The disclosed technique relates to data retrieval and data analysis in general, and to methods and systems for selecting, retrieving, visualizing and exploring temporal relations in time-oriented data in multiple subject records, in particular.
A central task in decision making involves the gathering and analysis of relevant data in order to best deliberate over possible options. The task of finding and analyzing relevant data efficiently is becoming increasingly difficult as the quantities of data and information being stored and made available is constantly growing at ever increasing rates. In particular is the amount of time-stamped data regarding subject records, also known as longitudinal subject records or time-oriented data (the terms are used interchangeably herein), especially when such subject records involve a plurality of subjects.
A subject record refers to data and information stored about a subject. Subjects could be patients in a clinic or hospital, computer stations in an office building, homes on a street, items in a store and the like. The subject record is then data and information stored about the subject. Using the above example, a subject record for a patient may be his blood glucose level as determined by a blood glucose level test. A subject record for a computer station may be the computer station's ID number. A subject record for a home may be its address, or the amount of electricity that the home used over a particular month of the year. And a subject record for an item in a store may be its price. Time-stamped data refers to stored data in which the time at which the data was recorded, or written down, is also stored with the data. Using the above examples, a longitudinal subject record for a patient in a hospital may be the blood glucose level of a patient who took a blood glucose level test once a month for a year. Each measure of the patient's blood glucose level would be stored in the subject's record along with the time at which the test was observed. Regarding a computer workstation, a longitudinal subject record may be the number of computer viruses a virus checker on the computer workstation found each Monday morning, after doing a virus check, for a period of four months. Regarding a home, a longitudinal subject record may be the amount of water used in the home each month for a period of three years. Regarding items in a store, a longitudinal subject record may be the number of sales of the item each week for a period of a month. In each of these examples, each subject has multiple records, or data, stored about it, where each stored piece of data has the particular time (i.e., a time-stamp) at which the data was recorded also stored. It is noted that the time-stamp can be represented at different levels of precision, for example, the time-stamp may specify only the date (e.g. 14/05/2004, Aug. 10, 1987 or 03-02-2001) or may include the particular time of day as well (e.g. 18:05:00, 3:56 pm or 9:03:04 am). In each of the above examples, a plurality of records for a plurality of subjects would refer to a plurality of pieces of data stored for each of a plurality of subjects.
The analysis of time-oriented data is important for many tasks in a plurality of fields, such as quality assessment, management of resources and discovery of new knowledge. For example, state of the art clinical and medical research involves the analysis of large amounts of data from multiple patients over a substantial period of time. Such data may include longitudinal medical records, such as the medical records of patients, which may include a plurality of entries representing tests, operations, procedures and other pertinent medical information recorded by a patient's medical practitioner over a period of time which may span years if not decades. A major task of clinicians and medical researchers is the ability to analyze such data to support various functions of the field of clinical and medical research, such as quality assessment tasks, the analysis of clinical trials, the management of clinical decisions and the discovery of new clinical knowledge. In another example, state of the art information security involves the analysis of large amounts of data regarding network and program activity over various periods of time. Such data may include CPU usage, changes to registry keys, lists of programs installed and the like, spanning the course of weeks, months or possibly years. The task of information security specialists is to analyze such data in order to detect intruders, such as computer hackers, or the presence of malicious software code, such as computer viruses, spyware or Trojan horses.
In the field of medical and clinical research, state of the art systems, commonly referred to as electronic medical record (herein abbreviated EMR) systems, are known which enable data and medical records relating to a patient to be accessed electronically. Whereas such systems enable clinicians and medical researchers to retrieve data relating to a patient in electronic form, such systems lack the ability to analyze the data over time, especially when data from multiple patients is to be analyzed. In addition, such systems do not enable interactive exploration of the data, such as the existence of patterns in the data over time, or the existence of correlations between the data over time. Whereas some of these tasks may by executed by using known statistical tools, such as time-oriented statistical tools, or by using advanced temporal data-mining techniques, such tools and techniques may not be adequate for a worker skilled in the art of medical and clinical research. For example, the use of advanced temporal data-mining techniques may require specialized, advanced knowledge and training to be used properly, and time-oriented statistical tools may be applicable only in particular cases.
In the field of information security, state of the art systems are known which use visualization tools for displaying network traffic on a network and for monitoring the intercommunication between various hosts on the network to assist workers skilled in the art in detecting computer attacks and reconnaissance activity on the network. One such tool, known as NVisionIP, to Lakkaraju et al., published in “NVisionIP: NetFlow Visualizations of System State for Security Situational Awareness,” Proceedings of CCS Workshop on Visualization and Data Mining for Computer Security, 2004, is directed towards a visualization tool for displaying a wide range of network characteristics. NVisionIP enables collected network data, which represents aggregated traffic between two hosts, that includes the IP address and port numbers of the source host and destination host, the start and end time of the flow between the hosts as well as the protocol used for a specific flow and the volume of traffic in the network, to be visualized.
The user interface visualization tool provides three views of the network at various zoom levels. A galaxy view provides the broadest possible view of the network. Selecting a rectangular region in the galaxy view enables a small multiple view in which traffic on ports for selected hosts can be visualized. A machine view provides a most detailed view for a single selected host, displaying network characteristics for the selected host such as the byte count and the flow on each port of the host for all TCP traffic. NVisionIP also enables the user to filter or aggregate a specified set of hosts based on any combination of IP addresses, ports or protocols. It is noted though that NVisionIP only provides a static view of the network, and that users of NVisionIP can see only the current state of the network. Additionally, alerts are not raised by the visualization tool, therefore necessitating a worker skilled in the art, such as a network analyst, to identify potential computer attacks by themselves.
Another visualization tool known in the art, PortVis, to McPherson et al., published in “PortVis: A Tool for Port-Based Detection of Security Events,” Proceedings of CCS Workshop on Visualization and Data Mining for Computer Security, 2004, is directed towards a visualization tool for port-based detection of security events. The PortVis system uses coarsely detailed data, i.e., summarized information of the activity on each TCP port during each given hour, for visualization of network traffic. Such visualizations can be used by workers skilled in the art to uncover potential security events. Three possible visualizations are available. The first, a timeline visualization, enables a visualization of the entire time range available to the PortVis system from its data source. The second, a main visualization, depicts port activity during a given time unit. It consists of a dot on a 256×256 grid for each of the 65,536 ports available on a host. The third, a port visualization, enables a view of all the data available that concerns a particular port. A common use of the PortVis tool is identifying a particular block of ports at a particular time that warrant further investigation using the timeline visualization or main visualization and then focusing on an individual suspected port using the port visualization. It is noted though that the visualizations of PortVis are based on summarized data. In addition, the workload placed on a worker skilled in the art of detecting interesting patterns and anomalies in port activity is not diminished by using PortVis, as the system uses unlabeled data which does not enable PortVis to use machine-learning techniques such as clustering.
It is noted that state of the art systems in visualization of network data and port monitoring lack the ability to analyze accumulated data over time, especially when data from multiple hosts or ports is to be analyzed. In addition, such systems do not enable interactive exploration of the data, such as the existence of patterns in the data over time, or the existence of correlations between the data over time. Furthermore, the visualization tools of the prior art are substantially task-specific, usually for detecting abnormal network activity, and cannot be easily modified to support additional tasks such as system or user activity visualization. Also, prior art systems which do support temporal visualization cannot provide meaningful summaries of large amounts of time-oriented data, thus requiring a worker skilled in the art to analyze the data by themselves.
The disclosed technique will be understood and appreciated more fully from the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the drawings in which:
The disclosed technique overcomes the disadvantages of the prior art by providing a novel method and system for selecting, retrieving, visualizing and exploring time-oriented data in multiple subject records and temporal relations of multiple subject records. The time-oriented data can represent raw data as well as abstracted data. According to the disclosed technique, a specification language is generated which enables a worker skilled in the art, not having advanced training in information technologies, statistics or data-mining techniques, to specify subject records, time intervals in subject records and data in subject records as raw data and as abstracted data. It is noted that the abstracted data might require domain-specific knowledge.
Also according to the disclosed technique, corresponding subject record data between different subject records is determined which enables data from a plurality of subjects to be analyzed together. The specified data is then retrieved and displayed graphically along with exploration tools for modifying the visualization of the data. In addition, temporal relations between the specified data can be determined to generate new knowledge. The disclosed technique also relates to an architecture and a computational method for retrieving, from a database storing time-stamped raw data of multiple subject records, at least one of a list of relevant subject records, a list of time intervals or a list of desired data values in the subject records. The retrieving is based upon a set of time-oriented expressions which might rely on domain-specific knowledge.
In general, the disclosed technique can be applied to any group of subjects in any field or domain in which an ontology can be defined, thereby specifying certain domain-specific knowledge-based properties of the concepts and relations among them represented in the ontology. In order to simplify the understanding of the disclosed technique, the disclosed technique will be described herein in the fields of clinical medical research and information security. It will be noted by the worker skilled in the art that these fields are only examples of fields and domains in which the disclosed technique can be used.
In order to understand the disclosed technique, a number of definitions are required. In the fields of data retrieval and data analysis, computer databases are usually used to store large amounts of data. Such databases enable various pieces of data to be stored about particular subjects. For each subject, each piece of data stored can be referred to as a record. The structure of possible records which can be stored in a database is a function of the database's configuration. Also, such databases enable records to be searched and retrieved. Simple databases may only store a few records per subject, whereas complex database may store thousands of records per subject. For example, a simple database may be an elementary school's database of students, wherein each subject in the database represents a student in the school. The records in such a database may include the student's name, date of birth, ID number, address, parents names', name of the person to reach in an emergency, phone number of the person to reach in an emergency, year in the school and the student's grades for subjects taught in the school. Complex databases may be medical databases used in hospitals, wherein each subject in the database represents a patient in the hospital. Besides including records for demographic information about the patient, such as name, address, age, sex and the like, the database may include thousands of records representing tests and procedures the patient has undergone, medications the patient has been prescribed, and medical insurance claims the patient has made.
Unlike simple databases, such complex databases may include a time-stamp on each record. It is noted that in the disclosed technique, the term subject record database may include a plurality of databases. For example, each department in a hospital may have its own database of patients, and therefore, a subject record database of the hospital may include all these databases. Depending on the environment in which the disclosed technique is used, a subject record database may include databases of subject records in different domains.
In fields and domains where computers are used, the terms ‘data’ and ‘information’ are not used as interchangeable words. Data refers to measurements or observations of variables which are usually disorganized and without interpretation, such as a green leaf with black spots, a speed of 65 miles per hour, a concentration of 5 parts per million and the like. Such measurements and observations by themselves do not represent information, as they lack the context in which the measurement or observation was made which enables a reasonable interpretation of the measurement or observation to be given. In this regard, data can be referred to as raw data.
Information, on the other hand, is organized data, meaning data to which a reasonable interpretation has been given via the context in which the measurement or observation was made.
Information can, in this regard, be referred to as abstracted data, or interpreted data, meaning data to which a reasonable interpretation has been given. For example, a test score of 67, without the context of how much the test was out of, does not enable a teacher to give a reasonable interpretation of the test score. All that can be reasonably said was that the person received a test score of 67. Given a particular context, such as the test was out of 70, or the test was out of 100, a reasonable interpretation of the test score can be given. In an example from the medical domain, a hemoglobin (herein abbreviated HGB) value of 11.6 g/dL (grams per deciliter) represents data, or raw data, since the context of the value is not provided. The context is important since the interpretation of the data may change depending on the context. For example, an HGB value of 10.5 g/dL may indicate anemia in an otherwise healthy individual, whereas the same value may represent a normal level of HGB in a patient one week after having undergone a chemotherapy treatment.
In the field of computer science, the term ontology is used to describe a set of concepts about a particular domain and the relations between the concepts in the domain. It is noted that the ontology does not define the concepts but rather what the relevant concepts are for a domain and any relations between those concepts. Concepts substantially represent the terms and ideas used in a particular domain or field of knowledge. Concepts can represent both raw data as well as abstracted data and can be referred to respectively as raw concepts (when raw data is stored for the concept) and abstracted (or abstract) concepts (when abstracted data is stored for the concept). In other words, if a database of subject records in a particular domain is defined based on an ontology of the concepts in that domain, then raw data stored in the database represents the measured parameters for a raw concept. Abstracted data stored in the database represents the interpreted data for an abstract concept, which is sometimes referred to as an abstraction. In the disclosed technique, abstract concepts which relate to time-oriented measured parameters can be referred to as temporal abstractions. For example, concepts in the medical field may include the names of various medications, the terms used for identifying parts of the human body, the types of various surgical procedures that can be performed, names of various known medical conditions and a list of various medical tests that can be administered. An ontology of the medical field would substantially describe all such concepts as well as any relations between them.
It is noted that the relationship between concepts in an ontology may be hierarchical, with certain concepts being derived from other concepts. In this respect, concepts in an ontology can be referred to as higher level concepts or lower level concepts. Also, because abstract concepts are derived from raw concepts, and abstract concepts can also be derived from other abstract concepts, concepts can be referred to as being at a higher or lower level of abstraction. For example, a concept representing the blood cells in the body may be defined as a raw concept called white blood cell (herein abbreviated WBC) in the ontology. Based on this raw concept, additional concepts related to WBCs, such as abstract concepts relating to WBCs can be derived.
For example, in a medical ontology, a WBC-state abstract concept and a WBC-gradient abstract concept may be derived from the WBC raw concept, where the WBC-state abstract concept represents a count of white blood cells in an individual and the WBC-gradient abstract concept represents the change in the count of WBCs in an individual over time. The abstract concepts WBC-state and WBC-gradient are at a higher level of abstraction than the raw concept WBC. In another example regarding a medical ontology, a concept in such an ontology as multiple-organ toxicity pattern may be derived from three separate concepts such a renal-state abstract concept, a liver-state abstract concept and a myelotoxicity-state abstract concept, each of which may in turn be derived from other abstract concepts and raw concepts. The abstract concept multiple-organ toxicity pattern is at a higher level of abstraction than the abstract concepts renal-state, liver-state and myelotoxicity-state. Concepts in the field of information security may include terms for describing computer usage, network activity, the names of the parts of a computer, terms for describing the hierarchy of computers and servers connected as a network, and the like. As above, an ontology of the information security field would substantially describe all such concepts as well as any relations between them. It is noted that in relation to a database, the records stored for a subject in a database substantially represent the values of concepts stored for the subject in the database.
Concepts are necessary in many fields and domains of knowledge for providing the necessary context of interpretation to convert observable raw data in the field or domain to abstracted data and information in the field or domain, as shown in the examples above regarding a test score and an HGB value. As mentioned above, an ontology includes the various concepts related to a particular domain, which substantially represents the kind of data which a person skilled in the art of that domain would want to store in a database for assorted reasons, such as analysis, decision making, generation of new knowledge, resource management and the like. In some domains, such as the medical domain, such extensive lists of concepts, which are not proper ontologies, exist and are available to the public, such as the Unified Medical Language System (herein abbreviated UMLS) and the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms (herein abbreviated SNOMED CT). Both UMLS and SNOMED CT are considered international medical standard vocabularies, which include identification codes for concepts (both raw and abstract) as well as definitions for which parameters are measured for a given raw concept and sometimes for a given abstract concept as well as. Yet such vocabularies do not represent proper ontologies, let alone knowledge bases. In other domains, such as the information security domain, such lists of concepts as well as ontologies linking such concepts may exist as proprietary ontologies or may not exist at all. It is noted that defining an ontology of concepts and building a knowledge base based on such an ontology is known in the art, with the actual structure of the ontology, including which concepts are included and which are omitted, as well as the actual structure of the knowledge base being a matter of design choice of the worker skilled in the art.
