The described technology relates to analysis of stormwater management control at a development site or at different scales within a watershed.
Land development generally alters the natural water balance of a site. When natural vegetation and soils are replaced with roads and buildings, less rainfall infiltrates into the ground, and more rainfall becomes surface runoff.
To minimize flooding at a site, traditional ditch and pipe systems have been designed to remove stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces as quickly as possible, and deliver it to receiving waters. As a result, stormwater runoff arrives at the receiving waters much faster and in greater volume than under natural conditions. This speed and volume causes channel erosion, flooding, loss of aquatic habitat, and water quality degradation. If these impacts are not avoided, there can be environmental, legal, financial, and political implications, and so on.
“Stormwater source control” is used to capture rainfall at the source (e.g., on building lots or within road right-of-ways) and return it to natural hydrologic pathways—infiltration and evapotranspiration—or reuse it at the source. Stormwater source control creates hydraulic disconnects between impervious surfaces and watercourses (e.g., streams), thus reducing the volume and rate of surface runoff.
It is currently difficult to assess the cost and benefit tradeoffs of stormwater source controls. Watersheds typically have a management plan developed based on a watershed study that provides a realistic and feasible framework for overall watershed protection that includes combining watershed controls like best management practices and land use management. Because these studies, however, are conducted at a large scale, the effects of individual stormwater management source control measures cannot be effectively evaluated. Without knowing the effects of these measures, it is difficult to strike a balance between watershed protection, economic growth, and quality of life issues.
It would be desirable to have an effective way to analyze the effects of various stormwater source control efforts on a development.
A method and system for modeling water flow (e.g., stormwater, point sources, and water withdrawals) of a watershed restoration project is provided. In one embodiment, the modeling system allows a user to create a graphical representation of the different areas of a development site design. The graphical representation shows the water flows between the different areas. The user may also specify the attributes of each area, such as rate of infiltration, runoff coefficient, size, rate of evapotranspiration, and so on. The modeling system can simulate the impact of rainfall on the development design. The rainfall may be specified on a user-defined time step (e.g., hourly) over a certain period (e.g., one month). The simulation determines the inflow of water to each area and determines the outflow of water for each area. The inflow may be from rainfall, runoff from another area, etc.; and the outflow may be from runoff, infiltration, evapotranspiration, groundwater losses, etc. The results of this simulation can be used to evaluate the development design and adjust the design to achieve the desired cost-benefit balance of the watershed protection criteria of choice (e.g., peak water flow). The modeling system may allow a user to specify various watershed protection criteria, which can include peak water flow, flow volume, and water quality, and so on. The modeling system evaluates, based on the simulation, whether any criterion is exceeded. The modeling system can be used to model various types of water flows including stormwater runoff and combined stormwater and sewer flows.
In one embodiment, the modeling system provides objects representing the possible types of areas within each land use that can be part of a development. The land uses may include residential, commercial, industrial, and so on. Each land parcel of the development has an associated land use and is divided into areas that can be pervious and impervious. The impervious areas include roofs, driveways, and roads; and pervious areas include open spaces and yards. The modeling system may provide objects for roofs, driveways, roads, open spaces, and yards. The modeling system also provides objects for sources and sinks of water. The sources of water may include rainfall, a river, reuse, etc., and the sinks of water may include evapotranspiration, soil infiltration, etc. Each object provides a model of its type of area. For example, the object for a roof may model the amount of runoff based on the size of the roof, the amount of rainfall, the type of vegetation which controls evapotranspiration, and soil properties (depth, and infiltration parameters) to estimate runoff volumes. Other elements can include an underdrain beneath the soil layer for removing infiltrated water.
The modeling system allows a user to prepare a graphical representation of the areas of the development showing the dependencies (i.e., water outflows and water inflows) between the areas. Each area of the development may be graphically represented by an icon. Each lot of a residential development may be represented by a roof area, a driveway area, a yard area, a side walk, and a road area and thus be represented by multiple icons. The roof, driveway, side walk, and road areas may have a rainfall inflow and runoff outflow and potential storage in depressions, whereas the yard area also has a rainfall inflow and runoff outflow, and additionally has a soil infiltration, water flow, groundwater, etc., outflow. If the runoff outflow of a lot is directed to an open space, then a dependency between the runoff outflow of the lot and the inflow of the open space is established, which may be represented by a line connecting an icon of the lot and the open space. A dependency indicates that water flows from one area to another area.
The modeling system allows the user to specify attributes of the areas and sources of water of the development. The attributes of an open-space area may include its size, slope, soil type, and so on. The attributes of a rainfall water source may be the hourly rainfall totals over a certain period, such as the three months of a rainy season. The modeling system simulates the water flows by iteratively calculating the outflows and inflows of each area of the development at certain intervals. For example, if the rainfall totals are hourly, then the modeling system may perform the calculations representing one-hour intervals. The modeling system calculates the total water inflow for each area based on the rainfall amounts and the total water outflow of each area based on runoff coefficients, infiltration rates, and so on. The dependencies define the order in which the calculations for each object are performed. In particular, the calculations for an area are not performed until the calculations for the areas that provide it water are first calculated. The modeling system can track and provide reports based on peak water flows and total water flow for each area within the development. The modeling system allows the user to change the attributes and areas of the development to analyze the effects of different land uses on the watershed.
In one embodiment, the modeling system may provide an interface to a geographic information system (“GIS”) to input information relating to the development site to be modeled. The modeling system may allow a user to select the developments, lots, etc. of the GIS whose information is to be used by the modeling system. For example, if a new development is selected, then the number of lots and attributes (e.g., size) of the areas of each lot can be retrieved from the GIS and used to initialize the data of the modeling system. The modeling system allows the user to modify these attributes and specify the inter-area water flows.
