The present invention relates to the field of system optimization by interactive adjustment of system control parameters and, more particularly, to interactive parameter optimization using multi-dimensional scaling. The invention is broadly applicable to optimizing systems, an important field of application being image optimization.
Typically, imaging devices or image processing algorithms are controlled by some important parameters. Different image outputs suitable for different needs or personal preferences are obtainable by changing the parameters. It is herein recognized that obtaining a set of optimal parameters can be treated as an optimization problem. Usually, the optimization criteria, that is, objective functions such as, for example, image quality or personal preference, are very complex or generally cannot be explicitly evaluated. Their derivatives, required in a traditional optimization framework, may not exist at all in any practical sense.
The present invention focuses on the foregoing kind of derivative-free optimization problem and discloses an effective method that converges much faster than algorithms traditionally used in such applications.
In accordance with an aspect of the invention, a method for optimizing a system comprises interactively adjusting controlling parameters in a parameter set and deriving successive pluralities of parameter sets in a parameter space, each of whose respective member parameter sets are respectively ranked in order, utilizing a ranking input based on respective system performance associated with each parameter set and from each of which plurality of parameter sets an optimal parameter set is selected and used as a point of departure for deriving the next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the preceding ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
While the present invention is broadly applicable to optimizing systems in general, its principles will also be explained herein, without loss of generality, by way of exemplary embodiments relating to an important field of application for the present invention, namely, to image optimization. An algorithm in accordance with the principles of the present invention will be explained and tested on fine-tuning parameters that control an image filtering algorithm. In the following exemplary embodiment, five parameters are used to control the filtering process, for example, noise reduction level, enhancement and so forth. The image quality is judged by the user, who applies judgment at a succession of iterations. At each iteration, a set of several images, 6 in the present exemplary embodiment, are generated by the filtering algorithm using different parameters. The user will proceed to rate all the images of the set, based on preference. Then the algorithm will generate a next set of filter parameters and corresponding filtering results, which will again be rated, starting the next iteration. The goal is to find the best parameter set to filter the image.
The user rating is mainly a relative one within the images of the current iteration. Comparison between the ratings of the images in different iteration steps is generally not appropriate.
It is herein recognized that the question of how to effectively search for the optimal parameters in the five-dimension parameter space without information of the exact target function or its derivatives poses a difficult, but general problem. An overview of the traditional optimization methods can be found in, for example, W. H. Press, B. P. Flannery, S. A. Teukolsky, and W. T. Vetterling: Numerical Recipes in C. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2nd. Edition, 1992; and in S. C. Chapra, R. P. Canale: Numerical Methods for Engineers: With Software and Programming Applications. McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 2001. Implementations for several methods can be found as addition to the theory, in K. Miettinen, Numerical Methods for Unconstrained Minimisation: an integrated Computational Environment, Dissertation at the University of Helsinki, 1993.
It is further herein recognized that traditional methods typically fail to fully utilize the user's feedback and do not converge very fast. In accordance with an aspect of the present invention, the relatively abundant information in the relative weighting of all the images is utilized, instead of relying only on the best-rated image as is generally done in traditional methods. In accordance with principles of the present invention, a multi-dimensional scaling algorithm is designed to find the optimal search direction in the parameter space, which best preserves the relative ranking between the above-mentioned parameters. The new algorithm converges much faster than the traditional methods in experiments carried out, as will be described further below.
Some of the traditional optimization methods for derivative-free optimization and their shortcomings will next be described, followed by a detailed description of the optimization method in accordance with the invention. Comparisons with several known methods are discussed.
As was mentioned some existing methods can be used for the present type of problem to be solved. However, these existing methods exhibit shortcomings and do not work effectively for the user feedback based optimization. Three principal methods are discussed next and their implementation and comparison with the method of the present invention in related experiments will be presented.