Based on the concepts defined in a domain and an ontology of those concepts that define the relations between concepts, a knowledge base (herein abbreviated KB) in the domain can be defined. A KB represents the properties and definitions of the concepts in the ontology, and substantially represents an additional level of information (i.e., knowledge) regarding the concepts in the ontology. For example, a KB in the medical domain could define which of the various medical tests in the ontology can be administered to determine the presence of which particular disease a patient may have. A KB could also define the relevant values of each respective test that determine the presence and/or severity of the disease. Such properties may also include the definition of terms such as a ‘high’ or ‘low’ level for an abstract concept that derives from a raw concept. For example, a raw concept such as hemoglobin may be defined in a medical ontology as well as an abstract concept such as hemoglobin-state, which represents the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood of a person. The ontology would also include the relationship between these two concepts. Yet the KB would include the definition for a ‘high level,’ ‘normal level’ and a ‘low level’ of the hemoglobin-state abstract concept. The KB would also include various definitions for ‘high level,’ ‘normal level’ and ‘low level’ if relevant contexts of the hemoglobin-state abstract concept change the definition of such levels. For example, for the hemoglobin-state abstract concept, the KB may store the following contexts and definitions for various levels of hemoglobin in a person, as shown in Table 1.
Other properties which a KB may store can include temporal properties of concepts in the ontology, such as whether two time periods of a particular concept are concatenable as well as the time period an observation of a value of a concept is valid. For example, two neighboring time periods of high fever may be defined as one (i.e., can be concatenated) in a normal individual, but may not be in an individual following pregnancy. Also, the measured height of an individual may represent a valid observation of height for a significantly longer period of time than the time period of the validity of the measured value of an individual's hemoglobin-state abstract concept.
It is noted that in the disclosed technique, the term domain knowledge base may refer to a knowledge base that includes a plurality of domain knowledge bases. For example, a domain knowledge base may include domain knowledge bases in the domains of medicine, information security, household management and business marketing. In general, knowledge bases provide the context of the concepts defined in an ontology. Providing the context of a concept is necessary as data for a particular concept may have different, even contradictory definitions, depending on the domain in which the data is stored. Age in the domain of medicine may represent the age of a patient, whereas age in the domain of information security may represent the age of a computer. Likewise, age in the domain of information security may also represent the age of a piece of software.
According to the disclosed technique, as described below in more detail in
Reference is now made to
In procedure 104, a database of subject records is linked to the knowledge base defined in procedure 102, with each subject record in the database being based on at least one concept defined in the knowledge base. A state of the art method for linking a knowledge base to subject records in a database has been shown in the article “An architecture for linking medical decision-support applications to clinical databases and its evaluation,” to German-Shahar et al. in The Journal of BioMedical Informatics 42(2), 2009, 203-218. In general, in the field of data analysis and data exploration, databases of data exist. In this procedure, the concepts defined in the knowledge base are linked to the subject records stored in the database such that the data in the database can be accessed according to those concepts. Using the concepts defined in the knowledge base, the database of subject records can be accessed. The database structure is a matter of design choice and depends on the domain in which the disclosed technique is used, and in particular the subject of the domain and the data regarding the subject which is to be stored in the database. At least part of the data stored in the database in procedure 104 is time-stamped data. It is noted that in most domains and fields in which the disclosed technique is used, procedures 102 and 104 are executed as knowledge bases in the domain may not exist yet databases in the field do exist and with the definition of the knowledge base, the concepts defined can be linked to the database. In select fields, a knowledge base may exist, and in these instances procedure 102 is optional. In addition, in select fields, databases of data may not exist, therefore before procedure 104 is executed in such fields, a database of data based on the concepts defined in the knowledge base must be generated first. For example, in the medical domain, vocabulary lists of medical concepts already exist, and databases of subject records based on such vocabulary lists already exist, such as the databases hospitals have of their patients, and the databases health clinics have of their clientele. Yet in this domain, knowledge bases do not necessarily exist, which must nonetheless be linked to the existing databases as per procedure 104. In the medical domain, procedures 102 and 104 are substantially mandatory procedures. In other domains, where ontologies of the concepts to be defined in the knowledge base may not exist or databases containing subject records based on the concepts defined in the knowledge base may not exist, then additional procedures, as mentioned above, are executed before procedures 102 and 104 are executed. For example, in the domain of resource management in residential homes, ontologies and databases may not exist defining the relevant concepts in the domain and storing data about resource management in residential homes. In such a domain, before procedures 102 and 104 are executed, an ontology of concepts in the domain are defined and a database of data about subject records in the domain is generated.
In procedure 106, at least one constraint is specified on the subject records in the database generated in procedure 104. It is noted that the database in procedure 104 requires at least one subject record. Therefore, the at least one constraint specified in procedure 106 is specified on at least one subject record in the database linked to in procedure 104. As mentioned above, the disclosed technique relates to the analysis and exploration of time-oriented raw data and abstracted data in multiple subject records. In such a task, when analyzing the data in the subject records, constraints are substantially placed on the subject records in the database to increase the likelihood that associations, in particular temporal associations, can be determined between various concepts as stored in the subject records. In this procedure, at least one constraint is placed on the subject records in the database, although a plurality of constraints may be placed. The various types of constraints which can be placed on a subject record are described below with reference to
In procedure 108, the subject records, time intervals or data which satisfy the at least one constraint are retrieved from the database. It is noted that depending on the constraints specified, no subject record, time interval or piece of data in the database may match the constraints specified. In such a case, nothing is retrieved. As described below, in
In procedure 110, the data of the retrieved subject records and time intervals are displayed graphically to the user. As specified below in
In procedure 112, the retrieved data of the subject records is manipulated graphically. As described below in
In procedure 114, associations between the retrieved data of the subject records' is explored. It is noted that the term ‘explore’ is used throughout the description to refer to determining whether patterns, correlations or interrelations exist in the data of a subject or in the data of multiple subjects. In this respect, in this procedure data from multiple subjects is graphically displayed and compared, to determine whether associations exist between the data.
In general, the associations which are explored are either temporal associations or statistical associations between the data of multiple subjects. Such temporal or statistical associations may represent new knowledge in the field or domain of the subjects stored in the database. It is noted that this procedure can also include at least one of retrieving, computing and displaying explored associations between the data at a specified aggregation granularity, as explained below in
The method of
Reference is now made to
A user 142 interacts with system 140 via user interface 144. User interface 144 is a graphical user interface (herein abbreviated GUI) and may be constructed as a windows-based application. It is noted that other embodiments of user interface 144 are possible, such as a text-based interface, a speech-based interface and a web-based interface. In general, user 142 interacts with system 140 to execute two different, yet related functions. Recall that user 142 represents a skilled worker in a particular domain who wants to explore the existence of associations between time-stamped data of multiple subjects each having multiple subject records, such as a medical clinician or an information security analyst. One function, as shown by a dotted arrow 166A, is to search a database of subjects by specifying constraints on a search query. This is executed by user 142 accessing constraint specifier 146. Constraint specifier 146 enables user 142 to specify particular constraints which either relate to subject records, time intervals in the data of subject records or the data of subject records, where data may be represented as raw data or abstracted data. The various types of constraints which can be specified in a search query of subject records are described below with reference to
For example, in the medical domain, a concept such as HGB value can be constrained on a range of values in units of grams per deciliter, whereas in a home residence domain, a concept such as area can be constrained on a range of values in units of meters squared. Constraint specifier 146 may be embodied as a GUI search engine, as shown below and described in
The generated search query, which includes a reference to at least one database, at least one constraint and at least one knowledge base, is passed from constraint specifier 146 to data provider 152. Data provider 152 analyzes the generated search query to determine the type of the at least one constraint specified. Once the type of the constraint, or constraints, has been determined, data provider 152 searches through subject record database 154 for the subject record, time interval or piece of data in a subject record, as specified by the at least one constraint. Subject record database 154 may include a plurality of databases. It is noted that data provider 152 operates with the type of constraints specified by constraint specifier 146 as well as the values stored for concepts in subject record database 154.
If the data specified by user 142 in constraint specifier 146 is raw data, then data provider 152 accesses subject record database 154 and retrieves the requested data. As explained below, the data may be a list of subjects, data stored in the subject records or time intervals. If the data specified by user 142 is abstracted data, then data provider 152 accesses subject record database 154 to determine if the requested abstracted data is stored in subject records of subject record database 154. If the abstracted data is stored in the subject records, then data provider 152 accesses subject record database 154 and retrieves the requested data. If the requested data is not in subject record database 154, then data provider 152 provides the computational task of determining the requested data to abstraction mediator 158. Abstraction mediator 158 analyzes the computational task and determines which concepts and concept definitions in domain knowledge base 156 are required for determining the abstraction specified in the task. Recall that concept definitions can include the properties of a concept, such as how discrete values such as ‘high’ and ‘low’ are determined for the concept, if two time intervals of the concepts can be interpolated into a single time interval, and the like. It is noted that the abstraction substantially represents the properties and context in which the at least one constraint is to be interpreted in retrieving the requested data. The context of the at least one constraint is necessary as a particular constraint may have different, even contradictory definitions, depending on the domain in which the constraint is defined, as described above. The context of the at least one constraint is therefore substantially necessary in order to disambiguate the at least one constraint and better understand what user 142 is searching for. It is noted that domain knowledge base 156 may include a plurality of domain knowledge bases.
Abstraction mediator 158 also determines which subject records, and what data in these subject records, need to be accessed to generate the abstracted data requested by user 142. Abstraction mediator 158 then provides the subject records and data, from subject record database 154 and concepts from domain knowledge base 156 to abstraction generator 160. Abstraction generator 160 then provides this information to query-driven abstractor 164, which determines the requested abstracted data. The requested abstracted data is provided, via abstraction mediator 158 to data provider 152 which then provides the requested abstracted data to user 142. The requested abstracted data may also be stored in the appropriate subject records in subject record database 154.
In general, subject record database 154 only includes raw data. According to the disclosed technique, system 140 also includes data-driven abstractor 162. Data-driven abstractor 162 determines abstracted data, i.e., temporal abstractions, for all subjects stored in subject record database 154, based on the concepts defined in domain knowledge base 156. The abstracted data generated is stored in a separate layer in subject record database 154. As subjects may be constantly added to subject record database 154, and as many concepts may be defined in domain knowledge base 156, data-driven abstractor is constantly operating to generate abstracted data for all concepts for all subjects in subject record database 154. As new subjects are added to subject record database 154, and as new concepts are added to domain knowledge base 156, new abstracted data is generated and stored for all subject records in subject record database 154 by data-driven abstractor 162. Therefore, when data provider 152 is provided with a generated search query requesting abstracted data, if data-driven abstractor 162 has already calculated the requested abstracted data, then data provider 152 can access this data in subject record database 154. If data-driven abstractor 162 has not calculated the requested abstracted data, then data provider 152 provides the computational task of determining the requested abstracted data to abstraction mediator 158. Abstraction mediator 158 provides the necessary data from subject record database 154 and domain knowledge base 156 to abstraction generator 160, which provides this data to query-driven abstractor 164 which determines the abstracted data on the fly and provides it back to data provider 152. In general, abstraction generator 160 determines the necessary context of the concepts specified in the user's search query (i.e., the constraints) as well as determining the requested abstracted data. Abstraction generator 160 substantially executes the task of determining temporal abstractions (i.e., abstracted data) using a KBTA method. In one embodiment of the disclosed technique, the temporal abstraction, i.e., abstracted data, determined by query-driven abstractor 164 is also stored in subject record database 154. Therefore, if user 142 subsequently requests substantially similar abstracted data, data provider 152 can retrieve the requested data directly from subject record database 154 and the abstracted data does not need to be determined by query-driven abstractor 164 an additional time. It is noted that data provider 152, abstraction mediator 158 and abstraction generator 160 can be constructed based on different programming languages.
For example, data provider 152 can be constructed using the programming languages SQL or C# and abstraction generator 160 can be constructed using the programming languages C# or Prolog. The worker skilled in the art is aware that many other suitable programming languages exist for constructing these elements of system 140.
It is noted that data provider 152 and explorer 148 (as described below) are involved in determining aggregated values for multiple entries in a particular subject record. As described below, constraint specified 146 enables various constraints to be specified on subject records, including constraints that are time related. According to the disclosed technique, data from a plurality of subject records can be analyzed together and compared over time, even when such data, as raw data or abstracted data, is stored using different time scales. In order to compare data from a plurality of subject records, and depending on the constraints specified, the data stored in a subject record may need to be aggregated into a single value to enable a comparison. For example, in the medical research domain, a subject, such as a patient, may have multiple records for blood glucose level tests done throughout the year. In some months, there may be many such records, whereas in other months, there may be very few or none. A medical researcher may want to view and explore the blood glucose levels of such a patient on a time scale of months, even though the time-stamp for the record of blood glucose level tests is stored on a time scale of days. According to the disclosed technique, both data provider 152 and explorer 148 can determine a representative, or delegate value of a record on a specified time scale, using a representative, or delegate function to determine such a value. In the example given above, the delegate value determined by data provider 152 may be a single value representing the blood glucose level of the patient for each month. This delegate value is determined by a delegate function, which can be specified by the user in constraint specifier 146. For example, the delegate function may be the mean, i.e., the delegate value representing the blood glucose level of the patient per month will be the mean blood glucose level per month as determined according to the blood glucose levels stored in the patient's records. The delegate function could also be the maximum value, i.e., the delegate value representing the blood glucose level of the patient per month will be the maximum blood glucose level stored per month in the patient's records. In general, given a set of time-oriented values stored in a subject record for a particular concept, stored as either raw data or abstracted data on a predefined time scale, over a particular time interval, data provider 152 can determine a delegate value for the time-oriented values stored for the particular concept. The delegate value can be determined for a specified time scale at the minimum resolution of the time scale specified (e.g., if the time-oriented values stored for a particular concept are stored on a time scale of days, then a delegate value can be determined for each day of the year in which values are stored in the subject record for that particular concept, but not on a time scale smaller than days, such as hours or minutes nor on days in which no values are stored in the subject record) or for a specified time interval, using a delegate function specified by a user. It is noted that the choice of delegate function for a particular concept may be constrained by definitions in the KB. In other words, for each concept in the KB, a list of reasonable delegate functions may be stored and a user may only specify a delegate function from the list of reasonable delegate functions stored. Also, the delegate function selected may be particular to the time scale specified. The delegate value is returned by data provider 152 to user 142 via explorer 148 and represents the value for the concept specified which is used in explorer 148 for further analysis at the time scale specified, as described below.
Once the requested data by user 142 has been accessed, or generated, data provider 152 provides the requested data back to user 142 via explorer 148. At this point, the other function, as shown by a dotted arrow 166B, of system 140 can be accessed by user 142 via explorer 148. Explorer 148 represents a GUI for visualizing, manipulating and exploring the requested data. In general, the requested data is visualized in explorer 148 as either a list or a type of graph, depending on whether the user 142 requested subject records to be returned, time intervals in the data of subject records to be returned or data in the subject records to be returned. It is noted that to display the requested data visually explorer 148 may need to execute calculations not performed by data provider 152, and may also need to determine requested delegate values independently of data provider 152. For example, in the information security domain, if user 142 wanted to know which computers in a network experienced above average registry key changes over the past month, a list may be returned with the ID of each computer which matches the constraint defined by the user. On the other hand, if the at least one constraint defined by the user relates to data in subject records, then the data returned may be displayed on a 2-dimensional (herein abbreviated 2D) graph. Since the data in the subject records is time-stamped, for a 2D graph, the horizontal axis is used to represent time whereas the vertical axis is used to represent the value of the data retrieved.
