Article, "Density-Depth Correlation in Po Valley Sediments" by A. Gandino and C. Zenucchini, vol. XXIX, N. 115--Sep. 1987. |
Article, "Inversion of Borehole Gravimeter Data" by Jeffrey D. MacQueen, LCT Inc. Borehole Geophysics 3: Hardware and Methods. |
Article, "Ways of Deciphering Compacted Sediemtns" by Brewster Baldwin Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 69, N. 2, Jan. 15, 1964. |
Article, "Estimation of Formation Pressures from Log-Derived Shale Properties", by C. E. Hottman et al., (1965). |
Article, "North Sea Application of Seismic Correlative and Seismic Velocity (ITT) Techniques to Predict Pore Pressure", by Michael A. Haas, (1990). |
Article, "Undisturbed Clay Samples and Undisturbed Clays", by Karl Terzaghi, (1941). |
Article, "Influence of Depth, Temperature, and Geologic Age on Porosity of Quartzose Sandstone.sup.1 ", by John C. Maxwell, (1964). |
Article, "Sandstone Porosity as a Function of Thermal Maturity" by James W. Schmoker et al., (1988). |
Article "Compaction of Basin Sediments: Modeling Based on Time-Temperature History" by James W. Schmoker and Donald L. Guatier, (1989). |
Article, "Compaction Curves.sup.1 " by Brewster Baldwin and Crispin O. Butler, (1985). |
Article, "A Petrophysical-Mechanical Math Model for Real-Time Wellsite Pore Pressure/Fracture Gradient Prediction" by P. W. Holbrook et al., (1987). |
Article, "Explicit Pore-Pressure Evaluation: Concept and Application" by Jean-Louis Alixant et al., (1991). |
Article, "A Dual Shale Pore Pressure Detection Technique" by T. M. Bryant, (1989). |
Article, "A New Method for Predicting Fracture Propagation Pressure from MWD or Wireline Log Data" by P. W. Holbrook, (1989). |
Article, "An Accurate Rock Merchanics Approach to Pore Pressure/Fracture Gradient Prediction" by Phil Holbrook, (1990). |
Article, "Regional Fractures II: Fracturing of Mesaverde Reservoirs in the Piceance Basin, Colorado.sup.1 " by John C. Lorenz and Sharon J. Finley, (1991). |
Article, "Diagenesis of Saline Pan Halite; Comparison of Petrographic Features of Modern, Quaternary and Permaian Halites.sup.1 " by Enrique Casas and Tim K. Lowenstein, (1989). |
Article, "Compressional Velocity and Porosity in Sand-Clay Mixtures" by D. Marion et al., (1992). |
Article, "The Distribution of Shale in Sandstones and Its Effect Upon Porosity" by E. C. Thomas and S. J. Stieber, (1975). |
Article, "Elastic-Plastic Deformation of Anhydrite and Polyhalite as Determined From Quasi-Static Triaxial Compression Tests" by Tom W. Pfiefle and Paul E. Senseny, (1981). |
Article, "The Effect of Decrease in Porosity With Depthon Future Development of Oil and Gas Reserves in South Louisiana" by G. I. Atwater and E. E. Miller, (no date given). |
Article, "Real-Time Pore-Pressure Evaluation from MWD/LWD Measurements and Drilling-Derived Formation Strength" by J. C. Rasmus et al., (1991). |
Article, "How to Predict Formation Pressure and Fracture Gradient", The Oil and Gas Journal, (1967). |
Article, "Compaction of Lithic Sands: Experimental Results and Applications" by Edward D. Pittman, (1991). |
Article, "Estimating Thermal Conductivity in Sedimentary Basins Using Lithologic Data and Geophysical Well Logs.sup.1 " by Frederic Brigaud et al., (1990). |