Method and system for performing capacitance estimations on an integrated circuit design routed by a global routing tool


  • Patent Grant
  • 6415422
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, September 17, 1999
    24 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, July 2, 2002
    22 years ago
A method for performing capacitance estimations on an integrated circuit design routed by a global routing tool is disclosed. Routing areas and pin locations of a net within an integrated circuit design are initially obtained from a global routing tool. Common boundaries among the routing areas are then defined. Before the performance of a detailed routing step, congestion information furnished by the global routing tool is utilized to perform probabilistic capacitance calculations for an interconnect that can be routed within the routing areas via the defined common boundaries to connect the pin locations.


1. Technical Field

The present invention relates to data processing in general and, in particular, to a method and system for performing capacitance estimations on an integrated circuit design. Still more particularly, the present invention relates to a method and system for performing capacitance estimations on an integrated circuit design that is routed utilizing a global routing tool.

2. Description of the Prior Art

A microelectronic integrated circuit (IC) typically comprises a large number of electronic components that are fabricated by layering several different materials on a silicon wafer. Signals are communicated among these electronic components via interconnects. Thus, path delays in an IC are typically dominated by the signal propagation time of interconnects within the IC. In order to properly estimate the signal propagation time of interconnects within an IC during its design, it is crucial to determine the electrical characteristics (including distributed capacitance and resistance) of the interconnects within the IC design. However, the routing of interconnects is typically not completed until the end of the IC design process.

Instead of waiting until the completion of interconnect routing, capacitance estimations for interconnects are conventionally accomplished by constructing a Steiner tree route for a net (ignoring congestion and blockages) and by computing capacitance based on the Steiner tree route. However, there are two primary drawbacks to the conventional method of capacitance estimation. First, the Steiner tree topology is highly inaccurate, and second, a worst-case capacitance computation is typically obtained. As a result, the conventional method of capacitance estimation leads to a more conservative IC design than it is necessary. Consequently, it would be desirable to provide a better method to perform capacitance estimations on an IC design before the detailed routing of interconnects is completed.


In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention, routing areas and pin locations of a net within an integrated circuit design are obtained from a global routing tool. Common boundaries among the routing areas are then defined. Before the performance of a detailed routing step, congestion information furnished by the global routing tool is utilized to perform probabilistic capacitance calculations for an interconnect that can be routed within the routing areas via the defined common boundaries to connect the pin locations.

All objects, features, and advantages of the present invention will become apparent in the following detailed written description.


The invention itself, as well as a preferred mode of use, further objects, and advantages thereof, will best be understood by reference to the following detailed description of an illustrative embodiment when read in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1

is a high-level logic flow diagram of various stages in an integrated circuit design process;

FIG. 2

is a high-level logic flow diagram of a method for performing capacitance estimations on an integrated circuit design that is routed utilizing a global routing tool, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention;






are graphical illustrations of an application of steps depicted in

FIG. 2

to an integrated circuit; in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 4

is a cross-sectional view of an interconnect utilized in a capacitance modelling method, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention; and

FIG. 5

is a block diagram of an exemplary computer system in which a preferred embodiment of the invention may be incorporated.


The physical design process for an integrated circuit (IC) is commonly divided into various distinct stages. These stages include Partitioning, Floor Planning, Placement, Routing, etc. Most, if not all, of the design stages can be partially or fully automated utilizing Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools.

Referring now to the drawings and, in particular, to

FIG. 1

, there is illustrated a high-level logic flow diagram of various stages in an IC design process. An IC design may contain several million transistors, and layout of the entire IC in a single setting is almost impossible due to the limitation of memory space as well as the computation power available. Therefore, the IC design is normally partitioned by grouping all electronic components within the IC design into blocks, such as sub-circuits and modules, during a Partitioning stage, as shown in block


. The actual Partitioning step considers many factors such as size of blocks, number of blocks, and number of interconnections between blocks. In large IC designs, Partitioning steps are often hierarchical, although non-hierarchical steps can also be utilized. The output of the Partitioning stage is a set of blocks, along with the interconnections required between blocks. The set of interconnections required is commonly referred to as a netlist.

A Floor Planning stage, as depicted in block


, is concerned with selecting good layout alternatives for each of the blocks within the IC design, as well as between blocks and at the edges. The Floor Planning stage is a critical stage because it establishes the ground work for a good layout of the entire IC.

During a Placement stage, as shown in block


, the blocks generated from the Floor Planning stage are positioned within the floor plan exactly where they will be fabricated. The goal of the Placement stage is to find a minimum-area arrangement for the blocks that allows completion of interconnections between the blocks. The Placement stage is typically divided in two phases. In the first phase, an initial placement is created. In the second phase, the initial placement is evaluated, and iterative improvements are made, based on the results generated from a Logic Optimization stage, as depicted in block


, until the layout has minimum area and conforms to design specifications.

