Aspects of a method and system for signal processing are disclosed and may include using a frequency doubler to double the frequency of a reference signal utilized by a phase-frequency detector (PFD) in a fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL) synthesizer. Detecting and correcting a digital reference signal connected to the input of the frequency doubler. The digital reference signal may be generated by amplifying the difference between a low slew-rate reference signal and a reference voltage through a comparator. The reference voltage signal may be generated based on the detected duty-cycle of the digital reference signal. The duty-cycle of the digital reference signal may be adjusted by varying the generated reference voltage signal. The reference voltage may be generated by using difference of DC level of the digital reference signal and half rail. The reference voltage signal may be generated using a voltage digital-to-analog converter (DAC).

Certain embodiments of the invention relate to signal processing. More specifically, certain embodiments of the invention relate to a method and system for doubling phase detector comparison frequency for a fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL).


Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) have gained significant popularity and are widely deployed because of the flexibility and convenience in connectivity that they provide. WLANs enable connections to devices that are located within somewhat large geographical areas, such as the area covered by a building or a campus, for example. WLAN systems are based on IEEE 802.11 standard specifications, which typically operate within a 100-meter range, and are generally utilized to supplement the communication capacity provided by traditional wired Local Area Networks (LANs) installed in the same geographic area as the WLAN systems.

The introduction of networks based on the new IEEE 802.11n standard specifications promises to at least double the theoretical wireless bandwidth of today's 54 Mbit/s data rates supported by IEEE 802.11a/g networks, for example. In fact, networks based on the proposed IEEE 802.11n specifications may be able to offer up to 10 times the capacity offered by current WLAN systems.

Because of the increases in data rates supported by forthcoming WLAN systems, more demanding specifications may be required for the design of frequency synthesizers used in wireless terminals, such as mobile devices, for example, and/or in access points (APs) to generate the reference signals used for IEEE 802.11n operation. WLAN radios may also be integrated into a cellular phone. For such embedded application, a frequency synthesizer may need to be able to operate over a wide range of reference frequencies. At the same time, loop bandwidth may have to be sufficiently high to meet settling requirements when a WLAN radio is switched between receiving and transmitting operations.

Optimizing the design of a frequency synthesizer requires that both high bandwidth and low phase noise specifications are met simultaneously, a task that may generally be difficult to achieve. In this regard, fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers may be utilized in wireless terminals to try to meet simultaneous fine resolution and high bandwidth. The fractional-N PLL frequency synthesizer enables dithering a divide value between integer values in order to produce a fractional divide value that is utilized in the frequency synthesizer's feedback loop. However, the dithering operation may generally introduce quantization noise into the frequency synthesizer, negatively impacting the overall phase noise performance. Moreover, as the bandwidth in the loop increases more quantization noise appears at the output. However, a higher bandwidth may better suppress the noise contributed by a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). When trying to achieve a given noise specification, different noise sources inside the PLL may result in conflicting requirements on loop bandwidth. In this regard, performance optimization becomes an important aspect of the frequency synthesizer design.

Further limitations and disadvantages of conventional and traditional approaches will become apparent to one of skill in the art, through comparison of such systems with some aspects of the present invention as set forth in the remainder of the present application with reference to the drawings.


A system and/or method is provided for doubling phase-frequency detector comparison frequency for a fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL), substantially as shown in and/or described in connection with at least one of the figures, as set forth more completely in the claims.

These and other advantages, aspects and novel features of the present invention, as well as details of an illustrated embodiment thereof, will be more fully understood from the following description and drawings.


FIG. 1A is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary wireless terminal, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 1B is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary RF receiver in a mobile terminal, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 1C is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL) synthesizer for use in a wireless terminal, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary frequency doubler, which may be used in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary circuit for adjusting the duty-cycle of a digital signal using a reference voltage signal, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary circuit for adjusting the duty-cycle of a digital signal using a feedback control loop, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary circuit comprising a frequency doubler and a circuit for duty-cycle adjustment of a digital signal when the input signal is a sinusoidal crystal oscillator signal or a low slew-rate off-chip clock signal using a feedback control loop, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 6 is a flow diagram illustrating exemplary steps for duty-cycle adjustment, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.


