1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates generally to methods and systems for pricing products such as goods and services, and more particularly to methods capable for effecting pricing of products where the price is customized for various potential purchasers of the products.
2. Description of the Prior Art
Buyers and sellers traditionally exchange information, goods, and services for money through one of several methods. In the most common of these, the seller sets the price, and the buyer either accepts that price or does not accept (for example, retail, or most classified ads). In another common method, the buyer and seller agree to a price (for example, a flea market, or a classified ad which includes ‘or best offer’). Sometimes buyers compete and the highest price offered wins (for example, a standard auction, a reverse auction, or a Dutch auction). In the alternative, sometimes sellers compete and the lower price offered wins as in reverse auctions and compete for a given buyer (for example, a ‘wanted to buy’ classified ad). Other commerce systems are exchange-driven, and buyers and sellers are matched in an orderly marketplace (such as the NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange).
In all of these buyer-seller protocols, the buyer and seller agree to the price and other payment terms before the information, goods, and services are provided. Several U.S. patents relate to on-line electronic communications and processing of transactions between multiple buyers and sellers with these various buyer-seller protocols. But for every single one of these, the buyer and seller agree to a price before the transaction is completed; indeed, if an agreement on price and other terms cannot be reached, the transaction does not occur.
It is common practice for providers of goods and/or services, herein called the seller of products, to offer different prices to different customers. A large purchasing power by the buyer, for instance from large retailers such as Wal-Mart, may force a seller to set a lower price for the products to reflect corporate savings in negotiating with a single buyer, savings on shipping and other factors. Methods for setting different prices, however, have often not been performed in systematic ways to achieve corporate goals set by the seller.
Accordingly, the need remains for improved systems and methods for pricing products to various customers which better achieve these economic goals set by the seller.
A method for pricing products (e.g., goods or services) offered to a customer comprises the steps of modeling customer behavior using a Zero Inflated Count Model for products sold in whole amounts (such as “by the truckload”) or using a Zero Inflated Regression Model for fractional/continuous demands. The models are created from records of buyer responses to past offers to yield an expected demand for the goods or services as a function of price. The seller performance goal is calculated as a function of price using the expected customer demand and the price proposal is thereby selected to maximize the seller performance goal.
The Zero Inflated Count Model is comprised of two components: the Zero Inflated Component and the Count (Regression) Model Component. The Zero Inflated Component is used to calculate the likelihood that the customer will have a non-zero demand for the product as a function of price. The Count Component is used to calculate the expected integer demand for the product given that the customer has a non-zero demand. The more generalized Zero Inflated Regression Model includes both the Zero Inflated Component noted above with the Count Model, and also a Non-negative Regression Model Component. Such a Model assumes that demand is zero with some probability q (the Zero Inflation Model) and a draw from some non-negative distribution f( ) (the Non-negative Regression Model) with probability 1−q. The total probability of seeing zero demand is q+(1−q)f(0). Both q and f( ) are expressed as functions of customer, product, and other attributes as described below. The Zero Inflated Regression Model can be used in place of the Count Model (which is just a class of the Non-negative Regression Model) to give integer results, but also extends the ability of the invention to yield continuous or fractional results.
The method is preferably operated on a system having various software modules capable of storing, sorting, and analyzing the data. A preferred implementation of an information system adapted to implement the customized pricing method is shown in
One preferred system for implementing the customized pricing method described above includes four modules operable within a server or workstation environment. A CP Statistical Calibration module examines the historical pricing proposals and their corresponding subsequent fulfillment data (e.g., what products were delivered at the offered prices). The historical pricing proposals are generated from or stored within databases coupled to the system. The CP Statistical Calibration module generates the market response parameters that are key to quantifying predicted future buyer behavior.
Once the customer model for the particular products is generated by the CP Statistical Calibration module, the model metrics are communicated to a CP Pricer module, operable on the same or different workstation/server. The Pricer module determines the customized price for each product in a given price proposal that is under consideration.
