can be used in a circuit to evaluate the timing, as in a case where models are used for replacing prepackaged, self-contained circuit blocks. In accordance with embodiments of the present invention, additional information is included in the models, enabling their use in general applications such as optimization.

Specific Optimization Methods

As described above, the present invention utilizes new modeling technology to allow automated circuit optimization to be performed on extremely large circuits without the need to load all of the details of the circuit into computer memory. The new modeling technology of the present invention provides models for circuit blocks which include sufficient information to calculate properly timing, even in the presence of timing exceptions. In so doing, the present invention allows large complex real-world circuits to be processed and completely optimized, even in the presence of timing exceptions.

Referring now to


, a diagram of an integrated circuit


including a top-level circuit block


and sub-portion circuit blocks




is shown. As depicted in


, top-level circuit block E includes glue logic of integrated circuit


as required to integrate the various circuit blocks




. Circuit blocks A-D (circuit blocks




) each comprises distinct functional entities of circuitry comprising integrated circuit


. As described above, it is common to split the functionality of a large circuit into distinct circuit blocks, the circuit blocks often being designed and built separately for assembly into the larger top-level circuit.


depicts a “block and top” optimization process in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention, and


shows the steps of a block and top optimization process


in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. In this embodiment, the overall integrated circuit


is partitioned into its component pieces, top-level circuit block


, circuit block


, circuit block


, circuit block


, and circuit block


. Each of circuit blocks




is then optimized independently using characterization as shown by arrows




, yielding optimized circuit blocks




. After each of circuit blocks




has been optimized, and top-level circuit block


has been optimized, optimized circuit blocks




are reinserted into the optimized top-level circuit block


to yield a fully optimized integrated circuit. These steps are shown in



Referring to process




, process


begins in step


where a netlist circuit description is accessed. The netlist circuit description includes a top level block


and circuit blocks




. As described above, the top level block includes glue logic required to interface circuit blocks




. Process


includes steps




as shown.

In step


, the circuit blocks




are independently optimized using characterization. As described above, the characterization process includes setting up the distinct circuit blocks




of a large circuit


to be optimized independently, outside of the whole circuit


. Each of the distinct circuit blocks




has specified timing constraints and timing exceptions. Characterization automatically generates timing constraints and exceptions which are appropriate for the optimization of circuit blocks




. Additionally, in accordance with the present embodiment, it should be noted that blocks




are optimized independently with respect to top-level circuit block


and with respect to each other. Thus, when optimizing blocks




, the optimization process of the present embodiment needs only to load and process one circuit block at a time, thereby decreasing resource demands on the CAD workstation (e.g., CAD workstation


of FIG.


). This allows the circuit blocks




to optionally be optimized in parallel, for example, each being optimized using a separate CAD workstation, or each being optimized using a separate CPU within a single CAD workstation, or the like, using multiple optimizers.

Referring still to


, in step


, models




are created for each of the circuit blocks




. The models are used to respectively replace circuit blocks




within the top level block


. Each of models




include sufficient information to calculate timing properly, even in the presence of timing exceptions, thereby enabling the optimization of top level block



In step


, as circuit blocks




are independently optimized (step


), top-level circuit block


(e.g., the top-level glue logic and interconnection between the circuit blocks




) is optimized. In accordance with the present embodiment, to optimize top level block


, the circuit blocks




are replaced in top level block


with their respective models




. In step


, after each of circuit blocks




has been optimized, and top-level circuit block


has been optimized, optimized circuit blocks




are reinserted into the optimized top-level circuit block


to yield a fully optimized integrated circuit.

It should be noted that after the top-level circuit block


is optimized, various timing constraints and timing exceptions for circuit blocks




may have changed. Thus, after the top-level circuit block


is optimized, the optimizations of circuit blocks




can optionally be repeated.

In addition, in an alternative embodiment, the top-level optimization of top-level circuit block


is performed first. This provides optimized timing constraints and timing exceptions for use in the optimization of circuit blocks




, which are optimized subsequently.


shows a diagram of a “bottle optimization” process in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention and


shows a flow chart of the steps of a bottle optimization process


in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. As depicted in


, circuit block


and circuit block


are shown, along with a portion of the top-level circuit block


, depicted as glue logic indicated by arrow



In accordance with present embodiment, bottle optimization is similar to block and top optimization, except that circuit blocks are optimized simultaneously with a selected part of the top-level circuit. Each circuit block




of the design


has a unique selected part of the top-level circuit


which does not overlap the selection of any other part. In the present embodiment, this selected part of the top-level circuit


is the glue logic


and connections which are connected closest to the outputs of circuit block


. This is illustrated in

FIG. 4

by line


encompassing circuit block


and extending to encompass glue logic


up to the edge of circuit block


. Hence, with bottle optimization, the circuitry encompassed by line


(e.g., block


and glue logic


) is optimized together but independently of other circuit blocks and their associated glue logic. The area within the dotted line


represents the area which will be optimized in a single optimization. Accordingly, the area of circuit block


(and its associated glue logic, which is not shown) is also independently optimized in a different run. The steps of the bottle optimization process are shown in FIG.



Referring now to


, process


begins in step


where, as with process




, the netlist description of the circuit is accessed. In step


, a respective portion of the glue logic of the top level block


is associated with each circuit block




. As described above, the respective portions do not overlap with each other. In step


, models are created for each of circuit blocks




. In step


, the circuit blocks




are independently optimized with their associated glue logic. Then in step


, the optimized circuit blocks are integrated with the optimized top level block.

FIG. 5

shows four bottle optimizations




on the four included circuit blocks. Each of areas




within the dashed portion shows the part of the circuit to be optimized and include a circuit block and its associated top level glue logic. The circuit blocks which are not being optimized in the current optimization are replaced by models (depicted as a letter “M”). As depicted in

FIG. 5

, bottle optimization can be done for one circuit block at a time or for many circuit blocks in parallel, for example, using multiple optimizers. In the present embodiment, area


depicts the optimization of step


for block


, area


depicts the optimization of block


, area


depicts the optimization of block


, and area


depicts the optimization of block



FIG. 6

shows an alternate bottle optimization embodiment where more than one block and its associated top-level glue logic and connections are optimized within a single run. Area




each shows two blocks and the associated portion of the glue logic being optimized. As with the above embodiments, the two optimization runs may be performed sequentially, or in parallel using multiple optimizers.

Referring now to

FIG. 7

, in another embodiment, bottle optimization is modified. In this embodiment, optimization is run on a selected circuit block, some top-level glue logic as before but also on connections and buffer gates and connections at the input of a neighboring circuit block. This is depicted in

FIG. 7

where line


encompasses all of block


glue logic


and a portion


of block


. The area encompassed by line


is optimized independently of the remainder of the netlist.

When the neighboring circuit block (e.g., circuit block


) is optimized, the buffers and connections


which were optimized with the first circuit block


will not be optimized. This way, there are no two optimizations which work on the same portion of the overall circuit. This property allows optimizations to be run in parallel (using multiple optimizers) as shown in

FIG. 8


FIG. 8

shows an example of four modified bottle optimizations as performed on top level block


and the included circuit blocks. The four modified bottle optimizations




are each run on a selected circuit block, some associated top-level glue logic and connections, and a portion of a neighboring circuit block. As depicted in

FIG. 8

, the areas optimized by optimizations




do not overlap, allowing the optimizations to be run in parallel using multiple optimizers.


shows an example of “in-context” optimization in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention and


shows the steps of an in-context optimization process


in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. In-context optimization runs at the top-level of the chip. It is enabled by the use of models in place of all but one or just a few circuit blocks. Optimization is then run at the top-level as normal. As depicted in


, three separate optimizations




are shown. The shaded areas of optimizations




denote areas which are being optimized. Blocks with “M” represent where models have replaced circuit blocks.

