Mosaic for X version 2.0 Fill-Out Form Support, URL=http://www.ncsa.uiuc.e . . . ut-forms/overview.html, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
CGI: Common Gateway Interface, URL=, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
The Common Gateway Interface, URL=, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
Common Gateway Interface, URL=, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
The Common Gateway Interface, URL=, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
CGI Environment Variables, URL=, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
The CGI Specification, URL=, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
The WWW Common Gateway Interface Version 1.1, URL=˜drtr/cgi-spec.html, downlaod date Apr. 5, 1996. |
CGI test cases, URL=, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
CGI Command line options, URL=, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
CGI Script Input, URL=http://hoohoo, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
CGI Script Output, URL=, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
Decoding Forms with CGI, URL=, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
Writing secure CGI scripts, URL=http://hoohoo, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
W3C httpd CGI/1.1 Script Support, URL= . . . User/CGI/Overview.html, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
CGI Configuration, URL=http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiu . . . ocs/tutorials/cgi.html, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol, URL=http:/, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
Relevant protocols, URL= . . . RelevantProtocols.html, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol—HTTP/1.2, URL= . . . ols/ HTTP/1.0/spec.html, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol—HTTP/1.1, URL= . . . ols/HTTP/1.1/spec.html, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol—Next Generation, URL= . . . /HTTP-NG/Overview .html, download date Apr. 5, 1996. |
HTTP-NG Problem Statement, URL= . . . NG/051005-Problem.html, download dated Apr. 5, 1996. |
Writing Internet Server Applications, Internet Server API (ISAPI) Documentaion download date Sep. 25, 1996. |
Server Side Includes (SSI), URL=, download date Oct. 8, 1996. |
Object Wrapping (for WWW)—The key to Integrated Services, URL=, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
Comparing CORBA & WWW, URL= . . . ISF/1464/1464prt2.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
Integrating thrid party information services, URL= . . . ISF/1464/1464prt3.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
A stub compiler for CGI, URL= . . . ISF/1464/1464prt4.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
A Stub Compiler for HTTP, URL= . . . ISF/1464/1464prt5.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
An application scenario, URL= . . . ISF/1464/1464prt6.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
Conclusions, URL= . . . ISF/1464/1464prt7.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
Acknowledgements, URL= . . . ISF/1464/1464prt8.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
References, URL=http://www/ . . . ISF/1464/1464prt9.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
Proxies, URL=, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
Configuring Proxy To Connect To Another Proxy, URL= . . . oxies/ManyProxies.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
Proxy Caching, URL= . . . er/Config/Caching.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
Setting Up Clients To Use a Proxy, URL= . . . xies/ProxyClients.html, download date Apr. 8, 1996. |
Alexander Newman, Special Edition Using Java, Que, Chapter 22, 01/96. |
Dynamic Web Interfaces to Purveyor, Process Software Corporation, pp. 1-11, Jan. 1, 1996. |