In one embodiment, the modeling system provides an optimizer (that includes optimization routines) that identifies a development design that is optimal as indicated by an objective function. After a user defines a development design, the user specifies an objective function that rates the design. The objective function may, for example, define profit for the development and thus rate the design based on amount of profit. The user also defines various constraints of the development design. For example, one constraint may be the minimum and maximum number of lots in a residential development, and another constraint may be the minimum and maximum number of acres of open space. The modeling system selects initial parameters (e.g., 150 lots) within the constraints, performs the simulation with those parameters, and then calculates the objective function. The system then selects new parameters, performs the simulation, and re-calculates the objective function. The modeling system selects the new parameters based on whether the objective function is converging to an optimal solution. One skilled in the art will appreciate that various well-known optimization techniques may be used for guiding the selection of parameters. The system repeats this process until the parameters for the highest rated optimized design is found and all the stormwater requirements for the site or watershed are satisfied.
In one embodiment, the modeling system provides a continuous-simulation model based largely on physical processes that occur within bio-retention facilities, vegetated swales, green roofs, and infiltration devices, as well as effects of site fingerprinting and soil compaction. The modeling system accounts for runoff generation from all categories of land covering including roadways, landscaping, and buildings over a variety of land uses and soil types, for new development and redevelopment.
The modeling system optimizes the balance between economic growth and watershed protection. The modeling system provides least-cost stormwater management solutions that meet watershed protection and quality-of-life objectives. Some of the potential uses of the model are to identify appropriate, site-specific best management practices, and to evaluate the effects of volume-based, peak flow, and water quality controls. The modeling system, developed on an Extend dynamic stimulation platform in one embodiment, is a visually oriented interactive tool that allows a wide range of applications from site design, site analysis and review, and public education.
The modeling system may be also used for sediment analysis to simulate sediment transport, water quality, and stream hydraulics for a site or watershed. The modeling can be used to help control peak stormwater flows while protecting receiving waters from pollutants. The modeling system may also factor in dynamic land use changes. For example, when lots of a multi-lot development are modified, their land use changes over time and are factored into the modeling. In another embodiment, the modeling system can be used to predict the effects of land use on aquatic biota. The modeling system can integrate with a fish bioenergetics model to predict the effects of development on fish.
The modeling system may execute on a computer system that includes a central processing unit, memory, input devices (e.g., keyboard and pointing devices), output devices (e.g., display devices), and storage devices (e.g., disk drives). The memory and storage devices are computer-readable media that may contain instructions that implement the modeling system. In addition, the data structures and message structures may be stored or transmitted via a data transmission medium, such as a signal on a communications link. The modeling system may be implemented using various well-known simulator tools. In one embodiment, the modeling system is implemented on the Extend modeling environment, which is described in detail in “The Extend Simulation Environment” by David Krahl, published in the Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
In one embodiment, the modeling system can be used to simulate water quality, stream hydraulics, and sediment transport for a site or watershed. Stormwater management within a watershed is extremely critical as excessive unmanaged flows in the watershed and excessive sediment, nutrient and other pollutant loads generated within the watershed degrade our streams, reservoirs, lakes, and oceans. The simulation can help decision makers make sound decisions for watershed protection, i.e., how best to protect the watershed from high flows, high sediment loads, and other water problems that arise from development in the watershed. The modeling system provides simulation components for pervious areas, impervious areas, and streams and for each of these components, sub-components relating to hydrology, sediment, and water quality.
I. Pervious Component
A. Hydrology Sub-Component
1. Interception
In one embodiment, the modeling system handles interception by vegetative cover by a bucket approach, with rainfall and evapotranspiration impacting interception storage directly and overflow reaching the soil surface. The modeling system assumes that surface lateral inflow bypasses interception entirely. The modeling system models interception based on a canopy interception storage capacity parameter. The modeling system defines canopy interception storage capacity by the following equation:
where Ci is interception storage capacity at time i, Ci−1 is interception storage capacity at time i-1, Pi is rainfall at time i, Ei is evaporation up to potential at time i, and Oi is overflow at time i. Overflow represents the amount of water that exceeds the interception storage capacity of the vegetative cover. The modeling system may allow the interception storage capacity to vary seasonally.
2. Surface Retention
In the modeling system, surface retention storage represents a water storage capacity within the pervious area as a result of surface roughness and small depressions in the pervious area. The modeling system assumes that surface runoff does not occur until the surface retention capacity has filled.
3. Infiltration
The modeling system handles infiltration for pervious areas as a function of the soil moisture and the hydraulic conductivities of both the surface and subsurface soil layers. In this formulation, the user specifies a maximum infiltration rate, which applies when the soil is at or below field capacity. When the soil moisture rises above field capacity, then the infiltration rate drops linearly to the saturated hydraulic conductivity for the surface soil layer, which is reached when soil moisture equals porosity. The modeling system models infiltration according to the following equation:
where I is infiltration capacity, Imax is maximum infiltration capacity for surface soil, H is surface soil hydraulic conductivity, θ is soil moisture, f is field capacity, and p is porosity.
The modeling system assumes that when the resulting soil moisture is above field capacity, then the excess water is subject to further percolation toward the water table based on a user-specified release rate. This rate is further subject to the limit of the lesser of the saturated conductivities of the surface soil layer and the subsurface layer. The modeling system represents percolation by the following equation:
P=Min [(θ−f)*R, Hs, Hsub]
where P is percolation, Min is the minimum function, θ is soil moisture, f is field capacity, R is release rate, Hs is surface soil hydraulic conductivity, and Hsub subsurface soil hydraulic conductivity. The modeling system represents release rate R by the following equation:
R=1−exp (−0.692 Δt/h)
where R is release rate, Δt is hours per time step, and h is surface soil layer drainage half-life.