Referring to


, a flow chart of the steps of one in-context optimization process


in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention is shown. In step


, the netlist description of the integrated circuit device is accessed. In step


, respective models for the one or more circuit blocks included within the top level block are created. In step


, the one or more circuit blocks are replaced within the top level block with the respective models. In step


, the top level block is optimized with the inserted circuit models and the remaining circuit blocks. Optionally, in step


, any circuit block that was replaced by its model in the top level block is independently optimized. Then, in step


, each of the optimized circuit blocks and the optimized top level block are integrated.

Thus, the in-context optimization method allows multiple circuit blocks to be optimized together without the need to load the entirety of the overall circuit into memory. Many in-context optimizations can be run in succession to optimize many combinations of circuit blocks together. The examples shown in


show only three of many possible combinations.

Referring now to

FIG. 10

, a flow chart of the steps of an optimization process


in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention is shown. As depicted in

FIG. 10

, optimization process


shows the steps involved in receiving a circuit design from, for example, a design application, and performing optimization processing on each component part of the circuit design. The steps




of process


depict a basic optimization scenario of a circuit having a top level netlist and at least two circuit blocks, wherein the optimization process of the present invention can be modified to perform optimization using block and top, bottle, modified bottle, or in-context variants.



begins in step


, where a circuit netlist is accessed by an optimization tool in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. As described above, the circuit netlist received in step


can represent an integrated circuit to be realized in physical form at various levels of abstraction. The netlist is typically created by a design tool (e.g., an HDL compiler) and is passed as an input to the optimization tool.

In step


, the optimization tool partitions the circuit into a top-level block and, in this case, two circuit blocks included within the top-level block. As described above, a circuit block is a distinct component of functionality and associated embodying circuitry. The choice of boundaries between circuit blocks, depending upon the requirements of the user, are chosen in accordance with whether block and top optimization, bottle optimization, modified bottle optimization, or in-context optimization is to be performed, as described above. In many cases, the choice of boundaries is predetermined as previous circuit block designs are “reused” and incorporated into new designs.

Referring still to process



FIG. 10

, in step


, each of the circuit blocks and any included glue logic (as defined by their respective partitioning) is optimized independently using characterization techniques. As described above, the characterization process allows the circuit blocks to be optimized in parallel, for example, using multiple optimizers running on multiple CAD workstations. In step


, respective models are generated for each circuit block. As described above, the modeling technology of the present invention provides models for circuit blocks which includes sufficient information to calculate timing properly, even in the presence of timing exceptions. In step


, the circuit blocks within the top-level block are replaced with their respective models. Then, in step


, the top-level block, including the models, is optimized. The models require much less memory to store and much less CPU processing power to simulate; thus, in accordance with the present invention, the top-level block can be more efficiently optimized.

In step


, process


then examines whether the timing constraints and/or timing exceptions of the top-level block have changed significantly as a result of the optimization. If there is significant change, process


of the present embodiment proceeds back to step


and again optimizes the circuit blocks with the new timing exceptions and constraints. In this manner, the entire circuit can again be optimized, at both the circuit block level and the top level, to a higher degree. Then, in step


, where there is no longer any significant changes or improvements in the timing exceptions and constraints, process


proceeds to step


, where the optimized top-level block and the optimized circuit blocks are combined to obtain a fully optimized circuit netlist.

Thus, the present invention provides a system capable of efficiently optimizing large complex integrated circuit designs. The present invention provides a method and system for vigorously optimizing a complex integrated circuit design within the reasonable time and resource constraints of modern EDA design synthesis processes. Additionally, the present invention provides a method and system capable of optimizing all portions and all aspects of a complex integrated circuit design.

Circuit Block Modeling with Timing Exception Information

Embodiments of the present invention include a circuit model having timing exception information associated therewith, a method for generating the circuit model and also circuit optimization processes that use the circuit model. Because the model of the present invention contains timing exception information, it is particularly well suited for use by incremental circuit optimization processes (e.g., as described above) for performing efficient and effective incremental optimizations on large integrated circuit designs.

The model of the present invention includes information regarding arrival and required tags that exist at the input/output pins of the model boundary. Tags are data structures which aid in the calculation of circuit delay when timing exceptions are present within a circuit design. Their primary use is to keep the delays calculated for one timing exception separate from delays for another timing exception. Arrival tags, e.g., tags associated with arrival times, and required tags, tags associated with required times, are described herein. In addition, a detailed description of tags can also be found in copending patent application Ser. No. 09/093,817, filed Jun. 8, 1998, entitled, “Method and Apparatus for Tag-based Static Timing Analysis with Exceptions,” assigned to the assignee of the present invention, which is hereby incorporated by reference. It is appreciated that

FIGS. 11 and 12

of the above referenced patent application are particularly useful in showing the use of tags in timing analysis.

The circuit model of the present invention allows automated circuit optimization to be performed on extremely large circuits without the need to load all of the details of the circuit into computer memory thereby saving computer memory resources. Since the models are smaller, they can also be processed faster. Prior art modeling technology was not sufficiently advanced to allow real-world circuits to be processed. In particular, prior art models did not work properly in the presence of timing exceptions. The models of the present invention include all of the information provided by prior art models and, in addition, provide sufficient information to properly calculate timing in the presence of timing exceptions.

FIG. 11A

illustrates an exemplary circuit design


including an exemplary circuit block


. The most common timing exception is defined to run along timing paths between two points of a circuit which are defined as the “from” point and the “to” point. Modeling timing exceptions can be difficult when the exceptions are not fully self-contained within the circuit block that is to be modeled. For example, an exception is not self-contained in the circuit block when one of the “from” or “to” pins may be inside the circuit block but the other point may be outside. Two examples are shown with respect to FIG.


A. The “from1” point and “to2” point are located outside of circuit block


, and the “to1” point and “from2” point are located inside circuit block


. This configuration leads to the formation of two circuit paths that are not self-contained within circuit block



In the process of creating a circuit model (“model”) in accordance with the present invention, the goal is to remove as much internal detail about a circuit block as possible to reduce the computer resources required in processing and storing its model. In the case of circuit block


, this could include the removal of the “to1” point, as well as half of the timing path which connects the “from1” point and the “to1” point. If these elements were removed without replacing them with new information, the model would not be usable for analyzing or optimizing in the presence of the exception paths (as is the result for prior art models). In accordance with the present invention, a data structure for representing missing parts of an exception path is introduced and makes the model of the present invention useful where prior art models are not.

FIG. 11B

illustrates the same top-level circuit


, with a model


of circuit block


inserted in place of circuit block




A). In the model of the present invention, information is added at the model pins (e.g., input pin X and output pin Y) to represent the parts of the exception paths that are eliminated from the model


but were present in the circuit block




A). Because of the added exception information on pins X and Y, it is possible to correctly and efficiently optimize (using a tool such as Design Compiler from Synopsys, Inc.) circuit


using the model


of the present invention. It is appreciated that prior art models would not allow for correct optimization with the model inserted, forcing optimization to be performed with the original, and much larger, circuit block




A). The following discussion describes the type of exception information added within the models of the present invention and also describes the manner in which this information is generated in accordance with embodiments of the present invention.