During a Routing stage, the interconnections between blocks are completed according to a specified netlist. Initially, any space not occupied by blocks, which is called a routing area, is partitioned into rectangular regions called channels and switch boxes. The goal of Routing is to then complete all circuit connections by utilizing the shortest possible wire length and the channel and switch boxes.

The Routing stage is also divided in two phases, commonly referred to as a global routing phase, as shown in block


, and a detailed routing phase, as depicted in block


. In the global routing phase, connections are completed between proper blocks of the IC, disregarding the exact geometric details of each wire (or interconnect) and terminal. A loose route of a wire through different regions of a routing area is specified during the global routing phase. In the detailed routing phase, point-to-point connections between terminals on the blocks are completed. Loose routing is converted into exact routing by specifying the geometric information such as width of wires and their layer assignments. The detailed routing phase includes channel routing and switch box routing.

After detailed routing, a Three-Dimensional (3D) Extraction, as depicted in block


, can be performed on the routed IC design. Subsequently, a Timing Analysis, as shown in block


, is performed on the extracted information of the IC design. Furthermore, Logic Optimization is performed on the IC design, based on the results generated from the Timing Analysis. As mentioned previously, the results from Logic Optimization stage


is then fed back to Placement stage



When designing an IC, checking tools are a key part of the design tool set, as they allow for IC designers to verify their work. These checking tools have many different functions, such as capacitance calculation and resistance-capacitance (RC delay) estimation. However, it has always been a problem for these checking tools to provide support throughout all the different development stages mentioned above. This is because in the early stages of an IC design, not much is known about the layout. Only as the design progresses, is more known about rough layout, and finally, complete wiring data is available after Detailed Routing stage


. Nevertheless, IC designers need to perform capacitance estimations in early design stage to ensure that the IC design falls within the design specification. Hence, capacitance estimations have to be performed as early as possible in the design process.

Instead of performing Detailed Routing and 3D Extraction in order to render capacitance estimations as in the prior art, the present invention provides an improved method for performing capacitance estimations immediately after Global Routing.

With reference now to

FIG. 2

, there is illustrated a high-level logic flow diagram of a method for performing capacitance estimations on an IC design that is routed utilizing a global router, in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. Starting at block


, routing areas and pin locations of a net within the IC design are obtained from the global router, as shown in block


. Next, common boundaries are defined among overlapping routing areas, as depicted in block


. Then, quick routing and layer assignments are performed to connect pin locations within the defined routing areas via the defined common boundaries, as illustrated in block


. As a result, pin locations within the defined routing areas of the net are interconnected to each other by an interconnect. Finally, capacitance calculations are performed on the interconnect, as shown in block


. Such capacitance calculations are probabilistic in nature, as will be further explained infra.

Each of the steps depicted in

FIG. 2

can be better understood by referring now to






. As shown in

FIG. 3


, four overlapping routing areas




, for example, are defined within a net. Within each of routing areas




, at least one pin connection is present. For example, pin connection p


is present within routing area


, and pin connection p


is present within routing area


. Then, some or all of the overlapping regions of routing areas




are eliminated, as shown in

FIG. 3


. As a result, two overlapping routing areas become two adjacent routing areas sharing a common boundary. For example, routing areas




share a common boundary


, and routing areas




share a common boundary


. The pin location(s) in each of routing areas




is then projected to their common boundaries. For example, pin connection p


is projected to common boundary


and common boundary


, and pin connection p


is projected to a common boundary



Then, the pin locations from each of routing areas




are connected to each other via an interconnect


constructed by a quick routing process that is well-known in the art, as shown in

FIG. 3


. Sometimes, unconnected boundary pins, such as pin location


, may exist, depending on the routing. In addition, layer assignments for interconnect


are also performed at this time. After an approximate route for interconnect


is determined, the capacitance of each segment of interconnect


is computed, as shown in

FIG. 3


. Specifically, an average self-capacitance for interconnect


and its split between switching and non-switching capacitance are required to be determined. Although routing and capacitance calculations are shown as separate steps, both steps are considered as an integral step of capacitance estimation.

With reference now to

FIG. 4

, there is illustrated a cross-sectional view of an interconnect utilized in a capacitance modelling method in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present invention. As shown, an interconnect


(similar to interconnect



FIG. 3


) is assumed to be flanked by several interconnects, such as interconnects




, on the same level on either side. Interconnect


is further assumed to “run” under a plane


on the IC layer above and over a plane


on the IC layer below.

