1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a method of equalizing a signal received over a transmission channel defined by BEM coefficients of a basis expansion model of its channel taps.
2. Background of the Invention
In the last two decades, there has been a steady increase in the number of applications operating in rapidly varying wireless communication channels. Such channels occur due to user mobility in systems like DVB-T and WiMAX, which have been originally designed for fixed receivers. Rapidly varying channels lead to significant intercarrier interference (ICI) in multicarrier communication systems, which must be mitigated by an appropriate equalization method. Moreover, several applications have short symbol durations, and therefore require fast equalization algorithms. One such application is the mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) with a symbol duration of 102.9 μs.
At present, the most accurate approximations of doubly-selective wireless channels are obtained via the basis expansion model (BEM). Hence in the present disclosure, it is assumed that the channel is represented in terms of a basis expansion model (BEM), which approximates the channel taps by linear combinations of prescribed basis functions, see [1, 2], [3, 4]. In this context, channel estimation amounts to an approximate computation of coefficients for the basis functions. There exist several methods for estimating the BEM coefficients of doubly selective channel taps, especially with an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission setup, see [2, 3, 4]. Usually, the channel matrix is reconstructed from estimated BEM coefficients and subsequently used in equalization, see e.g. [6]. However, there does not exist an equalization method applicable to arbitrary bases, which uses the BEM coefficients directly without creating the channel matrix.
The complex exponential BEM (CE-BEM) [7, 8] uses a truncated Fourier series, and the resulting approximate channel matrix is banded in the frequency domain. A more suitable exponential basis—complex exponentials oversam-pled in the frequency domain—is employed by the generalized CEBEM (GCE-BEM) [9]. A basis of discrete prolate spheroidal wave functions is discussed in [1, 10]. Finally, the polynomial BEM (P-BEM) is presented in [11]. For channels varying on the scale of one symbol duration, pilot-aided channel estimation is studied in [2]. Definitive references on pilot-aided transmission in doubly selective channels are [12, 13].
Choosing an appropriate basis is crucial for accuracy, especially at high Doppler spreads. For example, discrete prolate sequences (DPS) provide a superb approximation, while complex exponentials (CE) give a poor approximation for several reasons, see e.g. [14].
For frequency-selective channels, the conventional single-tap equalization in the frequency domain is a method of choice. However, in the presence of severe ICI, single-tap equalization is unreliable, see [15, 16, 17]. Several other approaches have been proposed to mitigate ICI in transmissions over rapidly varying channels. For example, [18] describes minimum mean-square error (MMSE) and successive interference cancellation equalizers, which use all subcarriers simultaneously. Another equalizer is presented in [19]. However, with K OFDM subcarriers, it has the complexity of O(K2), and storage requirements of the same order of magnitude. Alternatively, only a few selected subcarriers are used in equalization, which amounts to approximating the frequency-domain channel matrix by a banded matrix. This approach has been exploited for design of low-complexity equalizers, see [6, 20, 21, 22, 23]. In Appendix C, it is demonstrated that approximation with a channel matrix banded in the frequency domain is equivalent to using a BEM with complex exponentials (CE-BEM). However, the CE-BEM [22] provides a poor approximation to the channel matrix [14, 10], so this approach leads to a significant loss of information about the channel. A time-domain equalizer based on the LSQR algorithm is introduced in [24].
It is an object of the invention to devise a method of equalizing a signal received over a transmission channel defined by BEM coefficients with less computational and less memory requirements for a given accuracy than the state of the art.
According to the invention this object is achieved with a method of equalizing a signal received over a transmission channel defined by BEM coefficients of a basis expansion model of its channel taps, comprising the step of approximately solving the relation
In particular, the step of approximately solving said relation is preferably performed by approximately solving the matrix representation
Preferably, the step of approximately solving said matrix representation is performed by utilizing a diagonal matrix Dm derived from the circulant matrix Cm according to the definition
Further preferred embodiments of the invention comprise one of more of the following features:
In this way, the invention develops a novel low-complexity equalization method for doubly selective wireless channels based on the product-convolution (PC) decomposition is proposed. The method of the invention is a major improvement over its nearest competitor—fast equalization of a channel matrix banded in the frequency domain.
Current low-complexity equalizers for doubly-selective channels use an approximation of the channel by a banded matrix in the frequency domain, which is equivalent to the BEM with complex exponentials (CE-BEM), see Appendix C. However, the CE-BEM provides a poor approximation to the channel matrix [10, 14], so this approach sacrifices accuracy of channel estimation for the sake of low complexity. By contrast, the proposed equalizer has low complexity, and can be used with an arbitrary basis. In conclusion, a PC representation using a well-chosen basis leads to significant improvements in the BER after equalization, as is demonstrated in Section 5.