The modeling system represents the overall water balance for the control depth of soil by the following equation:
ΔSM=Min [I, S]−P−E*C
where ΔSM is change in soil moisture, I is infiltration capacity, S is surface water supply (retention storage+rainfall+lateral inflow), P is percolation, E is potential evapotranspiration remaining after interception evapotranspiration, and C is crop coefficient for dominant vegetation (which may vary seasonally).
The modeling system may alternatively use the Mein-Larson implementation of the Green-Ampt method for infiltration. When using this alternative, the modeling system may represent the maximum infiltration rate by the following equation:
where finf is infiltration rate for current time step, Ke is effective hydraulic conductivity, Ψwf is wetting front matric potential, Δθv is change in volumetric moisture content across the wetting front, and Finf is cumulative infiltration. If the rainfall intensity is less than this maximum, then the modeling system adds the full rainfall amount to the cumulative infiltration. Otherwise, the modeling system uses the maximum rate, and the excess rainfall remains on the surface to be routed after being subject to surface retention storage.
4. Interflow
When the soil moisture is above field capacity, it becomes available for lateral movement from one area to another, which is referred to as interflow. In one embodiment, a fraction of such soil moisture is available, and a recession constant defines how much of the available interflow leaves the pervious area per time step. The modeling system represents interflow by the following equation:
where II is interflow inflow, k is fraction of excess soil moisture subject to lateral flow, SM is soil moisture, and FC is field capacity. The modeling system subtracts interflow inflow from the soil moisture and tracks it as a separate interflow storage. The modeling system represents the outflow from this storage by the following equation:
where Q is interflow outflow, S is interflow storage, and RC is a recession constant.
5. Overland Flow
The modeling system can handle overland flow in various ways with the same equations used for pervious and impervious areas. In one embodiment, the modeling system may assume that for small sites with short overland flow times relative to the model time step, surface runoff may not need to be routed. That is, the modeling system assumes that all water that reaches the overland flow plane results in direct runoff. In another embodiment, the modeling system may apply a runoff coefficient. The modeling system assumes that the fraction of water on the surface represented by the runoff coefficient runs off in the interval, with the rest remaining until the next time step, after being subject to evaporation. The modeling system represents the surface runoff by the following equation:
where Q is surface runoff, k is a runoff coefficient, and S is surface storage. In an alternate embodiment, the modeling system assumes that runoff can be routed across the Horton overland plane using the version of the Chezy-Manning equation from the HSPF model (Bicknell et al, 2000). The runoff amount is a function of length, slope, and roughness, with different factors for the rising and falling limbs of the hydrograph. The modeling system represents surface depression/retention storage factoring in rising and falling limbs by the following equations:
where Q is surface runoff, s is slope, n is Manning's roughness coefficient, L is overland flow length, S is mean surface storage over interval, and Se is equilibrium surface storage given surface inflow rate. The modeling system represents equilibrium surface storage by the following equation:
where Se is equilibrium surface storage, L is overland flow length, n is Manning's roughness coefficient, s is slope, I is surface inflow rate.
B. Sediment Sub-Component
In one embodiment, the modeling system calculates the sediment erosion from pervious soil using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, which is used in the SWAT model (Neitsch et al., 2000).
where Xt is sediment generated on time step t, Q is surface runoff volume, qpk is peak runoff rate, A is area of the pervious block, K is USLE soil erodibility factor, LS is USLE topographic factor, C is USLE cover and management factor, P is USLE support practice factor, and CFRG is coarse fragment factor.
After calculating the sediment erosion, the modeling system calculates the transport of the sediment to the edge of the stream. The modeling system represents the transport by the following equation:
where Yt is sediment load to edge of stream, Xt is sediment generated on time step t, and D is delivery ratio. The modeling system divides the load by the flow and passes the resulting concentration downstream. In one embodiment, the modeling system may divide the load and concentration into sand, silt, and clay portions by user-defined constant fractions.
C. Water Quality Sub-Component
1. Water Temperature
The modeling system computes the temperatures of surface runoff and interflow as regressions on air temperature.
2. Dissolved Oxygen
The modeling system may assume that the dissolved oxygen concentration of surface runoff to be at saturation for the temperature of surface runoff. The modeling system represents saturation of dissolved oxygen by the following equation:
where SAT is saturation dissolved oxygen concentration, Tw is water temperature, and Fp is correction factor on air pressure due to elevation. The modeling system represents the correction factor on air pressure by the following equation:
where Fp is correction factor on air pressure due to elevation and E is elevation.
The modeling system assigns a subsurface concentration to interflow. The modeling system may allow this concentration to vary seasonally.
3. General Water Quality Loadings
The modeling system provides generalized methods of washoff and build-up of various water quality constituents.
where Si is storage of constituent at end of interval, Si−1 is storage of constituent at beginning of interval, Ri is removal rate, and Ai is accumulation rate (kg/interval).
where W is washoff of constituent, S is storage of constituent, Qs is surface runoff rate, and F is washoff factor.
The modeling system assigns potency factors to the sediment loadings for water quality constituents that are commonly adsorbed to sediment. These constituents may include ammonia, phosphate, metals, and toxics. The modeling system may use the same or different potency factors for sand, silt, and clay fractions. The modeling system represents the wash load of water quality constituents by the following equation:
where W is washload of constituent, S is sediment delivered to edge of stream, and P is potency factor. The modeling system may also assign concentrations to interflow for any or all of the water quality constituents. The modeling system may allow the buildup rates and limits, the potency factors, and the interflow concentrations to vary seasonally.
