Exemplary embodiments of the invention relate to a method for encrypting a plaintext with a block cipher E of the block size LE using a symmetric key K.
High-frequency sending and receiving of short messages is of great importance in some applications within a vehicle ecosystem, examples of the latter are found, for example, in DE 10 2021 001 095 A1. As outlined in this document, it is often vital to provide these messages with cryptographic integrity protection and/or cryptographic replay protection, without increasing the length of the messages too significantly, wherein, as outlined in the specified publication, only symmetric methods can be considered for this purpose for reasons of energy efficiency. In some cases, however, it can be important to encrypt the entire message, or at least a part thereof, for example the user data, for example in order to protect confidential user data and/or to make it more difficult for a potential attacker to read, interpret, and thus reverse engineer the messages and the protocol used.
Similar considerations as are made for the integrity and the replay protection in DE 10 2021 001 095 A1 also apply to the encryption. In principle, in particular short messages could be encrypted asymmetrically, for example with methods based on RSA. The RSA ciphertext of plaintext is, however, at least as long as the key used for the encryption, and thus for example, 2048 bits when RSA 2048 is used. Thus, an e.g., 20 byte, i.e., 160 bit-long, unencrypted message becomes an at least 2048 bit-long encrypted message to be transmitted, which runs entirely contrary to the need to use short messages. In addition, asymmetric decryption requires a lot of time in comparison with symmetric encryption or decryption. Thus, only symmetric methods can be considered for efficient encryption of short, higher-frequency messages.
Today, primarily block ciphers, e.g., AES, are used for symmetric encryption. The block size of a block cipher E is here denoted by LE or L_E. In the Raw encryption with a block cipher E of the block size LE, an exactly LE bit-long plaintext, a so-called plaintext block, is encrypted into an exactly LE bit-long ciphertext, a so-called ciphertext block, using a symmetric key. Correspondingly, in the Raw decryption with a decryption function D belonging to a block cipher E of the block size LE, an (exactly LE bit-long) ciphertext block is decrypted into an (exactly LE bit-long) plaintext using a symmetric key. In both cases, therefore, exactly one complete block is always processed, inputs having different lengths are not accepted. The E-Raw encryption and the D-Raw decryption are here respectively denoted by ERAW and DRAW. The E-Raw encryption with a symmetric key K is denoted by ERAWK, and the D-Raw decryption with a symmetric key K is denoted by DRAWK.
In an encryption with a block cipher E, a plaintext that is longer than LE bits is divided into blocks corresponding to the cipher block size LE, which are then encrypted individually using a symmetric key. The encryption of the individual plaintext blocks completely independently of one another is called ECB mode (of a block cipher). Unlike the Raw encryption, a cipher operated in the ECB mode can handle inputs of any length. If the last plaintext block is shorter than the block size of the block cipher, a so-called padding is applied, which fills out this last plaintext block in a defined manner. ECB is the simplest operation mode for a block cipher, but it has the disadvantage that when using the same key, the same plaintext blocks are encrypted into the same ciphertext blocks, whereby an attacker could draw conclusions in relation to the corresponding plaintext blocks.
To counteract this ECB mode drawback, more complex operation modes (CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, etc.) have been developed in which, instead of the direct encryptions of the individual plaintext blocks independently of one another, as in the ECB mode, the encryptions of the individual plaintext blocks are interwoven more or less closely with one another, such that further, usually one-block-long data generated during the encryption of its preceding block is included in the encryption of a next plaintext block in addition to the plaintext block itself and to the key, wherein this data included in the encryption of the next plaintext block can depend on the preceding plaintext block (CBC, CFB), or can be independent thereof (OFB, CTR).
In this manner, roughly speaking, the same plaintext blocks are generally encrypted into the same ciphertext blocks; however, this does not apply to the first plaintext block, because the latter has no preceding block from which it could receive the additional input data. In order to remedy this, one-block-long initialization vectors, which are used as this additional data when encrypting the first block, are generally used. An initialization vector may be used only once, and thus for only one plaintext, otherwise the same ciphertext blocks are generated again for the same plaintext blocks (when the key is the same), and an initialization vector must thus be a nonce (number used only once) when the same key is used. An initialization vector only needs to be novel, and thus a nonce, and it need not be kept secret. Instead, the initialization vector used for the encryption is also required in the decryption, and thus the initialization vector must be known to both the transmitter and the receiver. Because it does not need to be kept secret, it can for example also be transmitted as an explicit, unencrypted part of the message, which is done with TLS, for example. If this is the case, then it must not be transmitted encrypted, because without the initialization vector present as a plaintext block, the receiver cannot decrypt the encrypted message.
The explicit transmission of the initialization vector, in particular as part of short messages, is resource-intensive, however, because an initialization vector is generally one block long, for example 128 bits in AES. If it is known in advance how many messages at most are encrypted with the same key, then a counter can be run on the transmitter's side, which is incremented by one with each new message. From this counter, an initialization vector, which is new due to the counter incrementation which has previously taken place and is generally one block longer, can be generated by the transmitter for each new message, for example via a suitable padding method coordinated between the transmitter and the receiver, using which, or using a cryptographic hash function followed by a sometimes necessary length adjustment, the counter bits are supplemented by further bits, and said initialization vector can be used to encrypt the message. Instead of sending the entire initialization vector with each message, only the counter, i.e., the counter bits representing the counter and which represent the number of the respective message, is sent. The space required in the message can thus be reduced, from e.g., 128 bits to e.g., 32 bits, if the counter is 32 bits long.
