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“A Combinational Chemistry Apprach to Oxidation Catalyst Discovery and Optimization,” Peigun Cong, Dan Giaquinta, Shenhang Guan, Eric McFarland, Kyle Self, Howard Turner and W. Henry Weinburg, Process Miniaturization: 2nd International Conference on Microreaction Technology Brochure, pp. 118-123. |
“Thin Film Microcalorimeter for Heat Capacity Measurements from 1.5 to 800 K,” D.W. Denlinger, E.N. Abarra, Kimberly Allen, P.W. Rooney, M.T. Messer, S.K. Watson, and F. Hellman, Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol. 65, No. 4, Apr. 1994, pp. 946-958. |
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Copending Application Serial No. 09/210,485 filed Dec. 11, 1998. |
Copending Application Serial No. 09/210,428 filed Dec. 11, 1998. |