Method for fast compilation of preverified JAVA TM bytecode to high quality native machine code


  • Patent Application
  • 20040015913
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    October 30, 2001
    22 years ago
  • Date Published
    January 22, 2004
    20 years ago
The present invention is a new method and apparatus to perform fast compilation of platform independent bytecode instruction listings into high quality machine code in a single sequential pass. More specifically, the present invention creates a new method and apparatus for the translation of platform neutral bytecode into high quality machine code in a single sequential pass in which information from the preceding instruction translation is used to mimic an optimizing compiler without the extensive memory and time requirements. Where the preceding instruction translation cannot be used due to no direct control flow, information from comprehensive stack maps is then used.


[0002] Not applicable.


[0003] 1. Field of Invention

[0004] The present invention is related to the compilation of platform neutral bytecode computer instructions, such as JAVA, into high quality machine code. More specifically, the present invention discloses a new method of creating high quality machine code from platform neutral bytecode in a single sequential pass in which information from preceding instruction translations is used to mimic an optimizing complier without the extensive memory and time requirements.

[0005] 2. Background of Invention

[0006] The benefit of architecture neutral language such as JAVA is the ability to execute such language on a wide range of systems once a suitable implementation technique, such as a JAVA Virtual Machine, is present. The key feature of the JAVA language is the creation and use of platform neutral bytecode instructions, which create the ability to run JAVA programs, such as applets, applications or servelets, on a broad range of diverse platforms. Typically, a JAVA program is compiled through the use of a JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) which is merely an abstract computing machine used to compile the JAVA program (or source code) into platform neutral JAVA bytecode instructions, which are then placed into class files. The JAVA bytecode instructions in turn, serve as JVM instructions wherever the JVM is located. As bytecode instructions, the JAVA program may now be transferred to and executed by any system with a compatible JAVA platform. In addition, any other language which may be expressed in bytecode instructions, may be used with the JVM.

[0007] Broadly speaking, computer instructions often are incompatible with other computer platforms. Attempts to improve compatibility include “high level” language software which is not executable without compilation into a machine specific code. As taught by U.S. Pat. No. 5,590,331, issued Dec. 31, 1996 to Lewis et al., several methods of compilation exist for this purpose. For instance, a pre-execution compilation approach may be used to convert “high level” language into machine specific code prior to execution. On the other hand, a runtime compilation approach may be used to convert instructions and immediately send the machine specific code to the processor for execution. A JAVA program requires a compilation step to create bytecode instructions, which are placed into class files. A class file contains streams of 8-bit bytes either alone or combined into larger values, which contain information about interfaces, fields or methods, the constant pool and the magic constant. Placed into class files, bytecode is an intermediate code, which is independent of the platform on which it is later executed. A single line of bytecode contains a one-byte opcode and either zero or additional bytes of operand information. Bytecode instructions may be used to control stacks, the VM register arrays or transfers. A JAVA interpreter is then used to execute the compiled bytecode instructions on the platform.

[0008] The compilation step is accomplished with multiple passes through the bytecode instructions, where during each pass, a loop process is employed in which a method loops repeatedly through all the bytecode instructions. A single bytecode instruction is analyzed during each single loop through the program and after each loop, the next loop through the bytecode instructions analyzes the next single bytecode instruction. This is repeated until the last bytecode instruction is reached and the loop is ended.

[0009] During the first compilation pass, a method loops repeatedly through all the bytecode instructions and a single bytecode instruction is analyzed during each single loop through the program. If it is determined the bytecode instruction being analyzed is the last bytecode instruction, the loop is ended. If the bytecode instruction being analyzed is not the last bytecode instruction, the method determines stack status from the bytecode instruction and stores this in stack status storage, which is updated for each bytecode instruction. This is repeated until the last bytecode instruction is reached and the loop is ended.

[0010] During the second compilation pass, a method loops repeatedly through all the bytecode instructions once again and a single bytecode instruction is analyzed during each single loop through the program. If it is determined the bytecode instruction being analyzed is the last bytecode instruction, the loop is ended. If the bytecode instruction being analyzed is not the last bytecode instruction, the stack status storage and bytecode instruction are used to translate the bytecode instruction into machine code. This is repeated until the last bytecode instruction is translated and the loop is ended.