It would be particularly space-saving to use an implicit shared initialization vector whereby the transmitter and the receiver first agree on a common start initialization vector and an instruction to generate a new novel initialization vector from the current initialization vector and then generate this next novel initialization vector synchronously for each new message on both sides using the previously agreed instruction. The problem here is that messages can be lost, or arrive in the wrong order, whereby the synchronicity of the initialization vectors used by the transmitter and by the receiver are lost.
Another likewise space-saving way of implicitly synchronizing an initialization vector between the transmitter and the receiver would be to derive the initialization vector from the message itself, which has to be transmitted anyway, in a secure manner, which the transmitter and the receiver could do independently of each other. The problem here is that, on the one hand, the initialization vector must be known to the transmitter before the encryption process, and must thus be able to be derived from the plaintext message, but on the other hand it must be known to the receiver before the decryption process, and must thus be able to be derived from the encrypted message, which (at first glance) is a contradictory requirement.
So-called synthetic initialization vectors (SIV), which are used in specific AEAD methods (“Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data”), i.e., methods that enable both an encryption and an authentication, are characterized in that they generate the initialization vector used for the encryption from the message itself by generating a unique authentication stamp (Tag) from the message, which is then used as an initialization vector when encrypting the message or parts thereof. AEAD variants based on synthetic initialization vectors have been developed for different AEAD operation modes, e.g., for a combination of CMAC and CTR (SIV-AES), for AES-GCM (AES-GCM-SIV) or for CCM (CCM-SIV) (see also DE 10 2019 113 026 A1). However, because the initialization vector, i.e., the authentication stamp generated from the unencrypted message, is also required when decrypting the message, but cannot be immediately derived from the encrypted message by the receiver, it must be sent unencrypted to the receiver together with the encrypted message, whereby no space is saved in the message by using a synthetic initialization vector according to the methods specified above.
In this context, reference can in principle be made to US 2015/0349950 A1.
In WO 2009/013420 A1, an authentication method similar to CBC-MAC and based on block ciphers is defined, which, instead of computing the message authentication code (MAC) only via the message itself, as, for example, in CBC-MAC, computes the message authentication code via the message extended by a prefix containing the hash value of the message.
As specified above, the key drawback of the ECB mode is the fact that the same plaintext is encrypted into the same ciphertext when using the same key. Because this is a problem only in the context of the use of the same key, and the problem is resolved to an extent when a key is changed, a fixed shared symmetric key K is assumed for the rest of the document.
The common requirement that a novel initialization vector should be used for the encryption of each new plaintext is sufficient but not absolutely necessary to remedy the drawback described above, however. Indeed, if it can be ensured that the first block of a plaintext is always novel, then the requirement to use a novel initialization vector in the operation modes (e.g., CBC, CFB) which include the previous block, in particular the previous ciphertext block, when concatenating the blocks can be dispensed with. In particular cases, it is thus sufficient for the combination of the initialization vector and the first plaintext block to be novel for a fixed key. If the first plaintext blocks are always novel, then there is no need to use an initialization vector at all in these particular cases.
If it is desired or necessary, for example for reasons of space, to dispense with an (explicit or implicit) initialization vector that is guaranteed to be novel for each plaintext to be encrypted, then it is advisable to design the format of the plaintexts such that the probability that the first block of a plaintext is always novel is maximized.
Because the probability that the individual plaintexts are “novel”, and thus differ within pairs, is greater than the probability that the first blocks of the respective plaintexts are novel, and thus differ within pairs, it is logical, in order to have the greatest probability of obtaining novel first blocks, to collect the “novelty” of the entire plaintext in the first block, and thus to design the first blocks of the respective plaintexts such that the first blocks of two different plaintexts also always differ.
Depending on the plaintext pair, differences between two plaintexts can arise in different places in the plaintexts, and the “novelty” can thus be distributed over all of the plaintext bit positions. Thus, no plaintext format can generally be found that guarantees maximum probable novel first plaintext blocks by simply rearranging the respective plaintext bits. The “novelty” contained in the plaintexts can be accumulated very effectively, however, by applying a cryptographic hash function HASH to a sequence of particular selected bits, the combination of which may possibly be novel. If a difference in at least one of the bits arises in two bit sequences BF1 and BF2 that belong to two different plaintexts and are used to form the hash value, then the hash values HashTag1:=HASH(BF1) and HashTag2:=HASH(BF2) of the two bit sequences containing this different bit also have a very high probability of differing.
The hash value HashTag:=HASH(BF) computed in this way could now be used directly as an initialization vector, or an initialization vector could be derived therefrom, which would always be new if the plaintext bit sequence BF included in the computation of the hash value were novel. This is the procedure for the synthetic initialization vectors (SIV) described above, for example. The problem in this case is that, as already explained above, the initialization vector must be known to the receiver so that the latter can decrypt the entirely or partially encrypted plaintext. If it is not desired to explicitly transmit the initialization vector unencrypted as part of the plaintext, which is undesirable for space-saving reasons, this would mean that no part of the bit sequence BF, which is used to form the hash value HashTag, may be encrypted, because otherwise the receiver cannot derive the initialization vector used by the transmitter in the encryption from the received partially or completely encrypted plaintext.
Exemplary embodiments of the present invention are directed to an improved method for encrypting a plaintext with a block cipher using a symmetric key K and to provide the mechanisms required for this purpose.
