The Software Catalog—Microcomputers, Spring 1984. |
The Information Aspect of Merchandising Your Feedlot, Computer Management column edited by B.J. Geiger, CALF News, vol. 23 No. 8, Aug. 1985. |
The Consultant's Role in Feedlot Practice, Alvin J. Edwards, D.V.M., as presented to Eleventh Annual American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Baltimore, Maryland, Dec. 13, 1978. |
A Review of the Etiological Factors Associated with the Bovine Respiratory System, Merwin Frey, D.V.M., Ph.D., Department of Veterinary Science, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Apr., 1980. |
Computer User Confirms Value for Management Decisions, CALF News, vol. 21 No. 8, Aug. 1983. |
Computer Assisted Management Operations Manual with Sample Printouts, Dec. 1984. |
Computer, The Bovine Proceedings—No. 12, Apr., 1980. |
Alvin J. Edwards, D.V.M., Ph.D.; The Personal Aspect of a Feedyard Health Program; College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University (1980). |
Proceedings of International Conference on Veterinary Preventive Medicine and Animal Production; Australian Veterinary Journal; (Nov. 1985). |
Affidavit of Stephen W. Meyers; United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Texas Amarillo Division; Civ. No. 2:94-CV-293-J; Micro Chemical, Inc. v. Lextron, Inc. and Turnkey Computer Systems, Inc. (May 1995). |
Online, Monthly Newsletter from Turnkey Computer Systems, Inc., Customer Survey, Jun. 1986. |
Computer Application for the Food Animal Practitioner, Bechtol & Jordan, Animal Health and Nutrition, Oct., 1985. |
Cattle Feedlot Health Management, David T. Bechtol, B.S., D.V.M., Current Veterinary Therapy, Food Animal Practice, W.B. Saunders Company, Dec. 1981. |
Record Keeping: Key to Successful Feedlot Health Programs, David T. Bechtol, D.V.M., Norden News, vol. 56, No. 1, 1981. |
Use of Computers in Cow-Calf Herd Management, Garrett R. Oetzel, D.V.M., M.S., Robert G. Mortimer, D.V.M., M.S., The Bovine Proceedings, No. 18, Apr., 1986. |
Potential impact of on-farm microcomputers on livestock management and veterinary practice, Anthony C. Bywater, Ph.D. and William J. Goodger, D.V.M., Ph.D., JAVMA, vol. 186, No. 3, Feb. 1, 1985. |
Wherefrom Good Hardware and Software?, Steve Myers, Turnkey Computer Systems, Computer Management column edited by B.J. Geiger, CALF News, vol. 24 No. 2, Feb. 1986. |
Clustering of fatal fibrinous pneumonia (shipping fever) in feedlot calves within transport truck and feedlot pen groups, Carl. S. Ribble, Mohamed M. Shoukri, Alan H. Meek, S. Wayne Martin, Preventive Veterinary Medicine 21, 1994. |
XIIIth World Congress on Diseases of Cattle, Durban Republic of South Africa, World Buriatrics Association, Proceedings vol. I, Sep. 17-21, 1984. |
Fourteenth World Congress on Diseases of Cattle, Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 26-29, 1986. |
So You're Looking for a Computer System, Computer Management column edited by B.J. Geiger, CALF News, vol. 23 No. 5, May 1985. |
Flyer announcing computer seminar—Aug. 26 & 27, 1985. |
Attitudes and Expectations, Steve Meyer, Turnkey Computer Systems, Computer Management column edited by B.J. Gieger, CALF News, vol. 23 No. 7, Jul. 1985. |
Business and Fun at Seminar, Champ Gross, West Coast Editor, CALF News, vol. 23 No. 10, Oct. 1985. |
Cattle, Computers and Financial Management, Cal Siegfried and The Search, CALF News, vol. 24 No. 1, Jan. 1986. |
Managing Feedlot Operating Efficiency, Chet Fields, Computer Management column edited by B.J. Geiger, CALF News, vol. 24 No. 2, Mar. 1986. |
Making the Complex Simple, Jeff Jackson, Computer Management column edited by B.J. Geiger, CALF News, vol. 24 No. 4, Apr. 1986. |