[0011] A JAVA program however, also requires a verification step to ensure malicious or corrupting code is not present. As with most programming languages, security concerns are addressed through verification of the source code. JAVA applications ensure security through a bytecode verification process which ensures the JAVA code is valid, does not overflow or underflow stacks, and does not improperly use registers or illegally convert data types. The verification process traditionally consists of two parts achieved in four passes. First, verification performs internal checks during the first three passes, which are concerned solely with the bytecode instructions. The first pass checks to ensure the proper format is present, such as bytecode length. The second pass checks subclasses, superclasses and the constant pool for proper format. The third pass actually verifies the bytecode instructions. The fourth pass performs runtime checks, which confirm the compatibility of the bytecode instructions.

[0012] As stated, verification is a security process, which is accomplished through several passes. The third pass in which actual verification occurs, employs a loop process similar to the compilation step in which a method loops repeatedly through all the bytecode instructions and a single bytecode instruction is analyzed during each single loop through the program. After each loop, the next loop through the bytecode instructions analyzes the next single bytecode instruction which is repeated until the last bytecode instruction is reached and the loop is ended.

[0013] During the verification pass, the method loops repeatedly through all the bytecode instructions and a single bytecode instruction is analyzed during each single loop through the program. If it is determined the bytecode instruction being analyzed is the last bytecode instruction, the loop is ended. If the bytecode instruction is not the last bytecode instruction, the position of the bytecode instruction being analyzed is determined. If the bytecode instruction is at the beginning of a piece of code that is executed contiguously (a basic block), the global stack status is read from bytecode auxiliary data and stored. After storage, it is verified that the stored global stack status is compliant with the bytecode instruction. If however, the location of the bytecode instruction being analyzed is not at the beginning of a basic block, the global stack status is not read but is verified to ensure the global stack status is compliant with the bytecode instruction. After verifying that the global stack status is compliant with the bytecode instruction, the global stack status is changed according to the bytecode instruction. This procedure is repeated during each loop until the last bytecode instruction is analyzed and the loop ended.

[0014] It may be noted that the pass through the bytecode instructions that is required for verification closely resembles the first compilation pass. Duplicate passes during execution can only contribute to the poor speed of JAVA programs, which in some cases may be up to 20 times slower than other programming languages such as C. The poor speed of JAVA programming is primarily the result of verification. In the past, attempts to improve speed have included compilation during idle times and pre-verification. In U.S. Pat. No. 5,970,249 issued Oct. 19, 1999 to Holzle et al., a method is taught in which program compilation is completed during identified computer idle times. And in U.S. Pat. No. 5,999,731 issued Dec. 7, 1999 to Yellin et al. the program is pre-verified, allowing program execution without certain determinations such as stack overflow or underflow checks or data type checks. Both are attempts to improve execution speed by manipulation of the compilation and verification steps. In order to further improve speed, a method and apparatus is needed that can combine these separate, yet similar steps, the verification pass, and the first and second compilation pass, into a step which accomplishes the multiple tasks in substantially less time.


[0015] These and other objects, features and characteristics of the present invention will become more apparent to those skilled in the art from a study of the following detailed description in conjunction with the appended claims and drawings, all of which form a part of this specification. In the drawings:

FIG. 1A (prior art) illustrates a flowchart of traditional bytecode instruction first pass compilation;

FIG. 1B (prior art) illustrates a flowchart of traditional bytecode instruction second pass compilation;

FIG. 2 illustrates a flowchart of the embodiment of the new method; and

FIG. 3 illustrates the data structures required by the new method.


[0020] It is the object of the present invention to create a method and apparatus which may be used to compile platform independent bytecode into high quality native machine code without the extensive memory and execution time requirements of an optimizing compiler. The present invention produces the fast and simple translation associated with simple translators, but with a resulting translation equivalent to the high quality output associated with the more complex optimizing compiler. The new method consists of a program instruction set which executes fewer passes through a bytecode instruction listing where complete compilation into high quality native machine code is achieved in less time and requiring less memory.