A way is thus first of all needed to encode the entire novelty of a plaintext in the first block of the plaintext, so that any change in the entire plaintext, including the first block, results in a change to the first plaintext block. The method according to the invention for encrypting a preferably at least (u+1) bit-long plaintext with a block cipher E of the block size LE using a symmetric key K according to the invention uses the result of the application of a fingerprint function (FPu) to the concatenation of the complete first u bits of the plaintext, and of selected or of all bits of the remaining plaintext, as a replacement for the combination of an initialization vector and the first u bits of the plaintext. The fingerprint function only needs to satisfy the two requirements that, from two different bit sequences (BF1≠BF2), it follows with a sufficiently high probability for the application—as defined above—that the fingerprints of the two bit sequences are also different (FPu(BF1)≠FPu(BF2)), and that a fingerprint inverse function (FPu−1) exists for the fingerprint function (FPu), such that the following always applies: FPu−1(FPu(BF)∥BF[u+1 . . . L(BF)])=BF[1 . . . u].
In this case, u and LE need not necessarily be the same. A general cipher EGen, which does not require an initialization vector, is used to encrypt the first u bits PBu1 of the plaintext by applying FPu, as described, to the concatenation of the complete first u bits PBu1 of the plaintext and of selected or of all of the bits FPInput of the remaining plaintext, and then computing the first block of the ciphertext CB1 by EGen encryption of the u bit-long result FPu (PBu1∥FPInput). The character ∥ represents the concatenation of two bit sequences. The following thus results CB1:=EGen(FP (PBu1∥FPInput)). In principle, it is not necessary for EGen to be length-preserving, and thus for CB1 also to be u bits long, even if this will mostly be the case in practice.
The thus generated encryption of the first u bits of the plaintext CB1 can thus be used as an initialization vector IV:=CB1 to encrypt parts of the or the total remaining plaintext with the block cipher E, for which purpose any operation mode requiring an initialization vector (IV) can be used.
By applying a fingerprint function FPu before the encryption with EGen, it can be ensured in an advantageous manner that novel plaintexts have a very high probability of also leading to novel inputs for the cipher EGen, which in turn has a very high probability of leading to a novel ciphertext CB1, and thus to a novel initialization vector IV. For example, in the event that the fingerprint function FPTag,_u, Scramble_u is used as FPu in the computation of the pseudo-random CB1, the first u bits of the plaintext PBu1 (via Scrambleu) and the rest of the plaintext (via Tagu) are included to the same extent, and thus it is ensured that there is a very high probability of the initialization vector IV derived from the first u bits CB1 encrypted by means of FPTag,_u, Scramble_u and EGen being novel if the entire output plaintext is also new.
According to a very advantageous embodiment of the solution according to the invention, in order to generate a u-bit-long fingerprint of a bit sequence BF of which the length is greater than u, it is provided that the fingerprint is implemented as a result of the function FPu(BF) or FPTag_u, Scramble_u (BF), wherein the latter is defined as Scrambleu (BF[1 . . . u])⊕Tagu(BF[u+1 . . . L(BF)]), where Tagu is a function that computes, for bit sequences (BF) of any length, a value of the length u having a sufficiently high probability of being unique for the application, e.g., a pseudo-random value, where Scrambleu is an invertible function which maps bit sequences (BF) of the length u to bit sequences (BF) of the length u, and where ⊕ stands for a bitwise XOR operation of two bit sequences (BF) of the same length.
In order to encode the novelty of an entire plaintext in the first u bits of the plaintext and to be able to use this fact for the encryption, a function FPu (“Fingerprint”) is sought for a natural number u>0, which determines a bit sequence FPu(BF) of the length u for a bit sequence BF where L(BF)>u (L(BF) in this document denotes the bit length of a bit sequence BF) in such a way that:
The phrase “having a sufficiently high probability for the application” should be understood to mean a probability which, on the basis, among other factors, of the size of u, is sufficiently certain, in the case of the specified application for two bit sequences BF1, BF2, where BF1≠BF2, to lead to the result FPu(BF1)≠FPu(BF2). In principle, an exact value cannot be specified here because the function Tag involves the mapping of a (u+x)-long bit sequence BF to a u-long bit sequence, so that when there are two different bit sequences BF1, BF2, their tags differ “as far as possible”, i.e., “where possible” Tag(BF1)≠Tag(BF2) follows from BF1≠BF2.
In practice, however, no such function Tag exists ensuring this 100% for all BF1, BF2, because Tag(BF) is always u bits long and thus shorter than “most” bit sequences BF. If, for example, u=2 is selected, then there are only four different tags: 00, 01, 10, 11.
Thus, with any five different bit sequences BF1 . . . BF5, there would be a 100% probability of at least one collision, and i.e., a duplication of at least two of the five tags Tag(BF1) . . . Tag(BF5). Furthermore, where u=2, and for two randomly selected bit sequences BF1, BF2, the probability of a collision, and thus of Tag(BF1)=Tag(BF2), would be at least 25%. Thus, the “performance” (i.e. the quality or the probability of (BF1≠BF2⇒Tag(BF1)≠Tag(BF2)) of a function Tagu is at most as good as the size of u.
