The present invention generally relates to a method for automated decision making, comprising using situated agents for decision making, and more particularly to a method which integrates one or more plans within the decision procedure of situated agents, so the coordinated action of one or several agents satisfies the plan or plans.
The innovation consists in a method to represent one or several sequences of causally related events and to use such representation to support automated decision making within complex environments. The method is intended to give the best of the two main approaches in AI: agents with real time reactivity skills as in behaviour-based AI combined with skills to satisfy plans as in classical AI. It is therefore a method for the fulfillment or discovery of plans by situated agents.
The aim of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is building artificial agents that can perceive, decide and behave in a way that looks intelligent to us. In such aim, the decision method is a critical step for which it is important to have a good representation of the external environment and/or the internal state of the agent.
There have been 2 main streams in AI: symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches. Early artificial intelligence (AI) focused on building artificial agents with skills for solving formal problems, most often based on operating logical rules over symbolic knowledge. The problems at stake involved algebraic constructions and the solutions found were formal and analytic. This is often an approached used, for example, for chess playing agents: the challenge is to generate a good representation that allows stating a large amount of solutions and evaluate their convenience.
A parallel stream of work involved the so-called sub-symbolic processing. Techniques such as control theory, neural networks, and Bayesian systems were used to represent knowledge in a much more distributed way: there was no variable representing a concrete proposition, but rather a system that learnt from examples to give a correct answer. Nowadays, all such techniques are widely used for industrial applications. They can also be compared in a common statistical framework based on success ratios.
In the 70s, expert system representation used fuzzy values within formal constructions to represent symbolic knowledge more subtly. In particular, possibility theory was proposed as an alternative to probability theory to represent uncertainty in a more nuanced way. Instead of representing an uncertain knowledge with a probability (example: the table is green with probability 0.8), they represented with possibility and necessity values (example: the table is green with possibility 1.0, and given it is not possibly yellow nor pink nor blue it is green with necessity 0.8). The aim of such kind of fuzzy representations would lead to decision processes more consistent with human reasoning and decision. Nowadays, fuzzy logic is still used to combine the output of several expert systems which would give information partially redundant. This problem is still not solved satisfactorily and techniques to do so are eventually patented.
All the previous techniques work on problems that are “well defined”, this is, when the context of application is reasonably constant. For example, to train a neural network it is necessary to have a corpus of data obtained in the same context that the final application will have. If the context changes, the training is no longer valid, and the decision system will not perform as well as expected. Even more, logic based systems need to know all the possible events or perceptions that can occur in order to assign them a symbol and in addition the logical rules relating the symbols have to capture at some extent the relations among the elements they represent. Otherwise, the decision system will not give a good answer.
For example, controlling a robot in a car factory with these techniques needs the robot to be set and trained in a static framework. Such robot can use sub-symbolic processes to detect the exact location where to use a screwer, but if instead of a car piece it receives a human it is likely the system screws the human instead of the car. Such systems are very good at following a pre-established static plan in which to behave but they cannot react to an environment changing in real time.
A more common day example: inkjet printers use such sub-symbolic techniques to adjust the precise alignment of paper sheets from the input obtained from sensors. The decision technique is simply used to decide whether it should move the paper to the left or to the right. The plan of printing a sheet is a fixed sequence established a priori. Therefore, if the paper is not of the kind planned, for example it is too thick, the sub-symbolic techniques will help aligning the paper, but the fixed plan will make the printer malfunction.
Later on, during the 80 and 90, a new approach to AI appeared: situated agents. The reason is simple: many real-life problems do not give such a static context, and therefore decision problems moved to complex environments: environments changing in real time in a nonlinear fashion. Situated agents are those exposed to a rapidly changing environment which asks for decisions that take into account real time updated perceptions. Such environments can be physical such as a room, or virtual such as a website. How can such agents be designed?
The influence of cognitive sciences, where the idea of embodied cognition was increasingly embraced, suggested that such problems could be addressed better with architectures that where distributed—just as the brain is—with many specialized modules contributing cooperatively to make decisions. The adoption of such architecture in AI created Behaviour-Based Artificial Agents. Classical AI understands knowledge as symbolic, with several layers of representation—perception, belief, plan, decision, etc.—which are often linked hierarchically. In Behaviour-Based Artificial Agents, each of many modules contributes to the whole decision of performing one or several actions.
Some of such architectures for situated agents have been patented. For example, US20080208544 proposes a method to generate decision systems based on a particular representation of perceptions, motivations and opportunities within a decisional tree.
Another decisional architecture proposed for situated agents is Behaviour Networks. It was first proposed in Maes, P. 1991. In this approach, an agent is constituted of several modules. Each module can trigger the behaviours, do the reasoning, establish the beliefs and the representations in such a way that the “module society” guarantees the agent's functions on a cooperative basis. These modules can be organized in groups according to at what extent they are incompatible in their co-execution. They can also form “macro-modules”, which are formed by a large set of modules co-activated, forming cyclic or acyclic graphs of activation spreading. Behaviour Networks share some similarities with artificial recurrent neural networks, but have the advantage of allowing for the declarative instantiation of the competence modules, the goals and their relations, instead of “wiring” arbitrarily the different modules of a neural network. It is a form of having knowledge without representation, in the sense there is no place where knowledge is formally declared: when programming a behaviour network it is never said “this world is like this and like that”, but rather the agent is told “do this in this situation”. How to determine a particular situation is done by other competence modules in a similar way: “if this and this is detected then believe this”.
Extended Behaviour Networks (EBN), as introduced by Dorer, K. 2004, is an extension of the architecture proposed in Dorer, K. 1999. In such, agents have multiple situation-dependent goals, and the actions performed are selected with the expectation of goal achievement, and also with relevance measures.