The algorithm uses only estimated BEM coefficients of the channel and the receive signal. The BEM coefficients can be estimated according to any known method or preferably according to a novel method disclosed by the same inventors in a copending patent application [5]. The time-domain channel matrix is represented as a sum of product-convolution operators without ever constructing the channel matrix itself. The product operators are diagonal matrices with the basis functions as diagonals. The corresponding BEM coefficients are used as filters in the convolution operators. This particular structure of the channel matrix permits a fast application of the matrix and its conjugate transpose. Therefore the PC representation combined with classical iterative methods like GMRES [25] and LSQR [26], gives rise to a low-complexity equalizer. Additionally, convergence of both GMRES and LSQR is accelerated by preconditioning with the single-tap equalizer.
The main advantages of the invention can be summarized as follows:
Since the number of discrete multipaths is proportional to the bandwidth, broadband transmissions suffer from a large number of multipaths. For example, mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e) with K subcarriers typically exhibits a discrete path delay of IC/4, K/8, see [27]. In such regimes, reducing the complexity and memory requirements by a factor close to K has significant practical benefits. An explicit reconstruction of the channel matrix requires O(K2) memory and O(K2) flops, which is prohibitive in several practical applications.
GMRES [25] LSQR [26] are well-known iterative methods for the numerical solution of a system of linear equations, see Appendix A for detailed descriptions. LSQR has excellent regularization properties, and achieves BERs comparable to those of MMSE equalization, see [28], [24], and Section V.
In this following only basic, deterministic versions of the algorithms are described although it is clear that further modifications using statistical information, a turbo loop (see e.g. [6]) or decision feedback can be combined with this equalizer. For the sake of clarity of presentation, the methods are described in their simplest form, without relying on any specific probabilistic assumptions. In this approach, no approximation of the channel matrix by a matrix banded in the frequency domain is ever used.
The equalization method of the invention applies to any communication systems as long as:
The inventive method applies to, for example, cyclic-prefix based orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing (CP-OFDM) and single-carrier frequency-division multiplexing (SC-FDM). The method of the invention is quite practical, and may be readily implemented in hardware.
The method is validated by numerical simulations of a WiMAX-like system in channels with severe Doppler shifts, but the method applies to any communication systems, as long as the wireless channel is modeled by a basis expansion. Using BEM coefficients, the proposed equalizer noticeably outperforms current low-complexity equalizers, which are based on an approximation by a banded matrix in the frequency domain.
The invention will now be described in detail under reference to the enclosed drawings in which:
a shows the BER as a function of the SNR expressed as Eb/N0 at the receiver velocity of 175 km/h, using exact CSI.
b shows the BER as a function of the SNR expressed as Eb/N0 at the receiver velocity of 175 km/h, using estimated CSI.
a shows the BER as a function of the SNR expressed as Eb/N0 at the receiver velocity of 300 km/h, using exact CSI.
b shows the BER as a function of the SNR expressed as Eb/N0 at the receiver velocity of 300 km/h, using estimated CSI.
a shows the BER as a function of the SNR expressed as Eb/N0 at the receiver velocity of 550 km/h, using exact CSI.
b shows the BER as a function of the SNR expressed as Eb/N0 at the receiver velocity of 550 km/h, using estimated CSI.
The equalization method applies to any wireless transmission scheme as long as transmit symbols are sufficiently separated to avoid ISI, which is typically achieved by using a cyclic prefix (CP). CP-OFDM, SC-FDM are example transmission schemes with which this equalization method can be used. The equalization method is illustrated with a CP-OFDM system operating in doubly selective channels. An equivalent baseband representation of a single-antenna OFDM system with K subcarriers is considered. However, the method can be adapted to a MIMO setup in a straightforward manner. A sampling period of Ts=1/B is used, where B denotes the transmit bandwidth. A cyclic prefix of length Lep is used in every OFDM symbol. Lcp is chosen so large, that LcpTs exceeds the channel's maximum delay, so that inter-symbol interference (ISI) is avoided. Consequently, throughout this paper only one OFDM symbol is considered at a time, and all further models and formulations refer to one OFDM symbol.
