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TECHNICAL FIELD This invention relates to conservation of consumable resources such as electrical energy, water, air, natural gas, oil and the like, and in particular, to a method and system for providing a variable and flexible incentive system that can be universally applied to encourage and reinforce desired consumer behavior and efficient utilization of such resources in the face of rapid variations in availability, price, quality, etc. This invention can be used to provide incentives for the conservation of such resources, for the consequent reduction of greenhouse gas (“carbon”) emissions, and for other desired behavior, and to balance demand with supply. It creates a “Virtual Market” that can be used to improve the efficiency of real-world markets that may be hampered by regulation, politics, business practices etc. Finally, the invention provides a method to aggregate consumers into communities of users where the effect of their collective action is used to participate in and influence the dynamics of the resource availability and market dynamics in the “real-world”, and, in so doing, enhance the “market power” of consumers to create next-generation “Participatory Markets” for such resources that more effectively reflect and manage variations in supply, demand, price and other key parameters.
Consumable resources such as electricity, water, natural gas, and oil are in limited supply throughout the world. Many efforts are undertaken to conserve these resources, such as fuel-efficient automobiles and so-called “green” or environmentally-friendly appliances, but there is no generalized system to measure, motivate and reward conservation efforts that can be applied universally, even though the failure to conserve has universal impact. Due to rising costs of these resources, limited supplies, increasing worldwide demand and a desire to preserve the environment, end-use customers are becoming aware of the need to modify their behaviors and conserve energy and other critical resources. However, end-use customers generally lack (a) information on their present, immediate past and predicted future resource consumption, (b) effective means to control and automate the interaction of the complex devices and systems in the resource networks and their interactions (c) timely feedback that reflects the results of modifying their behavior, and (d) a practical program of incentives to encourage actions in support of goals such as resource conservation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Present technologies do not enable end-use customers to ascertain their resource utilization on an immediate and timely basis and to use this information to intelligently and automatically manage the operation of their resource-consuming devices to meet customer goals locally while participating interactively with the larger community and with the resource provider to optimize the operation of the overall system. For example, in the field of electrical energy field, customers typically have an electric meter at the demarcation point between their residence and the electric grid (which meter is usually located inconveniently outside the customer's premise), that monitors the total amount of electricity consumed at that location over the course of a billing period (generally one month). The customer has no conveniently available access to timely information that can easily and automatically be set-up to achieve a desired customer goals with minimal ongoing customer interaction (“set-it-and-forget-it”), no immediate feedback on the results of changes in operating behavior, no means to implement an effective conservation strategy, and little or no incentive to encourage such behavior.
It is particularly difficult to manage resource conservation in today's market environment, since there are many complex and often inter-related variables that are involved and contribute to the availability and cost of a resource at any given moment, such as the cost of the fuel used in the production of the resource, the market price of the resource at the production or wholesale level, weather conditions that would affect resource usage, resource demand in different parts of the network, transmission constraints between locations on the network, outages at production or delivery facilities, losses due to needed maintenance on the resource network, etc.
In addition, resource markets (such as the electricity markets), and the providers (such as the large Investor-Owned Utilities or “IOUs”) that serve the majority of customers (particularly classes of customers such as residential consumers and small commercial users), are often highly regulated, with the result that customer pricing models and rate structures may not be easily or flexibly be changed without difficult and time-consuming regulatory submissions. These submissions may not necessarily result in approval, due to political and economic influences from outside the industry itself, and they may disproportionately serve the interests of the utilities/providers at the expense of customers, and in conflict with the larger goals of the community or the nation. Thus, the opportunity to make desired modifications in resource utilization, that would result in consequent improvements in the operational efficiency, economy or reliability of the resource system, may be lost to both the customer and the provider. For example, in the case of electricity, even though the cost for a given utility to provide electricity to a customer may be much higher at one time than another (because of increased demand, high fuel cost, unavailability of supply, or a range of other factors influencing cost), the regulatory body that oversees and must approve the rates charged by that utility to its customers may not allow the utility to charge customer rates that vary with the actual cost (these variable rates are sometimes referred to as “Time of Use” or “TOU” rates, “Hourly rates”, “day-ahead rates”, “interval rates” or similar terms). Regulatory filings to amend rates and other market factors are time-consuming processes that take place over periods of months, are expensive, and may require significant involvement by large numbers of staff, lobbyists, attorneys and witnesses, and deferral of investment in the system due to uncertainty about the regulatory treatment of those investments may result in large losses in the interim. Thus, the utility and/or resource provider is unable to provide a “natural” market-based incentive (i.e. based on market dynamics that transparently reflect the interaction between supply and demand), in the way that time-variant pricing reflects the actual changing cost of the resource. In this example, the electricity resource provider is thus unable to encourage and reward a customer to operate an electricity-consuming device at one time (when the supplier's electricity cost is low) rather than at another (when that cost is higher). Similarly, the customer is denied the advantage of a financial incentive or reward for changing their schedule of use to take advantage of a variation in price or other economic or other incentive. This distorts the economics and operations of the system, and may consequently result in undue strain on system devices and components, reduced reliability, waste of the resource itself, and other undesirable conditions on the resource network or the environment. For example, a customer on a flat-rate regulated pricing structure, who turns off an air conditioner at night in the summer, may realize the same dollar savings as he would by turning it off during the peak-use period on a hot afternoon, even though the cost of electricity at low-demand nighttime hours is relatively much lower than at peak-demand afternoon hours. Thus, under a flat-rate pricing scheme, there is no practical method to provide an effective and flexible pricing incentive for a customer to shift the air-conditioning use from a high-cost/high-demand period to a lower one, or to implement a “pre-cooling” strategy whereby the temperature is lowered beyond the customer's normal setting during an earlier period of lower-cost/lower-demand, and the air-conditioning use is then reduced when the customer enters the period of higher-cost/higher-demand, but comfort is maintained for a longer time interval, since the actual temperature will drift upward from the lower “pre-cool temperature” to the originally-desired temperature over a period of time.
One method of the present invention to achieve optimal operating efficiency is to develop an individual “thermal profile” of each air-conditioned zone by switching the compressor or a/c unit off and on at different intervals and inside/outside temperature differentials, observing the temperature rise time in each instance, and using that data to calculate and implement the optimal operating procedure under the corresponding conditions—including conditions locally, on the grid and in the market. As the system accumulates more data under different conditions, it becomes “smarter” and is able to continually improve optimization over time. It is also able to measure sudden changes in operation that may indicate a need for service, and notify the customer and/or a service agency.
The (psychophysical) feeling of comfort can be further maintained by keeping the fans on the air-conditioner operating (consuming little power), while the compressors are switched off or cycled. The problem is to provide a flexible, timely and widely-applicable incentive system that will encourage such behavior where the existing market and pricing system is unable to do so. The award of variable incentive points acts as an indicator of the overall value of a specific behavior by the individual and the aggregated community, evaluated across all system participants.
It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide a method and system to incentivize the conservation of any consumable resource. The method and system is intended to provide variable incentives that directly and positively impact (a) the ongoing operations of the elements of the resource network itself, and (b) the related resource markets and their derivative markets, in a more immediate and actionable manner than is presently possible, in order to better manage and coordinate the interdependent needs and requirements of the resource generator and supplier, the resource network itself, the devices operating on the resource network, the customer and/or groups of customers, and the environment. The present invention further provides a method for aggregating customers and creating a “market” (in this case, a market that is conservation-oriented) that will overlay on top of the existing market and pricing system. The present invention provides an incentive-based system that will flexibly and accurately reflect, encourage and reward the economic and societal value of certain behaviors (e.g. conservation), and create an “incentive market” based on points, that enables the goals of providers (utilities), consumers and society to be converged, and the benefits of achieving such goals to be shared among the participants. This may be accomplished independent of the state of the existing underlying regulatory or rate structure then in effect.
Even time-variant rate structures, such as TOU and Day-ahead hourly rates, etc., do not provide continuously-variable rate incentives, and typically incentivize meeting the goals of utilities (generally “Demand Response” or peak reduction during approximately 80 hours in a given year) but fail to address the goals of most consumers (typically overall “Conservation” or savings 24×7 throughout the year).
The objective is to create a solution (a Variable Incentive Points Program or “Resource Points Program”) comprised of inter-operating hardware, software, communications and applications, that (a) is compatible with existing resource networks, (b) operates within the bounds of the various regulatory constraints and market conditions affecting that network, and (c) has the capability to incentivize (reward or penalize) behaviors by participants in the resource network that tend to achieve goals established by the administrators of the Resource Points Program and by the participants themselves. In general, the invention is aimed at creating Variable Incentive Points Programs to incentivize conservation of particular resources, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and other goals which the existing devices and networks, industry and market structures, and regulatory procedures are unable to address.
It is an objective of the present invention to instruct users to establish a set of simple goals, or policies, that define the user's goals and priorities, and are designed to provide sufficient information for “set-it-and-forget it” operation of basic functions after that. Customer goals are used to configure operating algorithms that use parametric data in a database to manage, maintain and progressively improve the efficiency of the system and move the user towards their goals. A simple graphic interface, available on a range of display devices (such as cellphones, TVs, Computers, thermostat displays or other information display devices) informs each user how they are doing towards achieving their goals, and shows how much they are saving, how much they are reducing their individual carbon footprint, and how they are contributing to creating a “green community”. The points system is designed to provide an additional set of consumer incentives that can be used to further influence system operation, and to provide consumers with concrete rewards that provide specific targets to direct the operation of the system and reinforce the value of the results achieved.
