Method and system for providing filtered and/or masked advertisements over the internet

Methods and systems that allow an Internet distribution partner of an advertisement listings provider to receive filtered and masked listings for display on the website of the Internet distribution partner. The Internet distribution partner defines filters to be applied to ranked advertising listings provided by an advertising listing provider. The advertisement listings provider system applies the filter to the listings in its database and identify matches and/or excludes matches depending on the characteristic specified. The advertisement listings provider may then send the Internet distribution partner advertisement listings based on the application of one or more filter selected by the distribution partner. Thus, the advertisement listings provider and the Internet distribution partner are able to generate additional revenue without risking the Internet distribution partner's valuable relationships with its exclusive advertisers and without jeopardizing the Internet advertising distribution partner's relationships with its end users.


[0002] This invention relates to systems for and methods of filtering and masking advertising over a system of distribution partners over the Internet.


[0003] Many content-based Internet sites enter exclusive advertising arrangements with a specific advertiser, so that the Internet site is precluded from also distributing or displaying advertisements for competitors of that specific advertiser. The specific advertiser usually pays a premium to the Internet site for such exclusivity rights. The content-based Internet site generally enters these relationships with long-term advertisers who are valuable customers of the Internet site. However, an Internet site generally generates revenue from advertising and usually would like to generate as much revenue as possible from placing other non-exclusive advertisements on its Internet site.

[0004] Over the Internet, one way for a website to generate advertising revenue without having to develop its own advertising infrastructure is to receive advertisement listings from a listings provider, such as one that maintains the infrastructure to place and rank advertisement listings. Such arrangements present problems for the content-based Internet site because the ads received from the listing provider could violate its exclusivity arrangement(s).

[0005] This problem may preclude the listings provider from being able to sell its services to some Internet sites and similarly may preclude an Internet site from being able to utilize the listings server to generate revenue for its site. These and other drawbacks exist with current systems and methods.


[0006] Various embodiments of the present invention relate to methods and systems that allow an Internet distribution partner of an advertisement listings provider to receive filtered and/or masked listings for display on the website of the Internet distribution partner. This system and method allows the Internet distribution partner to define characteristics of advertisement listings to be received by the Internet distribution partner in one or more filters. The characteristics may specify the features of the advertisement it desires, the features of advertisements to be excluded or various combinations thereof. Once the characteristics of advertisement listings are defined, the advertisement listings provider system applies those characteristic(s) to the listings in its database and identifies matches and/or excludes matches depending on the characteristic(s) specified. The advertisement listings provider may then send the Internet distribution partner advertisement listings based on the application of one or more filter(s) selected by the distribution partner. Thus, the advertisement listings provider and the Internet distribution partner are able to generate additional revenue without risking the Internet distribution partner's valuable relationships with its exclusive advertisers and without jeopardizing the Internet advertising distribution partner's relationships with its end users.

[0007] Also, each distribution partner may specify several filters and may, on its own, alter the filter to be applied by the advertising listings partner based on time of day, experimenting to determine effectiveness of different filters, the source page where the listings are to be provided and any other factor it chooses. Moreover, in current systems, distribution partners request the listings through HTTP “GET” command. Through one embodiment of the present invention, a filter identification code (e.g., an alphanumeric code) is supplied with the parameters of the GET command, resulting in a minimal addition to the size of its request and requiring little reprogramming of the distribution partner's website to request that the filter be applied.

[0008] Many advantages of such a system are achieved. Particularly, for an advertising listing provider that is open to all advertisers and whose advertisers may be constantly changing, it would be virtually impossible to have a human monitor outgoing advertisements to distribution partners to ensure that any exclusivity arrangements are not going to be violated. The system of the present invention allows the advertising listings provider to preclude such violations without regard to changes to the advertisements in its database.