Each subcarrier is used to transmit a symbol A[k] (k=0, . . . , K−1) from a finite symbol constellation (e.g. 4QAM, PSK, 64QAM). Depending on the transmission setup, some of these symbols serve as pilots for channel estimation. The OFDM modulator uses the Inverse Discrete Fourier Trans-form (IDFT) to map the frequency-domain transmit symbols A[k] into the time-domain transmit signal χ[n]
After discarding the cyclic prefix at the receiver, the receive signal equals
Here, w[n] denotes complex additive noise (AWGN) of variance N0, hl[n] is the complex channel tap associated with delay l, and L is the channel length (maximum discrete-time delay). Consequently, the channel's maximum delay equals (L−1)Ts. For simplicity, the worst-case assumption that L=Lcp is made. In order to simplify notation, throughout this paper the signals are assumed to be periodically extended with period K. Therefore equation (2) represents the cyclic convolution of length K. No acyclic convolutions are used in this paper.
The proposed equalization method applies to any transmission scheme, as long as the time-domain transmit-receive relation can be modeled as equation (2). This is, for example, the case with single-carrier FDM (SC-FDM). Equivalently, the transmit-receive relation (2) can be written as
y=Hx+w, (3)
where y≡(y[0], . . . , y[K−1])T is the time-domain receive signal,
x≡(x[0], . . . , x[K−1])T is the time-domain transmit signal,
w(w[0], w[K−1]7 is an additive noise process in the time domain, and H is the time-domain channel matrix.
The OFDM demodulator at the receiver's end performs the following tasks with the sampled time-domain receive signal: channel estimation, equalization, demodulation by means of the DFT, quantization, decoding and deinterleaving. In this paper, it is assumed that a channel estimate in terms of the BEM coefficients is already provided. In the next section, methods for equalization of the receive signal using the estimated BEM coefficients are developed.
1.2 Wireless Channel Representation with BEM
A basis expansion model (BEM) is considered for the channel taps. With the BEM, each channel tap h1 is modeled as a linear combination of suitable basis functions. Several bases are proposed in literature, including complex exponentials [29, 30, 7, 8], complex exponentials oversampled in the frequency domain [9], discrete prolate spheroidal functions [10], polynomials [11], and the Legendre polynomials [5].
With a specific set of basis functions, the channel tap hl represented as follows
where blm, is the mth basis coefficient of the /th channel tap, Bm is the mth basis function, and M is the BEM model order. Relation (4) is correct up to a modeling error, which can be reduced by increasing the model order M. On the other hand, in pilot-based estimation methods increasing M decreases the transmission capacity.
Combining (2) and (4), the time-domain receive signal y is expressed as
where n=0, . . . , K−1, and w is an additive error, which consists of random noise and a systematic modeling error.
Changing the order of summation in equation (5), it is obtained
Equivalently, the time-domain channel matrix H can be expressed as a sum of product-convolutions as follows:
where Pm is a diagonal matrix with Pm(i, i) equal to Bm(i), and Cm is a circulant matrix representing the cyclic convolution with the mth set of the BEM coefficients {blm}l=0M−1.
It is well-known, that the conventional single-tap equalization in the frequency domain is inaccurate for doubly selective channels with severe ICI see [15, 16, 17]. Direct methods, like MMSE equalization, have high computational complexity and memory usage. Low-complexity methods that rely on approximation by a banded matrix in the frequency domain, are equivalent to using the CE-BEM (see Appendix C), and correct only relatively modest ICI.
(H, y, i)
(HHH, HHy, i)
In their stead, equalization with two standard iterative methods for the approximate solution of linear systems, namely GMRES [25] and LSQR [26], is proposed. The iterative nature of the method is strictly limited to the algorithms used as linear solvers, see Appendix A for their detailed descriptions. In particular, feed-back loops with partially equalized signal symbols are not used. GMRES and LSQR are both Krylov subspace methods, i.e. each approximate solution is sought within an increasing family of Krylov subspaces. Specifically, at the ith iteration GMRES constructs an approximation within the subspace
(H,y,i)=Span{y,Hy,H2y, . . . ,H(i−1)y}, (8)
whereas LSQR within the subspace
(HHH,HHy,i)=Span{HHy,(HHH)HHy, . . . ,(HHH)(i−1)HHy} (9)
For a comparison of GMRES and LSQR, see Table 2.1. Both methods use the number of iterations as a regularization parameter.
At each iteration, GMRES and LSQR require the computation of matrix-vector products of the form Hy, together with vector additions, scalar multiplications, and finding the 2-norms of vectors. Additionally, LSQR needs matrix-vector products of the form HHV. Since the most expensive part is the computation of the matrix-vector products, the complexity of one iteration of LSQR is approximately twice that of one iteration of GMRES. In Appendix A, detailed descriptions of both GMRES and LSQR are provided. With the product-convolution structure of the channel matrix H, computational complexity is reduced dramatically, see Section IV and Table II.