Certain embodiments of the invention may be found in a method and system for doubling phase-frequency detector (PFD) comparison frequency for a fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL). Aspects of the method may comprise using a comparator to compare an input low slew-rate reference signal with a reference voltage signal, and amplify the difference into a rail-to-rail digital reference signal. The duty-cycle of this digital reference signal may be detected and adjusted in a fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL) synthesizer. The reference voltage signal may be generated based on the detected duty-cycle of the digital reference signal. The detected duty-cycle of the digital reference signal may be adjusted based on the generated reference voltage signal when the detected duty-cycle of the digital reference signal is different from a reference duty-cycle value. The low slew-rate reference signal may be compared with the generated reference voltage signal using the comparator. The duty-cycle of the subsequent digital reference signal may be adjusted based on the generated reference voltage signal. The reference duty-cycle value may be approximately equal to 50%. The reference voltage signal may be generated based on the difference between a DC content of the digital reference signal voltage and a rail-related voltage. The reference voltage signal may be generated using a voltage digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The generation of the reference voltage signal may be disabled based on the detected duty-cycle of the input reference signal. The input low slew-rate reference signal may comprise a sinusoidal crystal oscillator reference signal or an off-chip clock reference signal. The duty-cycle corrected digital reference signal may be subsequently fed to a frequency doubler which may generate an output signal at twice the frequency of the input frequency. This output signal may be subsequently utilized by the PFD in the PLL.

FIG. 1A is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary wireless terminal, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. Referring to FIG. 1A, there is shown a wireless terminal 120 that may comprise an RF receiver 123a, an RF transmitter 123b, a digital baseband processor 129, a processor 125, and a memory 127. A single transmit and receive antenna 121a may be communicatively coupled to the RF receiver 123a and the RF transmitter 123b. A switch or other device having switching capabilities may be coupled between the RF receiver 123a and RF transmitter 123b, and may be utilized to switch the antenna between transmit and receive functions. The wireless terminal 120 may be operated in a system, such as the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), a cellular network and/or digital video broadcast network, for example. In this regard, the wireless terminal 120 may support a plurality of wireless communication protocols, including the IEEE 802.11n standard specifications for WLAN networks.

The RF receiver 123a may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable processing of received RF signals. The RF receiver 123a may enable receiving RF signals in a plurality of frequency bands in accordance with the wireless communications protocols that may be supported by the wireless terminal 120. Each frequency band supported by the RF receiver 123a may have a corresponding front-end circuit for handling low noise amplification and down conversion operations, for example. In this regard, the RF receiver 123a may be referred to as a multi-band receiver when it supports more than one frequency band. In another embodiment of the invention, the wireless terminal 120 may comprise more than one RF receiver 123a, wherein each of the RF receivers 123a may be a single-band or a multi-band receiver. The RF receiver 123a may be implemented on a chip. In an embodiment of the invention, the RF receiver 123a may be integrated with the RF transmitter 123b on a chip to comprise an RF transceiver, for example. In another embodiment of the invention, the RF receiver 123a may be integrated on a chip with more than one component in the wireless terminal 120.

The RF receiver 123a may quadrature down convert the received RF signal to a baseband frequency signal that comprises an in-phase (I) component and a quadrature (Q) component. The RF receiver 123a may perform direct down conversion of the received RF signal to a baseband frequency signal, for example. In some instances, the RF receiver 123a may enable analog-to-digital conversion of the baseband signal components before transferring the components to the digital baseband processor 129. In other instances, the RF receiver 123a may transfer the baseband signal components in analog form.

The digital baseband processor 129 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable processing and/or handling of baseband frequency signals. In this regard, the digital baseband processor 129 may process or handle signals received from the RF receiver 123a and/or signals to be transferred to the RF transmitter 123b, when the RF transmitter 123b is present, for transmission to the network. The digital baseband processor 129 may also provide control and/or feedback information to the RF receiver 123a and to the RF transmitter 123b based on information from the processed signals. The digital baseband processor 129 may communicate information and/or data from the processed signals to the processor 125 and/or to the memory 127. Moreover, the digital baseband processor 129 may receive information from the processor 125 and/or to the memory 127, which may be processed and transferred to the RF transmitter 123b for transmission to the network. In an embodiment of the invention, the digital baseband processor 129 may be integrated on a chip with more than one component in the wireless terminal 120.

The RF transmitter 123b may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable processing of RF signals for transmission. The RF transmitter 123b may enable transmission of RF signals in a plurality of frequency bands. Each frequency band supported by the RF transmitter 123b may have a corresponding front-end circuit for handling amplification and up conversion operations, for example. In this regard, the RF transmitter 123b may be referred to as a multi-band transmitter when it supports more than one frequency band. In another embodiment of the invention, the wireless terminal 120 may comprise more than one RF transmitter 123b, wherein each of the RF transmitters 123b may be a single-band or a multi-band transmitter. The RF transmitter 123b may be implemented on a chip. In an embodiment of the invention, the RF transmitter 123b may be integrated with the RF receiver 123a on a chip to comprise an RF transceiver, for example. In another embodiment of the invention, the RF transmitter 123b may be integrated on a chip with more than one component in the wireless terminal 120.