A third module, the CP Strategy tool, uses the CP Pricer in a “what if” mode, allowing a user to see the effects on price of changes in market parameters such as customer buying behavior or competition or of changes in costs or of changes in business rules such as required return on capital. Reports comparing predicted buyer behavior with buyer actual behavior are performed within a CP Performance monitor module.
The foregoing and other objects, features and advantages of the invention will become more readily apparent from the following detailed description of a preferred embodiment of the invention that proceeds with reference to the accompanying drawings.
This document describes the preferred implementation of a Customized Pricing System implemented according to teachings of the invention. A Customized Pricing System implements methods for Customized Pricing which will be discussed further below.
Customized Pricing is a unique method for a seller to price products. The prices are customized by taking into account: (1) the specific characteristics of the goods or services offered by the seller to a specific customer, (2) the cost to the seller of providing the goods or services to the specific customer, (3) the seller's performance goals in selling the goods or services to the specific customer or to a set of customers, and (4) the specific customer's buying behavior in making decisions to purchase the offered goods or services. As used herein, goods and services will be referred to collectively as products.
Price customization is achieved in the steps outlined in the following paragraphs with reference to the flow diagram shown in
1.0 Specify the Products
The first step in Customized Pricing is to specify the goods or services (hereinafter “products”) that will be offered to the customer, as in block 10 of
For example, consider services offered in a geographically distributed transportation network. A seller might offer truckload transportation services from an origin in this network to a destination. The set of services to be Customized Priced would then include truckload transportation on all combinations of origins and destinations that the seller serves in this network. Thus the dimensionality of the service offering is the set of all possible origin-destination combinations. However, a particular customer will actually have demand for only a small subset of these combinations leading to the sparse data problem in this particular example.
The specification of the products requires a clear definition of the product that the seller provides at the level of detail at which the seller desires to price the products. This specification does not require that the seller assign list prices to the products and thus is different from other methods, such as Target Pricing, currently practiced by those knowledgeable in the art.
2.0 Specify the Costs of Providing the Products
In block 12, the seller must define the cost of providing each of the products defined in block 10 to the set of customers to whom the seller anticipates potentially offering some or all of the products. These costs should include the opportunity costs (or indirect costs) of any assets used to produce the products as well as all direct costs. Note that in general the cost of providing products may vary with the customer to whom the products are provided.
For example, consider the cost of providing truckload transportation services from an Origin A to a Destination B for two different Customers X and Y. The cost per mile of moving the truck will likely be the same for both customers. However, the handling costs for Customer X might be significantly greater than the handling costs for Customer Y. Thus, the cost of providing the service to the two different customers will be different.
3.0 Specify the Offer
Generally customers will desire to purchase products in bundles or groups rather than individually. In block 14, the seller will establish the prices for the bundled products in an offer or pricing proposal. An offer or pricing proposal could consist of a price for a single product offered by the seller, a set of prices for a set of such products or a single price for a set of products.
For example, a customer might desire to purchase truckload transportation services from a distribution center located at Point A to a set of three retail outlets located at Point X1, Point X2, and Point X3.
The products in an offer may be considered independently or the customer may put constraints on how the seller prices the products in the offer.
In the example above, the seller might normally provide a set of three prices for the truckload transportation services:
Alternatively, the customer might require a single price for truckload transportation services from Origin A to any of the Destinations.
4.0 Capture Customer Buying Behavior by Making Statistical Inferences Based on Past Customer Behavior
The customer's buying behavior is modeled in block 16 by making statistical inferences based on data including the following core data:
This above list is meant to summarize the core data. In particular applications, additional data such as information about the market or macroeconomic indicators may also be useful. In addition, there is no assumption that the data will be perfect and all encompassing. In fact, in most cases, the data in many categories will be limited. The statistical modeling will determine whether the data available is sufficient. All of the available data becomes input to the statistical analysis process that is used to define customer buying behavior.
This inference is made in two steps. First, calculating the likelihood that the customer will have a non-zero demand for an offered product as a function of price. Second, given that there is a demand, calculating the expected level of demand as a function of price.