In exact arithmetic, the LSQR algorithm is equivalent to the conjugate gradient method applied to the normal equations [26]. Consequently, within K iterations LSQR computes an exact solution of a K×K system, which amounts to Zero Forcing. In practice, the inputs of LSQR are known only approximately, and using all K iterations visibly amplifies the modeling errors and noise. However, LSQR has a built-in regularization mechanism, with the number of iterations as a regularization parameter. Consequently, an early termination of iterations effectively prevents the amplification of errors and noise. The error obtained using LSQR with the optimal number of iterations is comparable to that of MMSE equalization with the optimal Tikhonov regularization parameter. An excellent survey of regularization methods is given in [28]. A detailed treatment of regularization with LSQR is given in [31, Sec. 7.6]. Combining these two refernces, one can conlcude that LSQR achieves the minimum error possible for a certain class of regularization methods. Numerical results also confirm that equalization with LSQR is equivalent to MMSE equalization.
Another regularization method consists of applying LSQR to the matrix [HTσI]T and the vector [y0] in order to solve the following least square problem:
This approach is commonly known as damped LSQR, see Appendix A. The choice of the parameter σ depends on ambent noise and the modeling error. Damped LSQR combines LSQR with the Tikhonov regularization, and it has two regularization parameters: the number of iterations and the (continuous) damping parameter. Numerical simulations show of that the minimum achievable BERs are similar for LSQR and damped LSQR, even if the noise parameters are known exactly at the receiver. However, a major advantage of damped LSQR is that semi-convergence is much milder, that is the BER as a function of the number of iterations grows very slowly after reaching its minimum.
The optimal number of LSQR iterations depends directly on the noise level, and the distribution of the singular values of the channel matrix, which in turn depends on the maximum Doppler spread and the maximum delay spread. However, it has been observed experimentally, that the number of iterations does not essentially depend on the number of OFDM subcarriers K.
Preconditioners accelerate convergence of iterative solvers by replacing a given matrix with one that has closely clustered eigenvalues, see [32, Section 10.3]. An approximate inverse of the matrix is commonly used as a preconditioner, since the eigenvalues of the preconditioned matrix are clustered around the point z=1 in the complex plane. The first term of the product-convolution representation (7) equal to P0C0 may be regarded as a crude approximation to the channel matrix H. Consequently, (P0C0)−1 is a suitable choice for a preconditioner. If, additionally, P0 is the identity matrix, C0−1 is used as a preconditioner, which in fact corresponds to the single-tap equalizer in the frequency domain, see equation (20). This is the case, for example, with the Legendre polynomial basis, or a complex exponential basis. The matrix C0−1 is the exact inverse of the channel matrix for a purely frequency selective channel, and serves as an approximate inverse for a doubly selective channel matrix with a moderate Doppler shift. However, for channels with large Doppler shifts, C0−1 is not a useful preconditioner.
In order to describe the preconditioner, a new variable
{tilde over (x)}=C
x, (12)
is introduced, and substituted it into equation (3) in the following manner
where {tilde over (H)}=HC0−1.
In view of equation (7), it follows that
where {tilde over (C)}m=CmC0−1 for m=0, 1, . . . M−1. Clearly, the transformed time-domain channel matrix {tilde over (H)} is also a sum of product-convolutions, so both matrices {tilde over (H)} and {tilde over (H)}H can be applied at a cost (K log K). Algebraically, replacing equation (3) by equation (16) is classified as right preconditioning. For some bases, e.g. that of discrete prolates, P0 is not a constant. In such cases, one should use both left and right preconditioning, see Appendix B for details.
The eigenvalues of a representative time-domain channel matrix H, and its preconditioned version {tilde over (H)}=HC0−1, are shown in
The proposed equalization uses only the BEM coefficients of the channel taps and the time-domain receive signal. It is assumed that estimates of the BEM coefficients are known, for example they are provided by one of the estimation methods mentioned in the introduction. In this subsection, algebraic formulas for the algorithms presented in the next subsection are derived.
It is well-known, for example see [32] (p. 202), that conjugating a circulant matrix by the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) results in a diagonal matrix. The cyclic convolution matrices Cm are thus expressed as
F, m=0, . . . ,M−1, (20)
where Dm are diagonal matrices, and F is the matrix of the DFT in K dimensions. The diagonal of the matrix Dm coincides with the DFT of the BEM coefficients b•m zero-padded to length K,
m(i,i)=(F[b•m,0, . . . ,0]T)(i), (21)
for i=1, . . . , K, (•)T denotes the transpose operation.