[0021] The new method translates bytecode instruction listings into native machine code in a single sequential pass. Each bytecode instruction is handled sequentially using information remembered from the translation of preceding bytecode instructions. However, where no direct control flow from the previous instruction prevents information from preceding instructions to be used, information extracted from the stack maps contained in all preverified class files may be used instead.

[0022] In prior art FIGS. 1A and 1B, an illustrative flow diagram of a simple bytecode translator compilation method is shown. In prior art FIG. 1A, a traditional compilation method is shown as flow diagram 100 which loops through the bytecode instructions, analyzing an individual bytecode instruction during each loop as stated in step 102. After each bytecode instruction is analyzed, the method determines the stack status from the bytecode instruction being analyzed and stores the stack status in stack status storage as stated in step 104. When the last bytecode instruction is analyzed as stated step 102, the loop is ended at step 108 and partial compilation is completed.

[0023] In prior art FIG. 1B, remaining compilation occurs in flow diagram 150 which shows further loops through the bytecode instructions analyzing an individual bytecode instruction during each loop as stated in step 152. The stack status storage and bytecode instruction are then used to translate the bytecode instruction into machine code as stated in step 154. When the last bytecode instruction is translated as stated in step 152, the loop is ended at step 158 and compilation is completed.

[0024] In FIG. 2, an illustrative flow diagram of the new method is shown in flow diagram 200. In step 202, a class file placed on the development or target system is selected and a first method within the first class file is selected in step 204. At this point, storage and initialization occurs in step 206. In step 208 a first bytecode instruction is selected and evaluated to determine if there is a stack map stored for the actual bytecode instruction and, if there is a stored stack map, step 210 determines if there is direct control flow from the previous instruction. If there is no direct control flow present, step 214 results in reading the stack layout from the stack map in bytecode and setting mappings to ‘stack’. If direct control flow is present, step 212 produces a code to store all stacks and set their stack mappings to ‘stack’. In step 216, the native code address for the actual instruction is then set.

[0025] In steps 218 and 222, the instruction is evaluated to determine if the actual instruction is ‘load constant’ or load local’. If the instruction is load constant, step 220 creates a new constant stack mapping. If the instruction is load local, step 224 creates a new local stack mapping. If the instruction is a stack manipulating instruction as determined in step 226, stack mappings are duplicated or reordered in step 228 according to the instruction. If the actual instruction is a jump or switch instruction as determined in step 230, a code is produced for the actual instruction using stack mapping information and a code is produced to store all stack values not used in step 232.

[0026] In step 234, if the actual instruction is any other instruction, a code is produced for the actual instruction using stack mapping information to locate the arguments in step 236. The mappings for the arguments are removed and new mappings are created if the instruction results in a new value.

[0027] Once the instruction has been analyzed, the following bytecode instruction is selected for translation. If there are no remaining instructions, the next method is selected in step 204 and if there are no remaining methods, the next class is selected in step 202. If there are no remaining classes, the evaluation returns in step 238.

[0028] Several data structures are required to remember the information of the preceding instruction translation in the new method. For each possible value currently available on the bytecode stack, a field is required showing the actual mapping to storage locations in the target machine architecture, as well as a field containing additional information on the first field. A field showing actual mapping to storage locations is required for constants, locals, temporaries and stacks. The second field contains additional information such as constant values, slot and register numbers. For each bytecode address which is the target of a jump or switch instruction, an additional field is required to store the corresponding native address code.

[0029] Referring now to Table 1, the new fast compilation method places each class file in the development or target system, at which point each method in the class containing bytecode instructions is analyzed. Storage and data structures for actual mappings and native code addresses are created and the stack mappings are initialized to empty and addresses are initialized to unknown. Each bytecode instruction, from first to last is then evaluated and translated into high quality machine code.