It is a further object of the invention to provide such a method and system that enables detailed, specific and timely monitoring and control of the utilization of resources by the suppliers and customers, and manages their interactions in a participatory network that incentivizes participants to implement specific behaviors, such as those that favor increased conservation of scarce consumable resources, reduction of greenhouse gas and carbon emissions, general improvement in the efficiency and reliability of the resource delivery network, and other individually, economically and socially desirable goals.
It is a further object of the invention to provide an incentive for such conservation measures in the form of variable credits or reward points that are awarded to the participants (and in particular, individuals or aggregated groups of customers) for carrying out certain resource utilization behaviors, that may, for example, result in the conservation of that particular resource, and which points may be subsequently redeemed by the participants as desired.
The object is to influence participant behavior through a method that complements whatever prevailing price- or rate-structure that may be in place, in order to rapidly and flexibly implement a system of incentives that is based on immediate measurement, control and feedback, and that can motivate and reward behavior by participants that is favorable to the conservation or other goals of the Program.
The present invention includes a means to aggregate participants in a program, and a means for those participants to set both individual and collective goals, and to automate their local systems so as to operate in ways that achieve those goals.
It is a further objective of the present invention to aggregate end-users to implement collective energy and resource utilization strategies, for example those that result in conservation and reduction of greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions. It is a further objective of the present invention to provide an easily-understandable and objective system of incentive credits (points) and create exchanges for the future use, exchange and/or redemption of such credits (points).
The present invention also contemplates the use of data gathered about device performance to assess the operating efficiency and requirements for maintenance, to advise the customer, and further to provide the customer with links and other information for one or more repair facilities that can perform required service (thus providing an advertising opportunity within the platform). If the system is used by a supplier, this function may be employed to locate, notify and dispatch repair crews for remedial or preventive maintenance.
The present invention also contemplates a series of inter-operable Resource Conservation
Incentive Points Programs in different locations and applying to different resources, that may reflect differences between various geographic regions such as local availability of the resource, ability to deliver the resource from outside the location, and other differentiating factors, as determined by the Administrator for that specific Points Program. The subject invention also contemplates a “Points Exchange” that will be established to manage the interchange and exchange of points between and among the various Points Programs, to create an overall inter-market exchange for points trading or redemption.
The present invention is a method of and system to provide an incentive program for conserving a consumable resource such as electricity, natural gas, oil, or water, etc. The present invention includes a collection of hardware (including equipment already deployed on the existing resource systems as well as new equipment described herein), software, and applications that create an information and control network to monitor utilization of a resource at a location associated with a participant in the program, and then determines a quantity of a one or more types of “resource points” to be provided to an account associated with that participant. The type and quantity of these points are determined according to a set of “rules”, established by the program administrators, and embodied in a “rules engine” that performs calculations to determine the award of these points based on the behavior of that participant and other conditions as described herein. In general, these rules are based on an analysis of the monitored resource utilization with respect to a plurality of time-variant and location-variant parameters, and other such factors that the program administrator may designate. The type and quantity of points related to the utilization of the resource are defined by the program administrators, and are calculated according to a set of rules that establish the relationship (expressed mathematically as formulas and/or algorithms) between the parameters and the points to be awarded. This calculation is based on a set of overall “Resource Points Market” rules that are established by a “Program Administrator” and calculated and dispensed by a “Points Engine”, a system that executes mathematical calculations and algorithmic operations to determine the type and quantity of Resource Points to be awarded for a particular behavior at a particular time under a particular set of circumstances, based on information about the behavior of the particular Program participants with respect to goals established for the Program. The resource points are then stored in an account associated with the location or with a participant for future redemption.
Examples of rules that may be implemented to incentivize energy-conserving behavior include (but are not limited to) the following: (a) points resulting from actual changes in operating behaviors on the resource network, (b) points awarded as a result of an agreement between a supplier and a customer to implement certain resource utilization behaviors at a future time, and (c) points awarded with the purchase or installation of a device or product that has certain resource conservation and/or resource utilization characteristics.
In general, Program Rules are established that employ the award of (positive) points to provide an incentive for actions and utilization behavior favorable to an overall desired outcome, such as conservation of a resource, and/or to its reliable and efficient production, delivery, storage and/or use. Points may also be awarded to provide an incentive for utilization behavior that reduces harmful or detrimental effects on the resource delivery network, the surrounding environment, or participants in the resource conservation program or others, including non-participants, associated with or resulting (either directly or indirectly) from changes in Resource Utilization behavior by program participants (for example, reflecting the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions achieved by reduction of electricity use). Points may also be awarded as a result of the purchase and/or installation of resource utilization devices, where the quantity of points is a function of a device's efficiency, impact on the resource network, or on the environment (these may be referred to as “Resource Device Purchase Points”).
The present invention is a method to provide incentives through a program (a “Variable Incentive Program”) that encourages behavior to achieve certain complex goals, such as the improved management of utilization (production, transmission, transformation, storage or consumption) of a resource such as electricity, water, natural gas, oil and others, that result in the conservation of such a resource.
The present invention is a method to establish such a Program that can be independently implemented to supplement the regulatory or economic structures that may otherwise govern the provision and sale of a resource, particularly when such regulatory or economic structures are insufficient to provide practical incentives that encourage a desired behavior aimed at improving the utilization or conservation of such resource.
This invention is a method to provide a variable incentive system that will define and compute a type and quantity (positive or negative) of credits (“Points”), based on parameters that measure the utilization of a resource, or other effects resulting from such utilization (such as a reduction of carbon emissions that may result from a reduction in electricity demand), and where such Points will be awarded to Program participants for behaviors or actions that are favorable to the achievement of defined goals with respect to the utilization and/or conservation of that resource.
This invention is a method to compute, predict, report and store the results of utilization and conservation behaviors by Program participants, and to also compute, predict, report and store the consequent award of Points to such Program participants as a result of such behaviors.
The present invention is a method to establish one or more separate and distinct incentive Programs that reflect differences in resource utilization between different geographic regions, classes of participants, types of resources or other differentiating characteristics, and, in so doing, to aggregate groups of users into “communities”, both physical communities (e.g. municipalities, co-operatives, public power utilities or “green cities”) or geographically-diverse “virtual” communities (such as “virtual commercial communities” e.g. chain retailers, hotels companies, military facilities, or other centrally-owned and/or operated user locations, as well as “virtual residential communities” e.g. apartment buildings, groups or complexes, “green developments”, off-base military housing, etc.). This invention is a method to aggregate such communities of users through Programs, to influence and incentivize the behavior of such communities and their members using Variable Incentives that change in response to key parameters and other inputs (processed within the “Points Engine”) that are received from a variety of time-variant sources, and that affect the price, availability and reliability of the resource. Data is received and variable points awarded in as close to real time as practical, to provide timely feedback to users and reinforce the value to them of the solution.
This invention is a method to create an information and control network that will measure, monitor and interactively modify the operation of devices (including software “objects” and “agents” that may represent such devices mathematically) that utilize a resource, and consequently to provide a base of data and information that is used in the operation of a Program.
The Variable Incentive system creates a “virtual market” for the resource that is based in part on the “real” market for that resource. However, the Virtual Market addresses the limitations and inefficiencies of that real market resulting from regulatory, technological and political influences that impact and distort the market so that it is no longer “free” or “transparent”. Customer Community Aggregation and Virtual Inter-Market trading systems enable consumers in aggregated communities to participate in the real markets in order to share in the value created by their behavior through the award and redemption of points. The offer of an award of points for a specific action or behavior by specific customer(s) at a specific time may be used to proxy for a real-time price signal that may not be able to be otherwise implemented in that region.
This invention further includes a method to modify or augment existing or “legacy” resource measurement (e.g. meters) and/or utilization devices, that may already be installed by Program participants, so that such existing devices can be incorporated into such an information and control network, and a method to integrate such existing devices with additional new devices added to such a network, in order create a comprehensive combined and integrated information and control network that will monitor and automate the utilization of a resource throughout the overall network (which may be a “virtual network” in that the devices are not physically interconnected, but may be inter-operated using control algorithms that consider information about the devices).
The invention is a method to link such an integrated information and control network to the Internet, and to provide secure and authenticated access to interact with such a network via the Internet using a conventional web-browser.
This invention is a method to utilize such a Program to aggregate groups of participants located in a specific region, or with certain shared characteristics, into a “community of interest” (a “Community”), in order to establish and to achieve common goals for that Community with respect to resource utilization and conservation behaviors, and a method to provide incentives to such aggregated Communities in a Program.
The present invention is a method to compute incentive Points that provides a basis for automating control of the utilization of a resource, in order to achieve a set of Community goals established in a Program, as well as specific individual goals that may be set by suppliers, consumers and other Program participants, and, in addition, a method to mediate conflicts that may occur between and among such Community goals and the goals of individual participant with respect to the objectives of a Program.
This invention is a method to diagnose the operating status and maintenance requirements of devices in the resource network, including devices in participants' and Community local networks, and to link such participants with providers of products, maintenance and other services to appropriately fulfill such requirements, which fulfillment may include the issue or exchange of points.