The two-step statistical inference defining the customer buying behavior is accomplished using a Zero Inflated Regression Model where a Zero Inflated model is used to calculate the probability that the customer may have a non-zero demand for the product as a function of price, and a Non-negative Regression Model is used to calculate the expected demand for the product given that the customer may have a non-zero demand. A Count Model is a special circumstance of the Non-negative Regression Model and be used in place of the Non-negative Regression component to address only integer amounts of products.
The Zero Inflated Regression Model approach has the ability to handle in a statistically meaningful manner the sparse data matrices that are often generated with products of high dimensionality in block 10. Many traditional approaches such as logistic regression do not have this ability to effectively make inferences from sparse data matrices. This is as opposed to other pricing schemes, such as Target Pricing, which are based on logistic regression calculations.
Using the historical information summarized at the beginning of this section, the Zero Inflated Regression Model approach will calculate price independent coefficients (coefficients that do not interact with price) and price dependent coefficients (coefficients that interact with price) for both the Zero Inflated and Non-negative Regression Model components. Using the Zero Inflated Regression Model approach there are a number of alternatives for the Non-negative Regression Model. For example, the Non-negative Regression Model could be a Poisson Model (also referred to as a ZIP approach) or a Negative Binomial Model (also referred to as a ZINB approach). If the quantity whose demand is being modeled takes on continuous values, the Non-negative Regression Model could be a Log-Normal Model. In addition, other Non-negative Regression Models could be used. The specific Non-negative Regression Model in any given application is chosen based on the best fit to the customer-specific data defined in Section 4.0. The Zero Inflated Regression Model approach, while never before applied to model demand as described herein, is well known to statisticians and thus not discussed here further.
Note that in performing the statistical inference on how customers react to pricing offers, Customized Pricing does not require an explicit resolution of whether the seller “won” or “lost” the pricing offer. Customized Pricing is concerned strictly with the actual business that the customer does with the seller at the prices offered in the pricing proposal. Again, this is an important difference between the present method and Target Pricing methods.
5.0 Calculate Expected Customer Demand
The expected customer demand for products resulting from a particular pricing proposal or offer is calculated in block 18 as a function of price using the Zero Inflated and Non-negative Regression Model price independent and price dependent coefficients developed in block 16. Note that Customized Pricing does not require a specification of the anticipated or planned demand in order to calculate the expected customer demand. If such anticipated or planned demand is available, it can be used in the calculation, but it is not required.
6.0 Define Customer Segmentation
When customer buying behavior is captured through the statistical inference process defined in block 16, a number of customer characteristics will be statistically significant in determining the Zero Inflated Regression Model. The specific customer characteristics depend on the experience of the seller with each of the customers.
The set of variables that are statistically significant in determining the Zero Inflated Regression Model defines the customer segmentation as determined in block 20. This segmentation is important since Customized Prices are potentially a function of all of the customer segmentation variables.
As an example, characteristics that may prove important are variables such as:
The inventive method for achieving customized pricing embodies the segmentation characteristics, where segmentation is based on observable characteristics of the customer or proposal that is statistically significant in predicting customer demand as a function of price.
7.0 Specify the Seller's Performance Metrics
The seller's performance metrics are specified in block 22. These performance metrics are measurable and observable indices that the seller wishes to use in measuring the relative success of selling the product. The seller can use the following performance metrics: Volume, Revenue, Profit, and Return on Capital. These metrics can be used individually or in combination as described in block 24 (section 8.0, below).
8.0 Specify the Seller's Performance Goals
The seller's performance goals, specified in block 24, define what the seller is trying to accomplish in setting Customized Prices. The performance goals or objectives are defined in terms of the seller's performance metrics.
For example, the performance goal of Customized Pricing might be to maximize contribution to profit. This is an example where the single performance metric, contribution to profit, is used. As mentioned in Section 7.0, above, combinations of metrics can also be used in establishing performance goals. For example, the performance goal of Customized Pricing might be to maximize contribution to profit subject to the constraint of achieving a specified minimum level of return on capital.
