"The Peregrine High-performance RPC System," by David B. Johnson & Willy Zwaenepoel, Software-Practice and Experience, vol. 23(2), pp. 201-221, Feb. 1993. |
"Lightwave Remote Procedure Call, " by Brian Bershad et al., Transactions on Computer Systems, vol. 8(1), pp. 37-55, Feb. 1990. |
Hamilton et al., "Subcontract: A Flexible Base for Distributed Programming," Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Inc., pp. 1-12, Apr. 1993. |
Oney, Walter, "Mix 16-bit and 32-bit code in the applications with the Win32s Universal Thunk," Microsoft Systems Journal v8 n11 p. 39(16), Nov. 1993. |
Johnson et al, The Peregrine High-performance RPC System, Software-Practice and Experience (vol. 23(2)), pp. 201-221, Feb. 1993. |
Bershad et al, Lightweight Remote Procedure Call, Transactions on Computer Systems, (vol. 8, No. 1), pp. 37-55, Feb. 1990. |
Bershad et al, Lightweight Remote Procedure Call, ACM, pp. 38-39, 54-55, Feb. 1990. |