Arrival Times and Required Times

FIG. 12A

illustrates an exemplary circuit


having two sequential circuits






and a number of serially coupled gates






located between the sequential circuits






. Circuit


is illustrated to describe arrival times. Arrival time can be defined for any arbitrary chosen place in a circuit. Its value represents the actual circuit delay leading from a predetermined start point to the chosen place. Specifically, arrival times are measured from a starting point, are referenced from a launch clock, and measure the time it takes a particular signal to reach a given point along a particular path. The path in this case starts from the input of the sequential circuit



and is referenced from clock signal


. Each circuit gate has an associated exemplary delay. The delay associated with circuit



is 2 nanoseconds (ns). The delays (in ns) of circuits






, respectively, are 3, 5, 1, and 2. The delay associated with circuit



is 2 ns. To calculate the arrival time along each segment






, the expected delays from each traversed gate are summed. Therefore, the arrival times at points






, respectively, are 2, 5, 10, 11 and 13 ns.

Therefore, a signal seen at the input of gate



will take 13 ns to reach the input of circuit



. As discussed below, measured arrival times are associated with tags which define the circuit path to which the arrival times are pertinent. Tags provide a mechanism for separating arrival time totals that are associated with different paths that traverse the same circuit point. Arrival times are useful in circuit optimization because they allow a comparison between actual signal propagation delays and design constraints which dictate the maximum allowed delays.

FIG. 12B

illustrates the exemplary circuit


and is illustrated to describe required times. Required time can be defined for any arbitrary chosen place in a circuit. Its value represents the desired circuit delay leading from a predetermined start point to the chosen place. The required time varies with timing constraints and timing exceptions of the circuit. The goal of optimization is to make the arrival time at a point less than or equal to the required time. The required time in the example of

FIG. 12B

is measured from sequential circuit



. The signal reaching the input to circuit



should arrive 2 ns before the capture clock


therefore, the required time at point



is 2 ns. Propagating backwards, the required times at points






, respectively, are 4, 5, 10, and 13 ns. Therefore, a signal at point



must arrive at point



13 ns (or more) before the capture clock


to be valid.

Required times can be expressed in another format that is based on the timing constraint of the circuit path.

FIG. 12C

illustrates this other format. Assume a 15 ns constraint is defined for the exemplary path of circuit


. In this format, all required times (of the format of

FIG. 12B

) are subtracted from the constraint amount (e.g., 15 ns). Therefore, the required time at point



becomes 15−2 or 13 ns. The other required times for points






likewise become, respectively, 11, 10, 5, and 2. It is appreciated that any discussions herein with respect to required times can be applied to and operate with any of these two formats.

It is appreciated that static timing analysis processes generate both required times and arrival times for circuit segments. For instance, circuit point



has an arrival time of 10 ns (

FIG. 12A

) and a required time of 10 ns (FIG.


C). By subtracting the arrival time and the required time of a particular circuit point, for a particular timing exception, the slack in the circuit can be determined for that point. For point



, there is no slack (e.g., 10−10=0).

Tags are used in static timing analysis and arrival times and required times are associated with tags. By using tags, any point in the circuit may have one or more sets of arrival times or required times (“totals”) computed for it. Each set of totals will be associated with a tag. The tag describes how the totals should be used and generally describes a timing exception for a particular circuit path that traverses the point. For instance, a tag might say that the data in an associated total might be used to evaluate the default timing constraint. Or a tag might say that the data in an associated total might be used to evaluate the timing described in a timing exception, e.g., timing exception one. In general, a tag that is associated with a total specifies the following information: (1) the “launch clock” of the total which specifies the set of starting points for calculating arrival times; (2) zero or more timing exception identifiers specify if this total should be used to calculate timing for the given timing exceptions and if no timing exceptions are identified the total should be used to calculate the default timing constraint; and (3) a “state” tells how many through pins have been encountered for each timing exception identifier. Other information may be associated with a tag if necessary.

It is appreciated that an arrival time and a required time are often referred to as a “total.” The total includes a group of values that define the rise time total, the fall time total, the minimum total time and the maximum total time, etc., for that tag at a given point. For simplicity of discussion, a required total can be expressed as a “required time” and an arrival total can be expressed as an “arrival time.”

Copending patent application Ser. No. 09/093,817, filed Jun. 8, 1998, and entitled, “Method and Apparatus for Tag-based Static Timing Analysis with Exceptions,” describes the timing analysis of a circuit progressing from a starting point and moving forward into the circuit. As the timing analysis progresses forward, arrival times are calculated in the totals. The tags which are associated with the arrival time totals are called “arrival tags.” An analogous timing analysis of a circuit progresses from an ending point, moving backwards in a circuit. As the timing analysis progresses backwards, required times are calculated in the totals. The tags which are associated with the required time totals are called “required tags.” The required tag calculation is symmetric to arrival tag processing of the above referenced copending patent application.

FIG. 13

illustrates an exemplary circuit


to discuss timing exceptions and the manner in which tags are used to separate arrival and required times for separate timing exceptions. Arrival times and required times are computed for particular timing exceptions which are generally defined along circuit paths. Signal timing information is tracked and computed separately by a static timing analysis process for each defined timing exception. There is a default timing exception that applies to all circuit paths that are not specifically defined within another timing exception. Often a defined timing exception is made to modify the default timing exception. This modification can be made to either expand or shorten allowed timing constraints for a given circuit path.

For instance, assuming all circuits of

FIG. 13

are clocked by the same clock, a timing exception can be defined for the path of

FIG. 13

that starts from circuit B and ends at circuit D. This can be established by the command:

set_max_delay-label-from B-to D#

Which defines a timing exception called “label.” Although not shown above, a command defining a timing exception can also give a timing value (e.g., #) which is used to modify the default timing constraint. The above timing exception might be defined because the timing between circuit B and D is not relevant to the circuit design or a designer wants the path to have a larger or smaller timing constraint compared to the default timing constraint. A default timing exception applies to all other paths of the circuit



FIG. 13

(e.g., any path from A, F or E to D or C) and uses the default timing constraint. For example, assume the default timing constraint is 15 ns and the command below is given:

set_max_delay-label-from B-to D


This case results in the path from circuit B to circuit D having a smaller timing constraint (12 ns) from the default (15 ns).

Since a particular timing exception is defined above, and the default timing exception also exists, each circuit point of circuit


can have two arrival times (one for each timing exception) and also two required times (one for each timing exception). An example is presented below.

The exemplary delay for gate


is 2 ns and for gate


is also 2 ns and for gate


is also 2 ns. The arrival times at point



of circuit


can be expressed as the following arrival tags:



where (others) represents the default timing exception and (B) represents the above defined timing exception from circuit B to circuit D. These labels and associated values are called “tags.” A tag is defined for a given timing exception. At point



, it takes signals 4 ns to arrive from circuit B, but only 2 ns to arrive from the other circuits (e.g., circuit E, F and A). The arrival times at circuit C of circuit


can be expressed as the following arrival tags:



At circuit C, it takes signals 4 ns to arrive from circuit B, but only 2 ns to arrive from the other circuits. The arrival times at point



of circuit


can be expressed as the following arrival tags:



At point



, it takes signals 6 ns to arrive from circuit B, but only 4 ns to arrive from the other circuits. The arrival time for point



is 2(B).