A commonly used, very robust and basically rather straightforward method uses normal distribution. Starting in the middle of the interval of typical values, initial parameters are generated with a medium standard deviation. This controls the closeness of sampling. Thereafter, the rating is utilized to compute a weighted mean as a new mean and a new standard deviation. As the number of parameter sets is very limited, a series of minimal conditions for the standard deviation as well as a gradual decrement are used to control exploration and convergence. These conditions are mainly needed to support the convergence, as the sampling of the parameter space is rather sparse with the relatively small number of images. The fine-tuning of the respective factors takes time and critically influences the quality of the algorithm. Once the search for good steering values has been done, the results obtained with this method were quite good.
Another method, also known as the Nelder-Mead Method (Amoeba algorithm), is a variation of the simplex method: starting from an initial simplex, the optimal is circled in by a sequence of reflections, expansions, contractions and shrinkings. As the ranking is for individual parameters, a major drawback of this method is that it needs immediate feedback after every parameter set, which is not suitable when a user rates a series of images. In the setting with direct comparison to a reference image, good results could nevertheless be obtained. The results were often the second best ones, after the results based on MDS. For further explanations see, for example, the afore-mentioned paper by W. H. Press et al., Numerical Recipes in C, and papers by J. O. Kephart, R. Das and J. K. MacKie-Mason: “Two-Sided Learning in an Agent Economy for Information Bundles,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (UCAI-99), Stockholm, Sweden, Jul. 31-Aug. 6, 1999; and K. Chen: Material to the course Advanced Computational Techniques at the National University of Singapore, 2002. Available at˜chenk/cz5201/note6.htm.
In the Variational Method/Golden Section Search (Brent), optimization is done in a more analytical way, varying one parameter at a time, and trying to find optimal values for each of them independently. The parameter dimension with the biggest uncertainty is chosen, the others being kept invariant. In the given direction, a Golden Section Search is made: starting with two points, a third point is selected that subdivides the interval in accordance with the golden section. If the middle point does not have the best rating, the interval is increased, until the middle point yields the best result. Then, the larger interval is again subdivided in accordance with the golden section and the corresponding point is rated.
In the case shown in the graph of
where φ denotes the golden section:
As c gets the highest function value, this interval fulfills the requirement that the middle value is the best one. Then, the larger interval is divided again; d is chosen such that (d−c):(b−d)=φ. As the function value for d is higher than the function value for b, the points for the next step are a, c and d, and the interval [a, c] will be divided next.
This procedure is made circularly for every parameter until no significant increment in the rating is found.
The algorithm was found to converge slowly but steadily. It also has the drawback that the algorithm works with immediate feedback and can only be applied when comparing to a reference image. For the golden section step see, for example, G. Gonnet: Material to the course Scientific Computation at the Federal Institute of Technology, 2002, available at—5.html. An application of the variational search 25 method can be found, for example, at Yixin Chen, Benjamin W. Wah: Calculus of Variations in Discrete Space for Constrained Nonlinear Dynamic Optimization. ICTAI 2002: 67-74.
In accordance with an aspect of the invention, a method for interactively optimizing parameters in a parameter set, comprises: deriving successive pluralities of parameter sets in a parameter space, each of whose respective member parameter sets are respectively ranked in order based on a ranking input, and from each of which an optimal parameter set is selected and used as a point of departure for deriving in a next iteration, the next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the ranking input in the preceding iteration, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking input, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, method for interactively optimizing a system comprises: interactively adjusting controlling parameters in a parameter set, by deriving successive pluralities of parameter sets in a parameter space, each of whose respective member parameter sets are respectively ranked in order, utilizing a ranking input based on respective system performance associated with each parameter set and from each of which plurality of parameter sets an optimal parameter set is selected and used as a point of departure for deriving the next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the preceding ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method for optimizing a system, comprises: interactively adjusting controlling parameters in a parameter set comprising respective member parameter sets, the adjustment comprising: deriving successive pluralities of parameter sets in a parameter space;. ranking each of the respective member parameter sets in order, utilizing a ranking input based on respective system performance associated with each parameter set; selecting an optimal parameter set from the plurality of parameter sets: and using the optimal parameter set as a point of departure for deriving a next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the preceding ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method for optimizing a system, comprises: interactively adjusting controlling parameters in a parameter set comprising respective member parameter sets, the adjusting comprising: deriving a first plurality of parameter sets in a parameter space from a given parameter set for controlling the system; ranking each of the respective parameter sets in order, utilizing a ranking input based on respective system performance associated with each parameter set, wherein a topmost ranked parameter set is selected as a first optimal parameter set; and using the optimal parameter set as a point of departure for deriving a next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the preceding ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method for interactively optimizing parameters in a parameter set for controlling an image filtering algorithm, comprises deriving successive pluralities of parameter sets in a parameter space, each of whose respective member parameter sets are respectively ranked in order based on a ranking input, utilizing respective filtered images, and from each of which an optimal parameter set is selected, based on a selection input, and used as a point of departure for deriving the next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the preceding ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, the successive pluralities of parameter sets are derived by utilizing reconstruction of data sets of the plurality of parameter sets in a lower-dimensional space, while optimally preserving ranking and mutual distances, considered in a least-squares sense.