Performance goals can vary by customer segmentation, other market segmentation such as geography, competitor, and product. For example, a seller might have the performance goals to: (1) maximize contribution to profit for all customers except those in the XYZ industry, and (2) maximize contribution to profit for all customers in the XYZ industry subject to achieving a minimum specified level of expected demand. These goals may or may not be mutually exclusive.
9.0 Calculate the Values of the Seller's Performance Metrics as a Function of Price
For the products in the offer defined in block 14 with the costs defined in block 12, calculate in block 26 the expected demand in block 18 and the values of the performance metrics defined in block 22, all as a function of price.
10.0 Determine the Customized Price That Optimizes the Achievement of the Seller's Performance Goals
Using the values of the seller's performance metrics as a function of price, choose the Customized Price in block 28 that optimizes the achievement of the seller's performance goals as defined in block 26. The optimization may be performed independently over the products in the offer or it may reflect interactions among the products in the offer as appropriate.
11.0 Override the Calculated Customized Price If It Falls Outside the Statistically Valid Range
It is possible that the optimization in block 28 will produce a Customized Price that is outside the statistically valid variation in price as determined in block 16. Query block 30 is operated to determine if the customized price is outside of this range. In this case, the calculated price should be overridden and replaced by the appropriate minimum or maximum of the statistically valid price range in block 32. Otherwise, the calculated customized price from block 28 is maintained in block 34.
12.0 Calculate a Range for the Customized Price
Using the values of the seller's performance metrics as a function of price, choose a Customized Price Lower Limit and Customized Price Upper Limit in block 36 that yield values of the seller's performance goal within a specified tolerance of the value achieved in block 28. The range from Customized Price Lower Limit to Customized Price Upper Limit is the Customized Price range. The objective of a range is to provide sufficient pricing flexibility to support the sales process, without substantially compromising the seller's performance goals.
13.0 Calculate the Benefits of Customized Pricing
The benefit of using Customized Pricing as compared to any alternative pricing approach is determined in block 38 by comparing the value of the seller's performance goal at the Customized Price as determined in block 28 to the value of the seller's performance goal for the alternative pricing approach as determined in block 26. This benefits calculation is based on applying a consistent set of market response and performance measurement assumptions to both Customized Pricing and the alternative pricing approach.
Customized Pricing Methods are most applicable under the following conditions. The first condition is where the nature of the industry is such that prices are at least to some extent negotiated between seller and buyer. The second condition is where sellers have freedom in setting their prices, and, in particular to offer different prices to different buyers. The third condition is where buyers decide which seller or sellers to buy from, and in what volume, based on prices offered, quality, competition, and all characteristics of the offering
Among the particulars that tend to vary from situation to situation are: (1) the accuracy with which the seller can cost the products offered; (2) the data that is (or can be) captured and stored in the seller's information systems; (3) for each data field, the accuracy and reliability of the captured data; (4) for a particular seller, which data fields can be shown to be statistically significant and useful as a predictor of the purchasing behavior of particular buyers; (5) the information technologies that are used for the seller's existing data capture systems and the seller's preferred information technologies for implementing a Customized Pricing System and integrating it with existing systems; and (6) whether the seller's organization and business process for setting prices is centrally managed and controlled, or is distributed and, in either case, the specific types of “management controls” the customer desires to build into the Customized Pricing System.
The Customized Pricing System described in the following pages is designed to accommodate such variations. The remainder of this document describes how this Customized Pricing System integrates into a seller's computational environment, facilitates construction of a specific Customized Pricing System for a particular customer in a particular industry, is decomposed into a set of computer software modules that implement the Customized Pricing Methods, and is designed to be deployed on a preferred configuration of computer hardware, but which can also be deployed to alternate configurations that may better suit a particular situation.
We begin with an explanation of how the Customized Pricing System integrates into a seller's computational environment. This explanation will also serve to define several terms and concepts, and to define the context in which Customized Pricing takes place.