[0030] Each bytecode instruction is evaluated sequentially from first to last, and starting with the first, the new method determines if there is a stack map stored for the actual bytecode instruction. If a stack map is stored for the actual instruction, the new method then determines if there is direct control flow from the previous instruction (for each bytecode instruction after the first). If direct control flow exists, a code is produced to store all stacks and set their stack mapping to ‘stack’. If no direct control flow exists, the stack layout in bytecode is read from the stack map and mappings are set to ‘stack’. Once the code is produced or stack layout is read, the native code address is set for the actual instruction.

[0031] The sequential bytecode instructions are then evaluated to determine if the actual instruction is ‘load constant’, load local’, a stack manipulating instruction, a jump, switch or any other instruction. If the actual instruction is load constant, new constant stack mapping is created. If however, the actual instruction is load local, new local stack mapping is created.

[0032] If the actual instruction is a stack manipulating instruction such as pop, pop2, dup, dup_x1, dup_x2, dup2, dup2_x1, dup2_x2, or swap, stack mappings are duplicated or reordered according to the actual instruction. If the actual instruction is a jump or switch instruction, a code is produced for the actual instruction using stack mapping information to locate the arguments and native code addresses to get the actual destination address and the mappings for the arguments are removed. A code is also produced to store all stack values not used by this instruction and their stack mapping is set to ‘stack’.

[0033] If the actual instruction is any other instruction, a code is produced for the actual instruction using stack mapping information to locate the arguments. The mappings for the arguments are removed and a new mapping is created if the instruction results in a new value. The process is repeated for each method within each class file, and thereafter repeated for each class file.

[0034] Prior art methods such as simple translators and optimizing compilers fail to produce the results associated with the new method. Through the use of a sequential pass, the simplicity and speed of simple translators is achieved. However the use of preceding translation information to mimic optimizing compilers when possible, creates the high quality machine code translation of the optimizing compiler. Therefore the present invention produces a high quality translation with greater simplicity and speed than previously known.
1TABLE 1Pseudocode:For each class file to be compiled{For each method in the class containing bytecode instructions{Create storage to store actual mappings and nativecode addresses.Initialize stack mappings to empty and addresses to unknown.For each bytecode instruction from first to last{If there is a stack map stored for the actual bytecodeinstruction{If there is direct control flow from the previousinstruction{Emit code to store all stack and set their stackmapping to ‘stack’.}If there is no direct control flow from the previousinstruction{Read stack layout from stack map in bytecode andset mappings to ‘stack’}Set native code address for actual instruction.}If actual instruction is ‘load constant’{Create a new ‘constant’ stack mapping.}If actual instruction is ‘load local’{Create a new ‘local’ stack mapping.}If actual instruction is a stack manipulating instruction(one of pop, pop2, dup, dup_x1, dup_x2, dup2,dup2_x1, dup2_x2, orswap){Duplicate and/or reorder stack mappings according toinstruction.}If actual instruction is a jump or switch instruction{Emit code for the actual instruction using stackmapping information to locate thearguments and native code addresses to get theactual destination address. Remove the mappingsfor the arguments.Emit code to store all stack values not used by thisinstruction and set theirstackmapping to ‘stack’.{If actual instruction is any other instruction{Emit code for the actual instruction using stackmapping information to locate thearguments. Remove the mappings for thearguments and create a newmappingif the instruction results in a new value.}}/* For each bytecode instruction */}/* For each method */}/* For each class file */