EBN presents the advantage that the different modules can be concurrent, this is, processed separately, that the decisional method always converges and parallel action selection works well. Recently, extension or modifications of it have proved to be able to model the impact of affect and emotion in how decisions are taken within this network (Johansson, A., & Dell' Acqua, P. 2009), or the psychological realism of decisions (Dorer, K. 2010).
Another advantage is that the way how the different elements of the situation should be weighted can be learnt using adaptive learning techniques. In fact, the architecture was originally designed by Pattie Maes to mix representational, belief, planning and action triggering levels indistinctly in competence modules, and having learning as a central element. Learning from training is still possible but contrary to Bayesian or neural networks its declarative nature grants it is still easy to understand what each module does after the learning process.
It has largely been demonstrated that such architectures perform well in a complex and real-time environment such as the RoboCup competition, where robots have to play a football match. In such environments, each of the robots forming a team is an autonomous entity deciding and performing actions on its own.
Contrary to classical AI, Behaviour-Based AI approaches perform well in complex domains. However, its modular nature prevents them from satisfying goals which require plans, i.e., sequences of events causally related. This has probably been one of the main reasons such approaches have been adopted for applications such as videogames, but not for industrial manufacture.
In the previous car factory example, adopting the situated view would allow giving away the linear production pipeline. A behaviour based agent would detect the opportunity to put a screw in a place when perceived, but there would be no way of granting that several robots with different skills would end up building a car in the right structure as the end result. For a football match, there would be no way to coordinate the behaviour of the agents to grant a certain result occurs.
Currently, there is no way to represent a plan in such a way that it is performed by several situated agents in a complex environment that would grant that each agent decides individually what to do taking into account real time updated perceptions and motivations, but whose global end result can be predefined. This is because in the state of the art there is no method to represent sequences of causally related events to be performed by situated agents.
If such kind of plans existed, several agents taking decisions on their own could reach to build sophisticated structures. In the car factory example, such kind of agents could start with all the pieces of the car placed randomly, but they would be able to coordinate their work to end up with the car built. This is because they would have a plan of what building a car is embedded within their distributed decision architecture, perceive what the other agents do and contribute to the global plan on a constructive basis.
A natural equivalent of such process of distributed but coordinated decision processes is morphogenesis. During morphogenesis, given a certain biochemical environment, each cell decides by itself whether to reproduce or not, but the overall result is a tissue or even an organism with a coherent structure. However, there is no place in the cell where such “tissue” is preprogrammed: it is simply the result of tightly imbricated sequences of causally related events distributed all around its metabolism.
Reference [11] discloses a method to “which allows agents to reason about complex actions and to generate conditional plans”. However, these plans are created at run time by the agent itself and are considered as 1 possible sequence of events that can be chosen among other options. It is not a plan established beforehand which enforces coordination among agents.
A more detailed discussion of [11] will be made below, once the present invention has been described, in order to compare it with the present invention.
Reference [12] describes a whole research program started along one PhD. The aim is to create agents that can “learn from experience, thus becoming more efficient at solving their tasks” (page 1). This involves “alternate between reasoning and acting”, and “use deductive reasoning in order to take advantage of whatever domain knowledge it has been provided with”.
The agent architecture used (chapter 2, from page 19), has 4 different task-specific modules: a planner, a deductor, a learner and an actor. The planner generates plans, the deductor analyses them with a reasoning procedure, the actor tries to find out which plan is most worth executing.
A more detailed discussion of [12] will be made below, once the present invention has been described, in order to compare it with the present invention.
Reference [13] describes how decision support systems should integrate software strategies based in situated agent in order to help people placing orders in stock markets to make their decisions.
The system proposed in [13] is a generic architecture with no detailed information on how it should be implemented beyond a prototype stage. Such system would simply propose options to the decision-maker, but it would not make decisions by itself. In other terms, it would try to reduce information overload, but not make decisions that affect the environment in which the agents are placed.
None of the three previous references addresses the problem of coordinating the behaviour of several situated agents, or coordinate the behaviour of situated agents and human participants in order to fulfil a pre-established sequence of events.
It is necessary to offer an alternative to the state of the art which covers the gaps found therein, particularly those related to the lack of proposals providing one or several situated agents not only acting from the current situation but also coordinating their actions to fulfil one or more preestablished plans.
To that end, the present invention provides a method for automated decision making, comprising using one or more situated agents with perceptions and real time reactivity skills for making decisions according to their individual perceptions and motivations.
On contrary to the known methods, the method of the invention further comprises, in a characteristic manner, integrating into said situated agents one or more pre-established plans by means of a model representing sequences of causally related events for supporting said decision making to fulfil coordinately said one or more pre-established plans.
The person skilled in the art knows that, by definition, it is the situated agents that make the decision, as it is part of the standard knowledge in the field that situated agents make their decision autonomously. According to the present invention such situated agents can make their decisions integrating as an additional factor pre-established sequences of events to coordinate their behaviour.
The term ‘pre-established plan’ will be used consistently in the present application to refer to such sequences of causally related events, and vice versa.
For an embodiment, said model associates a possibility and a necessity value to at least part of said events.
The method of the invention comprises building said model, as per an embodiment, for determining the possibility, necessity and probability of said events, by means of performing the following steps:
a) stating or discovering events which are internal and/or external to a causal sequence and temporal precedence relations among them;
b) establishing or discovering relations between the possibility and necessity values of the events from said temporal precedence relations and kinds of events, including if they are internal or external; and
c) quantifying the temporal latencies within said order relations.
Said internal event is one whose occurrence is conditioned by events having started previously within the causal sequence, and said external event is one that could possibly occur within a sequence of events, and even condition the occurrence of other internal events, but whose possibility of occurrence is not conditioned and must, therefore, be estimated by an external method.
Said statement or discovery of events of step a) comprises, for an embodiment, stating one or more immediate predecessors for each event, and stating that the start of an event must be posterior to the start of his immediate predecessor or predecessors, and hence state that each event presents order relations forming a lattice with his immediate and non-immediate predecessors.