The RF transmitter 123b may quadrature up-convert the baseband frequency signal comprising l/Q components to an RF signal. The RF transmitter 123b may perform direct up conversion of the baseband frequency signal to a baseband frequency signal, for example. In some instances, the RF transmitter 123b may enable digital-to-analog conversion of the baseband signal components received from the digital baseband processor 129 before up conversion. In other instances, the RF transmitter 123b may receive baseband signal components in analog form.

The processor 125 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable control and/or data processing operations for the wireless terminal 120. The processor 125 may be utilized to control at least a portion of the RF receiver 123a, the RF transmitter 123b, the digital baseband processor 129, and/or the memory 127. In this regard, the processor 125 may generate at least one signal for controlling operations within the wireless terminal 120. The processor 125 may also enable executing of applications that may be utilized by the wireless terminal 120. For example, the processor 125 may generate at least one control signal and/or may execute applications that may enable current and proposed WLAN communications in the wireless terminal 120.

The memory 127 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable storage of data and/or other information utilized by the wireless terminal 120. For example, the memory 127 may be utilized for storing processed data generated by the digital baseband processor 129 and/or the processor 125. The memory 127 may also be utilized to store information, such as configuration information, that may be utilized to control the operation of at least one block in the wireless terminal 120. For example, the memory 127 may comprise information necessary to configure the RF receiver 123a for receiving WLAN signals in the appropriate frequency band.

FIG. 1B is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary RF receiver in a mobile terminal, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. Referring to FIG. 1B, there is shown an RF receiver 130 that may comprise an RF front-end 131, a baseband block 133a, a received signal strength indicator (RSSI) block 133b, and a frequency synthesizer 133c. The RF receiver 130 may correspond to the RF receiver 123a in the wireless terminal 120 disclosed in FIG. 1A, for example.

The RF receiver 130 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable handling of a plurality of RF signals that may comprise signals in accordance with the IEEE 802.11n standard specifications for WLAN networks. The RF receiver 130 may be enabled via an enable signal, such as the signal EN 139a, for example. At least a portion of the circuitry within the RF receiver 130 may be controlled via the control interface 139b. The control interface 139b may receive information from, for example, a processor, such as the processor 125 and/or the digital baseband processor 129 disclosed in FIG. 1A. The control interface 139b may comprise more than one bit. For example, when implemented as a 2-bit interface, the control interface 139b may be an inter-integrated circuit (12C) interface.

The RF front-end 131 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable low noise amplification and direct down conversion of RF signals. In this regard, the RF front-end 131 may utilize an integrated low noise amplifier (LNA) and mixers, such as passive mixers, for example. The RF front-end 131 may communicate the resulting baseband frequency signals to the baseband block 133a for further processing. In an embodiment of the invention, the RF front-end 131 may enable receiving RF signals in a plurality of frequency bands that may comprise the frequency band utilized for WLAN communications. In this regard, the RF front-end 131 may be implemented by utilizing separate RF front-end blocks for each of the frequency bands supported, for example.

The frequency synthesizer 133c may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable generating the appropriate local oscillator (LO) signal or reference signal for performing down conversion in the RF front-end 131. Since the frequency synthesizer 133c may enable fractional multiplication of a source frequency when generating the LO signal, a large range of crystal oscillators may be utilized as a frequency source for the frequency synthesizer 133c. This approach may enable the use of an existing crystal oscillator in a mobile terminal PCB, thus reducing the number of external components necessary to support the operations of the RF receiver 130, for example. In some instances, the frequency synthesizer 133c may have at least one integrated voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) for generating the LO signal. For example, the frequency synthesizer 133c may be implemented based on fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL) synthesizer design to enable high bandwidth and to achieve low phase noise specifications. In this regard, the design of the frequency synthesizer 133c may be required to support higher data rates, such as the data rates specified in the IEEE 802.11n standard for WLAN networks, for example.

The baseband block 133a may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable processing of l/Q components generated from the down conversion operations in the RF front-end 131. The baseband block 133a may enable amplification and/or filtering of the I/Q components in analog form. The baseband block 133a may also enable communication of the processed I component, that is, signal 135a, and of the processed Q component, that is, signal 135c, to an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for digital conversion before being communicated to the digital baseband processor 129, for example.