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method for interactively optimizing parameters in a parameter set for controlling an image filtering algorithm, comprises: inputting an original image to the image filtering algorithm; deriving successive pluralities of parameter sets in a parameter space; deriving a plurality of filtered images from the original image, corresponding respectively to each parameter set; ranking the plurality of images in descending order based on a ranking input and designating a first top-ranking image; starting with a parameter set corresponding to the first top-ranking image, as a point of departure for deriving a next succeeding plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS); deriving a second plurality of filtered images from the original image, corresponding respectively to each parameter set of the succeeding plurality; ranking the second plurality of images in descending order based on a ranking input and designating a second top-ranking image; and starting with a parameter set corresponding to the second top-ranking image, proceeding analogously, mutatis mutandis, as follows starting with the first top-ranking image until sufficient iterations are made to determine a best one of the top-ranking images.
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, method for interactively optimizing parameters in a parameter set for controlling an image filtering algorithm, comprising deriving a first plurality of parameter sets in a parameter space from a given parameter set for controlling the image filtering algorithm; inputting an initial image for filtering by the image filtering algorithm for deriving a first plurality of filtered images from the initial image, each corresponding to a respective parameter set of the first plurality of parameter sets; ranking images of the first plurality of filtered images in descending order of optimality, whereof the topmost image is selected as a first optimal image; and including in a first iteration: deriving a second plurality of parameter sets from the first plurality of parameter sets beginning with the parameter set corresponding to the first optimal image as a first starting parameter set in a parameter space, wherein other parameter sets of the second plurality are placed in the parameter space, using information from the ranking images of the first plurality of filtered images, the ranking being weighted such that placement of parameter sets of the second plurality in accordance with multi-dimensional scaling so as to increase a likelihood of the other parameter sets of the second plurality including a parameter representing an optimal image in a next iteration of ranking and selection; deriving a second plurality of filtered images from the second plurality of parameter sets, each corresponding to a respective parameter set of the second plurality of parameter sets, and ranking images of the second plurality of filtered images in descending order of optimality, whereof the topmost image is selected as a second optimal image.
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method for interactively optimizing parameters for controlling an image filtering algorithm, comprises: inputting an image to the image filtering algorithm; deriving a plurality of parameter sets from a given parameter set in accordance with multi-dimensional scaling (MDS); deriving a plurality of filtered images from the image filtering algorithm under control of the plurality of parameter sets, each filtered image being associated with a respective parameter set of the plurality of parameter sets; selecting an optimal filtered image from the plurality of filtered images; and ranking the remainder of the filtered images of the plurality in descending order of optimality.