[0009] Aside from violating exclusivity arrangements, many other reasons exist for why a distribution partner's website may wish to exclude certain advertisements or only include certain advertisements from a rapidly changing database of advertisement listings. Operators of one website may believe that its readers are predisposed to be offended by certain advertisements and may therefore create a filter to exclude offensive advertisement by “keyword” exclusion. Operators of another website may believe that only advertisements related to a specific topic may be of interest and may thus create a filter accordingly. Various combinations may be selected, such as excluding all advertisements containing keyword A and requiring that all advertisements include keyword B.

[0010] The filters created may be keyword-based, URL based, topic-based or any other metric known about an advertisement in the source database from which advertisements are generated from the advertisement listings provider system.

[0011] In addition to filters, the advertisement listings provider may define a plurality of masks that mask out advertisements in predetermined categories. An Internet advertising distribution partner may thus specify masks, filters, or combinations thereof to ensure that it receives the advertising content that best suits its purposes. According to one embodiment, a mask may be subject matter based and each advertisement listing recorded in the advertising database provided by the advertisement listings provider may be specified as to whether it falls within one of those predetermined categories. For example, five different masks may be defined—a vice ad mask, an adult/sexual ad mask, a gambling ad mask, a non-FDA drug ad mask and a psychic ad mask. By specifying one or more of those mask values, the advertising distribution partner may indicate that they do not wish to receive any advertisements that relate to any type of a vice (e.g., smoking, drinking, gambling, sex, etc.), adult or sexual advertisements, gambling, non-FDA drugs, or ads relating to psychics, respectively.

[0012] Other advantages of the various embodiments of the present invention will be appreciated from a review of the detailed description that follows.


FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a system of providing filtered advertisement listings to at least one Internet advertising distribution partner in an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 2 is an example of a database containing multiple advertisement filters defined by Internet advertising distribution partners according to an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 3 is a flowchart showing a process for an Internet distribution partner to receive filtered advertisement listings from an advertisement listings provider according to an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 4A is an example of outputted advertisement listings that may be delivered to an Internet advertising distribution partner without any filters applied; FIG. 4B is an example of outputted advertisement listings that may be delivered to the same Internet advertising distribution partner with filter 1 applied.

FIG. 5 is an example of listings provided to an advertising distribution partner in response to a request from an advertising listings provider according to an embodiment of the present invention.


[0018] Various embodiments of a filter-based advertisement distribution system are described below. An overview of the system 10 is depicted in FIG. 1.

FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a system that enables filtered advertisement listings 100 to be provided to at least one Internet advertising distribution partner 105 in an embodiment of the present invention. In the present embodiment, at least one advertisement provider 110 submits its advertisement listings to the advertisement listings provider 120. In the present embodiment two (2) advertisement providers 110 are shown, although it is understood that any number of advertisement providers 110 may submit advertisement listings 115 to an advertisement listings provider 120. Moreover, an individual advertisement provider 110 may submit more than one advertisement listing 115 to advertisement listings provider 120. An advertisement listing 115 may include all or part of the following information fields, some of which are supplied by the advertising provider and some of which are stored by the advertising provider (e.g., the advertisement ID number): the name of the advertisement provider, a title of the advertisement, a description of the goods or services advertised, a URL to be displayed in the listing, where an end user will be directed upon clicking on the advertisement, contact information, an email address, billing information, pricing information, and an advertisement identification number.

[0020] In an embodiment of the present invention, the advertising listing provider 120 may rank the advertisement listings submitted (e.g., by keyword, subject or otherwise) and store the ranked listings in a database server 125. The rank that an advertisement listing 115 is assigned may depend upon the bid the advertisement provider 100 offers the advertisement listings provider 120 for a “click-through.” For example, the price may be a flat rate for placement or a price per end Internet user 135 who selects the advertisement, often referred to as price-per-click through. Also, the ranking may be based on a revenue model as disclosed in co-pending application No. 60/406,064, filed Aug. 27, 2002, entitled “Method and System for Providing Advertising Listing Variance in Distribution Feeds over the Internet,” the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by reference. The advertisement listing 115 may contain a hyperlink so that when an end Internet user 135 may select the advertisement, and be redirected to a predetermined website defined in the advertisement listing 115.