Substituting relation (20) into equation (18), it is obtained
is a diagonal matrix. Similarly, substituting relation (20) into equation (12), it is obtained
{tilde over (x)}=C
Fx. (25)
Combining equations (23) and (16), the time-domain receive signal y is expressed in the following form
In the frequency domain, equation (26) has the form
where W is the noise in the frequency domain,
F{tilde over (x)} (31)
is the frequency-domain transmit signal as used in equation (1), and Y is the receive signal in the frequency domain. Equation (30) demonstrates that doubly selective frequency-domain channel matrix is the product of a frequency selective (FS) operator D0, and an operator accounting for ICI.
The proposed equalization algorithm in the time domain is based on equation (23), and can be summarized as follows: given the time-domain receive signal y and the BEM coefficients blm, {tilde over (x)} is computed using iterative solvers GMRES or LSQR, and then A is approximated with D0−1F{tilde over (x)}. Specifically, the following steps are executed:
A similar algorithm for equalization in the frequency domain can be formulated using equation (30), with the frequency-domain channel matrix expressed as a sum of convolution-products. Equalization in the time and in the frequency domain gives identical errors, because the errors are related by a unitary operator.
Other iterative methods for the solution of linear systems can also be used in place of LSQR, and GMRES.
Operation counts of equalization of one OFDM symbol are reported. The diagonal matrices P, are assumed to be precomputed. The computation of diagonal matrices Din, from the BEM coefficients in Step 1 requires (MK log K) operations. Whenever preconditioning is used, Step 2 is executed (creation of the diagonal matrices Dm), and it requires
(MK) operations. In Step 3, {tilde over (x)} is approximated using iterative methods GMRES or LSQR; this requires
(K log K) operations per iteration. A typical number of iterations does not
exceed 16. In Step 4, the frequency-domain transmit signal A is computed from {tilde over (x)} using equation (31), which requires (K log K) operations. In Step 5, the signal A is quantized according to the alphabet used at the cost of
(K) operations. A detailed breakdown of computational complexity is provided in Table II.
The equalization process begins with the time-domain receive signal y and the BEM coefficients blm, which are stored as K and ML floating point complex numbers, respectively. Pm and {tilde over (D)}m are diagonal matrices, which are stored as K complex numbers each. The matrix-vector multiplications required by GAMES and LSQR are done using pointwise multiplications and the FFT-s of size K, see equation (23). After the ith iteration, GMRES requires storing i+1 vectors of length K, while LSQR requires storing four vectors of length K. Thus the proposed algorithm requires (K) memory.
3.5 Comparison with Other Low-Complexity Equalizers
Current equalizers achieve a reduced complexity by means of approximation by a banded matrix in the frequency domain [22], [6], [33]. Generally, such methods also require preprocessing with a time domain window, which increases ICI of the neighboring subcarriers, and reduces ICI of distant ones. A banded approximation of the frequency domain channel matrix is equivalent to the complex exponential BEM (CE-BEM), see Appendix C. However, the CE-BEM is known to be inaccurate for doubly selective wireless channels, see [14], [2].
For example, in [6] the channel matrix is initially estimated using the DPS-BEM. This approximation is later replaced by one banded in the frequency domain, which amounts to a transition to the CE-BEM. Thus the original information about the channel is lost before equalization. On the other hand, the proposed equalizer can be used with all bases, and retains the full information obtained during channel estimation.
Setting aside the computational complexity, the most accurate equalization is obtained using the entire channel matrix. This is prominent in the results obtained in [22] by using the Matched Filter Bound (MFB) equalization, and in [33] by using the nonbanded Block Linear Equalizer (BLE). However, the equalization results with the full channel matrix in [6] are not significantly better than those of equalization with a banded approximation. This is because preprocessing with a window in the time domain is done before equalization, see Section VI in [6]. It has been observed experimentally that such preprocessing increases the condition number of the whole channel matrix by orders of magnitude, and degrades the BER after equalization with the entire channel matrix. By contrast, no window is used in either [22] or [33]. Low-complexity equalizers in [22], [33], [6], use a banded approximation of the frequency domain channel matrix. On the other hand, the proposed algorithm achieves a low complexity by means of a representation of the channel matrix as a sum of product-convolution operators, which is inherent in any BEM. Thus we use sparsity of the channel matrix in a different way than a banded approximation of the channel matrix in frequency domain. It is observed in [24] that for equalization with LSQR is as accurate as one with MMSE. This observation is confirmed experimentally in Section V. In exact arithmetic, LSQR is equivalent to conjugate gradient on normal equations (CGNE) [26]. Consequently, the proposed method obtains accuracy similar to MMSE equalization with a low complexity.