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method for interactively optimizing parameters in a parameter set for controlling an image filtering algorithm, comprises: (a) generating a plurality of parameter sets by varying parameters in a parameter set in accordance with multi-dimensional scaling (MDS); (b) generating a plurality of filtered images corresponding respectively to parameter sets of the plurality of parameter sets; (c) selecting an optimal image from the plurality of filtered images, the optimal image corresponding to an optimal parameter set; (d) ending with the optimal image if a given criterion is met, and if not, then going to step (e); (e) deriving a further plurality of parameter sets by varying parameters of the optimal parameter set; (f) generating a further plurality of filtered images corresponding respectively to parameter sets of the further plurality of parameter sets; (g) selecting a further optimal image from the further plurality of filtered images, the further optimal image corresponding to a further optimal parameter set; and (h) ending with the further optimal image if the criterion is met; and if not, then (i) repeatedly performing, mutatis mutandis, the steps (e), (f), (g), and (h), with a yet further plurality of parameter sets in place of the further plurality of parameter sets, a yet further plurality of filtered images in place of the plurality of filtered images, and a yet further optimal image corresponding to a yet further optimal parameter set, until ending with a last further optimal image when the criterion is met.
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method for interactively optimizing parameters for controlling an image filter, comprises: deriving parameters from a first parameter set in accordance with multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) for providing a first plurality of parameter sets to the image filter; deriving a first plurality of filtered images from the image filter corresponding to respective parameter sets of the first plurality; selecting a first optimal image out of the filtered images, the first optimal image corresponding to a respective parameter set, hereinafter referred to as a first optimal parameter set; deriving parameters from the first optimal parameter set for providing a second plurality of parameter sets to the image filter; and deriving a second plurality of filtered images from the image filter corresponding to respective parameter sets of the second plurality.
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method for interactively optimizing parameters for controlling an image filter, comprises: providing a first plurality of parameter sets to the image filter; deriving a first plurality of filtered images from the image filter each corresponding to a respective parameter set of the first plurality of parameter sets; selecting a first optimal image out of the first plurality of filtered images, the first optimal image corresponding to a respective parameter set, hereinafter referred to as a first optimal parameter set; providing a second plurality of parameter sets to the image filter by deriving parameters from the first optimal parameter set by using multi-dimensional scaling (MDS), the second plurality of parameter sets in including the optimal parameter set; and deriving a second plurality of filtered images from the image filter corresponding to respective parameter sets of the second plurality.
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method for interactively optimizing parameters for controlling an image filtering algorithm, comprises: inputting an image to the image filtering algorithm; designating a number of parameter sets in a plurality of parameter sets; designating a number of dimensions in each parameter; representing in a multi-dimensional parameter space the number of parameter sets; deriving a plurality of parameter sets from a given parameter set in accordance with multi-dimensional scaling (MDS); deriving a plurality of filtered images from the image filtering algorithm under control of the plurality of parameter sets, each filtered image being associated with a respective parameter set of the plurality of parameter sets; selecting an optimal filtered image from the plurality of filtered images, the optimal filtered image being associated with a parameter set hereinafter referred to as an optimal parameter set; ranking the remainder of the filtered images of the plurality in descending order of optimality; utilizing information from the step of selecting an optimal filtered image from a plurality of filtered images and ranking the remainder of the filtered images of the plurality according to variation from the optimal image, to determine a search step size, determine a center for a search, and determine a search direction; deriving a second plurality of parameter sets from the optimal parameter set, by using the search step size, the center for a search, and the search direction; deriving a second plurality of filtered images from the image filtering algorithm under control of the second plurality of parameter sets, each filtered image of the second plurality being associated with a respective parameter set of the second plurality of parameter sets; selecting a second optimal filtered image from the second plurality of filtered images and ranking the remainder of the filtered images of the second plurality in descending order of optimality, the second optimal filtered image being associated with a parameter set hereinafter referred to as an optimal parameter set; utilizing information from the step of selecting a second optimal filtered image from the plurality of filtered images and ranking the remainder of the second plurality of filtered images according to variation from the optimal image, to determine a second search step size, determine a second center for a search, and determine a second search direction; and deriving a third plurality of parameter sets from the second optimal parameter set, by using the second search step size, the second center for a search, and the second search direction.