The RSSI block 133b may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable measuring the strength, that is, the RSSI value, of a received RF signal. The RSSI block 133b may be implemented based on a logarithmic amplifier, for example. The RSSI measurement may be performed, for example, after the received RF signal is amplified in the RF front-end 131. The RSSI block 133b may enable communication of the analog RSSI measurement, that is, signal 135e, to an ADC for digital conversion before being communicated to the digital baseband processor 129, for example.

The RF receiver 130 may enable receiving at least one signal, such as the signals AGC_BB 137a and AGC_RF 137b, from the digital baseband processor 129 for adjusting operations of the RF receiver 130. For example, the signal AGC_BB 137a may be utilized to adjust the gain provided by the baseband block 133a on the baseband frequency signals generated from the RF front-end 131. In another example, the signal AGC_RF 137b may be utilized to adjust the gain provided by an integrated LNA in the RF front-end 131. In this regard, the signal AGC_RF 137b may be utilized to adjust the gain during a calibration mode, for example. In another example, the RF receiver 130 may enable receiving from the digital baseband processor 129 at least one control signal or control information via the control interface 139b for adjusting operations within the RF receiver 130.

Notwithstanding that the frequency synthesizer 133c has been shown as comprised within the RF receiver 130, aspects of the invention need not be so limited. In this regard, a frequency synthesizer integrated within an RF receiver may also be utilized with an RF transmitter, such as the RF transmitter 123b disclosed in FIG. 1A, for example. In some instances, a frequency synthesizer may be integrated within the RF transmitter and may be utilized by the RF receiver. In other instances, the frequency synthesizer may be implemented separate from the RF transmitter or the RF receiver, for example. Moreover, when a single RF transceiver is utilized with the wireless terminal 120, the frequency synthesizer may be integrated within the single RF transceiver.

FIG. 1C is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL) synthesizer for use in a wireless terminal, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. Referring to FIG. 1C, there is shown a fractional-N PLL synthesizer 150 that may comprise a D flip-flop 152, a phase-frequency detector (PFD) 154, a charge pump 156, a loop filter 160, a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) 166, a multi-modulus divider (MMD) 168, an adder 170, a Σ-Δ modulator 172, and a reference generator/buffer 174. The fractional-N PLL synthesizer 150 may correspond to the frequency synthesizer 133c disclosed in FIG. 1B. In this regard, the fractional-N PLL synthesizer 150 may be implemented on a chip and may be integrated with other components of the RF receiver 130, for example.

In one embodiment of the invention, the reference generator/buffer 174 may be communicatively coupled to an off-chip crystal (Xtal) and may operate as a crystal oscillator. The fractional-N PLL synthesizer 150 may be designed for operation with a plurality of crystal frequencies in order to generate the local oscillator (LO) or output reference signal that corresponds to a specified wireless communication protocol operation. In this regard, the fractional-N PLL synthesizer 150 may enable generation of an appropriate output reference signal from the Xtal oscillator 174 for operating in accordance with WLAN system requirements. When the crystal frequency is low, a narrower loop bandwidth may be selected for the fractional-N PLL synthesizer 150 to at least partially reduce out-of-band quantization noise. In instances when the crystal frequency is high, a wider loop bandwidth may be selected to at least partially suppress in-band noise produced by the VCO 166.

In another embodiment of the invention, the fractional-N PLL synthesizer 150 may receive an input reference signal from another portion of the RF receiver 130 or from a portion or component from the wireless terminal 120 disclosed in FIG. 1A. The signal may be buffered by the reference generator/buffer 174. In this regard, the fractional-N PLL synthesizer 150 may generate the LO or output reference signal that corresponds to a specified wireless communication protocol operation from the received input reference signal.

The reference generator/buffer 174 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable buffering a received input reference signal. The reference generator/buffer 174 may also enable operation as a crystal oscillator when communicatively coupled to an off-chip crystal. The original frequency of the signal buffered by the reference generator/buffer 174 or the signal generated by the reference generator/buffer 174 operating as a crystal oscillator may be increased by circuitry within the reference generator/buffer 174 that operates as a frequency doubler by generating pulses at both the rising and falling edges of the original reference signal. By doubling the frequency of the signal from the reference generator/buffer 174 to the PFD 154, the PFD 154 may also have to double the phase comparison rate.

The PFD 154 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable controlling the charge pump 156. The PFD 154 may receive an input reference signal, such as the signal 151 from the reference generator/buffer 174, and a divider signal 169 from the MMD 168 in order to generate an UP signal 155 to control the operation of the charge pump 156. The PFD 154 may be enabled by the D flip-flop 152 for general operations and/or during a closed-loop portion of a calibration operation that may be performed on the VCO 166. When the reference generator/buffer 174 utilizes the frequency doubling operation, the PFD 154 may compare the phase at both the rising and falling edges of the original reference signal or original reference clock. This approach may enable improvements to in-band phase noise, by enabling a lower divider ratio, for example, and also to out-of-band noise, by enabling pushing out quantization noise, for example. The improvement may be greater in instances when the reference signal frequency is low.