Regarding required times, the required times at point



of circuit


can be expressed as the following required tags:



where (others) represents the default timing exception and (D) represents the above defined timing exception from circuit D of the defined timing exception. At point



, a signal needs to arrive 4 ns before the capture clock at circuit D, but 2 ns before the capture clock for the others (e.g., circuit C). The required times at point



of circuit


can be expressed as the following required tags:



At point



, a signal needs to arrive 4 ns before the capture clock at circuit D, but 2 ns before the capture clock for the others (e.g., circuit C). The required times at point



of circuit


can be expressed as the following required tags:



At point



, a signal needs to arrive 6 ns before the capture clock at circuit D, but 4 ns before the capture clock for the others (e.g., circuit C). The required times at point



of circuit


can be expressed as the following required tags:



At point



, a signal needs to arrive 2 ns before the capture clock at circuit D, but 0 ns before the capture clock for the others (e.g., circuit C).

As shown above, each circuit point can have multiple arrival times and multiple required times defined for it. For example, point



has the following “tags” defined:

Arrival tags: 4(B) and 2(others)

Required tags: 2(D) and 0(others)

With respect to the default case, the static timing analysis process maintains the worst arrival time and the worst required time for all paths through the given point while the other defined timing exceptions allow other information to be maintained at the given point. An example of arrival tag computation is found in copending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/093,817, filed Jun. 8, 1998, entitled, “Method and Apparatus for Tag-based Static Timing Analysis with Exceptions,” assigned to the assignee of the present invention, and hereby incorporated by reference.

Modeling Tag Information at the Circuit Block Boundary

The present invention captures tag information at a circuit block's boundary in order to produce a circuit model having timing exception information. This timing exception information can then be used in a circuit optimizer, in one embodiment of the present invention. By eliminating the internal circuitry of the modeled circuit, but retaining timing exception information, the present invention offers a highly efficient circuit model that can yet be used effectively in circuit optimizations.

FIG. 14A

illustrates an exemplary circuit portion



including the input boundary of a circuit block



. Input pin



is shown. Arrival times are shown on top of the wire segments and required times are shown below. These values are computed from static timing analysis. In this example, the arrival time at the input pin



is 4 ns and the required time is 6 ns assuming the signal delays for exemplary gates






are each 2 ns. The circuit block



is to be modeled by a circuit model



as shown in

FIG. 14B

where the internal circuitry (e.g., gates






) of the circuit block



is removed to simplify the circuit description. Therefore, gate



supplies the model



For input pins to a circuit model, the present invention captures the required times associated with the model's input pins. In this case, the 6 ns required time along with its associated required tag is captured by the present invention and associated with the input pin



of model



. At inputs, required times are captured because they can be used in timing constraint computations. Arrival times are not captured at input pins because the circuitry they supply is no longer present within the model



FIG. 15A

illustrates an exemplary circuit portion



including the output boundary of a circuit block



. Output pin



is shown. Arrival times are shown on top of the wire segments and required times are shown below. These values are computed from static timing analysis. In this example, the arrival time at the output pin



is 4 ns and the required time is 6 ns assuming the signal delays for exemplary gates






are each 2 ns. The circuit block



is to be modeled by a circuit model



as shown in

FIG. 15B

where the internal circuitry (e.g., gates






) of the circuit block



is removed to simplify the circuit description. Therefore, gate



receives signals from the model



For output pins from a circuit model, the present invention captures the arrival times associated with the model's output pins. In this case, the 4 ns arrival time along with its associated arrival tag is captured by the present invention and associated with the output pin



of model



. At outputs, arrival times are captured because they can be used in timing constraint computations. Required times are not captured at output pins because the circuitry for which they are relevant along their path is no longer present within the model



FIG. 16A

is used to describe launch and capture clocks.

FIG. 16A

illustrates an exemplary circuit


having two sequential elements






. Arrival and required tags are defined with respect to an associated clock. Arrival tags are associated with a launch clock and required tags are associated with a capture clock. For instance, an arrival tag originating from element



is defined with respect to launch clock



. A required tag originating from element



is defined with respect to capture clock



FIG. 16B

illustrates a multiple clock circuit


to illustrate that default timing exceptions are distinguished based on their common clock. For instance,

FIG. 16B

illustrates four clocked elements A, B, C and D feeding the same gate


. Clocked elements A and B are clocked by clock



(“clock1”). Clocked elements C and D are clocked by clock



(“clock2”). Assume a timing user-defined exception is defined from element D to gate


. Because tags are clock specific, this situation creates the following three timing exceptions:




(A and B) - clock 1


arrival tag1

(C) - clock2


arrival tag2

(D) - clock2


arrival tag3

In this case, it is appreciated that the default timing exception includes two different tags because different clocks are involved with the gates on the default paths. For instance, tag


is the default timing exception for signals from elements A and B for clock


. Tag


is the default timing exception for signals from element C for clock. Tag


is the defined timing exception for signals from element D for clock


. The same is true for required tags with respect to elements being clocked by different capture clocks.

Model Generation Process of the Present Invention

FIG. 17A

illustrates an exemplary circuit block


having an input


and an output


. Associated with the input


are a number of arrival tags


and a number of required tags


. Associated with the output


are a number of arrival tags


and a number of required tags


. Each tag has a tag name and a value “#.” This information comes from static timing analysis. In creating the new models from circuit blocks, the present invention copies the original circuit block


to form a model


as shown in FIG.


B and removes most of its contents thereby leaving a “shell.” In one embodiment, only the pins of the original circuit would be left in the model


. In another embodiment, some of the internal components of the circuit block


may be left in tact in the model


, although this is not required. Once this model shell


has been created, new data is associated with the model


to make up for some of the information that was lost by the removal of the block's internal circuitry. It is appreciated that the new information can be added directly in the model definition


or can be associated, e.g., linked, to the model using a pointer


or other association tool.

Optional information added to the model



FIG. 17B

, in one embodiment of the present invention, includes: (1) the circuit block size; (2) for each model pin, recorded is the electrical capacitance which the corresponding block pin imposed on the circuit which was outside the circuit block; (3) for each model output, recorded is the electrical current (drive) which the corresponding block pin gave to the circuit which was outside the circuit block; and (4) and for each model pin, recorded the physical position that the corresponding block pin occupied. It is appreciated that other data could be included, depending on the application for which the model is intended.

In accordance with the present invention, the next step in creating the model



FIG. 17B

is to record information on the model which represents exception path information. In accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, exception information is added to a model through the use of “commands” which are associated with the inputs and outputs of the model. These commands can be “textual” commands, but can take any syntax. In an alternate embodiment, one could annotate the model with binary data in a computer program data structure. Specifically, the present invention associates required tags with the circuit inputs and ignores the arrival tags at the circuit inputs. The present invention associates arrival tags with the circuit outputs and ignores the required tags at the circuit outputs. In this example of

FIG. 17A

, the present invention associates required tags


with input


and arrival tags


are associated with output



As shown in

FIG. 17B

, a data structure


of the above commands is associated with the model


. The data structure


contains tag definitions



for arrival tags that are associated with the output pins of the original circuit block and for required tags that are defined with respect to the input pins of the original circuit block. The data structure


also contains an association



of all required tags associated with each input pin and an association



of all arrival tags associated with each output pin.

The process


for generating the circuit models of one embodiment of the present invention with their associated data structure


is shown in FIG.


A and FIG.


B. Process


is realized as computer instructions stored in computer readable memory units of system



FIG. 2

) and executed by processor


. Process


begins at step


where an integrated circuit netlist containing circuit blocks is accessed from computer memory. At step


, static timing analysis is run on the netlist so that arrival and required times (e.g., “values”) are computed for all arrival and required tags for the points of the circuit. It is appreciated that the above analysis can be performed on the entire netlist at once, or, alternatively, it can be performed circuit block by circuit block, e.g., as the circuit blocks are being individually selected. In any case, the timing exception information is annotated into the netlist at each point along the circuit paths. At step


, a target circuit block is selected to model.