On the other hand, there are collision-resistant cryptographic hash functions which, used as Tagu and provided that u is sufficiently large, guarantee this desired property (BF1≠BF2⇒Tag(BF1)≠Tag(BF2)) with “almost 100%”. However, they cannot guarantee it 100% either, see considerations above. However, the probability that, in the case of use of collision-resistant cryptographic hash functions, (BF1≠BF2⇒Tag(BF1)≠Tag(BF2)) applies as a tag is considered as so high that the security of many cryptographic mechanisms seen as secure is based on this. The principle having the probability mentioned is, for example, also the basis of legally sound digital signatures etc.
It can be the case that a hash function delivers a value (hashtag) for example of 256 bits, as e.g., SHA-256 does. However, the function Tag according to the invention wants to use a value of u=20. The first 20 bits of the hashtag delivered by SHA-256 could then be used as Tag. There would thus be a performance of “almost 100%” delivered by SHA-256, which, however, is then significantly reduced by the use of u=20. A logical selection of u, and also of the function Tag, now depends on the respective individual case or use case. If, for example, u=128 is selected, and the first 128 bits of the value delivered by SHA-256 are selected as Tag, this is considered, according to current knowledge, to be “on the safe side” for all applications. However, there can certainly be cases in which, for example, u=80 bits is also completely sufficient in practice for a particular application, and thus guarantees a sufficiently high probability for FPu(BF1)+FPu(BF2) for the application when BF1≠BF2. If the value of the probability had to be quantified, then obviously in practice, in almost all cases, a u>=80 would be selected, thus achieving, with a suitable Tag, a probability of significantly above (1-220).
In this advantageous embodiment of the solution according to the invention, it is proposed to use the general form FPu(BF) or FPTag_u, Scramble_u: Scrambleu (BF[1 . . . u])⊕Tagu(BF[u+1 . . . L(BF)]) for a function FPu, where:
The FP inverse function of FPTag_u, Scramble_u is then given by (FPTag_u, Scramble_u)−1(BF)=Scrambleu−1(BF[1 . . . u]⊕Tagu(BF[u+1 . . . L(BF)]). If a function FPu has the described general form, then it is uniquely determined by the two functions Tagu and Scrambleu.
Due to this fingerprint function FPTag_u, Scramble_u, it is possible to dispense with the use of an initialization vector when symmetrically encrypting novel plaintexts without significant losses in security, and to encrypt the plaintext completely.
According to a very advantageous development, it can be provided that a cryptographic hash function is used as the function Tagu, of which the hash value is adapted to the length u in a secure manner.
Furthermore, in a favorable development of the method, it can also be provided according to the invention that the function Tagu has the property of non-invertibility and/or is collision-resistant in at least one way.
The non-invertibility makes it practically impossible for an attacker to find a bit sequence BF2 for a given bit sequence BF1 such that BF1=FPu(BF2)∥BF1[u+1 . . . L(BF)]. In the context of the present description, an attacker should be understood to mean someone who, unlike a “non-attacker”, does not know the (secret) keys sometimes used when defining or determining FPu.
Four different kinds of collision resistance are conceivable, wherein they are respectively denoted as a two-tuple in the form of (r1, r2)∈{strong, weak}×{strong, weak}, where the first element r1 here denotes the actual FP collision resistance, and the meaning of the second element r2 is based on the collision resistance terms known from cryptographic hash functions.
It is clear that the non-invertibility and all kinds of collision resistances can only be achieved when u is sufficiently large.
A very favorable development of the method can further provide that a keyless or key-dependent cryptographic hash function HASH (K_H) is used as the function Tagu, wherein K_H denotes the key on which HASH sometimes depends, and the brackets show that HASH may or may not depend on K_H.
Additionally, a very favorable embodiment of the method can also provide that an identity function or a length-preserving encryption function is used as the function Scrambleu, wherein in the event of encryption, the appropriate decryption function for the encryption is used as an inverse function. According to a very advantageous development of the latter, it can further be provided that for a block cipher E having the block size LE=u and an LE bit-long symmetric key K_S, the E_Raw encryption with K_S, i.e. ERAWK_S, is used as the function Scrambleu.
In an advantageous embodiment, it is further proposed to use the encryption of the first u bits of the plaintext CB1 thus generated as an initialization vector IV:=CB1 to encrypt parts of or the total remaining plaintext with the block cipher E, wherein for this purpose any operation mode requiring an initialization vector can be used, wherein beforehand, depending on the length of CB1 and depending on the selected operation mode, the initialization vector IV might be adapted to the length of the initialization vector required by the respective operation mode in a secure manner, e.g., if L(CB1)=LE, the IV is shortened if it is used as a nonce of the CTR operation mode.
According to a further advantageous embodiment of the invention, it is proposed to use an FP function in the manner described above, i.e., FPTag_u, Scramble_u, when a plaintext is encrypted with a block cipher E of the block size LE using a symmetric key K, wherein it can generally be the case that u≠LE, and to use a general cipher EGen, which does not require an initialization vector, by applying FPTag,_u, Scramble_u to the concatenation of the total first u bits PBu1 of the plaintext (“plaintext block”) and to selected or to all bits FPInput of the remaining plaintext, and then by computing the first block of the ciphertext CB1 by EGen encryption of the u bits-long result FPTag_u, Scramble_u (PBu1∥FPInput), i.e. CB1:=EGen(FPTag_u, Scramble_u (PBu1∥FPInput)).
Because it is a goal of the method to generate messages that are as short as possible, it is proposed to select a length-preserving cipher as the general cipher EGen, such that, for example, L(CB1)=u always applies. The ciphertext CB1 is then labelled CBu1.