According to an embodiment, said step b) comprises determining the possibility and necessity values of each internal event as a function of:
The method of the invention comprises, according to an embodiment, updating at run time the possibility and necessity values of each of the events from temporal latencies established beforehand and/or information obtained at run time by a physical model or any other external source.
As per an embodiment, the method of the invention comprises transforming the specification of events resulting from steps a), b) and/or c) and integrating it into a physical system constituting one or more said situated agents.
Regarding the embodiments described in the above paragraphs, which are described in appended claims 3 to 8, and in more detail, for some embodiments, in the ‘Detailed description of several embodiments’ section below in the steps called 1, 2 and 3, they constitute the central core of the invention for a preferred implementation of the method of the invention.
Said 3 steps constitute a method to modify the behaviour of an already existing situated agent in order that, in addition to its already existing real time perception and decision skills, it can coordinate its behaviour within a complex environment and/or other situated agents and/or humans or animals to fulfill together an arbitrarily complex sequence of events established beforehand.
Therefore, the steps described in claims 3-8 are not directly linked to the step of decision-making BUT they do affect it, in the same terms the goals stated within an EBN affect the real time decisions and behaviour of the agent.
Thus, the aim of the present invention is NOT to develop a new method of decision-making, but rather to introduce a new method to affect established methods of decision-making in situated agents. The method is therefore intended to bias such decisions in order to satisfy a pre-established plan that will be achieved as the result of the interaction of 1 or several situated agents.
Regarding said physical system, it is an information processing device selected, depending on the embodiment, from one of an electric (analogue) and/or electronic (digital) processor and/or a biological processing device, such as a neural culture.
For an embodiment said electric and/or electronic processor implements simulations of a biological physical system (such as computational simulations), for example in the form of a neuromorphic system implementing models of neural systems.
Therefore, the method of the present invention to affect decision-making is not restricted to a specific kind of situated agents, they are compatible with all possible kinds of situated agents. The method slightly modifies an already existing method in order to fulfil one or several pre-established plans as stated with the particular new logic described in the section ‘Detailed description of several embodiments’, in particular steps 1 and 2.
The use of the method to embed a plan within a particular situated agent, an EBN embodied in a physical robot or a virtual character is the case scenario described in most detail in the ‘Detailed description of several embodiments’ section introduced below. However, given the state of the art in biologically plausible neuron simulations or in synthesis of neuronal tissue with specific connectivity patterns, it is perfectly foreseeable to consider embedding such plans within a real or simulated neuronal network. Similarly, given the nature of the decisional system considered, the embedding in analogic electric circuitry could be foreseen to conserve the properties of the decisional method while avoiding the large amounts of energy involved in analogic/digital conversion.
For at least some embodiments, said situated agent makes said decisions using said real time reactivity skills according to a behaviour-based network or an extended behaviour-based network, or EBN, the change in behaviour does not affecting the real time decision algorithm, but rather it changes the motivation, perception and resources of the situated agent in order its decisions fit with the pre-established plan.
The method comprises, as per an embodiment, to embed said specification of events into at least part of said situated agents without overwriting the skills previously embedded, informing the situated agent that each event can:
It should be stressed that, within the method described, a plan and a set of actions are structures are of the same type. The plan is not stated at a representational or knowledge level, but rather as a concrete set of behaviours executed by different agents, and with particular constraints among them. Therefore, the goal-motivated actions and the plans are not at different levels that need to be related with additional rules. The detailed correspondence between one and the other, for the case of EBN, is described, in the table showing a data structure used to process the relations among the events forming a story, for an embodiment described in the “Detailed description of several embodiments” section.
It is envisaged by the method of the invention to use learning mechanisms in order to improve its results. With that purpose, the method of the invention comprises, for an embodiment, building candidate sequences of events by performing steps a), b) and/or c) from real time perceptions and/or previously established or declared sequences of events.
The definition of ‘situated agent’ implies necessarily that perceptions are in real time. According to the terminology used in the present description (see below), perceptions are a common term in the literature (see references [1] and [2] as examples).
However, given the kind of novel structure introduced by the present invention, it is important to state that such structure can be defined beforehand by a human, but also be stored from the real time occurrence of several events not forming part of a pre-established plan. In this case, this would be done by a situated agent by remembering the actions decided and the actions perceived to be performed by other agents, and/or the perceived state of the world.
These sequences of events captured by the agent are considered ‘candidate sequences of events’ and can in turn be used as any other pre-established sequences of events and affect the situated agent as per several embodiments.
For another embodiment, the method comprises integrating statistical learning methods (such as Bayesian learning, reinforcement learning or biological mechanisms of statistical adaptation such as long term potentiation or long term depression) within at least part of said situated agents, for adjusting events relations within sequences of events, whether they are said candidate sequences or the ones previously established. The use of statistical learning methods would simply be complementary to what the steps of the method do: adjust the connectivity of the behaviour agent by changing the weight of one or other parameter to obtain a better performance according to some criterion. In this sense, the word ‘adjust’ has a common meaning, and it is common to say to ‘adjust a parameter’, or to ‘adjust the weights’ of a set of parameters within the machine learning and situated agents literature.
As per an embodiment, the method comprises ranging and selecting said candidate sequence or sequences of events by dynamically evaluating them.
In the present description and appended claims:
The innovation described in this patent application does not characterize how such motivation, perception and real time decision skills should be implemented, but is concerned in how these features characteristic of situated agents can be made compatible with the fulfillment of a plan understood as a pre-established sequence of events performed in coordination by one or several situated agents.