The computation of the optimal windows, as suggested in [22], [33], requires the second order channel statistics, which are not easy to obtain. In this paper we discuss methods which do not require any statistical information. Thus, when comparing the proposed equalization method with banded equalizers, a linear preprocessing with a fixed window is performed before applying the banded equalizer. Specifically, the Blackman window is used, which is close to the window proposed in [33]. (D2K) operations. The proposed equalizer does not use any windowing. Using a time domain window on the receiver's side is equivalent to using a BEM with a modified basis, namely one obtained by mutlipying the original basis by the window.
The transmission setup conforms to the IEEE 802.16e specifications. A coded OFDM system with K=256 subcarriers, utilizing B=2.8 MHz of bandwidth at a carrier frequency of fc=5.8 GHz is simulated. A cyclic prefix of length Lcp=32 is used in order to avoid ISI. Consequently, the sampling period is Ts=1/B=0.357 μs, and the symbol duration is (K Lcp)Ts=(256+32)×0.357 μs=102.9 μs. The information bits are encoded using a convolutional code of rate ½, passed through an interleaver, and mapped to 4-QAM symbols. For experiments with estimated BEM coefficients, a frequency-domain Kronecker delta (FDKD) pilot arrangement is deployed in each OFDM symbol, as described in [12], [5]. The pilots are only used for estimation of the BEM coefficients, and do not have any influence on the proposed equalization algorithm. Experiments with exact channel state information (CSI) do not use pilots in transmission.
A wide sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) Rayleigh fading channel is simulated with a maximum delay of 11.4 μs, which corresponds to the worst case when L=Lcp=32 taps. Each tap has an average path gain of −2 dB and a Jakes Doppler spectrum. The simulated transmit signal is filtered through channels with varying maximum Doppler shifts. The maximum Doppler shift νmax is related to the receiver velocity v by the formula
where c is the speed of light. To the signal filtered through the channel, additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) of varying energy per bit to noise spectral density (Eb/N0) is added. The values of νmax, v, Eb/N0 are reported for all the experiments. The channel is simulated using the MATLAB Communication Toolbox (version 4.2).
At the receiver, first the BEM coefficients are computed. Specifically, in numerical experiments the basis of the Legendre polynomials [5] is used. In experiments with estimated channel taps, the algorithm described in [5] is used for estimation of the BEM coefficients. In experiments with the exact channel matrix, the BEM coefficients are computed by projecting the channel taps on the basis functions. Subsequently, the receive signal is equalized using the proposed algorithm. Finally, the equalized signal is quantized and decoded using the BCJR algorithm and deinterleaved. As a measure of performance, we report the bit error rate (BER) averaged over 100,000 OFDM symbols.
First, the dependence of the BER on the number of iterations of GMRES, LSQR and damped LSQR is studied, with and without preconditioning. In the case of GMRES, only the results with preconditioning are presented, since without preconditioning GMRES needs approximately K iterations to achieve a useful BER. One iteration of LSQR requires approximately twice as many flops as that of GMRES, see Table II for details.
All iterative methods in
a) and 5(b) show the BER with the exact and estimated CSI, respectively, corresponding to the receiver velocity of 175 km/h, or 8.6% of the subcarrier spacing. With exact CSI, 20 iterations of LSQR are used, and 10 iterations of preconditioned LSQR, and 8 iterations of preconditioned GMRES. With estimated CSI, 14 iterations of LSQR are used, and 8 iterations of preconditioned LSQR, and 5 iterations of preconditioned GMRES. The observed BERs are reported for Eb/N0=15 dB, and Eb/N0=25 dB, respectively, which are of high practical interest. With exact CSI, LSQR, respectively, achieves the BERs of 9.0·10−5 and 6.3·10−7, preconditioned LSQR achieves the BERs of 9.8·10−5 and 1.6·10−6, and preconditioned GMRES achieves the BERs of 3.1·10−4 and 1.6·10−5. With estimated CSI, LSQR, respectively, achieves the BERs of 3.5·10−3 and 1.2·10−5, preconditioned LSQR achieves the BERs of 3.9·10−3 and 2.0·10′, and preconditioned GMRES achieves the BERs of 3.9·10′ and 3.4·10′.