If the data retrieved represents raw data in the subject records, then three different types of data can be represented on the graph (this is shown in greater detail below in
If the data retrieved represents abstract data in the subject records, then a modified bar chart may be used to display the data (this is shown in greater detail below in
If the data retrieved is represented as a graph, then explorer 148 enables user 142 to change various aspects of the graph in order to visualize and explore the data represented. For example, the time scale used on the horizontal axis can be changed. Also, the scale used on the vertical axis can be changed. Using the above example, the time scale initially displayed was days, and the HGB value scale displayed was grams per deciliter of blood. According to the disclosed technique, user 142 can change the time scale to other predefined time scales, such as minutes, seconds, months and the like. Also, user 142 can change the vertical scale to another scale, such as a discrete scale if defined in domain knowledge base 156, which may be more indicative of new information regarding the data displayed. Changing the vertical scale in this respect substantially represents changing the concept used to display the data. Using the above example, domain knowledge base 156 may define a discrete scale for HGB value as a separate concept at a higher abstraction level, where instead of displaying the value of HGB as grams per deciliter of blood, the vertical scale may display whether the HGB value is very low, low, normal, high or very high, i.e., a discrete scale regarding the HGB value (i.e., a HGB-state concept). HGB value represents a raw concept whereas HGB-state represents an abstract concept that defines the HGB value on a scale of very low to very high. It is noted that if the time scales are changed, the data displayed may need to be recalculated by explorer. 148. It is also noted that various other exploration operators can be used to visualize and explore the data displayed and that such exploration operators can be used for displayed data which is either raw or abstracted. As described below in greater detail in
Besides enabling user 142 to visualize, manipulate and explore the data shown in explorer 148, explorer 148 enables user 142 to determine whether patterns and temporal interrelations exist between different sets of data specified by constraint specifier 146, especially relations that extend over time (i.e., temporal interrelations). For example, using constraint specifier 146, different sets of data from a group of subject records may be retrieved. The different sets of data may be compared to determine if over time there is a correlation between the different data sets. According to the disclosed technique, various statistical values relating to the correlations can be displayed, such as the confidence level of a given correlation between two sets of data. As mentioned above, user 142 represents an individual attempting to determine temporal relations in time-oriented data in multiple subject records. In general, such a user using system 140 will first use constraint specifier 146 to generate a list of subject records, time intervals and data from the subject records and then use explorer 148 to explore the retrieved data in an attempt to determine if temporal relations exist in the data returned.
Reference is now made to
As an example in the domain of information security, lines 316 and 318 may represent the range of earliest times when an installed anti-virus software program started scanning a computer for viruses and lines 320 and 322 may represent the range of latest times when the anti-virus software program finished scanning the computer for viruses with the time axis representing the time from when the anti-virus software was installed on the computer. Based on a relative timeline of time from when the anti-virus software was installed on the computer, line 316 may represent 5 minutes (after anti-virus installation) and line 318 may represent 10 minutes (after anti-virus installation). Line 320 may represent 50 minutes and line 322 may represent 1 hour. The value axis may represent susceptibility to hacker attacks, with line 312 representing a moderate level susceptibility and line 314 representing a high level susceptibility. A natural language search expression using the representation of lines 312, 314, 316, 318, 320 and 322 may then be “Find all computers which have a moderate to high level of susceptibility to hacker attacks in which an anti-virus software program was installed on the computer and an anti-virus scan of the computer started between 5 and 10 minutes from the installation of the anti-virus software on the computer and finished scanning the computer between 50 minutes and 1 hour from the time the anti-virus software was installed on the computer.”
Reference is now made to
It is noted that OBTAL 192 is not a general expression language, but rather a structure for specifying a syntax that a user can use to specify either sets of subject records, time intervals or values stored in subject records. In
SelectSubjectRecordExpression (DB,KB,<SubjectRecordConstraint>)→<SubjectRecordID>* (1)
where SelectSubjectRecordExpression( ) defines a select subject record expression. The values in the brackets of Equation (1) represent what needs to be specified in a valid select subject record expression. In Equation (1), a database (abbreviated DB) of subject records, a knowledge base (abbreviated KB) of concepts in the domain of the subject records, as well as at least one subject record constraint need to be specified. Values in angular brackets, such as <SubjectRecordConstraint> represent sets of at least one, for example <SubjectRecordConstraint> is a set that includes at least one subject record constraint. The right side of the arrow → in Equation (1) represents what is returned from, or outputted by the expression, in this case a set of subject records characterized by their identification data (abbreviated ID). <SubjectRecordID>* represents the set of subject records that match the specified constraints in <SubjectRecordConstraint>. An asterisk * represents zero or more repetitions, i.e., no repetitions as well as the possibility of at least one repetition. For example, in Equation (1), the set <SubjectRecordID>* may have no repetitions as there may not be a subject record which satisfies the constraints specified in Equation (1). In Equation (1), the constraints which are specified are used to search the DB specified for subject records that satisfy the constraints specified. In other words, DB represents the queried database. The KB specified in Equation (1) includes the definitions and interpretation contexts of the constraints specified in <SubjectRecordConstraint>.
<SubjectRecordConstraint> in Equation (1) is represented as subject record constraints 200 in
<SubjectRecordConstraint>≡<StaticConstraints>operator<TemporalConstraints> (2)
where <StaticConstraints> represents a set of static constraints and <TemporalConstraints> represents a set of temporal constraints. The term ‘operator’ represents a Boolean relation operator and can be either the AND operator or the OR operator. The symbol V represents the English expression ‘is defined as.’ Subject Record Constraints 200 substantially represents a list of static constraints 202 and temporal constraints 210 coupled by the operators AND and/or OR. Static constraints 202 relate to properties of subject records which are constant or in which only the last current value is valid. In the field of clinical research, static constraints 202 for subject records could include age, sex, physician, ID number and the like. In the field of information security, static constraints 202 for subject records could include operating system, video memory size, presence of a DVD drive and the like. The constraints defined depend on concepts defined in the KB.
Static constraints 202 includes a set of local constraints 204. It is noted that local constraints 204 has an asterisk, meaning that no local constraints need to be specified in a select subject record expression. Formally, this can be represented as
<StaticConstraints>≡operator(<LocalConstraints>*) (3)
where operator represents a Boolean relation operator and can be either the AND operator or the OR operator. According to Equation (3), the static constraints specified can be coupled together as a set of local constraints separated by the AND operator or the OR operator. Local constraints 204 includes a concept name 206 and a min value, max value 208. Min value, max value 208 has an asterisk. Concept name 206 represents the concepts used in the KB to define respective constraints and min value, max value 208 represents a range of values for a given concept as a constraint. Formally, this can be represented as
<LocalConstraints>≡(<ConceptName>operator<MinValue,MaxValue>*) (4)
where <ConceptName> represents the name of a static constraint defined in the KB and <MinValue,MaxValue>* represents a list of boundaries that can be placed on the constraint specified. A constraint defined in Equation (4) is satisfied if the value for the constraint (i.e., the concept) stored in a subject record in the DB falls in the range defined by <MinValue,MaxValue> and according to the Boolean operator used. The semantics of a particular static constraint depend on the definition of that constraint (i.e., concept) defined in the KB. For example, in the domain of medical research, a select subject record expression 194 using static constraints 202 may be “Find all male patients, who are younger than 20 years of age or older than 70 years of age.” In such an expression, two static constraints are defined, sex and age, which are both in the set of <ConceptName>. Sex is defined by two possibilities, male and female; there is therefore no range of values specified. Age on the other hand, has a range specified, either from 0-20 years of age or above 70 years of age. As a formal expression, the subject record constraints could be specified as
<SubjectRecordConstraint>≡AND (Sex, ‘Male’)(Age, OR (0,20)(70,120)) (5)
where ‘Male’ represents the selected sex, 0,20 defines a range of 0 years to 20 years and 70,120 defines a range of 70 years to 120 years. Note that the OR operator is used to couple the age ranges such that the constraint is satisfied if the subject is either less than 20 years old or older than 70 years old and that the AND operator is used to coupled the sex constraint with the age constraint. In the case of the sex constraint, the constraint is defined by a nominal list, which includes only two entries ‘female’ and ‘male.’ In the case of the age constraint, an ordinal list is defined in which a range can be specified. It is noted that depending on how a concept is defined in the KB, the range for a concept can be defined by words and/or by numbers. For example, a particular concept may be defined on a range from ‘very low’ to ‘very high.’ It is also noted that even though the term ‘operator’ in Equations (2)-(4) was defined as either the AND operator or the OR operator, the term ‘operator’ in any of the Equations already presented and presented herein can refer to any Boolean relation operator, such as NOT, XOR, NOR and NAND and the like. According to one embodiment of the disclosed technique, only the Boolean relation operators AND and OR are used in expressions in OBTAL 192, to simplify the selection of constraints. Other embodiments using more Boolean relation operators are possible.
Temporal constraints 210 relate to properties of subject records which are time-oriented, such as when an antivirus software program was installed in a computer or when a patient underwent a chemotherapy procedure. As explained below, temporal constraints 210 can relate to raw data as well as to abstracted data. Temporal constraints 210 substantially enable a user to place time constraints on subject records, such as how long (i.e., duration) a particular constraint is valid, or a start and end period for a particular constraint. According to the disclosed technique, absolute as well as relative timelines are supported, based on how concepts are defined in the KB. An absolute timeline refers to a timeline that references the calendar, whereas a relative timeline refers to a timeline that references a particular event as a start time. The particular event may have significance according to the domain in which the disclosed technique is used, as the ontology and KB of the domain may define significant events in particular contexts. For example, defining a duration constraint on an absolute timeline might refer to defining a period from May 25, 2006 to Jun. 26, 2006. Defining a duration constraint on a relative timeline might refer to defining a period of time following a particular event, such as one week after the start of a fever, 3 days after the installation of an antivirus software program and the like. A significant event may be defined as the start point of a relative timeline. For example, in the medical domain, significant events may be the start of a type of therapy, the birth of a child and the start of a fever.
Temporal constraints 210 can be divided into two types of constraints, local constraints 214 and global pairwise constraints 212. Local constraints 214 refer to various types of temporal constraints that relate to a single concept, whereas global pairwise constraints 212 refer to temporal constraints which couple pairs of concepts defined in the KB over time. Formally, temporal constraints 210 can be represented as
<TemporalConstraints>≡(operator(<LocalConstraints>*))[<GlobalPairwiseConstraints>*] (6)
<LocalConstraints> refers to temporal constraints of a single concept, whereas <GlobalPairwiseConstraints> refers to temporal constraints between two concepts. As described above in
<LocalConstraints>*≡(<ConceptName>,<ValueConstraints>,<TimePointConstraints>, [<DurationConstraints>],[<RelativeTimeConstraints>],[<ProportionConstraints>], [<StatisticalConstraints>]) (7)
Concept name 216 refers to the name of the concept stored as data in the subject record as it appears in the KB. It is noted that concept name is specific for a particular type of data in the knowledge base of a domain, such that a similar measure of a particular concept may have a different concept name for raw data stored for the concept and for abstracted data stored for the concept. For example, in the medical research field, the knowledge base may define the concept ‘WBC count’ in a plurality of ways depending on the context of the concept. One may be named ‘raw WBC count’ to define the actual WBC count from a WBC count test (i.e., a raw concept). Another may be named ‘WBC-state’ to define whether a particular WBC count is considered normal or not (i.e., an abstracted concept). Yet others may be named for WBC counts after particular medical procedures. It is also noted that in the knowledge base, each concept is usually defined with an associated standardized measurement unit. ‘raw WBC count’ may be defined in units of cells/mL, whereas ‘WBC-state’ may be defined on an ordinal scale that include ‘very low, low, normal, high, very high.’ As shown below, concept name 216 determines which concept is to be referenced in the KB which affects the other constraints defined in local constraints 214 (
Value constraints 218 refers to constraints on values for a given concept and includes a min value, max value 228. Formally, this can be written out as
<ValueConstraints>≡(<Min Value,MaxValue>) (8)
Min value, max value 228 refers to the boundaries a value can have for a concept. As mentioned above, since each concept in the KB is stored with an associated measurement unit, therefore a minimum and maximum value for a concept can be defined in value constraints 218. Min value, max value 228 can represent values as defined in raw data or in abstracted data. For example, in the case of WBC count, min value, max value 228 can represent 0 cells/mL to 3000 cells/mL, since WBC count is a raw concept for which raw data is stored. In the case of WBC-state, min value, max value 228 can represent ‘very low’ to ‘very high,’ since WBC-state is an abstraction for which abstracted data is stored. For each concept, the KB may also specify default minimum and maximum values for the concept. Time point constraints 220 includes a start point or earliest start point, latest start point 230 and an end point or earliest end point, latest end point 232. Formally, this can be written out as
<TimePointConstraints>≡(<StartPoint/<EarliestStartPoint,LatestStartPoint>>, <EndPoint/<EarliestEndPoint,LatestEndPoint>>) (9)
The start point and the end point in Equation (9) refer to a time period in which the value defined in value constraints 218 holds. This was described earlier in
Duration constraints 222 includes a min duration, max duration 234. Formally, this can be written out as
[<DurationConstraints>]≡(<MinDuration,MaxDuration>) (10)
Duration constraints 222 refers to constraints on the duration of an interval for which a value specified in value constraints 218 is satisfied for the interval specified in min duration, max duration 234. For example, a select subject record expression 194 in the medical research domain using duration constraints 222 may be “Find patients who have had a very high value in their WBC-state for at least four days but not more than seven days.” In this example, four days represents the minimum duration for which the specified value ‘very high’ must be satisfied whereas seven days represents the maximum duration for which the specified value must be satisfied.
Relative time constraints 224 includes a reference concept name 238, a relative start point or relative earliest start point, relative latest start point 240, a relative end point or relative earliest end point, relative latest end point 242 and a reference position number, reference boundary point 244. Relative time constraints 224 refers to time points constraints on values in subject records in which a relative timeline is used. A KB may define significant relative time points for a given concept, such as the start of a high fever, the installation of a firewall program, the upgrade of a computer or the start of a chemotherapy treatment. Relative time constraints 224 enables a user to specify time constraints based on these significant relative time points, in which the significant relative time point specified is used as the reference or start time in a select subject record expression. Formally, relative time constraints 224 can be written out as
[<RelativeTimeConstraints>]≡(<ReferenceConceptName>, <RelativeStartPoint/<RelativeEarliestStartPoint,RelativeLatestStartPoint>>, <RelativeEndPoint/<RelativeEarliestEndPoint, RelativeLatestEndPoint>>, <ReferencePositionNumber,ReferenceBoundaryPoint>) (11)
Reference concept name 238 refers to the significant relative time point for the concept defined in concept name 216 as defined in the KB. Reference concept name 238 substantially provides the context in which the relative time constraints are specified. For example, reference concept name 238 may refer to the time a PC is upgraded or the time bone marrow was transplanted in a patient. Relative start point or relative earliest start point, relative latest start point 240 and relative end point or relative earliest end point, relative latest end point 242 refer to boundary points of a specified interval for which the value specified in value constraints 218 is to be satisfied. Unlike start point or earliest start point, latest start point 230 and end point or earliest end point, latest end point 232, relative start point or relative earliest start point, relative latest start point 240 and relative end point or relative earliest end point, relative latest end point 242 refer to relative time periods starting from the significant time point referred to in reference concept name 238. Reference position number, reference boundary point 244 refers to two separate additional reference positions regarding reference concept name 238. The parameter ReferencePositionNumber in Equation (11) refers to the ordinal position (e.g., first, second, third) of the significant time point event specified in reference concept name 238 if more than one instance of the event exists and is stored in the subject record. For example, in the medical research field, if a patient underwent the same chemotherapy treatment three times, then the parameter ReferencePositionNumber enables a user to specify which of the three times should be used as the starting time for specifying an interval. The default ReferencePositionNumber may be the last instance of the event. The parameter ReferenceBoundaryPoint in Equation (11) refers to the boundary point of the significant time point event to be used as the starting time for specifying an interval. The reference boundary point can either be the start or the end of the significant event. For example, for a reference concept name such as ‘heart surgery,’ the reference boundary point may either be specified as either the start of the heart surgery or the end of the heart surgery. The default ReferenceBoundaryPoint may be the end of the significant time point event. An example of a select subject record expression 194 in the clinical research domain using relative time constraints 224 may be, “Find patients with a very low level hemoglobin level during the first ten days after a bone marrow transplant (herein abbreviated BMT).” In this example, the reference concept name is BMT, meaning the interval specified as ten days is to start from after a BMT. In this example, only a relative start time and a relative end time were specified (i.e., from zero to ten days after a BMT), and by default, the reference boundary point used was the end of the reference concept name, i.e., starting from the end of a BMT.