[0021] An Internet advertising distribution partner 105 may maintain a website. An end Internet user 135 may access that website via an http connection. The Internet advertising distribution partner 105 may have an agreement with an entity to place its predetermined advertisement listings on its website and not to place advertisement listings of other predetermined competitors. For example, an Internet advertising distribution partner 105 such as CNN ( may have an agreement with Barnes and Noble to place a Barnes and Noble advertisement listing on its website. That agreement may also require that CNN not place any advertisements for on its website. Thus, CNN may wish to receive supplemental advertisement listings 110 to increase its revenue without receiving any advertisements for

[0022] According to an embodiment of the present invention, CNN, an Internet advertising distribution partner 105, may send the advertisement listings provider 120 a filtered listings request 130. The filtered listings request 130 may direct that certain predefined filters stored in the database server 125 be applied such as by using a filter identifier. Also, it should be understood that the filters may be stored in another location, or the filters may not be stored at all, but defined each time a filter listings request 130 is generated. In the latter example, the filter may identify the characteristics the Internet advertising distribution partner 105 wishes to include or exclude from the advertisement listings 115 received.

[0023] Upon receiving a filtered listings request 130, the advertisement listings provider 120 may send a listings request 140 to the database server 125. In one embodiment of the present invention, the filtered listings request may be a single http GET command that requests listings and requests a filter to be applied. The database server 125 may return available listings 145. These listings 145 may or may not be ranked. The advertisement listings provider 120 may then apply the requested filter and send filtered listings 100 to the Internet advertising distribution partner 105. The Internet advertising distribution partner 105 may then dynamically include information from the filtered listings 100 in its website content delivered to end Internet user(s) 135.

[0024] A distribution advertising partner 105 may generally transmit a filtered listing request 130 for each request of a webpage to contain the filtered listings 100 due to the dynamically changing content of listings, rankings, etc. It should be appreciated that advertising distribution partner 105 may cache the filtered listings to reduce the number of requests to advertisement listings provider 120. The cache may be used for minutes, hours, etc., as desired.

[0025] Internet advertising distribution partner 105 may comprise a website and any structure, software and network connections to implement that functionality. End Internet users 135 may connect using an Internet-compatible device. Similarly, advertisement providers 110 may connect to advertisement listings provider 120 using any Internet-compatible device. Database server 125 may comprise any data storage system accessible and usable with an Internet-based server system such as advertisement listings provider 120. Variations to the systems shown in FIG. 1 may be made as known those or ordinary skill in the art, such as by enabling some of the network connections to be made over a network other than the Internet or making connections secure or non-secure as deemed appropriate. As described above, the advertisement and filters may be stored in database server 125.

[0026] End Internet user 135 may view the filtered listings 100 on the website of the Internet advertising distribution partner 105. In this particular embodiment, there are two (2) Internet advertising distribution partners 105 shown. However, it should be understood that any number of Internet advertising distribution partners 105 may be incorporated into the present invention. Additionally, there are two (2) end Internet users 135 shown in this embodiment. However, it should be understood that any number of end Internet users 135 may receive filtered listing from each Internet advertising distribution partner 105.

FIG. 2 is an example of multiple advertisement filters defined by Internet advertising distribution partners and stored in a database. An Internet advertising distribution partner 105 may desire to increase revenue by adding advertisement listings onto their website. The Internet advertising distribution partner 105 may receive monetary compensation for each click-through from their website to the advertiser's website in a preferred embodiment. However, the Internet advertising distribution partner may have an exclusive arrangement with a seller of books, Barnes and Noble for example, which precludes that Internet advertising distribution partner 105 from advertising for any other sellers of books on the website. Thus, in one embodiment of the present invention the Internet distribution partner 105 may wish to receive only listings which do not include “” in the URL.

