The present invention relates to the field of processing financial market data, particularly the field of performing options pricing operations on financial market data.
Speed of information delivery is a valuable dimension to the financial instrument trading and brokerage industry. The ability of a trader to obtain analytical information (e.g., pricing, trade volume, trends, etc.) about financial instruments such as stocks, bonds and particularly options as quickly as possible cannot be overstated; reductions in information delivery delay on the order of fractions of a second can provide important value to traders. However, conventional techniques in the art which rely on software executed on a general purpose processor (GPP) to compute analytical information for financial instruments generally suffer latency issues due to the computation intensive nature of many financial instrument analytics models.
Options pricing is a function that particularly suffers from computational latency in a conventional GPP-based platform. An “option” is a derivative financial instrument that is related to an underlying financial instrument. An option is a contract that allows the option holder to trade in shares of the underlying financial instrument at a specific price at some time in the future. This future time is related to the option's lifetime (also referred to as the option's “time to maturity”), which is the amount of time after which the option to buy/sell cannot be exercised. The specific time in the future that the option-holder can exercise his/her choice depends on the type of the option; e.g., an American option can be exercised at any time during the option's lifetime while a European option can only be exercised at the end of the option's lifetime and yet other classes of options can be exercised only at certain pre-determined times during their lifetime.
In the parlance of the financial market, an option to buy shares is referred to as a “call option” (or “call” for short), and an option to sell shares is referred to as a “put option” (or “put” for short). The inventors herein note that the teachings of the present invention are equally applicable to both call options and put options.
Within a financial market data stream, an offer to buy or sell an option is defined by the following characteristics: the identity of the financial instrument underlying the option (e.g., IBM stock), the number of shares of the underlying financial instrument that are covered by the option, the purchase price for the option (P), the lifetime for the option (T), the current price of the underlying financial instrument (S), and the fixed price (K) at which the option-holder has the choice to buy or sell the shares of the underlying financial instrument in the future (which is also known as the “strike price”). An option may additionally include a dividend yield (δ). Another parameter to be included in the trading of options, not directly related to the option but to the market, is the risk-free interest rate (r) at which the potential option-holder can borrow or lend money. The modifier risk-free is used to signify that this is the rate of return one could expect on an investment that has zero risk involved with it. Further options characteristics that affect option pricing include whether the option is a call or put and whether the option is an American or European option, as explained above.
Based on knowledge of the values for these option characteristics and the risk-free interest rate, a trader may then assess whether the purchase price P for the option represents a good deal for the trader. While what constitutes a “good deal” will almost assuredly vary for different traders, it is expected that most traders will have an interest in buying or selling an option if the price P for the option is deemed favorable in view of the other option characteristics. Among the challenges in making this assessment as to an option's desirability is the complexity of factors that affect option price and option desirability.
One important consideration in making such an assessment of an option is an estimate of how much the price of the underlying financial instrument can fluctuate in the future. This fluctuation in the price of the underlying financial instrument is commonly referred to as the “volatility” of the financial instrument. One measure of this volatility is to observe the historical trend of the price of the financial instrument and extrapolate the volatility from the historical trend. Another measure of the volatility can be obtained by approximating (within some degree of tolerance) the purchase price for the option (P) with a theoretical fair market option price (Pth) that depends on the volatility. The volatility so obtained is termed the “implied volatility” since it is representative of the volatility of the underlying financial instrument implied by the option. Such a theoretical fair market option price (Pth) can be calculated using an option pricing model. Various option pricing models are known in the art or used in a proprietary manner for computing theoretical option prices. Prominent among these models are the Black-Scholes option pricing model and the Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein (CRR) option pricing model, both of which are well-known in the art.
As indicated above, the downside of using some of these option pricing models to evaluate whether a buy/sell offer for an option represents a desirable transaction is that these option pricing models are very computation intensive. Because of their computation intensive nature, a delay is introduced between the time that the data regarding the option reaches a trader and the time when the trader has access to the pricing information computed from the option data (e.g., the option's implied volatility and/or the option's theoretical fair market price). This delay may be costly to the trader in that another party may have already bought the offered option while the trader was awaiting the results of the option pricing model. For example, consider the following exemplary scenario. Suppose there is an outstanding “bid” on an option for stock X that is a firm quote to sell an option to buy 100 shares of Stock X at an option price (P) of $10.00 per share, and wherein the current market price (S) for Stock X is $25 per share, and wherein the option further has values defined for K, T, and δ, and wherein r is known. Also suppose there are two traders, A and B, each wanting to buy a call option on 100 shares of stock X, but before doing so would like to know whether the option price P of $10.00 per share represents a good deal given the other option characteristics (S, K, T, and δ) and the risk-free interest rate (r). To aid this evaluation process, Trader A and Trader B both have their own implementations of an option pricing model; and they each would typically apply the values of these option characteristics to their respective implementations of an option pricing model to obtain information that is indicative of whether the call option offer represents a desirable transaction. For the purposes of this example, it will be presumed that this offer to sell the call option does in fact represent a good deal to both traders. The trader whose implementation of an option pricing model operates the fastest will have a decided market and investment advantage as he will be able to make an informed investment decision to purchase the call option before the other trader since the “winning” trader will be informed of the option's desirability while the “losing” trader is still awaiting the output from his/her respective implementation of the option pricing model. Accordingly, the “losing” trader will miss out on the desirable option because the “winning” trader will have taken that option offer off the market before the “losing” trader realized that he/she wanted to buy it. Thus, it can be seen that the speed of a trader's option pricing engine inevitably translates into a trading advantage, which even in a single large volume opportunity can amount to significant sums of money. Over time this market advantage can even lead to the success or failure of a trader to attract and keep customers and stay in business.
The ability of a computational engine that implements an option pricing model to quickly produce its output is even more significant when “black box” trading is taken into consideration. With such black box trading, the trader does not eyeball offers to buy/sell financial instruments as they tick across a trading screen to decide whether or not he/she will buy/sell a financial instrument. Instead, the trader defines the conditions under which he/she will buy/sell various financial instruments via a computer implemented algorithm. This algorithm then traverses the offers to buy/sell various financial instruments within a market data feed to identify which offers meet the specified conditions. Upon finding a “hit” on an offer within the feed, the algorithm operates to automatically execute a specified trade on the offer (without further trader intervention). Thus, returning to the above example, such an algorithm may have a specified condition to the effect of “buy a call option on X shares of ABC stock if the implied volatility for the call option is less than or equal to Z”. Another exemplary algorithmic condition could be “buy a call option on Y shares of ABC stock if the computed theoretical fair market price for that option is greater than the actual price for the option by at least Z cents”. Thus, before the algorithm can make a decision as to whether a given call option offer will be purchased, the implied volatility and/or theoretical fair market price for the option offer will need to be computed via some form of an option pricing model. As explained above, with such black box trading, the computation latency for computing the implied volatility and/or theoretical fair market price is highly important as delays on the order of fractions of a second will be critical in determining which trader is able to strike first to buy or sell options at a desirable price. Given that the inventors envision that black box trading will continue to grow in prominence in future years (for example, it is estimated that currently greater than 50% of trades are performed automatically via computer-generated “black box” transactions), it is believed that high performance computation engines for option pricing will become ever more important to the financial instrument trading industry.
Use of the CRR option pricing model for the analytics discussed above is especially computation intensive, as it is both an iterative model and a binomial model. Using the CRR option pricing model, an option's theoretical fair market price (Pth) can be computed as a function of the following inputs: P, S, K, T, δ, r, a volatility value σ, and n, wherein n represents a number of discrete time steps within the option's lifetime that the underlying financial instrument's price may fluctuate. The parameter n is specified by the user of the CRR option pricing algorithm. By iteratively updating the volatility value a until the theoretical fair market price Pth for that option approaches the option's actual market price (P), an option's “implied volatility” (σ*) can be computed. The “implied volatility”, which represents the volatility of the underlying financial instrument at which the option's theoretical fair market price (Pth) is within some specified tolerance s of the option's actual purchase price (P), is an important characteristic of an option that is used by traders to decide whether a given option should be bought or not. However, because of the iterative nature of the implied volatility computation and the binomial nature of the theoretical fair market price computation, the calculation of implied volatility using the CRR option pricing model is highly computation intensive, as noted above. Conventional implementations of the CRR option pricing model to compute implied volatility in software on GPPs are believed by the inventors to be unsatisfactory because of the processing delays experienced while computing the implied volatility.
Based on the foregoing, the inventors herein believe that a need in the art exists for accelerating the speed by which option pricing models can be used to evaluate option prices.
As further background, the inventors note that, in an attempt to promptly deliver financial information to interested parties such as traders, a variety of market data platforms have been developed for the purpose of ostensible “real time” delivery of streaming bid, offer, and trade information for financial instruments to traders.