Proportion constraints 226 includes min threshold, max threshold 236. Formally, this can be written out as
[<ProportionConstraints>]≡(<MinThreshold,MaxThreshold>) (12)
Min threshold, max threshold 236 refers to a percentage, ranging from 0% to 100%, for which a value defined in value constraints 218 is satisfied in a given time period. The given time period can either be specified under time points constraints 220, duration constraints 222 or relative time constraints 224. In the case of a value for which raw data is stored, min threshold, max threshold 236 refers to the relative portion of the values in the subject record for which the specified value constraints and time point constraints are satisfied. For example, “Find patients for which the WBC count was at least 3000 cells/mL in 50% of the WBC count tests done for the patient in March 2008.” In this example, 50% represents the minimum threshold, whereas the maximum threshold is at the default of 100%. In the case of a value for which abstracted data is stored, min threshold, max threshold 236 refers to the relative portion of the duration of the time interval specified for which the value constraints are satisfied. For example, “Find patients for which the WBC-state was high for at least 75% of the first month after BMT.”
Statistical constraints 227 refers to constraints which enable a user to specify and filter data on subject records using statistical operators and functions. The parameters for specifying statistical constraints are shown in
<StatisticalConstraints>≡<IndividualStatisticalConstraints>/<PopulationStatisticalConstraints> (13)
Individual statistical constraints refers to statistical constraints placed on the data stored in a single subject record. As such, individual statistical constraints or population statistical constraints 266 includes a subject record delegate function 268 and a value constraints 270 for specifying statistical constraints on a single subject record. This can be written out formally as
<IndividualStatisticalConstraints>=(<SubjectRecordDelegateFunction>,<ValueConstraints>) (14)
Value constraints 270 refers to a range of values in a subject record on which the user wants to specify a statistical constraint. Subject record delegate function 268 refers to the statistical function (i.e., the delegate function) to be used to aggregate the range of values of the subject record specified in value constraints 270. It is noted that time period for which the range of values is to be aggregated in Equation (14) is specified either under time point constraints 220, duration constraints 222 or relative time constraints 224 (all in
Individual statistical constraints or population statistical constraints 266 also includes a subject record delegate function 272, a population delegate function 274, a relation 276 and a min difference, max difference 278 for specifying statistical constraints that relate to subject records as compared to an entire population of subject records. This can be written out formally as
<PopulationStatisticalConstraints>≡(<SubjectRecordDelegateFunction>,<PopulationDelegateFunction>,<Relation>, [<MinDifference,MaxDifference>]) (15)
Subject record delegate function 272 refers to the statistical function used to aggregate the data specified in concept name 216 as a single value, whereas population delegate function 274 refers to the statistical function used to aggregate the data specified in concept name 216 for an entire population as a single value. It is noted that in Equation (15), the time period for which the data specified in concept name 216 is to be aggregated is specified under local constraints 214 under either time point constraints 220, duration constraints 222 or relative time constraints 224 (all in
Reference is now made back to
Global pairwise constraints 212 is divided into two different types of constraints, pairwise value constraints 246 and pairwise temporal constraints 248. Formally, this can be written out as
<GlobalPairwiseConstraints>≡(<PairwiseValueConstraints>,<PairwiseTemporalConstraints>) (16)
As explained above in
Pairwise value constraints 246 includes a concept nameI 250, a concept nameJ 252, a relation 254 and a delegate function 256. To define an expression using pairwise value constraints 246, two concepts, concept nameI 250 and concept nameJ 252, must have been already specified under local constraints 214. Concept nameI 250 and concept nameJ 252 each represent the name of a concept such that it can be referenced in the KB if necessary, as well as the respective value for each concept which is to be compared. Relation 254 represents the qualitative relation between the two value to be compared, such as greater than, less than, equal to and the like. Delegate function 256 represents the function used to determine the delegate value for each of the concepts defined in concept nameI 250 and concept nameJ 252. As mentioned above, the time period over which the delegate value is determined was already specified for each concept under local constraints 214. Formally, this can be written out as
<PairwiseValueConstraints>≡(<ConceptNameI>,<ConceptNameJ>,<Relation>,<DelegateFunction>) (17)
In one embodiment of the disclosed technique, before Equation (17) is used to generate a select subject record expression 194, a Pair Exist function is used to determine if at least one pair of values in each of the specified concepts exists that satisfies the relation defined in Equation (17).
Pairwise temporal constraints 248 refers to constraints in which boundary time points for a particular concept can be defined. Pairwise temporal constraints 248 includes a concept nameI and boundary time pointI 258, a concept nameJ and boundary time pointJ 264, a relation 260 and a min difference, max difference 262. Formally, pairwise temporal constraints 248 can be written out as
<PairwiseTemporalConstraints>1,2,3,4≡(<ConceptNameI,BoundaryTimePointI>,<ConceptNameJ,BoundaryTimePointJ>,<Relation>,[<MinDifference,MaxDifference>]) (18)
Similar to pairwise value constraints 246, pairwise temporal constraints 248 enables either two values for a similar concept to be compared or two values for two concepts to be compared provided that the scale of the values being compared are similar. In addition, temporal constraints 248 enables boundary time points for each concept to be defined. As shown above in
The constraints defined by select subject record time interval expression 196 will now be defined and explained. As mentioned above, select subject record time interval expression 196 enables a user to specify a time interval, which will return a set of time intervals in subject records that satisfy the time interval constraints specified. The possible constraints which can be placed in a select subject record time interval expression are shown in
SelectSubjectRecordIntervalExpression (DB,KB,<IntervalConstraints>,<SubjectRecords>)→<StartTime,EndTime>* (19)
where DB is the database being searched and KB is the knowledge base to be accessed which includes definitions and contexts for the constraints specified in <IntervalConstraints>. <IntervalConstraints> represents a set of at least one constraint which relates to a time interval. These constraints are not applied to all subject records in the DB but rather to the subject records specified in <SubjectRecords>, which represents a list of subject records to which the constraints specified in <IntervalConstraints> are applied to. It is noted that in general, a user will first specify constraints in a select subject record expression 194 which will return a list of subject records that meet the specified constraints. Then, based on the returned subject records, a select subject record time interval expression 196 can be used to find time intervals of interest in the returned subject records. Based on Equation (19), what is returned from a select subject record time interval expression 196 is a list of time intervals which are specified by a start time and an end time. <StartTime,EndTime> is asterisked indicating that the constraints specified may yield no repetitions, i.e., no time interval exists in the subject records specified which satisfies the constraints specified.
<IntervalConstraints> can be defined formally as <IntervalConstraints>≡<Granularity>, [<TimeConstraints>/<RelativeTimeConstraints>], (operator<LocalConstraints>*) (20)
where <Granularity> refers to the time scale, or smallest time unit, of the interval to be searched for. In general, any number of time scales can be defined in the KB. For example, one set of time scales may include seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. In such an example, the lowest granularity level or time resolution level to be searched for in subject records is seconds, whereas the highest granularity level or time resolution level to be searched for in subject records is years. <TimeConstraints> and <RelativeTimeConstraints>, which are separated by the symbol ‘|’ representing the Boolean operator OR, represent optional time constraints that limit the time range to be searched in the subject records listed in <SubjectRecords>: <TimeConstraints> represent time constraints specified on an absolute timeline whereas <RelativeTimeConstraints> represent time constraints specified on a relative timeline. Operator represents the Boolean operators AND or OR and specifies the relationship between the constraints specified under local constraints 286.
<LocalConstraints> can be defined formally as <LocalConstraints>≡<ConceptName>,<ValueConstraints>,<DelegateFunction>, <ProporationPopulationMinThreshold, ProportionPopulationMaxThreshold> (21)
where concept name 288 represents the name of a constraint as specified in the KB. Concept name 288 can represent any of the constraints specified in a select subject record expression 194 under temporal constraints 210 (
The constraints defined by retrieve subject record expression 198 will now be defined and explained. As mentioned above, retrieve subject record expression 198 enables a user to specify what data stored in the returned subject records in the specified time intervals should be retrieved and presented to the user for further analysis and exploration. The possible constraints which can be placed in a retrieve subject record expression are shown in
RetrieveSubjectRecordExpression (DB,KB,<Concept>,<SubjectRecords>,[<TemporalIntervals>])→<SubjectRecordn,Concept,StartTimen,m,EndTimen,m,Valuen,m>*1≦n≦N, 1≦m≦Mn (22)
where DB represents the database searched, KB represents the knowledge base where definitions and contexts of concepts are stored, <Concept> represents the data of the concept to be retrieved, <SubjectRecords> represents a list of subject records, for example according to an ID number, for which the concept defined in <Concept> should be retrieved and <TemporalIntervals> represents an optional constraint that limits the time interval of the data to be retrieved. What is returned in Equation (22) is a list of subject records from 1 to N, where N represents the total number of subject records specified in <SubjectRecords>, and Mn represents the total number of different data entries stored for subject record n. For a specified concept and subject recordn, the valuen,m for concept m of subject recordn is returned along with the interval, i.e., the time period, in which the value occurs. In one embodiment of the disclosed technique, the default list used for <SubjectRecords> is the entire database specified under DB and temporal intervals 296 are not specified, i.e., values for the entire timeline stored in the DB are retrieved. It is noted that a retrieve subject record expression 198 is in general not an expression that is constructed from scratch. Rather, first subject records are selected using a select subject record expression 194, and optionally a select subject record time interval expression 196 is then used to select specific time intervals. Once these selections have been made, then a retrieve subject record expression 198 can be specified. It is noted that a retrieved subject record expression 198 can be constructed from scratch by explicitly listing in <SubjectRecords> which subject records are to be retrieved.
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Select subject record expression 350 includes a natural language select subject record expression 356 and an XML select subject record expression 358. Select subject record time interval expression 352 includes a natural language select subject record time interval expression 360 and an XML select subject record time interval expression 362. Retrieve subject record expression 354 includes a natural language retrieve subject record expression 364 and an XML retrieve subject record expression 366. Natural language select subject record expression 356 specifies static constraints such as age and gender as well as temporal constraints such as WBC count and hemoglobin-state. It is noted that age and gender are specified as constraints on raw data whereas both the WBC count and the hemoglobin-state are specified as constraints on abstracted data. In addition, a relative timeline is specified in the expression as the first month following an allogenic bone marrow transplant (herein abbreviated BMT_Al). The result to be returned from select subject record expression 350 is a list of patients in the database searched which satisfy the constraints specified. XML select subject record expression 358 categorizes the constraints specified in natural language select subject record expression 356 according to an OBTAL constructed according to the disclosed technique to be used in the medical research domain. For example, static constraints such as age and gender are categorized as demographic constraints 368. Temporal constraints such as HGB-state 370 and WBC-gradient 372 are categorized as local time and value constraints 374. Time constraints such as start date 376 and end date 378 are represented as being based on a relative timeline 380 following a reference event defined as BMT_Al. It is noted that default constraints in the XML select subject record expression 358 can be filled in automatically using a knowledge base. For example, the minimum and maximum age defined in the KB may be 0 years and 100 years respectively, and the minimum and maximum value for HGB-state 370 defined in the KB may be ‘very low’ to ‘high’ respectively. In natural language select subject record expression 356 only younger than 20 years and older than 70 years was specified, and the HGB-state was specified as at least moderately-low or higher. In XML select subject record expression 358, the minimum age of 0 years and the maximum age of 100 years were added, as well as the maximum value for HGB-state 370 of ‘high’ to specify the constraints more precisely. XML select subject record expression 358 also categorizes the pairwise relation specified in natural language select subject record expression 356 between the hemoglobin-state and the WBC count as a pairwise temporal constraint 382. As mentioned above in
Natural language select subject record time interval expression 360 specifies a minimum and maximum threshold on the percentage of the population for which the other constraints specified should satisfy, i.e., between 50% and 90% of the patients searched in the DB. In addition, the value constraints which are specified are specified for raw data, such as the platelet value in units of cells/mL, as well as abstracted data, such as the WBC count. Also, a relative timeline is specified in the expression as the days following a BMT_Al. The result to be returned from select subject record time interval expression 352 is a list of days, relative to the BMT_Al, in the database searched which satisfy the constraints specified. XML select subject record time interval expression 362 categorizes the constraints specified in natural language select subject record time interval expression 360 according to an OBTAL constructed according to the disclosed technique to be used in the medical research domain. The time scale of the time interval to be searched for is specified in granularity 384 as ‘days.’ For each value constraint, the minimum and maximum threshold on the percentage of the population 386 is specified. In this example, the constraint on the percentage of the population for each value constraint was equivalent, although such a constraint could be specified differently for each value constraint. It is noted that for the WBC-state constraint, a delegate function of longest time 388 was specified, whereas for the platelet constraint, a delegate function of mean 390 was specified. Both of these delegate functions were specified at a granularity 384 of days. As in XML select subject record expression 358, default constraints in the XML select subject record time interval expression 362, such as ‘very-low’ for the WBC-state constraint, can be filled in automatically using a knowledge base.
Natural language retrieve subject record expression 364 specifies the particular data stored in a patient's subject record in a database to be retrieved, i.e., the hemoglobin-state value. In addition, the patients from which the specified data should be retrieved are specified, i.e., patients #1 to #10 in the database, as well as the time period in which the data should be retrieved, i.e., the first two weeks following a bone marrow transplant. The result to be returned from retrieve subject record expression 354 is a list of values from the constraints specified (i.e., the list of values from the patients specified in the time interval specified). In general, as mentioned above, once subject records have been specified and searched and once time intervals have been specified and searched, the resulting lists of subject records and time intervals are then used to retrieve data from the subject records returned in the time intervals returned. XML retrieve subject record expression 366 categorizes the constraints specified in natural language retrieve subject record expression 364 according to an OBTAL constructed according to the disclosed technique to be used in the medical research domain. The data to be retrieved from the subject records is specified as HGB-state 392. The particular subject records from which the data should be retrieved are specified by an attribute of the subject records, such as an ID number 394 of the subject records. Temporal intervals, as shown in
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In second GUI 424, the user has continued to add additional constraints and conditions to their select subject record expression. Under constraints tab 427, the user has selected the knowledge base constraints tab which has brought up a list of the concepts specified in the ontology and defined in the knowledge base, shown in constraints panel 444. As concepts specified in the ontology and defined in the knowledge base may represent raw concepts or abstracted concepts (i.e., concepts for which raw data is stored or concepts for which abstracted data is stored), constraints panel 444 includes a tab 446 for shifting the view of the concepts shown in constraints panel 444 between a regular view and a context view. In the context view, the concepts are displayed in a hierarchical view according to contexts and sub-contexts, as concepts can be defined at different levels of abstraction. In the regular view, concepts are displayed in groupings of their specific type and domain. As constraints panel 444 may include hundreds of concepts, a search panel 448 is provided to aid a user in finding the concepts they're looking for.
For each concept selected, a user is displayed a panel in which conditions on the concept can be specified. For example, for the selected concept HGB_STATE_BMT—1, the user has selected values ranging from ‘moderately-low’ to ‘high’ in combo boxes 452 and a relative timeline for specifying the starting point of the condition specified in relative time panel 454. To visually aid the user, a graphical representation of the conditions selected for a concept is displayed as a graph 450. Graph 450 shows that for the condition of the HGB-state, the values selected (as shown on the y-axis of the graph) range from moderately-low to high. According to the conditions selected, the values selected are to be limited to a one month period (as shown on the x-axis of the graph), starting from (i.e., relative to) the time when an allogenic bone marrow transplant was completed. The units of the y-axis of graph 450 depend on the definition of the concept selected in the knowledge base. The units of the x-axis of graph 450 depend on the granularity of the time condition selected, which can range from seconds to years, for example. For the selected concept WBC_GRADIENT_BMT—1, the user has selected a value defined as ‘inc’ (i.e., increasing) for a limit of a one month period (as shown on the x-axis of the graph), starting from (i.e., relative to) the time when an allogenic bone marrow transplant was completed. In the example shown in second GUI 424, the combo boxes, radio buttons and other GUI elements for specifying conditions on the selected concept WBC_GRADIENT_BMT—1 are not visible. The resultant conditions specified are seen in a graph 456. In second GUI 424, the user has also selected a global pairwise constraint as shown in section 458. A panel 460 shows that the user has selected a pairwise temporal constraint (displayed as a time pairwise constraint), and has specified a temporal condition of ‘during.’ The possible temporal conditions depend on the interval relations defined to be used with the disclosed technique. In the example shown in
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Constraint specifier 146 enables a user to specify that a delegate value for data stored in a subject record should be determined for either a single subject record or for a plurality of subject records. In this respect, delegate values can be determined for an individual subject record or for a population of subject records. For example, using Equation (13), a constraint can be specified on subject record database 154 that refers to either an individual subject record or a population of subject records. In addition, constraint specifier 146 also enables a user to specify whether the delegate value determined is for data stored for a raw concept (i.e., raw data) or data stored for an abstract concept (i.e., abstracted data). In other words, unlike the prior art, the disclosed technique enables statistical aggregation of concepts that may be stored not only on a continuous numeric scale but also on a discrete value scale. For example, in the information security domain, subject record database 154 may store an abstract concept for subject records (e.g. computer stations) such as ‘network threat’ to represent the level of threat to the safely of the network from a particular computer station. The values stored for such a concept may be on a discrete value scale, such as a scale ranging from ‘very low’ to ‘very high.’ For a given subject record, network threat values may be stored at a granularity of days, meaning each day, subject record database 154 stores a value representing the network threat of each computer station on the network defined in the database. For example, for a four week period, a computer station may have stored for the concept ‘network threat’ the values ‘very low’ twice, ‘low’ thirteen times, ‘very high’ eight times and ‘average’ five times. A worker skilled in the art may want to explore the network threat of computer stations at a granularity of months, i.e., which computer stations at the time scale of months represent network threats. As described below, the disclosed technique enables data provider 152 to determine a delegate value for abstract concepts such as ‘network threat’ which are measured and stored on a discrete value scale.
