The present invention relates to a method for evaluating the hydrogen content in a steel sheet while being submitted to an annealing process.
A steel sheet is made of grains in which atoms are arranged in crystal lattice, thus forming the microstructure of the steel. Spaces between these atoms are called interstitial sites. The arrangement of atoms is not totally regular, and some arrangement defect can occur, which is the case for dislocations which are linear defect.
During the heat treatment of a steel sheet, hydrogen atoms present in the atmosphere of the furnace, can easily penetrate the steel and can be absorbed. Indeed, hydrogen can diffuse into the crystal lattice due to its atomic size of the same order of magnitude as the size of the interstitial sites of the crystal lattice. Hydrogen atoms may progressively diffuse and be trapped inside the defects such as dislocations.
The introduction and diffusion of hydrogen in the steel sheet is one of the mechanism responsible of the brittleness of the steel sheet, which could lead for example, to cracks formation along grain boundaries and/or dislocations gliding planes.
Because of hydrogen, steel strip can suffer ductility lost, also called hydrogen embrittlement.
A purpose of the invention is to provide a method for evaluating the hydrogen content in a steel sheet undergoing an annealing process, and to output the hydrogen content at any time to a user.
A method for evaluating the hydrogen content in a steel sheet undergoing at least one annealing process following a thermal path, in which the temperature can be measured by sensors in a furnace having an atmosphere comprising hydrogen, said steel sheet comprising grains in which atoms are arranged in a crystal lattice, thus forming the microstructure of the steel including dislocations and interstitial sites, said method comprising the following successive steps:
Hereinafter, CL designates the concentration of hydrogen in the interstitial sites of the crystal lattice of the steel sheet and CT the concentration of trapped hydrogen in the steel sheet. Dislocations are the only trapping sites considered in the invention, homogeneously distributed in the microstructure.
The invention will now be described in detail and illustrated by examples without introducing limitations, with reference to the appended figures:
The method according to the invention deals with the evaluation of the diffused hydrogen content of a steel sheet undergoing at least one annealing process.
During this annealing, the sheet is subjected to at least one heating step and one cooling step, according to a thermal path. Usually, heat treatments can be performed in an oxidizing atmosphere, i.e. an atmosphere comprising an oxidizing gas being for example: O2, CH4, CO2 or CO. They also can be performed in a neutral atmosphere, i.e. an atmosphere comprising a neutral gas being for example: N2, Ar or He. Finally, they also can be performed in a reducing atmosphere, i.e. an atmosphere comprising a reducing gas being for example: H2 or HNx.
In a preferred embodiment, the thermal path can also include at least one isothermal holding step, that can usually be preceded by a heating step and followed by a cooling step. The cooling step can comprise an isothermal holding, called an overaging sub-step followed by a subsequent cooling step. A hot-dip coating step in a hot metal bath can also be used during such thermal path and is another type of isothermal holding as the metallic sheet dipped in such hot metal bath will be maintained at the bath temperature during its retention time in such bath.
Said annealing can be, for example, recrystallization annealing, recovery or a tempering, and can be followed by these heat-treatments;
The temperatures of the thermal path can be measured by sensors during the annealing and optional subsequent heat-treatments, or through calculations done with the use of a software.
The first step of the method according to the invention is to determine the microstructure of the steel sheet as a function of the thermal path of the annealing process, through for example calculations done with the use of a software like COMSOL®. The microstructure can also be determined thanks to sensors in furnace able to measure the austenite content in the steel, like X-CAP®.
In the frame of the present invention, the evolution of the microstructure occurs instantaneously only at certain points, corresponding to a phase change at given temperatures. The solubility of hydrogen CH at the surface of the steel sheet is then calculated. The solubility of hydrogen is the aptitude of hydrogen to be dissolved in the steel sheet. This solubility depends on the temperature, partial pressure of hydrogen and on the phases present in the microstructure of the steel sheet. It can be calculated through the following equations [1] and [2] that will be described.
For a temperature T below or equal to Ac3, and preferably from 280K to 1184K:
In the first part of the temperature curve where heating takes place, ferrite is the main structure in the steel sheet. The solubility of hydrogen CH in ferrite is adequately calculated using above formula [1].
In the last part of the temperature curve where cooling takes place, part of the austenite formed above Ac3 can transform in bainite and/or martensite, depending on the composition of the steel and on the cooling rate. In that part of the curve, the solubility of hydrogen CH in bainite and martensite is assumed to be the same as in ferrite and can be obtained adequately using also above formula [1].