a) and 6(b) show the BER with the exact and estimated CSI, respectively, corresponding to the receiver velocity of 300 km/h, or 14.7% of the subcarrier spacing. With exact CSI, 20 iterations of LSQR are used, and 10 iterations of preconditioned LSQR, and 8 iterations of preconditioned GMRES. With estimated CSI, 10 iterations of LSQR are used, and 6 iterations of preconditioned LSQR, and 5 iterations of preconditioned GMRES. The observed BERs are reported for Eb/N0=15 dB, and Eb/N0=25 dB, respectively. With exact CSI, LSQR, respectively, achieves the BERs of 9.5·10′ and 1.1·10−6, preconditioned LSQR achieves the BERs of 1.3·10−4 and 3.3·10−6, and preconditioned GMRES achieves the BERs of 1.2·10−3 and 2.8·10−4. With estimated CSI, LSQR, respectively, achieves the BERs of 3.6·10−3 and 3.6·10−5, preconditioned LSQR achieves the BERs of 5.0·10−3 and 7.8·10′, and preconditioned GMRES achieves the BERs of 6.0·10−3 and 2.7·10−4.
a) and 7(b) show the BER with the exact and estimated CSI, respectively, corresponding to the receiver velocity of 550 km/h, or 27% of the subcarrier spacing. With exact CSI, 15 iterations of LSQR are used, and 10 iterations of preconditioned LSQR, and 5 iterations of preconditioned GMRES. With estimated CSI, 14 iterations of LSQR are used, and 8 iterations of preconditioned LSQR, and 5 iterations of preconditioned GMRES. The observed BERs are reported for Eb/N0=15 dB, and Eb/N0=25 dB, respectively. With exact CSI, LSQR, respectively, achieves the BERs of 1.1·10−4 and 4.8·10−6, preconditioned LSQR achieves the BERs of 2.0·10′ and 1.5·10−5, and preconditioned GAMES achieves the BERs of 1.2·10−2 and 7.7·10−3. With estimated CSI, LSQR, respectively, achieves the BERs of 5.0·10−3 and 2.2·10−4, preconditioned LSQR achieves the BERs of 6.5·10−3 and 5.3·10−4, and preconditioned GMRES achieves the BERs of 2.0·10−2 and 4.8·10−3.
In numerical experiments, it is observed that convergence of GMRES is very slow, which renders the method impractical. Preconditioned GMRES converges fast when applied to doubly selective channels with moderate Doppler shifts. LSQR is very effective for doubly selective channels with moderate to large Doppler shifts. Preconditioning LSQR with the single-tap equalizer accelerates convergence by a factor of about 2 in channels with moderate Doppler spreads. However, it is not effective for channels whose Doppler shift exceeds 25% of the intercarrier frequency spacing. Such channels are far away from being purely frequency selective, and the single-tap equalizer is not reliable as an approximate inverse. The proposed method has also been used in combination with a Blackman window on the receiver's side. However, only insignificant improvements in BER have been observed. The performance of the proposed equalization method using estimated BEM coefficients demonstrates that the proposed equalization method can be applied in practice in combination with presently available BEM estimation algorithms.
A novel, low-complexity equalization method is presented, which uses the BEM coefficients of the wireless channel taps without ever creating the channel matrix. The method is aimed at doubly selective channels with moderate and high Doppler spreads. Equalization is performed with classical iterative methods for linear systems, specifically with GMRES or LSQR. The main idea is to treat the wireless channel modeled by a basis expansion as a sum of product-convolution operators. This special structure permits a fast computation of matrix-vector products. For example, in case of an OFDM system with K subcarriers, each iteration costs (K log K) operations.
Convergence of both GMRES and LSQR can be significantly accelerated by preconditioning with the single-tap equalizer. Typically, 3-16 iterations are required for convergence. The method is validated by computation simulations, which use existing pilot-aided channel estimation methods. In high Doppler regimes, LSQR-based equalization outperforms equalization based on approximation by a banded matrix in the frequency domain by a factor of 40-60 in BER.
In this appendix, a detailed description of GMRES [25] and LSQR [26] is given. Both are well-known iterative methods for the numerical solution of a system of linear equations. A linear system is derived from the time-domain transmit-receive relation (3) by ignoring the noise component,
Hx=y. (33)
Thus matrix H is of size K×K, and x, y are vectors of length K.
The ith Krylov subspace for this problem is
(H,y,i)=span{y,Hy,H2y, . . . ,H(i−1)y}. (34)
GMRES approximates the exact solution of (33) by a vector xiε(H, y, i) that minimizes the norm∥ri∥2 of the residual
i. (35)
The vectors y, Hy, . . . , H(i−1)y are not necessarily orthogonal, so the Arnoldi iteration is used to find orthonormal basis vectors q1, q2, . . . , qi for (H, y, i). Subsequently, the vector xiε
(H, y, i) is written as xi=Qibi, where Qi is the K×i matrix formed by q1, . . . , qi, and biε
The Arnoldi process produces an (i+1)×i upper Hessenberg matrix i which satisfies
(i+1)i (36)
Because Qi has orthogonal columns, it follows that
∥y−Hxi∥2=∥ibn−βe1∥2, (37)
where e1=(1, 0, 0, . . . , 0), and β=∥y∥2. Therefore, Xi can be found by minimizing the norm of the residual
1−ibi. (38)
This is a linear least squares problem of size i×i, which is solved using the QR factorization. One can summarize the GMRES method as follows. At every step of the iteration:
1. Do one step of the Arnoldi method.
2. Find the bi which minimizes ∥ri∥2 using the QR factorization at a cost of (i2) flops.
3. Compute xi=Qibi
4. Repeat if the residual is not yet small enough.
LSQR is an iterative algorithm for the approximate solution of the linear system (33). In exact arithmetic, LSQR is equivalent to the conjugate gradient method for the normal equations HHHx=HHy. In the ith iteration, one constructs a vector xi in the Krylov subspace
(HHH,HHy,i)=Span{HHy,(HHH)HHy, . . . ,(HHH)(i−1)HHy} (39)
that minimizes the norm of the residual ∥y−Hxi∥2.
LSQR consists of two steps: the Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization and the solution of a bidiagonal least squares problem. The Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization [32] constructs vectors ui, vi, and positive constants αi, βi (i=1, 2, . . . ) as follows:
1. Set β1=∥y∥2,u1=y/β1, α1=∥HHy∥2, v1=HHy/αd1.
2. For i=1, 2, . . . , set
The process is terminated if αi+i=0 or βi+1=0.
In exact arithmetic, the ui's are orthonormal, and so are the vi's. Therefore, one can reduce the approximation problem over the ith Krylov subspace to the following least square problem:
where Bi is the (i+1)×i lower bidiagonal matrix with α1, . . . , αi on the main diagonal, and β2, . . . , βi+i on the first subdiagonal. This least squares problem is solved at a negligible cost using the QR factorization of the bidiagonal matrix Bi. Finally, the ith approximate solution is computed as
The second LSQR step solves the least squares problem (40) using the QR factorization of Bi. The computational costs of this step are negligible due to the bidiagonal structure of Bi. Furthermore, [26] introduced a simple recursion to compute wi and xi via a simple vector update from the approximate solution obtained in the previous iteration.
If a constant function is the first basis function of a BEM, then C0−1 is a good right preconditioner. During extensive numerical simulations, no difference in BER has been found between using C0−1 as a left or as a right preconditioner. However, using C0−1 as a left preconditioner makes the transformed time-domain channel matrix into a sum of convolution-product-convolution operators. This makes matrix-vector multiplication with system matrix preconditioned on the left by C0−1 more expensive than preconditioned on the right by C0−1. For a BEM which does not include a constant function, P0−1 is a suitable left preconditioner. Using the left preconditioning in the time-domain transmit-receive relation (3), it is obtained
where {tilde over (y)} is the transformed time-domain receive signal, and {tilde over (w)} is the trans-formed noise. Writing H as a sum of product-convolution operators (7) in equation (42), it is obtained
where {tilde over (H)}L=P0−1H is the transformed time-domain channel matrix. Clearly, {tilde over (H)}L is also a sum of product-convolution operators, which allows a fast computation of matrix-vector products with {tilde over (H)}L and {tilde over (H)}LH.
In this appendix, it is shown that approximation with a channel matrix banded in the frequency domain is equivalent to using a CE-BEM. It is well-known, that a CE-BEM gives rise to a banded channel matrix in the frequency domain, [22]. It is demonstrated that the opposite is also true. Theorem. Let H be an arbitrary K×K time-domain channel matrix with the maximum discrete delay L−1, and let B be the banded truncation of the frequency-domain channel matrix FHFH with the bandwidth 2Q+1, 0≦K. The time-domain matrix E=FHBF is a CE-BEM matrix with the model order 2Q+1, and with the maximum discrete delay L−1.
The entries of the matrices H, B and E are denoted by hrs, bkm and epg, respectively. For all indices k and m, 0≦k, m␣K−1, such that |m−k|≦Q, we have
Setting m=k+d, |d|≦Q, it is obtained
Similarly, for all indices p and q, 0≦p, q≦K−1,
Substituting (48) into (49), it is obtained
From (50), it follows that the pth entry of the qth channel tap is given by
Formula (51) shows that E is the time-domain matrix of a CE-BEM with the model order 2Q+1.
If p≧q+L, then hs+p−q,s=0 for every s, since the maximum discrete delay of the matrix H is less than L. It follows from (50), that also epq=0. Consequently, the matrix E has the maximum discrete delay less than L.□
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10 450 034.3 | Mar 2010 | EP | regional |
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