[0028] One example filter database, as shown in FIG. 2, may include one or more of the following fields: filter number 200, Internet advertising distribution partner 205, filter type 210, affirmative/negative 215, filter characteristic 220, filter creator 225. The filter number 200 may be used as a storage and identity mechanism. Each filter may have a unique filter number 200. The Internet advertising distribution partner 205 may represent the website or advertiser where the filtered listings may be delivered. The filter type 210 may identify what section of the advertisement listing to which the filter is to be applied to. Example filter applications include the text of the advertisement, the URL displayed, the URL to which the advertisement listing will direct the Internet end user, the title of the advertisement, or a content node of specific subject matter. The affirmative/negative 215 field may store whether the filter is to include or exclude the filter characteristic 220, respectively. The filter characteristic 220 field may be used to store the particular text to be excluded. Moreover, the filter creator field 225 may identify the source of the filter. The filter creator 225 may or may not be the same entity as the Internet advertising distribution partner 205. Other fields may be included in this database to store information relevant to placing an advertisement listing.

[0029] For example, filter number 1 may be applied to filter the advertisement listings provided to In this example, CNN may have a contract with Barnes and Noble which disallows it from placing advertisements for Thus, filter 1 has a filter type 210 of URL and a affirmative/negative setting 215 of negative. This indicates that advertisement listings with a filter characteristic 220 of “” in the URL may be excluded from the filtered advertisement listings delivered to Filter number 1 has a filter creator 225 of Barnes and Noble. This indicates that Barnes and Noble is the source of the exclusion. Sometimes, the Internet advertising distribution partner itself may be the source of the filter. For example, filter number 2 may be applied to requests for advertisements from and may exclude advertisements with NBC in the URL, since NBC is a competitor of the Internet advertising distribution partner itself.

[0030] There may be other motivations for filtering the listings on an Internet site. For example, an Internet advertising distribution partner, such as may wish to be family friendly and may therefore wish to filter any listings with the word “sex” in any of the listing's text. Thus, as shown in filter number 6, the Internet advertising distribution partner may submit a request for filtered listings to the advertisement listings provider with a negative filter type 210 of text, a filter characteristic of “sex” and filter creator 225 of the Internet advertising distribution partner, itself. In addition to filters, it may be desirable to also provide masks that generally exclude advertisements in certain predefined categories defined by the advertisement listing provider and/or advertising distribution partners. In such an embodiment, a series of masks may be identified by mask number. So, for example, a mask may be provided to exclude vice ads, adult/sexual ads, gambling ads, non-FDA drug ads, and psychic ads. In such an embodiment, the vice ad mask may be designated with a value of 1, the adult/sexual ad mask may be designated with a value of 2, gambling ad mask may be designated with a value of 3, the non-FDA drug ad mask may be designated with a value of 4, and the psychic ad mask may be designated with a value of 5. Also, it may be desirable to provide a certain number of bits to be able to enable the selection of an ad mask based on whether the bit value is 0 or 1. Accordingly, if there are five different masks, then a five bit code may be provided with each bit designating whether or not a particular mask is to be applied. So, in this embodiment, the vice ad may be assigned bit 1, the sexual ad may be assigned bit 2, the gambling ad assigned bit 3, the non-FDA drug ad mask assigned bit 4, and the psychic ad mask assigned bit 5. So, for example, if an advertiser wished to mask out vice ads and psychic ads, it would provide a bit mask value of 10001.

[0031] An example of an affirmative filter is shown in FIG. 2 as filter number 3. In this example, the Internet advertising distribution partner 205, WebMD, may request advertisement listings which contain the word “health” in the text of the advertisement listing. This filter may be desirable so that the readers of the Internet advertising distribution partner 205 receive information relevant to their interests.

[0032] It should be understood that an Internet advertising distribution partner may store as many unique filters in the database as is desired. Moreover, an Internet advertising distribution partner may indicate which filters are to be applied in each filtered advertising request. Furthermore, the actual advertisement listings received by the Internet advertising distribution partner are determined by the particular filtered listing request submitted. Thus, a particular advertisement listing which is excluded by the application of a filter to one Internet advertising distribution partner may be delivered to other Internet advertising distribution partners.

