The invention refers to aerodynamics and can be used to create an aircraft, as well as rotors for helicopters, propellers for piston airplanes and propeller screws for water transport.
There is a large number of wing profiles known [S. T. Kashafutdinov, V. N. Lushin, Atlas of the aerodynamic characteristics of wing profiles, Novosibirsk, 1994]. They are united by one common disadvantage—forming lifting force for a wing by means of the creation of a vacuum on the upper contour of the wing with the part of the windstream.
Known is a method for forming lifting power, where a wing with NACA-0012 profile [Helicopters of countries around the world. Edited by V. G. Lebed, 1994] by the angle of incidence σ=0° does not form lifting power at all as the front edge divides the windstream into two equal parts: onto the upper and lower contour. Only by the angle of incidence σ≧1° symmetry breaking occurs in the distribution of the windstream, which leads to a difference in pressure between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing.
There is also a method for forming lifting power known, where a wing with NACA-23012 profile [Helicopters of countries around the world. Edited by V. G. Lebed, 1994] is asymmetric, and most of the windstream is directed onto the upper contour which is subjected to uniform compression in the AB area, gains a large amount of kinetic energy and represents in the BC area a thin (0.5-2 mm) high-speed stream with two main functions: a dynamic barrier between the upper surface of the wing and unperturbed atmosphere above the BC and a gas jet pump, rapidly outflowing the air molecules out of the BCD area and creating a vacuum with a critical limit in it, by reaching this limit the stream BC falls to the wing surface BD with an impact. As a result, the BCD area is filled with air until it reaches the unperturbed air pressure at the flight level of an aircraft, and speed stream BC is restored again. This is one cycle of wave drag of the upper surface of the wing in the area of negative angles of incidence BCD. The process is self-oscillating and while an aircraft nearing the speed of sound it becomes a major obstacle to develop high speeds.
There is a profile known which differs from a classic one with geometric features similar to the element of our profile. There is a wing (FIG. 1) known from the U.S. Pat. No. 6,378,802 (IPC: B64C 30/00, published on Apr. 30, 2002) taken as a prototype for claims 1, 3 and 4 of the invention. The main difference of the prototype from a classic profile is that the acute angle of its front edge does not divide the windstream into 2 parts onto the upper and lower contour, like it does the rounded front edge of the classic profile. According to FIG. 1 from U.S. Pat. No. 6,378,802 and its description, forming lifting force for such profile involves only front and back sections, which constitutes 32% onto upper and lower contour of the wing, whereas aviation age-long experience proved that lifting force is always proportionate to the complete area S of a wing.
The disadvantage of the prototype is low efficiency of forming lifting force caused by occurrence of wave drag onto the upper contour of the wing which reduces its lifting force by 1 unit of the wing area.
There is also a symmetrical plane-wedge profile of a wing known from Pat. RU No. 2207967 (IPC: B64C 23/06, released on Jul. 10, 2003). It was taken as a prototype for a wing profile according to claim 2.
The disadvantage of such wing is existence of 2 terminating at right angle tailing edges, which create the basis of powerful turbulent resistance that decreases aircraft efficiency.
The aim of the proposed invention is rising efficiency of forming lifting force through elimination of wave drag onto the upper contour of the wing and lift benefit by 1 unit of the wing area. Another aim is liberation of the wing from aerodynamic flutter.
These aims can be obtained by the method for forming lifting force for an aircraft with a longitudinal axis and a wing, which has a part of its upper contour of the profile as a straight line, includes creation of an acute angle of the front edge, straight line of the upper contour is parallel to the longitudinal axis of an aircraft, meanwhile the sharp front edge directs the windstream onto the lower contour of the wing.
To realize method for an aircraft with a longitudinal axis and a wing a wing profile was created. It has sharp front and tailing edges, as well as the upper and lower contours, meanwhile said lower contour is rectilinear from the front to the tailing edge, and said upper contour has a rectilinear section parallel to the longitudinal axis of an aircraft and connected with tailing edge by a flat curve.
Other alternative of an aircraft wing profile which can realize the claimed method is a wing profile of an aircraft with a longitudinal axis and a wing which has sharp front and tailing edges, as well as the upper and lower contours, partially represented by parallel lines, the above mentioned rectilinear sections of the upper and lower contours are connected with the front and tailing edges by flat curves, whereas the upper contour is parallel to the longitudinal axis of an aircraft.
A third alternative of an aircraft wing profile which can realize the claimed method is a wing profile of an aircraft with a longitudinal axis and a wing which has sharp front and tailing edges, as well as the upper and lower contours, whereas the upper contour has a rectilinear section, and the above mentioned rectilinear section of the upper contour is parallel to the longitudinal axis of an aircraft, and the lower contour is represented by a flat curve connecting the front and tailing edge of a wing profile.
It's rather difficult to define lifting force for a wing with the proposed profiles on the basis of known equations. Therefore a new equation is proposed which considers height of the master cross-section of the wing, chord length, air pressure at the flight level and linear velocity of air molecules as follows:
Yi—lifting force for a wing, N.
Si=Li·bi—area of a wing, m2.
Li—wingspan, m.
bi—chord length, m.
ρi—air density at the flight level, kg/m3.
υμi—linear velocity of air molecules, m/s.
υi—speed of an aircraft, ms.
hi—height of the master cross-section of a wing, average, m.
P0i—air pressure at the flight level, N/m2,
lifting force coefficient (Cy) is calculated by the following equation:
mi—all-up weight of an aircraft, kg,
gi—Gravitational acceleration, m/s2.