Functional units 1202 of the system then operate on stream 1206 or data derived therefrom to carry out a variety of financial processing tasks. As used herein, the term “financial market data” refers to the data contained in or derived from a series of messages that individually represent a new offer to buy or sell a financial instrument, an indication of a completed sale of a financial instrument, notifications of corrections to previously-reported sales of a financial instrument, administrative messages related to such transactions, and the like. The term “financial market source data” refers to a feed of financial market data received directly from a data source such as an exchange itself or a third party provider (e.g., a Savvis or BT Radians provider). The term “financial market secondary data” refers to financial market data that has been derived from financial market source data, such as data produced by a feed compression operation, a feed handling operation, an option pricing operation, etc.
Because of the massive computations required to support such a platform, current implementations known to the inventors herein typically deploy these functions across a number of individual computer systems that are networked together, to thereby achieve the appropriate processing scale for information delivery to traders with an acceptable degree of latency. This distribution process involves partitioning a given function into multiple logical units and implementing each logical unit in software on its own computer system/server. The particular partitioning scheme that is used is dependent on the particular function and the nature of the data with which that function works. The inventors believe that a number of different partitioning schemes for market data platforms have been developed over the years. For large market data platforms, the scale of deployment across multiple computer systems and servers can be physically massive, often filling entire rooms with computer systems and servers, thereby contributing to expensive and complex purchasing, maintenance, and service issues.
This partitioning approach is shown by
Despite the improvements to the industry that these systems have provided, the inventors herein believe that significant further improvements can be made. In doing so, the inventors herein disclose that the underlying technology disclosed in the related and incorporated patents and patent applications identified above can be harnessed in a novel and non-obvious way to fundamentally change the system architecture in which market data platforms are deployed.
In above-referenced related U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,743, it was first disclosed that reconfigurable logic, such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), can be deployed to process streaming financial information at hardware speeds. As examples, the '743 patent disclosed the use of FPGAs to perform data reduction operations on streaming financial information, with specific examples of such data reduction operations being a minimum price function, a maximum price function, and a latest price function.
Since that time, the inventors herein have greatly expanded the scope of functionality for processing streams of financial information with reconfigurable logic.
In accordance with one embodiment of the invention described herein, options pricing can be performed at hardware speeds via reconfigurable logic deployed in hardware appliances to greatly accelerate the speed by which option pricing operations can be performed, thereby providing important competitive advantages to traders. Thus, in accordance with this embodiment of the invention, it is disclosed that the options pricing functionality 1202 that is performed in software on conventional platforms can be replaced with reconfigurable logic that is configured as an options pricing engine. Such an options pricing engine can perform a number of computations related to options to aid in the evaluation of whether a given option represents a desirable transaction. For example, such an options pricing engine can be configured to compute an implied volatility for an option or a theoretical fair market price for an option. The inventors further disclose that in addition to options pricing, other functions of a conventional market data platform can be deployed in reconfigurable logic, thereby greatly consolidating the distributed nature of the conventional market data platform into fewer and much smaller appliances while still providing acceleration with respect to latency and throughput.
As used herein, the term “general-purpose processor” (or GPP) refers to a hardware device that fetches instructions and executes those instructions (for example, an Intel Xeon processor or an AMD Opteron processor). The term “reconfigurable logic” refers to any logic technology whose form and function can be significantly altered (i.e., reconfigured) in the field post-manufacture. This is to be contrasted with a GPP, whose function can change post-manufacture, but whose form is fixed at manufacture. The term “software” will refer to data processing functionality that is deployed on a GPP. The term “firmware” will refer to data processing functionality that is deployed on reconfigurable logic.
According to another aspect of the invention, the inventors herein have streamlined the manner in which an option's implied volatility and fair market price can be computed, thereby providing acceleration independently of whether such functionality is deployed in hardware or software. While it is preferred that the implied volatility and fair market price computations disclosed herein be performed via firmware pipelines deployed in reconfigurable logic, the inventors herein further note that the architectural improvements with respect to how the implied volatility and/or fair market prices can be computed can also provide acceleration when performed in hardware on custom Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), in software on other platforms such as superscalar processors, multi-core processors, graphics processor units (GPUs), physical processor units (PPUs), chip multi-processors, and GPPs, or in a hybrid system involving exploitation of hardware, including reconfigurable hardware, and software techniques executing on a variety of platforms.
With respect to computing an option's implied volatility, the inventors disclose that an iterative banded m-ary search within the option's volatility space can be performed to identify the volatility value for which the option's theoretical fair market price, computed according to an option pricing model, approximates the option's actual purchase price to within a predetermined tolerance. This identified volatility value for which the option's computed theoretical fair market price approximates the option's actual purchase price to within a predetermined tolerance can then be used as the option's implied volatility.
With this iterative banded m-ary approach, a plurality m+1 theoretical fair market prices are preferably computed in parallel for different volatility values within the volatility space for a given iteration, thereby providing acceleration with respect to the computation of the implied volatility. At least one, and preferably a plurality of conditions are tested to determine whether an additional iteration is needed to find the implied volatility. As explained hereinafter, a theoretical fair market price convergence property (c) is preferably used as one of these conditions. Also as explained hereinafter, a volatility convergence property (δσ) is preferably used as another of these conditions.
Preferably, the option pricing model that is used to compute the option's theoretical fair market price is the CRR option pricing model. To accelerate the computation of the option's theoretical fair market price according to the CRR model, disclosed herein is a technique for parallelizing and pipelining the computation of the intermediate prices at different time steps within the CRR binomial tree, thereby providing acceleration with respect to the computation of the theoretical fair market price according to the CRR option pricing model.
In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, disclosed herein is a technique employing a lookup table to retrieve precomputed terms that are used in the computation of a European option's theoretical fair market price. Optionally, the theoretical fair market option price can then be used to drive a computation of the implied volatility as described above. Preferably, this lookup table is indexed by the European option's volatility and time to maturity. Furthermore, in an embodiment wherein the lookup table is used to compute a European option's theoretical fair market price but not its implied volatility, it is preferred that an additional lookup table of volatility values indexed by financial instruments be employed to identify a volatility value applicable to the underlying financial instrument of the subject European option. The lookup table terms retrieved from the table and indexed by the option's volatility and time to maturity can be fed to a combinatorial logic stage that is configured to accelerate the computation of the theoretical fair market price by parallelizing the computation of the constituent components of a summation formula for determining the option's theoretical fair market price.
In accordance with yet another embodiment of the invention, disclosed herein is a technique for directly computing the terms that are used in the computation of the option's theoretical fair market price. With this technique, a plurality of parallel computation modules are preferably employed to compute each term in parallel, thereby accelerating the overall computation of the option's theoretical fair market price.
Further still, to better map these computational modules onto available processing resources, a partitioning scheme can optionally be employed to distribute portions of the term computations across different processing resources.
As noted above, these parallel/pipelined architectures for computing an option's implied volatility and/or theoretical fair market price are preferably deployed in reconfigurable logic, thereby providing not only data processing at hardware speeds but also providing flexibility with respect to the parameters and models used in the computations. Preferably, a firmware pipeline is deployed on the reconfigurable logic to accelerate at least a portion of these parallel/pipelined architectures, as explained in greater detail hereinafter. However, as stated above, it should be noted that processing resources other than reconfigurable logic can be used to implement the streamlined options pricing architectures described herein.
These and other features and advantages of the present invention will be understood by those having ordinary skill in the art upon review of the description and figures hereinafter.
a) and (b) depict an exemplary plot of a theoretical fair market price for an option calculated using the CRR option pricing model versus the option's volatility;
c)-(e) depict an iterative banded approach to the computation of an option's implied volatility for the plot of
a) depicts an exemplary flowchart for the iterative banded approach for computing an option's implied volatility;
b) depicts an exemplary embodiment of a computational pipeline for computing an option's implied volatility;
c) depicts an exemplary option message that can be processed by the present invention;
a) depicts an exemplary embodiment of a computational binomial tree for computing a theoretical fair market option price based on the CRR option pricing model;
b)-(d) depict an exemplary embodiment of combinatorial logic stage for computing a theoretical fair market option price based on the CRR option pricing model;
a) and (b) depict an exemplary technique for computing a European option's fair market price using lookup tables;
c) depicts an exemplary embodiment of the combinatorial logic stage of
a)-(c) depict exemplary embodiments of binomial trees for a CRR option pricing model applied to European options, wherein the depth n of the tree is 4 and the number of operation needed to compute terminal option prices is minimized;
d) depicts an exemplary embodiment of a computational pipeline for computing an option's fair market price for the binomial tree of
e) depicts an exemplary embodiment of a computational pipeline for computing an option's fair market price for the binomial tree of
a) depicts an exemplary embodiment of a binomial tree wherein partitioning is used;
b)-(d) depict exemplary embodiments of partitioned computational pipelines for the computation of an option's fair market price for the binomial tree of
a) depicts an exemplary embodiment of a binomial tree wherein double partitioning is used;
b) depicts an exemplary embodiment of a double partitioned computational pipeline for the computation of an option's fair market price for the binomial tree of
a) is a block diagram view of a preferred printed circuit board for installation into a market data platform to carry out data processing tasks in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
b) is a block diagram view of an alternate printed circuit board for installation into a market data platform to carry out data processing tasks in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
a) and (b) depict an exemplary embodiment for implementing the OPM computational unit 300 of
In accordance with an embodiment of the present invention, it is desired to efficiently compute an option's implied volatility σ*.