The Customized Pricing System requires a large and diverse set of data as input. The required data is normally captured by and preserved within the seller's existing information systems. The Customized Pricing System includes a layer of software and hardware that serves to make this set of external data available to the Customized Pricing System.
The data is organized around several concepts that correspond to business entities in the real world. Definitions used herein are as follows:
In general there are four factors that drive the need for specific data elements to be available in order for Customized Pricing to be applied. First, there is a need for consistent (or, at least, unambiguously resolvable) use of unique identifiers to represent the entities mentioned above. Second, there is a need for the data to include elements that can be reasonably expected to be useful in predicting future behavior by Accounts in responding to Seller's Pricing Proposals. This will be further explained below. Third, there is a need for data pertaining to “Products” to include sufficient details so as to permit reasonably accurate estimation of the cost of providing the Product. We will also elaborate on this further below. And fourth, there is a critical need for the on-going capture, organization, and retention (e.g., in a database or databases) of all Pricing Proposals that the Seller has issued; and there is a need for Fulfillment Data to include a unique identifier that explicitly “links” each Transaction to the Line Item that specifies the terms of pricing that were used to invoice the Transaction. We will briefly discuss each of these items in the following paragraphs.
There is a critical need for unique identifiers on the entities discussed above such as “Buyer” or “Account” and “Pricing Proposal”. For example, the Seller may assign a unique Account Number such as “123-45-6789” to represent the Account named “ABC Incorporated”, so as to avoid (or resolve) inconsistencies or variations such as “ABC”, “ABC Corp”, and “ABC Inc.”
With respect to the second factor, the types of data that have been shown to have value in predicting an Account's response to future Pricing Proposals include:
With respect to factor (3), there is high variability in how “Products” are defined in different industries, and it is therefore difficult to define in a generic manner. In general, Customized Pricing requires a definition of Products such as would typically be used to structure prices for the Product. For example, in transportation industries, the following dimensions and/or attributes are often used in setting prices:
With respect to how the above data is organized, a typical Seller configuration is shown at 40 in
The Customized Pricing System and Method operates within the pricing block 52 and represents a particular seller's IT environment supporting the establishment of prices and will usually include pre-existing seller-specific computer applications, to which the Customized Pricing System can be added in order to augment seller's IT support for making pricing decisions. Thus, block 52 does not equate to the Customized Pricing System, but shows its overall context within the seller's IT environment.
The generic Customized Pricing System facilitates the design and construction of a specific Customized Pricing System (for a particular Seller within a particular industry) in several ways. First, with respect to data entities and data fields, it serves as a “check list” for reviewing the Seller's existing information systems and data, helping to identify key data that Seller does not currently capture or retain, and also helping to identify the particular form that relevant data takes in Seller's environment. Second, to the extent that the review uncovers key relevant data that is not currently captured or retained, it provides a model for how Seller's existing information systems might be enhanced so as to include the capture and retention of the data. Third, it provides a general design for the data interfaces between the Seller's existing information systems and the (new) specific Customized Pricing System. Fourth, it provides a general design for the implementation of Customized Pricing Methods within the (new) specific Customized Pricing System. And fifth, it provides a flexible, robust framework that increases the potential for re-using software components of previously-constructed specific Customized Pricing Systems (i.e., ones developed for other Companies in the same or different industries) with minimal changes to software.
The CP Statistical Calibration Module 64, examines historical Pricing Proposals and their corresponding subsequent fulfillment data in generating the market response parameters that are key to quantifying predicted future Buyer behavior. Following the flow of information shown in
The CP Pricer Module 66, determines the Customized Price for each Product in a given Pricing Proposal that is under construction. Operation of this module is described above in connection with the modeling method described in connection with
The CP Strategy Tool Module 72, which uses the CP Pricer Module 66 in a “what if” mode, allows a user to see the effects on price of changes to market and performance measurement assumptions, performance objectives and/or pricing constraints. Strategy module 72 uses historical offer information from pricing proposal database 46, market response parameters from database 68, and strategic goals from database 70 to predict the effect from contracted price changes with the customer. The customized price superuser, operating on workstation 74, inputs and receives varied data through the strategy tool module 72 via evaluation results database 76.