II. Impervious Component
A. Hydrology Sub-Component
The modeling system uses hydrology algorithms for impervious areas that are a subset of the methods used for pervious areas. The modeling system uses surface retention, surface runoff, and surface evaporation for impervious areas, but may not use interception, infiltration, interflow, and percolation for impervious areas.
B. Sediment Sub-Component
The modeling system uses sediment algorithms for impervious areas that may differ significantly from those for pervious areas. (See, Pitt, R. Stormwater Quality Management.) The modeling system uses algorithms similar to the buildup and washoff algorithms used for general water quality loadings as described above. The modeling system represents the buildup of sediment for impervious areas by the following equation:
where Pi is solid accumulated up to t days, Pi is initial solid storage, P is maximum solid build-up, A is impervious area, k is build up factor, and j is rain duration. The modeling system represents the washoff of sediment for impervious areas by the following equation:
where W is impervious sediment washoff, Av is availability factor, W0 is initial pollutant load, k2 is washoff rate, r is rainfall intensity, and j is rain duration. The modeling system represents the availability factor by the following equations:
Av=0.057+0.04r1.1 if r<18 mm/hr
Av=1.0 if r≧18 mm/hr
where Av is availability factor and r is rainfall intensity.
An alternative method for the washoff is based on surface runoff rather than rainfall, using an equation of a similar form:
where W is impervious sediment washoff, W0 is initial pollutant load, k is washoff rate, q is surface runoff depth, and j is timestep duration.
The modeling system represents the quantity of sediment transferred with runoff by the following equation:
where delta P is the quantity of sediment transferred with runoff, Pi is initial solid storage, and Pi is solid accumulated up to t days.
C. Water Quality Sub-Component
1. Water Temperature
2. Dissolved Oxygen
3. General Water Quality Loadings
III. Stream Component
The stream component of the modeling system is used to simulate stream channels, rivers, canals, ponds or any other open systems that convey runoff or water from the watershed to a point further downstream.
A. Hydrology Sub-Component
The modeling system in one embodiment provides two options for routing flow in stream objects. For ponds and other impoundments, the modeling system may assume that surface storage can be retained in ponded conditions, with any excess above a maximum storage running off immediately. The modeling system represents the outflow volume in such a case by the following equation:
Q=Max(0.0, Si+I+R−E−C)
where Q is outflow volume, Si is initial storage in stream reach, I is inflow volume, R is rainfall volume, E is volume of evaporation, and C is impoundment capacity at outfall invert. Alternatively, the modeling system may assume a more general channel routing model that is patterned after the one used in the SWAT model. In the SWAT model, the flow can be routed using a simple kinematic wave method with Manning's equation for open-channel flow providing the outflow rates. The modeling system allows the user to specify the geometry of the channel to represent storage.
The modeling system may assume that a channel is trapezoidal in shape with the user specifying the bottom width, bank height, and inverse bank slope. These parameters may also allow a triangular (bottom width=0) or rectangular (inverse bank slope=0) channel to be specified. The modeling system may alternatively use a parabolic equation to allow U-shaped channels. The floodplain consists of an additional trapezoid added above the bank.
where A is cross-sectional area, Si is initial storage in stream reach, I is inflow volume, R is rainfall volume, E is volume of evaporation, and L is length of stream reach. The modeling system then calculates the depth and wetted perimeter based on the assumed cross section. If the storage is at or below the bankfull storage, then the modeling system represents the depth and wetted perimeter by the following equations:
where D is depth, A is cross-sectional area, zb is inverse bank slope, Wbc is bottom width of channel, and P is wetted perimeter. Conversely, if the storage is above bankfull, then the modeling system calculates the depth and wetted perimeter to account for the floodplain shape parameters as well which are represented by the following equations:
where Db is bankfull depth, A is cross-sectional area, Ab is bankfull cross-sectional area, zf is inverse floodplain slope, Wbf is floodplain bottom width, P is wetted perimeter, Wbc is bottom width of channel, D is depth, and Pb is bankfull wetted perimeter. The modeling system represents the hydraulic radius Rh by the following equation:
where Rh is the hydraulic radius, A is cross-sectional area, and P is wetted perimeter. The modeling system then calculates the flow at the end of the time step using Manning's equation as represented by the following equation:
where qf is instantaneous flow rate at the end of the time step, n is Manning's N value, A is cross-sectional area, Rh is the hydraulic radius, and S is longitudinal bed slope. The modeling system calculates the volume of outflow during the time step using the variable storage routing algorithm of the SWAT model. This algorithm first estimates the travel time through the reach using the following equation:
where T is travel time, L is length of stream reach, A is cross-sectional area, and qf is instantaneous flow rate at the end of the time step. The modeling system then calculates a storage coefficient by the following equation:
where Cs is storage coefficient, T is travel time, and Δt is time step of the run. The modeling system then calculates the outflow volume by the following equation:
Q=Cs*(Si+I +R−E)
where Q is the outflow volume, Cs is storage coefficient, Si is initial storage in stream reach, I is inflow volume, R is rainfall volume, and E is volume of evaporation.
B. Sediment Sub-Component
The modeling system simulates instream sediment transport using equations developed and used in the SWAT model by Neitsch et al. (2000). The modeling system calculates the transport capacity as a simple power function of stream velocity as represented by the following equation:
where Cmax is maximum sediment concentration, Ks is user-defined sediment transport coefficient, v is stream velocity, and Es is user-defined sediment transport exponent. If the existing concentration Cs is greater than Cmax, then the modeling system calculates the deposition as the excess by the following equation:
where D is deposition, Cs is sediment concentration, Cmax is maximum sediment concentration, and V is volume of water in stream reach. Conversely, if the sediment concentration is less than the transport capacity, then the modeling system calculates the scour from the bed using the following equation:
where S is scour, Cmax is maximum sediment concentration, Cs is sediment concentration, V is volume of water in stream reach, K is bed erodibility factor, and CF is bed cover factor.