Comparison of the Method of the Present Invention with the Prior Art:
Comparison with Reference [11]:
As stated above, [11] discloses a method to “which allows agents to reason about complex actions and to generate conditional plans”. This is fairly different than the method of the present invention that enforces coordination among situated agents to grant a pre-established plan which is fulfilled as a result of the different actions performed by the situated agents. In the present case, contrary to [11], the method by which the plan is established does not rely on any “reasoning about complex actions” by the artificial agents. On the contrary, in the present method the statement of plans is simple enough so it can be done by a person with fairly small technical knowledge (see, for instance, the example regarding the localization of a bomb which will be made in a posterior section).
The author of [11] also explains (p213, top): “Since in this paper we do not treat causal rules and constraints, some action law must be introduced in order to describe the fact that, as a consequence of turning the dial, the agent comes to know that the dial is not in the previous position anymore”. This clearly shows that the knowledge, representational or belief level of the agent is not the same that the action level, and specific links between both have to be defined. It can clearly be seen in definition 4.1, page 232, where a conditional plan includes “world actions”, that the agent performs to affect the world, and “sensed actions”, that the agent performs to infer the state of the world.
This is also a fundamental difference with the method of the present invention, where the plan represents BOTH the actions to perform in order the plan is fulfilled and the belief the actions preceding actions have been implemented by the same or other agent contributing to fulfil the plan. This is in part because of the logic chosen: the author of [11] relies on modal logic, and in the present invention a novel kind of logic is defined (see point 3, below).
Moreover, the use of the world “plans” by the authors of [11] refers to “conditional plans”, and by this they refer to a procedure to execute when a certain state of the world is executed (see abstract and definition 4.1 in page 232).
The word ‘situated’ does not even appear once in the [11]. It is true that the method proposed In [11] could be used by situated agents, but the problem they address is quite different from the one addressed by the method of the present invention. First, in [11] they do not consider a scenario involving several situated agents. Second, they do not to extend the abilities of several situated agents in order they can coordinate their actions. Third, they do not aim at achieving pre-established sequence of events despite the domain in which agents perform can be changing and unpredictable.
What they do in [11] is develop an adaptive system (see section 5, from page 235). This means that the agent—even if situated, which is not indicated in [11]—can change its behaviour according to some perceptions or sensed states. They do this to solve 2 problems (page 219):
1) the temporal projection problem, where the task is to predict the future effects of actions on the basis of a possibly incomplete information on preceding states.
2) the planning problem, where the task is to find a sequence of actions where each action is executed in a context where its preconditions are satisfied.
In the case of the method of the present invention, the problem 2 is not addressed, because the sequence of actions defined beforehand by the user is precisely the sequence of events to satisfy. The plan is pre-established, and the challenge is to find a way by which situated agents making independent decisions can coordinate their efforts in a dynamic environment in order to fulfil the pre-established plan. This also addresses the problem 1, because precisely because the method is effective the temporal projection problem is not one anymore: the bias introduced in the decisions performed by the agents grants that the events specified in the plan will actually occur, independently of whether the information of preceding states is incomplete or not.
In order to go on with the comparison of [11] and the method of the present invention, as described at claim 2, the different logic used thereby must be clarified in detail, to clearly show the novelty of claim 2 regarding [11].
The modal logic operators are by definition discrete, and involve permission/obligation relations between events. If a person is driving a car and arrives to a fork where she can either turn right or left and there is a panel saying that going left is forbidden, then the only direction allowed is right.
In this way, given a set of possible and not possible events, one can use common propositional logic to imply consequences of necessity. This is the way modal logic is used in [11], as operators quantified by discrete values and extending the ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘implication’ operators as defined in propositional logic.
However, and contrary to the use done according to the method of the invention as described by claim 2, in modal logic it is not the case that the possibility and necessity operators can be quantified with fuzzy values, this is, continuous values between 0 and 1. This is common in possibility theory as defined in [5] and introduced previously in the prior state of the art section. These logical operators apply on quantities that are estimated and therefore are not treated appropriately with discrete quantifications such as modal logic.
In the method of the present invention, the possibility and necessity operators do not extend propositional logic. What is done is that the ‘and’ and ‘or’ operators are redefined from the possibility and necessity operations, much as in possibility theory. This is also the case for the ‘not’ and ‘implication’ operators but, contrary to possibility theory, a modification of the ‘not’ operator and a completely novel ‘implication’ operator are introduced in order to deal with causal relations.
In possibility theory, the transfer of values between the possibility and the necessity domain is done by the ‘not’ operator, with a formula such as nec(a)=1−pos(complement(a)). However, as can be seen in a posterior section of the present description, the ‘not’ operator here defined (called NOTP) only involves values on the possibility domain. It is the particularity of this approach to define the implication operator as the only operation of the logic that relates the possibility and necessity values of 2 events (see below “IF x THEN y” Llogic operator in a posterior section).
In mathematical terms, possibility theory defines the ‘not’ operator based on the notion of ‘complementary set’, which does not allow establishing a temporal order between events. Contrary to this, the method of the present invention introduces a ‘not’ and a ‘implication’ operators which inherently assumes a partial order and are based on the notion of pseudo-complemented lattice as used in lattice theory (see, for example, [6]).
The practical advantages of adopting this kind of novel logic are distinctive: one can combine techniques of fuzzy reasoning over estimated quantities with logical implications characteristic of temporally ordered domains. It gives a method by which statistical reasoning and logical deduction can become closer, something particularly critical when addressing causal relations.
Comparison with Reference [12]:
The kind of architecture disclosed in [12] is clearly based on several levels of representational knowledge, something which is explicitly avoided in the kind of implementation done by the method of the present invention, using EBN.
The author of [12] does not use “plan” as something established beforehand that must be satisfied, but rather as something generated by one agent and then integrated within other modules to help making a decision on which plan, or event, is selected. Therefore, such plans will not always occur.
They are, much as in reference [13], conditional plans. The possibility of using plans for coordination among agents does not even seem to be considered in the whole PhD document.
