This invention relates to the classification of the semantic content of audio and/or video signals into two or more genre types, and to the identification of the genre of the semantic content of such signals in accordance with the classification.
In the field of multimedia information-processing and content understanding, the issue of automated video genre classification from an input video stream is becoming of increased significance. With the emergence of digital TV broadcasts of several hundred channels and the availability of large digital video libraries, there are increasing needs for the provision of an automated system to help a user choose or verify a desired programme based on the semantic content thereof. Such a system may be used to “watch” a short segment of a video sequence (e.g. a clip of 10 seconds long), and then inform a user with confidence which genre (such as, for example, sport, news, commercial, cartoon, or music video ) of progrmamme the programme might be. Furthermore, on “scanning” through the video programme, the system may effectively identify, for example, a commercial break in a news report or a sport broadcast.
Conventional approaches for video genre classification or scene analysis tend to adopt a step-by-step heuristics-based inference strategy (see, for example, S. Fischer, R. Lienhart, and W. Effelsberg, “Automatic recognition of film genres,” Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Conference, 1995, or Z. Liu, Y. Wang, and T. Chen, “Audio feature extraction and analysis for scene segmentation and classification,” Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, Special issue on Multimedia Signal Processing, pp 61-79, October 1998). They usually proceed by first extracting certain low-level visual and/or audio features, from which an attempt is made to build the so-called intermediate-level semantics representation (signatures, style attributes etc) that is likely to be specific to any certain genre. Finally the genre identity is hypothesised and verified using precompiled knowledge-based heuristic rules or learning methods. The main problem with these approaches is the need of using a combination of many different styles' attributes for content recognition. It is not known what the most significant attributes are, or what the style profiles (rules) of all major video genre are in terms of these attributes.
Recently, a data-driven statistically based video genre modelling approach has been developed, as described in M. J. Roach and J. S. D. Mason, “Classification of video genre using audio,” Proceedings of Eurospeech'2001 and M. J. Roach, J. S. D. Mason, L.-Q. Xu “Classification of non-edited broadcast video using holistic low-level features,” to appear in Proceedings of International Workshop on Digital Communications: Advanced Methods for Multimedia Signal Processing (IWDC'2002), Capri, Italy. With such a method the video genre classification task is cast into a data modelling and classification problem through a direct analysis of the relationship between low-level feature distributions and genre identities. The main challenges faced by this approach are two-fold. First, the fact that a genre, e.g. commercial, covers a wide range of video styles/contents/semantic structures means there exists inevitably large within-class feature sample variations. Second, owing to the short-term (i.e. local) based analysis the boundaries between any two genres, e.g. music video and commercial, are often not clearly defined. So far these issues have not been properly addressed. In the following we give a more detailed analysis of this method.
Motivated by the apparent success in the field of text-independent speaker recognition (see for example D. A. Reynolds and R. C. Rose, “Robust text-independent speaker identification using Gaussian mixture speaker models,” IEEE Trans. on Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 72-83, 1995), in previous works, the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) was introduced to model the class-based probabilistic distribution of audio and/or visual feature vectors in a high-dimensional feature space. These features are computed directly from successive short segments of audio and/or visual signals of a video sequence, accounting for e.g. 46 ms audio information or 640 ms visual information albeit in a crude representation, respectively (see M. J. Roach, J. S. D. Mason, L.-Q. Xu, “Classification of non-edited broadcast video using holistic low-level features.” To appear in Proceedings of International Workshop on Digital Communications: Advanced Methods for Multimedia Signal Processing (IWDC'2002), Capri, Italy.). In M. J. Roach and J. S. D. Mason, “Classification of video genre using audio,” Proceedings of Eurospeech'2001 and M. J. Roach, J. S. D. Mason, and M. Pawlewski, “Video genre classification using dynamics,” Proceedings of ICASSP'2001 Roach et al. proposed to learn a “world” model in the first instance, which was then used to facilitate the training of “each” individual class model to compensate for the lacking of enough training data for each class. In their work, as many as 256 and 512 Gaussian components or more were used. No explicit or sensible temporal information of the video stream at a segmental level is incorporated except that the acoustic feature used has built into it some short-term (e.g. 138 ms) transitional changes. This assumption that the successive feature vectors from the source video sequence are largely independent of each other is not appropriate.