The charge pump 156 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code the may enable generating an output signal 159 that may be utilized for controlling the operation of the VCO 166. The charge pump 156 may comprise a charge up portion 158a and a charge down portion 158b. The UP signal 155 generated by the PFD 154 may be utilized to enable charging up the output signal 159. The charge up portion 158a may correspond to a one side current (lup), which may be directed by UP signal 155 to charge up the voltage that corresponds to the output signal 159. The charge up portion 158a may be programmable by, for example, the processor 125 and/or the digital baseband processor 129 disclosed in FIG. 1A in accordance with crystal and VCO frequencies to optimize loop characteristics. The charge down portion 158b may correspond to a constant leakage current that creates a phase offset and enables charging down a voltage that corresponds to the output signal 159. As a result, when the fractional-N PLL synthesizer 150 locks in, the phase error may be away from the zero crossing point, which may lead to a better charge pump linearity. A more linear charge pump may reduce quantization noise folding and lower close-in fractional spur, for example. The charge down portion 158b may be programmable by, for example, the processor 125 and/or the digital baseband processor 129 disclosed in FIG. 1A, in accordance with the charge up portion 158a.

The loop filter 160 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable filtering the output signal 159 generated by the charge pump 156 to produce a filtered signal 165 that may be utilized for controlling the operation of the VCO 166. In one embodiment of the invention, the loop filter 160 may comprise resistors R1162a, R2162b, and R3162c, and capacitors C1164a, C2164b, C3164c, and C4164d. The components of the loop filter 160 may be programmable by, for example, the processor 125 and/or the digital baseband processor 129 disclosed in FIG. 1A, in accordance with crystal and VCO frequencies to optimize loop characteristics. Notwithstanding the exemplary embodiment disclosed in FIG. 1C, other loop filter designs may be utilized for the loop filter 160.

The VCO 166 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable generation of a local oscillator or output reference signal 167 based on the filtered signal 165 that results by filtering in the loop filter 160 the output signal 159 generated by the charge pump 156. The VCO 166 may utilize a programmable conversion factor (KVCO) for determining the output reference signal frequency in accordance with the voltage level of the filtered signal 165. In this regard, the KVCO may be programmable in accordance with the frequency of the VCO 166.

The MMD 168 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable dividing the frequency of the output reference signal 167 generated by the VCO 166 to generate the divider signal 169. The MMD 168 may receive an integer divider number from the addition performed by the adder 170 of the integer bits (Nint) and the output of the Σ-Δ modulator 172. In this regard, the fractional divider ratio N may be generated by dithering between a plurality of integer values in accordance with the output of the Σ-Δ modulator 172. The MMD 168 may utilize true single phase clock (TSPC) logic in at least the high-speed portions of the design to enable the MMD 168 to run at full VCO speed to keep quantization noise from Σ-Δ modulator 172 at a minimum and to enable the charge pump 156 to have better linearity. The use of TSPC logic may also provide power savings when compared to conventional high-speed logics such as source-coupled logic (SCL) and current mode logic (CML), for example. Moreover, the MMD 168 may re-synchronize the divider signal 169 with the output reference signal 167 generated by the VCO 166. Re-synchronization may reduce phase noise generated by the MMD 168 and may also enable reduction in quantization noise folding and in close-in fractional spur.

The Σ-Δ modulator 172 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable generating a signal to be added to integer bits (Nint) of the fractional divider ratio N based on fractional bits (Nfra) of the fractional divider ratio N. The clock that drives the Σ-Δ modulator 172 may be derived from the divider signal 169 generated by the MMD 168. In this regard, the fractional divider ratio N may be obtained from the following expression: N=fVCO/fREF, where fVCO is the frequency of the LO or output reference signal 167 and fREF is the frequency of the input reference signal 151. The integer portion of N is represented by the integer bits Nint while the fractional portion of N represented by the fractional bits Nfra. The output of the Σ-Δ modulator 172 is a stream of integer values that when added to Nint produce an average value that approximates the fractional divider ratio N.