At step


, the present invention saves the arrival and required times for all tags of the input and output pins of the target circuit block. At step


, the present invention selects an output pin of the target circuit block. At step


, the present invention selects an arrival tag associated with the selected output pin. At step


, a check is made to determine if this tag has been previously processed with respect to this target circuit block. If not, then at step


the present invention writes a command to the data structure




FIG. 17B

) defining this tag. In one embodiment, this command is a textual command and it includes a tag label, a timing exception and a clock. The timing exception defines a path that crosses the boundary of the circuit block. Step


is then entered. At step


, if the tag has already been processed by step


, then it is not duplicated (to conserve memory resources) and step


is directly entered.

At step



FIG. 18A

, the present invention writes out a command that associates the selected arrival tag value (with associated arrival tag label and arrival time) with the selected output pin. In one embodiment, this command is a textual command that is placed into data structure




FIG. 17


) and includes the tag label and the arrival time. The command references the tag definition in



. At step


, a check is made to determine if there are more arrival tags associated with the selected output pin that need to be incorporated into the circuit model. If so, then a next arrival tag is selected at step


and step


is entered again. At step


, if all arrival tags for the selected output pin have been processed, then step


is entered. At step


, a check is made to determine if there are more output pins associated with the target circuit block that need to be processed. If so, then a next output pin is selected at step


and step


is entered again. At step


, if all output pins for the target circuit block have been processed, then step



FIG. 18B

is entered. At this point, the circuit model has all the arrival tag information of the output boundary of the target circuit block.

FIG. 18B

illustrates the steps of process


used to capture the timing exception information at the input boundary of the target circuit block. At step


, the present invention selects an input pin of the target circuit block. At step


, the present invention selects a required tag associated with the selected input pin. At step


, a check is made to determine if this tag has been previously processed with respect to this selected target block (e.g., by either step


or step


). If not, then at step


, the present invention writes a command to the data structure




FIG. 17B

) defining this tag. In one embodiment, the command is a textual command and it includes a tag label, a timing exception and a clock. The timing exception defines a path that crosses the boundary of the circuit block. Step


is then entered. At step


, if the tag has already been processed by step


or by step


, then it is not duplicated and step


is directly entered. At this point, the circuit model also has all the required tag information of the input boundary of the target circuit block.

At step



FIG. 18B

, the present invention writes out a command that associates the selected required tag (with tag label and required time) with the selected input pin. In one embodiment, this command is a textual command that is placed into data structure




FIG. 17


) and includes a required tag label and a required time. This command references the associated tag in



. At step


, a check is made to determine if there are more required tags associated with the selected input pin that need to be processed. If so, then a next required tag is selected at step


and step


is entered again. At step


, if all required tags for the selected input pin have been processed, then step


is entered. At step


, a check is made to determine if there are more input pins associated with the target circuit block that need to be processed. If so, then a next input pin is selected at step


and step


is entered again. At step


, if all input pins for the target circuit block have been processed, then step



FIG. 18B

is entered.

At step



FIG. 18B

, the present invention copies the target circuit block as a model into computer memory and eliminates from the model the internal circuitry of the target circuit block but saves the input and output pin designations. This can be performed using a “create_model_shell” command. At step


, the present invention associates the data structures






(stored within computer memory) with the model of the target circuit block. Other information is then optionally added to the model including: (1) the circuit block size; (2) for each model pin, recorded is the electrical capacitance which the corresponding block pin imposed on the circuit which was outside the circuit block; (3) for each model output, recorded is the electrical current (drive) which the corresponding block pin gave to the circuit which was outside the circuit block; and (4) and for each model pin, recorded the physical position that the corresponding block pin occupied.

At step


, the present invention checks if there are more circuit blocks of the netlist to process. If so, then process


gets the next circuit block as the target circuit block at step


and returns to step


of FIG.


A. At step


, if models have been made of all of the circuit blocks, then process


returns. It is appreciated that although the input pins are processed after the output pins in process


, this sequence can be reversed within the scope of the present invention. Below is a listing of pseudo code that can be used in one embodiment of the present invention to realize process


. It is appreciated that the listed psuedo code is exemplary only and that other alternatives are available. The example should not be construed as limiting the scope of the invention to any particular computer language or subroutine architecture or structure.

Example Pseudo Code for Process


Call the circuit block that is desired to model “the target block”

Run static timing analysis on the circuit which contains the target block and save arrival and required totals and tags which are calculated for the target block's pins.

for each output pin of the target block {

for each set of arrival totals at the output pin of the

target block {

get the arrival tag associated with the total

If this is the first time we have encountered this

particular tag {

write the tag data as a textual command to be

applied to the model


get the model pin associated with the output pin of

the target block

write a command which associates the tag and the

totals data with the model pin



for each input pin of the target block {

for each set of required totals at the input pin of the

target block {

get the required tag associated with the total

If this is the first time we have encountered this

particular tag {

write the tag data as a textual command to be

applied to the model


get the model pin associated with the input pin of

the target block

write a command which associates the tag and the

totals data with the model pin



An example of the textual commands that process


generates in one embodiment of the present invention is given below. Assume that a tag corresponds to timing data launched from “clock1” and is timing for exceptions “exc1” and “exc2.” Exceptions are created using the “set_max_delay” or “set_min_delay” commands as described above. The tag is given a label, in this case “tag1.” In one embodiment, writing the tag data as a command is performed as:

create_tag-label tag


-clock clock


-exception {exc


, exc



This command indicates that the launch clock for tag


is clock


and associates the exceptions exc


and exc


with the tag. As discussed above, the exception definition defines the “from” and “to” points of the path and also a timing constraint value. Tag and total data are associated with a model output pin. Assume that model pin A has an arrival total which is associated with tag


, and the arrival time in the total is 5.0 nanoseconds. In one embodiment, associating the tag and total data with the model pin is performed as:

set_arrival-pin A-tag tag



It is possible that a single pin may have multiple set_arrival commands written for it, e.g., one for each arrival total on the pin.

To associate tag and total data with an input pin, a similar command is written out in accordance with the present invention. Assume that model pin B has a required total which is associated with tag


, and the required time in the total is 6.0 nanoseconds. In one embodiment, associating the tag and total data with the model pin is performed as:

set_required-pin B-tag tag



It is possible that a single pin may have multiple set_required commands written for it, e.g., one for each required total on the pin.

Another example of the textual commands that process


generates is given below with reference to an example circuit block of FIG.


A. Process


is used to create model commands for block



FIG. 19A

, then it replaces block


with its model




B). Block


contains input pin X and output pin Y. The timing paths of block


are not self-contained within circuit block


. For the purpose of this example, it is assumed that the exception paths of the example above have been given at 10.0 nanoseconds. These are called the exception paths “exc1” and “exc2.” An example of the commands that define the exception paths is given below:

set_max_delay-label exc


-from from


-to to



set_max_delay-label exc


-from from


-to to



It is also assumed that the default timing constraint for all other circuit paths is 15.0 nanoseconds.

In any timing path, the starting clock and ending clock will depend on the details of the circuit. For the purpose of this example, it is assumed that all of the timing paths which end in block



FIG. 19A

have a clock of “clock1” at the end point. It is also assumed that all paths that start in block


have a starting clock of “clock2.”