This invention is a method to establish one or more exchanges whereby incentive Points awarded in a Program may be stored, aggregated, redeemed and/or traded, within a particular Program or between different Programs.
1.0 Device (or Resource Device)
2.0 Device Profile (312)
3.0 Market
4.0 Points Engine (216)
5.0 Program Administrators (110)
6.0 Program Operators (112)
7.0 Program Participants
8.0 Psychophysical Conditions
9.0 Resource
10.0 Resource Location (or Location) (108)
11.0 Resource Network (106)
12.0 Resource Network Profile
13.0 Resource Parameters
14.0 Resource Parameter Threshold
15.0 Resource Parametric Signal (226)
16.0 Resource Points
17.0 Resource Points Goal
18.0 Resource Points Program (or “Program”)
19.0 Resource Provider (104)
20.0 Resource Utilization
21.0 Resource Transformation:
22.0 Rules
23.0 Environment
24.0 Verification
a)-1 and 5(a)-2 show the dashboard and the goal set up screen.
The present invention is a system for and method of implementing a Resource Points Program in order to provide incentives for conserving consumable resources such as electrical energy, water, air, natural gas, oil and the like. The Resource Points Program of the present invention provides a methodology for providing users of the system with incentive points for adopting measures to conserve on these natural resources in various manners as described herein.
Elements of the Invention
The following terms are used in the invention and the specification and are defined as follows. Reference numerals as used in the drawings are indicated in parentheses where applicable.
1.0 Device (or Resource Device)—an apparatus that directly or indirectly utilizes (i.e. generates, stores, transforms, transmits and/or consumes), monitors or controls a Resource, or the Surrounding Environment affected by the Resource Device. Resource Devices may be described mathematically by object models, which are standardized software representations of the operating characteristics of the Resource Devices; these software objects are also sometimes referred to as Device Profiles. The interactions between Resource Devices, the Resource Network and other Program Participants may be conducted directly, either manually or automatically under direct algorithmic computerized control, or indirectly through interactions between software agents representing the Resource Devices, Resource Network and the Program Participants (and/or their corresponding object models), which then communicate the result of their interactions to the Resource Control Devices for implementation. In all cases, the interactions will be governed by a set of Rules (e.g. formulas or algorithms) determined by the Program Administrator and implemented by the Program Operator. Resource Control Devices and Resource Sensors may be incorporated into Resource Utilization Devices, or they may be packaged independently and interconnected by a variety of methods (wired, wireless, inductively coupled, etc.) Resource Devices include, but are not limited to:
Examples of Resource Sensing Devices are shown in
2.0 Device Profile (312)—a set of parameters associated with a Device that describe the Resource Utilization by a Resource Utilization Device. These parameters may be a combination of one or more of the following: Parameters determined by the manufacturer or seller of the Device according to a recognized standard (for example the EER or Energy Efficiency Rating), of a Resource Consuming Device such as an air conditioner; Parameters determined by the Program Administrator or Program Operator; Parameters determined by the end-use Participant. The Device Profile may be encapsulated in a software object that represents the Device, and/or in a software agent that represents the Device in goal-seeking interactions with other Devices and the Resource Network.
3.0 Market—a Market may be a Resource Market (or a Derivative Market), or a Points Market, any of which may vary by location and/or time:
4.0 Points Engine (216)˜A collection of mathematical formulas, software algorithms, procedures, policies and rules, that interoperate on a platform of computing and communications hardware and software, that receive and process various information about the status and behavior of Program Participants, including Resource Devices, Suppliers and Customers, Market Parameters,
Environmental parameters, various software “objects” and/or “agents” that may represent these Program Participants in order to calculate Resource Points to be awarded in response to changes in behavior by these participants, in order to incentivize certain behavior or to be used to effectively mediate conflicts between behavior (for example, by “trading” of points between participants) to achieve goals such as increased conservation, reduction of greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions, or achieving improved Resource Network stability, as such goals may be established in conjunction with a system of Program Rules, Local Rules, and End-User Agreements and other policies and criteria established by the Program Administrator(s).
5.0 Program Administrators (110)—the Program Administrators define the type, measurement, formulas and calculation methods for parameters related to the various resources considered in the Resource Points Program, and determines the Program Rules governing the type and quantity of Resource Points awarded to
Participants for various activities. The Program Administrators also set Program Rules governing the interactions between participants, and the mediation of conflicting Resource Utilization requirements from resource production and delivery systems, consuming devices, end-users, and their respective agents, such as agent software programs operating interactively on behalf of Program
Participants, that model their behavior, requirements and/or goals. Different geographic or demographic groups may have separate Points Programs, and each Points Program may have its own Program Administrators setting independent rules of Program operation. Negotiations between Program Administrators for different programs, or decisions by an overall Inter-Program Administrator, may determine the relative value for exchanges, and equivalence of points, to enable the separate Points Programs to interoperate within a single overall Points Market.
6.0 Program Operators (112)—The Program Operators operate the Resource Points Program in a location in accordance with the Program Rules established by the Program Administrators for that specific Points Program.
7.0 Program Participants—Program Participants include persons, entities, locations, devices, and automated software object and/or agents that act on their behalf, to receive, trade, provide, aggregate, sell (and/or resell) or purchase Resource Points (and/or the underlying Resources associated with the award of those Resource Points). Program Participants also include the Program Administrator and Program Operator. An “End-Use Program Participant” is a Program Participant who or which is an end user (e.g. customer) of the Resources under the Resource Program, such as a home owner, building manager, business operator, etc.
8.0 Psychophysical Conditions—qualitative human perceptions that may have some relationship to one or more measurable physical, biometric and/or environmental parameters, but also involve psychological elements of the particular individual, cannot be calculated deterministically from sensor measurements alone. For example, the psychophysical condition of “comfort” is related to present ambient temperature and also to the change in that temperature over time, as well as being a function of humidity, movement of air, barometric pressure, baseline body temperature, physical activity, individual's health, etc. Such psychophysical condition variables may be approximated and included in Rules algorithms either directly, by choosing one or more parameters as primary indicators of a Psychophysical Condition, or indirectly, through calculations using “fuzzy logic” and/or non-deterministic algorithms applied to one or more parameters.
9.0 Resource—A Resource may be (but is not limited to) a consumable, generatable, storable, transmittable or transformable form or source of energy or one or more other consumable resources that are essential for the operation of Devices, such as electricity, water, oil, and natural gas, etc., and may be included in the Resource Conservation Points Program. In addition, some “resources” may not be strictly consumable, but still are essential to the sustaining life or productive human activity, such as secure access or air quality; these may be provided with other types of Resource Points created by the Program Administrator.
10.0 Resource Location (or Location) (108)—the specific geographic location on the Resource Network where a Resource is utilized , such as a home, office building, campus of buildings, utility substation, pole-mounted transformer, capacitor bank, circuit switch, etc. A Location may participate in more than one Points Program if configured to do so.
11.0 Resource Network (106)—(see FIGS. 6-8)—a transport system established and operated to deliver a Resource to, from, between or among one or more Resource Utilization Devices. A Resource Network may be local to one or more Resource Locations (and independent of a central Resource Provider), or it may connect one or more such Resource Locations to a central Resource Provider. For example, a Resource Network with a central Resource Provider may be an electric power grid that consists of cabling for transmitting, transforming and distributing electricity from a generating station to many Locations. The Resource Network includes the complete supply and demand system for utilization of a particular resource, such as remote and/or central source of a Resource (e.g. for electricity, a generator), transmission and distribution (e.g. delivery) system, Resource Control Devices , Resource Sensor Devices (e.g. meters) and Resource Utilization Devices (e.g. consumption, storage, transformation and local generation). A Resource Network may incorporate both local Resource Generating Devices (such as a solar system at a home) and delivery of a Resource from a remote location (as over the electrical grid). Parameters related to a Resource Network may be used to reflect the efficiency (losses), stability, capacity (congestion) or other conditions at any given time between locations on that Resource Network, that will, in turn, influence the type and quantity of Resource Points to be awarded for actions by participants at the locations served by that Resource Network
12.0 Resource Network Profile—a set of rules, formulas, algorithms and parameters that may vary over time and are associated with a Resource Network. The Resource Network Profile is used to determine the number and/or type of Resource Points to be awarded based on the status of the Resource Network, such that more points are awarded for conservation behavior when certain predefined static or variable conditions on Resource Network are more unfavorable to efficiency or stability, and fewer points are awarded for the same behavior when those parameters are less unfavorable. For example, a Resource Network Profile might establish that more points are awarded for a given conservation behavior that reduces Resource Demand on a particular portion of the Resource Network where the infrastructure is aging or transformers are in need of service. Similarly, a local sensor, using technology that monitors the frequency stability of the local electrical grid, might send a signal indicating a local condition of instability, and a greater number of Conservation Points would be rewarded for a specific Resource Demand reduction in that area and at that time, as compared with Conservation Points issued for an equivalent reduction in an area where the Resource Network is in better condition, and/or where no comparable instability exists.