C. Water Quality Sub-Component
1. Water Temperature
The modeling system provides two different algorithms for calculating instream water temperature, as well as the capability to accept an input timeseries of water temperatures. The first algorithm is a function of air temperature as represented by the following equation:
where Tw is water temperature and Ta is air temperature. This is similar to the surface runoff temperature equation used by the pervious and impervious components, but uses the daily average temperature to dampen the variation relative to the diurnal air temperature cycle. This temperature may be modified by a smoothing factor according to the following equation:
where Ts is the computed smoothed water temperature, Ti is the temperature at the beginning of the timestep, k is the smoothing factor, Tr is the intermediate temperature computed by regression in the previous equation. A further modification may occur due to a difference in temperature between the water already in the channel or pond and the current inflow of water. The effect is proportional to the fraction of the total volume of water that is current inflow. The equation is:
where Tf is the final computed water temperature, k is the inflow factor, Ts is the (optionally smoothed) temperature after the previous two equations, Qi is the inflow, and Si is the storage of water at the beginning of the timestep.
The second algorithm is a more complex energy balance approach used by HSPF, which allows the model to represent the effects of differing inflow temperatures on the stream. With this algorithm, the modeling system assumes that the heat exchange between the water and the atmosphere drives the temperature and is represented by the following equation:
where Qtot is total heat exchange, Qsol is input of solar radiation, Qiw is net longwave radiation, Qcon is heat exchange due to conduction and convection, Qprec is heat input due to precipitation, and Qevap is heat loss due to evaporation. The modeling system calculates these terms by the following equations:
where 0.97 is assumption of 3% reflection, Qsol is input of solar radiation Fs is shading factor for stream reach, and Rs is incoming solar radiation (kcal/m2), and
where Qiw is net longwave radiation, σ is Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Tw is water temperature, Kiw is atmospheric longwave radiation coefficient, Fc is cloud factor, and Ta is air temperature, and
where Fc is cloud factor and C is cloud cover, and
where Qcon is heat exchange due to conduction and convection, Fp is correction factor on air pressure due to elevation, Kc is conduction-convection heat transport coefficient, W is wind movement, Tw is daily average water temperature, and Ta is daily average air temperature and
Fp=((288.0−0.001981*E)/288.0){circumflex over ( )}5.256
where Fp is correction factor on air pressure due to elevation and E is elevation (m), and
where Qprec is heat input due to precipitation, P is precipitation, Ta is daily average air temperature, p is density of water, and Hs is specific heat of water, and
where Qevap is heat loss due to evaporation, E is evaporation loss in depth terms, ρ is density of water, and HL is latent heat of vaporization, and
where HL is latent heat of vaporization and Tw is daily average water temperature.
2. Dissolved Oxygen and Biological Oxygen Demand
The modeling system models the Dissolved Oxygen and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (DO and BOD respectively) using the Streeter-Phelps algorithm. When a full eutrophication method is not used, the modeling system assumes that Nitrogenous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (NBOD) is negligible compared to Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD), or at least well correlated so that they can be lumped together. The modeling system models the BOD decay using temperature-adjusted first-order decay. Also, a Sediment Oxygen Demand (SOD) term will consume further DO, and BOD will settle out at a user-specified fall velocity. The modeling system represents the change in dissolved oxygen storage by the following equations:
where ΔDO is change in dissolved oxygen storage, I is inflow of dissolved oxygen, O is outflow of dissolved oxygen, R is reaeration, D is CBOD decay loss, and SOD is sediment oxygen demand. The modeling system represents change in CBOD by the following equation:
where ΔCBOD is change in CBOD, I is inflow of CBOD, O is outflow of CBOD, S is sinking of macroscopic organic matter, and D is BOD decay. The modeling system represents sinking of macroscopic organic matter by the following equation:
where S is sinking of macroscopic organic matter, C is concentration of BOD, Ks is settling rate, d is depth, and V is volume of water. The modeling system represents BOD decay by the following equation:
where D is BOD decay, Kd is BOD decay rate, θd is BOD decay temperature correction factor, and Tw is water temperature.
The modeling system uses reaeration described by the Covar algorithm for free-flowing streams and the O'Connor wind-driven algorithm for impoundments. The modeling system represents reaeration using the Covar algorithm for free-flowing streams by the following equation:
where R is reaeration, kr is reaeration coefficient, v is stream velocity, Kv is velocity exponent, d is stream depth, Kd is depth exponent, θ is temperature correction coefficient, Tw is water temperature, SAT is saturation DO concentration, and DO is starting DO concentration.
The modeling system represents reaeration using the O'Connor algorithm for wind-driven by the following equation:
where R is reaeration, Fcirc is circulation factor, W is windspeed, d is depth, SAT is saturation DO concentration, and DO is starting DO concentration. The modeling system calculates saturation of dissolved oxygen as described above for pervious areas using the following equation:
where SAT is saturation dissolved oxygen concentration, Tw is water temperature, and Fp is correction factor on air pressure due to elevation. The modeling system represents the correction factor on air pressure due to elevation by the following equation:
Fp=((288.0−0.001981*E)/288.0){circumflex over ( )}5.256
where Fp is correction factor on air pressure due to elevation and E is elevation.