For a temperature T above Ac3, preferably from 1184K to 1667K:
In the middle part of the temperature curve where holding at high temperature can take place, it is assumed that austenite is the main phase in the steel sheet, and the solubility of hydrogen CH in austenite is adequately calculated using formula [2] above.
In both equations [1] and [2], CH is expressed in at % and pH2 is the hydrogen partial pressure in the furnace, expressed in Pa. These both equations are from the publication of Fromm & Jehn “Hydrogen in Elements”, (Bull. Alloys Phase Diagrams, 5 (3), 323-326 (1984)).
Determining the solubility of hydrogen CH at the surface of the steel sheet is required as an input for the next step of the method according to the invention, wherein the volume concentration of hydrogen in the interstitial sites of the crystal lattice CL and the volume concentration of trapped hydrogen CT in the steel sheet, both expressed in mole of hydrogen by m3 of iron (molH/m3Fe), are computed with numerical simulations through the resolution of the following equations:
The different parameters and constants of both equations [3] and [4] will now be explained.
DL is the diffusion coefficient in the crystal lattice, expressed in m2/s, which depends on the temperature and phases present in the steel sheet at that temperature. This diffusion coefficient expresses the aptitude of hydrogen to diffuse inside a material. The higher the coefficient, the more easily the hydrogen diffuses.
In ferrite, martensite and bainite this coefficient diffusion DL of hydrogen is assumed to be the same and is calculated through the following equation:
In austenite, the coefficient diffusion DL of hydrogen is calculated according to the following equation:
R=8.314 J/mol·K being the universal gas constant and T the temperature expressed in K.
These equations show that at equivalent temperature, the hydrogen diffuses more easily in the ferrite, martensite and bainite than in austenite.
NL=5.2×1029 sites/m3 is the volume density of the interstitial sites in the steel sheet. In the method according to the invention, NL is assumed to be the same in all the phases of the microstructure.
NT is the volume density of dislocations, expressed in sites/m3. Dislocations have an associated trapping energy of EB=27000 J/mol. In the method according to the invention, one dislocation can trap one or more hydrogen atoms. The volume density of dislocations NT is calculated by using the surface density of dislocation ρdis expressed in sites/m2, thanks to the following formula:
with α being the number of dislocations per Burger's vector, which represents the ability of dislocations to trap hydrogen atoms. The higher this coefficient, the more the dislocations trap the hydrogen atoms. abcc is the lattice parameter in the bcc structure expressed in angstroms. In the frame of the invention, this lattice parameter is the same in ferrite, martensite and bainite which are all bcc structures. In a preferred embodiment, those parameters can take the following values:
In the frame of the invention, atoms of hydrogen cannot be trapped by dislocations in austenite, because of their low diffusion coefficient.
k and p are respectively the hydrogen trapping and detrapping rates, expressed in s−1, corresponding to the quantity of hydrogen atoms respectively trapped and detrapped, as a function of time, defined by the following equations
ET=4 150 J/mol, being the energy of trapping, which is the energy that hydrogen atom must provide to be trapped, and ED=ET+EB=31150 J/mol being the energy that hydrogen must provide to be detrapped.
Constants k0 and p0 are the hydrogen trapping and detrapping coefficients expressed in s−1. They are used as fitting parameters for the calculation of CT and CL together with NT in the different phases of the microstructure. Such fitting parameters can be determined through a comparison between experiments performed on a given steel composition and calculations according to the invention, iterated until experimental and calculated values converge.
Finally, NA=6.02×1023 mol−1 is the Avogadro number.
As described above, some of the calculations performed in the frame of method of the invention depend on the phases present in the steel at a given point of the temperature curve. Moreover, equation [3] depend on the depth x of the steel portion for which the calculations are done. To give an accurate evaluation of the hydrogen trapped in the entire thickness of the steel sheet, it is preferred to consider that the sheet is made of the repetition of N cells of 5 μm×5 μm, in order to simulate at least part of the thickness of the sheet. In a preferred embodiment, half- of the thickness of the sheet is used, N being calculated through the formula:
The other half thickness of the steel sheet behaves exactly like the first one and that the diffusion of hydrogen is homogeneous in the full length of the sheet.
CH values can then be calculated using equations [1] and [2] all along the temperature curve. Such CH values are then used as the CL values for the first row of cells.
Formula [3] and [4] can be successively applied to each cell to finally provide the values of CT and CL for the full thickness of the sheet.