When selecting the operation mode for encrypting the remaining plaintext, the extent to which the actual novelty of the initialization vector thus computed is ensured should be estimated. If the novelty of the initialization vector is ensured, for example by including a complete counter, which does not repeat, in the bit sequence BF, then each operation mode which requires a novel initialization vector can be used securely. If, however, the novelty of the initialization vector is only ensured depending on the novelty of the plaintext itself, but this is not ensured, for example the novelty of the plaintext is probable but not certain, then higher risks are associated with the use, for example, of OFB or CTR, but also CFB, and CBC should for example preferably be used.
In many cases, the use of an initialization vector can thus be dispensed with when encrypting the first block without or without significant losses in security. By using the novel encrypted first block as an initialization vector for novel plaintexts to encrypt the remaining blocks, an operation mode requiring an initialization vector, e.g., CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, etc., can thus be used to encrypt the remaining blocks.
According to an advantageous development of the method according to the invention, the length of the initialization vector IV is adapted depending on the selected operation mode and/or depending on the length of CB1.
An alternative solution to the method according to the invention provides the encryption of a preferably at least (u+1) bit-long plaintext with a block cipher E of the block size LE using a symmetric key K, wherein a fingerprint function FPTag_u, Scramble_u (BF):=Scrambleu (BF[1 . . . u])⊕Tagu(BF[u+1 . . . L(BF)]) is used as a fingerprint function (FPu). In this case, Tagu is a function which computes, for bit sequences BF of any length, a value of the length u that has a sufficiently high probability of being unique for the intended application, where Scrambleu is an invertible function mapping bit sequences (BF) of the length u to bit sequences (BF) of the length u, and where @ stands for a bitwise XOR operation of two bit sequences (BF) of the same length. In order to ensure the novelty of the bit sequence included in the Tagu function of the fingerprint function FPTag_u, Scramble_u, a secure, key-dependent hash function HASHK_H is used as the basis for the TaguK_H function of a fingerprint function FPuK_H for each new message, the additional encryption of the first u bits of the plaintext by means of EGen is dispensed with and instead the FPuK_H fingerprint is used directly as the encryption of the first u bits CBu1.
A fingerprint function in the form FPTag_u, Scramble_u, defined by FPTag_u, Scramble_u (BF):=Scrambleu (BF[1 . . . u])⊕Tagu(BF[u+1 . . . L(BF)]), is thus used, where Tagu is implemented by a secure, key-dependent hash function HASHK_H, of which the output length is suitably adapted to u, where Scrambleu is an invertible function which maps bit sequences (BF) of the length u to bit sequences (BF) of the length u, and where ⊕ stands for a bitwise XOR operation of two bit sequences (BF) of the same length, where u and LE need not necessarily be the same, in that the fingerprint function FPTag_u, Scramble_u is applied to the concatenation of the total first u bits PBu1 of the plaintext, and of selected or of all bits FPInput of the remaining plaintext, and if the novelty of the bit sequence FPInput included in the Tagu function of the fingerprint function FPTag_u, Scramble_u is ensured for each new message, the FPTag_u, Scramble_u fingerprint, i.e. CB1:=FPTag_u, Scramble_u (PBu1∥FPInput), is used directly as the encryption of the first u bits CBu1, and the encryption of the first u bits of the plaintext CB1 thus generated is used as the initialization vector IV:=CB1 for the encryption of parts of or all of the remaining plaintext with the block cipher E, wherein for this purpose any operation mode requiring an initialization vector (IV) is used.
Further advantageous embodiments and different forms of the method according to the invention result from the further sub-claims dependent on claims 1 and 12 and become clear from the exemplary embodiments, which are explained in more detail in the following with reference to the Figures.
A first relevant aspect for the method for encryption is the method for generating a u bit-long fingerprint (FPu) of a bit sequence. The latter serves to encode the novelty of an entire plaintext in the first u bits of the plaintext, and to be able to use this fact for the encryption, a function FPu (“Fingerprint”) is thus sought for a natural number u>0, which determines a bit sequence FPu(BF) of the length u for a bit sequence BF where L(BF)>u(L(BF) in this document denotes the bit length of a bit sequence BF) in such a way that:
It is proposed to use the general form FPu(BF)=Scrambleu(BF[1 . . . u])⊕Tagu(BF[u+1 . . . L(BF)]) for a function FPu, where
The FP inverse function of FPu is then given by FPu−1(BF)=Scrambleu−1(BF[1 . . . u]⊕Tagu(BF[u+1 . . . L(BF)]). If a function FPu has the described general form, then it is uniquely determined by the two functions Tagu and Scrambleu. The FP function described by these two functions is here denoted by FPTag_u, Scramble_u. This can be seen in the depiction of
For a general cipher EGen (encryption), the associated decryption function DGen (decryption), and a bit sequence BF, EGen (BF) denotes the result of the encryption of BF with EGen, and DGen (BF) denotes the decryption of BF with DGen, and thus DGen(EGen(BF))=BF always applies.
For a block cipher E (encryption) with the associated decryption function D (decryption), and an operation mode OM (“Operation Mode”) requiring an initialization vector, EOMK(IV, PT) denotes the result of the E encryption of the plaintext PT (“Plaintext”) of a length matching EOM with the key K in the operation mode OM using the initialization vector IV, and DOMK(IV, CT) denotes the result of the D decryption of the ciphertext CT of a length matching EOM with the key K in the operation mode OM using the initialization vector IV.