13.0 Resource Parameters may be a measure of:
Markets where prices are not “free” to respond to factors that would normally influence such pricing, due to the intervention of regulatory agencies or other controlling bodies (i.e. prices in these “Resource Markets” do not respond rationally to the interactions between supply and demand), points may be calculated based on an index to a Resource
Parameter such as “Demand” or “Supply”, in place of “Price”, to develop a formula for awarding Resource Points, to proxy for a price-based index that would be found in a free and “rational” market.
14.0 Resource Parameter Threshold—a level-setting for a variable Resource Parameter applied to the utilization of a Resource that may be predetermined by the Program Administrator, Program Operator, or a Program Participant (such as an End-Use Program Participant), depending on the scope of the utilization and location. When a given Resource Parameter reaches the predetermined Resource Parameter Threshold, a Resource Parametric Signal may be dispatched by the Program Operator or by a Resource Device to notify Program Participants that the Resource Parameter Threshold has been reached, and to request a response from Program Participants that will result in the awarding of Resource Points, depending on the level of response as governed by the Program Rules. Thresholds for various parameters or conditions may be set locally by a Participant, or determined and implemented automatically by a Resource Device according to threshold conditions that have been internally stored in the device. The Resource Device may send a message that will cause the Program Operator to dispatch a Resource Parametric Signal to other participants across the Resource Network. Response to this Resource Parametric Signal by these participants may result in the awarding or Resource Points.
15.0 Resource Parametric Signal (226)—a signal communicating the state or value of a Resource Parameter that is communicated to Program Participants and affects the awarding of Resource Points, and may be used to request actions under a Resource Utilization Agreement, or establish an ad-hoc exchange of Points for a specific response to the Resource Parametric Signal. In some cases, such as an emergency condition, the Resource parametric Signal may directly reset the operating condition of a Resource Utilization Device, although in general, it will be used to request a change in accordance with an agreement between the Program Participant and the Resource Provider, or a similar agreement recorded and administered in the Program Rules. The Resource Parametric Signal may be propagated over all, or over a subset, of the Resource Network. The Program Rules would then be applied by the Program Operator to determine the number and/or type of Resource Points to be awarded to (or dispensed by) a Program Participant based on changes in Resource Utilization by that Participant in response to the Resource Parametric Signal. For example, in the case of electricity, a Resource Parametric Signal might be a “price signal” communicated to Program Participants by the Program Operator that reflects the price of electricity in the wholesale electricity market in that location. For example, if the “price signal” is high due to excessive demand, then a reduction in demand by a participant will yield an increased quantity of point, when that demand reduction is provided in response to a “price signal”. The Program Rules may require verification of the demand reduction by a “bracketing measurement” (see “Verification” below).
16.0 Resource Points: points (or credits) awarded as a result of the operation of the resource conservation incentive system that is the subject of the present invention. Resource Points may be of various types, and may be either positive or negative. Resource Points are awarded based on the Resource Utilization actions of Program Participants. Resource Points may initially be awarded for an agreement (a “Resource Utilization Agreement”) by a Program Participant to follow certain Resource Utilization Procedures under certain conditions defined by the Program Administrators. Then, additional Points may be awarded on an ongoing basis when those Procedures are implemented; similarly, Points may be deducted if those Procedures are not adhered to. The awarding of Resource Points received by a Program Participant for a given activity is time-variant—that is, a given Resource Utilization Procedure may result in different types and quantities of Resource Points to be awarded if taken at different times, as defined in the Program Rules. These differences may vary according to formulas that are based on external market, supply and demand, fuel costs and other prices, environmental conditions, and additional parameters and conditions defined in the Program Rules.
The relative classification and number of such points, and other possible classifications of Resource Points, the calculational formulas and/or algorithms governing the relationship between the number of points awarded and the time variant conditions under which they occurred (such as overall demand on the electric grid, or the wholesale price of electricity on the spot market, and other conditions and factors) are governed by Program Rules established by the Program Administrator.
For example, in the case of electricity, first-order “Conservation Points” might reflect the reduction of a participating end-user's demand for electricity from the power grid; however, the same amount of demand reduction would be awarded a greater number of Conservation Points during a period of peak electricity demand (such as on an unusually hot afternoon in August), and a lesser number of Conservation Points during a period of reduced demand (such as at night on that same day after the temperature has dropped substantially and the demand from air-conditioning became much lower).
Similarly, an award of second-order “Green Points” for that same reduction in grid demand would reflect the method by which that reduction was achieved, and might be calculated as a derivative function of first-order “Conservation Points”. In this example, at a given moment, one quantity of Green Points would be awarded for turning off air-conditioning to reduce the demand on the grid by a given amount, a different quantity of Green Points might be awarded if the air conditioning is remains on, but is powered by the substitution of locally stored power from a solar-powered battery storage system to replace that same amount of power that would otherwise be drawn from the grid, while a different (and presumably lower) number of Green Points would awarded for achieving the same reduction in grid demand by turning on an oil-fired local generator (which would result in the production of additional greenhouse gases).
Points may also be indexed to the availability of power from time-varying renewable sources, such as wind or solar power generation. Let us examine the case of a solar—powered generating system. The Program Rules might specify a quantity of Conservation Points and/or Green Points to be awarded for the use of an intermittent or highly variable renewable resource at a particular time or under a particular set of conditions, in this example, solar-generated electricity. However, additional Resource Points could be added for interactivity established between the Resource Utilization Devices. For example, if solar irradiance is reduced, then a Resource Utilization Parameter would be dispatched to the Control System, and in response the Control System would cause the power consumption by end-user consuming loads to be reduced as well. Thus, the number of Resource Points awarded would reflect the fact that the predictability and reliability of the intermittent renewable is increased by linkage to the Resource control system, using an algorithm that automatically reduces the demand in response to the reduction of renewable supply. The Program Rules might provide that, in this scenario, an total quantity of Conservation Points and/or Green Points would be awarded that would be greater than the total of the two activities independently—the Conservation Points for the reduction of absolute electricity demand, and the Green Points as a result of the linking, and consequent improvement in predictable availability, of the renewable resource. Additional points may be awarded when a Resource Utilization Agreement (such as an Agreement to reduce Demand under certain conditions) is linked to the operation of a variable Renewable Resource Generating Device (such as a wind farm or solar array).
A participant may also receive points of different types awarded for the purchase of renewable energy.
17.0 Resource Points Goal—An example of a simple Resource Points Goal that defines a Local Rule (reflected as a User-established priority) would be “accumulate 10,000 Conservation Points as quickly as possible through reduction of air-conditioning throughout the facility, but do not let room temperature in any area exceed 75 degrees”, or “keep the temperature in zone 1 at 70 degrees unless electricity cost exceeds a certain threshold amount”. Rules may also incorporate dynamic automated interchanges between suppliers and end-users or devices themselves (or their respective software objects and agents), so that a “bidding” situation may be established if, for example, an end-user participant may indicate that he/she will implement a reduction in air-conditioning only if he/she receives a quantity of conservation points in excess of a certain amount, and the Rules Engine will interactively exchange an offer to provide this or another quantity of points; such an exchange may be dynamically iterative between the participant and the Rules Engine, and it may or may not conclude in an “agreement” that results in an award of points.
18.0 Resource Points Program (or “Program”)—A Program that applies to a specific Resource in a particular set of locations and/or includes a particular set of Program
Participants, and that uses the award of Resource Points to encourage activities and behaviors that result in the achievement of specific goals for improving the utilization of that Resource (e.g. Conservation or improved Efficiency or Reliability), or that provide benefits to the larger community such as to the environment (e.g. reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions) as a result of those activities or behaviors. There may be separate Programs for a specific Resource, or a Program may include several Resources. Each Program will have a set of Rules that determine the award of one or more types and quantities of Resource points for various activities; these Rules are established by one or more Program Administrators (they may be permanent or subject to modification in particular circumstances). The Rules are implemented, and Resource Points dispensed through the operation of a “Points Engine” as described herein.
19.0 Resource Provider (104)—entity that generates, delivers, sells or resells, or otherwise enables the supply of a Resource to one or more Resource Utilization Devices at one or more locations via a Resource Network. An example of a Resource Provider is an electric utility that distributes electricity for use by Resource Consuming Devices at End-User Resource Locations.
20.0 Resource Utilization·generation, transmission, storage, transformation or consumption of a Resource.
21.0 Resource Transformation: refers to modifying or transforming characteristics and parameters of a Resource in the course of traversing a Resource Network. An example is the transformation of the voltage of electricity as it is transported from a generator over a transmission grid to a substation, then from the substation over a distribution network to a local step-down transformer, and then into a building or home. While the basic Resource transported is always electricity, its voltage and other electrical parameters are transformed during the delivery process. Similarly, an array of solar cell may provide local Resource Generation, but the output of the solar array is transformed from DC power to AC power through being processed by an inverter, which provides Resource Transformation that can be measured by Resource Utilization Sensors, and the efficiency of the transformation may affect the awarding of Resource Points.
22.0 Rules: Rules under this invention are classified as either Program Rules or Local Rules:
23.0 Environment—the Environment may be a Global Environment or a Surrounding Environment:
24.0 Verification: the response of a Resource Device to a Resource Parametric Signal (RPS) will be verified by a Resource Sensor. In the preferred embodiment, that sensor will “bracket” the response by performing a measurement immediately on receipt of the RPS and just prior to the response being implemented, and then immediately after the response has been implemented, to verify the change that was implemented and confirm the award of points.