Also, in this example, it is assumed that the stock price S for the stock underlying the option is 100, the strike price K for the option is 100, the time to maturity T for the option is 10 months, the interest rate r applicable to the option is 100, compounded annually, the dividend yield δ for the option is 0, and the number of time steps n for the CRR option pricing model is 100. It should be noted that the scale and values shown in this plot are exemplary only, as other values and scales may readily be used. For example, volatility is typically expressed in terms of standard deviation of the underlying financial instrument price around a mean value for the underlying financial instrument price. With such a scale, the volatility values would, by definition, always be positive. Given that the range of volatility values for most financial instruments will not exceed 2 standard deviations, for the purposes of explanation herein, it is helpful to illustrate a volatility range of 0 to 2. However, it should be noted that other ranges and scales could be used to express a financial instrument's volatility space.
Plot 100 shows that the option price is a monotonically increasing function of volatility. As used herein, monotonically increasing refers to a function wherein the first derivative thereof is always a non-negative number. With plot 100, as the volatility increases, the curve approaches the value S of the stock price (which has been assumed to be 100 in this example).
The problem of interest then is that given a purchase price for an option, one needs to calculate the volatility value for the option at that purchase price. It should be recalled that the implied volatility σ* is the volatility value for which the option's theoretical fair market price approximates the option's actual purchase price P to within some tolerance. In this example, we will assume that the option's actual purchase price P is 92, which results in the option's implied volatility σ* being 0.8, as shown by point 102 on plot 100 of
To speed this process, parallelism is preferably applied, preferably in a banded iterative approach. With the banded iterative approach, multiple starting points for volatility values are chosen such that the volatility range is subdivided into a plurality m of bands, as shown in
To intelligently narrow the volatility band within which the algorithm searches for the implied volatility, the algorithm determines the volatility band within which the implied volatility resides. Because the theoretical fair market option price is a monotonically increasing function of volatility, the volatility band within which the implied volatility resides can be quickly determined by identifying the volatility band for which the theoretical fair market option prices at its boundaries encompass the actual option purchase price P. In the example of
Thus, during the next iteration, band 104 from the first iteration is subdivided into another plurality m of bands, as shown in
While the example of
a) illustrates an exemplary flowchart for an iterative banded search for implied volatility. At step 200, the algorithm receives a message regarding an option that is available on the market as well as other option pricing parameters. As shown in
Next at step 206, the algorithm computes the theoretical fair market option price Pth for each of the volatility band boundary values defined at step 204. Preferably, these computations are performed in parallel as described hereinafter. At step 208, the algorithm computes the differences Dq1, Dq2, . . . Dqm+1 between each computed theoretical fair market option price and the actual option purchase price P, wherein Dqk=Pth, q(σk)−P. As with step 206, the computations of step 208 are preferably performed in parallel. Next, at step 210, the algorithm checks whether the absolute value of any of the computed differences Dq1, Dq2, . . . Dqm+1 is less than ε. If the absolute values of one of the computed differences Dqk is less than ε, then at step 212, the algorithm sets the implied volatility σ* equal to the volatility value σqk for which the computed Dqk is less than E. The algorithm can then stop and output the determined implied volatility.
However, if none of the differences Dqk are less than c, then the algorithm proceeds to steps 214 and 216. Steps 214 and 216 operate to identify the volatility band within which the implied volatility resides. At step 214, the algorithm computes the products Dqk*Dqk+1 for k=1, 2, . . . m+1. Because of the monotonically increasing characteristic of the theoretical fair market option price with respect to volatility, there will only be one product that is a negative number because there will only be one band where the actual purchase price falls between the band's theoretical fair market option price boundary values. Thus, at step 216, the algorithm will identify the band within which the implied volatility resides by determining which product is a negative number. The volatility boundary values σqk and σqk+1 for which the product of Dqk*Dqk+1 is negative will then be used to define the volatility range to be subdivided during the next iteration (step 218).
Preferably, the algorithm also uses two other parameters to control the number of iterations that the algorithm will perform—Qmax and εσ. Qmax defines the maximum number of iterations that the algorithm will perform, and εσ describes a volatility convergence property that, when met, will cause the algorithm to stop and output an implied volatility value. The Qmax condition operates to decrease the latency of computation by preventing the occurrence of an excessive number of iterations. The εσ condition also operates to decrease computational latency in cases where the volatility band search space around the implied volatility is very small, but because of a steep slope of the theoretical fair market price curve 100 within that volatility space, the theoretical fair market price convergence condition ε has not been satisfied. Accordingly, the theoretical fair market prices for the different volatility values within the volatility band may possess differences in value that exceed ε while the differences between the different volatility values may be virtually negligible. In such instances, the average volatility value of the narrow volatility band in question is preferably output as the implied volatility. To control the algorithm, using these two parameters, steps 220, 222 and 224 operate as follows. At step 220, the algorithm computes the difference |σqk−σqk+1| for the volatility boundary values defined at step 218, and then compares this difference with εσ. If the difference |σqk−σqk+1| is less than εσ, then the algorithm determines that the defined volatility boundaries and the implied volatility have sufficiently converged, and at step 222, the algorithm outputs the implied volatility as the average of σqk and σqk+1 (σ*=(σqk+σqk+1)/2). If volatility convergence has not been achieved, then the algorithm proceeds to step 224, wherein it checks whether the current iteration q is equal to Qmax. If q does equal Qmax, then the algorithm returns to step 222 to output the implied volatility as the average of σqk and σqk+1. If q is less than Qmax then the algorithm increments the iteration index q at step 226. Thereafter, the algorithm returns to step 204 for the next iteration, wherein the m+1 volatility band boundary values are defined starting from the volatility range defined at step 218.
The algorithm of
b) depicts a computational pipeline 250 for realizing the algorithm of
Each computational module 252 also preferably receives as an input a σ*_enable signal that indicates whether the implied volatility a* for that option message has been found as well as a σ* signal that identifies the value of the determined implied volatility (although the computational module 252 for the first iteration need not receive these signals as inputs). Combinatorial logic stage 304 preferably sets the σ*_enable signal high if it has found the implied volatility for the option message and then outputs the implied volatility σ*. Preferably, a control unit such as the firmware socket module 1420 described hereinafter with respect to a reconfigurable logic device embodiment of this aspect of the invention operates to read the σ*_enable and σ* outputs from each computational module 252 to halt the pipelined processing for any message whose implied volatility has already been found. With such control, when an option's implied volatility has been found at iteration 3, the pipeline 250 need not wait until the final Qmax iteration of the pipeline before outputting the implied volatility for the option, thereby eliminating unnecessary latency. The combinatorial logic stage 304 also preferably outputs the P, S, K, T, δ, n, ε, . . . , εσ, and σq+11, σq+12, . . . σq+1m+1 parameters for use by the next downstream computational module 252 in the pipeline 250.
As noted above, any of a variety of OPMs can be used by the OPM computational units 300 to compute the option's theoretical fair market price. However, it is preferred that an OPM based on the CRR OPM be used. Cox, Ross and Rubinstein showed that in order to calculate the theoretical fair market price of an option, one needs to know only the strike price K, the price S of the financial instrument underlying the option, the range of movement of S (i.e., the volatility), the time to maturity T for the option, the interest rate r, and the dividend yield δ for the option. The CRR binomial model divides the lifetime T of the option into n discrete steps, and assumes that at each step, the stock price S can either go up by a fixed multiplicative factor u or go down by a fixed multiplicative factor d. The factors u and d depend on the volatility σ of the stock, the time to maturity of the options, and the number of discrete steps n. The upward and downward movement factors can be calculated as follows:
These particular forms for u and d are chosen to ensure that, as the number of time steps n approaches infinity, the movement of the stock price according to the binomial model approximates the distribution of stock prices that was proposed by Black and Scholes. It should be noted that there are other formulations for u and d for which the movement of the stock price according to the binomial model approximates the distribution of stock prices that was proposed by Black and Scholes. Also, the binomial model preferably assumes that the interest rate r and the dividend yield δ remain constant over the lifetime of the option.