In addition, the logic used for the reasoning is a symbolic logic (see in chapter 3, from page 27), based on 1 and 0 values, something completely different than the generalization of possibility theory introduced in this patent application, which is based precisely in considering fuzzy values between 0 and 1 both for the possibility and necessity values associated to each event.
In addition, in the method of the present invention, contrary to [12], there is no reasoning about knowledge that then affects the decision-making process. In the method of the present invention the logic is used to directly affect how decisions are made. The representational knowledge is not separate from the actions that are decided: the knowledge of an action performed is at the same level than performing the action.
It could be claimed that there is a certain similarity between both scenarios when considering the learning part. But again, this does not hold for several reasons:
1) the logic used is very different,
2) the use of the word ‘plan’ is extremely different—in [12], plans are conditional plans among which to choose at the decision stage, in the present invention plans are pre-established sequences of events that must occur and it is the decisions that should change in order such plans actually do occur.
3) As a consequence of points 1 and 2, the representation of knowledge takes a very different form: explicitly separated in the case of [12], imbricated within the different modules contributing to the real-time decision procedure in the case of the current patent application.
It is therefore very hard to argue one and another work actually overlap themselves in any way.
Comparison with Reference [13]:
As stated above, the system disclosed by [13] does not address the problem of coordinating the behaviour of several situated agents, or coordinate the behaviour of situated agents and human participants in order to fulfil a pre-established sequence of events.
In fact, in some sense it is exactly the contrary: the aim of a decision support system is that the human making a decision does it in such a way that what he does has maximal consequences. In the present invention scenario, what the method of the present invention does is that the global result of several agents acting simultaneously is a pre-established sequence of events, irrespective of what one particular agent would do or not.
For example, according to the present invention, if one human participant contributing to the plan would all of a sudden start acting crazily, or one agent would break down and stop working, the other agents would compensate in order the actions of the participant do not change anything in the plan as established beforehand. This overcomes one individual decision, and is therefore the contrary of a conventional decision support system.
The previous and other advantages and features will be more fully understood from the following detailed description of embodiments, with reference to the attached drawings, which must be considered in an illustrative and non-limiting manner, in which:
In the present section the three steps constituting the method of the invention for several embodiments are introduced in detail. For each, the algorithmic mechanism is described, as well as how it would be implemented in three examples of application.
The first application is for the fabrication of a product with distributed situated agents. In this case, such representation can be used as a shared used to coordinate the actions of one or several agents. Such agents can be artificial agents—for example, an agent equipped with an Extended Behaviour Network (Dorer, K. 2004) (EBN) fabricating a classical industrial product such as a car.
But such planning skills in situated agents can also be biologic agents. As a second example a culture of neural cells triggering the liberation of specific chemicals to modulate biochemical processes is proposed.
A third application can be developed in the context of interactive storytelling. In this case, such representation is used to define and drive cooperative interaction between artificial agents and humans to tell a story in an interactive environment. The challenge in this case is that not only the artificial agents need to process the plan appropriately, but also the human participants must understand the result unambiguously.
Finally, such method can also be used for learning, such as for the discovery of causal relations. In this case, an agent exposed to environments with similar events discovers patterns between its actions and the reactions of the environment will progressively predict better the behaviour of the environment and how it will react to its actions, something that ultimately contributes to improve its decision processes. This method is complementary to statistical learning techniques such as reinforcement learning to learn to perform from examples of such actions. An application scenario involving the development of skills to do complex movements by robots taking on the example of coordinated behaviour controlled with an EBN is also proposed and described.
The present description introduces some basic definitions, and then describes each step and what it implies for each application scenario. A separate section reviews the 3 steps in the learning scenario.
The method is based on a generalization of possibility logic to apply not only to perceptions, but also to events in general. To each event e two values are therefore associated: a possibility value pos(e) and a necessity value nec(e). Note these values do not have exactly the same meaning than in possibility theory. The intuitive meaning of such values is to relate them with temporal regions relative to the occurrence of the event.
In addition, an event is considered to be internal or external. An internal event is one that will necessarily occur from the previous or simultaneous events within the causal sequence, with a particular latency relative to a cause that can be internal or external. An external event is one that could possible occur within a sequence of events, and even have consequences, but whose occurrence must be estimated by an external method such as a dedicated sensor or classifier (It is also possible to consider that the estimator of an external event fixes the necessity value. In this case the possibility can be always 1, or fixed by a set of previous events that we call a ‘context’. In this case, the definition of the logical operators such as implication has to be changed consistently, but no major differences appear).
The way the probability of each event is determined involves the 3 aforementioned steps, which will be described below for different embodiments, including the description, in step 1 and step 2, of the process by which the method of the present invention represents a sequence of causally related events to support the decision-making, said sequence representation being an embodiment of a pre-established plan integrated into the situated agents to support the decision-making.
This step states (or discovers) the events. To declare events a label or proposition is associated with them. Events are separated with a point (.). An external event will be preceded by an IF and followed by a THEN. It is also possible to combine several external events with logical operators such as AND, OR or NOT. It is also possible to consider a jump forward in the sequence of events as a consequence of an external event, such as IF a THEN GO TO f.
Obviously this syntax can be enriched, but it is already sufficient to state a plan. The only assumption done in the first step is that a point (.) or any other operator used implies a weak order relation: the temporal beginning of the event stated first should be previous or simultaneous to the temporal beginning of the second event (e1≦e2). For example, in a plan such as:
The last proposition can start at the same time than the immediately previous, or much later. This will be established in subsequent steps.
Note this step does not state what particular agent does the action involved in performing the event. For example, there could be several agents of the kind “Explorer Robot”. This will turn to be an important feature for coordinated action.