Furthermore, constraint specifier 146 also enables a user to specify whether a single delegate value determined is for a particular time period, or whether a series of delegate values is to be determined for a particular time period at a particular time granularity. For example, in the medical research domain, subject record database 154 may have stored for the concept HGB value for a particular subject record three measures of the HGB value on Feb. 15, 2004, two measures of the HGB value on Feb. 20, 2004, and two measures of the HGB value on Feb. 21, 2004. Using constraint specifier 146, user 142 can specify that a single delegate value be determined for the HGB value of the subject record in the example above for the time period of Feb. 14, 2004 to Feb. 24, 2004. In other words, user 142 can request that a single value be determined for the HGB value of the subject record specified to represent the HGB value of the subject record over the time period specified. In addition, also using constraint specifier 146, user 142 can specify that a series of delegate values be determined for the HGB value of the subject record in the example above at a granularity of days. In other words, user 142 can request that a series of delegate values be determined for the HGB value of the subject record specified to represent the HGB value per day of the subject record over the time period specified. In this example, three delegate values would be returned, one to represent the HGB value of Feb. 15, 2004, a second to represent the HGB value of Feb. 20, 2004 and a third to represent the HGB value of Feb. 21, 2004. Since no records were stored for the HGB value on the other days specified in the time period, no delegate values are determined for those days. To summarize, data provider 152 can determine eight different types of delegate values based on what user 142 specifies in constraint specifier 146. For a specification of either a delegate value for a single subject record or a population of subject records, user 142 can specify if the delegate value is to be for a raw concept or for an abstract concept. For each of a raw concept and an abstract concept, user 142 can specify if a single delegate value is to be determined or a series of delegate values is to be determined.
As mentioned above, time-oriented values stored in a subject record for a particular concept can be aggregated into a delegate value using a particular function. This function is referred to as a delegate function and represents the function by which the values to be aggregated are aggregated. Such functions can include, for example, the mean, the mode, the median, the maximum value, the minimum value and the like. In general, the delegate function can be substantially any function which receives as input a plurality of values and outputs a single value, provided that the domain and units of the inputted values are preserved in the outputted value by the delegate function. It is noted that the choice of delegate function for a particular concept may be constrained by definitions in the KB. In other words, for each concept in the KB, a list of reasonable delegate functions may be stored and a user may only specify a delegate function from the list of reasonable delegate functions stored. Also, the delegate function selected may be particular to the time scale specified.
In order to enable data provider 152 to determine any delegate value or values as specified by user 142, a number of requirements may need to be placed on constraint specifier 146 as well as subject record database 154. A first requirement is that the granularity levels which can be specified in constraint specifier 146 are finite and defined. For example, by default the granularity levels possible may be seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. It is noted that in specified domains, additional and/or different granularity levels may be necessary, such as semesters in the academic domain and quarters in the financial domain. If the disclosed technique is used in such domains then additional granularity levels may be defined as requirements for constraint specifier 146 and subject record database 154. In it also noted that according to another embodiment of the disclosed technique, a plurality of granularity levels may be defined by user 142, above and beyond the default granularity levels specified above. For example, if in a particular domain, a time period of 2 days and 6 hours has particular significance, then a granularity of such a time period may be defined and specified as a requirement in constraint specifier 146 and subject record database 154. A second requirement may be that the data stored, for any concept stored in subject record database 154, is not stored at a granularity that is finer than the smallest granularity level defined by the first requirement. A corollary of this requirement is that for the smallest defined granularity level, for any concept stored in subject record database 154, not more than one value is stored. For example, if the finest granularity level defined in constraint specifier 146 is seconds, then no values for concepts stored in subject record database 154 are stored at a time resolution (i.e., granularity) less than seconds (e.g., milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, etc. . . . ). In addition, for any concept, no two values stored for that concept can have the same time-stamp at the lowest granularity level. For example, if the time-stamp for a concept such as blood glucose level is given at a granularity of seconds, such as May 23, 2002, 18:45:23 (i.e., hours:minutes:seconds), then no two values for the concept blood glucose level can have the same time-stamp at the level of seconds (i.e., two values of the blood glucose level, both with the time-stamp May 23, 2002, 18:45:23). A third requirement may be that for a single delegate value, any time period at any granularity level (as defined by the first requirement) can be specified, but for a series of delegate values, the time period specified must be a whole multiple of the granularity level specified. For example, if user 142 wants a series of delegate values to be determined for a particular concept at a granularity level of months, then the time period specified for which the delegate values are to be determined must be a whole number of months, i.e., January 2007 to March 2008 and not Feb. 13, 2005 to Jul. 7, 2006. It is noted that in another embodiment of the disclosed technique, the third requirement mentioned above is modified to state that for a single delegate value, any time period at any granularity level can be specified, whereas for a series of delegate values, any time period may be specified but the granularity specified must be a whole multiple of the granularity levels defined in the first requirement above. For example, if user 142 wants a series of delegate values to be determined for a particular concept at a granularity level of months, then the time period specified for which the delegate values are to be determined can be any time period, such as from Feb. 13, 2005 to Jul. 7, 2006. Yet in such an example, each delegate value will represent a calendar month as the granularity specified must be a whole multiple of the granularity levels defined. Therefore, for the month of February 2005, values having a time stamp from Feb. 13 until the end of that month will be used to determine the delegate value for February 2005 and for the month of July 2006, values having a time stamp from July 1 until July 7 will be used to determine the delegate value for July 2006.
A fourth requirement may be that for a particular concept, user 142 cannot request a series of delegate values for that concept at a granularity level which is smaller than the granularity level at which values for the concept were stored at. For example, for the concept WBC-state, if values for the concept are stored at a granularity of days, then user 142 cannot specify that a series of delegate values be determined for the concept over a time period of three days at a granularity of hours, meaning that a delegate value should be determined for each hour over the time period of three days specified. A fifth requirement may be that for time-oriented data stored in subject record database 154, which represents the data for which delegate values can be determined for, for any time-oriented concept, the data stored has a general structure which can be defined formally as
InputData≡<SubjectRecordn,Conceptc,TStartn,c,m,TEndn,c,m,Valuen,c,m>*1≦n≦N, 1≦c≦C, 1≦m≦Mn (23)
where InputData represents the stored subject record which is used to determine a delegate value. N represents the total number of subject records in the database and C represents the total number of concepts stored for each subject record in the database. Mn represents the total number of values for Conceptc in SubjectRecordn and can vary for each subject record. TStartn,c,m and TEndn,c,m represent, respectively, the start time and the end time at which the mth value (Valuen,c,m) for Conceptc for SubjectRecordn was determined. It is noted that depending on the concept for which data is stored for, TStartn,c,m, and TEndn,c,m may be equivalent, so long as the seconds value, if it is stored, is not the same, as per the second requirement above. The asterisk * represents zero or more repetitions, i.e., no repetitions as well as the possibility of at least one repetition. As example of the data structure in Equation (23) is provided below in Table 2. The example in Table 2 is taken from the medical research domain.
In Table 2, Mn for the concept HGB value is 3 whereas for the concept WBC count is it 2. The data shown in Table 2 is an example of a part of the data stored for a single subject record. Whereas the exact data structure of subject record database 154 is a matter of design choice of the worker skilled in the art, according to the fifth constraint, time-oriented data to be used in the determination of delegate values requires that values for concept be recorded and time-stamped with a start time and an end time, as per Equation (23).
The eight different types of delegate values which data provider 152 can determine are now described in terms of how data provider 152 determines them. To determine a single delegate value for a single subject record of data stored for a raw concept over a particular time period, data provider 152 must be provided a number of constraints from constraint specifier 146 as follows: the subject record to be accessed, denoted as subject record n, the concept for which a delegate value is to be determined, denoted as concept c, the delegate function to be used to aggregate the data into a single value, denoted as DFc and the time period over which the data for the concept is to be aggregated into a single value, denoted as TAggr (i.e., a specified aggregation time period). It is noted that DFc may be specific for concept c and for the granularity at which data is stored for concept c. Given the constraints from constraint specifier 146, data provider 152 accesses subject record database 154 and retrieves the data values for subject record n, for concept c that fall within the time period specified by TAggr. Data provider 152 then accesses domain knowledge base 156 and determines any properties or definitions relating to DFc. For example, domain KB. 156 may specify a default delegate function for a given concept. Data provider 152 then applies the delegate function DFc to the retrieved data values and returns the output of DFc to user 142 via explorer 148. Formally, TAggr can be defined as follows:
end] (24)
Where TAggrstart represents the start of the aggregation time period and TAggrend represents the end of the aggregation time period. Formally, data provider 152 solves the following equation to determine the delegate value:
DelegateValuen,c,TAggr≡DFc](TStartn,c,I,TEndn,c,I,Valuen,c,I) . . . (TStartn,c,i ,TEndn,c,i,Valuen,c,i) . . . (TStartn,c,K,TEndn,c,K,Valuen,c,K)]1≦n≦N, 1≦c≦C, 1≦i≦K (25)
where DelegateValuen,c,TAggr represents the delegate value for subject record n, for concept c in time period TAggr. K is the total number of values stored for concept c in TAggr, where K≦M. It is noted that TAggrstart≦TStartn,c,i and that TEndn,c,i≦TAggrend. It is noted that K varies per subject record, per concept and per aggregation time period specified. As mentioned above, the DFc can be a default delegate function defined in domain knowledge base 156 or can be a delegate function chosen by user 142 as specified using constraint specifier. As shown below, in explorer 148, user 142 may be able to change the delegate function used to determine a delegate value. An example, from the medical research domain, of a delegate value determined using Equation (25) may be to determine a delegate value for a patient's platelet count after a bone marrow transplant procedure for a given day. Assume that on a given day, the patient had two platelet counts recorded and stored in a subject record database, such as 22000 cells/mL at 10:00 a.m. and 17000 cells/mL at 9:00 p.m. If the default DF for the concept platelet count is the mean, then the delegate value determined for the given day will be 19500 cells/mL. As mentioned above, in explorer 148, the user may be able to select a different delegate function to aggregate the platelet counts of a single day into a delegate value, such as the median or the maximum value. It is also noted, as described further below with regards to determining a series of delegate values at a given granularity, that unlike standard statistical functions, the delegate functions used with the disclosed technique aggregate a plurality of values at a specified aggregation time period for a given granularity.
To determine a series of delegate values for a single subject record of data stored for a raw concept over a particular time period at a specified granularity, data provider 152 must be provided a number of constraints from constraint specifier 146 as follows: the subject record to be accessed, denoted as subject record n, the concept for which a delegate value is to be determined, denoted as concept c, the delegate function to be used to aggregate the data into a series of values, denoted as DFc, the overall time period over which the data for the concept is to be aggregated into a series of values, denoted as TOverall (i.e., an overall aggregation time period) and the granularity at which each delegate value of the series of delegate values is to be determined at, denoted as TGran. It is noted that n, c and DFc are as defined above. It is also noted that TOverall is substantially similar to TAggr, as defined above. TAggr can represent any specified aggregation time period for which a single delegate value will be determined. TOverall represents any specified aggregation time period for which a series of delegate values will be determined at a granularity specified by TGran. Whereas a single delegate value determined within TAggr is not limited to a defined granularity level, TGran represents an aggregation time period at one of the granularity levels defined as specified above in the first requirement. It is noted that one of the differences between the determination of a single delegate value as compared to the determination of a series of delegate values relates to this difference between. TAggr and TGran. For a single delegate value, TAggr can represent any specified aggregation time period, such as from Aug. 23, 2004 at a time of 9:23 am to Sep. 14, 2004 at a time of 5:34 pm (i.e., a time period of 22 days, 8 hours and 11 minutes), whereas for a series of delegate values, the aggregation time period (TGran) for each delegate value within TOverall must be at one of the granularity levels defined, as specified above in the first requirement (i.e., either whole seconds, whole minutes, whole hours, whole days, whole months or whole years). Formally, TOverall and TGran can be defined as follows:
TOverall≡[TOverallstart,TOverallend] (26)
TGran≡[TGranstart,TGranend] (27)
Given the constraints from constraint specifier 146, data provider 152 accesses subject record database 154 and retrieves the data values for subject record n, for concept c that fall within the time period specified by TOverall. Data provider 152 then accesses domain knowledge base 156 and determines any properties or definitions relating to DFc. For example, domain KB 156 may specify a default delegate function for a given concept. Based on TGran, data provider 152 then applies the delegate function DFc to the retrieved data values for each aggregation time period TGran in TOverall. The output of each DFc is returned to user 142 via explorer 148 as a series of delegate values over the overall aggregation time period TOverall. Formally, data provider 152 solves the following equation to determine the series of delegate values:
DelegateValuesn,c,TOverall≡<SubjectRecordn, Conceptc, TGranstart,n,c,jTGranend,n,c,j,DelegateValuen,c,j>*1≦n≦N, 1≦c≦C, 1≦j≦Jn,c (28)
where N represents the number of subject records in the subject record database and Jn,c represents the total number of delegate values for concept c of subject record n based on TGran and TOverall. Jn,c can be defined mathematically as
meaning that the total number of delegate values is substantially the time, period of TOverall, measured at the granularity level of TGran, divided by TGran. If TOverall is 7 months and TGran is months, then Jn,c will be 7, meaning 7 delegate values will be calculated for the time period of TOverall. According to another embodiment of the disclosed technique, Equation (29) is modified to include the possibility that TOverall is not a whole number, for example if TOverall is specified as being from Mar. 25, 2007 to Nov. 13, 2007. In such an example TOverall includes 7 whole months as well as two additional months for which a portion of the month is specified. In this example, if TGran is months, Jn,c will be 9, as delegate values will be determined for the months of March and November, even though not all the values stored in those months will be used in the calculation, as values with time stamps beyond the time period specified in TOverall will not be included in the calculation. It is noted that Jn,c varies per subject record, per concept and in accordance with the time duration of TOverall. TGranstart,n,c,j and TGranend,n,c,j represent the start and end times of the aggregation time period TGrann,c,j for the jth delegate value for subject record n and concept c. The values for TOverallstart and TOverallend can be defined formally as:
TGranstart,n,c,1=BeginningOf(TStartn,c,1)≧TOverallstart (30)
TGranend,n,c,ln,c=EndOf(TEndn,c,K)≦TOverallend (31)
In other words, according to Equation (30), the first aggregation time period at the level of the specified granularity, TGranstart, is equal to the beginning of the time period of the first value (i.e., value 1) for subject record n, for concept c, which is equal to or greater than the start of the overall time period for which data is to be aggregated (i.e., TOverallstart). According to Equation (31), the last aggregation time period at the level of the specified granularity, TGranend, is equal to the end of the time period of the last value (i.e., value K, where K≦Mn) for subject record n, for concept c, which is less than or equal to the end of the overall time period for which data is to be aggregated (i.e., TOverallend).