[0033] It should also be appreciated that the advertisements in the database server 125 may be categorized based on keyword or subject with which the advertisement is associated. For example, advertisers may bid on keywords or subjects and therefore, the advertisement listings provider ranks advertisements based on bids for a given keyword or subject. Advertisements distribution partners then may request advertisements using the keyword or subjects by which the advertisements are categorized. The filter may then be applied to the ranked listing. In the CNN example above, CNN may request advertisement listings for its main “Sports” page from the advertisement listings stored in the advertisement listings provider associated with a keyword “sports.” CNN may then specify a filter to exclude advertisements made by ESPN by excluding all ranked listings which contain, in its text, the keyword “ESPN.”

[0034] Similarly, in the Sprinks System operated by the assignee of the present invention, advertisement providers may bid on subjects based on an hierarchical node-based system. A distribution partner may request ranked listings from a subject in such a system but request exclusion of any advertisement from a URL of a competitor. Other combinations of category-request and filter are all possible within the scope of the present invention.

[0035] While various methods may be employed within the scope of the present invention, one such method is depicted in FIG. 3 for a filter that excludes results. FIG. 3 is a flowchart showing a process for an Internet distribution partner to receive filtered advertisement listings from an advertisement listings provider according to one embodiment of the present invention. In step 300 of the process, an Internet advertising distribution partner may request listings from an advertisement listings provider. In step 305 of the process, the Internet advertising distribution partner may request one or more filters on the listings to be provided. In one embodiment of the present invention, the advertisement listings provider may then generate a ranked file of listings in its database in step 310. In step 315 the advertisement listings provider may then compare the chosen filter fields to the fields in the database and identify matches in step 320. The advertisement listings provider may delete the listings identified as matches from the rank file, but not from the database, and provide a filtered ranked file of listings to the advertising distribution partner in step 325. The listings provider may notify the advertisement provider whose listing has been excluded, by the requested filter in step 330. This step in the process is optional, because performing this step may discourage advertisement providers from paying greater amounts to increase their rankings. However, performing this step may inform the advertisement provider why their advertisement would not show up on certain web sites where the advertisement provider would expect to see their listing, instead of having the advertisement provider discover the omission on their own. In step 335, an end Internet user may view the filtered listings while accessing the Internet web site of the Internet advertising distribution partner.

[0036] To better understand how the listings may be displayed by distribution partners, one example is depicted in FIGS. 4A and 4B. FIG. 4A displays a graphical user interface (GUI) with advertisement listings that may be delivered to an Internet advertising distribution partner without any filters applied. In this GUI, the Internet advertising distribution partner 405,, shows three advertisement listings 415, 425 and 435. In this example, the advertisement listings may be ranked in that order as a result of the price offered for listing the advertisements. For example, Barnes and Noble may be listed first as a result of an agreement from not to place advertisements for desires to fill openings on its website for advertisement listings and thus may request advertisement listings from an advertisement listings provider to supplement its own advertising revenue. With the advertisement listings provider, may have offered 9 cents per click through for placement and The Weather Channel may have offered 3 cents per click through for placement. In the example shown in FIG. 4A no filters have been applied, thus all three advertisements appear in the following order: Barnes and Noble,, and The Weather Channel. If FIG. 4A were generated for end Internet users, appears to have violated its contractual obligations to Barnes and Noble.

FIG. 4B is a GUI with advertisement listings that may be delivered to the same Internet advertising distribution partner with filter 1 from FIG. 2 applied. This filter would exclude any advertisement listings with “” in the URL. Thus, FIG. 4A shows that the advertisement for Barnes and Noble remains the first listed advertisement at 410. The advertisement does not appear and in the second position, the Weather Channel advertisement listing has moved up to 420. The third position is now occupied by and advertisement for TV Guide at 430. Thus, with filter 1 applied, is able to increase its potential for generating advertising revenue by supplementing its advertisement listings without breaching its contract with Barnes and Noble.