A particular case that has to be considered is when external and internal events are combined. In this case, the predecessor of an internal event should be the immediately previous internal event stated. The reason for this is simple: it might be possible to estimate the occurrence of an external event can be estimated but not its time occurrence. Moreover, it might not even occur. Therefore, it is not reliable to link the occurrence of an internal event to an external one. Consider that in the previous example, because of the particularities of the problem, the localization of the bomb is possible but not certain. If the bomb were not localized; the subsequent steps in the plan would never come to be considered. In such case it would be preferable to state such a plan like:
Explorer Robot searches the bomb.
IF Explorer Robot localizes the bomb THEN Bomber Robot deactivates the bomb.
Explorer Robot reports progress in the deactivation of the bomb.
A possible solution to this problem is to assume in the order relation (≦) the first element must always be internal. Following such rule, in the previous example the occurrence of the last event is relative to immediately previous internal one, which is the first stated. Therefore, at this point it would be possible that Robot A reports progress simultaneously while he is searching, or afterwards (this detail will only be defined in the 2 subsequent steps). However, in the plan statement where all events were internal, the last event would start at the same time or later than the immediately preceding one, this is, when the bomb was deactivated.
Note there are alternative solutions. For example, one could impose that all the external events must be complemented. This implies a structure similar to:
If external events are complemented, it is still possible to consider the whole block of external events as a reference in the temporal orders.
The application of this step to the different application scenarios described is quite straightforward. Concerning the fabrication of a product such as a car, the plan should describe the logical order of the temporal processes involved. For example, it is possible that the windows should be added only when the painting is finished. However, this would be independent of assembling the parts of a wheel. In this case, two separated plans would be stated (the relation among them would be stated later). Therefore, the result of this step for a complex task such as a car construction would be the statement of a large set of plans. For a product involving biochemical processes it would be exactly the same.
Concerning the interactive story, a stated plan would be a story script (the interactivity is defined in the following steps). Note the similarity of the previous examples with a movie script is quite obvious.
Second step establishes (or discovers) the order relations among the events, which can be represented in the form of a lattice. Then, this lattice is used to establish quantitative relations between the possibility and necessity values of the events in the lattice.
At this point, it is useful to introduce some definitions. For each internal event temporal regions are defined (see
However, this definition is not possible for external events. Later we'll show the necessity of an event is determined by its cause, and by definition external events do not have a cause (or, at least, within that sequence of events). Therefore, an external event will have a null necessity, and only a possibility value estimated from information obtained with a dedicated sensor or classifier.
To relate these values, logical operators are defined. As such operations were initially defined to relate sentences in the domain of a conversation, these are considered a ‘Language Logic’ or, in short, Llogic operators. They are defined as:
In the previous definition the sign ‘:=’ means assign value on the right to variable on the left, like in any standard programming language.
Other operations can also be defined. For example, if one considers that external events must always be complemented, it is useful to consider a NOTP operator such as:
pos(b), pos(c)). In particular, combined with implication it gives: ((a,b,c)d)≡(nec(d):=1−pos(abc)).
It should be stressed that because of the previous step, these operators are not commutative. This can be seen intuitively: the 2 propositions “He gets angry AND she cries” do not imply the same than “She cries AND he gets angry”. The causal relations suggested by these sentences are not the same, and they do not suggest the same meaning. Therefore, quantifying the occurrence of 1 of these sequences does not say anything about the occurrence of the other.
With these Llogic operators the possibility and necessity values of an event can be determined by previous events. In particular, for a sequence of events, if it is considered the beginning of the sequence as an event ‘K’, the context of an event can be defined as what makes it possible (note if it is considered that the possibility of external events has to be estimated this definition does not apply for external events):
The context fixes the possibility value, with the formula: pos(p):=nec(p*). This implies that in order p has a possibility value of 1, all the elements of its context must have a necessity of 1 (this definition will change if it is decided to consider that external events have a necessity value and can be part of the context of events. However, in practical terms the context will still have the same role).
Reciprocally, the cause of an event is what determines its necessity:
This step is systematic for all the application scenarios. It consists in assigning a context and a cause to all the internal events, and an estimator for all the external ones.
For an application such as an interactive story, it is possible that there is only 1 chain. In simple chains such as:
there would only be taken from the previous elements: the cause which is the immediately preceding internal event, and the context which are all the previous internal events. In this example, the context of ‘d’ is ‘K̂ âb’, and its cause is ‘c’. For the first event, the cause is simply ‘K’.
However, when addressing more complicated scenarios, such as several intertwined processes involved in a car fabrication, or sets of cascading chemical reactions, it can rapidly become more complicated. In this case, it is useful to build a particular kind of visual diagram named Hasse diagrams.
For example, imagine that in the process of fabrication a product fabrication there are 3 sequences of events (S1, S2, S3) involved. They are declared as:
S1: a.b.c.f.
S2: b.d.e.h
b.d. IF e THEN f
It is hard to see the temporal constraints imposed by these sequences interacting. However, it can easily be visualized with a schema as in
Note there are alternative solutions for this step. For example, it is possible to consider that estimating an external event does not fix its possibility but rather its necessity value. In this case, for external events the cause relation does not transfer from the possibility of the cause to necessity of the consequence, but rather from the necessity of the first to the necessity of the second. However, in practical terms the behaviour of the physical system would remain unchanged.
The third step involves transforming the specification of events resulting from step 2 into a situated agent, and integrating it seamlessly with preexisting skills in the agent.
How to do such process for 2 different kinds of agents is shown. First is an EBN agent, which can ultimately be embedded in a software agent such as a virtual character or in a physical agent such as a robot. A second kind of agent is a biologic agent, such as a cultivated biological neural network, or a biologically realistic computational simulation of such. In principle, other physical embodiments would also be possible. Possible advantages of the 2 embodiments proposed are that in such decisional architectures skills can be encapsulated in functional modules, which allows for massively parallel processing, and agents with such systems can perform coordinated behaviour.