An example, from the medical research domain, of a series of delegate values determined using Equation (28) may be to determine delegate values for a patient's lipoprotein panel over the course of half a year (6 months) at a granularity of months. Assuming that in the first month, patient n had 5 measures of their lipoprotein panel, during the second month, the patient had 3 measures of their lipoprotein panel and during the fifth month, the patient had 7 measures of their lipoprotein panel. If the default DF for the concept lipoprotein panel is the maximum value, then for each aggregation time period TGran, which in this example is specified at a granularity of months, the delegate value determined will be the maximum value of the lipoprotein panel for that month. What will be returned to user 142 is a delegate value for each month specified in the overall time aggregation period of 6 months. Since for some months, no measures were made of the lipoprotein panel, then for those months, no delegate values will be determined. As mentioned above, in explorer 148, the user may be able to select a different delegate function to aggregate the lipoprotein panel of a given month into a delegate value, such as the median or the mean. It is noted that in the disclosed technique, the delegate functions used to aggregate a plurality of values into a series of delegate values are applied at specified aggregation time periods at a given granularity. As per the example above, the delegate function specified is applied to measurements of the lipoprotein panel on a per month basis. It is also noted that a user can specify TOverall at a finer granularity than the granularity of TGran. Using the example above, TOverall may represent a time period of approximately 6 months starting from the middle of the month, for example, from Jan. 15, 2004 (TOverallstart) until Jul. 22, 2004 (TOverallend), with TGran still being at a granularity of months. In this example, for the first and last delegate values in the series, only the values which fall within the time period defined by TOverall will be used to determine the delegate value for that month. In other words, for the month of January, only values with a time stamp of Jan. 15, 2004 and onwards will be used to determine the delegate value for the month of January even though values may exist for the concept specified in January, albeit with a time stamp being before Jan. 15, 2004. A delegate value for the month of January will be determined even though not all the values stored for the concept with a time stamp of January 2004 will be used in the determination. The same goes for the month of July.
Determining a single delegate value for a single subject record of data stored for an abstract concept over a particular time period is determined in a manner substantially similar to the determination of a single delegate value for a single subject record of data stored for a raw concept over a particular time period, as described above. Likewise, determining a series of delegate values for a single subject record of data stored for an abstract concept over a particular time period at a specified granularity is determined in a substantially similar manner to the determination of a series of delegate values for a single subject record of data stored for a raw concept over a particular time period at a specified granularity, as described above. In the case of a delegate value, or a series of delegate values of an abstract concept for a single subject record, standard statistical functions for use as delegate functions, such as mean, mode, maximum value and the like, are substantially not sufficient for aggregating a plurality of values into a single value or into a series of values. Recall that abstract concepts as they relate to the disclosed technique refer to time-oriented concepts for which data is stored using a discrete value scale. In other words, for abstract concepts, data is stored on a discrete value scale having a particular time period or time interval (as shown above in Table 2). For example, in the information security domain, an abstract concept may be ‘network threat,’ as defined above. Assume that during an aggregation time period of a month, 12 measures of the network threat of a computer station were stored in a subject record database. Recall that each measure of the network threat may have a particular time duration, such as 2 hours, 3 days or 24 minutes. If user 142 wants a delegate value to represent the network threat of the computer station for the month, then a delegate function such as mean or mode will not be sufficient for determining such a delegate value, as the standard statistical functions MEAN or MODE do not take into consideration the time duration of a measurement. Using the example above, assume that 11 of the 12 measures stored a value of ‘high’ for the concept network threat, but each had a time duration of 5 minutes, whereas 1 measure stored a value of ‘normal’ for the concept network threat, but had a time duration of 20 days. Using standard statistical functions, such as MEAN or MODE, a delegate value of ‘high’ will be determined. Yet such a delegate value is not substantially representative of the network threat for a month since the time duration of each measure is not taken into consideration when determining the delegate value. In addition, if a series of delegate values is to be determined, then situations may arise wherein for a given TGrann,c,j different discrete values may be stored in the subject record database, and standard statistical functions may not be able to determine a suitable delegate value for a given TGrann,c,j. An example of such a situation in described below in
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To summarize, for determining a single delegate value for a single subject record of data stored for an abstract concept over a particular time period and for determining a series of delegate values for a single subject record of data stored for an abstract concept over a particular time period at a specified granularity, as shown above, data provider 152 uses Equations (25) and (28) to determine the specified delegate value or values, except that specific delegate functions are used to aggregate the values within the particular time period, as shown above in
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PopulationDelegateValuec,TAggr≡PDFc[(TStartn,c,I,TEndn,c,I,Valuen,c,I) . . . (TStartn,c,i,TEndn,c,i,Valuen,c,i) . . . (TStartn,c,K,TEndn,c,K,Valuen,c,K)]1≦n≦N, 1≦c≦C, 1≦i≦K (32)
where the time boundaries of TAggr are defined formally as TAggrstart≦TStartn,c,i and TEndn,c,i≦TAggrend. All other parameters in Equation (32) are as defined above. N represents the total number of subject records in the population for which the population delegate value is determined for. K represents the number of values stored for concept c for subject record n within the aggregation time period TAggr. An example from the medical research domain of a population delegate value determined using Equation (32) by data provider 152 would be to determine the maximal value of the HGB value for a specified group of subject records, such as subject records with IDs from 1 to 500, during the aggregation time period ranging from Apr. 5, 2001 to Apr. 21, 2001. In this example, the maximal value is used as the PDF to return a single delegate value representing the HGB value for a group of subject records within a specified TAggr.
Determining a series of delegate values for a population of subject records of data stored for a raw concept over a particular overall aggregation time period is substantially similar to determining a series of delegate values for a single subject record of data stored for a raw concept over a particular overall aggregation time period. Likewise determining a series of delegate values for a population of subject records of data stored for an abstract concept over a particular overall aggregation time period is substantially similar to determining a series of delegate values for a single subject record of data stored for an abstract concept over a particular overall aggregation time period. In both determinations just mentioned, the main difference is that the series of delegate values determined is for a population of subject records and not for a single subject record. In other words, instead of aggregating the values for a concept c at specified aggregation time periods (i.e., at a particular granularity) for the duration of an overall aggregation time period for a single subject record n, the values for a concept c over specified aggregation time periods are aggregated from a population of subject records n, where n ranges from 1 to N, with N being the number of subject records in the population having a value stored for concept c. As above, an overall time period over which the data for the concept is to be aggregated into a series of values is defined as TOverall and the granularity at which each delegate value of the series of delegate values is to be determined at is defined as TGran. TOverall and TGran are defined above in Equations (26) and (27). Unlike the description above, instead of just accessing the values for concept c in TOverall for subject record n, data provider 152 accesses the values for concept c in TOverall for a population of subject records stored in subject record database 154. It is noted that the population of subject records can be all the subject records for which a value for concept c is stored or a subset of those subject records. In addition, the series of delegate values is determined using a population delegate function, denoted as PDF, which aggregates the values for concept c over the specified aggregation time periods TGran for a population of subject records. As above, the PDF may be specific for concept c and for the granularity at which values are stored in the DB for concept c. In the case of a raw concept, PDF can be any statistical function which can be applied to all the values of concept c within each TGran for all the subject records specified and which returns a single value per TGran in the same domain with the same units. In the case of an abstract concept, PDF may be one of the specific delegate functions described above which can determine a delegate value for concepts which are time-oriented and are measured on a discrete value scale. A series of delegate values for a population of subject records for concept c, for either a raw concept or an abstract, can be stated formally as:
PopulationDelegateValuesc,TOverall≡<Conceptc, TGranstart,c,j,TGranend,c,j,PopulationDelegateValuecj>*1≦n≦N, 1≦c≦C, 1≦j≦Jc (33)
where the time boundaries of TGranstart,c,j and TGranend,c,j are defined as the particular aggregation time period at the specified granularity for the jth population delegate value. All other parameters in Equation (33) are as defined above. N represents the total number of subject records in the population for which the population delegate value is determined for. Jc represents the total number of population delegate values for concept c for the specified population within the overall aggregation time period TOverall. An example from the medical research domain of a series of population delegate values determined using Equation (33) by data provider 152 would be to determine the maximal values of the HGB value for a specified group of subject records, such as subject records with IDs from 1 to 500, each month during the overall aggregation time period ranging from Jan. 1, 2002 to Dec. 31, 2002. In this example, the maximal value is used as the PDF to return a population delegate value representing the HGB value for the group of subject records for each month TGran within the specified TOverall.
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In procedure 586, a plurality of granularity aggregations is determined. Each granularity aggregation represents an aggregation time period within the specified overall time period at a specified granularity. Each granularity aggregation can be specified as shown above in Equations (27), (30) and (31). With reference to
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In procedure 608, the extrapolated retrieved data within the specified time period is segmented. With reference to
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In procedure of 628, the retrieved data is extrapolated within the specified overall time period. The extrapolation may be executed according to a knowledge-based temporal interpolation function which is specific to the abstract concept for which a plurality of delegate values is to be determined. The extrapolation may also include concatenating the extrapolated values of the data with the original values of the retrieved data. It is noted that the extrapolation is executed only on data within the specified time period. With reference to
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Computation manager 652 stores parameters related to the data to be displayed. Recall that based on specified constraints by user 142, data provider 152 (
<Conceptc,InputData*,Granaggr,DFc>, 1≦c≦C (34)
where concept c represents the name of the concept of the retrieved data to be displayed. C represents the total number of concepts defined in the KB. InputData* was defined above in Equation (23) and represents the original data retrieved from subject record database 154 (
Display manager 654 controls the delegate values which are displayed in explorer 148. Similar to computation manager 652, in the case that the delegate values to be displayed and explored are determined from a raw concept for a single subject record, display manager 654 stores parameters related to the retrieved data having the following data structure:
<Conceptc,DelegateValues*,TStartexplor,TEndexplor,Granexplor,[RefPos]>1≦c≦C (35)
where C represents the total number of concepts in the KB. DelegateValues* represents a set of delegate values determined for concept c by computation manager 652 at a granularity level specified by Granaggr using DFc, as shown above in Equation (34). The determined delegate values may be stored in computation manager 652. It is noted that even though delegate values were determined by data provider 152 in response to expressions provided to it by constraint specifier 146, computation manager 652 also determines delegate values. The determination of delegate values by data provider 152 and computation manager 652 serve different purposes and as such are determined separately. Data provider 152 determines delegate values in response to expressions provided to it by constraint specifier 146. Computation manager 652 determines delegate values in order to display retrieved data visually to user 142. TStartexplor and TEndexplor represent the time period which is to be displayed to user 142 in a window, for displaying the values stored in DelegateValues* for specified subject records. It is noted that depending on the selected time period, none of the values stored in DelegateValues* may be displayed. Granexplor represents the granularity level, i.e., time scale, on which the time axis of the 2D visualization of the delegate values is presented to the user. As mentioned above, Granaggr represents the granularity at which the delegate values displayed are determined, whereas Granexplor represents the time scale on which such delegate values are displayed. It is noted that Granaggr≦Granexplor. For example, if Granaggr is days and Granexplor is months, then the delegate values displayed will be displayed at a granularity (i.e., resolution) of days, whereas the scale on which such delegate values are displayed will only display months. In this example, a series of delegate values will be displayed. In such a visualization, for each month displayed on the horizontal axis, a plurality of delegate values may be displayed since each delegate value represents a delegate value for a particular day. Using the above example, if Granaggr were equal to Granexplor, then for each month displayed on the horizontal axis, a single delegate value would be displayed per month, as the delegate values of a concept c would be aggregated into a delegate value at a granularity aggregation (i.e., Granaggr) of months. In this example, if TStartexplor and TEndexplor represented a time period of exactly a month, then a single delegate value would be displayed. [RefPos] represents an optional parameter that defines a particular or significant event related to the context of concept c when a relative timeline is used for the horizontal axis.
In the case that the delegate values to be displayed and explored are determined from a raw concept for a plurality (i.e, a population) of subject records, the data structure stored by computation manager 652 has the following structure:
<Conceptc,InputData*,Granaggr,PDFc>, 1≦c≦C (36)
Equation (36) is similar to Equation (34), except that PDFc represents the delegate function, specific to concept c, which should be used to determine the delegate value or delegate values for a population of subject records specified in InputData* at the granularity level of Granaggr. The data structure stored by display manager 654 has the following structure:
<Conceptc,PopulationDelegateValues*,TStartexplor,TEndexplor,Granexplor,[RefPos]>, 1≦c≦C (37)
Equation (37) is similar to Equation (35), except that PopulationDelegateValues* represents a set of delegate values determined for concept c by computation manager 652 for a population of subject records at a granularity level specified by Granaggr using PDFc, as shown above in Equation (36). As shown below in
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As can be seen in GUI 670 between April 1995 and August 1995, representing a plurality of time-stamped delegate values for a plurality of subject records can generate a graph which includes a substantial amount of clutter and for which it may be difficult to discern a pattern or trend. As such, a second type of data is displayed in GUI 670 which relates to time-oriented delegate values regarding the raw data points of the entire population of subject records displayed. In display panel 673, as an example, three other different types delegate values, referred to as population delegate values, are determined for the population of subject records displayed, each different type of population delegate value being determined using a different delegate function, at a granularity defined by Granaggr, which in this example for all these population delegate values is months. The first type of population delegate value determined is a delegate value, per month, for all the raw data points stored in InputData* for each month, using a delegate function of maximum value. An example of such a population delegate value is a delegate value data point 690. Delegate value data point 690 represents the delegate value for the population of raw data points of the subject records for the month of August 1995. Delegate value data point 690 was determined using the delegate function maximum value. In other words, for each month, the maximum value of the RBC count for the entire population was determined as the delegate value for that month. It is noted that delegate value data point 690 can also be a data point 676. In GUI 670, the maximum value delegate values for each month are connected by a line 678. It is noted that data point 685 represents the delegate value data point for the month of January 1996, determined using the delegate function maximum value. As such, in tooltip box 684, the parameter ‘RBC-max’ is also displayed as data point 685, which is a delegate value displayed at a Granaggr of seconds, happens to also be the maximum value data point for the granularity level at which the maximum value data points in display panel 673 are determined at (i.e., Granaggr at a granularity of months).
The second type of population delegate value determined for the entire population is a delegate value, per month, for all the data points displayed each month, using a delegate function of minimum value. An example of such a population delegate value is a delegate value data point 692. Delegate value data point 692 represents the delegate value for the population of raw data points of the subject records stored in InputData* for the month of October 1995. Delegate value data point 692 was determined using the delegate function minimum value at a Granaggr of months. In other words, for each month, the minimum value of the RBC count for the entire population of raw data stored in a DB was determined as the delegate value for that month. It is noted that delegate value data point 692 is a data point 676. In GUI 670, the minimum value delegate values for each month are connected by a line 680. The third type of population delegate value determined for the entire population is a delegate value, per month, for all the raw data points stored in InputData* for each month, using a delegate function of mean value. An example of such a delegate value is a delegate value data point 686. Delegate value data point 686 represents the delegate value for the population of raw data of the subject records stored for the month of February 1996. Delegate value data point 686 was determined using the delegate function mean value. In other words, for each month, the mean value of the RBC count for the entire population of raw data stored in InputData* was determined as the delegate value for that month. It is noted that delegate value data point 686 does not correspond to a delegate value determined at a Granaggr of seconds (such as delegate value points 690 and 692) but to a data point at a Granaggr of months which was determined using the delegate function mean value. In GUI 670, the mean value delegate values for each month are connected by a line 682.