The distances between interconnect


and its adjacent neighbors, such as interconnects




, are preferably estimated based on congestion information obtained from a global router. If a grid-based router will be utilized during the Detailed Routing stage, the distance of an interconnect to its nearest neighbor is assumed to vary in discrete steps. For each step, the probability that another interconnect will be present at the specified number of steps away from the interconnect is computed based on the congestion information available for each tile (each routing area may include more than one tile).

For example, if there are n tracks available in a given tile and m wires need to be routed (m≦n) within the tile, the probability that a track adjacent to any given interconnect on one side is occupied by another interconnect (i.e., interconnect


is flanked by interconnects




) is given by (m−1)/(n−1), which can be called P


. The probability that the next adjacent track is open but the track beyond is occupied (i.e., interconnect


is flanked by interconnects




, but not interconnects




) is given by (m−1) (n−m)/(n−1) (n−2), which can be called P


. The probability that the next occupied track is more than two tracks away (i.e., interconnect


is flanked by interconnects




but not interconnects




) is the sum of the above two probabilities subtracted from one, which can be called P


. In other words,



























These probabilities are computed for each tile in each interconnection layer. Given these probabilities, the average capacitance C


is the weighted sum (using the probabilities as weights) of the self-capacitance, when the adjacent interconnect is one, two, or more than two tracks away, called C


, C


, and C


, respectively, as follows:















Capacitances C


, C


, and C


can be pre-computed for a specific processing technology and stored in a look-up table. To compute the capacitance of an interconnect within a net, its intersection with each tile is first determined. The capacitance for each segment of the interconnect lying within a tile is then computed, and these capacitances are aggregated to obtain the total estimated capacitance for the entire interconnect within the net.

It should be noted that these capacitances are computed with an assumption that planes above and below an interconnect (such as planes




) are fully occupied. Because the global routing congestion information also includes the percentage occupancy of the plane above and below the interconnect, this information can be used to derate the capacitance computed, assuming a full plane by a certain factor. As a preferred embodiment, a congestion-based correction factor is applied as follows: the derating factor is obtained independently for planes




. For either one of planes




, the derating factor is a number between 1.0 and some minimum value s


. If the plane is fully occupied (i.e., each wiring track is occupied), the derating factor is 1.0. If the plane is minimally occupied (i.e., one track out of the maximum number of wiring tracks track


are used), this derating factor is s


. If the plane is less than minimally occupied, the plane is discarded as the bounding plane, and the next plane above (or below) is chosen as the bounding plane. For total capacitance computation, the average capacitance (based on nearest neighbor and fully occupied planes) is multiplied by the derating factor of planes




. The occupancy track


and factor s


are pre-computed for each interconnecting layer. For occupancy of one track in x (x is less than track


), the total capacitance, C


is calculated as follows:



















Note that s


and track


refer to the minimum derating factor and minimum occupancy of planes




, respectively.

As has been described, the present invention provides an improved method for performing capacitance estimations on an IC design that is routed utilizing a global routing tool. The global routing tool divides the IC design into tiles and determines the tile crossed by each net to obtain congestion information for each tile. A quick routing can be performed at this point for each net such that an estimate interconnect path only crosses the tiles specified by the global routing tool. Also, if the global routing tool assigns wiring planes for the net, the estimate interconnect path are routed on those wiring places. In addition, with the congestion information determined by the global routing tool for each tile, the average distance to the nearest neighbor for each interconnect segment can be ascertained. The capacitance of each interconnect segment is computed based on this average distance. Thus, the capacitance estimation for the interconnect is very close to that determined from detailed wiring and extraction performed on the IC design. The increased estimation accuracy removes unnecessary conservatism from the IC design and results in a faster design convergence.

The present invention may be executed in a midrange computer or in a mainframe computer under a number of different operating systems. In addition, the computer may be a stand-alone system or part of a network such as a local-area network (LAN) or a wide-area network (WAN). For the purpose of illustration, a preferred embodiment of the present invention, as described below, is implemented on an RS/6000™ computer, manufactured by International Business Machines Corporation of Armonk, N.Y.

Referring now to

FIG. 5

, there is illustrated a block diagram of a computer system that may be utilized to implement a preferred embodiment of the invention. Within computer box


, main processor


is coupled to a main memory


and a multiple-function I/O processor (MFIOP)


. Main processor


may include a single processor or multiple processors. Several peripheral storage devices such as diskette drive


, tape drive


, and direct access storage devices (DASDs)


, are controlled by MFIOP


. In addition, MFIOP


provides communications to other devices via communication ports such as COMM


and COMM



Attached to system bus


are a workstation controller


and a communications I/O processor (CIOP)


. Workstation controller


provides communications between main processor


and workstation(s)


that may be connected to the computer system. CIOP


provides communications to other devices via communication ports such as COMM




, and COMM



It is also important to note that, although the present invention has been described in the context of a fully functional computer system, those skilled in the art will appreciate that the mechanisms of the present invention are capable of being distributed as a program product in a variety of forms, and that the present invention applies equally regardless of the particular type of signal-bearing media utilized to actually carry out the distribution. Examples of signal-bearing media include but are not limited to recordable-type media, such as floppy disks or CD ROMs, and transmission-type media such as analogue or digital communications links.