3. Eutrophication
The modeling system models nitrogen and phosphorus using different algorithms. Total nitrogen and total phosphorous may be advected, with a temperature-corrected first order decay rate to represent the assimilative capacity of the stream. Also, partition coefficients may be established so that each may be partially advected in adsorbed form, and separate decay rates for adsorbed quantities may be given. The modeling system assumes that adsorption and desorption reach equilibrium within the timestep, so that transfer rates are not needed. The modeling system represents the nitrogen by the following equation:
where D is total nitrogen decay, N is total nitrogen concentration, KN is nitrogen decay rate, θN is nitrogen decay temperature correction factor, and Tw is water temperature. The modeling system may use identical equations for phosphorous decay and for nitrogen and phosphorus adsorbed forms.
The modeling system may also use a more detailed representation of biochemical transformations, including nitrification, denitrification, mineralization, and phytoplankton growth, respiration and death. This more detailed representation may require the separate loading of nitrate, ammonia, orthophosphate, and organic nitrogen and phosphorus from the pervious and impervious blocks rather than using simple total nitrogen and total phosphorous loadings.
4. Instream Metals/Toxics/Bacteria
As for the pervious and impervious blocks, the modeling system uses similar algorithms to model the transport and fate of metals, toxics, and bacteria. The modeling system accounts for the adsorption/desorption of toxics and metals to sediments using partitioning coefficients that specify how much pollutant is in the dissolved phase or attached to sediment, so as to specify the amount absorbed to sediment versus the amount in solution form. None is used for bacteria. The modeling system also uses a temperature-corrected first-order decay/death for toxics and bacteria. No decay rate is used for metals.
The modeling system uses equations that are the same as for the simple eutrophication equations.
Land use changes within a watershed alter the watershed's water flow and water quality. If static land use is assumed when developing plans for watershed protection based in whole or in part on a watershed model, i.e., the land use does not change during the period of time covered by the watershed model, the model calibration for the watershed can be poor, resulting in watershed management plans that are not based on realistic land use patterns. By taking into account dynamic land use when developing plans for watershed protection based in whole or in part on a watershed model, i.e., the land use changes during the period of time covered by the watershed model, the model calibration for the watershed will be improved, resulting in watershed management plans that are based on more realistic land use patterns. One skilled in the art will appreciate that there are many other potential uses for a modeling system that can simulate dynamic land use changes within a watershed. For example, stormwater management agencies could use such a modeling system to evaluate the impact of dynamic land use changes on their current and proposed stormwater controls, thereby helping these agencies decide appropriate times and places for implementing stormwater controls.
In one embodiment, the modeling system enables simulation of dynamic land use changes within a watershed by allowing a user to input a time series of land use changes that occur within a site or watershed. The modeling system reads this time series and provides results for flow, sediment, and water quality that reflect dynamic land use changes rather than static land use.
The modeling system may be based on a series of dynamic simulation objects that represent the functional representation where one can input the time series of land use changes. The use of the development components allows the user to analyze the results of changing land use and respective water quantity and quality during the simulation. The user can specify land use changes that occur in a specified area in a tabular format such as how much land is being developed daily, monthly, and so on. The resulting changes in land disturbance result in changing water quantity and quality that can be simulated.
The modeling system allows a time series of lots to be applied to a development design. An input connector receives the number of lots in a particular development at a given time. The development design component is used to apply the appropriate surface areas to each object in a development by referencing a typical lot composition and applying a number of lots.
The modeling system may display and update the number of lots in a development throughout the simulation.
In some embodiments, the modeling system may be configured to enable a user to predict the effects of land use on aquatic biota. In one such embodiment, a generalized fish bioenergetics (FB) model is combined with the modeling system. By combining the modeling system and a FB model, one can use the modeling system to predict the effects of Low-Impact Development (LID) on the growth of key fish species that serve as general indicators of aquatic ecosystem health, thereby enabling users to quantify the benefits of LID on biota and visualize how LID-based improvements impact the general status of ecosystem system. Additionally, the combined modeling system can be used to evaluate the effects of LID-based water quality controls on fish biota in habitats near the site, identify site-specific best management practices that minimize or reduce the effects of development on biota and their habitat, increase a user's ability to achieve a balance between economic growth and protection of sensitive habitats, and so on. The combined modeling system can further be configured to include parameterization options for a wide range of fish species and their physiological responses (food consumption, respiration) to key variables such as water temperature, which enables the modeling system to be used to predict the effects of LID on fish species from a variety of habitats (streams, ponds, rivers, wetlands).
In one embodiment, the FB model simulates the fish growth process using an energy budget approach in which daily growth equals the difference between energy consumed in food and energy lost via metabolism, egestion (feces), and excretion (urine). In the FB model, these physiological processes are modeled as functions of fish body mass and water temperature. Additionally, the FB model can use existing relationships that describe the effects of other water quality variables (e.g., flow, sediment load, toxins, nutrients, etc.) on fish physiological processes, as well as on its prey resources, to predict fish growth rate. The modeling system's output, which includes water temperature and other water quality variables used in FB model, can be used as the source of input data for the FB model, thereby effectively simulating the effects of land use changes in a watershed on the growth rates of various fish stages (e.g., juveniles and adults).
In some embodiments, the modeling system may be combined with a FB model by integrating the FB model into the modeling system. The standard equations describing fish physiological processes and their dependence on fish body mass and water temperature in Hanson et al. (1997) may be stored in the object store and invoked by the simulate component to generate output information about the fish, which can be stored in the output store. In other embodiments, the modeling system may be linked to an existing software package that contains a FB model. One such software package is available from the University of Wisconsin-Sea Grant (Hanson et al. 1997). When the modeling system is linked to an existing software package containing a FB model, the modeling system outputs of physical parameters is fed into the FB model to predict effects on fish growth.