Another problem with the GMM is the “curse of dimensionality”; therefore it is not normally used for handling data in a very high dimensional space due to the need of a large amount of training data, rather low dimensional features are adopted. For example, In M. J. Roach, J. S. D. Mason, and M. Pawlewski, “Video genre classification using dynamics,” Proceedings of ICASSP'2001 the dimension of a typical feature vector is 24 in the case of simplistic dynamic visual features, and 28 when using Mel-scaled cepstral coefficients (MFCC) plus delta-MFCC acoustic features.
In classification (operational) mode, given an appropriate decision time window, all the feature vectors falling within the window from a test video are fed to the class-labelled GMM models. The model with the highest accumulated log-likelihood is declared to be the winner, to which class the video genre belongs.
Meanwhile, subspace data analysis has also been of great interest in this area, especially when the dimensionality of data samples is very high. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or KL transform, one of the most often used subspace analysis methods, involves a linear transformation that represents a number of usually correlated variables into a smaller number of uncorrelated variables—orthonormal basis vectors—called principal components. Normally, the first few principal components account for most of the variation in the data samples used to construct the PCA.
However, PCA seeks to extract the “global” most expressive features in the sense of least mean squared residual error. It does not provide any discriminating features for multi-class classification problems. To deal with this problem, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) (see R. Fisher, “The statistical utilization of multiple measurements,” Annals of Eugenics, Vol. 8, pages 376-386, 1938, and K. Fukunaga. Introduction to statistical pattern recognition. Academic Press. 1972) was developed to compute a linear transformation that maximises the between-class variance and minimises the within-class variance. Daniel L. Swets and John (Juyang) Weng in “Using discriminant eigenfeatures for image retrieval,” IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp 831-836, August 1996. used the LDA for face recognition and whilst discounting the within-class variance due to lighting and expression, the LDA features of all the training samples are stored as models. The recognition of a new sample (face) is done using the k-Nearest Neighbour technique; no attempts were made in modelling the distributions of the LDA features. The main reason as quoted is the high-dimensionality of the data space, also there are too many classes (603) and too few samples for each class (ranging from 2 to 14) to actually estimate the probability distributions at all.
However, LDA suffers from the performance degradation when the patterns of different classes cannot be linearly separable. Another shortcoming of LDA is that the possible number of basis vectors, i.e. the dimension of the LDA feature space, is equal to C−1 where C is the number of classes to be identified. Obviously, it cannot provide an effective representation for problems with a small number of classes while the pattern distribution of each individual class is complicated.
In “Kernel principal component analysis,” Proceedings of ICANN'97, 583-588, Berlin 1997, Bernhard Scholkopf, A. Smola, and K-R Muller presented Kernel PCA (KPCA) that is capable of modelling the non-linear variation through a kernel function. The basic idea is to project the original data onto a high-dimensional feature space and utilise a linear PCA there based on an assumption that the variation in the feature space is linear.
As will be apparent from the above discussion, subspace data analysis methods can afford to deal with very high-dimensional features. On considering the exploitation of this characteristic further and the use of such kind of methods to video analysis tasks, we recognise the two important domain specific issues have to be addressed. First, the temporal structure (or dynamic) information is crucial, as manifested at different time scales by various meaningful instantiations of a genre, and therefore must be embedded into the feature sample space, which could be very complex. Second, the between-class (genre) variance of the data samples should be maximised and the within-class (genre) variance minimised so those different video genres can be modelled and distinguished more efficiently. With these in mind we now take a close look at a most recent development of the non-linear subspace analysis method—Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA).
As discussed above, PCA is not intrinsically designed for extracting discriminating features, and LDA is limited to linear problems. In this work, we adopt KDA to extract the non-linear discriminating features for video genre classification.
With reference to
Formally, KDA can be computed using the following algorithm (see Yongmin Li et al. “Recognising trajectories of facial identities using Kernel Discriminant Analysis,” Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, pp 613-622, Manchester, September 2001). For a set of training patterns {x}, which are categorised into C classes, φ is defined as a non-linear map from the input space to a high-dimensional feature space. Then by performing LDA in the feature space, one can obtain a non-linear representation for the patterns in the original input space. However, computing φ explicitly may be problematic or even impossible. By employing a kernel function
k(x, y)=(φ(x)·φ(y)) (1)
the inner product of two vectors x and y in the feature space can be calculated directly in the input space.