[0038] As discussed above, in one embodiment, the filter to be applied may be stored in association with the advertising listings provider 120 and identified by an identifier supplied by an Internet advertising distribution partner 105. FIG. 5 is an example of the listings provided to an advertising distribution partner in response to an http GET command according to one embodiment of the present invention. In this example, the get request may be “” The “” portion of the request identifies the advertisement listings provider's URL and directs where to send the request. In this example, “ref=shelley” identifies the Internet advertising distribution partner, so that the advertisement listings provider knows who is making the request and where to return the results. The “type=g” and “term=dogs” identify the category of listings desired within the database server. The GET command is instructing the advertisement listings provider to return listings based on bids for the “dogs.” In this case, the returned results may be limited to a listings associated with the “dogs” (term=dogs) content site (type=g) in the listing. If the Internet advertisement distribution partner wished to send a filtered listings request, the command may be” “f=0001” indicates that the Internet advertisement distribution partner wishes to filter the rank file with the predefined filter number 1, which may be stored in the advertisement listings provider database. The advertisement listings provider may access Internet advertising distribution partner shelley's filter number 1 from its database and apply the filter to the rank file. Any listings which are matches with the filter may be deleted from the rank file and the rank file may then be distributed to shelley via an http connection. If filter number 1 were predefined, for example to exclude any listings with a URL of “,” then the rank file that would be delivered to shelley would exclude the first listing shown in FIG. 5. The listing which is listing number 2 in FIG. 5 would become listing number 1 in the rank file. If the advertising distributor partner also wished to specify a mask, the get request may be as follows: http.// This would specify that filter 1 was being applied as well as mask value 10001 as mentioned about which could mask out the vice ads and psychic ads from the content.

[0039] It should also be appreciated that multiple filters may be selected by an Internet advertising distribution partner and may be provided by specifying multiple filter values separated by the ampersand in the get http request.

[0040] While the foregoing description includes details and specificities, it should be understood that such details and specificities have been included for the purposes of explanation only, and are not to be interpreted as limitations of the present invention. Many modifications to the embodiments described above can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, as it is intended to be encompassed by the following claims and their legal equivalents.