Finally, the CP Performance Monitor Module 78 generates reports that compare predicted Buyer behavior with Buyer's actual behavior. In operation, module 78 uses validation parameters that are communicated to module 78 from market response database 68, historical offer data including expected and actual volume and other information from pricing proposal database 46, and fulfillment historical data from database 62. Performance variance and model validations are communicated through performance monitoring database 80 to the superuser working at workstation 74.
Note that
The preferred hardware and software configuration for Customized Pricing includes systems where all server hardware platforms are symmetric multi-processing (SMP) computers running under a POSIX-compliant UNIX operating system. All databases are preferably implemented under Oracle or DB2. One server hosts the Customized Pricing database. This server also hosts the commercial statistical/numerical package that is used by the calibration process of the CP Statistical Calibration module 64 and the CP Performance Monitor module 78. The preferred commercial statistical/numerical package is SAS. One server hosts the Pricing Proposal database 46 where the Pricing Proposal database includes snapshot copies, made at the time of Pricing Proposal preparation, of all data contained in the “Accounts” and “Competitors” databases that are input to the Customized Pricing System. One server hosts a J2EE 1.4-compliant Application Server, which is the point of contact for Customized Pricing services and related web-based user interface functions. All servers are configured to support TCP/IP and FTP communication protocols.
Data interfaces between the Customized Pricing System and Seller's external systems are implemented in two ways. First, data interfaces that provide input data to the CP Statistical Calibration module 64 and CP Performance Monitor 78 are implemented as batch processes that extract the needed data from external sources, format that data as a set of pipe-delimited text files, and use FTP to copy the files to the CP database/statistical process server. Second, data interfaces that support the CP Pricer module 66 are implemented as J2EE 1.4 services (i.e., calls to J2EE 1.4 stateless session EJBs).
Referring again to the method for achieving customized pricing using the system described above involves, in a first step, specifying the goods or services (“products”) using data stored within the price proposal database 46. The costs for providing these products is specified from data also within the price proposal database 46. The characteristics of the offer made to the particular customer is again mined from data stored within the pricing proposal database 46 and forwarded for calculations by the CP Pricer Module 66.
Customer buying behavior is then captured by making statistical inferences based on past customer behavior responsive to offers and the characteristics of those offers. The common element “MRM Config Services” 82 (
Based on the customer behavior model presented, expected customer demand is calculated. Again, the common element “MRM Config Services” specifies the functional form of the demand model and its parameters as shown in the flow diagram of
Turning to
The CP Pricer model element 66 “Market Response (Predictive) Model” 94 in
Goal attainment is then calculated. The seller's performance goals (e.g., maximize profits) are specified using the CP Pricer module element Optimizer Service 98. The seller's performance metrics are then calculated by that module as a function of price. From this, a customized price is determined that optimizes the achievement of the seller's performance goals. If this customized price falls outside of some statistically valid range, then the calculated price should be overridden and replaced by the appropriate minimum or maximum of the statistically valid price range. Finally, using the values of the seller's performance metrics as a function of price, choose a Customized Price Lower Limit and Customized Price Upper Limit that yield values of the seller's performance goal within a specified tolerance. The price range is then determined and stored. Benefits of the offer made and the customized price specified is calculated for a single offer. The CP Strategy Tool module provides the capability of calculating the benefits of customized pricing based on a set of offers and under various assumptions.
Having described and illustrated the principles of the invention in a preferred embodiment thereof, it should be apparent that the invention can be modified in arrangement and detail without departing from such principles. We claim all modifications and variation coming within the spirit and scope of the following claims.
This application claims the benefit from U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/583,291 filed Jun. 25, 2004 whose contents are incorporated herein for all purposes.
Number | Date | Country | |
60583291 | Jun 2004 | US |