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a method for interactively optimizing parameters in a parameter set, comprises: deriving a plurality of parameter sets in a parameter space, from an initial parameter set; selecting an optimal parameter set of the plurality; ranking the remaining parameter sets in descending order from the optimal parameter set; starting with the optimal parameter set as a center in the parameter space, deriving a step size and a step direction from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS); deriving a further plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the center, the step size, and the direction while preserving the ranking; selecting a further optimal parameter set of the further plurality; ranking the remaining parameter sets of the further plurality in descending order from the optimal parameter set; and starting from the further optimal parameter set as a center in place of the optimal parameter set, iterating the subsequent steps until a best one of the optimal parameter sets is reached.
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a system for interactively optimizing performance of a system comprises: means for interactively adjusting controlling parameters in a parameter set, by deriving successive pluralities of parameter sets in a parameter space, each of whose respective member parameter sets are respectively ranked in order, means for utilizing a ranking input based on respective system performance associated with each parameter set and means for selecting from each of which plurality of parameter sets an optimal parameter set and using the optimal parameter set as a point of departure for deriving the next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the preceding ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
In accordance with another aspect of the invention a system for optimizing performance of a system, comprises: means for interactively adjusting controlling parameters in a parameter set comprising respective member parameter sets, the means comprising: means for deriving successive pluralities of parameter sets in a parameter space; means for ranking each of the respective member parameter sets in order, utilizing a ranking input based on respective system performance associated with each parameter set; means for selecting an optimal parameter set from the plurality of parameter sets: and means for using the optimal parameter set as a point of departure for deriving a next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the preceding ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
In accordance with another aspect of the invention a system for optimizing performance of a system, comprises: means for interactively adjusting controlling parameters in a parameter set comprising respective member parameter sets, the adjusting comprising: means for deriving a first plurality of parameter sets in a parameter space from a given parameter set for controlling the system; means for ranking each of the respective parameter sets in order, utilizing a ranking input based on respective system performance associated with each parameter set, wherein a topmost ranked parameter set is selected as a first optimal parameter set; and means for using the optimal parameter set as a point of departure for deriving a next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the preceding ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
In accordance with another aspect of the invention, a system for interactively optimizing a system comprises means for interactively adjusting controlling parameters in a parameter set, by deriving successive pluralities of parameter sets in a parameter space, each of whose respective member parameter sets are respectively ranked in order, utilizing a ranking input based on respective system performance associated with each parameter set and from each of which plurality of parameter sets an optimal parameter set is selected and used as a point of departure for deriving the next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the preceding ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
In accordance with another aspect of the invention a computer program product comprising a computer useable medium having computer program logic recorded thereon for program code for optimizing a system, comprises: interactively adjusting controlling parameters in a parameter set comprising respective member parameter sets, the adjustment comprising: deriving successive pluralities of parameter sets in a parameter space; ranking each of the respective member parameter sets in order, utilizing a ranking input based on respective system performance associated with each parameter set; selecting an optimal parameter set from the plurality of parameter sets: and using the optimal parameter set as a point of departure for deriving a next following plurality of parameter sets in the parameter space, in accordance with the preceding ranking, in conjunction with a step size and a step direction derived from the ranking, in accordance with multidimensional scaling (MDS).
The invention will be more fully understood from the following detailed description, in conjunction with the drawings, in which
While the present invention is broadly applicable to optimizing systems in general, it is also helpful to explain the invention and its principles herein by way of exemplary embodiments, without loss of generality. An important field of application for the present invention relates to image optimization. The following exemplary embodiments relate to image optimization by way of optimizing sets of parameters controlling an image filter.
From image filter 4, filtered images are inputted to a display device 6 which includes an associated memory for image and data storage. In the preferred embodiment with a programmed computer, a portion of the computer memory will serve as the image memory for a display device for presenting images to a user. Filtered image ranking and selection of optimal filtered images is represented in block 8 which exchanges data with block 10 which represents the interactive generation and processing of control parameters which, in conjunction with filtering algorithm control and filter parameter generation block 12, control the generation of appropriate control parameters by which filter 4 is controlled.