The problem can be finally formulated as an eigen-decomposition problem
Aα=λα (2)
The N×N matrix A is defined as
where N is the number of all training patterns, Nc is the number of patterns in class c, (Kc)ij:=k(xi, xj) is an N×Nc kernel matrix, and (1N
Assuming that v is an imaginary basis vector in the high-dimensional feature space, one can calculate the projection of a new pattern x onto the basis vector v by
(φ(x)·v)=αTkx (4)
where kx=(k(x, x1), k(x, x2), . . . , k(x, xN))T. Constructing the eigen-matrix U=[α1, α2, . . . , αM] from the first M significant eigenvectors of A, the projection of x in the M-dimensional KDA space is given by
y=UTkx (5)
The characteristics of KDA can be illustrated in
In view of the present video and audio genre content identification techniques which exhibit weaknesses with the conventional step-by-step heuristics-based approaches for video genre classification and also problems faced by the current data-driven statistically based video genre modelling approach, there is clearly a need for a new genre content identification method and system which overcomes these problems and achieves more robust classification and verification results with minimum human intervention.
The invention addresses the above problems by directly modelling the semantic relationship between low-level features distribution and its global genre identities without using any heuristics. By doing so we have incorporated compact spatial-temporal audio-visual information and introduced enhanced feature class discriminating abilities by adopting an analysis method such as Kernel Discriminant Analysis or Principal Component Analysis. Some of the key contributions of this invention consist in three aspects; first, the seamless integration of short-term audio-visual features for complete video content description; second, the embodiment of proper video temporal dynamics at a segmental level into the training data samples; and thirdly in the use of Kernel Discriminant Analysis or Principal Component Analysis for low-dimensional abstract feature extraction.
In view of the above, from a first aspect the present invention presents a method of generating class models of semantically classifiable data of known classes, comprising the steps of:
The first aspect therefore allows for class models of semantic classes to be generated, which may then be stored and used for future classification of semantically classifiable data.
Therefore, from a second aspect the invention also presents a method of identifying the semantic class of a set of semantically classifiable data, comprising the steps of:
The second aspect allows input data to be classified according to its semantic content into one of the previously identified classes of data.
In one embodiment the set of semantically classifiable data is audio data, whereas in another embodiment the set of semantically classifiable data is visual data. Moreover, within a preferred embodiment the set of semantically classifiable data contains both audio and visual data. The semantic classes for the data may be, for example, sport, news, commercial, cartoon, or music video.
The analysing step may use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to perform the analysis, although within the preferred embodiment the analysing step uses Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA). The KDA is capable of minimising within-class variance and maximising between-class variances for a more accurate and robust multi-class classification.
In the preferred embodiment the combining step further comprises concatenating the extracted characteristic features into the respective N-dimensional feature vectors. Where audio and visual data are present within the input data, the data is normalised prior to concatenation.
In addition to the above, from a third aspect the invention provides a system for generating class models of semantically classifiable data of known classes, comprising:
In addition from a fourth aspect there is also provided a system for identifying the semantic class of a set of semantically classifiable data, comprising:
In the third and fourth aspects the same advantages and further features can be obtained as previously described in respect of the first and second aspects.
From a fifth aspect the present invention further provides a computer program so arranged such that when executed on a computer it causes the computer to perform the method of any of the previously described first or second aspects.
Moreover, from a sixth aspect, there is also provided a computer readable storage medium arranged to store a computer program according to the fifth aspect of the invention. The computer readable storage medium may be any magnetic, optical, magneto-optical, solid-state, or other storage medium capable of being read by a computer.
Further features and advantages of the present invention will become apparent from the following description of an embodiment thereof, presented by way of example only, and made with reference to the accompanying drawings, wherein like reference numerals refer to like parts, and wherein:
FIGS. 4(a)-(d) represent a sequence of graphs illustrating the solutions to a theoretical problem using, PCA, LDA, KPCA and KDA, respectively;
An embodiment of the invention will now be described. As the invention is primarily embodied as computer software running on a computer, the description of the embodiment will be made essentially in two parts. Firstly, a description of a general purpose computer which forms the hardware of the invention, and provides the operating environment for the computer software will be given. Then, the software modules which form the embodiment and the operation which they cause the computer to perform when executed thereby will be described.