An embodiment within an EBN will be reviewed in detail, and outline how a similar process would be done within a biologically plausible neural network.
Therefore, it is first introduced the definition, decisional procedure and syntax of an EBN, to then show how our representation can be embedded within it.
It has several goals and can use resources to perform actions if they are within the domain of his competence modules. In this case, to perform a certain action needing a certain resource, a module would block the availability of the resource (in dark grey). Such an action would only be selected if it was expected that its effects contribute to some goal evaluated to be relevant and important, and if it didn't collide with other modules associated with other goals of higher importance or relevance.
The essential modification the invention introduces in this schema is to consider that actions performed by an agent can be used as resources by the same or another agent.
Next, a detailed description of the decision procedure of situated agents based on the EBN architecture is given, as an embodiment of the method of the invention which must not be taken as limiting, as the invention can be implemented in other different decision-making architectures, such as the one mentioned above biologically neural network which will be described later.
To define an EBN more precisely, consider a behaviour network is a set of Goals, Competence Modules and Parameters such as {G,m,Π}. The extended version, in addition to the competence modules and the goals also has resources, which can be material such as a part of the body, or an arm, or immaterial, such as a previous perception driving to some acquired knowledge, as for example the knowledge of football players that know the ball is in some place although not seeing it. Therefore, an extended behaviour network is such as {G, M, U, }, where, following Dorer's notation:
A Goal is a tuple (GCon, i, Rcon) such as:
Res is a set of resources resεR. τU (k, res, s) is the situation-dependent amount of resource units expected to be used in behaviour b.
In EBN there is another parameter introduced, which is:
The external contribution to this value atkg
In the previous equation the first two terms take into account the effect or conflict with the j successor goals, and the other two accounts for inertia terms related with this effect. The expected effect can be of the module itself or of a successor module.
In EBN, the decisional procedure is such as, for each module, the machine must:
To show how the rules that define the decisional architecture are declared, samples of the configuration file used in Dorer, K. 2004 are here used. Goals are declared as:
A module is declared as:
The result of such declaration is a rule file with a list of goals and competence modules with combinations of conditions, resources, actions and numbers with different meanings. To declare such rules, all the conditions have to be mapped to a function that returns a fuzzy truth value when called, all the resources have to return a value of the estimated amount of units available (which will be contrasted with the expected amount to be used). As a result all the actions have to be mapped to functions returning a fuzzy value, which will in turn modulate the intensity of performance of the action (despite it can be simply a 0 or 1 value if no modulation is wanted).
As EBN agents are autonomous, and take decisions in a distributed way, a copy of the result of step 2 will be given to each agent susceptible to contribute to the sequence of events. The way to do so is described below.
To embed a plan or sequence of events such as the one resulting of step 2 in an EBN, is necessary to consider than an event can be executed by an agent, but an event can also be used as the cause or part of the context of another event.
This embedding defines, for the present embodiment, the technical link between the plans of the agents and the “automated decision”, as such an automatic decision is, by definition, what situated agents make conventionally, and in this case, according to the method of the invention, as said situated agents have such a plan embedded therein their automated decision-making will be affected thereby, as will be described later in more detail in the “Review of the decisional algorithm” section where a detailed analysis of how this embedding affects the automated decision procedure can be found.
One could think that the steps of the present invention are overwriting the skills implemented in the virtual agent. If the steps of the method of the present invention erased some of the goals, or changed the numerical values associated with certain perceptions or resources, it would clearly overwrite the ‘skills previously embedded’ in the situated agent. For example, if a videogame warrior controlled by an EBN had a goal such as “IF opponent is near AND opponent is armed THEN run away”, the steps of the method could overwrite the rules, and erase the rule ‘opponent is armed’. This would overwrite the skills previously embedded in the sense that it would affect its performance, real time decisions and behaviour.
However, as stated above, the method does not do that, i.e the embedding of the specification of events into the situated agents is performed without overwriting the skills previously embedded. In the case of an embodiment in an EBN, the method of the present invention only introduces an additional goal named ‘ATP’ within each of the agents (see “A goal for the sequence of events” in the “Detailed description of several embodiments” section below). Such goal affects the decision-making procedure in such a way so that the pre-established sequence of events associated with the ‘ATP’ goal will occur as a result of the interaction of the different agents.
Therefore, the agent would still run away only when the opponent, but could decide otherwise if the situation was particularly relevant for the ‘ATP’ goal. For example, if the opponent happened to be the protagonist of a story, in certain situations it might turn out to be relevant to NOT run away and get killed in order the story as stated in a pre-established sequence of events would actually occur within the interaction of the different agents.
To preserve this duality in an EBN, it is considered that an event is associated to an action and a resource, both as defined in EBN. In addition, if it is an external event, it has to be associated with some estimation method. A class named ActionResource with a data structure similar to next table can therefore be declared.
The above table shows the data structure used to process the relations among the events forming a story, where a story is a set of events which within EBN have the properties of actions and of resources. The corresponding object, named ActionResource has the attributes here listed.
To embed this data structure without overwriting the skills previously embedded in the EBN, it will be necessary to update the declaration of the competence module involved in performing an event part of the sequence of events. If it is not declared previously, then a new module will be created. In both cases, the syntax of the module for an action ‘a’ will look like:
The actions forming part of a sequence must also be associated with a specific EBN goal. Such a kind of goals are coined ATP goals, standing for Advance the Plot, this is, contribute to make a specific sequence of actions advance.
Given a sequence of events labelled ‘S1’, it is enough to create a condition named ‘ATP_S1’ and another one named ‘K_S1’. The first stands for the abstract condition of advancing the plot, and the second one for the actual beginning of the sequence.
Then, once receiving the sequence, it is enough to add a new goal that is achieved when the last action of the sequence is performed. In EBN it is declared like:
Then, for all the actions involved in the sequence ‘S1’, the corresponding EBN module should be updated to look like:
Who does What?