The proposed encryption method contains several components of a message MP as input and encrypts parts thereof with the key K. The following description of the encryption method consists of a description of the components that the method uses, a description of the input formats and a description of the actual method, which generates a completely or partially encrypted message MC from the components of the plaintext message MP using the components.
Components of the encryption system comprise:
Input formats:
Encryption EFP,EGen, OM, OM-NB with a key K, i.e., EFP,EGen, OM, OM-NBK:
Components of the decryption system comprise:
Input formats:
Decryption DFP, DGen, OM, OM-NB with a key K, i.e. DFP, DGen, OM, OM-NBK:
In summary, it is proposed to define the decryption MP′ of a ciphertext message MC′=CBu1′∥CTOM′∥AD′ consisting of CBu1′, CTOM′, AD′ as follows:
For the FP partial function Tagu, a keyless, e.g., SHA-256 or SHA-512, or a key-dependent, e.g., HMAC, CBC-MAC or CMAC cryptographic hash function can be used as a basis. The use of a keyless cryptographic hash function has the advantage that the one-way property, and where applicable the weak or strong collision resistance of the cryptographic hash function apply regardless of whether a key is known, whereas in the case of a key-dependent cryptographic hash function, these properties are not always given if the key used is known. The use of a key-dependent hash function has the advantage that a potential attacker cannot compute a hash value of a bit sequence known to them without knowledge of the key. HMAC or key derivation functions (KDF) combine the two approaches, and thus combine the advantages of the two classes of hash functions. A keyless cryptographic hash function is here denoted by HASH, a key-dependent cryptographic hash function using the key K_H is denoted by HASHK_H, either a keyless cryptographic hash function or a key-dependent cryptographic hash function using the key K_H is denoted by HASH(K_H). The label TaguK_H is used if Tagu uses a hash function HASHK_H dependent on a key K_H as a basis, FPuK_H indicates that the associated Tagu function uses a hash function HASHK_H dependent on a key K_H as a basis. If FPu uses a cryptographic hash function fulfilling the condition of weak (strong) hash collision resistance as a basis for Tagu, then FPu has the property of weak-weak (weak-strong) FP collision resistance. In addition, by using a cryptographic hash function as a basis for Tagu, the prerequisite for the non-invertibility, the strong-weak or the strong-strong FP collision resistance of FPu is created.
If HASH(K_H) generates a hash value of a length deviating from u, then it is proposed to adapt the hash value generated by HASH(K_H) to u using a length adaptation function LAu, where LAu is a function which generates a pseudo-random bit sequence of the length u from a pseudo-random bit sequence PZBF of any length using methods known from cryptography, for example by using the last u bits of PZBF as LAu(PZBF) in the event of an output bit sequence PZBF which is too long or, if a bit sequence PZBF is too short, by for example stretching said bit sequence to the length u using a key stretching method.
It is further proposed to use the identity function ID, which leaves the bit sequence unaltered, for the function Scrambleu, which is effectively equivalent to dispensing with a Scrambleu function. The inverse function to the identity function is the identity function ID itself. This particularly simple variant of Scrambleu leads in turn to a simple FPu function, which can advantageously be used if, for example, the non-invertibility of the FPu function and the strong-weak or strong-strong FP collision resistances are not required.
For a keyless or key-dependent cryptographic hash function HASH(K_H), FPuHASH(K_H), ID denotes the FPu function using HASH(K_H) as a Tagu function and the identity function ID as a Scrambleu function, wherein the application of a corresponding length adaptation function LAu is adopted. FPuHASH(K_H), ID thus forms the HASH(K_H) hash value of the bits lying outside of the first plaintext block of the plaintext, and adds this to the unaltered first u bits of the plaintext block after a length adaptation by LAu by ⊕. FPuHASH(K_H), ID is weak-weak or weak-strong FP collision-resistant, if HASH(K_H) is in turn weak or strong collision resistant.
However, there can be configurations in which the non-invertibility of the FPu function and/or its strong-weak and/or strong-strong FP collision resistance are advantageous. For example, in such a case, it is proposed to use a length-preserving encryption for the function Scrambleu. Note that this encryption need not necessarily be strong, because the result of Scrambleu is not disclosed, and is instead further encrypted with EGen, but the strengths of the properties of the corresponding FPu function relating to the attacker depend directly on the strength of the Scrambleu encryption used.
If u=LE for a block cipher E, the ERAW encryption can advantageously be implemented as length-preserving encryption that cannot be computed or inverted by the attacker and requires no initialization vector. If u is equal to the block size of a symmetric cipher E, and thus if u=LE, then it is proposed to use the E-Raw encryption, and thus Scrambleu:=ERAWK_S, as the function Scrambleu for a symmetric key K_S. The inverse function to ERAWK_S is the associated decryption function DRAWK_S. By using an E-Raw encryption as Scrambleu, while simultaneously using a cryptographic hash function HASH(K_H) as Tagu, the properties of the non-invertibility of the FPu function, the strong-weak FP collision resistance or the strong-strong FP collision resistance, which are only related to the attacker, are also achieved.
For a keyless or key-dependent cryptographic hash function HASH(K_H) and a block cipher E with a matching symmetric key K_S, FPHASH(K_H), E-K_S denotes the FPu function using HASH(K_H) as a Tagu function and ERAWK_S as a Scrambleu function, wherein u=LE, and the application of a corresponding length adaptation function LAL_E is adopted. FPHASH(K_H),E-K_S thus forms the HASH(K_H) hash value of the bits of the plaintext lying outside of the first plaintext block and adds this to the E-Raw encryption of the first plaintext block after a length adaptation by LAL_E by ⊕. FPHASH(K_H), E-K_S has the property of non-invertibility, and is strong-weak or strong-strong FP collision-resistant if HASH(K_H) is weak or strong collision resistant.