Overall Operation of the Resource Points Program
The Resource Points Program of the present invention will operate to enable detailed monitoring of Resource Utilization and will award certain Resource Points as a function of various time-variant, location-variant and other variables and parameters. Resource Utilization as consumption may be monitored by (1) measuring Resource consumption at a Location when the Resource is dispatched or transmitted from a Resource Provider external to the Location (during the process of transmission the resource may also be transformed, as in the case of electricity, where it goes through a series of transformers that change its voltage at different points in the transmission system), (2) measuring Resource delivery via a Resource delivery system measured at the demarcation line between the Resource Provider and the end-user Location, (3) measuring Resource consumption at one or more Resource Consuming Devices at a Location.
Similarly, Resource Utilization as generation may be monitored by measuring (1) Resource generation at the Location when the Resource is transferred from a Resource generating device at the Location to a Resource Provider external to the Location, (2) Resource delivery to a Location via a Resource delivery system external to the Location, or (3) Resource delivery at a Location through local generation and/or local storage.
Resources may be utilized under this invention by consuming the Resource at a location, or by generating the Resource at that Location or another Location or when it displaces consumption from an external source or when one type of local generation is substituted for another. For example, electricity (the Resource) may be transferred from an electric utility (the Resource Provider) via the electric power grid (the Resource Network delivery system) to a building (the Location) where it is used by an air conditioner (the Resource Consuming Device). In another example, electricity (the Resource) may be generated by a solar powered generator (the Resource Generating Device) at a building (the Location) and then transferred to the electric power grid (the Resource delivery system) for distribution and use by other customers. In both of these instances, the Resource is being utilized, and the utilization is monitored with respect to a plurality of time-variant conditions in order to ascertain the type and quantity of Resource Points to be provided to the account. Resource Utilization also incorporates the transmission, transformation or storage of a Resource, as defined elsewhere in this document.
The quantity of Resource Points provided may vary as a function of a set of Program Rules established by a Program Administrator. For example, if the resource being delivered is electricity, the Program Rules may indicate that more Resource Points are provided as demand for the electricity decreases, and conversely fewer Resource Points are provided as demand for the electricity increases. Since the demand for electricity (the Resource) will vary over time, this is taken into account in the Program Rules. Negative Resource Points may be created if an individual Location increases its consumption or decreases its generation contrary to its Resource Utilization Agreement to otherwise change those conditions. Similarly, Program Rules may be established by the Program Administrator in order to improve certain operations of the Resource Delivery system. These Rules may indicate that more Resource Points are provided as certain parameters in the electric power grid (the resource delivery system) are favorable, and conversely fewer points are provided as certain parameters in the electric power grid are unfavorable, to the production of the desired improvement.
Furthermore, the quantity of resource points provided may vary as a function of a Resource Utilization Efficiency parameter associated with any particular Resource Consuming Device at a Location. For example, in the case where electricity is the resource, a Resource Consuming device may be an air conditioner. The goal of the Program may be to reduce demand on the Resource Delivery System produced by that air conditioner. The air conditioner would have a Resource Utilization Efficiency parameter assigned to it by the Program Administrator (which could conform to a parameter assigned by a third party, e.g. EER ratings), that would be relatively higher if that air conditioner is energy efficient, and conversely would be relatively lower if that air conditioner is not as energy efficient. Thus, the award of Resource Points can provide an incentive to purchase, install and use energy efficient Devices by enabling a Participant to earn more Resource Points under this invention.
Additionally, the quantity of Resource Points provided may vary as a function of an external condition associated with the Location. For example, sensors may be used to detect weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, etc, at a Location. If these weather conditions are “favorable” (as determined by the Rules), then the quantity of Resource Points will be relatively higher; conversely, if the weather conditions are “unfavorable”, the quantity of Resource Points provided would be relatively lower. That is, for the same reduction in electricity demand, more Resource Points would be provided on an extremely hot day than on a cooler day. In addition, external conditions may be determined by market conditions for the Resource (such as the cost of electricity), etc. which would be provided as required.
In another example, a sensor may be used to detect phase anomalies on the electric grid that indicate a potential impending failure condition, and an automatic notification of this condition sent to a control at the end-user Location. Resource Points would be awarded for the timely reduction of electricity use at the end-user's Location in response to such a condition.
In all of the above examples, the Resource Points are positive points whereby the total number of Resource Points is increased as a result of the various measurements and calculations. In addition, the present invention allows for providing negative Resource Points whereby a total number of Resource Points is decreased as a result of the various measurements and calculations. This may occur when certain conditions are deemed to be so undesirable such that Resource Points are deducted from the account, such as by the user over-riding an increase in the thermostat set-point for an air conditioning system on a peak demand day such as a hot afternoon in August, during a period when the electricity provider has called for demand reduction (“Demand Response”) via the dispatch of a Resource Parametric Signal (directive) calling for Demand Response, under a program in which the end-user has previously enrolled and has agreed to participate.
In further accordance with the present invention, a set of Local Rules that relate to operation of Devices at a given Location are established by the Program Participant at that
Location, which are implemented in order to satisfy one or more Resource Points Goals of the Participant. For example, the Local Rules may prioritize a minimization of time to obtain a specified number of resource points. This would occur where a participant at the location specifies that he or she would like to earn 10 resource points in the next week (this is an example of a Resource Points Goal). This prioritization condition would be provided in the Local Rules, and the resource system operation would be adapted to enable the participant to achieve this goal (such as by instructing the participant that shutting off certain appliances at certain times would increase the amount of resource points such that the goal is reached) or by automatically implementing such an action as a result of prior permission by the participant. Likewise, the Local Rules may prioritize a given condition such as a maximum comfort level based on Resource Utilization at the Location. This would occur where a Participant at the Location specifies that he or she would like to maintain a comfortable inside temperature, such as a static temperature of 72 degrees or maintaining a limit on temperature change over time (an example of a Local Rule governing a Resource Utilization Device). This prioritization condition would be provided in the Device resource requirements profile, and the Device resource management profile would be adapted to enable the participant to achieve this goal (such as by instructing the participant to maintain the air conditioning on during the day or by doing so automatically with permission or by cycling the air conditioner on and off). As a further example, the Local Rules may prioritize a minimization of cost of resource consumption. This would occur when a participant wants to pay the least amount of money for the resource as reasonably possible, regardless of comfort requirements or resource point requirements as set forth above.
Resource Utilization may be monitored at the Location by monitoring the total amount of consumption or generation of the resource with a single Resource Sensor Device (e.g. a meter) located at the demarcation point between the resource delivery system and the end-use Location. In the example of the Resource being electric energy, electricity usage may be measured at the demarcation point of the Location, for example with a premise's electric meter, and the total electricity utilization would be used to determine the Resource Points to be provided as a function thereof. In the alternative, Resource Utilization may be measured at one or more individual Resource Consuming Devices at the Location, and this information would then be used to determine the Resource Points to be provided. This is a more granular and device-specific approach that would require use of specially adapted energy usage measurement techniques as discussed further herein.
Under this invention, Resource Points may be classified as Primary Resource Points, Derivative Resource Points, Resource Purchase Points or Resource Efficiency Points, and other types of points that may be defined by the Program Administrator in the Program Rules, in order to encourage (or discourage) various Resource Utilization activities, as set forth in the definition section of this specification.
The Program Administrator may also create other types of points that reflect changes in higher order parameters of the operation of the network as a result of activities by Participants (e.g. power quality).
Resource Points that are provided under this invention may be accumulated in an account stored at the end-user Location, or the account may be stored at a service facility remote from the Location, wherein the service facility additionally stores a number of accounts associated with different locations (such as associated with the Program Operator); or the account data may be stored in multiple locations and synchronized between locations. In the first case of local storage, Resource Points might be accumulated and stored in memory associated with a Device such as the Local Resource Monitoring Device. In the case of remote storage, the Resource Points would be tracked by a third party service provider (e.g. the Program Operator), that may or may not be a Resource Provider, wherein the Resource Point information is sent from the Location to the third party via a communication network or the like. The Resource Points may be viewed (e.g. by the Participant) for example at a local terminal such as a computer or other peripheral as described further herein, or they may be viewed remotely such as over the Internet.
Redemption of Resource Points
The Resource Points may be redeemed in various ways, such as (a) in exchange for an item (award or prize) that may be selected or pre-selected by the Participant, (b) in exchange for a reduction in the cost of Resource consumption, (c) for a quantity of a particular Resource as negotiated in a Resource Market, (d) for other types of Points as negotiated in a Points Market, or (e) for cash. That is, a Participant may obtain a reduced electric bill by redeeming Resource Points earned under this invention. Additionally, a third party may negotiate to trade, buy or aggregate Resource Points.
High-Level Description of the Preferred Embodiment
Also shown in
Location 108. In addition, information such as control data and signals may be communicated amongst the various Resource Devices as further described (using for example Sensor Devices 124 and Control Devices 126). The Local Resource and Information Network 120 may be a single network or it may be embodied in multiple networks such as a discrete Local Resource Network 204 (e.g. the electric power circuits) and a Local Information Network 206 (e.g. a wired or wireless LAN such as Ethernet or the like) as shown in
Within any given market or market area (sub-market), the Program Administrator 110 will set up a Resource Points Program and (among other things) determine the Program Rules 114 governing the type and quantity of Resource Points awarded to Participants for various activities. The Program Operator 112 will administer day-to-day operations of the Resource Points Program in conjunction with the Program Rules 114 established by the Program Administrator 110 and as further described herein.