Under the assumption that the stock price changes multiplicatively, a binomial tree can be constructed that, at each time step, represents the possible values of the stock price.
The theoretical fair market price of the option can then be obtained by working backward through tree 400 from the leaves 410 at time step n through the root 402. Let C(n,i,j) denote the price of the option at the jth node at time step n−i for a binomial tree of depth n. Then, C(n,i,j) can be calculated as:
C(n,i,j)=max[R(pC(n,i−1,j+1)+(1−p)C(n,i−1,j)),Sujd|i-j|−K] (3)
wherein R represents the normalized interest rate, wherein
R=e−rT/n (4)
and wherein:
The computation of C(n,i,j) is performed for j=0, 1, . . . , n−i, and then the computation moves on to time step n−i−1. The computation is initialized at time step n by noting that, at the expiration of the option, the payoff at node j at time step n is max(0, ujdn-jS−K). This then should be the price of the option at that node so that riskless profitable arbitrage is not possible. Thus, at time step n, the computations are initialized as follows:
C(n,0,j)=max(0,ujdn-jS−K), for j=0,1, . . . , n (6)
It should be noted that formulas other than formula (3) for C(n,i,j) can be used in the practice of this embodiment of the present invention, as would be understood by those having ordinary skill in the art upon review of the teachings herein.
It should also be noted that formula 3 is directed toward the theoretical fair market price of call options. For put options, the theoretical fair market price can be computed as
C(n,i,j)=max[R(pC(n,i−1,j+1)+(1−p)C(n,i−1,j)),K−Sujd|i-j|] (3a)
which initializes at time step n as follows:
C(n,i,j)=max(0,K−ujdn-jS), for j=0,1, . . . , n (6a)
Further still, it should be noted that formulas 3 and 3a can be used to compute the theoretical fair market prices for both American and European options.
Preferably the computations for C(n,i,j) are implemented in a parallel pipeline architecture, as shown in
The parallel pipelined nature of the computations performed by the OPM computational unit 300 of
b)-(d) depict an exemplary embodiment for the combinatorial logic stage 304 of
c) depicts a portion of stage 304 that is configured to perform steps 214, 216, 218, 220, 222 and 204 from
It should also be noted that the combinatorial logic stage 304 can include control logic to reconcile situations where both the theoretical fair market price convergence property defined by E and the volatility convergence property defined by εσ are met. In such instances, appropriate control logic can be included to pass the desired implied volatility as an output. If it is preferred that the implied volatility as determined by ε be used, then the control logic can be configured to pass the σ* value identified at step 212 as the output. If it is preferred that the implied volatility as determined by εσ be used, then the control logic can be configured to pass the σ* value identified at step 222 as the output. Alternatively, the control logic can be configured to pass the average of the two σ* values identified at steps 212 and 222 as the output. Further still, the control logic can be configured to pass one of the σ* values as an output based on which tolerance (ε or εσ) satisfies one or more conditions.
d) depicts the logic stages 524 and 536 in greater detail. Within logic stage 524, a plurality 2m of multipliers 550 operate to multiply each Si value by σqi and σqi+1. The output of adders 552 will be the identified volatility band boundary values σqk and σqk+1. Within logic stage 536, an inverter 554 and adder 556 operate to generate the sum σqk−σqk+1, which represents the width of the identified volatility band. Multipliers 560 operate to divide this bandwidth into m subbands of equal width, and adders 562 compute the resultant intermediate volatility values for the identified band to be used during the next iteration. It should be noted that logic stage 536 need not include a separate inverter 554 and adder 556; if desired, stage 536 can tap into the output of adder 526 shown in
Thus, by determining an option's implied volatility via the parallelized pipelined architecture shown in
It should be noted that the iterative banded m-ary search disclosed herein in connection with
In accordance with another embodiment of the present invention, it is desired to efficiently compute an option's theoretical fair market price. As previously noted, the quick computation of fair market prices for options is a high priority problem for traders, particularly for traders who perform trades using black box trading algorithms. If a trader or a trader's black box algorithm can detect a difference in the offered price P of an option and that option's theoretical fair market price (according to some option pricing model), then a trading opportunity may exist for that trader.
a) illustrates an exemplary architecture for low latency computation of a theoretical fair market price 624 from an option message input 600. In the example of
However, it should be noted that option pricing models other than formula (7) could be employed in the practice of this embodiment of the present invention.
With formula (7), the binomial coefficient, bj, denotes the number of occurrences of j up states in n time steps, wherein:
The variables u and d are the incremental up and down factors for the financial instrument price S for each time step as described by formulas (1) and (2) above. The variables p and q are interval prices for up states and down states, respectively, wherein:
The variable R is the normalized interest rate, wherein:
If one examines each term in the summation of the binomial pricing model of formula (7), it is observed that the up/down factors (u,d) and the up/down state prices (p,q) are solely dependent on the number of time steps n, the risk-free interest rate r, and the volatility σ. Next, for purposes of this example, one makes the following assumptions: (1) an assumption (following from the Black-Scholes model) that the risk-free interest rate is constant over the life of the option, which helps simplify the options pricing algorithm, (2) an assumption that the number of time steps n in the model is the same for all financial instruments, which ensures that the computational complexity (and thus the latency) is constant for pricing different options, and (3) an assumption that the options share the same maturity dates. As such, one will assume that 3 month call options will mature on the same day, regardless of the underlying financial instrument. While not all options that share the same duration will share the same maturity date, one can further assume that the number of future maturity dates will be reasonably small (on the order of 10). This assumption is a reasonable one for European options since they can only be exercised at maturity; thus options maturing in a particular month will have very similar time to maturities, provided they all had a similar start date.
With the architecture 600 shown in
While formulas (7) and (12) operate to determine a theoretical fair market price for a European call options, it should be noted that this the formula for computing the theoretical fair market price of a European put option can be expressed as:
which in turn reduces to:
With the arrangements of both formulas (12) and (14), each entry 616 in table 610 will contain a pair 612 represented by (A(σ,T), B(σ,T)). The lookup table 610 of pairs 612 can be computed at scheduled intervals, for example nightly or on a more frequent basis, such as once every two seconds (helping increase the accuracy of the model in the event of changes in parameters such as the risk-free interest rate) throughout the trading day or other time intervals. The architecture can also be configured to update the lookup table entries in response to a trigger, such as a change in the risk-free interest rate during the trading day.
Thus, with reference to
Upon retrieval of the volatility value from lookup table 602, lookup unit 620 then preferably accesses the lookup table 610 using volatility index 606 and time to maturity index 608 taken from message 260. Indices 606 and 608 identify an entry 616 within table 610 that contains an (A,B) pair 612. Lookup unit 620 then retrieves the identified (A,B) pair 612 and passes those values to a combinatorial logic stage 622 to compute the fair market option price 624 for the option message 260.
c) illustrates an exemplary combinatorial logic stage 622 for realizing formulas (12) and (14) above. Preferably, combinatorial logic stage 622 utilizes a plurality n+1 of parallel computational pipelines 6500, 6501, . . . 650n. Each pipeline 650j is fed by the following input parameters: Aj, Bj, S, K and the call/put flag C/P. The C/P flag controls whether formula (12) or formula (14) applies to the computation via multiplexers 650 and 652. To create the BjS term of formulas (12) and (14), multiplier 630 operates to multiply Bj by S. To create the BjS-K term of formula (12), adder 632 preferably adds an inverted K value to the BjS term. To create the K-BjS term of formula (14), adder 632 preferably adds the K value to an inverted value of the BjS term. Multiplexers 650 and 652 control which terms reach the adder 632 based on the value of the C/P flag. Next, comparator 634 and multiplexer 636 operate to perform the maximum operation between the terms BjS-K and 0 for call options and the terms K-BjS and 0 for put options, wherein the maximum of these two values is fed to multiplier 638, whereat the maximum value passed by multiplexer 636 is multiplied by Aj. Thus, each pipeline 650j preferably outputs the value of Ajmax[BjS-K,0] for call options or the value of Ajmax[K-BjS,0] for put options to adder 640, to thereby compute the theoretical fair market option price 624.
With the embodiment of
Turning to the amount of memory required for the tables 602 and 610, it is preferred that each element of the arrays A and B be represented as a 32-bit single-precision floating point number. Continuing with the assumption that n=255 is sufficient, then each entry 616 in table 610 will store 256 32-bit values for a total of 8192 bits or 1024 bytes.