In one embodiment of the invention, the PFD 154 may be adapted to compare phase using one or more reference frequency signals. In this regard, in instances when the reference frequency increases, the quantization noise from the sigma-delta modulator 172 may be reduced. Furthermore, since the divider ratio may be low, the in-band noise from the reference signal 151, the divider 168, and the charge pump 156 may also be reduced. The reference signal to PFD may be provided by the reference generator/buffer 174 which may operate as a buffer to an off-chip clock source, or as a crystal oscillator when coupled to an off-chip crystal. In one embodiment of the invention, the range of the reference frequency may be pre-defined. For example, in one instance, the reference frequency may be as low as 12 MHz, and in another instance, the reference frequency may be as high as 52 MHz. The present invention, however, may not be so limited and other reference frequencies may also be utilized. In one embodiment of the invention, a frequency doubler may be added to the reference generator/buffer 174. This may allow the PFD compare frequency at both the rising and the falling edge of the original reference clock, effectively doubling the reference frequency signal. However, a non-50% duty-cycle input signal to the frequency doubler may result in quantization noise folding and increases close-in fractional spurs when the frequency doubler is enabled.

FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary frequency doubler, which may be used in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. Referring to FIG. 2, the frequency doubler 204 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable doubling the frequency of the input clock signal ckin 202 to generate the output clock signal ckout 210. In one embodiment of the invention, the frequency doubler 204 may comprise an XOR logic block 206 and a delay block 208.

In operation, the rising edges of the output clock signal 210 may be triggered at both the rising and falling edges of the input clock signal 202. Furthermore, the duty-cycle of the output clock signal 210 may be controlled via the delay block 208, for example. The delay generated by the delay block 208 may be programmable. In instances when the duty-cycle of the input clock signal 202 is different from approximately 50%, the period of the output clock signal 210 may not be uniform and the output clock signal 210 may alternate between different periods T1 and T2. In instances when the charge pump, such as charge pump 156 of FIG. 1C, is not sufficiently linear, the difference between T1 and T2 in the output clock signal 210 may result in significant quantization noise folding and close-in fractional spur. In one embodiment of the invention, the duty-cycle of the input signal 202 may be adjusted so it is equal to approximately 50%, which may reduce the quantization noise folding effects and close-in fractional spurs, and improve the performance of the frequency doubler 204 within the fractional-N PLL.

FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary circuit for adjusting the duty-cycle of a digital signal using a reference voltage signal, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. Referring to FIG. 3, the exemplary circuit for adjusting duty-cycle may comprise a comparator 306 and a capacitor 304. The input signal 302 is AC-coupled to one input of the comparator 306. The other input of the comparator 306 is connected to a reference voltage Vref 308. The comparator 306 may amplify the difference between its two inputs and generate rail-to-rail digital reference signal 310, whose duty cycle may be adjusted by varying Vref 308. The input clock signal 302 may comprise a sinusoidal crystal oscillator reference signal or an off-chip low slew-rate reference signal.

In instances when the input signal 302 comprises a crystal oscillator reference signal, the duty-cycle of the signal 302 may be close to 50% and the duty-cycle of the output signal 310 may not need adjustment when Vref is set close to DC level of the input signal 302. In instances when the input signal 302 comprises an off-chip reference signal, its duty-cycle may be significantly different from 50%. The comparator 306 may adjust the duty-cycle of the output signal 310 by varying the comparison reference voltage Vref 308.

FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary circuit for adjusting the duty-cycle of a digital signal using a feedback control loop, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. Referring to FIG. 4, the exemplary circuit for adjusting duty-cycle may comprise a comparator 406, a capacitor 404, a duty-cycle detector 412, and a voltage generator 414. The comparator 406 may be adapted to receive an input signal 402 via the capacitor 404 and adjust the duty-cycle of the output signal 410. The intended duty-cycle of the output signal 410 may be approximately 50%, for example. The input clock signal 402 may comprise a sinusoidal crystal oscillator reference signal or an off-chip low slew-rate clock reference signal. The functionality of the duty-cycle adjustment circuit in FIG. 4 may be the same as the functionality of the duty-cycle adjustment circuit in FIG. 3. However, in one embodiment of the invention, the comparator 406 may utilize a feedback loop for generating the reference voltage signal 408. The feedback loop may comprise the duty-cycle detector 412 and the voltage generator 414.

The duty-cycle detector 412 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable detection of the duty-cycle of the output signal 410. The detected duty-cycle value may be communicated to the voltage generator 414. The voltage generator 414 may comprise suitable logic, circuitry, and/or code that may enable generation of the reference voltage signal 408 based on the detected duty-cycle value received from the duty-cycle detector 412. In one embodiment of the invention, the duty-cycle detector 412 may extract the DC value of the output signal 410 by using filtering. This DC value may comprise duty cycle information of the digital signal 410. The relation may be expressed by the following equation: Vdc=duty-cycle×Vdd, in which Vdc is the DC voltage, and Vdd is the supply voltage. Furthermore, the voltage generator 414 may generate the reference voltage 408 by using analog and/or digital processing. In instances when analog processing is used, the difference between the DC content of the output signal 410 and one-half rail (Vdd/2) value may be scaled and used as Vref 408. In instances when digital processing is used, the reference voltage 408 may be generated by a voltage digital-to-analog converter (DAC), for example, whose input code may be searched based on whether the DC content of vout 410 is higher or lower than the one-half rail (Vdd/2) value.

FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary circuit comprising a frequency doubler and a circuit for duty-cycle adjustment of a digital signal when the input signal is a sinusoidal crystal oscillator signal or a low slew-rate off-chip clock signal using a feedback control loop, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. In one embodiment of the invention, the circuit in the dashed box in FIG. 5 may be used as the reference generator/buffer 174 in FIG. 1C. Referring to FIG. 5, the exemplary circuit 500 may comprise off-chip capacitors 502, 504, 510, an off-chip crystal 506, a resistor 514, an inverter 516, a comparator 518, a duty-cycle detector 522, a voltage generator 524, and a frequency doubler 528. The functionality of the comparator 518 and the feedback loop comprising the duty-cycle detector 522 and the voltage generator 524 may be the same as the corresponding circuitry in FIG. 4. The functionality of the frequency doubler 528 may be the same as the corresponding circuitry in FIG. 2.

In one embodiment of the invention, the exemplary circuit for duty-cycle adjustment 500 may utilize either a sinusoidal crystal oscillator signal or an input low slew-rate clock reference signal. For example, in instances when an input clock signal ckin is used, the input clock signal may be coupled to the comparator 518 via the capacitor 510, along the processing path 512. The circuit 500 may then function as a clock signal buffer/amplifier. In instances when there is no input clock signal ckin, the crystal 506 and its loading capacitors 502, 504, may be coupled to the resistor 514 and the inverter 516, and may be used to generate an oscillator signal. The generated oscillator reference signal may be communicated to the comparator 518 via the processing path 508. In one embodiment of the invention, the duty-cycle adjustment loop comprising the detector 522 and the generator 524 may be disabled, and the reference voltage signal 526 may be connected to default voltage, such as half rail.

FIG. 6 is a flow diagram illustrating exemplary steps for duty-cycle adjustment, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention. Referring to FIGS. 5 and 6, at 602, the duty-cycle detector 522 may detect the duty-cycle of the digital reference signal utilized by a frequency doubler in a fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL) synthesizer. At 604, the reference voltage signal 526 may be generated by the voltage generator 524 based on the detected duty-cycle communicated from the duty-cycle detector 522. At 606, the comparator 518 may adjust the duty-cycle of the digital reference signal based on the generated reference voltage signal 526. The reference duty-cycle value may be equal to approximately 50%.

Certain embodiments of the invention may comprise a machine-readable storage having stored thereon, a computer program having at least one code section for signal processing, the at least one code section being executable by a machine for causing the machine to perform one or more of the steps described herein.

The approach and design described above may enable the implementation of a fractional-N PLL frequency synthesizer that may provide reduced power requirements, improved noise performance, and/or higher operating bandwidth to enable the operation of wireless terminals that may support, for example, advanced WLAN system requirements.

Accordingly, the present invention may be realized in hardware, software, or a combination of hardware and software. The present invention may be realized in a centralized fashion in at least one computer system, or in a distributed fashion where different elements are spread across several interconnected computer systems. Any kind of computer system or other apparatus adapted for carrying out the methods described herein is suited. A typical combination of hardware and software may be a general-purpose computer system with a computer program that, when being loaded and executed, controls the computer system such that it carries out the methods described herein.

The present invention may also be embedded in a computer program product, which comprises all the features enabling the implementation of the methods described herein, and which when loaded in a computer system is able to carry out these methods. Computer program in the present context means any expression, in any language, code or notation, of a set of instructions intended to cause a system having an information processing capability to perform a particular function either directly or after either or both of the following: a) conversion to another language, code or notation; b) reproduction in a different material form.

While the present invention has been described with reference to certain embodiments, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes may be made and equivalents may be substituted without departing from the scope of the present invention. In addition, many modifications may be made to adapt a particular situation or material to the teachings of the present invention without departing from its scope. Therefore, it is intended that the present invention not be limited to the particular embodiment disclosed, but that the present invention will include all embodiments falling within the scope of the appended claims.