It is noted that for each month, three different types of population delegate values were determined per month for the values of the raw data concept RBC count for a population of subject records. In GUI 670, the delegate values of a particular type were connected by a line. In another embodiment of the disclosed technique, the population delegate values of a particular type are not connected by a line. Also, the granularity at which each delegate function (e.g., maximum value, minimum value and mean value) was applied in GUI 670 was equivalent, i.e., months. It is noted that in another embodiment of the disclosed technique, the granularity at which each delegate function was applied in GUI 670 could be different. For example, the maximum and minimum value delegate functions may be applied at a granularity of months, whereas the mean value delegate function may be applied at a granularity of years. It is also noted that the delegate values displayed in GUI 670 were determined by computation manager 652 (
In GUI 670, a third type of data is displayed which represents statistical values which relate to all the delegate value data points of the subject records currently displayed. This type of data is displayed numerically and graphically. This data is displayed numerically in value statistics section 688, which displays the maximum value, minimum value, average value and standard deviation of all the data points 676 displayed in panel 673. Value statistics section 688 also displays TStartexplor and TEndexplor, shown in the figure as S: 30-03-95 (TStarexplor) and E:24-03-96 (TEndexplor). It is noted that other statistical values can be displayed in value statistics section 688. A portion of the data displayed in value statistics section 688 is displayed graphically in display panel 673. For example, the average (i.e., mean) RBC count of 3.36 is displayed as a dotted line 696, and the average RBC count plus-minus (±) its standard deviation is displayed as dotted lines 694 in display panel 673. It is noted that other statistical values can be displayed graphically in display panel 673. It is also noted that the statistical values displayed numerically and graphically relate to the data points currently displayed in display panel 673, in the specified time period of TStartexplor to TEndexplor. If either one of TStartexplor or TEndexplor is modified, then the statistical values displayed in value statistics section 688 and graphically shown in display panel 673 need to be recalculated and updated in GUI 670. Such recalculations can be executed by display manager 654.
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<Conceptc,InputData*,Granaggr,DFc>, 1≦c≦C (38)
Equation (38) is substantially similar to Equation (34). In the case that the data retrieved is for a plurality (i.e, a population) of subject records, then DFc is Equation (38) is replaced by PDFc, as shown above in Equation (36), where PDFc represents the delegate function, specific to concept c, which should be used to determine the delegate value for a population of subject records specified in InputData* at the granularity level of Granaggr. As shown, and described below in
<Conceptc,Distribution*,TStartexplor,TEndexplor,Granexplor,[RefPos]>1≦c≦C (39)
where C represents the total number of concepts in the KB and Granexplor represents the granularity level, i.e., time scale, on which the time axis of the 2D visualization of the data is presented to the user. TStartexplor and TEndexplor represent the time period which is to be displayed to user 142 in a window, for displaying the values stored in Distribution* for specified subject records. It is noted that depending on the selected time period, none of the values stored in Distribution* may be displayed. [RefPos] represents an optional parameter than defines a particular or significant event related to the context of concept c when a relative timeline is used for the horizontal axis. Distribution* represents a data structure having the form:
where valuect represents the tth symbolic ordinal value for concept c, and T represents the total number of symbolic ordinal values on the discrete value scale used for storing concept c, which in Equation (40) is an abstract concept. It is noted that T is a finite number. For example, in the medical research domain, if concept c represents an abstract concept such as ‘susceptibility to anemia,’ with values measured for this concept being measured on a discrete value scale having the following values: ‘negligible,’ ‘low,’ ‘moderate’ and ‘high’ then T would be 4. The following would then be the mapping between the discrete value scale and a symbolic ordinal scale: 1=negligible, 2=low, 3=moderate and 4=high. J represents the total number of time periods for which data is to be displayed at the granularity level specified by Granaggr, in the overall time period defined by TStartexplor and TEndexplor. For example, in the medical research domain, if Granaggr is days and [RefPos] is defined as a bone marrow transplant (i.e, a relative timeline is used for the horizontal axis, with the zero position representing a bone marrow transplant procedure), and TStartexplor is defined as 3 days (i.e., 3 days after a bone marrow transplant) and TEndexplor is defined as 20 days (i.e., 20 days after a bone marrow transplant), then J would represent 18, as 18 different time periods, with each time period equaling a day, are to be displayed in explorer 148. proportionct represents the proportion of measurements, as a percent, stored for concept c having a value equal to valued for a given time period j. Using a type of bar chart, (valuect, proportionct)j is displayed in explorer 148 with j representing the time component (i.e., horizontal axis component) of valuect, and valuect and proportionct representing the value component (i.e., vertical axis component), as described below in
It is noted that in Equation (40), valuect represents a delegate value and does not represent a raw data value which may be stored in InputData* as in Equation (38) above, even though valuect may correspond to such a raw data value. Computation manager 652 determines the delegate value or delegate values to be stored in Distribution* (which is substantially in display manager 654) using the DFc of Equation (38) at the granularity specified by Granaggr. It is noted that in general, Granexplor can affect Granaggr. If Granaggr equals Granexplor, then one time period j will be displayed in explorer 148, representing a single delegate value as determined by computation manager 652. If Granexplor is greater than Granaggr, then each time period j displayed in explorer 148 will display the distribution of a series of delegate values as determined by computation manager 652. This is explained in
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For example, bar distributions 730A, 730B, 730C and 730D represent the distribution of values of the subject record data retrieved for the concept PLATELET_STATE_BMT for the month of February 1995. Each of bar distributions 730A, 730B, 730C and 730D represent a delegate value. Bar distribution 730A shows that approximately 40% of the subject records had a value of ‘normal’ stored for the concept PLATELET_STATE_BMT in the month of February 1995. Bar distribution 730B shows that approximately 12% of the subject records had a value of ‘moderately_low’ stored for the concept PLATELET_STATE_BMT in the month of February 1995. Bar distribution 730C shows that approximately 40% of the subject records had a value of ‘low’ stored for the concept PLATELET_STATE_BMT in the month of February 1995. And bar distribution 730D shows that approximately 8% of the subject records had a value of ‘very_low’ stored for the concept PLATELET_STATE_BMT in the month of February 1995. It is noted that 0% of the subject records had a value of ‘high’ stored for the concept PLATELET_STATE_BMT in the month of February 1995. In this example, ‘very_low,’ ‘low,’ ‘moderately_low’ and ‘high’ represents the possible parameters for valuect in Equation (40), whereas the percentages 8%, 40%, 12%, 40% and 0%, represent, respectively, the proportionct parameter for a given value. j in this example represents February 1995, with Granexplor representing months, TStartexplor being December 1994 and TEndexplor being December 1995. It is noted that Granaggr in this example also represents months, which means that each bar distribution in display panel 728 represents the percentage of subject records whose delegate value for a given month is equal to a given discrete value on external symbolic ordinal scale vertical axis 724. Since PLATELET_STATE_BMT is an abstract concept, the delegate value determined for each subject record may be derived from abstracted data stored for each subject record. In addition, the distribution value (i.e., percentage value) for a given month does not represent the percentage of all subject records, but rather the percentage of subject records who have a delegate value determined for a given month. For example, a dotted rectangle 732 shows the distribution of values for the concept PLATELET_STATE_BMT in the month of May 1995. By placing a cursor (not shown) over one of the bar distributions for that month, a tooltip box 734 may be displayed. The tooltip box shows various parameters for the bar distribution of the symbolic ordinal value ‘low’ for the month of May 1995. Shown in tooltip box 734 is the concept ‘PLATELET_STATE_BMT,’ the specific discrete value for that bar distribution, which is ‘low,’ as well as the start time and end time for the time period of the bar distribution, which is from midnight (00:00:00) of Monday, May 1, 1995 until 11:59 p.m. and 59 seconds (23:59:59) of Wednesday, May 31, 1995. Tooltip box 734 also shows the percentage of subject records in May 1995 which had a delegate value of ‘low’ stored for the shown concept, which is 43.5%. In brackets, the percentage is shown as the actual number of subject records, here 7, having such a delegate value as well as the actual number of subject records, here 16, which have a delegate value stored for the shown concept in May 1995. In other words, 43.5% does not represent a percentage of all 58 subject records, but rather a percentage of the subject records (16 in total) which have sufficient data stored for the month of May 1995 to determine a delegate value for the month.
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The first type of data which can be explored is delegate values which corresponds to raw data values stored in InputData*, for example data points 676 (
Recall that data displayed in explorer 148 is displayed as a 2D graph in a window. A first operator enabled by explorer 148 is a temporal exploration operator. This operator enables a user to use explorer 148 to scroll the data displayed in the 2D graph to visualize different time periods of the data displayed and to zoom in and zoom out of the data displayed at different time scales. In other words, the temporal exploration operator enables a user to modify TStartexplor and TEndexplor in Equations (35), (37) and (39), such that the time period of the data which is to be displayed to a user in the window is modified. The temporal exploration operator also enables a user to modify Granexplor in Equations (35), (37) and (39), depending on the type of data to which the temporal exploration operator is applied, to visualize the data displayed at a higher time resolution (i.e., a magnification) or at a lower time resolution (i.e., a minification) for a given specified time period. As described below, the third operator enabled by explorer 148 enables a user to modify Granaggr in Equation (38). It is noted that if Granexplor is modified, then TStartexplor and TEndexplor are necessarily modified accordingly. Modifying the data displayed to be visualized at a lower time resolution enables substantially more data values to be visualized, which may aid a user in determination a pattern or an association in the displayed data over a longer period of time. Modifying the data displayed to be visualized at a higher time resolution enables substantially fewer data values to be visualized, but at a greater resolution, which enables a user to explore data values in a specified time period more in-depth. In the case that the temporal exploration operator is applied to data values of the first type (delegate values corresponding to raw data values) or the second type (statistical values determined for a plurality of raw data values), as described above, any delegate values determined for the displayed data are not determined again. In such a case, a user is able, via appropriate controls (not shown) in explorer 148 such as GUI controls, to specify a new time period for which data should be displayed or a new time resolution for a given new time period at which data should be displayed. In general, specifying a new time resolution requires that a new time period be specified as well. In general, after the user has specified the new time period or new time resolution, display manager 654 recalculates certain stored parameters to update the data values displayed according to what the user specified. Formally, the temporal exploration operator as applied to data values of the first type and the second type can be defined as:
TemporalExplorationOperator≡(<Conceptc,CurrentValues*,TStartexplor,TEndexplor,Granexplor,[RefPos]>, TStartNewexplor,TEndNewexplor,GranNewexplor)<Conceptc,NewValues*,TStartNewexplor,TEndNewexplor,GranNewexplor,[RefPos]> (41)
where ‘≡’ denotes the definition symbol, in other words, the temporal exploration operator can be defined as. The terms to the left of the arrow ‘’ represent the input data to display manager 654, whereas the terms to the right of the arrow ‘’ represent the output data of display manager 654 after the at least one specified determination is determined, as explained below. In Equation (41), CurrentValues* represents the data values currently displayed and depends on the type of data displayed. In the case of the first type of data, CurrentValues* is equal to DelegateValues* in Equation (35), which represents a set of delegate values determined for concept c by computation manager 652 at a granularity level specified by Granaggr using DFc, as shown above in Equation (34). In the case of the second type of data, CurrentValues* is equal to PopulationDelegateValues* in Equation (37), which represents a set of delegate values determined for concept c by computation manager 652 for a population of subject records at a granularity level specified by Granaggr using PDFc, as shown above in Equation (36). TStartNewexplor and TEndNewexplor represent the new start and new end of the time period of the data to be displayed and GranNewexplor represents the new granularity (i.e., time scale) at which the data is to be displayed. Recall that Granexplor represents the time scale which is used in the 2D graph to display data values and not the time scale on which delegate values are determined (which is Granaggr). Using Equation (41), since the granularity of the data values displayed is modified and the start time and end time of the data values to be displayed is also modified, display manager 654 has to recalculate the values of the data to be displayed. NewValues* represents a new set of DelegateValues* (first type of data) or a new set of PopulationDelegateValues* (second type of data) which is determined by display manager 654 based on TStartNewexplor, TEndNewexplor and GranNewexplor which is to be displayed in explorer 148. It is noted that when display manager 654 recalculates the values to be stored and displayed in DelegateValues* and PopulationDelegateValues*, the parameters and values stored in InputData*, as described above in Equations (34) and (36), do not change. The recalculation of the values stored and displayed in DelegateValues* and PopulationDelegateValues* can be considered a specified determination which display manager 654 executes on input data, as per the left hand side of Equation (41) to generate output data, as per the right hand side of Equation (41).
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In second window 754, which includes a display panel 776, a user (not shown) has selected to zoom in on the data values shown in first window 752 for the time period of the 1 Mar. 1995 until the 31 Mar. 1995, at a granularity of days. In this example, the 1 Mar. 1995 represents TStartNewexplor, the 31 Mar. 1995 represents TEndNewexplor, and days represents GranNewexplor. The new specified time period to be displayed as well as the new granularity may be selected via a menu (not shown), a button, such as button 762 representing March 1995 or via a keyboard shortcut, as is known in the art. Arrows 778A and 778B show that data values 758 are now shown closer up in second window 754. In second window 754, a horizontal axis 764 now shows a time period ranging the entire month of March 1995, with each day shown. A vertical axis 759 has not changed and represents substantially the same units on the same scale as vertical axis 753. New data values 766 are shown in second window 754. It is noted that even though Granexplor has changed from months to days in second window 754, Granaggr has not changed and new data values 766 are still displayed at a granularity of seconds, although since the time scale is displayed at a time resolution of days, new data values 766 are less cluttered than in first window 752. None of new data values 766 represent data values which were not displayed in first window 752, i.e., all of new data values 766 were already displayed in first window 752 under button 762 representing data values 758 for March 1995. Also, statistical value 772 represents the maximum monthly value for the white blood cell count of all the subject records displayed for the month of March 1995 and is equal to statistical value 770 in first window 752 which also represents the maximum monthly value for the white blood cell count of all the subject records displayed for the month of March 1995. A line 768 connects statistical value 772 with the similar statistical value of adjacent months (not shown). Data values 758 and statistical values 769 were defined above in Equation (41) as CurrentValues*, where new data values 766 and statistical value 772 represent NewValues*. New data values 766 and statistical value 772 represent the new data values stored in display manager 654 (
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In procedure 796, a new time period is defined at which to display the data values displayed in procedure 792. As shown, procedure 796 can follow directly after procedure 792. For example, if the time period defined in procedure 792 ranged from Jun. 1, 1990 to Sep. 15, 1990, then the new time period defined in procedure 796 may range from Jun. 1, 1992 to Nov. 20, 1992. In both the specified time period and the new time period, the time resolution is defined at a granularity of months. In the case that procedure 794 was executed, a new time resolution is defined as well. With reference to
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TemporalExplorationOperator≡(<Conceptc,InputData*,Granaggr,DFc>, <Conceptc,Distribution*,TStartexplor,TEndexplor,Granexplor,[RefPos]>, GranNewaggr,TStartNewexplor,TEndNewexplor,GranNewexplor)<Conceptc,InputData*,GranNewaggr,DFc>, <Conceptc,NewDistribution*,TStartNewexplor,TEndNewexplor,GranNewexplor,[RefPos]> (42)
where ‘≡’ denotes the definition symbol, in other words, the temporal exploration operator can be defined as. As above, the terms to the left of the arrow ‘’ represent the input data to computation manager 652 and display manager 654, whereas the terms to the right of the arrow ‘’ represent the output data of computation manager 652 and display manager 654 after the at least one specified determination is determined, as explained below. In Equation (42), Distribution* represents the abstracted data values currently displayed using the data structure shown above in Equation (40). Since Granexplor is modified in Equation (42), Granaggr is also modified. By modifying the time resolution at which the data values are to be aggregated, the distribution of such data values needs to be recalculated. In other words, the data values stored in InputData* need to be aggregated again using the delegate function DFc but at the new specified aggregation granularity, GranNewaggr. Computation manager 652 aggregates the data values stored in InputData* using DFc at the time resolution of GranNewaggr. This recalculation generates a new set of abstracted data values, stored as NewDistribution*, to be displayed to a user. Based on the new aggregated values determined by computation manager 652, display manager 654 determines NewDistribution*, which represents the new abstracted values to be displayed based on TStartNewexplor, TEndNewexplor and GranNewexplor. All other terms in Equation (42) are similar to those in Equation (41) and were defined above. NewDistribution* can represent new abstracted values for a single subject record or for a plurality of subject records. The recalculation of the values stored and displayed in Distribution* can be considered a specified determination which computation manager 652 and display manager 654 execute on input data, as per the left hand side of Equation (42) to generate output data, as per the right hand side of Equation (42).