If one also assumes that three significant digits are sufficient to accurately represent the volatility values, this will result in the volatility of any underlying financial instrument assuming one of 1000 possible values. If one further assumes that there are 10 possible maturity dates for all currently traded options (although other numbers of possible maturity dates could be used), then table 610 will contain 1000×10 entries, which results in a total table size of 102 Mbytes. It is expected that the size of the volatility table 602 will be on the order of 10 kbytes. These table sizes suggest that the lookup tables 602 and 610 can readily be stored in RAM and preferably in a high speed memory, either processor memory or off-chip memory (for any embodiments employing a hardware co-processor). However, it should also be noted that the lookup table(s) can also be stored in on-chip memory (such as SDRAM on an FPGA chip) if the available memory resources on the chip are sufficient.
As for the regularity with which the lookup tables are computed, it is believed that any of a variety of schemes could be employed depending upon the needs and desires of a practitioner of this embodiment of the invention. For example, in some situations, it may be sufficient to re-compute the tables prior to the beginning of each trading day, particularly if one assumes that the time to maturity of the option can be measured in days and the risk-free interest rate will not change significantly throughout the trading day.
If a more frequent updating of the lookup tables is desired, then it is helpful to estimate the rate at which the tables can be recomputed. In order to compute the entries in table 610, one must first compute the parameters u, d, p and q. It will be assumed that the value of 1/n will be constant. It will further be assumed that the volatility σ and the risk-free interest rate r can vary. Computation of u requires a floating point square root operation, multiplication operation and exponential operation. Once u is known, the value of d can be found by a single floating point divide operation. Computation of p requires a floating point divide operation, a multiplication operation and two subtraction operations. Once p is known, the value of q can be found via a single floating point subtraction operation. The inventors herein estimate that the computation of the u, d, p and q terms can be performed in approximately 200 cycles. If one maximizes the use of intermediate results by using the fully partitioned binomial tree technique exemplified in
An alternative to the exemplary embodiment of
One approach to such direct computation can utilize the architecture of
a) illustrates an exemplary binomial tree representation 800 of the ujdn-jS terms found in formula (7), wherein n=4. Each edge 804 in the tree 800 represents a multiplication operation, with each node 802 representing one of the ujdn-jS terms. Due to the simplifying assumption that the up and down factors u and d for the financial instrument price remain constant over the life of the option, the binomial tree 800 creates a lattice where each node 804 has two “parent” edges 804. One can observe that the price at each node 802 is independent of the path traveled to reach that node. One can also observe that the terminal prices are the only prices included in the final weighted sum in formula (7). Therefore, one only needs to compute one path to each terminal price.
b) illustrates one technique for computing a single path to each terminal price, wherein this construction is particularly useful when only n+1 parallel multipliers are available. As shown in
c) and 8(e) illustrate an exemplary alternate technique for computing a single path to each terminal price, wherein the terminal price path is different than the path of
While the examples of
If n+1 parallel multipliers are not available, and/or one wishes to balance the computational load of module 704 across superscalar processors and hardware co-processors, one can partition the binomial tree. One can partition any subtree of m steps at step ┌m/2┐.
At time step 5, the terminal prices 914 and 916 from the left half of tree 900 can be fed to another module, preferably a hardware co-processor. If the hardware co-processor has 10 parallel multipliers available, then the terminal prices u9S, u8dS, u7d2S, u6d3S, u5d4S, u4d5S, u3d6S, u2d7S, ud8S and d5S can be computed in four time steps. Alternatively, two hardware co-processors with 5 parallel multipliers can be employed to compute those terms in parallel, as shown by modules 920 and 930 in
It should also be noted that the partitioning technique can be applied recursively to better map the computational load to the particular processing platform used in the practice of this embodiment of the invention.
It should be noted that the same techniques described in connection with
It should also be noted that the combinatorial logic stage 706 of architecture 700 of
The inventors herein note that the options pricing techniques described in connection with
A preferred platform for the deployment of the options pricing techniques described herein is the market data platform described in the above-referenced and incorporated provisional U.S. patent application 60/814,796, an example of which is shown in
For example, with the architecture of
Preferably, the feed compressor device 1302 is deployed in a physical location as close to the feed source 1206 as possible, to thereby reduce communication costs and latency. For example, it would be advantageous to deploy the feed compressor device 1302 in a data center of an extranet provider (e.g., Savvis, BT Radians, etc.) due to the data center's geographic proximity to the source of the financial market data 1206. Because the compression reduces message sizes within the feed stream 1206, it will be advantageous to perform the compression prior to the stream reaching wide area network (WAN) 1320a; thereby reducing communication latency through the network because of the smaller message sizes.
WAN 1320 preferably comprises an extranet infrastructure or private communication lines for connection, on the inbound side, to the feed handlers deployed in device 1304. On the outbound side, WAN 1320 preferably connects with device 1306, as explained below. It should be noted that WAN 1320 can comprise a single network or multiple networks 1320a and 1320b segmented by their inbound/outbound role in relation to platform 1300. It is also worth noting that a news feed with real-time news wire reports can also be fed into WAN 1320a for delivery to device 1304.
Device 1304 can be deployed in an appliance such as system 1400 described hereinafter with respect to
Feed handlers, LVCs, time series databases, and news databases can be implemented in device 1304 as described in connection with the above-referenced and incorporated 60/814,796 application.
The rule-based calculation engines, which are engines amenable to implementation in a firmware pipeline and that allow a user to create his/her own synthetic records whose field values are derived from calculations performed against information obtained from the LVC, information extracted from a stream of update messages generated from the LVC, or from alternate sources, can optionally employ at least in part the options pricing techniques described herein. It should also be noted that the rule-based calculation engine can be configured to create new synthetic fields that are included in existing records maintained by the LVC. The new values computed by the engine are computed by following a set of rules or formulas that have been specified for each synthetic field. Thus, for example, a rule-based calculation engine can be configured to compute an option's implied volatility and/or theoretical fair market price using the techniques described in connection with
The alert generation functionality within device 1304 can also be deployed in a firmware pipeline. Alert generation engines are similar to a rule-based calculation engine in that they monitor the current state of a financial instrument record (or set of financial instrument records), and the alert generation engine will trigger an alert when any of a set of specified conditions is met (e.g., when an option's actual price P is within some pre-specified tolerance of an option's theoretical fair market price). An indication is then delivered via a variety of means to consuming applications or end users that wish to be notified upon the occurrence of the alert. This embodiment of the present invention provides great value by providing a practitioner with the ability to tightly couple alert generation functionality with other applications that react to the alerts generated thereby and reduce the effective latency of data processing (e.g., a “black box” trading algorithm that may respond to an alert detected by the alert generation engine).
Options pricing can be implemented with a firmware pipeline in device 1304, via either the rule-based calculation engine functionality described above or via a specific options pricing engine. Thus, an option pricing engine that is part of device 1304 can be configured to perform a number of computations related to received options and their underlying instruments (e.g., the theoretical fair market value of an option or the implied volatility of the underlying instrument based upon the market price of the option as described in connection with
Traders at workstations 1204 (or application programs 1350 running on an entity's own trading platform) can then access the streaming financial data processed by device 1304 via a connection to local area network (LAN) 1322. Through this LAN connection, workstations 1204 (and application program 1350) also have access to the data produced by devices 1306, 1308, 1310, 1312, 1314, and 1316. Like devices 1302 and 1304, devices 1306, 1308, 1310, 1312, 1314, and 1316 can also be deployed in an appliance such as system 1400 described hereinafter with respect to
As described in the above-referenced and incorporated 60/814,796 application, device 1306 preferably consolidates the following functionality at least partially into firmware resident on reconfigurable logic: an order book server; an order router; direct market access gateways to exchanges, Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs), and other liquidity pools; trading engines; an auto-quote server; and a compliance journal. An order book server can employ an options pricing engine or the results from an options pricing engine to enrich the order book data with computed theoretical fair market prices and/or implied volatilities for the options. Also, an order router can be enhanced by employing an options pricing engine or the results from an options pricing engine. For example, the order router may be configured to monitor the status of the order book. In doing so, the order router can identify where liquidity exists in the market to help drive its order routing decisions. When making such order routing decisions, knowledge of an option's implied volatility and/or theoretical fair market price may be helpful. A feed/compliance journal could also employ an options pricing engine or the results from an options pricing engine to correlate market prices with theoretical fair market prices and/or implied volatilities to identify any potential market abnormalities.