In the last step of the method according to the invention, the total hydrogen content Ctotal is determined by calculating the sum of CL and CT at any time, before to be output to a user through a computer display.
The invention will be now illustrated by the following examples, which are by no way limitative.
Cold rolled steel sheets having a composition consisting of 0.07% wt of C, 2.62% wt of Mn, 0.25% wt of Si, 0.3% wt of Cr, 0.16% wt of Al, 0.091% wt of Mo, the remainder of the composition being iron and unavoidable impurities resulting from the smelting, and a thickness of 1 mm are supplied.
Such sheets can then undergo one annealing process among process P0, P1 and P2 as described in
In the process P1, the steel sheet is cooled from TH to a temperature T1 of 465° C. and maintained at said temperature for a holding time t1 of 86 s, before being cooled to room temperature at a cooling rate of 10° C./s.
In the process P2, the steel sheet is first slowly cooled from TH to a temperature T1 of 600° C. at a cooling rate of 2.6° C./s and secondly cooled from T1 to a temperature T2 of 465° C. at a cooling rate of 40° C./s. The steel sheet is maintained at said temperature T2 for a holding time t2 of 86 s, before being cooled to room temperature (RT) at a cooling rate of 10° C./s.
The temperatures Ms in each process are obtained by dilatometry measurement.
Experimental trials have been performed with these process parameters in order to obtain the experimental values of hydrogen content. The following specific conditions were applied:
The experimental hydrogen content is measured thanks to TDA experiments at the end of the process. The steel sheets have been heated at a heating rate of 1200° C./h, in order to obtain an hydrogen thermal desorption.
The corresponding diffusible hydrogen contents are gathered in Table 2:
First, the microstructure of the steel sheet is estimated at each point (A0, B0, C0, D0, E0; A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1; A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, G2, H2) of the temperature curves as represented in
The phase transformations of the microstructure occur instantaneously at the indicated points only. The estimated microstructures are gathered in Table 3:
During the heating step up to TH, ferrite is the main phase until the temperature reaches AC1, where ferrite starts being transformed into austenite. During the holding step at TH, respectively starting at points B0, B1 and B2, the microstructure is then made of ferrite and austenite.
For process P0, during the cooling at room temperature, all the austenite is transformed into martensite at Ms0 temperature (point Do).
During the first cooling of process P1 beginning at point C1, a part of austenite is transformed into bainite. Austenite continues to be transformed into bainite during the subsequent holding step, starting at D1. The microstructure during the cooling starting at E1 is the same as in the step between D1 and E1. The austenite is finally transformed in martensite at point F1, corresponding to the Ms1 temperature.
In process P2, during the slow cooling starting at C2, no phase transformation occurs. A part of austenite is transformed into bainite during the subsequent cooling starting at D2. Austenite continue to be transformed into bainite during subsequent overaging starting at E2. The microstructure at F2 is the same as E2 and the austenite is transformed into martensite at point G2 at Ms2 temperature.
Half of the thickness of the steel sheet is simulated through the repetition of N=100 cells of 5 μm×5 μm. The phase percentages of table 3 are taken into account through the percentages of the surface of the cells, as illustrated on
CH values are then calculated using equations [1] and [2] with a hydrogen partial pressure pH2 of 5066.5 Pa for all points where a phase transformation occurs. Such CH values are then used as the CL values for the first row of cells.
NT and the trapping and detrapping coefficients were fitted, using the following protocol. Steel sheets having a composition according to example 1, have been heated at a temperature of 850° C. in a furnace having an atmosphere consisting of 5% of H2, the rest being N2, and maintained at said temperature for a holding time of 260 s, before being quenched. The experimental hydrogen content in each sheet has then been measured through TDA experiments, by heating the steel sheet at a heating rate of 1200° C./h. After several iterations, the best fitting parameters have been chosen as follows:
The volume concentration of hydrogen in the interstitial sites of the crystal lattice CL and the volume concentration of trapped hydrogen CT in the steel sheet are then computed through the resolution of equations [3] and [4], taking into account the microstructures described above, and for each of the point where a phase transformation occurs all along the thermal curves.
Ctotal (Ctotal=CL+CL) is then calculated at each of these points and transmitted to an operator. The respective curves gathering all points are shown on
For process P0, the final hydrogen content as determined by the method according to the invention is 0.36 ppm, compared to 0.34 ppm measured experimentally at the end of the annealing process
For processes P1 and P2, the final hydrogen content as determined by the method according to the invention is 0.09 ppm, compared to 0.10 ppm experimentally measured.