  • 1. An Internet advertising system comprising: receiving means for receiving a request for advertisement listings from a requesting system based on a requested concept and a filter to be applied to exclude advertisement listings based on a specific characteristic within the advertised listings associated with the requested concept; filter application means for analyzing advertisement listings from a database of potential advertising listings associated with the requested concept to exclude any advertisement listings based on the specific characteristic to generate a filtered set of advertisement listings; and advertisement listing delivery means for delivering one or more advertisement listings from the filtered set of advertisement listings based on a request concept.
  • 2. The Internet advertising system according to claim 1, further comprising: database means for storing the filter, including a filter identification code.
  • 3. The Internet advertising system according to claim 1, further comprising: advertising listing receiving means for receiving Internet advertisement listings; and advertisement listing storage means for storing advertisement listings available for output and against which specified filters may be applied.
  • 4. The Internet advertising system according to claim 1, wherein: the specific characteristic comprises at least one word.
  • 5. The Internet advertising system according to claim 1, wherein: the specific characteristic comprises a URL.
  • 6. The Internet advertising system according to claim 4, wherein: the filter application means searches advertisement listings for the at least one word and excludes advertisement listing without that at least one word.
  • 7. The Internet advertising system according to claim 4 wherein: the filter application means excludes advertisement listings that include that at least one word.
  • 8. The Internet advertising system according to claim 5, wherein: the filter application means excludes advertisement listings with the URL.
  • 9. The Internet advertising system according to claim 5, wherein: the filter application means excludes advertisement listings that do not include the at least one URL.
  • 10. The Internet advertising system according to claim 1, further comprising: notification means for notifying the source of the advertisement listing when a filter excludes from delivery an advertisement listing associated with the source.
  • 11. The Internet advertising system according to claim 1, wherein: the receiving means receives two or more filters and the filter application means excludes advertisement listings based on criteria in both filters.
  • 12. The Internet advertising system of claim 1 wherein the receiving means also receives a mask value and wherein the filter application excludes advertisement listings in a category identified by the mask value.
  • 13. The Internet advertising system of claim 1 wherein the mask values are predetermined to correspond to predetermined categories of topics.
  • 14. The Internet advertising system of claim 1 wherein the topics comprise one or more of: vice ads, adult/sexual ads, gambling ads, non-FDA drug ads and psychic ads.
  • 15. A method for providing advertising listings for the Internet comprising the steps of: receiving and storing Internet advertisements in association with a concept; receiving a request for advertisement listings related to a concept from a distribution system over the Internet; receiving a filter to be applied to exclude Internet advertisements based on a specific characteristic within the advertisement listings related to the concept; excluding advertisement listings based on the specific characteristic to generate a filtered set of advertisement listings related to the concept; and delivering one or more advertisement listings from the filtered set to the distribution system over the Internet.
  • 16. The method according to claim 15, wherein the advertisement listings are provided by ranking and wherein the filter is applied to exclude the ranked listings based on the criteria in the filter.
  • 17. The method of claim 15 wherein the concept is a keyword.
  • 18. The method of claim 15 wherein the concept is a subject in a hierarchical subject-based system.
  • 19. The method according to claim 15, further comprising the steps of: receiving two or more filters; and excluding advertisement listings based on criteria in both filters.
  • 20. The method of claim 15 further comprising the steps of: a mask value; and excluding advertisement listings in a category identified by the mask value.
  • 21. The method of claim 15 wherein the mask values are predetermined to correspond to predetermined categories of topics.
  • 22. The method of claim 15 wherein the topics comprise one or more of: vice ads, adult/sexual ads, gambling ads, non-FDA drug ads and psychic ads.
  • 23. An Internet advertising system comprising: a receiving module for receiving a request for advertisement listings from a requesting system based on a requested concept and a filter to be applied to exclude advertisement listings based on a specific characteristic within the advertised listings associated with the requested concept; a filter application module for analyzing advertisement listings from a database of potential advertising listings associated with the requested concept to exclude any advertisement listings based on the specific characteristic to generate a filtered set of advertisement listings; and an advertisement listing delivery module for delivering one or more advertisement listings from the filtered set of advertisement listings based on a request concept.
  • 24 The Internet advertising system according to claim 23, further comprising: a database module for storing the filter, including a filter identification code.
  • 25. The Internet advertising system according to claim 23, further comprising: an advertising listing receiving module for receiving Internet advertisement listings; and an advertisement listing storage module for storing advertisement listings available for output and against which specified filters may be applied.
  • 26. The Internet advertising system according to claim 23, wherein: the specific characteristic comprises at least one word.
  • 27. The Internet advertising system according to claim 23, wherein: the specific characteristic comprises a URL.
  • 28. The Internet advertising system according to claim 26, wherein: the filter application module searches advertisement listings for the at least one word and excludes advertisement listing without that at least one word.
  • 29. The Internet advertising system according to claim 27 wherein: the filter application module excludes advertisement listings that include that at least one word.
  • 30. The Internet advertising system according to claim 27, wherein: the filter application module excludes advertisement listings with the URL.
  • 31. The Internet advertising system according to claim 27, wherein: the filter application module excludes advertisement listings that do not include the at least one URL.
  • 32. The Internet advertising system according to claim 23, further comprising: a notification module for notifying the source of the advertisement listing when a filter excludes from delivery an advertisement listing associated with the source.
  • 33. The Internet advertising system according to claim 23, wherein: the receiving module received two or more filters and the filter application module excludes advertisement listings based on criteria in both filters.
  • 34. The Internet advertising system of claim 23 wherein the receiving module also receives a mask value and wherein the filter application excludes advertisement listings in a category identified by the mask value.
  • 35. The Internet advertising system of claim 23 wherein the mask values are predetermined to correspond to predetermined categories of topics.
  • 36. The Internet advertising system of claim 1 wherein the topics comprise one or more of: vice ads, adult/sexual ads, gambling ads, non-FDA drug ads and psychic ads.

[0001] This application claims priority to a provisional patent application, Application No. 60/398,101, filed Jul. 25, 2002, entitled, “Method and System for Providing Filtered Advertisements Over the Internet,” still pending.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60398101 Jul 2002 US