Now, consider again the previous example:
Explorer Robot searches the bomb.
IF Explorer Robot localizes the bomb THEN Bomber Robot deactivates the bomb.
Explorer Robot reports progress in the deactivation of the bomb.
It was said previously that the sequence of events described 2 kind of robots, but not 2 particular robots. For example, it is possible to imagine a scenario with lots of tiny robots of 2 kinds. However, to ensure the robots do not overlap in the roles they assume, or than more than 1 robot assumes the same role, it is enough to define a resource that is a role. In the previous example, each event would either have the role ‘explorer’, or ‘bomber’. In this case, the specific module associated with the action would be updated with an additional resource:
This doesn't exclude the fact that there can be several searching robots. Simply, once all the available role resources are assumed by a certain amounts of robots, there are no resources available anymore and therefore no more robots will assume that role. Therefore, if one only wants 1 robot to assume a particular role, it is enough to say the amount of this role resource is 1. This can be fixed a priori or, if there are some communication skills among the different agents, done dynamically.
Finally, to show all these elements do not introduce any modification in the decisional algorithm, the decisional procedure is reviewed. Note in such decisional procedure there are 2 general assumptions:
With these assumptions, for a module k involving a behaviour bk that is part of one or more sequence of events (the relation with the Trama events is indicated in italics):
In practical terms, such value is controlled externally: in EBN this is determined when updating the situation of the world s. Now it also takes into account the context of bk.
The activation a considers all the goals, their importance, the conflictor and successor modules and computes the maximal expected relevance associated to the action. If the ATP goal is involved, the effect added to the module which states that it is expected that performing the action will satisfy such ATP condition will be taken into account in this calculation.
Finally, note such embodiment does not ruin the properties of EBN: parallel decision process, scalability, and stability. It even conserves the tolerance to noise in the perception and action loops. Finally, just as EBN, it is still compatible with statistical learning, such as reinforcement learning.
The above embodiment, referring to the embedding of a pre-established plan in a EBN is not the only possible implementation of the method of the invention.
Another embodiment is described below, where a pre-established plan is embedded within a biological system, be it simulated or artificially synthesized, the description including how said embedding is made, said embedding defining the technical link between the plans of the agents and the “automated decision”.
Despite in the present description how this would work is not reviewed in detail, it is worth stating that a neuron always has inhibitory inputs, excitatory inputs, and a separate output. This is also true of a functional set of neurons such a brain column, or even a large cortical surface in the human brain with a specific function, such as for example V1 in the visual cortex. It is even true for other metabolic processes not involving the nervous system.
For the cases where the output is neurons firing, the lack of inhibitory inputs is what makes the firing of such modules possible. The excitatory inputs make the firing necessary. The output ratio is related with the intensity of the input, plus additional preconditions related with the metabolic situation.
Therefore, it is possible to map the elements in the Trama model within a biologically plausible neural system in a similar way to how it has been done with a EBN robot. Simply, the context of an event maps to the inhibitory inputs of the module associated with that event, the cause to the excitatory inputs. In this case, the decisional procedure would have simply a necessity level beyond the excitability threshold that makes a neural system fire.
It is possible to do the same that was done with an EBN with nervous tissue (or a detailed simulation of such tissue): slightly alter its connectivity in order it contributes to the achievement of a complex sequence of events through sensorimotor loops.
The main difference between different application scenarios will be how temporal constraints update dynamically the possibility and necessity values associated with the events.
For example, considering an interactive story in which a participant can assume one of the roles, but a virtual character replaces him otherwise. In such case, one would want the system to give the human participant a temporal interval to assume such role and replace him otherwise. The latency cannot be too big or the relation between the different actions will not appear clearly.
In such application scenario, the ideal is to establish the temporal latencies among the events forming such sequences with a method similar to movie editing. Consider a story scene with a structure such as:
IF x1 THEN y1
IF x2 THEN y2
In this case, it would be possible to establish a desired interval of occurrence [Tmin, Tmax] in an application similar to a movie editing software, much in the way transitions between shots are sometimes adjusted. A visual diagram of how this would look for the previous story structure is shown in
This requirement can be granted quite simply: it is enough that the amount of “cause resource” needed to perform an action satisfies this formula:
In application scenarios involving the fabrication of products, this would be different. The delays between actions would mainly take into account the time needed to do a previous task. For example, if the process involved some chemical reaction, such a delay could be estimated in real time from a diffusion model taking as input the current temperature and humidity.
For very complex construction schemas, such as a car construction, each sequence of events must be associated to a specific goal. For example, the sequence of events involved in building a wheel must only be executed as far as wheels are needed. This is easy to manage if the goal associated with the sequence is mapped to an actual need. For example, if the sequence labelled ‘S23’ has as a result building a wheel, the abstract goal and perception ‘ATP_S23’ created should be relabelled “assemble a wheel”, an related with an estimator of the existing wheels. Using such technique, the different plans would load dynamically as they appear to be needed from the change in the perceived world. Also, having an intuitive labelling will help in the intuitive understanding of the whole network of behaviours of cooperative agents, and help adjusting and debugging such functioning.
However, the method implies, in principle, an arbitrary complexity in the amount of concurrent sequences of events that have to be coordinated, or in the amount of agents involved in carrying out such sequences. Maybe the main limit is set by the amount of perceptions that a situated agent can have, something that will necessarily limit the efficiency on the coordination tasks. Another limit is the amount of time that programming a robotic agent can involve. The use of learning procedures could contribute to this purpose.
A person skilled in the art could introduce changes and modifications in the embodiments described without departing from the scope of the invention as it is defined in the attached claims.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
11075169.0 | Jul 2011 | EP | regional |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/IB2012/001329 | 7/6/2012 | WO | 00 | 3/10/2014 |