A trading engine within device 1306 can also be deployed on reconfigurable logic. An algorithmic trading engine operates to apply a quantitative model to trade orders of a defined quantity to thereby automatically subdivide that trade order into smaller orders whose timing and size are guided by the goals of the quantitative model so as to reduce the impact that the original trade order may have on the current market price. Also, a black box trading engine operates to automatically generate trades by following a mathematical model that specifies relationships or conditional parameters for an instrument or set of instruments. To aid this processing, the black box trading engine is fed with real-time market data. Thus, the black box trading engine within device 1306 can be fed with the computed implied volatility and/or computed fair market price(s) for each option so that the black box trading engine can make a decision on whether to buy or sell a given option. This combination of a black box trading engine with the accelerated options pricing functionality described herein synergistically creates incredible competitive advantages for practitioners of this embodiment of the invention in that the practitioner can conceivably take action on options available on the market before other traders even realize whether the available option represents a desirable deal or not.
An auto-quote server is similar to a black box trading engine. The auto-quote server operates to automatically generate firm quotes to buy or sell a particular financial instrument at the behest of a “market maker”; wherein a “market maker” is a person or entity which quotes a buy and/or sell price in a financial instrument hoping to make a profit on the “turn” or the bid/offer spread. By employing an options pricing engine or the results from an options pricing engine, an auto-quote server's decisions as to what bid/ask offers to place in the market can be driven at least in part by the computed theoretical fair market prices and/or implied volatilities. For example, it is conceivable that the bid/offer spread may correlate to an instrument's volatility; these and other relationships could be examined by a black-box auto-quote server that employs an options pricing engine or the results therefrom.
As described in the above-referenced and incorporated 60/814,796 application, device 1308 preferably implements an internal matching system/engine in firmware resident on reconfigurable logic, device 1310 preferably implements an order management system (OMS) in firmware resident on reconfigurable logic, device 1312 preferably implements entitlements and reporting functionality, device 1314 preferably implements management and monitoring, and device 1316 preferably implements publishing and contribution server functionality.
The data store can be any data storage device/system, but is preferably some form of a mass storage medium. For example, the data store 1404 can be a magnetic storage device such as an array of hard-disk drives. However, it should be noted that other types of storage media may also be suitable for use in the practice of the invention. For example, the data store could also be one or more remote data storage devices that are accessed over a network such as the Internet, a storage area network (SAN), or some local area network (LAN). Another source/destination for data streaming to or from the reconfigurable logic device 1402, is network 1442 by way of network interface 1440, as described above. In the financial industry, a network data source (e.g., the exchanges themselves, a third party provider, etc.) can provide the financial data stream 1206 described above in connection with
The computer system defined by main processor 1408 and RAM 1410 is preferably any commodity computer system as would be understood by those having ordinary skill in the art. For example, the computer system may be an Intel Xeon system or an AMD Opteron system.
The reconfigurable logic device 1402 has firmware modules deployed thereon that define its functionality. In one instantiation, the firmware socket module 1420 handles the data movement requirements (both command data and target data) into and out of the reconfigurable logic device, thereby providing a consistent application interface to the firmware application module (FAM) chain 1430 that is also deployed on the reconfigurable logic device. The FAMs 1430i of the FAM chain 1430 are configured to perform specified data processing operations on any data that streams through the chain 1430 from the firmware socket module 1420. Preferred examples of FAMs that can be deployed on reconfigurable logic in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention are described above in connection with options pricing. For example, the pipeline 250 of
The specific data processing operation that is performed by a FAM can be controlled/parameterized by the command data that FAM receives from the firmware socket module 1420. This command data can be FAM-specific, and upon receipt of the command, the FAM will arrange itself to carry out the data processing operation controlled by the received command. For example, a FAM that is configured as the initial module 252 of pipeline 250 of
Once a FAM has been arranged to perform the data processing operation specified by a received command, that FAM is ready to carry out its specified data processing operation on the data stream that it receives from the firmware socket module. Thus, a FAM can be arranged through an appropriate command to process a specified stream of data in a specified manner. Once the FAM has completed its data processing operation, another command can be sent to that FAM that will cause the FAM to re-arrange itself to alter the nature of the data processing operation performed thereby. In a preferred embodiment of the system, a FAM may process commands in parallel with data streams. For example, new parameters for the next stream of data may be loaded into a parameter cache prior to completion of the current data stream. Not only will the FAM operate at hardware speeds (thereby providing a high throughput of data through the FAM), but the FAMs can also be flexibly reprogrammed to change the parameters of their data processing operations.
The FAM chain 1430 preferably comprises a plurality of firmware application modules (FAMs) 1430a, 1430b, . . . that are arranged in a pipelined sequence. As used herein, “FAM pipeline”, “FAM pipelined sequence”, or “FAM chain” refers to an arrangement of FAMs wherein the output of one FAM is connected to the input of the next FAM in the sequence. This pipelining arrangement allows each FAM to independently operate on any data it receives during a given clock cycle and then pass its output to the next downstream FAM in the sequence during another clock cycle.
A communication path 1432 connects the firmware socket module 1420 with the input of the first one of the pipelined FAMs 1430a. The input of the first FAM 1430a serves as the entry point into the FAM chain 1430. A communication path 1434 connects the output of the final one of the pipelined FAMs 1430z with the firmware socket module 1420. The output of the final FAM 1430z serves as the exit point from the FAM chain 1430. Both communication path 1432 and communication path 1434 are preferably multi-bit paths.
The application software layer 1500 corresponds to high level functionality such as the type of functionality wherein one or more users or external programs interact with the application to define which data processing operations are to be performed by the FAMs and to define what data those data processing operations are to be performed upon.
The next layer is the module application programming interface (API) layer 1502 which comprises a high level module API 1502a and a low level module API 1502b. The high level module API 1502a can provide generic services to application level software (for example, managing callbacks). The low level module API 1502b manages the operation of the operating system (OS) level/device driver software 1504. A software library interface 1510 interfaces the high level module API 1502a with the low level module API 1502b. Additional details about this software library interface can be found in the above-referenced and incorporated patent application Ser. No. 11/339,892.
The interface between the device driver software 1504 and the firmware socket module 1420 serves as the hardware/software interface 1512 for the system 1400. The details of this interface 1512 are described in greater detail in the above-referenced and incorporated patent application Ser. No. 11/339,892.
The interface between the firmware socket module 1420 and the FAM chain 1430 is the firmware module interface 1514. The details of this interface are described in greater detail in the above-referenced and incorporated patent application Ser. No. 11/339,892.
a) depicts a printed circuit board or card 1600 that can be connected to the PCI-X bus 1412 of a commodity computer system for use in a market data platform. In the example of
b) depicts an alternate configuration for a printed circuit board/card 1600. In the example of
It is worth noting that in either the configuration of
As shown in
Thus, as noted, the output of FAM 1810 (which comprises a stream of option messages) is then passed to FAM 1812, which is configured as a rule-based calculation engine to perform options pricing. FAM 1812 also preferably receives data from a real time field value cache 1826 to obtain LVC data, as does the top 10 list FAM 1808. Cache 1826 is preferably embodied by storage 1332. The output from the rule-based calculation engine FAM 1812 is then passed to parallel FAMs 1814, 1816, and 1818. FAM 1814 can serve as a message multiplexer, and receives messages from the outputs of FAMs 1806, 1808 and 1812. FAM 1820 receives the messages multiplexed by FAM 1814, and serves to encode those messages to a desired format. FAM 1816 serves as an alert generation engine, whose function is explained above, and whose output exits the pipeline. FAM 1818 serves as a value cache update engine to ensuring that cache 1826 stays current.
FAM 1904 operates to map the known symbol for a financial instrument (or set of financial instruments) as defined in the parsed message to a symbology that is internal to the platform (e.g., mapping the symbol for IBM stock to an internal symbol “12345”). FAM 1906 receives the output from FAM 1904 and serves to update the LVC cache via memory 1924. The output of FAM 1906 is then provided in parallel to FAMs 1908, 1910, 1912, and 1914.
FAM 1908 operates as a Top 10 list generator, as described above. FAM 1910 operates as a Minute Bar generator, as described in the above-referenced and incorporated 60/814,796 application. FAM 1912 operates as an interest/entitlement filter, as described in the above-referenced and incorporated 60/814,796 application, and FAM 1914 operates as a programmatic calculation engine, as described above. In this embodiment, the programmatic calculation engine 1914 can employ options pricing as described in connection with any of the embodiments of
In performing these tasks, FAM 1904 is aided by memory 1920 that stores templates and field maps, as well as memory 1922 that stores a symbol index. FAM 1906 is also aided by memory 1920 as well as memory 1924 which serves as an LVC cache. Memory 1920 is also accessed by FAM 1908, while memory 1924 is also accessed by FAM 1914. FAM 1912 accesses interest entitlement memory 1926, as loaded from storage 1334 during initialization of the board 1600.
While these figures illustrate several embodiments of FAM pipelines that can be implemented to process real time financial data streams, it should be noted that numerous other FAM pipelines could be readily devised and developed by persons having ordinary skill in the art following the teachings herein.