The method in accordance with the present invention fully explores the abundant information in the ratings and their relative order. In every iteration, a center point, a direction and a step size are computed from the feedback. The direction is computed such that the ranking of the points onto the direction is preserved, and the mutual distances are preserved as well as possible. Accordingly this technique is referred to as Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). MDS allows the reconstruction of a data set in a less-dimensional or lower-dimensional space, which optimally preserves the mutual distances, considered in a least-squares sense.
Varying all five dimensions at a time was found to produce the best results in the experimental work performed. A clearly defined configuration of the points in the parameter space is required to simultaneously update the center, the step size and the direction.
The algorithm in accordance with the present invention works in two steps: first, the step size s, the center C and the direction {right arrow over (d)} are computed, using feedback from the user. Thereafter, six points are calculated from the three given iteration parameters.
The iteration parameters s, C and {right arrow over (d)} are next considered. The method chosen to update the step size is straightforward: if the center point gets the best rating, the step size is divided by 2, leading to a convergence around the best point. If a different point yields the best rating and the best point in the previous round or iteration was not the center point, the step size is multiplied by 1.25, so as to try to recover from an excessive amount of shrinking in a previous step. Otherwise, the step size stays unchanged. Clearly, in various other applications, different values may be appropriate.
The center point is always set to the point with the best rating. The best point of the previous iteration is thus always shown, thereby allowing comparison between different iterations.
An important part of the algorithm in accordance with the present invention is the generation of the next direction, for which the afore-mentioned multidimensional scaling (MDS) technique is used. A general introduction to MDS and some applications can be found in Introduction to the MDS technique by StatSoft, available at
The implementation was done in accordance with D. Becker: Material to the course Learning from Data I at Edinburgh University School of Informatics, 2004. Available online at˜dbarber/lfd1/lfd1—2003_visual.pdf.
Let the points be given as P(i) with coordinates Pj(i) and ratings r(i), with 0≦i<p and 0≦j<n. In the case of the present embodiment of the invention and the experimental verification, the number of points, p, is usually 6, and the number of dimensions, n, is usually 5. Clearly other numbers may be used depending upon the application.
The differences between the ratings of the image are interpreted as distances between the respective points in the parameter space. As first step, the p×p distance matrix D (Euclidian Distance) is computed as follows:
The auxiliary matrix M is calculated with the elements
A singular value decomposition of M is made, yielding the eigenvalues λ(i) and the corresponding eigenvectors {right arrow over (e(i))}. In the given setting, only the dimension with the largest eigenvalue is chosen, and the new direction based on multidimensional scaling is
{right arrow over (d)}={right arrow over (e(1))}
where {right arrow over (d)} is a unit vector (i.e. |{right arrow over (d)}|=1). Unless the user sets the step size, a minimum criterion ensures a non-zero step size in every direction.
The points on a hyper-sphere are next considered. Given the step size s, the center C and the direction {right arrow over (d)}, the six parameter sets for the next iteration are computed. In a first step, all the computations are done in an isotropic space, where the length unit is the same for all dimensions. The points are set on a sphere with center Cs=(0,0,0,0,0) and radius 1, the placement depending only on {right arrow over (d)} and the previous direction.
Afterwards, the points are transformed into the anisotropic parameter space, deforming the sphere into a five-dimensional ellipsoid. At this point, the center C, the step size s and the different range of the parameters (which actually causes the anisotropy) are taken into account.
Computation in the isotropic space is considered next. All points in the isotropic space will be indexed with iso. The first point is the center of the sphere: isoP(0)=(0;0;0;0;0).
The second point is given by the direction {right arrow over (d)}: isoP(1)=isoP(0)+{right arrow over (d)}=(d1;d2;d3;d4;d5), and the third point is given by a combination of the last direction and the current one:
For the rest of the points, three unit vectors {right arrow over (r1)}, {right arrow over (r2)}, {right arrow over (r3)} are chosen randomly, observing a minimal angle of 72° (being the division of 360° by 5) between every pair of them as well as between any of them and {right arrow over (d)} and {right arrow over (k)}. Mathematically formulated, these conditions are:
|{right arrow over (r1)}|=|{right arrow over (r2)}|=|{right arrow over (r3)}|=1
{right arrow over (ri)}·{right arrow over (k)}≦cos (72°), i=1, 2, 3
{right arrow over (ri)}·{right arrow over (d)}≦cos (72°), i=1, 2, 3
{right arrow over (ri)}·{right arrow over (rj)}≦cos (72°), i, j=1, 2, 3 and i≠j.