As discussed above, the FB model may be based on an energy budget where specific growth rate (dB/Bdt) is modeled. In the FB model, a fish's growth rate is represented gby the following equation:
where B is the weight of the fish, t is time, C is consumption, R is respiration, F is egestion, and U is excretion. The FB model predicts fish growth on a daily basis.
I. Consumption Component
The FB model models consumption as an allometric function of fish weight, water temperature, and food availability. The FB model determines consumption by the following equations:
where ac and bc are the intercept and slope, respectively, that relate maximum consumption rates (CMAX, g/g/d) at the optimal temperature (TCo) to fish wet body mass (W, in grams). CMAX is based on the fact that a fish cannot consume more than its stomach can hold, and consumption rate is therefore bounded by this temperature-dependent maximum consumption. The actual consumption rate (C) is defined as the proportion of maximum consumption (P, value ranges from 0 to 1) realized in the field, which serves as an index of food availability. This P factor may be constant or may be input as a timeseries to reflect the effect of changing habitat conditions. The temperature-dependence function for consumption, f(Tc), follows that described for warm-water species (Hanson et al., 1997) as represented by the following equation:
and T is the ambient water temperature, TCm and TCo are the maximum and optimal temperatures for consumption, and CQ is the Q10 (multiplier by which a rate increases for every 10° C. increase in temperature) for consumption at low water temperatures. One skilled in the art will appreciate that other temperature dependence functions for food consumption may be used. (See, e.g., Hanson et al. 1997.)
II. Respiration (Metabolism) Component
The FB model models respiration rate (R) as an allometric function of body weight, water temperature, fish activity level, and specific dynamic action (SDA). The modeling system represents respiration by the following equation:
where ar and br are the intercept and slope, respectively, that describe the relationship between fish body weight (W) and standard respiration rate, f(TR) is the temperature-dependence function for respiration (described below), A is the activity parameter (≧1.0) that specifies rates above standard level, S is the SDA coefficient which is defined as the metabolic cost of digesting and processing consumed energy, and F is specific egestion rate.
The FB model uses a temperature-dependence function for respiration that follows consumption described in eq. 4 (Hanson et al., 1997). The modeling system represents the function by the following equation:
X is as described in eq. 6 of Hanson,
and T is the ambient water temperature, TRm and TRo are the maximum and optimal temperatures for respiration, and RQ approximates the average Q10 for respiration. One skilled in the art will appreciate that other temperature dependence functions for respiration may be used. (See, e.g., Hanson et al. 1997.)
III. Egestion (F) and Excretion (U) Component
The FB model models egestion and excretion as constant proportions of consumption and assimilation, respectively (Hanson et al., 1997). The modeling system represents egestion and excretion by the following equations:
where C, the consumption rate is as described in eq. 2 (Hanson et al., 1997).
Species-specific information on the various physiological parameters can be found in Appendix A in Hanson et al. (1997). This appendix contains information on 55 fish species representing a variety of aquatic habitats ranging from streams, ponds, lakes, estuaries and oceans. Information on additional species can also be found in primary journal literature published after 1997. The modeling system provides a menu-driven “species library” that is continuously updated as new information on other species becomes available.
The modeling system can be used to model a wide variety of fish species for which information on physiological parameters and their relationship to various environmental factors.
The modeling system provides a user-extensible database of parameter values for each species of fish, including the selection of alternative equations most appropriate for that species. The species database block is global to the entire model, and each stream block currently selects the species represented. If migration from reach to reach is to be modeled, selection of a single species for all stream blocks may be enforced.
These parameters are used to track fish biomass in the reach based on stream temperature, using the equations described in the preceding section.
The water quality module may include water quality processes and provide linkage to other water quality models such as SWMM, SWAT, HSPF, and WASP among others. In the full eutrophication algorithm, the DO/BOD cycle may have additional elements. The modeling system may represent change in dissolved oxygen by the following equation:
where ΔDO is change in dissolved oxygen storage, R is reaeration, D is BOD decay loss, SOD is sediment oxygen demand, NIT is nitrification loss, PGRO is oxygen production due to phytoplankton growth, and PRES is oxygen consumption due to plankton respiration.
where ΔCBOD is change in carbonaceous BOD, I is inflow, O is outflow, S is settling of particulate organic matter, D is BOD decay, DEN is reduction of BOD due to consumption via denitrification by stoichiometric ratio, and PDTH is addition of BOD due to plankton death by stoichiometric ratio.
The modeling system may also use detailed mass-balance tracking of nitrate, ammonia, organic nitrogen, phosphate, organic phosphorus, and phytoplankton as represented by the following equations:
where ΔNO3 is change in nitrate storage, I is inflow of nitrate, O is outflow of nitrate, NIT is production of nitrate by nitrification of ammonia, DEN is removal of nitrate by denitrification to N2, PGRO is uptake of nitrogen for phytoplankton growth, by stoichiometric ratio, and fNO3 is fraction of nitrogen uptake satisfied by nitrate, and
where ΔNH3 is change in ammonia storage, I is inflow of ammonia, O is outflow of ammonia, ONM is production of ammonia due to organic N mineralization, NIT is removal of ammonia by nitrification to nitrate, PGRO is uptake of nitrogen for phytoplankton growth, by stoichiometric ratio, PDTH is release of nitrogen due to phytoplankton death and FON is fraction of nitrogen released as organic N due to phytoplankton death, and
where ΔON is change in organic nitrogen storage, I is inflow of organic nitrogen, O is outflow of organic nitrogen, NSET is settling of organic nitrogen, ONM is bacterial mineralization of organic nitrogen to ammonia, PDTH is release of nitrogen due to phytoplankton death, and FON is fraction of nitrogen released as organic N due to phytoplankton death, and
where ΔPO4 is change in phosphate storage, I is inflow of phosphate, O is outflow of phosphate, OPM is production of phosphate due to organic phosphorus mineralization, PGRO is uptake of phosphate for phytoplankton growth, by stoichiometric ratio, PDTH is release of phosphorus due to phytoplankton death, and FOP is fraction of phosphorus released as organic phosphorus due to phytoplankton death, and
where ΔOP is change in organic phosphorus storage, I is inflow of organic phosphorus, O is outflow of organic phosphorus, PSET is settling of organic phosphorus, OPM is bacterial mineralization of organic phosphorus to phosphate, PDTH is release of phosphorus due to phytoplankton death, and FOP is fraction of phosphorus released as organic phosphorus due to phytoplankton death, and
where ΔP is change in phytoplankton biomass, PGRO is phytoplankton growth, PRES is phytoplankton respiration, PDTH is phytoplankton death, and PSET is phytoplankton settling.