While the invention has been particularly shown and described with reference to a preferred embodiment, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and detail may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.

  • 1. A method for performing capacitance estimations on an integrated circuit design that is routed by utilizing a global routing tool, said method comprising the steps of:obtaining routing areas and pin locations of a net within an integrated circuit design from a global routing tool; defining common boundaries among said routing areas; and before performing detailed routing, performing probabilistic capacitance calculations on an interconnect that can be routed within said routing areas via said common boundaries to connect said pin locations, including a probability that a track adjacent to said interconnect on one side is occupied by another interconnect, wherein said probabilistic capacitance calculations are performed utilizing congestion information furnished by said global routing tool.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein said probability is calculated by (m−1)/(n−1), where n is a number of tracks available in a given tile and m is a number of wires need to be routed within said tile.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein said step of performing probabilistic capacitance calculations further includes a step of calculating a probability of said track adjacent to said interconnect is open but a track beyond said track adjacent to said interconnect is occupied.
  • 4. The method according to claim 3, wherein said probability is calculated by (m−1)(n−m)/(n−1) (n−2), where n is a number of tracks available in a given tile and m is a number of wires need to be routed within said tile.
  • 5. The method according to claim 3, wherein said step of performing probabilistic capacitance calculations further includes a step of calculating a probability of a next occupied track is more than two tracks away from said interconnect.
  • 6. The method according to claim 5, wherein said probability is calculated by 1−{[(m−1)/(n−1)]+[(m−1) (n−m)/(n−1) (n−2)]}, where n is a number of tracks available in a given tile and m is a number of wires need to be routed within said tile.
  • 7. A computer program product residing on a computer usable medium for performing capacitance estimations on an integrated circuit design that is routed by utilizing a global routing tool, said computer program product comprising:program code means for obtaining routing areas and pin locations of a net within an integrated circuit design from a global routing tool; program code means for defining common boundaries among said routing areas; and program code means for performing probabilistic capacitance calculations on an interconnect that can be routed within said routing areas via said common boundaries to connect said pin locations, before performing detailed routing, including a probability that a track adjacent to said interconnect on one side is occupied by another interconnect, wherein said probabilistic capacitance calculations are performed utilizing congestion information furnished by said global routing tool.
  • 8. The computer program product according to claim 7, wherein said probability is calculated by (m−1)/(n−1), where n is a number of tracks available in a given tile and m is a number of wires need to be routed within said tile.
  • 9. The computer program product according to claim 7, wherein said program code means for performing probabilistic capacitance calculations further includes a program code means for calculating a probability of said track adjacent to said interconnect is open but a track beyond said track adjacent to said interconnect is occupied.
  • 10. The computer program product according to claim 9, wherein said probability is calculated by (m−1)(n−m)/(n−1)(n−2), where n is a number of tracks available in a given tile and m is a number of wires need to be routed within said tile.
  • 11. The computer program product according to claim 9, wherein said program code means for performing probabilistic capacitance calculations further includes a program code means for calculating a probability of a next occupied track is more than two tracks away from said interconnect.
  • 12. The computer program product according to claim 11, wherein said probability is calculated by 1−{[(m−1)/(n−1)]+[(m−1)(n−m)/(n−1)(n−2)]}, where n is a number of tracks available in a given tile and m is a number of wires need to be routed within said tile.
  • 13. A computer system for performing capacitance estimations on an integrated circuit design that is routed by utilizing a global routing tool, said computer system comprising:means for obtaining routing areas and pin locations of a net within an integrated circuit design from a global routing tool; means for defining common boundaries among said routing areas; and means for performing probabilistic capacitance calculations on an interconnect that can be routed within said routing areas via said common boundaries to connect said pin locations, before performing detailed routing, including a probability that a track adjacent to said interconnect on one side is occupied by another interconnect, wherein said probabilistic capacitance calculations are performed utilizing congestion information furnished by said global routing tool.
  • 14. The computer system according to claim 13, wherein said probability is calculated by (m−1)/(n−1), where n is a number of tracks available in a given tile and m is a number of wires need to be routed within said tile.
  • 15. The computer system according to claim 13, wherein said means for performing probabilistic capacitance calculations further includes a means for calculating a probability of said track adjacent to said interconnect is open but a track beyond said track adjacent to said interconnect is occupied.
  • 16. The computer system according to claim 15, wherein said means for performing probabilistic capacitance calculations further includes a means for calculating a probability of a next occupied track is more than two tracks away from said interconnect.
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