The minimal angles ensure a sufficient difference of the parameter points and the corresponding images. The chosen values yielded the best results. These vectors are used to define the remaining three points: isoP(3)=isoP(0)+{right arrow over (r1)}, isoP(4)=isoP(0)+{right arrow over (r2)} and isoP(5)=isoP(0)+{right arrow over (r3)}.
Computation in the case of decreased dimensionality is next considered. In the case where the user has set the direction in two or more directions to 0, other methods to generate the points in the isotropic space are used: As in the usual case, the first point, isoP(0), is set to the center: isoP(0)=(0;0;0;0;0). The placement of the other points depends on the number of dimensions with non-zero step size.
In the case where no dimension has a non-zero step size: if all parameters have zero step size, nothing can be done, as the direction vector is identical to the zero-vector. All points are set to the center: isoP(i)=isoP(0), i=1 . . . p−1.
Considering the case of one dimension with non-zero step size: if one parameter has non-zero step size, the five points are computed in adaptation of the idea of the aforementioned Brent's Golden Section Search. The new points are the following ones:
isoP(1)=isoP(0)+φ·{right arrow over (d)}
isoP(2)=isoP(0)−φ·{right arrow over (d)}
isoP(3)=isoP(0)+{right arrow over (d)}
isoP(4)=isoP(0)−{right arrow over (d)}
isoP(5)=isoP(0)+(1+φ)·{right arrow over (d)}
where φ denotes the golden section:
Considering next the case of two dimensions with non-zero step size: in the case of two varying parameters, a circle is defined by the center and the direction. The first point isoP(1) on the circle is computed as isoP(1)=isoP(0)−{right arrow over (d)}, the other four are rotations of isoP(1) of 72° around the center.
In the case of three dimensions with non-zero step size: if three parameters have non-zero variation, an equilateral tetrahedron is herein recognized to be a convenient and useful shape. See
From the middle point M of the ground plane, four vectors orthogonal to {right arrow over (d)} lead to the remaining points. The vector to P2 is chosen such that the two components with the biggest step sizes are parallel to the direction of the last step. Together with the length condition ({right arrow over (isoP(0) isoP(2))} has the same length as {right arrow over (d)}) and the perpendicularity between {right arrow over (MisoP(2))} and {right arrow over (d)}, these conditions determine this first vector and thus isoP(2). isoP(4) is isoP(2) reflected on M.
For the two remaining points, the vectors are chosen to be rectangular to the previously generated, i.e. {right arrow over (MisoP(3))} is rectangular to {right arrow over (MisoP(2))}. Again, the two other conditions ({right arrow over (MisoP(3))} rectangular to {right arrow over (d)}, {right arrow over (isoP(0) isoP(3))} has the same length as {right arrow over (d)}) determine {right arrow over (MisoP(3))} and thus isoP(3). isoP(5) is the reflection of isoP(3) on M.
Mapping to the real parameter space is next considered. In the second step, the points in the isotropic space are mapped into the anisotropic parameter space. The step size s is used to determine the size of the sphere, and the initial parameter directions determine the anisotropy of the space.
The formula used for this mapping is the following:
Pj(i)=C+s·({right arrow over (dinit)})j·iso Pj(i)
where ({right arrow over (dinit)})j denotes the j-th component of the initial direction. In order to keep the best image of the previous round (which is now the center) stays at its position, a permutation of the point numbering is done at the same time.
Numerical experiments have been carried as will be described next. All implemented methods have been tested with the two different variants of feedback (click feedback or full numerical feedback) and two different filter algorithms on two ultrasound images.
For the click feedback, the filtered images were compared with the given reference image, and the one with the least difference was clicked (that is, selected to be the best one). As the feedback was given after every iteration (that is, after every set of images), this rating technique is only applicable to the two aforementioned algorithms that do not need immediate feedback: Normal Distribution and Multidimensional Scaling.