Of the above processes, many are specified as simple first-order rates, with a standard Arrhenius temperature correction based on 20° C. represented by the following equation:
where Keff is effective first-order rate, K20 is nominal first-order rate at 20° C., θ is temperature correction coefficient, and Tw is water temperature. This equation is used for BOD decay, sediment oxygen demand, nitrification, organic nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization, phytoplankton death, and phytoplankton respiration. The BOD, organic match can and phosphorus, and phytoplankton may be allowed to settle out at a given fall velocity. The modeling system allows separate rates to be given for organics and phytoplankton. The modeling system calculates the removal using the following equations:
where S is fraction of material settling out, vf is fall velocity of material, and d is depth.
The modeling system may simulate denitrification as a first-order rate with a maximum DO concentration or be supplemented with a half-saturation constant using the following equation:
where Keff is effective first-order rate, K20 is nominal first-order rate at 20° C., θ is temperature correction coefficient, Tw is water temperature, Cden is denitrification half-saturation constant for dissolved oxygen, and DO is dissolved oxygen concentration.
The modeling system may allow the inclusion of a half-saturation constant for each of these to allow for feedback effects. The modeling system may represent the first order equation by the following equation:
Where Keff is effective first-order rate, K20 is nominal first-order rate at 20° C., θ is temperature correction coefficient, Tw is water temperature, C is concentration of limiting constituent (e.g., NH3 for nitrification), and Chs is half-saturation constant.
Also, a reduction of BOD decay and nitrification may occur due to low concentrations of available DO, in which case an additional half-saturation factor is added with DO as the limiting constituent. Such factors are built into the WASP “non-linear DO balance” option.
The modeling system represents the overall phytoplankton growth expression by the following equation:
where Keff is effective first-order growth rate, K20 is nominal first-order growth rate at 20° C., θ is temperature correction coefficient, Tw is water temperature, DIN is concentration of available nitrate plus ammonia, CN is half-saturation constant for nitrogen, PO4 is concentration of phosphate, CP is half-saturation constant for phosphorus, I is average light intensity, and CI is half-saturation constant for light. The modeling system may calculate the average light intensity as a function of incoming solar radiation and light extinction, roughly as in HSPF as represented by the following equation:
Where I is average light intensity for phytoplankton growth, R is solar radiation, Ce is total light extinction coefficient, de is euphotic depth, and d is stream depth. The euphotic depth is the depth at which available light is 1% of the incoming solar radiation. The modeling system may represent the euphotic depth by the following equation:
where de, is euphotic depth and Ce is total light extinction coefficient.
Adsorption/desorption of NH3 and PO4 may use partitioning coefficients. Because the rate of these processes in the water column is on the order of minutes rather than the days typical of biological processes, the modeling system may assume that equilibrium is reached instantaneously.
The modeling system may use the HSPF method of scouring adsorbed nutrients at low and high areal rates depending on velocity. The modeling system may maintain a bed nutrient balance.
The modeling system may also be adapted to address how wetland WQ behavior differs from normal instream processes (e.g., macrophyte uptake, anaerobic reactions in sediments, etc.).
The modeling system may be implemented on a web-based platform for remote user access. Users who have developed a model using the modeling system can access it via a secure web site, and can then run simulations, modify inputs, and view results remotely from their local office computers. Users who access the modeling via the web can utilize it without needing to write software code, maintain data sets, or purchase redundant software licenses.
One skilled in the art will appreciate that although specific embodiments of the modeling system have been described herein for purposes of illustration, various modifications may be made without deviating from the spirit and scope of the invention. One skilled in the art will appreciate that the simulations can be performed based on a development design that may be specified with or without a graphical tool. For example, the design may be specified by a user using a text editor to specify the areas, attributes, and dependencies. One skilled in the art will appreciate that the modeling system can accommodate any size of area under consideration (from regional watershed to a few acres in a housing development), a temporal resolution appropriate to the problem being addressed, best management practices algorithms that compute the retention processes under different loading (e.g., rainfall) conditions to provide more realistic estimates of efficacy, and uncertainty calculations based on the statistical distribution of parameters. One skilled in the art will appreciate that the modeling system has multiple uses, including the design of volume or water quality based stormwater controls and best management practices and the evaluation of the effects of LID controls on runoff volume, peak flows, water quality, and habitat. Accordingly, the invention is not limited except by the appended claims.
This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/675,911, filed on Sep. 29, 2003, and entitled “Method and System for Water Flow Analysis,” and claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/573,938, filed on May 24, 2004, and entitled “Method and System for Water Flow Analysis,” which are hereby incorporated by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
60573938 | May 2004 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 10675911 | Sep 2003 | US |
Child | 11137106 | May 2005 | US |