With specific reference to
It will be appreciated that
With reference to
Additionally coupled to the system bus 140 is a network interface 162 in the form of a network card or the like arranged to allow the computer system 1 to communicate with other computer systems over a network 190. The network 190 may be a local area network, wide area network, local wireless network, or the like. In particular, IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN networks may be of particular use to allow for mobility of the computer system. The network interface 162 allows the computer system 1 to form logical connections over the network 190 with other computer systems such as servers, routers, or peer-level computers, for the exchange of programs or data.
In addition, there is also provided a hard disk drive interface 166 which is coupled to the system bus 140, and which controls the reading from and writing to of data or programs from or to a hard disk drive 168. All of the hard disk drive 168, optical disks used with the optical drive 110, or floppy disks used with the floppy disk 112 provide non-volatile storage of computer readable instructions, data structures, program modules, and other data for the computer system 1. Although these three specific types of computer readable storage media have been described here, it will be understood by the intended reader that other types of computer readable media which can store data may be used, and in particular magnetic cassettes, flash memory cards, tape storage drives, digital versatile disks, or the like.
Each of the computer readable storage media such as the hard disk drive 168, or any floppy disks or optical disks, may store a variety of programs, program modules, or data. In particular, the hard disk drive 168 in the embodiment particularly stores a number of application programs 175, application program data 174, other programs required by the computer system 1 or the user 173, a computer system operating system 172 such as Microsoft® Windows®, Linux™, Unix™, or the like, as well as user data in the form of files, data structures, or other data 171. The hard disk drive 168 provides non volatile storage of the aforementioned programs and data such that the programs and data can be permanently stored without power.
In order for the computer system 1 to make use of the application programs or data stored on the hard disk drive 168, or other computer readable storage media, the system memory 118 provides the random access memory 120, which provides memory storage for the application programs, program data, other programs, operating systems, and user data, when required by the computer system 1. When these programs and data are loaded in the random access memory 120, a specific portion of the memory 125 will hold the application programs, another portion 124 may hold the program data, a third portion 123 the other programs, a fourth portion 122 the operating system, and a fifth portion 121 may hold the user data. It will be understood by the intended reader that the various programs and data may be moved in and out of the random access memory 120 by the computer system as required. More particularly, where a program or data is not being used by the computer system, then it is likely that it will not be stored in the random access memory 120, but instead will be returned to non-volatile storage on the hard disk 168.
The system memory 118 also provides read only memory 130, which provides memory storage for the basic input and output system (BIOS) containing the basic information and commands to transfer information between the system elements within the computer system 1. The BIOS is essential at system start-up, in order to provide basic information as to how the various system elements communicate with each other and allow for the system to boot-up.
Where the computer system 1 is used in a network environment, it should further be understood that the application programs, other programs, and other data which may be stored locally in the computer system may also be stored, either alternatively or additionally, on remote computers, and accessed by the computer system 1 by logical connections formed over the network 190.
Having described the hardware required in the embodiment of the invention, in the following we now describe the system framework of our embodiment for video genre classification, explaining the functionality of various software component modules. This is followed by a detailed analysis on composing a compact spatial-temporal feature vector at a video segmental level encapsulating the generic semantic content of a video genre. Note that within the following such a feature vector is called both a “sample” or a “sample vector” interchangeably.
The video class-identities learning module is shown schematically in
The input (sequence of) training samples have been carefully designed and computed to contain characteristic spatial-temporal audio-visual information over the length of a small video segment. These sample vectors being inherently non-linear in the high dimensional input space are then subject to KDA/PCA to extract the most discriminating basis vectors that maximise the between-class variance and minimise the within-class variance. Using the first M significant basis vectors, each input training sample is mapped, through a kernel function, onto a feature point in this new M-dimensional feature space (c.f. equation (5)).
At the class identities modelling module 56, the distribution of the features in the M-dimensional feature space belonging to each intended class can then be further modelled using any appropriate techniques. The choices for further modelling could range from using no model at all (i.e. simply storing all the training samples for each class), the K-Means clustering method, to adopting the GMM or a neural network such as the Radial basis function (RBF) network. Whichever modelling method is used (if any), the resulting model is then output from the class identities learning module 56 as a class identity model 58, and stored in a model store (not shown, but for example the system memory 118, or the hard disk 168) for future use in data genre classification. In addition, the M significant basis vectors are also stored, with the class models. Thus, the video class-identities learning module allows a training sample of known class to be input therein, and then generates a class based model, which is then stored for future use in classifying data of unknown genre class by comparison thereagainst.