For the full feedback, a function was used to generate the rating from the distance to the reference image. The feedback was generated immediately after the filtering, thus allowing comparison of all four implemented search algorithms. However, the Normal Distribution and the Multidimensional Scaling work in rounds with a number of points that corresponds to the number of images displayed per iteration.
For every method, the quality of the best image so far was measured and tracked as a function of the number of iterations (for the click feedback) or the number of generated images (for the immediate, full rating). As a quality measure, the difference of the filtered image img to a given reference (or golden standard) image ref was taken: The quality is given by the average pixel-wise square distance between img and ref:
where h is the height, w the width of the images and imgx,y is the gray scale value of the pixel at position (x,y) in the image img. The size of the reference image is preferably always the same as that of the filtered image.
In the vast majority of cases, the parameters based on the Multidimensional Scaling method in accordance with the present invention produced the best results. A noticeable difference is observed between the two filter methods: while all parameter generation methods produced similar results in the first few iterations when using the standard filter, big differences are observed when the PDE filter is used. In this case, the MDS produced significantly better parameters than all other methods. For both algorithms, major improvement takes place during the first few iterations; the MDS method steadily finds new best results, whereas the best result found using the normal distribution method only improves a little after this first phase.
In the case of the click feedback on the standard filter, the normal distribution and the MDS parameters are about the same in the first five iterations; afterwards, the values generated by MDS are better. The number of iterations corresponds to the number of feedbacks given by the user; in every iteration in the present example, a set of typically six images is generated.
In the case of full, numerical rating for all images of the current set, all four algorithms except the variational method produce similar results in the case of the standard filter. If the PDE filter is used, the MDS based parameters get the best ratings, with the results from the other three methods being in the same range. Again, the major improvement is done after about thirty images, which results in a similar number of images as in the case of the click rating.
Comparing the overall behavior, the distance of the current best image after a given number of generated images is about ten percent lower in the case of full rating, compared to the click rating. The difference of the results is thus not as big as might have been expected.
As will be apparent, the present invention is intended to be implemented with the use and application of a programmed digital computer. Inputs may be made directly, or by communication with another computer or device by way of direct connection, a modulated infrared beam, radio, land line, facsimile, or satellite as, for example, by way of the World Wide Web or Internet, or any other appropriate source of such data. The output device may include a computer type display device using any suitable apparatus such as a cathode-ray kinescope tube, a plasma display, liquid crystal display, and so forth, or it may include memory for storing an image for further processing, or for viewing, or evaluation, as may be convenient, or it may utilize a connection or coupling including such as are noted above in relation to the input. The processor is operative with a program set up in accordance with the present invention for implementing steps of the invention. Such a programmed computer may interface readily through communications media such as land line, radio, the Internet, and so forth for image data acquisition and transmission.
The invention may be readily implemented, at least in part, in a software memory device and packaged in that form as a software product. This can be in the form of a computer program product comprising a computer useable medium having computer program logic recorded thereon for program code for performing the method of the present invention.
The present invention has also been explained in part by way of examples using illustrative exemplary embodiments. It will be understood that the description by way of exemplary embodiments is not intended to be limiting and that, while the present invention is broadly applicable to optimizing systems in general, it is helpful to also illustrate its principles, without loss of generality, by way of exemplary embodiments relating to an important field of application for the present invention, namely, to image optimization. It will also be understood that various changes and substitutions not herein explicitly described may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention which is defined by the claims following.
Specific reference is hereby made to copending U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/649,714 (Attorney Docket No. 2005P01970US) filed Feb. 3, 2005, in the names of the inventors in the present application, Andreas Streich, Yunqiang Chen, and Jason Jenn-Kwei Tyan, and entitled Interactive Parameter Optimization Using Multi-Dimensional Scaling, and whereof the disclosure is hereby incorporated herein by reference and whereof the benefit of priority is claimed.
Number | Date | Country | |
60649714 | Feb 2005 | US |