When static timing analysis is applied to circuit


of the example, it calculates one or more arrival totals and one or more required totals for each point in the circuit. For the purpose of modeling in accordance with the present invention, only the required totals at point X and the arrival totals at point Y are used. At point X, there are two required totals:

Required total value: 4 (e.g., 2+2=4)

Tag: clock1 no exceptions

Required total value: 5 (e.g., 3+2=5)

Tag: clock1 exc1

At point Y, there are two arrival totals:

Arrival total value: 5 (3+2)

Tag: clock2 no exceptions

Arrival total value: 4 (2+2)

Tag: clock2 exc2

When process


models block


, the result is the model


shown in FIG.


B and this model is associated with a data structure


that contains the following commands:


Command Text

Data Structure

by Step

create_tag - label tag1 -clock clock1

in 1340a


create_tag - label tag2 -clock clock1 -exception exc1

in 1340a


set_required -tag tag1 -pin X 11.0

in 1340b


set_required -tag tag2 -pin X 5.0

in 1340b


create_tag - label tag3 - clock clock2

in 1340a


create_tag - label tag4 - clock clock2 -exception exc2

in 1340a


set_arrival - tag tag3 - pin Y 5.0

in 1340c


set_arrival -tag tag4 - pin Y 4.0

in 1340c


In one embodiment of the present invention, when a circuit block is replaced by its model, some points along an exception path may be truncated, as are “to1” and “from2” in the FIG.



The first task in processing the inserted model is to account for points in exception paths which are removed when the model is inserted. To do this, the exception path definitions can be modified. In the example, this requires the modification of the set_max_delay statements:

set_max_delay-label exc


-from from


-to { } 10.0

set_max_delay-label exc


-from { }-to to



The { } symbol represents an empty set of points. When { } exists in an exception path definition, it means that the exception path cannot be satisfied in the circuit. However, the exception path definition is not removed entirely because it will be referred to be tag definitions later on in the process. It is appreciated that { } is not always used in the exception path definition. For example, if the original definition for exc



set_max_delay-label exc


-from from


-to {to


, another_point} 10.0

then the corrected definition would be:

set_max_delay-label exc


-from from


-to {another_point} 10.0

In another embodiment, the exception path definition is not modified as a textual description. Instead, the internal data structure of the computer program is modified which processes the command. In the preferred embodiment, data from the definition is not removed, rather specified exception points which have been removed by models are merely ignored. Also, new create_tag, set_arrival and set_required commands are applied to the existing circuit and need to be _processed. These issues are discussed separately.

Use of the Models in Static Timing Analysis and Synthesis

Once the models are created and commands are written in accordance with the present invention to annotate exception path data, the models can be used in static timing analysis and optimization. Optimization uses models in the same way as static timing analysis. Therefore, using a model which contains information about exceptions for optimization follows an analogous process as it does for static timing analysis.

For instance, continuing with the example used above, when the model



FIG. 19B

) for block



FIG. 19A

) is inserted into the circuit, the applied commands cause 4 tags to be generated in the circuit's data structure


, each corresponding to a create_tag statement. It is possible that a tag which is identical to the specified tag will already exist in the circuit. In that case, a new tag is not created, rather the given label from the create_tag statement is simply used as an alias for the existing tag. This is done to conserve computer memory resources.

Two arrival totals are generated in the circuit at pin Y, corresponding to the set_arrival commands above. The tags associated with the totals will be tag


and tag


, respectively. The timing values in the total will be 5.0 and 4.0. When timing analysis propagates delays forward, it treats these totals in the exact same manner as totals which are propagated from timing start points. But unlike totals at timing start points, whose arrival time is zero nanoseconds, the totals at pin Y will be given the value specified by the set_arrival commands of the model.

Two required totals are generated in the circuit at pin X, corresponding to the set_required commands above. The tags associated with the totals will be tag


and tag


, respectively. The timing values in the total will be 4.0 and 5.0. When timing analysis propagates delays backwards, it treats these totals in the exact same manner as totals which are propagated backward from timing end points. But unlike totals at timing end points, whose required time is equal to the constraint or exception time allowed, the totals at pin X will be given the value specified by the set_required commands of the model.

Once the process of applying commands is done, the following totals will be annotated:

At point X:

Required total value: 4

Tag: tag1 clock1

no exceptions

Required total value: 5

Tag: tag2 clock1


At point Y:

Arrival total value: 5

Tag: tag3 clock2

no exceptions

Arrival total value: 4

Tag: tag4 clock2

exc2 .

This tag information matches the tag information which was calculated by timing analysis when the model was created, e.g., when using the pre-modeled circuit block. The tags now have labels, where the original timing analysis may not have, but this is not important to the operation of the model itself or the timing analysis that uses models, e.g., for optimization. Since the timing analysis which uses models contains the same total information as the original timing analysis, both will create the same result when they process the entire circuit.

It is appreciated that encapsulating modeling information as commands is useful because one computer program can generate model information which a separate computer program can then use. Without the use of commands, the program would be forced to share a common data representation for tags and exception information.

Using Virtual Clocks to Create Models in Accordance with an Embodiment of the Present Invention

This section introduces another embodiment of the present invention for creating models. This embodiment of the present invention utilizes the command “create_clock” in the model definition. The command “create_clock” is supported in commercially available EDA tools by Synopsys, Inc. of Mountain View, Calif. This embodiment is similar to the embodiment presented above except that the information from the tags in the internal data structure



FIG. 17B

) is conveyed differently in the model. In this embodiment, the use of the create_tag command is replaced by the use of the “create_clock” command. In this embodiment, generally, a model shell is created using the analogous process used above for the models which use create_tag. Next, virtual clocks are created, and arrival and required information is created.

The create_clock command is used to declare clocks. Clocks are used to define the start points and end points that are used in static timing analysis. Part of the definition of a tag is the start clock (for arrival tags) or the end clock (for required tags). If there are a multitude of clocks, then timing analysis will create a multitude of tags which correspond to them. The create_clock command can be used to define what is referred herein as a “virtual clock,” which has no corresponding instance in the actual circuit. In accordance with this embodiment of the present invention, the creation of virtual clocks, as described above, in turn will cause tags to be defined by timing analysis, without the direct use of a create_tag command.



A and

FIG. 20B

illustrate a process


in accordance with this embodiment of the present invention. Process


is represented as instruction code stored in computer readable memory units of system



FIG. 2

) and executed by processor


. It is appreciated that process


is described with respect to a single circuit block and can be used, iteratively, to process all circuit blocks of the netlist. At step


, static timing analysis is run on a selected circuit block and arrival times for the output pins are saved in computer memory and required times for the input pins are saved in computer memory. At


, for a selected output pin of the selected or “target” circuit block a selected arrival total is selected and its arrival tag is accessed. At step


, if the arrival tag has exceptions associated with it, then step


is entered, else step


is entered. At step


, a create_clock statement is written to represent a virtual clock which, except for its label, mimics the clock declared in the arrival tag. At step


, the present invention does not write a create_clock command, but rather uses the clock declared in the arrival tag in place of a virtual clock.

At step



FIG. 20A

, the model pin associated with the selected output pin of the target circuit block is obtained and a command is written out that associates the clock with the model pin. At step


, for each exception associated with the arrival tag, it is rewritten in terms of the virtual clock. Steps




perform the above process for each arrival tag of each output pin of the target circuit block and then step



FIG. 20B

is entered.