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In second window 834, which includes a display panel 836, a user (not shown) has selected to zoom out on the abstracted data values shown in first window 822 for the time period of January 1995 until December 1995, at a granularity of months. In this example, January 1995 represents TStartNewexplor, Dec. 1995 represents TEndNewexplor, and months represents GranNewexplor as well as GranNewaggr. The new specified time period to be displayed as well as the new granularity may be selected via a menu (not shown), a button, such as button 844 representing May 1995 or via a keyboard shortcut, as is known in the art. Arrows 832A and 832B show that abstracted data values 826 are now shown in a condensed form in second window 834. In second window 834, a horizontal axis 840 now shows a time period ranging the entire year of 1995, with each month shown. A vertical axis 842 has not changed and represents substantially the same units on the same scale as vertical axis 830. New abstracted data values 838 are shown in second window 834 and substantially represent NewDistrbution* as shown above in Equation (42). Note that since Granexplor was changed to months in second window 834, abstracted data values 826 in first window 822 had to be recalculated at a Granaggr of months in order to display new abstracted data values 838 at a Granexplor of months. In addition, new abstracted data values 838 for months other than May 1995 had to be determined. Each new abstracted data value 838 is a delegate value representing the concept displayed at a granularity of months, meaning the distribution of each discrete value as a percent for all 58 subject records displayed which have abstracted data values stored in the time period shown.
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In procedure 866, a new time period is defined at which to display the data values displayed in procedure 862. As shown, procedure 866 can follow directly after procedure 862. In the case that procedure 864 was executed, a new time resolution is defined as well. With reference to
This recalculation generates a new set of abstracted data values, stored as NewDistribution*, to be displayed to a user. In procedure 870, the displayed values are updated according to the recalculated data values in procedure 868. With reference to
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In general, after the user has specified the new delegate function, or a new aggregation granularity, computation manager 652 and display manager 654 recalculate certain stored parameters to update the data values displayed according to what the user specified. Using this operator, the time period which is displayed is not changed nor is the time resolution of the graph (Granexplor) on which the data values are displayed changed. Formally, the change delegate value operator as applied to all data values types can be defined as:
ChangeDelegateValueOperator≡(<Conceptc,InputData*,Granaggr,DFc>, <Conceptc,CurrentValues*,TStartexplor,TEndexplor,Granexplor,[RefPos]>, GranNewaggr,NewDFc)<Conceptc,InputData*,GranNewaggr,NewDFc>, <Conceptc,NewValues*,TStartexplor,TEndexplor,Granexplor,[RefPos]> (43)
In Equation (43) CurrentValues* and NewValues* can represent data values of either the first type, second type or third type. In the case of the third type, CurrentValues* was defined above in Equation (39) as Distribution* and NewValues* was defined above in Equation (42) as NewDistribution*. GranNewaggr represents the new time resolution at which the data values in InputData* are to be aggregated at and NewDFc represents the new delegate function to be used to aggregate the data values in InputData*. In the case that InputData* includes data values from a plurality of subject records, then DFc and NewDFc are to be replaced in Equation (43) by PDFc and NewPDFc, which represent the delegate function and new delegate function to be used to aggregate data values from a plurality (i.e., a population) of subject records. It is noted that a user can define either a GranNewaggr, a NewDFc or both. All other parameters in Equation (43) are as defined above in previous equations. Using the change delegate value operator, since the delegate function used to aggregate data values, or the granularity at which data values are to be aggregated, or both, are modified, the data values which are displayed are substantially different than the data values originally displayed. As such, the data values displayed, as stored in CurrentValues*, need to be updated such that a new set of data values is displayed, as stored in NewValues* in Equation (43).
Reference is now made to
Using a graph manager interface (not shown), in second window 904, a user has selected to change the delegate function used to display data points 910. In first window 902, an identity delegate function is used to display data points 910, whereby data points are aggregated at the same granularity at which they are stored in InputData*. In second window 904, the user has selected to aggregate data points 910 of each subject record using a MEAN (AVERAGE) delegate function at a new aggregation granularity of months. According to Equation (43), GranNewaggr would be months and NewDFc would be MEAN. In other words, the data points 910 for each subject record are to be aggregated into a single delegate value per month as the average value of a subject record's red blood cell count for a given month. In second window 904, new data points 916 represent the average value of the concept shown each month for each subject record. First population delegate value data points 917 are equivalent to first population delegate value data points 913, with line 918 being equivalent to line 912. Second population delegate value data points 919 are equivalent to second population delegate value data points 915, with line 920 being equivalent to line 914. In addition, the user has specified that the average value per year of the concept shown for all subject records be determined and displayed. A line 922 connects the average value (not shown) of 1995 for all subject records to the average value of 1996 for all subject records. It is noted that in
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Using a graph manager interface (not shown), a user selected a different delegate function to be used, to aggregate the abstracted data values of the 4 subject records shown in second window 944. The delegate function selected was the longest duration interval delegate function, which results in a different distribution of abstracted data points 952 and 956 in second window 944. For example, using the longest duration interval delegate function, for the month of April 1995, as shown in second window 944, 50% of the subject records have a discrete value of ‘normal’ and 50% of the subject records have a discrete value of ‘very_low.’ In other words, by aggregating the data values of the subject records shown using a different delegate function, the distribution which is displayed may be modified. It is noted that for some months, such as from July 1995 until November 1995, the use of a different delegate function did not change the distribution of the abstracted data points, whereas in other months, such as April 1995, December 1995 and February 1996, the use of a different delegate function did change the distribution of the abstracted data points. It is noted that in second window 944, Granaggr was not changed but remained at a time resolution of months, whereas DFc was changed from maximal cumulative duration to longest duration interval. As in
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In procedure 976, a new delegate function is specified at which to aggregate the data values retrieved in procedure 976. As shown, procedure 976 can follow directly after procedure 972. In the case that procedure 974 was executed, a new aggregation granularity is defined as well. With reference to
In procedure 980, the displayed values are updated according to the recalculated data values in procedure 978. With reference to
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By changing the timeline on which data values are displayed, the data values displayed may change. For example, in the medical research domain, if a subject record has data values stored for the concept HGB value, both before a medical procedure and after a medical procedure, then all the data values for the concept HGB value may be displayed. If a user defines a new start time, i.e., a new RefPos, such as ‘medical procedure,’ then only the data values having a time stamp on or after the medical procedure will be displayed. In addition, if data values from a plurality of subject records is displayed, and if the timeline on which the data values are displayed changes, then the subject records from which data values are retrieved and displayed may also change, as subject records may not have data values that are related to the particular event which sets the start time. For example, in the information security domain, data values for the concept ‘number of registry changes’ may be displayed for a plurality of subject records on an absolute timeline. If a user specifies a new timeline, such as a relative timeline with a start time of ‘start of Nimda worm propagation,’ then data values of the subject records for the concept ‘number of registry changes’ will be displayed but only for subject records which have data values relating to the start time ‘start of Nimda worm propagation.’ In other words, the number of registry changes for the subject records will be displayed but only for subject records which have had the Nimda worm (i.e., have experienced the particular event which marks the start time). Data values from subject records which have not had the Nimda worm will not be displayed.
In general, modifying the timeline (i.e., either absolute or relative) or the start time of a relative timeline (i.e., using a different significant event as the start time) used to display data values will modify what data values are displayed, as well as from which subject records data values are displayed in the case that data value are displayed from a plurality of subject records. Changing the timeline using the set relative time operator may enable a user to determine patterns in the stored data values which are only discernible by displaying the stored data values on a relative timeline having a particular event as its start time, or reference point. In this manner, a user may be able to generate new knowledge in a domain. The application of the set relative time operator to all three types of data values (as described above) is substantially the same. As mentioned above, a user is able, via appropriate controls (not shown) in explorer 148 such as GUI controls, to specify a new RefPos. The possible choices for the new RefPos may be specified in a domain knowledge base, which defines specific significant events for a given concept in a given domain. In general, after the user has specified the new RefPos, computation manager 652 and display manager 654 recalculate certain stored parameters to update the data values displayed according to what the user specified. Using this operator, the time period which is displayed is changed to match the RefPos specified. In addition, the data stored in the subject records which is relative to the RefPos specified may have very different absolute timeline time stamps, therefore computation manager 652 and display manager 654 must align the data stored according to the new relative timeline. Also, in the case of an abstract concept, computation manager 652 may need to recalculate the delegate values of the abstract concept displayed and display manager 654 may need to recalculate the values stored in the data structure Distribution*, as defined above in Equation (39), as only data from subject records which have experienced the significant or particular event defined as the new start time (i.e., RefPos) are to be displayed according to the new relative timeline. Formally, the set relative time operator as applied to all data values types can be defined as:
SetRelativeTimeOperator≡(<Conceptc,InputData*,Granaggr,DFc>, <Conceptc,CurrentValues*,TStartexplor,TEndexplor,Granexplor,[RefPos]>,NewRefPos)<Conceptc,NewValues*,TStartexplor,TEndexplor,Granexplor,NewRefPos> (44)
In Equation (44) CurrentValues* and NewValues* can represent data values of either the first type, second type or third type. In the case of the third type, CurrentValues* was defined above in Equation (39) as Distribution* and NewValues* was defined above in Equation (42) as NewDistribution*. NewRefPos represents the new reference position from which data values should be displayed at. It is noted that using this operator, the parameter RefPos is no longer optional in the output of Equation (44). Recall that RefPos can refer to a significant or particular event in the context of concept c. In the case that an absolute timeline was used to display the data values, the horizontal axis of the graph used to display the data values is changed to show a relative timeline. In the case that a relative timeline was used to display the data values and RefPos refers to another significant or particular event, then the horizontal axis may also be changed to display a different relative timeline as related to the other significant or particular event. All other parameters in Equation (44) are as defined above in previous equations. Using the set relative time operator, since the RefPos used to display data values, or from which data values are to be aggregated in the case of an abstract concept, is changed, then the data values which are displayed are substantially different than the data values originally displayed. This is the case, since the data values to be displayed need to be recalculated based on the new start time. As such, the data values displayed, as stored in CurrentValues*, need to be updated such that a new set of data values is displayed, as stored in NewValues* in Equation (44). Computation manager 652 may determine the values to be stored in NewValues*. It is noted that all the other parameters in Equation (44), such as Granaggr, Granexplor, TStartexplor and TEndexplor are not modified when RefPos is changed using the set relative time operator. As a convention, when a NewRefPos is defined, if Granexplor or Granaggr are defined at a time resolution of months or years, then since a relative timeline is being used to display the data, a month may be defined as 30 days, and a year as 360 days (i.e., 12 months of 30 days each), since the data values displayed will not have a time-stamp which is relative to a specific month on a calendar, as would be the case with an absolute timeline.
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Using a graph manager interface (not shown), in second window 1016, a user has selected to change the start time, i.e., the reference point, used to display data points 1006. In second window 1016, the user has selected to display data points 1006 of each subject record using a start time of allogenic bone marrow transplant, over a time period of a year. In other words, data points 1026 now represent the white blood cell counts of the subject records selected for a year after each subject has had an allogenic bone marrow transplant. In second window 1016, the vertical axis 1022 has remained the same in first window 1010, although the horizontal axis 1018 has changed from an absolute timeline to a relative timeline. It is noted that Granexplor has not changed in second window 1016, as the data values are displayed at a time resolution of months, as shown by month tabs 1020. The difference though is that each month shown on horizontal axis 1018 does not represent an absolute month relative to a calendar but relative to a specified period of time (as a convention, 30 days), from the specified start time, which is an allogenic bone marrow transplant. Month tab 1020 ‘1 m’ represents 1 month after an allogenic bone marrow transplant, month tab 1020 ‘2 m’ represents 2 months after an allogenic bone marrow transplant, and so on. In other words, TStartexplor and TEndexplor have been changed respectively from specific calendar dates to 0 years 0 months after an allogenic bone marrow transplant and 0 years 11 months after an allogenic bone marrow transplant. As a convention, the months in a year are counted from 0 to 11, where month 0 represents the first month after the reference point and month 11 represents the twelfth month (i.e., a year) after the reference point. Data values for subject records displayed in display panel 1012 may not be displayed in display pane 1024 if a subject has not undergone an allogenic bone marrow transplant, i.e., if the subject has not experienced or does not relate to the new start time specified. In other words, data points 1026 may be a different set of data values from data points 1006, taken from a subset of the data values stored for all the subject records specified. As in display panel 1012, population delegate value data points 1028 represent statistical values for a plurality of subject records determined from data points 1026, with consecutive population delegate value data points 1028 being connected by a line 1030.
As mentioned above, using the set relative time operator can also be used to change the start time of when data values are displayed for specified subject records even if data values are already displayed on a relative timeline. For example, raw data points 1026 may represent the white blood cell count after a first allogenic bone marrow transplant. A user may be able to select another significant event as the start time for displaying data values, such as a second allogenic bone marrow transplant (not shown) or after a platelet transfusion (not shown). In either a case, a different relative timeline would be displayed, and different data values would be displayed.
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Using a graph manager interface (not shown), in second window 1064, a user has selected to change the start time, i.e., the reference point, used to display abstracted data points 1060. In second window 1064, the user has selected to display abstracted data points 1060 of each subject record using a start time of bone marrow transplant, over a time period of a month. In other words, abstracted data points 1072 now represent the platelet state after a bone marrow transplant of the subject records selected for a month (i.e., 30 days) after each subject has had a bone marrow transplant. In second window 1064, the vertical axis 1070 has remained the same in first window 1052, although the horizontal axis 1068 has changed from an absolute timeline to a relative timeline. It is noted that Granexplor has not changed in second window 1064, as the data values are displayed at a time resolution of days, as shown by day tabs 1074. The difference though is that each day shown on horizontal axis 1068 does not represent an absolute day relative to a calendar but relative to a specified period of time, from the specified start time, which is a bone marrow transplant. Day tab 1074 ‘3 d’ represents 3 days after a bone marrow transplant, day tab 1074 ‘4 d’ represents 4 days after a bone marrow transplant, and so on. In other words, TStartexplor and TEndexplor have been changed respectively from specific calendar dates to 0 months 0 days after a bone marrow transplant and 0 months 29 days after a bone marrow transplant. As a convention the days in a month are counted from 0 to 29, where day 0 represents the first day after the reference point and day 29 represents the thirtieth day (i.e., a month) after the reference point. Abstracted data values for subject records displayed in display panel 1054 may not be displayed in display panel 1066 if a subject record does not have abstract data values stored for the concept in the new start time specified, i.e., if a subject record does not have values stored for the first 30 days following a bone marrow transplant from which the abstract data concept platelet state after a bone marrow transplant is derived from. In other words, abstracted data points 1060 may be a different distribution of abstracted data values from the distribution of abstracted data points 1072. A box 1076 highlights the distribution of the abstracted data points for a particular day after a bone marrow transplant, specifically 24 days after a bone marrow transplant. It is noted that the distribution of the abstracted data points highlighted in box 1076 represents a distribution based on abstracted data points (not shown) with a time-stamp relative to the time-stamp when each subject record specified underwent a bone marrow transplant. As mentioned above, using the set relative time operator can also be used to change the start time of when data values are displayed for specified subject records even if data values are already displayed on a relative timeline. For example, abstracted data points 1072 may represent the platelet state after a first bone marrow transplant. A user may be able to select another significant event as the start time for displaying data values, such as a second bone marrow transplant (not shown) or a platelet transfusion (not shown). In either a case, a different relative timeline would be displayed, and different data values and distributions would be displayed.
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In procedure 1106, from the at least one subject record specified, the subject records which have data values stored in relation to the new start time specified are determined. In this procedure, the subject records specified from which data values were retrieved and displayed in procedure 1102 are searched to determine which of the subjects have experienced the particular event which the new start time refers to. With reference to
In general, it is noted that the three operators described above for manipulating and exploring the visualized data enable magnification and minification of the data values displayed, such as the temporal exploration operator, as well as modification of the data values displayed, such as the change delegate value operator and the set relative time operator.
It will be appreciated by persons skilled in the art that the disclosed technique is not limited to what has been particularly shown and described hereinabove. Rather the scope of the disclosed technique is defined only by the claims, which follow.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/IL10/00689 | 8/24/2010 | WO | 00 | 5/13/2012 |
Number | Date | Country | |
61236844 | Aug 2009 | US | |
61262293 | Nov 2009 | US |