With reference to
For each consecutive two video frames, the prominent visual features e.g. a selection of those motion/colour/texture descriptors discussed in MPEG-7 “Multimedia Content Description Interface” (see Sylvie Jeannin and Ajay Divakaran, “MPEG-7 Visual Motion Descriptors,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2001 and B. S. Manjunath, Jens-Rainer Ohm, Vinod V. Vasudevan, and Akio Yamada, “Color and texture descriptors,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2001) are computed by the visual features extractor 62. Correspondingly, the audio track is analysed by the audio features extractor 64, and the characteristic acoustic features, e.g. short-term spectral estimation, fundamental frequency etc, are extracted and if necessary synchronised with the visual information over the 40 ms video frame interval. The audio-visual features thus computed by the two extractors are then fed to the feature binder module 66. Here, those features that fall within a predefined transitional window Tt are normalised and concatenated to form a high-dimensional spatial-temporal feature vector, i.e. the sample. More detailed consideration of the operation of the feature binder, and of the properties of the feature vectors, is given next.
It should be noted here that the invention as here described can be applied to any good semantics-bearing feature vectors extracted from the video content, i.e. from the visual image sequences and/or its companion audio sequence. That is, the invention can be applied to audio data only, visual data only, or both audio and visual data together. These three possibilities are discussed in turn below.
In comparison with the tasks of pattern/object recognition, the video genre classification is potentially more challenging. First, there is only a notional “class” label assigned to a video segment by a human user, the underlying data structure (signatures/identities) of the “same class” could be quite different. Second, the dynamics (temporal variation) embedded in the segment could be essential in differentiating the semantics of different classes. These properties, however, have also brought us with many opportunities to exploit a rich set of features for content/semantics characterisation. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the feature vectors can assume either a visual mode or an acoustic (audio) mode, or indeed the combined audio-visual mode, as discussed respectively below.
Regarding visual features first, assume a typical video frame rate of 25 fps, or 40 ms frame interval. If for each frame, the number of holistic spatial-temporal features (explaining e.g. motion/colour/texture) extracted is nv=100, then the equivalent number of video frames that can be packed into one training sample would be ˜25344/nv≈250 to reach the comparable space dimension of a QCIF (144×176) image used in object recognition task. This would account for about 10 seconds long video, while only one single frame (equally 40 ms) can be stored with the original image dimension! This is however too long, and the training operation for a class model may never converge. In practice therefore we consider analysing a one-second long video clip at one time, corresponding to 25 video frames that gives an input feature space of 2500 dimensions.
For audio features, assume an audio sampling rate of 11,025 Hz (or down sampled by a factor of 4 from the CD quality rate 44.1 kHz). If we estimate the short-term spectrum using an analysis window of 23 ms long, and the window shifts by 10 ms, the acoustic parameters computed are 12th-order MFCC and its transitional features, or 12 delta MFCC. To synchronise the audio stream with the video frame rate, the dimension of the acoustic feature vector would be, na=4(nsa+nta)=4(12+12)=96, where superscript a denotes audio feature. For a one-second long audio clip this amounts to 2400 dimension by simple concatenation.
Finally, for audio-visual features, either the visual or audio features discussed above can be used alone for video content description and genre characterisation. However, it does not make sense if we are not taking advantage of the complementary and richer expressive and discriminative power of the combined audio-visual multimedia feature. For an illustrative purpose, we use the figures mentioned above by simply concatenating the two, then the number of synchronised audio-visual features over one-second long video clip is nclip=25(na+nv)=25(96+100)=4900. Note that proper normalisation is needed to form this feature vector sample. It is also noted from
When considering both audio and video data together, however, there is an additional concern that synchronisation between the two must be taken into account. An illustration of an audio-visual feature synchronisation step performed by the feature binder 66 is given in
X={V1A1,1A1,2A1,3A1,4V2A2,1A2,2 A2,3A2,4 . . . V25A25,1A25,2A25,3A25,4}
where Vi denotes visual feature vector extracted and normalised for frame i, and Ai,1 Ai,2 Ai,3 Ai,4 represents corresponding audio features extracted and normalised for a visual frame interval, 40 ms in this case.