A number of Resource Utilization Devices 122 are shown in
Also shown in
The Local Resource Monitoring Device 214 may also be interconnected to one or more local sensors 212 in order to collect data regarding the local surrounding environment 118 of that Location 108. For example, a local sensor 212 may be a thermometer located on an outside wall of the building at the Location 108, which will enable the LRM Device 214 to obtain the outside temperature conditions at that Location 108. Similarly, the LRM Device 214 is connected to an external data gateway 210, which in turn is connected to an external data network 202 such as the Internet. This will enable the LRM Device 214 to obtain various types of external information, such as Resource market and price information. This will also be described further herein.
The Resource Utilization Device 122 may also interoperate with a Resource Sensor Device 124 as shown in
In addition to or instead of communicating directly with the LRM Device 214, the Resource Sensor Device 124 may also be a Smart Sensor Device 124b in that it can measure one or more Resource Utilization Parameters and compare that against a Resource Utilization Parameter or other calculated parameter (such as a temperature rate of change), and as a result of that measurement, calculation and comparison, will communicate a signal directly to a Resource Control Device 126 to automatically implement a change in Resource Utilization. That is, the Smart Sensor 124b may use local intelligence to directly control the Resource Control Device 126 associated with the same Resource Utilization Device 122, as shown in
In addition to measuring resource consumption on a per-device basis with individual Sensor Devices 124 as just described, a Location Resource Sensor 224 as shown in
Points Engine
The LRM Device 214 at a given Location 108 also has a Points Engine 216 embedded and/or associated with it. The Points Engine 216 is a computerized system designed to obtain data inputs from various sources such as Local Sensors 212 and Sensor Devices 124, Utilization Devices 122, and other inputs such as market and environmental conditions, and predictions based on the analysis of historical and other data, etc., and to calculate the number and types of Resource Points to be awarded to a Participant at that Location 108 based on various Program Rules 114 and Local Rules 220 and agreements that have been entered into by the Participant. The operation of the Points Engine 216 will now be described with respect to the logic flow diagram in
Central to the Resource Points analysis executed by the Points Engine 216 are the Program Rules 114 that are established by the Program Administrator 110. These Program Rules are established on a per-market basis, with different markets thus having different sets of Program Rules.
The Program Operator 112 is the entity that runs the associated market and the operation of the Rules 114 by sending various signals, indexes (formulas), negotiations and responses.
The left side of
Information Exchanges 526 occur between the various inputs such as the grid 508 and the users 510. In addition, users may enter into agreements 528 with the Program Operator 112 with respect to a User response to a signal they may receive from the Program Operator (the Demand Response Signal).
In the environment block are sensors 530 and a database 532. The sensors 530 provide current measured data from the environment, and the database 532 is a repository of historical data from previous samples. There may also be a predictive model 534 that provides predictive analytics regarding environmental patterns, changes, etc.
The grid block 508 illustrates the various factors associated with the grid (Delivery Network), which may be defined as mass providers of electricity and aggregators (entities that sell or manage electricity at more than one Location). Variable parameters associated with the grid and its subsections include but are not limited to location, time, criticality, vulnerability (i.e. old wiring), and volatility (i.e. rise and fall of demand).
The major parameters associated with the grid include resource generation 536, transmission 538, transformation 540, distribution 542, metering 544, controls 546 (e.g. switching capacitors in and out of the grid), and the load 548 (which includes everything on the user side of a meter, i.e. at an End-User Location). Other factors to consider with respect to the grid include unmetered loads 550 (such as cities with streetlights and the like), system losses 552 due to operation of the grid, and resource storage 554 associated with the grid or at other participant locations.
The user community block 510 refers to any number of users from 1 to n. As shown, the interface between the user community and the grid is referred to as a meter gateway 556. Associated with each user are also the sensors 124 and control 126 at the location, associated utilization devices 122, and an automation computer 564. There is also a PC (computer) 566 and an associated user interface 218 that allows the user to interact with the system using a conventional web browser or similar information and control interface, or even with a remote control and a local interface unit to a conventional TV set (using an unoccupied channel such as “00”). Also shown are the exchange of agreements 528 and an information exchange 526 which interact with the Program Rules 114 as shown.
Shown in the bottom logic block is the database portion 568 of the Points Engine 216. Stored in the database 568 are various past parameters, system behavior and environmental behavior 570. This provides a historical record of system behavior with respect to various weather conditions at given times (e.g. on Aug. 10 20xx the temperature was 72 degrees and the system operated as follows . . . ). Also stored are predictive projections 572 based on the historical data as applied to defined algorithms designed to predict future results, The database also stores all of the agreements and contracts 574 between the various participants. The database may also store various priorities as may be set by the users, the grid and the environment.
Also stored in the database shown in
Each Device in the present invention may be represented abstractly by an object model, also referred to as a Device Profile 312. The object model is a representation in software of the various parameters including the Device's operating characteristics, goals, priorities, efficiency (rated as well as measured), and impact on power quality. The goals to be achieved for the object model (representing a device or participant) are attempted to be implemented by a software agent that operates on behalf of the object model. As shown in
Points Certificates
In addition to earning Resource Points based on certain behaviors in the system, a User in this invention may obtain Resource Points as part of a product purchase. In this case the product may be accompanied by a “points certificate”, which would represent a given type and quantity of resource points. For example, a user purchasing an energy efficient air conditioner may receive a certificate worth 500 points, which may then be added to that user's points account in the same manner as if the user had earned the points for behaving in a certain manner.
Electricity Resource Markets
As previously described, Resource Markets may be used as a basis for establishing various Points Programs throughout a large region. For example, with respect to electricity, the United States can be divided into several regional markets as shown in
The following is a detailed example of the preferred embodiment implementation of the present invention, wherein the Resource is electricity. The Resource Provider 104 in this case is an electric utility company, which will provide the electricity Resource to the End-User Locations 108 via the Resource Delivery Network 106. The Resource Delivery Network (the distribution grid) will be similar to what is shown in any of
The end-use customer (for example, a homeowner) at the End-User Location 108 will become a Program Participant in the Resource Points Program be entering into a Resource Utilization Agreement with the Program Administrator 110. As previously described, the Resource Utilization Agreement is an agreement between Participants in the Resource Points Program that governs the activities of a Participant's operation of a Resource Utilization Device 122 under certain mutually agreed conditions and/or in response to a Resource Parametric Signal 226 or Resource Parameter Threshold. This will govern the type and quantity of points awarded based on the operation of the Resource Utilization Device(s) 122 under the agreed conditions. In this example, the homeowner agrees to a set of rules 114 that will award him Resource Points if he allows the Resource Utilization Devices 122 (his air conditioners) to be managed by the system.
At this End-User Location 108, an air conditioner in the master bedroom is a Resource
Consuming Device 310 covered by the Agreement. This particular Resource Consuming Device 310 has an associated Resource Control Device 126 that is adapted to receive control data from an associated LRM Device 214 (see
The master bedroom air conditioner has a Device Profile 312 associated with it and stored in memory at the LRM Device 214. In this case, the Device Profile 312, which is a set of parameters associated with the air conditioner that relate to its Resource Utilization, contains the Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) of the air conditioner as determined by the applicable U.S. government or other authorized testing agency. The EER of this master bedroom air conditioner is relatively high, which will result in this Device being awarded relatively more Resource Points than would a Device having a lower EER.
In a first basic scenario, it is a relatively hot and humid day in mid-August in the Northeast United States. As the demand for electricity in that region increases, a Resource Parametric Signal 226 is sent from the Program Operator 112 to this End-User Location 108 that indicates that the demand is rising from X to Y. In this example, the Internet is used as an External Data Network 202, so the Resource Parametric Signal 226 is received via the External Data Gateway 210 at the Location 108 and provided via the internal LAN to the LRM Device 214 (see
As a result, the LRM Device 214 issues a control command to the Control Device 126 associated with the master bedroom air conditioner to change the setting of the air conditioner to 78°. As a result, the air conditioner will presumably consume less electricity from that point on. The electricity usage is continuously measured (or sampled) by the associated Sensor Device 124a, and that usage data is communicated back to the LRM Device 214 in a feedback loop. A Verification process will then be carried out, where the LRM Device 214 will “bracket” the data by analyzing:
Assuming that the electricity utilization (in this case, consumption) has been modified (e.g. reduced) as expected or agreed, then the Verification process will report this information to the Points Engine 216 (see
The above scenario implemented an automatic response methodology, where the air conditioner setting was changed automatically by the system based on the pre-existing Resource Utilization Agreement. In another embodiment a user authorization step is required in the Agreement, and will be implemented as follows. Rather than automatically instructing the Resource Control Device 126 to change the temperature setting of the master bedroom air conditioner to 78°, a data message is sent to an associated terminal such as a personal computer or the like having an interface 218 adapted in accordance with this invention (see section User Interface). The user interface, which may for example be a web browser running an interface page from a local web server operating in association with the LRM Device 214, will alert the homeowner (such as with a chime and visual cue) that an operation change is being requested. The homeowner will be requested to authorize the change in temperature setting from 72° to 78° at the master bedroom air conditioner. Assuming the homeowner inputs his acceptance of this requested change, then the air conditioner will be instructed as previously described and the points will be awarded and logged in memory. If the homeowner does not accept this change (for example, he feels it is too hot outside and wants to keep cool), then the air conditioner setting will not be changed and the Points Engine 216 will not award any points, provided that the homeowner has not previously agreed to make such a change. However, if the customer (as a Program Participant) has made a prior Agreement to execute a change when called upon on the receipt of a Parametric Resource Signal, and fails to do so, he may receive negative points (as a penalty) for failing to make the change, or for over-riding the response to the Parametric Resource Signal.