At step


, for a selected input pin of the selected or “target” circuit block, a selected required total is selected and its required tag is accessed. At step


, if the required tag has exceptions associated with it, then step


is entered, else step


is entered. At step


, a create_clock statement is written to represent virtual clock which, except for its label, mimics the clock declared in the required tag. At step


, the present invention does not write a create_clock command, but rather uses the clock declared in the required tag in place of a virtual clock.

At step



FIG. 20B

, the model pin associated with the selected input pin of the target circuit block is obtained and a command is written out that associates the clock with the model pin. At step


, for each exception associated with the required tag, it is rewritten in terms of the virtual clock. Steps




perform the above process for each required tag of each input pin of the target circuit block.

The above commands (e.g., exception data) are then associated with the new model along with the following other information: (1) the circuit block size; (2) for each model pin, recorded is the electrical capacitance which the corresponding block pin imposed on the circuit which was outside the circuit block; (3) for each model output, recorded is the electrical current (drive) which the corresponding block pin gave to the circuit which was outside the circuit block; and (4) and for each model pin, recorded the physical position that the corresponding block pin occupied. Below is a listing of pseudo code that can be used in one embodiment of the present invention to realize process


. It is appreciated that the listed psuedo code is exemplary only and that other alternatives are available. The example should not be construed as limiting the scope of the invention to any particular computer language or subroutine architecture or structure.

Example Pseudo Code for Process


Call the circuit block that is be modeled “the target block”

Run static timing analysis on the circuit which contains the target block and save arrival and required totals and tags which are calculated for the target block's pins.

for each output pin of the target block {

for each set of arrival totals at the output pin of the target

block {

Get the arrival tag associated with the total

if the tag has exceptions associated with it {

Write a create_clock statement to represent a

virtual clock which, except for its label, exactly

mimics the clock declared in the arrival tag.

} else {

Do not write a create_clock statement. Use

the clock declared in the arrival tag in place

of a virtual clock.


Get the model pin associated with the output pin of the

target block

Write a command which associates the clock with the model


For each exception associated with the arrival tag,

rewrite it in terms of the virtual clock.



for each input pin of the target block {

for each set of required totals at the output pin of the

target block {

Get the required tag associated with the total

if the tag has exceptions associated with it {

Write a create_clock statement to represent a

virtual clock which, except for its label, exactly

mimics the clock declared in the required tag.

} else {

Do not write a create_clock statement. Use the

clock declared in the arrival tag in place of

a virtual clock.


Get the model pin associated with the input pin of the

target block

Write a command which associates the clock with the model


For each exception associated with the required tag,

rewrite it in terms of the virtual clock.



The following illustrates an example and references the example of FIG.


A and FIG.


B. The tags in that example are defined as follows:

At point X, there are two required totals:

Required total value: 4 (2+2)

Tag: clock1 no exceptions


Required total value: 5 (3+2)

Tag: clock1 exc1


At point Y, there are two arrival totals:

Arrival total value: 5 (3+2)

Tag: clock2 no exceptions


Arrival total value: 4 (2+2)

Tag: clock2 exc2


Also, the clock definitions in the example of the previous section are:

create_clock-label clock




-waveform {





create_clock-label clock




-waveform {





When block



FIG. 19A

is modeled using process


, the following exemplary commands are generated. Note that the virtual clock called “virtual1” is created for the purpose of representing tag


above. The virtual clock “virtual2” is created for the purpose of representing tag







by Step

create_clock -label virtual1 - period 15 -waveform {0, 7}

in 1340a


set_required -clock clock1 -pin X 4.0

in 1340b


set_required -clock virtual1 - pin X 5.0

in 1340b


create_clock -label virtual2 - period 15 -waveform {5, 10}

in 1340a


set_arrival -clock clock2 -pin Y 5.0

in 1340c


set_arrival -clock virtual2 - pin Y 4.0

in 1340c


FIG. 21A

illustrates a diagram


of the manner in which the tags are converted into create_clock commands and set_arrival commands. At


, a virtual clock is created based on “clock2.” At


, the exception, “exc2,” is rewritten using the virtual clock. At


, the arrival time is written using the created virtual clock.

Exception declarations are rewritten in terms of the virtual clocks. For a virtual clock which was generated for a required tag, the virtual clock is placed in the “to” list of the exception declaration(s) to which the tag points (step


of FIG.


B). For a virtual clock which was generated for an arrival tag, the virtual clock is placed in the “from” list of the exception declaration(s) to which the tag points (step


of FIG.


A). In the example, the exception declarations would be:

set_max_delay-label exc


-from from


-to {to


, virtual


} 10.0

set_max_delay-label exc


-from {from


, virtual


}-to to



Optionally, the circuit points could be removed from the exception declaration which are removed when the model is inserted. In the example below, the “to1” and “from2” are removed:

set_max_delay-label exc


-from from


-to virtual



set_max_delay-label exc


-from virtual


-to to



Once the model is created, it can be inserted into the top-level circuit in place of block


. When timing analysis processes the model and the associated commands, it will create tags at pins X and Y which are similar to those of the timing analysis used to create the model, e.g., using the pre-modeled circuit block



FIG. 21B

illustrates a diagram


of the manner in which the tag is created by the timing analysis process for an arrival time of the model, e.g., when the model is being used for optimization. Each set_arrival command creates a total on the specified pin. The value specified by set_arrival will be used in the total. A tag will automatically be generated for the total which will point to the virtual clock which is specified by set_arrival. If one of the rewritten exceptions has the virtual clock in its “to” field, the tag also includes that exception in its exception list.

With respect to the example, one set_arrival command generates a tag with an exception, the other one generates a tag without an exception:

At point Y:

Arrival total value: 5

Tag: clock2  no exceptions

Arrival total value: 4

Tag: virtual2   exc2

FIG. 21C

illustrates a diagram


of the manner in which the tag is created by the timing analysis process for a required time of the model, e.g., when the model is being used for optimization. Each set_required command creates a total on the specified pin. The value specified by set_required will be used in the total. A tag will automatically be generated for the total which will point to the virtual clock which is specified by set_required. If one of the rewritten exceptions has the virtual clock in its “from” field, the tag also includes that exception in its exception list.

With respect to the example, one set_required generates a tag with an exception, the other generates a tag without an exception:

At point X:

Arrival total value: 4

Tag: clock1  no exceptions

Arrival total value: 5

Tag: virtual1   exc1

This tag information derived from the new commands matches the tag information which was calculated by timing analysis when the model was created. Some clocks which are associated with the tags are now virtual clocks instead of clocks from the original circuit. However the virtual clocks are direct copies of the original clocks and contain the same information, except for their labels. The labels do not change the results of timing analysis. Since the timing analysis which uses models contains the same total information as the original timing analysis, both will create the same result when they process the entire circuit.


The circuit models of the present invention can be used in any circuit optimizer technology to provide a more effective and efficient optimization result. In one embodiment, the models of the present invention can be used within the optimization processes discussed herein, e.g., within block and top optimization, within bottle optimization and within in-context optimization.

The foregoing descriptions of specific embodiments of the present invention have been presented for purposes of illustration and description. They are not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed, and obviously many modifications and variations are possible in light of the above teaching. The embodiments were chosen and described in order best to explain the principles of the invention and its practical application, thereby to enable others skilled in the art best to utilize the invention and various embodiments with various modifications as are suited to the particular use contemplated. It is intended that the scope of the invention be defined by the Claims appended hereto and their equivalents.