The feature binder 66 therefore outputs a sample stream of feature vectors bound together into a high-dimensional matrix structure, which is the used as the input to the KDA analyser module. The input to the feature extraction module 70 as a whole may be either known data of known class and which is to be used to generate a class model or signature thereof, or data of unknown class which is required to be classified. The operation of the classification (recognition) module which performs such classification will be discussed next.
In view of the above arrangement, the detailed operation of the recogntion module is as follows. A test video segment first undergoes the process of the same feature extraction module 70 as shown in
One of the important parameters worthy of more discussion is the decision time window Td, by which we mean the time interval when an answer is required as to the genre of the video programme the system is monitoring. It could be 1 second, 15 seconds, or 30 seconds. The choice is application-dependent, as some demand immediate answers, whilst others can afford certain reasonable delays. There is also a trade-off existing between the accuracy of the classification and the decision time desired, as a longer decision window tends to encapsulate richer contextual or temporal information, which in turn is expected to deliver more robust performance in terms of low false acceptance (positive) and false rejection (negative) rate.
We turn now to a brief discussion of the computational complexity considerations of the embodiment of the invention. Assume a collection of large video database that contains five video genre including news, commercial, music video, cartoon, and sport, each being made up of a number of recorded video clips. The total length of each genre is about two hours, so that gives an overall of 10 hours source video data at our disposal, most of which being selected from the MPEG-7 test data set. In the experiments described, one hour long material for each genre is used for training, and the other one hour for testing.
In view of discussions above and adopting a one-second (25-frame) transitional window, or Tt=1000 ms, we now have a training sample size N=5×3600=18,000, and Nc=3600 for each class c=1, 2, . . . , 5, in a 4900-dimensional feature space. These samples are then subjected to KDA analysis to extract the most discriminant basis vectors. We experiment with M=20 basis vectors, the samples in each class is then projected via the kernel function onto these basis vectors to give rise to new feature clusters. A non-parametric or parametric modelling method as described by Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart and David G. Stork in Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis Part 1: Pattern Classification, 2nd edition, Wiley, New York, 2000 is then employed to characterise the class-based sample distributions.
One of the main drawbacks with the KDA, and in fact with any kernel-based analysis method, is the computational complexity related to the size of the training set N (c.f. the kernel function matrix kx in equation (5)). We propose to randomly select the original training data set for each class by a factor of 5, which gives us a total of N=3600 training samples to work on, with Nc=720 samples for each class.
Adopt a Gaussian kernel function,
where 2σ2=1.
Using Equation (3) we can derive the matrix A of N×N=3600×3600. By eigen-decomposing this matrix, we can then obtain a set of N-dimensional eigen (basis) vectors (α1, α2, . . . , αN), corresponding to in descent order the eigen values (λ1, λ2, . . . , λN). If we construct the eigen-matrix using the first M significant eigenvectors, or U=[α1, α2, . . . αM], the size of which is N×M=3600×M, then for a new data sample vector x in the original input space, its projection onto v in the M-dimensional feature space can be computed using equation (5).
Apparently, there is another trade-off here: A large training ensemble tends to give better class identities model representation, leading to accurate and robust classification results, but in return it demands longer computational time. Note that, in the discussions above, the input feature samples to KDA analysis module are assumed to be zero mean or centred data. If they are not then modifications should be made according to the description in Yongmin Li et al. “Recognising trajectories of facial identities using Kernel Discriminant Analysis,” Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference, pp 613-622, Manchester, September 2001.
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, throughout the description and the claims, the words “comprise”, “comprising” and the like are to be construed in an inclusive as opposed to an exclusive or exhaustive sense; that is to say, in the sense of “including, but not limited to”.
Moreover, for the avoidance of doubt, where reference has been given to a prior art document or disclosure, whose contents, whether as a whole or in part thereof, are necessary for the understanding of the operation or implementation of any of the embodiments of the present invention by the intended reader, being a man skilled in the art, then said contents should be taken as being incorporated herein by said reference thereto.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
02255067.7 | Jul 2002 | EP | regional |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/GB03/03008 | 7/9/2003 | WO | 1/19/2005 |