  • 1. A computer apparatus suitable for use in the fast compilation of preverified platform neutral bytecode instructions resulting in high quality native machine code, comprising: a central processing unit (CPU); a computer memory coupled to said CPU, said computer memory comprised of a computer readable medium; a compilation program embodied on said computer readable medium, said compilation program comprising: a first code segment that receives a class file listing; a second code segment that compiles said class file listing into machine code; and a third code segment that interprets and executes said machine code.
  • 2. A computer apparatus suitable for use in the fast compilation of preverified platform neutral bytecode instructions resulting in high quality native machine code, comprising: a development or target computer system, said development or target computer system comprised of a computer readable storage medium containing a compilation program and one or more class files, said one or more class files containing one or more methods containing bytecode instruction listings; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a first plurality of instructions, said first- plurality of instructions executed sequentially for each bytecode instruction, said first plurality configured to select first class to compile; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a second plurality of instructions, said second plurality configured to select first method of said first class to compile; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a third plurality of instructions, said third plurality configured to create map storage to store actual mappings and native code addresses and initialize stack mappings to empty and addresses to unknown; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a fourth plurality of instructions, said fourth plurality configured to sequentially select each bytecode instruction in each said method of each said class file; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a fifth plurality of instructions, said fifth plurality configured to detect stored stack maps for said selected bytecode instruction; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a sixth plurality of instructions, said sixth plurality configured to detect direct control flow from a bytecode instruction previous to said selected bytecode instruction, said detection of direct control flow from said previous bytecode instruction resulting in said sixth plurality of instructions storing all stacks and setting said stack mappings to stack, lack of said detection of said direct control flow from said previous bytecode instruction resulting in said sixth plurality of instructions reading stack layout from said stack mappings and setting said mappings to stack; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a seventh plurality of instructions, said seventh plurality configured to set said native code address for actual instruction; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of an eighth plurality of instructions, said eighth plurality configured to detect if said actual instruction is a load constant instruction, said detection of load constant instruction resulting in said eighth plurality of instructions creating new constant stack mapping; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a ninth plurality of instructions, said ninth plurality configured to detect if said actual instruction is a load local instruction, said detection of load local instruction resulting in said ninth plurality of instructions creating new local stack mapping; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a tenth plurality of instructions, said tenth plurality configured to detect if said actual instruction is a stack manipulating instruction, said detection of stack manipulating instruction resulting in said tenth plurality of instructions duplicating or reordering said stack mapping according to said stack manipulating instruction; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of an eleventh plurality of instructions, said eleventh plurality configured to detect if said actual instruction is a jump or switch instruction, said detection of jump or switch instruction resulting in said eleventh plurality of instructions emitting code using said stack mapping information and storing all said stack values not used; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a twelfth plurality of instructions, said twelfth plurality configured to detect if said actual instruction is a remaining type of instruction, said detection of remaining type of instruction resulting in said twelfth plurality of instructions emitting code using said stack mapping information; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a thirteenth plurality of instructions, said thirteenth plurality configured to select next instruction; said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a fourteenth plurality of instructions, said fourteenth plurality configured to select next method; and said compilation program contained on said storage medium comprised of a fifteenth plurality of instructions, said fifteenth plurality configured to select next class file.
  • 3. A computer implemented method for compilation of preverified platform neutral bytecode instructions resulting in high quality native machine code, comprising the steps of: receiving a class file onto a computer readable medium containing compilation procedure instructions, said class file containing one or more methods containing platform neutral bytecode listings; executing said compilation procedure instructions on said bytecode listings, said compilation procedure instructions sequentially processing each byte code instruction of said bytecode listing; using information from preceding instructions to mimic an optimizing compiler; and producing native machine code on said computer readable medium.
  • 4. A computer implemented method as recited in claim 3 wherein said compilation procedure selects first class to compile.
  • 5. A computer implemented method as recited in claim 4 wherein said compilation procedure selects first method of said first class to compile.
  • 6. A computer implemented method as recited in claim 5 wherein said compilation procedure creates map storage to store actual mappings and native code addresses and initializes stack mappings to empty and addresses to unknown.
  • 7. A computer implemented method as recited in claim 6 wherein said compilation procedure sequentially selects each bytecode instruction in each said method of each said class file.
  • 8. A computer implemented method as recited in claim 7 wherein said compilation procedure detects stack maps for said selected bytecode instruction.
  • 9. A computer implemented method as recited in claim 8 wherein said compilation procedure detects direct control flow from a bytecode instruction previous to said selected actual bytecode instruction, said detection of direct control flow from said previous bytecode instruction resulting in storing all stacks and setting said stack mappings to stack, lack of said detection of said direct control flow from said previous bytecode instruction resulting in reading stack layout from said mappings and setting said mappings to stack.

[0001] This Application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/294,913 filed May 31, 2001, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60294913 May 2001 US