  • 1. A method of optimizing a design of an integrated circuit device comprising the steps of:a) accessing a netlist representing said integrated circuit design, the netlist including a top-level block coupled to at least a first circuit block and a second circuit block; b) creating a first model of the first circuit block and a second model of the second circuit block, the first model and the second model abstracting circuitry of the first circuit block and the second circuit block respectively; and c) optimizing the netlist by optimizing the first circuit block, the second circuit block, and the top-level block to yield an optimized netlist the step c) comprising the steps of: c1) optimizing the first and second circuit blocks; c2) replacing the first and second circuit blocks in the top-level block with the first and second models respectively; c3) optimizing the top-level block with the first and second models included therein; and c4) generating the optimized netlist by combining the optimized first and second circuit blocks from step c1) and the optimized top-level block from step c3), and wherein step c1 and step c3 are performed in parallel.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein the top-level block includes glue logic for the integrated circuit design.
  • 3. The method of claim 1 wherein the first and second models require less memory to store than the respective first and second circuit blocks.
  • 4. The method of claim 1 wherein the first and second circuit blocks are optimized using characterization.
  • 5. The method of claim 1 wherein the first and second models are configured to include timing exception information for the respective first and second circuit blocks.
  • 6. The method of claim 5 further comprising the step of replacing the first and second circuit blocks in the top-level block with the first and second models respectively, wherein the timing exception information included in the first and second models is configured to allow the top-level block to be optimized with the first and second models included therein.
  • 7. The method of claim 1 wherein step c1 comprises the step of the first circuit block with a portion of the top-level block.
  • 8. The method of claim 1 wherein step c1 comprises the step of optimizing the first circuit block with a portion of the top-level block wherein the portion extends from the first circuit block up to the inputs of the second circuit block.
  • 9. The method of claim 1 wherein step c1 comprises the step of optimizing the first circuit block with a portion of the top-level block wherein the portion extends from the first circuit block to the second circuit block and including a portion of the second circuit block.
  • 10. The method of claim 1 wherein the first circuit block is optimized with the top-level block, the second circuit block being replaced with the second model.
  • 11. A method of optimizing a design of an integrated circuit device comprising the steps of:a) accessing a netlist representing the integrated circuit design wherein the netlist includes a top-level block and at least a first circuit block and a second circuit block, the top-level block including glue logic for coupling the first and second circuit blocks; b) creating a first model of the first circuit block and a second model of the second circuit block each operable for abstracting circuitry of the first circuit block and the second circuit block respectively, wherein the first and second models require less memory to store than the respective first and second circuit blocks, and wherein the first and second models include timing exception data for the respective first and second circuit blocks; and c) optimizing the netlist by optimizing the first circuit block, the second circuit block, and the top-level block to yield an optimized netlist step c comprising the steps of: c1) optimizing the first and second circuit blocks independent of each other; c2) replacing the first and second circuit blocks in the top-level block with the first and second models respectively; c3) optimizing the top-level block with the first and second models included therein; and c4) combining the optimized first and second circuit blocks from step c1) and the optimized top-level block from step c3), and wherein step c1) and step c3) are performed in parallel.
  • 12. The method of claim 11 further comprising the step of replacing the first and second circuit blocks in the top-level block with the first and second models respectively, wherein the timing exception information included in the first and second models is configured to allow the top-level block to be optimized with the first and second models included therein.
  • 13. The method of claim 11 wherein step c1 comprises the step of optimizing the first circuit block with a portion of the top-level block.
  • 14. The method of claim 11 wherein step c1 comprises the step of optimizing the first circuit block with a portion of the top-level block, the portion extending from the first circuit block up to the inputs of the second circuit block.
  • 15. The method of claim 11 wherein step c1 comprises the step of optimizing the first circuit block with a portion of the top-level block, the portion extending from the first circuit block to the second circuit block and including a portion of the second circuit block.
  • 16. The method of claim 11 wherein the first circuit block is optimized with the top-level block, the second circuit block being replaced with the second model.
  • 17. The method of claim 11 comprising the step of optimizing the first and second circuit blocks again after the top-level block is optimized such that changes in timing exceptions from the optimization of the top-level block are accounted for.
  • 18. A computer-implemented synthesis system including a digital computer for processing computer readable instructions, which when executed cause the digital computer to implement a method for optimizing the design of the integrated circuit design, the method comprising the steps of:a) accessing a netlist representing the integrated circuit design wherein the netlist includes a top-level block and at least a first and a second circuit block, the top-level block including glue logic for coupling the first and second circuit blocks; b) creating a first model of the first circuit block and a second model of the second circuit block each abstracting circuitry of the first circuit block and the second circuit block respectively, wherein the first and second models require less memory to store than the respective first and second circuit blocks, and wherein the first and second models are configured to include timing exception data for the respective first and second circuit blocks; and c) optimizing the netlist by independently optimizing the first circuit block, the second circuit block, and the top-level block to yield an optimized netlist the step c) comprising the steps of: c1) optimizing the first and second circuit blocks using characterization; c2) replacing the first and second circuit blocks in the top-level block with the first and second models respectively; c3) optimizing the top-level block with the first and second models included therein; and c4) generating the optimized netlist by combining the optimized first and second circuit blocks from step c1) and the optimized top-level block from step c3), and wherein step c1) and step c3) are performed in parallel.
  • 19. The system of claim 18 wherein the method comprises further the step of replacing the first and second circuit blocks in the top-level block with the first and second models respectively, wherein the timing exception data included in the first and second models is configured to allow the top-level block to be optimized with the first and second models included therein.
  • 20. The system of claim 18 wherein the method further comprises the step of optimizing the first circuit block with a portion of the top-level block.
  • 21. The system of claim 18 wherein the method further comprises the step of optimizing the first circuit block is optimized with a portion of the top-level block, the portion extending from the first circuit block up to the inputs of the second circuit block.
  • 22. The system of claim 18 wherein the method further comprises the step of optimizing the first circuit block is optimized with a portion of the top-level block, the portion extending from the first circuit block to the second circuit block and including a portion of the second circuit block.
  • 23. The system of claim 18 wherein the method further comprises the step of optimizing the first circuit block is optimized with the top-level block, the second circuit block being replaced with the second model.
  • 24. The system of claim 18 comprising the step of optimizing the first and second circuit blocks again after the top-level block is optimized such that changes in timing exceptions from the optimization of the top-level block are optimized in the first and second circuit blocks.
  • 25. A method of optimizing a design of an integrated circuit device comprising the steps of:a) accessing a netlist representing said integrated circuit design, the netlist including a top-level block coupled to at least a first circuit block and a second circuit block; b) creating a first model of the first circuit block and a second model of the second circuit block, the first model and the second model abstracting circuitry of the first circuit block and the second circuit block respectively; and c) optimizing the netlist by optimizing the first circuit block, the second circuit block, and the top-level block to yield an optimized netlist the step c) comprising the steps of: c1) replacing the first circuit block in the top-level block with the first model; c2) optimizing the top-level block and the second circuit block by optimizing the top level block with the first model and the second circuit block included therein; c3) replacing the second circuit block in the top level block with the second model; c4) optimizing the top-level block and the first circuit block by optimizing the top level block with the first circuit block and the second model included therein; and c5) generating the optimized netlist by combining the optimized first circuit block from step c2) and the second optimized circuit block from step c4) and the optimized top-level block from step c4), and wherein step c2) and step c4) are performed in parallel.
  • 26. The method of claim 25 wherein the top-level block includes glue logic for the integrated circuit design.
  • 27. The method of claim 25 wherein the first and second models require less memory to store than the respective first and second circuit blocks.
  • 28. The method of claim 25 wherein the first and second models are configured to include timing exception information for the respective first and second circuit blocks.
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