Title: Biochemical and Hematological Correlates of Alcoholism.sup.1 Authors; Ralph S. Ryback, Michael J. Eckardt and Charles P. Pautler Publication: Research Communication in Chemical Pathology and Pharmocology; vol 27, No. 3--Mar. 1980, pp. 533-550. |
Title: Diminished Blood Selenium Levels in Alcoholics Authors: Brad M. Devorkin, MD, William S. Rosenthal, MD, Gary G. Gordon, Md, and Rita H. Jankowski, RN, MSN. Publication: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 8, No. 6, Nov./Dec., 1984, pp. 535-538. |
Title: Accelerated Turnover of Very Low Density Lipoprotein Trigycerides in Chronic Alcohol Users. Authors: Timo Sane, Esko A. Nikkila, Marja-Rutta Taskinen, Matti Valimaki and Reino Ylikahri Publication: Atherosclerosis, 53 (1984), pp. 185-193, Elsevier Scienticfic Publishers Ireland, Ltd. |
Title: Plasma and Red Cell Lipids in Alcoholics with Macrocytosis Authors: M. R. Clements, W. Kessler, H. W. Schied, A. Schupmann and H. D. Waller Publication: Clincia Chimica Acta. 156 (1986), pp. 321-328, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. |
Title: Variations in HDL and VLDL Levels Chronic Alcoholics. Influence of the Degree of Liver Damage and of Withdrawal of Alcohol Authors: Sylvie Tateossian, Jacqueline G. Peynet, Alain G. Legrand, Bernadette Collet, Jean A. Rossignal, Jacques J. Delattre and Francois J. Rousselet Publication: Clinca Chimica Acta. 148 (1985), pp. 211-219, Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. |
Title: alcohol: High Density Lipoproteins, Apolipoproteins Authors: Paul Cushman, MD, Joseph Baboriak, ScD, John Kalbfliesch, PhD. Publication: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 10, No. 1; Mar./Apr. 1986, pp. 1554-157. |
Title: Decreased Serum Selenium in Alcoholics as Related to Liver Structure and Function.sup.1-3. Authors: Heikki Korpela, DVM, MD, Jorma Kumpulainen, PhD, Pauli V. Luoma, MD, PhD., Arno J. Arranto, MD, Phd, and Eero A. Sotaniemi, MD, PhD. Publication: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 42: Jul. 1985, pp. 147-151. |
Title: Low Blood Selenium Levels in Alcoholics With and Without Advanced Liver Disease--Correlations with Clinical and Nutritional Status Authors: Brad Devorkin, MD, William S. Rosenthal, MD, Rita H. Jankowski, RN, MSN, Gary G. gordon, MD, and Daulat Haldea, MD Publication: Digestive Diseases and Sciences, vol. 30, No. 9, (Sep., 1985), pp. 838-844. |
Title: The relationship Between Liver Function and Alcohol in Patients Admitted to an Alcoholism Unit Authors: J. R. Evans, S. Ogston, Anne Guthrie, B. Johnston and L. McKechnie Publication: Amn Clin Biochem, 1984, 21:261-267. |
Title: Serum Apolipoprotein A-II, Biochemical Indicator of Alcohol Abuse Authors: Pascal Puchois, Michel Fontan, Jean-Louis Gentilini, Phillippe Gelez, Jean-Charles Fruchart Publication: Clinica Chimca Acta. 185 (1984), pp. 185-189, Elsevier Science Publications, B.V. |
Title: Increased Blood Acetate: A New Laboratory Marker of Alcoholism and Heavy Drinking Authors: Ulla-Mari Korri, MD, Hannu Nuutinen, MD and Mikko Salaspuro, MB Publication: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 9, No. 5; Sep./Oct., 1985; pp. 468-471. |
Title: Elevated Blood Acetate as Indicator of Fast Ethanol Elimination in Chronic Alcoholics.sup.1 Authors: H. Nuutinen, K. Lindros, P. Hekali and M. Salaspuro Publication: Alcohol, vol. 2, 1985, pp. 623-626 |
Title: Carbohydrate Composition of Serum Transferrin in Alcoholic Patients Authors: Helena Stibler and Stefan Borg Publication: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, vol. 10, No. 1; Jan./Feb. 1986, pp. 61-64. |
Title: Use of Laboratory Tests to Monitor Heavy Drinking by Alcoholic Men Discharged from a Treatment Program Authors: Michael Irwin, MD, Steve Baird, MD, Tom L. Smith, PhD, and Marc Schukit, MD Publication: Am J. Psychiatry 145:5, May 1988, pp. 595-599. |
Title: Differences in Platelet Enzyme Activity Between Alcoholics and NonAlcoholics Authors: Boris Tabakoff, Ph.D, Paula L. Hoffman, Ph.D, John M. Lee, Ph.D, Toshikazu Saito, MD, Ph.D, Barbera Willard, RN, and Frank DeLeon-Jones, MD Publication: The New England Journal of Medicine, Jan. 21, 1988, vol. 318, No. 3, pp. 134-139. |
Title: Biological-Marker Studies in Alcoholism Author: Theodore Reich, MD Publication: The New England Journal of Medicine, Jan. 21, 1988, Vol. 318, No. 3, pp. 180-182. |
Title: Biochemical Diagnosis of Alcoholism: A Test of the Discriminating Capabilities of y-Glutamyl Transpeptidase and Mean Corpuscular Volume Authors: Michael J. Eckhardt, PhD, Ralph S. Ryback, MD,. Robert R. Rawlings, MS, Barry I. Grauhard, MA Publication: JAMA, Dec. 11, 1981, vol. 246, No. 23, pp. 2707-2710. |
Title: The Effectiveness of Biologic Markers to Diagose Alcoholism Authors: Ralph S. Ryback, MD, Robert R. Rawlings, MS, George L. Negron, MD, Rafael Correa-Coronas, MD, Dorothy Cirelli, MD and Sarkis Chobanian, MD Publication: "Controversies in Alcoholism and Substance Abuse", Mar. 26, 1984, pp. 191-207. |
Title: Hematological Concumitants of Alcoholism: Development and Validation of a Clinical Screening Technique Authors: Michael R. Hawkins, PhD, Harry D. Silsky, MD, David J. Kruzich, PhD and Doris R. Sittig, MS Publication: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, vol. 1, pp. 271-276, 1984. |
Title: Detection, Assessment, and Diagnosis of Alcoholism--Current Techniques Author: George R. Jacobson |
Title: Alcohol Consumption and High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Concentration Among Alcoholics Authors: Wanju S. Pai, Ronald E. Laporte, Dvid L. Hom, Lewis H. Kuller, Joyce A. D'Antonio, James P. Gutai, Marybeth Wozniczak, and Barbara Wholfohrt Published: American Journal of Epidiology, vol. 122, No. 4, pp. 620-627. |
Title: Serum Zinc, Copper, and Ceruloplasmin Levels in Male Alcoholics Authors: Chao-Tsong Wu, Jau-Non Lee, Winston W. Shen and Su-Long Lee Published: Biological Psychiatry, volo. 19, No. 9, 1984, pp. 1333-1338. |
Title: Average, Binge and Maximum Alcohol Intake in Healthy Young Men: Discriminant Function Analysis Authors: rich Cowan, Linda K. Massey and Thomas K. Greenfield Published: Journal of Studies on Alcohol, vol. 46, No. 6, 1985, pp. 467-472. |