In the encryption method described above, e.g. in the case of EFP, EGen, OM, OM-NBK, FPuHASH(K_H), ID or FPHASH(K_H), E-K_S can be used as FP functions.
A further advantageous variant of the encryption method according to the invention described above, for example of the method EFP,EGen, OM, OM-NB, consists of using the E-Raw encryption of a block cipher E of the block size LE=u as a general cipher EGen, using a symmetric LE bit-long key K, i.e. ERAWK.
By using ERAWK as EGen, the encryption Mc of a plaintext message MP=PB1∥PTOM1∥PTOM2∥AD consisting of PB1, PTOM1, PTOM2, AD where L(PB1)=LE is defined depending on the two bit sequences ImpIAD and ImpIu that implicitly do not belong to the message as follows:
If a secure, key-dependent hash function HASHK_H, e.g., a secure key derivation function using the key K_H, is used for any sufficiently large u as a basis for the TaguK_H function of an FP function FPUK_H, then it is not possible for an attacker to determine the value TaguK_H(BF) for a pre-determined bit sequence BF without knowing the key K_H. If, in addition, it is ensured that the bit sequence BF included in the computation of the value TaguK_H(BF) is novel for each new message, then the value TaguK_H(BF) for each new message computed using TaguK_H is also novel. If these two conditions are fulfilled, then the u bit-long fingerprint, which results from the XOR operation of the u bit-long result of the application of a Scrambleu function to the first u bits of the plaintext with the (novel and secret) value TaguK_H(BF) that is also u bits-long, can be regarded as an encryption of the first u bits of the plaintext with the u bits-long novel key TaguK_H(BF).
It is thus proposed, in order to ensure the novelty of the bit sequence included in the Tagu function of the fingerprint function FPu, to use a secure, key-dependent hash function HASHK_H as a basis for the TagUK_H function of an FP function FPUK_H for each new message, to dispense with the additional encryption of the first u bits of the plaintext by means of EGen, and instead to directly use the FPUK_H fingerprint as the encryption of the first u bits CBu1, and thus, for example, in the case of the above-described encryption method EFP, EGen, OM, OM-NB, to use the value FPuK_H(PBu1∥PTOM∥AD∥ImpIAD) as CBu1, i.e., CBu1:=FPuK_H(PBu1∥PTOM2∥AD∥ImpIAD). The encryption method derived from EFP, EGen, OM, OM-NB in this manner is denoted by EFP-K_H, OM, OM-NB. The following two
The proposed method makes a certain weak integrity check of the received message possible. The reason for this is that the hash value generated using the cryptographic hash function HASH(K_H) is introduced into the encryption of the first plaintext block PB1, and is “removed” from the latter again in the decryption. Each change to the encrypted message MC′, i.e., the ciphertext CT′ or the additional data AD′, in particular regardless of the block in which this change took place, thus leads to a deviation of the first plaintext block PB1′ obtained in the decryption from the original plaintext block PB1 (which does not apply to the other parts of the message, in particular to other blocks of the ciphertext CT′ in this generalization). It is therefore proposed to design the format of the plaintext PT such that the first plaintext block PB1 contains information which is as predictable as possible, i.e., information that contains little entropy, in particular obeys strong consistency rules, and which thus contains the maximum possible redundancy, so that the chance is increased that the receiver has a high probability of being able to recognize a change in the first plaintext block via consistency checks, for example when parsing the first plaintext block. If, after the decryption, the receiver determines that one of the consistency rules has been broken, then the receiver can recognize that the message MC′ has been manipulated and can initiate exception handling if necessary. Examples of such redundancy-containing information could be the receiver identifier, the transmitter identifier, the protocol version used, etc.
In some operation modes, e.g., CBC, only complete plaintext blocks can be encrypted. If the last plaintext block is incomplete, then a padding method is used to pad it out. If padding is used and the plaintext is of a fixed length known to the transmitter and to the receiver, which is often the case for short, datagram-like messages, then it is proposed to include the unused padding bits, the number Lpad of which is equal for each plaintext in this case, at a fixed point in the first plaintext block PB1, for example at its end, and accordingly to shift the rest of the plaintext by Lpad bits towards the end of the plaintext. In this manner, the last plaintext block becomes complete, no more padding is necessary, but the length of the encrypted plaintext CT does not change. It is further proposed to use the bits added to the first plaintext block PB1 in this manner, in order to strengthen the authentication of the message, by allocating these Lpad bits a value PAD which can be checked by the receiver, for example a fixed value, for example a sequence of 0 bits, or a value that can be derived from the plaintext message, for example the last Lpad bits of the hash value-formed using HASHK_H—of the original total plaintext message, i.e., of the total plaintext message without the included PAD bits. After the decryption, it can then be determined whether the value PAD′ of the bit sequence found at the known position in the decrypted message corresponds to the expected value PAD, which is known to the receiver or is derived from the decrypted message after the PAD′ bits are removed. If this is not the case, it can be assumed that the message has been manipulated.