  • 1. A method for signal processing, the method comprising: detecting a duty-cycle of a digital reference signal utilized by a frequency doubler for doubling phase-frequency detector (PFD) comparison rate in a fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL) synthesizer;generating a reference voltage signal based on said detected duty-cycle of said digital reference signal; andadjusting said duty-cycle of said digital reference signal based on said generated reference voltage signal when said detected duty-cycle of said digital reference signal is different from a reference duty-cycle value.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, comprising doubling a frequency of said digital reference signal after said adjusting, using a frequency doubler.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein said digital reference signal is generated from a low slew-rate reference signal.
  • 4. The method according to claim 3, comprising amplifying said low slew-rate reference signal to said digital reference signal for use by said frequency doubler.
  • 5. The method according to claim 4, wherein said amplifying comprises comparing said low slew-rate reference with said reference voltage signal using a comparator.
  • 6. The method according to claim 1, comprising detecting said duty-cycle of said digital reference signal.
  • 7. The method according to claim 1, comprising adjusting a duty-cycle of said digital reference signal based on said generated reference voltage signal, when said detected duty-cycle is approximately equal to said reference duty-cycle value.
  • 8. The method according to claim 1, wherein said reference duty-cycle value is equal to approximately 50%.
  • 9. The method according to claim 1, comprising generating said reference voltage signal based on the difference between a DC content of said digital reference signal and a rail-related voltage.
  • 10. The method according to claim 1, comprising generating said reference voltage signal using a voltage digital-to-analog converter (DAC).
  • 11. The method according to claim 1, comprising disabling said generation of said reference voltage signal based on said detected duty-cycle of said digital reference signal.
  • 12. The method according to claim 3, wherein said low slew-rate reference signal comprises a sinusoidal crystal oscillator reference signal.
  • 13. The method according to claim 3, wherein said low slew-rate reference signal comprises an off-chip clock reference signal.
  • 14. A system for signal processing, the system comprising: a fractional-N phase-locked-loop (PLL) synthesizer comprising a reference generator/buffer and a phase frequency detector (PFD);said reference generator/buffer enables detection of a duty-cycle of a digital reference signal utilized by a frequency doubler for doubling said PFD comparison rate;said reference generator/buffer enables generation of a reference voltage signal based on said detected duty-cycle of said digital reference signal; andsaid reference generator/buffer enables adjusting of said detected duty-cycle of said digital reference signal based on said generated reference voltage signal when said detected duty-cycle of said digital reference signal is different from a reference duty-cycle value.
  • 15. The system according to claim 14, comprising a frequency doubler that doubles a frequency of said digital reference signal after said adjusting.
  • 16. The system according to claim 15, wherein said frequency doubler is implemented within said reference generator/buffer.
  • 17. The system according to claim 14, wherein said digital reference signal is generated from a low slew-rate reference signal.
  • 18. The system according to claim 17, wherein said reference generator/buffer enables amplification of said low slew-rate reference signal to said digital reference signal for use by said frequency doubler.
  • 19. The system according to claim 18, wherein said amplifying comprises comparing said low slew-rate reference with said reference voltage signal using a comparator.
  • 20. The system according to claim 14, wherein said reference generator/buffer enables detection of said duty-cycle of said digital reference signal.
  • 21. The system according to claim 14, wherein said reference generator/buffer enables adjusting of a duty-cycle of said digital reference signal based on said generated reference voltage signal, when said detected duty-cycle is approximately equal to said reference duty-cycle value.
  • 22. The system according to claim 14, wherein said reference duty-cycle value is equal to approximately 50%.
  • 23. The system according to claim 14, wherein said reference generator/buffer enables generation of said reference voltage signal based on the difference between a DC content of said digital reference signal and a rail-related voltage.
  • 24. The system according to claim 14, wherein said reference generator/buffer enables generation of said reference voltage signal using a voltage digital-to-analog converter (DAC).
  • 25. The system according to claim 14, wherein said reference generator/buffer enables disabling of said generation of said reference voltage signal based on said detected duty-cycle of said digital reference signal.
  • 26. The system according to claim 17, wherein said low slew-rate reference signal comprises a sinusoidal crystal oscillator reference signal.
  • 27. The system according to claim 17, wherein said low slew-rate reference signal comprises an off-chip clock reference signal.

This patent application makes reference to, claims priority to and claims benefit from U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No 60/868,818, filed on Dec. 6, 2006. This application also makes reference to: U.S. application Ser. No. ______ (Attorney Docket No. 18134US02) filed on Dec. 29, 2006;U.S. application Ser. No. ______ (Attorney Docket No. 18140US02) filed on Dec. 29, 2006; andU.S. application Ser. No. ______ (Attorney Docket No. 18143US02) filed on Dec. 29, 2006. Each of the above stated applications is hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60868818 Dec 2006 US