As shown by these examples, the method according to the invention well predicts the hydrogen content evolution.
This shows that the method according to the invention can accurately evaluate at any time the hydrogen content, in order to be output to a user during the production of the steel sheet.
Cold rolled steel sheets having a composition of 0.19% wt of C, 3.86% wt of Mn, 1.27% wt of Si, 0.39% wt of Al, 0.2% wt of MO, 0.0235% wt of Nb, 0.0293% wt of Ti, the remainder of the composition being iron and unavoidable impurities resulting from the smelting, and a thickness of 1.2 mm are supplied. Such sheets can then undergo an annealing process among process P3 and P4 as described in
In all processes, the sheets are heated to a temperature TH of 850° C., and maintained at said temperature for a holding time tH of 159 s. The steel sheets are then cooled from TH to a temperature T1 of 600° C. at a cooling rate of 2° C./s before being quenched to a temperature TQ of 170° C.
In process P3, the steel sheet is then cooled from TQ to room temperature (RT).
In process P4, the steel sheet is then reheated from TQ to a temperature To of 450° C., maintained at said temperature To for a holding time to of 102 s before being cooled to room temperature.
The temperatures Ms of this grade in each process are obtained by dilatometry measurement.
Experimental trials have been performed with these process parameters in order to obtain the experimental values of hydrogen content. The following specific conditions were applied:
Trials with these process parameters have been performed in order to obtain the experimental values of hydrogen content.
The experimental hydrogen content is measured thanks to TDA experiments at the end of the process, by heating the steel sheets at a heating rate of 1200° C./h.
The corresponding hydrogen contents are gathered in Table 5:
First, the microstructure of the steel sheet is estimated at each point (A3, B3, C3, D3, E3, F3, G3; A4, B4, C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, H4) of the temperature curves as represented in
The phase transformation of the microstructure occur instantaneously at the indicated points. The estimated microstructures are gathered in Table 6:
During the heating step up to TH, ferrite is the main phase until the temperature reaches AC3, where ferrite is transformed into austenite. During the holding step at TH, respectively starting at the point B3 and B4, the microstructure is made of 100% of austenite.
In process P3, at points C3 and D3, the microstructure is the same as the one of B3. All the austenite is transformed into martensite at Ms temperature corresponding to E3, and the microstructure is unchanged until the end of the process.
In process P4, at points C4 and D4, the microstructure is the same as the one of B4. A part of austenite is transformed into martensite at Ms temperature corresponding to E4, and the microstructure is unchanged until the end of the process.
Half of the thickness of the steel sheet is simulated through the repetition of N=120 cells of 5 μm×5 μm. The phase percentages of table 5 are taken into account through the percentages of the surface of the numerical cells, as represented on
CH values are then calculated using equations [1] and [2] with a hydrogen partial pressure pH2 of 5066.5 Pa for all points where a phase transformation occurs. Such CH values are then used as the CL values for the first row of cells.
NT and the trapping and detrapping coefficients were fitted, using the following protocol. Steel sheets having a composition according to example 2, have been heated at a temperature of 850° C. in a furnace having an atmosphere consisting of 5% of H2, the rest being N2, and maintained at said temperature for a holding time of 260 s, before being quenched. The experimental hydrogen content in each sheet has then been measured through TDA experiments, by heating the steel sheet at a heating rate of 1200° C./h. After several iterations, the best fitting parameters have been chosen as follows:
The volume concentration of hydrogen in the interstitial sites of the crystal lattice CL and the volume concentration of trapped hydrogen CT in the steel sheet are then computed through the resolution of equations [3] and [4], taking into account the microstructures described above, and for each of the point where a phase transformation occurs all along the thermal curves.
Ctotal (Ctotal=CL+CL) is then calculated at each of these points and transmitted to an operator. The respective curves gathering all points are shown on
As shown by these examples, the method according to the invention well predicts the hydrogen content evolution.
The numerical hydrogen content calculated at the end of the process P3 at point G3, (t=430 s), is 0.37 ppm, compared to 0.38 ppm measured experimentally. At point H4 (t=590 s) of the process P4, the numerical hydrogen content calculated is 0.07 ppm, as measured experimentally.
The hydrogen content can be output to a user at any time of the annealing process and the full curve can be output as well at the end of the annealing process.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/IB2021/061904 | Dec 2021 | WO | international |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/IB2022/061809 | 12/6/2022 | WO |