A disadvantage of the proposed encryption method is that the first plaintext block is decrypted on the one hand only at the end of the decryption process, and thus the information contained within it can also only be used after the end of the total decryption process. On the other hand, this block must first be transmitted, because without it, it is not possible to decrypt the rest of the ciphertext. The information contained in the first transmitted plaintext block PB1 can thus only be used after the decryption process has been completed, which can be a disadvantage, although it should not be considered a significant one due to the short messages targeted. In order to further minimize this disadvantage, the first block should, where possible, contain information that is not required during the decryption process. The selection of the information belonging to the first plaintext block is thus determined by the two requirements which are sometimes conflicting, the requirement of “minimal entropy” and the requirement of “non-urgent use”.
As indicated several times above, when using an initialization vector which might not be novel, the CBC operation mode is safer in many situations than, for example, the length-preserving CFB, OFB and CTR operation modes, because an initialization vector used repeatedly in the CBC operation mode generally does not lead to the disclosure of the ciphertext, which is for example the case in CTR in common configurations which occur often. Therefore, for the proposed method, which can increase the probability of the novelty of an initialization vector, but does not generally guarantee this, it is advisable to use CBC as an operation mode of the block cipher E. The significant disadvantage of the classic CBC operation mode, however, is that it can only encrypt entire blocks, meaning that incomplete blocks have to be completed by padding, which is not favorable to the length of the generated ciphertext, and thus the length of the message to be transmitted.
However, the CBC operation mode can be combined with the CTS mode (“Ciphertext Stealing”) in a known manner, whereby a ciphertext length equal to the plaintext length is also obtained when using the CBC operation mode. The CTS mode can only be applied to plaintexts that are longer than the block size of the block cipher E used, and which are thus longer than LE. If the length of the plaintext PT to be encrypted is greater than LE, then the encryption method described can be combined with the CBC CTS mode. By using CBC, the method described becomes robust against initialization vectors that might not be novel, and by using CTS, the length of the ciphertext does not exceed the length of the plaintext. It is thus proposed to use the CBC CTS operation mode as the operation mode OM in the method described.
In some situations, it is logical to encrypt the transmitted initialization vector, e.g., in order to make it more difficult for the attacker to analyze the intercepted messages. It is proposed to encrypt the first block CB1 once again before the message Mc is sent, i.e., to send the message MCC=CCB1∥CTOM∥AD instead of the message MC=CB1∥CTOM∥AD, where CCB1:=ERAWK_IV (CB1) for a secret symmetric key K_IV of the bit length LE known to both the transmitter and to the receiver. After the message MCC′=CCB1′∥CTOM′∥AD′ is received, in the first step, the first block CCB1′ is decrypted with K_IV, i.e.,
DE 10 2021 001 095 A1 proposes a counter-based method for recognizing short messages which have been cancelled and replayed and for protection from replay attacks. It is in particular proposed that the transmitter(S) and the receiver (E) should run a synchronized counter of a fixed bit length S.TotalCounter or E.TotalCounter to be incremented by one when each new message M is transmitted or received, and split this counter into two parts of fixed bit lengths, a core counter CoreCounter and a following transmission counter TransmissionCounter, so that S.TotalCounter=S.CoreCounter
If a certain part of the message M containing the M.TransmissionCounter needs to be encrypted, then it is logical, in order to get a novel initialization vector for each message but still save space in the message, to use the total counter S.TotalCounter to form the initialization vector, e.g., to derive a pseudo-random initialization vector from S.TotalCounter in a secure manner, for example by using the one block size-long value
In this case, the method proposed in this document can advantageously be used, because there is a high probability that the combination of the initialization vector with the first block of the plaintext to be encrypted is novel, M.TransmissionCounter is transmitted as part of the encrypted part of the message M, and yet a decryption of the ciphertext CT can still be carried out by the transmitter. For this purpose, S. TransmissionCounter is included in the first plaintext block PB1 of the message M, which should always be possible because TransmissionCounterLength<LE is always applicable in practice, and from the counter part S.CoreCounter=E.CoreCounter known to both sides, a pseudo-random value for S.ImpIu is determined in a secure manner, e.g., with S.ImpIu:=LA(HASHK_H (S.CoreCounter)), which pseudo-random value forms a unique, in particular novel combination in combination with the first plaintext block PB1 containing the S.TransmissionCounter. Finally, the message M is encrypted according to the proposed method with a symmetric key K using S.ImpIU. The novelty of the total counter S.TotalCounter=S.CoreCounter∥S.TransmissionCounter guarantees that the combination of the value S.ImpIu derived from S.CoreCounter and the first plaintext block PB1 containing the counter part S.TransmissionCounter has a very high probability of being unique, and thus novel.
Although the invention has been illustrated and described in detail by way of preferred embodiments, the invention is not limited by the examples disclosed, and other variations can be derived from these by the person skilled in the art without leaving the scope of the invention. It is therefore clear that there is a plurality of possible variations. It is also clear that embodiments stated by way of example are only really examples that are not to be seen as limiting the scope, application possibilities or configuration of the invention in any way. In fact, the preceding description and the description of the figures enable the person skilled in the art to implement the exemplary embodiments in concrete manner, wherein, with the knowledge of the disclosed inventive concept, the person skilled in the art is able to undertake various changes, for example, with regard to the functioning or arrangement of individual elements stated in an exemplary embodiment without leaving the scope of the invention, which is defined by the claims and their legal equivalents, such as further explanations in the description.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
10 2021 005 213.7 | Oct 2021 | DE | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/EP2022/077966 | 10/7/2022 | WO |