Further still it should be noted that for redundancy purposes and/or scaling purposes, redundant appliances 1304, 1306, 1308, 1310, 1312, 1314 and 1316 can be deployed in a given market data platform 1300.
Furthermore, it should also be noted that a practitioner of the present invention may choose to deploy less than all of the functionality described herein in reconfigurable logic. For example, device 1304 may be arranged to perform only options pricing in reconfigurable logic, or some other subset of the functions listed in
Thus, a platform 1300 developed in the practice of the invention can be designed to improve data processing speeds for financial market information, all while reducing the number of appliances needed for platform 1300 (relative to conventional GPP-based systems) as well as the space consumed by such a platform. With a platform 1300, a user such as a trader at a work station 1204 (or even a customer-supplied application software program 1350 that accesses the platform via an application programming interface (API), can obtain a variety of information on the financial markets with less latency than would be expected from a conventional system. This improvement in latency can translate into tremendous value for practitioners of the invention.
While the present invention has been described above in relation to its preferred embodiment, various modifications may be made thereto that still fall within the invention's scope.
For example, it should be noted that the OPM computational units 300 of
As another example, it should be noted that while the embodiment of
Similarly, it should also be noted that while the embodiment of
It should also be noted that, with the preferred embodiment, the step of identifying the volatility band within which the implied volatility resides comprises defining the band from an upper and lower volatility value for which the computed theoretical fair market prices surround the option's actual purchase price. Another option for identifying the band within which the implied volatility resides is to determine the volatility value corresponding to the computed theoretical fair market price that is closest in value to the option's actual purchase price. The identified band could then be defined by adding some additional width around the determined volatility value in both directions.
Moreover, while the preferred embodiment describes that the same pipeline can be used to process both call and put options as well as both American and European options (wherein appropriate flags within option messages are used to control whether the pipeline treats a given option message as a call/put and/or American/European option), it should be noted that the system can also be configured to maintain multiple separate pipelines, wherein each pipeline is configured to a given type of option (e.g., a two pipeline system wherein one pipeline is for American options and one pipeline is for European options; a two pipeline system wherein one pipeline is for call options and one pipeline is for put options; and a four pipeline system wherein one pipeline is for American call options, one pipeline is for American put options, one pipeline is for European call options, and one pipeline is for European put options). In such an embodiment, option messages can be directed toward an appropriate pipeline based on its call/put flags and/or American/European flags.
These and other modifications to the invention will be recognizable upon review of the teachings herein. As such, the full scope of the present invention is to be defined solely by the appended claims and their legal equivalents.
This patent application is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/760,211, filed Jun. 8, 2007, and entitled “Method and System for High Speed Options Pricing”, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,840,482, which claims priority to provisional U.S. patent application 60/814,796, filed Jun. 19, 2006, and entitled “High Speed Processing of Financial Information Using FPGA Devices”, the entire disclosures of each of which are incorporated herein by reference. This patent application is related to the following patent applications: U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/545,472 (filed Apr. 7, 2000, and entitled “Associative Database Scanning and Information Retrieval”, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,711,558), U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/153,151 (filed May 21, 2002, and entitled “Associative Database Scanning and Information Retrieval using FPGA Devices”, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,743), U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/561,615 (filed Nov. 20, 2006, entitled “Method and Apparatus for Processing Financial Information at Hardware Speeds Using FPGA Devices”, and published as 2007/0078837), published PCT applications WO 05/048134 and WO 05/026925 (both filed May 21, 2004, and entitled “Intelligent Data Storage and Processing Using FPGA Devices”), U.S. provisional patent application 60/658,418 (filed Mar. 3, 2005, and entitled “Biosequence Similarity Searching Using FPGA Devices”), U.S. provisional patent application 60/736,081 (filed Nov. 11, 2005, and entitled “Method and Apparatus for Performing Biosequence Similarity Searching”), PCT patent application PCT/US2006/006105 (filed Feb. 22, 2006, and entitled Method and Apparatus for Performing Biosequence Similarity Searching), U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/293,619 (filed Dec. 2, 2005, and entitled “Method and Device for High Performance Regular Expression Pattern Matching”), U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/339,892 (filed Jan. 26, 2006, and entitled “Firmware Socket Module for FPGA-Based Pipeline Processing”), and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/381,214 (filed May 2, 2006, and entitled “Method and Apparatus for Approximate Pattern Matching”), the entire disclosures of each of which are incorporated herein by reference.
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5684980 | Casselman | Nov 1997 | A |
5701464 | Aucsmith | Dec 1997 | A |
5721898 | Beardsley et al. | Feb 1998 | A |
5740244 | Indeck et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
5740466 | Geldman et al. | Apr 1998 | A |
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5781772 | Wilkinson, III et al. | Jul 1998 | A |
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5805832 | Brown et al. | Sep 1998 | A |
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6173276 | Kant et al. | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6178494 | Casselman | Jan 2001 | B1 |
6195024 | Fallon | Feb 2001 | B1 |
6226676 | Crump et al. | May 2001 | B1 |
6236980 | Reese | May 2001 | B1 |
6263321 | Daughtery, III | Jul 2001 | B1 |
6272616 | Fernando et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6278982 | Korhammer et al. | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6279113 | Vaidya | Aug 2001 | B1 |
6289440 | Casselman | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6295530 | Ritchie et al. | Sep 2001 | B1 |
6304858 | Mosler et al. | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6309424 | Fallon | Oct 2001 | B1 |
6317728 | Kane | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6317795 | Malkin et al. | Nov 2001 | B1 |
6336150 | Ellis et al. | Jan 2002 | B1 |
6370645 | Lee | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6377942 | Hinsley et al. | Apr 2002 | B1 |
6397259 | Lincke et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
6397335 | Franczek et al. | May 2002 | B1 |
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6594643 | Freeny, Jr. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6597812 | Fallon et al. | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6601104 | Fallon | Jul 2003 | B1 |
6604158 | Fallon | Aug 2003 | B1 |
6624761 | Fallon | Sep 2003 | B2 |
6691301 | Bowen | Feb 2004 | B2 |
6704816 | Burke | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6711558 | Indeck et al. | Mar 2004 | B1 |
6765918 | Dixon et al. | Jul 2004 | B1 |
6766304 | Kemp, II et al. | Jul 2004 | B2 |
6772132 | Kemp, II et al. | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6772136 | Kant et al. | Aug 2004 | B2 |
6772345 | Shetty | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6778968 | Gulati | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6785677 | Fritchman | Aug 2004 | B1 |
6804667 | Martin | Oct 2004 | B1 |
6807156 | Veres et al. | Oct 2004 | B1 |
6839686 | Galant | Jan 2005 | B1 |
6850906 | Chadha et al. | Feb 2005 | B1 |
6877044 | Lo et al. | Apr 2005 | B2 |
6886103 | Brustoloni et al. | Apr 2005 | B1 |
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6931408 | Adams et al. | Aug 2005 | B2 |
6944168 | Paatela et al. | Sep 2005 | B2 |
6978223 | Milliken | Dec 2005 | B2 |
6981054 | Krishna | Dec 2005 | B1 |
7003488 | Dunne et al. | Feb 2006 | B2 |
7024384 | Daughtery, III | Apr 2006 | B2 |
7046848 | Olcott | May 2006 | B1 |
7058735 | Spencer | Jun 2006 | B2 |
7065475 | Brundobler | Jun 2006 | B1 |
7089206 | Martin | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7093023 | Lockwood et al. | Aug 2006 | B2 |
7099838 | Gastineau et al. | Aug 2006 | B1 |
7103569 | Groveman et al. | Sep 2006 | B1 |
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7139743 | Indeck et al. | Nov 2006 | B2 |
7149715 | Browne et al. | Dec 2006 | B2 |
7161506 | Fallon | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7167980 | Chiu | Jan 2007 | B2 |
7177833 | Marynowski et al. | Feb 2007 | B1 |
7181437 | Indeck et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7181608 | Fallon et al. | Feb 2007 | B2 |
7222114 | Chan et al. | May 2007 | B1 |
7224185 | Campbell et al. | May 2007 | B2 |