The Verification process is used to ensure that the requested change has actually produced effective results before awarding the Resource Points to the homeowner. In addition, the Verification process will ensure that that someone has not tried to fool the system by allowing the change to be made by the system but attempting to override the settings manually. If this happens, the electricity consumption will not decrease, and the
Verification process will indicate that conservation has not been accomplished and points will not be awarded.
User Interface
A user terminal 218 such as a computer or other device equipped with an information display (which may be as simple as an indicator light or audio tone, or a more complex display on a portable phone, handheld display, graphical display panel, TV set or computer monitor) may be used in conjunction with the location area information and control networks (or LAN) to enable a user to interact with the system as further described herein (see
In the event that a dedicated device (rather than a computer platform) is used for the user terminal, then there will be an associated display and input device that enable a user to control and receive feedback from the system. For example, the display may include an alphanumeric display suitable for providing short messages, or it may be a screen suitable for displaying graphics and text, or it may include one or more indicator lights such as LEDs, or it may even be an audio device that generates a tone to signal a specific condition, etc. The input device may include a keypad, group of switches, buttons, touch screen, handheld remote control, etc.
Assuming that a computer running a web browser is implemented in this example, then the user is able to interact with the system as follows.
A web page entitled Energy Usage 1202 may be linked to from the Dashboard, which provides several options. First, the energy usage for the past 24 hours may be viewed in graph form 1204 as shown in
Selecting the Energy Demand option 1212 provides a graph 1302 as shown in
The user is also presented with an option to set the conservation level settings of the system. For example, in this case the user may set any of the following levels: Maximum, Moderate, Minimum, and None. Setting the desired conservation level will cause the system to operate accordingly. For example, if the Maximum option is set, then the system will operate to provide the most conservation measures, which will likely be at some expense of comfort (such as by causing the room to operate at a high temperature setting, thus providing less comfort but more energy conservation—and more resource conservation points are awarded). Similarly, if the Minimum option is set, then the system will operate to provide the least conservation measures, which will likely provide a higher degree of comfort (such as by causing the air conditioner to operate at a lower temperature setting, thus providing more comfort but less energy conservation—and fewer or no resource points awarded). Users will be able to select their priorities (goals) for each area and the system will operate to move towards the goals within the constraints of possibly conflicting priorities; the award of points will act to mediate such conflicts and influence the user's (or their agent's or device's) behavior in the direction benefiting all of the participants in the network. However such action includes possible “negotiation” or “bidding” between the end-user and the resource provider (and/or their “agents”) concerning the number of points offered or required to implement such behavior. These negotiations may also include “agents” operating on behalf of specific Resource Utilization Devices within the system (the devices themselves may be represented as software “objects” in this scenario).
The system includes a set of “Master Set-Up Screens”, where policies may be easily accessed and established across particular systems or subsystems. An individual System Services page may be accessed, which provides several further options for specific devices such as Thermostats, Lighting, Appliances, and Local Power Generation. The Thermostats page 1502 is shown in
Program Administrator/Operator Interface
The Program Administrator 1110 and/or Program Operator 1112 may implement an Admin Interface to interoperate with the system as will now be described. In the same manner as with the User Interface, the Admin Interface typically will run on a web browser that enables access to a web server running in association with the Program Operator infrastructure.
A Demand Response web page 1902 is shown in
Demand Response Event if it concerned with a request by the electric utility for end-users to reduce their demand for electricity) when and where desired. The Program Operator may select an Area where the Conservation Event will occur (which may be based on the Demand data), a group of Participants for whom the Conservation Event will apply, and can also set an applicable Event Level. For example, this page will inform the Program
Operator how many Participants are set to Maximum Conservation Level, Moderate Conservation Level, and Minimum Conservation Level (as previously described with respect to the User Interface). Thus, if the Conservation Event is configured for the group of Maximum Conservation level Participants, then it will only apply to those users. The Program Operator may then enter the start date, time and duration of the Conservation Event. The Program Operator may also set the properties for the event as shown in
Once the Conservation Event has been defined by the Program Operator, then it is saved and a set of Resource Parametric Signals are generated that are transmitted over the network to each Participant affected by the Conservation Event. The demand responses will then be executed at each Location as previously described.
Depending on the Demand Response policies in force in a particular area, the Utility/Resource Provider or Program Operator may have the ability to directly control devices in end-user Participant locations (particularly in an Emergency Event); however, in many cases of non-Emergency Demand Response (sometime called “Economic Events”, the control of end-user devices will be managed by the “Response” that the user has selected when there is a “Demand” (or threshold event) from the Resource Provider of Program Operator. These degrees and hierarchical levels of response and control may be determined in software according to the requirements of a given Resource Provider and Market.
The Security Architecture to be implemented in the subject invention includes, but is not limited to, the following security features. These and other security features will be integrated into the communications and access functions for the software applications, as in one implementation described in
1. Basic authentication using Login/password (facility to hook in Federated Identity features to facilitate login from partners)—there may be hierarchy of access permissions for different individuals
2. Facility for Strong Authentication (two-factor, token-based—both hard or soft and biometric)
3. Facility for Authentication Protection (out-of-band passwords over SMS/mobile/phone)
4. Set authorization level based on USER TYPE—customer, administrator, operator, partner, and guest
5. Set authorization level based on ACCESS DEVICE (trusted, semi-trusted and public devices/remote networks or locations)
6. Use group functionality to simplify authorization and other policies for user groups
7. Use SSL/TLS/AES to encrypt session and data (in transport or on storage media), with variable key strength (256/1024 bits) and choice encryption algorithm, depending on the requirement
8. M2M (machine-to-machine) traffic, including wireless/PLC, is encrypted using special keys, and segregated using unique network/home ids
9. Use device identification with the help of a unique machine id, that helps in formulating additional authorization policies.
Application to other Resources˜while the preceding example of Best Mode presented above applies to Electricity Resources, one familiar with the operation of the devices, systems and interactions described herein will readily see analogous application to other consumable resources, such as water, natural gas, oil, secure access and the like, using similar techniques to create a Resource Points Program specific to that resource.
Transitional Intelligent Metering (“xIP Meter”) Platform
The module are designed in such a way that power is carried from one module to the next, along with a data/information bus.
The modules are configured so that a module may contain one or more of the following functions, installed in the form of standardized plug-in cards or a similar standardized construction, including:
The conductors of the first module are electrically connected to the conductors of the second module, and so on throughout the “stack”, to transport power and data.
The legacy meter may also have a communications module installed in it as a retrofit so that readings between the legacy meter and the xIP meter modules may be periodically compared;
Process for Migration from Legacy Meter to Enhanced Intelligent xIP Meter
1. Transitional migration from a legacy utility meter to the enhanced intelligent xIP meter platform include the steps of:
Delivery of Meter Data for Use by Other Systems
1. The xIP Meter platform is adapted to provide metering data to an external system using a plurality of different protocols, and transported over a variety of different communications media (wired and wireless) accomplished by the installation of plug-in communications cards into the various xIP Meter modules (as described in the 2COMM/3COMM specifications in the present invention). comprising:
The communications card(s) in the xIP module receives metering data, formats the metering data for transmission using one of the protocols and communications media supported by the communications card (which may be located in that xIP module or in another xIP module), and transmits the formatted metering data to an external system in accordance with the protocol and media used for formatting. The data may also be encrypted during this process, and subject to authentication to access different types and levels of data from an external system.
Audio or Visual Alarm Generator in xIP Meter modules
Meter Heartbeat Function
The xIP Meter platform will periodically and repetitively determine whether the meter platform is receiving power, is operating properly, and is accessible over the network. This may be accomplished when a communication component receives periodic echo request signals from a host coupled to the xIP utility meter platform over the network, and transmits echo response signals to the host over that or another network. An xIP module will contain a processor, coupled to the metering component and the communication component, that instructs the communication component to send an echo response signal to the host over the network in response to receipt of an echo request signal at the utility metering platform. If the meter is not receiving power from the utility system, it may rely on a battery or charged capacitor to operate and send a “distress signal”.
Event Bracketing
The xIP Meter is designed to respond to external signals that request a response by providing demand reduction or energy conservation. The interaction of the signal and response is termed a “response event”. When a request signal for such a response is received, provided that permission has been provided to the system for such response (by the utility and/or by the participant), immediately prior to implementation of the response event, the xIP will take a time-stamped “snapshot” of the various readings and condition of the operating parameters of the system. Then, immediately after the implementation of the event, another time-stamped “snapshot” is taken of the system parameters. This is known as “bracketing” the event. These event snapshots may be periodically repeated, to verify compliance with the requested action throughout a given time period. The time-stamped readings will be stored in memory in one of the xIP Meter modules and also transmitted over the network to the utility and/or to the user. This verification may be used for the computation of points to be issued in the Conservation Incentive Points program that is the subject of this application.