AGNET: Serving the Cattle Industry for Over a Decade, Computer Management column edited by B.J. Geiger, CALF News, vol. 24 No. 5, May 1986. |
Computer Management column edited by B.J. Geiger, CALF News, vol. 23 No. 4, Apr. 1985. |
Texas Christian University advertisement, CALF News, vol. 23 No. 3, Mar. 1985. |
The Computer Seminar—In Review, Steve Dittmer, Midwest Editor, CALF News, vol. 21 No. 1, Jan. 1983. |
Important Attributes of a Computer System, Jay O'Brien, CALF News, vol. 21 No. 4, Apr. 1983. |
Tools of the Trade, Computer Management column edited by B.J. Geiger, CALF News, vol. 23, No. 6, Jun. 1985. |
Chernobyl—Perhaps, Computer Management column edited by B.J. Geiger, CALF News, vol. 24, No. 8, Aug. 1986. |
Computer Judgments on the Feedlot, CALF News, vol. 22, No. 8, Aug. 1984. |
Rough Draft of a Hospital Record Without Economic Considerations, Aug. 12, 1986, Veterinary Research & Consulting Services. |
Applied Statistics and Computer Usage Related to Feedlot Animal Health, Academy of Veterinary Consultants, Amarillo, Texas, Jun. 7, 1985. |
Herd Health—A Textbook of Health and Production Management of Agricultural Animals, O.M. Radostits, D.V.M., M.Sc., D.C. Blood, O.B.E., M.V.Sc., W.B. Saunders Company, Dec. 1985. |
Safe, Effective and Legal Treatment Routines, Dr. Al Edwards, Feedlot Management, Oct. 1980. |
Preventing Drug Problems in the Feedlot: A Guide for Managers and Veterinarians, Alvin J. Edwards, D.V.M., Ph.D., The Bovine Practitioner—No. 16, Nov., 1981. |
Equipment for Farm Use in the National Cooperative Dairy Herd Improvement Program, K.R. Butcher, North Carolina University and D.W. Webb, University of Florida, National Coooperative Dairy Herd Improvement Program, Dec. 1985. |
Date Finder/Schedulator, Gjerstad Cattle Co., Copyright Dec. 1985. |
Feedlot Health Program, Alvin J. Edwards, D.V.M., PH.D., Dec. 1985. |
DHI Provo News, Nov., 1985. |
The Software Catalog—Minicomputers Dec. 1984. |
Norman, “Computing Animal Health Efficiency,” Department of Animal Science Cooperative Extension and California Cattle Feeders' Association California Feeders' Day Program, pp. 16-20 (Apr. 1, 1983). |
“Seminar Speakers to Provide Valuable Insight,” CALF News (published prior to Aug. 1987). |
“Computer School Phase One,” (published prior to Aug. 1987). |
Deposition of Michael Ray Boyd taken Dec. 13, 1994 (no exhibits). |
Deposition of Donald L. Butler taken Dec. 12, 1994, including Exhibits 1 through 5. |
Deposition of Alvin J. Edwards taken May 18-19, 1995, including Exhibits 3053 through 3062. |
Deposition of William Jeffrey Hart taken Dec. 15, 1994, including Exhibits 169 through 181. |
Deposition of William Jeffrey Hart taken Jan. 26, 1995, including Exhibits 1049 through 1051. |
Deposition of Dr. Dee Griffin taken Jun. 14, 1999, including Exhibits 4137 and 165. |
Deposition of Benny B. Norman, D.V.M., Ph.D. taken Feb. 10, 1999, including Exhibits 10000 through 10012. |
Deposition of Benny B. Norman, D.V.M., Ph.D. taken Apr. 27, 1999. |
Bechtol, D.V.M., “Good record-keeping system helps feeders avoid residue problems,” The Drovers Journal Magazine, section B, Jun. 1983. |
Memo from Del Miles to David Owen regarding Hospital Computer Systems Dispute, dated Aug. 8, 1994 and referencing the outline dated Aug. 12, 1986. |
Residue Avoidance Program Medication Withdrawal Calculator, prior to Sep. 3, 1998. |
Graphic Date Finder/Scheduler, 1985. |
Animal Medical records, by Turnkey Computer Systems, Inc., Amarillo, Texas Jan./1985.* |
Geiger Deposition I, taken Mar. 14, 1989. pp.14-16, 44, 71-72, 75, 78,84,102, and 105. |
Geiger Deposition II, taken Nov. 16-17, 1994. pp. 26, 30, 76, 79, 86, 118, 122-123, 178, 181-182, 186, 223-224, and 254. |