7225188 | Gai et al. | May 2007 | B1 |
7228289 | Brumfield et al. | Jun 2007 | B2 |
7249118 | Sandler et al. | Jul 2007 | B2 |
7251629 | Marynowski et al. | Jul 2007 | B1 |
7277887 | Burrows et al. | Oct 2007 | B1 |
7287037 | An et al. | Oct 2007 | B2 |
7305383 | Kubesh et al. | Dec 2007 | B1 |
7305391 | Wyschogrod et al. | Dec 2007 | B2 |
7321937 | Fallon | Jan 2008 | B2 |
7356498 | Kaminsky et al. | Apr 2008 | B2 |
7378992 | Fallon | May 2008 | B2 |
7386046 | Fallon et al. | Jun 2008 | B2 |
7406444 | Eng et al. | Jul 2008 | B2 |
7411957 | Stacy et al. | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7417568 | Fallon et al. | Aug 2008 | B2 |
7457834 | Jung et al. | Nov 2008 | B2 |
7461064 | Fontoura et al. | Dec 2008 | B2 |
7558753 | Neubert et al. | Jul 2009 | B2 |
7565525 | Vorbach et al. | Jul 2009 | B2 |
7603303 | Kraus et al. | Oct 2009 | B1 |
7606968 | Branscome et al. | Oct 2009 | B2 |
7660761 | Zhou et al. | Feb 2010 | B2 |
7668849 | Narancic et al. | Feb 2010 | B1 |
7714747 | Fallon | May 2010 | B2 |
7761459 | Zhang et al. | Jul 2010 | B1 |
7788293 | Pasztor et al. | Aug 2010 | B2 |
7840482 | Singla et al. | Nov 2010 | B2 |
7856545 | Casselman | Dec 2010 | B2 |
7856546 | Casselman et al. | Dec 2010 | B2 |
7908213 | Monroe et al. | Mar 2011 | B2 |
7908259 | Branscome et al. | Mar 2011 | B2 |
7917299 | Buhler et al. | Mar 2011 | B2 |
7921046 | Parsons et al. | Apr 2011 | B2 |
7945528 | Cytron et al. | May 2011 | B2 |
7949650 | Indeck et al. | May 2011 | B2 |
7953743 | Indeck et al. | May 2011 | B2 |
7954114 | Chamberlain et al. | May 2011 | B2 |
7991667 | Kraus et al. | Aug 2011 | B2 |
8015099 | Reid | Sep 2011 | B2 |
8024253 | Peterffy et al. | Sep 2011 | B2 |
8027893 | Burrows et al. | Sep 2011 | B1 |
8046283 | Burns et al. | Oct 2011 | B2 |
8069102 | Indeck et al. | Nov 2011 | B2 |
8073763 | Merrin et al. | Dec 2011 | B1 |
8095508 | Chamberlain et al. | Jan 2012 | B2 |
8131697 | Indeck et al. | Mar 2012 | B2 |
8140416 | Borkovec et al. | Mar 2012 | B2 |
8156101 | Indeck et al. | Apr 2012 | B2 |
8224800 | Branscome et al. | Jul 2012 | B2 |
8229918 | Branscome et al. | Jul 2012 | B2 |
8234267 | Branscome et al. | Jul 2012 | B2 |
8244718 | Chamdani et al. | Aug 2012 | B2 |
8326819 | Indeck et al. | Dec 2012 | B2 |
8407122 | Parsons et al. | Mar 2013 | B2 |
8458081 | Parsons et al. | Jun 2013 | B2 |
8478680 | Parsons et al. | Jul 2013 | B2 |
8515682 | Buhler et al. | Aug 2013 | B2 |
8549024 | Indeck et al. | Oct 2013 | B2 |
8595104 | Parsons et al. | Nov 2013 | B2 |
8600856 | Parsons et al. | Dec 2013 | B2 |
8620881 | Chamberlain et al. | Dec 2013 | B2 |
8626624 | Parsons et al. | Jan 2014 | B2 |
8655764 | Parsons et al. | Feb 2014 | B2 |
20010042040 | Keith | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010047473 | Fallon | Nov 2001 | A1 |
20010056547 | Dixon | Dec 2001 | A1 |
20020010825 | Wilson | Jan 2002 | A1 |
20020019812 | Board et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020023010 | Rittmaster et al. | Feb 2002 | A1 |
20020069375 | Bowen | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020072893 | Wilson | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020080871 | Fallon et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020082967 | Kaminsky et al. | Jun 2002 | A1 |
20020100029 | Bowen | Jul 2002 | A1 |
20020101425 | Hamid | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020105911 | Pruthi et al. | Aug 2002 | A1 |
20020129140 | Peled et al. | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020138376 | Hinkle | Sep 2002 | A1 |
20020143521 | Call | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020147670 | Lange | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020156998 | Casselman | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020162025 | Sutton et al. | Oct 2002 | A1 |
20020166063 | Lachman et al. | Nov 2002 | A1 |
20020180742 | Hamid | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20020199173 | Bowen | Dec 2002 | A1 |
20030009411 | Ram et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030009693 | Brock et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030014662 | Gupta et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030018630 | Indeck et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030023653 | Dunlop et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030023876 | Bardsley et al. | Jan 2003 | A1 |
20030028408 | RuDusky | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030028690 | Appleby-Alis et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030028864 | Bowen | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030033234 | RuDusky | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030033240 | Balson et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030033450 | Appleby-Alis | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030033514 | Appleby-Allis et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030033588 | Alexander | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030033594 | Bowen | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030035547 | Newton | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030037037 | Adams et al. | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030037321 | Bowen | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030041129 | Applcby-Allis | Feb 2003 | A1 |
20030043805 | Graham et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030046668 | Bowen | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030051043 | Wyschogrod et al. | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030055658 | RuDusky | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030055769 | RuDusky | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030055770 | RuDusky | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030055771 | RuDusky | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030055777 | Ginsberg | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030061409 | RuDusky | Mar 2003 | A1 |
20030065607 | Satchwell | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030065943 | Geis et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030074177 | Bowen | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030074582 | Patel et al. | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030078865 | Lee | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030079060 | Dunlop | Apr 2003 | A1 |
20030093343 | Huttenlocher et al. | May 2003 | A1 |
20030093347 | Gray | May 2003 | A1 |
20030105620 | Bowen | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030105721 | Ginter et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030110229 | Kulig et al. | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030117971 | Aubury | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030120460 | Aubury | Jun 2003 | A1 |
20030121010 | Aubury | Jun 2003 | A1 |
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20030140337 | Aubury | Jul 2003 | A1 |
20030154368 | Stevens et al. | Aug 2003 | A1 |
20030177253 | Schuehler et al. | Sep 2003 | A1 |
20030184593 | Dunlop | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030187662 | Wilson | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030191876 | Fallon | Oct 2003 | A1 |
20030208430 | Gershon | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030221013 | Lockwood et al. | Nov 2003 | A1 |
20030233302 | Weber et al. | Dec 2003 | A1 |
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20070118453 | Bauerschmidt et al. | May 2007 | A1 |
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20070118500 | Indeck et al. | May 2007 | A1 |
20070130140 | Cytron et al. | Jun 2007 | A1 |
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20070179935 | Lee et al. | Aug 2007 | A1 |
20070208657 | Petrino | Sep 2007 | A1 |
20070237327 | Taylor et al. | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070244859 | Trippe et al. | Oct 2007 | A1 |
20070260602 | Taylor | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070260814 | Branscome et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070277036 | Chamberlain et al. | Nov 2007 | A1 |
20070294157 | Singla et al. | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20070294162 | Borkovec | Dec 2007 | A1 |
20080082502 | Gupta | Apr 2008 | A1 |
20080084573 | Horowitz et al. | Apr 2008 | A1 |
20080086274 | Chamberlain et al. | Apr 2008 | A1 |
20080097893 | Walsky et al. | Apr 2008 | A1 |
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20080109413 | Indeck et al. | May 2008 | A1 |
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20080275805 | Hecht | Nov 2008 | A1 |
20090182683 | Taylor et al. | Jul 2009 | A1 |
20090287628 | Indeck et al. | Nov 2009 | A1 |
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20100287294 | Battyani et al. | Nov 2010 | A1 |
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20110066832 | Casselman et al. | Mar 2011 | A1 |
20110125960 | Casselman | May 2011 | A1 |
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20110167083 | Branscome et al. | Jul 2011 | A1 |
20110178911 | Parsons et al. | Jul 2011 | A1 |
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20120089496 | Taylor et al. | Apr 2012 | A1 |
20120089497 | Taylor et al. | Apr 2012 | A1 |
20120095893 | Taylor et al. | Apr 2012 | A1 |
20120109849 | Chamberlain et al. | May 2012 | A1 |
20120110316 | Chamberlain et al. | May 2012 | A1 |
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20120179590 | Borkovec et al. | Jul 2012 | A1 |
20120215801 | Indeck et al. | Aug 2012 | A1 |
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20130159449 | Taylor et al. | Jun 2013 | A1 |
20130262287 | Parsons et al. | Oct 2013 | A1 |
20130290163 | Parsons et al. | Oct 2013 | A1 |
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20140040109 | Parsons et al. | Feb 2014 | A1 |
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