Environmental Sensors in the xIP Meter module(s)
One or more modules within the xIP Meter platform may contain sensors, or communications transceivers that receive and/or transmit signals from local and/or remote sensors that are used for monitor environmental and/or other parameters (such as temperature, humidity, air quality, barometric pressure, particulates, gases, vibration, temperature of the interior of the xIP meter enclosure, etc.).
Automotive Interface in Meter
The xIP Meter platform may contain a module that separately tracks resource utilization associated with a plug-in hybrid vehicle, which may be applied to consumption during recharging, or generation through operation or discharging or power, used locally or dispatched into the electric grid.
Electricity Tags
Additionally, the power may be imprinted with a “source tag” by being distorted by the addition of a powerline signal that will travel with the power, in order to distinguish its source. Such a “source tag” may be used in the computation of resource points to be awarded under the present invention, or for other purposes, enabling the xIP Meter platform to distinguish one source of power from another.
The xIP Meter module may thus contain an automotive interface component that generates an identification signal and may even control when the plug-in hybrid vehicle is recharging or charging into the grid, and a memory component, responsive to the signal, that stores the resource utilization data associated with the operation of the plug-in hybrid vehicle separate from utilization data associated other devices monitored by the xIP metering component.
Fully Self-Contained xIP Meter to Replace the Legacy Meter The xIP Meter may also be manufactured complete with a face plate containing the required read-out elements, so that it is a one-piece fully self-contained intelligent meter that completely replace the legacy meter. In this case, the legacy meter is removed from the legacy meter socket and the fully self-contained xIP Meter installed in its place.
The UNI-PLEX xIP Intelligent Meter Platform consists of a series of modular meter, communications and automation control building blocks that can be used in conjunction with, or to replace, an existing utility revenue meter.
The initial version is designed for small to medium commercial, residential and submetering applications. However, the same concept can be applied to larger industrial and commercial meters in various packages for mounting and deployment across the grid.
A Utility has three groups that can operate more effectively with access to on-demand meter data about usage other conditions at end-points of the network:
(1) the operations engineering group, that can use the data to operate the grid to better meet efficiency and reliability imperatives;
(2) the supply and trading group, that can use the data to produce, buy and/or sell the commodity more effectively; and
(3) the revenue group, that can use the data for rate-case filings, and ultimately, for billing purposes. The revenue group often refers to the meter as the utility's “cash register”.
Access to real-time (or near real-time) meter data is important to each of these three groups. However, concerns by public utility commissions and other regulators that variable pricing might adversely and unfairly affect consumers through exposure to the volatility of wholesale markets, regulatory approval of time-of-use billing for residential customers has been extremely slow, which, in turn, has slowed deployment of interval, communicating “intelligent” meters to replace existing conventional meters. As a result, total penetration of communicating interval meters today among electric utilities as a whole is little more than 20%.
The present design seeks to provide an immediately-deployable solution that meets the needs of the first two groups while avoiding the regulatory delays inherent with respect to the third, until such time as regulatory approval is secured to use the intelligent meter for billing purposes. At that point, a low-cost upgrade plug-in LCD front panel enables the GPX xIP unit to be quickly and easily converted into a revenue meter.
The GPX xIP device provides all of the data measurements available from other modern electronic meters, with the addition of several other functions that add value to the system. Data will be collected and stored, accurately time-stamped, and delivered to utility servers for access by each of the three groups as needed.
Impact Analysis
The UNI-PLEX xIP meter design is intended to:
2. provide platform for Utility Applications that interfaces with utility Grid Management and SCADA systems
3. provide an easy and inexpensive plug-in to convert xIP to a revenue meter after regulatory approval
4. provide platform for future value-added services to communities and end-use customers
Related Systems And Accessories (Some Examples)
The current xIP meter system incorporates modules from related systems that are described in separate Requirements Specification documents as follows:
Package Options (Some Examples)
The goal of the UNI-PLEX series of products, and of the xIP meter in particular, is to provide a versatile and expandable embedded computing solution that addresses present and future information requirements of utilities. The xIP meter is designed to be flexible, adaptable, and able to interface with existing and future communications and automation technologies, with capabilities including (among others):
Basic Requirements (including but not limited to):
Proprietary Features
Input/Out Interfaces—Provided by 2COMM Modules (Some Examples)
Displays (Some Examples)
Protocols(Some examples)
In another embodiment, as described provisional application 61/474,966 referenced above, provided is a system and method for including with or linking to a contract (the “Buyer Contract”) for the repetitive and/or continuing purchase by a commodity buyer (the “Commodity Buyer”) of a consumable commodity, such as electricity, water or natural gas (the “Commodity”), in which a system for the management and/or conservation of that commodity (the “System”) is supplied by the commodity provider, with an Incentive Program that influences and rewards the decisions of the Commodity Buyer based on a series of time-varying conditions, as a method of promoting the purchase of the Commodity from that specific Commodity Provider, including variable incentives for the buyer not to use the commodity being provided. These incentives mat be provided by the provider, or by a third party. The Buyer Contract may be for a fixed term, or may not have a fixed term but simply extend on a repetitive and/or renewable basis tied to continuing purchase and payment under the terms of the Buyer Contract. The Buyer Contract may include an initial payment and termination fee to establish the Commodity service, depending on the terms and length of the Buyer Contract. The Buyer Contract may include payment of a specified amount corresponding to the purchase or rental price of the System, or alternatively, the purchase or rental price of the System may be packaged as a part of the Commodity cost or other charge from the Commodity Provider to the Commodity Buyer during the Buyer Contract. The System may also be linked electronically to an Incentive Program (the “Incentives”) that will track the Use, Conservation or other desired outcomes implemented by the System according to instructions from the Commodity Buyer, based on which the Incentive Program will calculate and award Incentives accordingly. Such Incentives may be accumulated and stored in an account, and exchanged for rewards or prizes available through an Exchange Program, and such Exchange Program may include the use of the Incentives as credits that can be applied against the purchase cost of the commodity and/or the purchase or rental price of the System.
The System shall be active so long as the Buyer Contract is in effect with the Commodity Provider, unless it is terminated at an earlier time in accordance with its terms. The Buyer Contract for the commodity may call for payment either after delivery of the commodity (“Post-Paid”), or paid in advance of delivery (“PrePaid”). Alternatively, a third party, such as a landlord, building owner, aggregator, reseller or other entity, (a “Master Buyer”) may contract for the purchase of a Commodity on behalf of one or more end-users (a “User Community”) under a “Master Buyer Contract”, and distribute the Commodity to members of the User Community (“Community Member”) under one or more individual subcontracted Buyer Contracts on terms agreed between the Community Member and the Master Buyer (which may also be either Post-Paid or PrePaid). Contracts for the purchase or rental of one or more Systems to be used by Community Members (the “Master System Contract”) may be included with the Master Buyer Contract, or managed separately with the a Community Member on terms individually agreed between the Community Member and the Master Buyer. In this case, the awarding of Incentives will be calculated based on the
Buyer Contracts and the operations of each individual Community Member's System, but may be awarded either individually to the Community Members, or in aggregate to the Master Buyer, according to the terms of the subcontracted Buyer Contracts. In the case of a Master Buyer, the contract covering the purchase or rental of on or more Systems (the “Master System Contract”) may be linked to one or more subcontracted Buyer Contracts, but payments due under the Master System Contract will be the responsibility of the Master Buyer. The Community Member Commodity Buyer shall have access electronically through the System at any time to the most recent data available on the quantity and cost of the Commodity consumed for a given period, the present consumption and price of that Commodity, and, if the Commodity is being prepaid, the amount of the prepayment remaining for use. Access will be available on a password-protected website that may be viewed using any browser-based device, including but not limited to smart-phone, web tablets, PCs and laptops. The Master Buyer will have access to similar data on an aggregated basis, but access to an individual Community Member's data may be limited by a privacy agreement with the Community Member. The Buyer Contract and Master Buyer Contract (including renewals and extensions), postpayments and prepayments, System Contract, Master System Contract, Community Member data, System instructions, Incentives, Incentive storage accounts and exchanges under the Exchange Program, and related contracts and operations, may be arranged for or completed by various means, including but not limited to submitting appropriate documents in writing, by telephone, or over a computer network, such as the Internet.
In the preceding specification, the present invention has been described with reference to specific exemplary embodiments thereof. It will, however, be evident that various modifications and changes may be made thereunto without departing from the broader spirit and scope of the present invention as set forth in the claims that follow. The specification and drawings are accordingly to be regarded in an illustrative rather than restrictive sense.
This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/432,089 filed Mar. 28, 2012, which is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/471,553 filed May 26, 2009, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/056,298, filed May 27, 2008. This application also claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/474,966, filed Apr. 13, 2011.
Number | Date | Country | |
61056298 | May 2008 | US | |
61474966 | Apr 2011 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 12471553 | May 2009 | US |
Child | 13432089 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 13432089 | Mar 2012 | US |
Child | 13445631 | US |