The invention is explained in figures where:
AD=b is a chord and lifting surface of the wing;
AD1=b1—outer chord,
AC1—horizontal section of the upper contour.
C1D—section of the flat curve forming the tailing edge of a wing,
DD1=h—height of the master cross-section,
CC1—maximal thickness of a wing,
angle DAC1=β—angle of divergence of the upper and lower contours at the front edge.
AD=b—a chord without any function load by this profile:
AD1=b1—outer chord,
AB—a flat curve connecting upper and lower horizontal sections AC1 and BD and forming a nose of the profile;
BB1=CC1=DD1=h—height of the master cross-section,
α—angle of incidence on the master cross-section at the curve AB,
angle BAB1=β—angle of divergence of the upper and lower contours at the front edge;
C1D—a curve forming the tailing edge of a wing,
MN—a tangent line to the middle point of the curve AB.
Setting angle of the wing with this profile is 0, so is angle of incidence on the lower lifting surface BD.
AC1—straight line of the upper contour,
AD—a flat curve connecting the front and tailing edges,
C1D—a flat curve connecting the straight line of the upper contour with the tailing edge.
The proposed wing profiles provide interaction of the windstream with the lower contour only, which is represented by segment (AD) connecting the front edge (A) with the tailing edge (D) and simultaneously being a chord (b). In this case on the upper contour (AC1D) there is no speed stream as the sharp front edge directs all windstream onto the lower contour (AD). The main part of the upper contour is represented by a straight line (AC1), and its tail section (C1D) smoothly descends to the tailing edge. Pressure at the upper contour (AC1) is almost equal to the pressure of unperturbed air at the flight level, while the upper surface is parallel to speed vector of an aircraft, which is a qualitatively new and essential feature of the proposed method. The function of forming lifting force for a wing completely shifts onto the lower contour (AD). The following results are achieved:
1) Complete liberation of the upper contour of the wing from interaction with the windstream.
2) Shifting of the interaction of the wing with the environment completely onto the lower contour.
3) Efficient use of the wall boundary layer for lifting force increase.
4) Introduction of thickness (h), angle of incidence (α), wall boundary layer thickness (Δh), linear velocity of air molecules (υM) in the analysis and calculation of lifting force for a wing.
5) Liberation of the wing from wave drag—an insurmountable defect in wings with a classic profile.
6) Minimal frontal drag of the wing and its high aerodynamic quality.
A dynamic parameter used for calculation of lifting force for a wing with classic aerodynamics is dynamic pressure which is applied to the empirically selected lifting force coefficient (Cy), and lifting force (Y) is calculated by the formula [Encyclopedia of physics. Vol. 3, page 670, 1992]:
y·ρυ2·s/2,N, where (1)
ρ—air density, kg/m3,
υ—speed of an aircraft, m/s,
s—area of a wing, m2.
The following equation is true for an aircraft on cruise flight:
Y=m·g,N, where (2)
m—weight of an aircraft, kg,
g—Gravitational acceleration at the flight level, m/s2;
after equating the right parts (1) and (2) and solving the equation for Cy one will get the following:
Some important parameters are not considered in formulas (1), (2) and (3), such as thickness of a wing (h), angle of incidence (a), pressure on the upper surface of a wing (PB), pressure on the lower surface of a wing (PH ), velocity of air molecules (υM), thickness of the wall boundary layer (Δh). The biggest paradox, however, is the contradiction between (1) and (3). According to (1), the greater lifting force coefficient (Cy>1)—the greater lifting force for a wing and the easier it is for an aircraft to take off, the shorter the take-off path etc. But according to (3), if Cy>1, the weight of an aircraft is greater than lifting force for a wing and it cannot take off.
Therefore the calculation above shows that classic aerodynamics lacks a theory of flow around a wing which moves through unperturbed air.
There is a corresponding mathematic model for a wing with the patented profile proposed. It is based on the assumption that lifting force for a wing is a result of difference in pressure between upper (PB) and lower (PH) surfaces and it can be expressed in the following equation (4):
Y=(PB−PH)·s,N (4)
Since pressure on the upper surface of a wing with the proposed profile B-1 is always equal to pressure of unperturbed air (P0i) at the flight level (POi=P0i), after expanding (4) one will get:
P0i—unperturbed air pressure at the flight level, N/m2,
ρi—unperturbed air density at the flight level, kg/m3,
υi—speed of an aircraft, m/s.
υμi—linear velocity of air molecules at the flight level, m/s.
Under normal conditions (t=0° C., P0=101 325 Pa) velocity of air molecules is υμi=47131.725 m/s. [D. H. Baziev Fundamentals of a unified theory of physics. Moscow, Pedagogics, 1994, p. 619]
tgβ=h/b1—relation between average height of the master cross-section and outer chord,
h—height of the master cross-section (
β—angle of divergence of the upper and lower contours at the front edge of a wing,
s=L·b—area of a wing, m2,
L—wingspan, m,
b—chord of a wing, AD (
b1—outer chord AD1 (
Introducing values Yi=cy·migi and tgβ in (5), one gets a completed equation for lifting force for a wing with the proposed profile B-1. It does not have any coefficients, since all physical and geometric parameters have been taken into account, which take part in forming lifting force for a wing (Y) for subsonic speeds of an aircraft (υ≦1M):
where cy≧1.01—lifting force coefficient of a wing.
From (6) it follows that in take-off mode the right part of an aircraft must be higher than the left one, i.e. lifting force is greater than take-off weight of an aircraft. And on cruise flight weight and lifting force of an aircraft become equal. Meanwhile the value of lifting force in (6) always takes a negative sign which shows that this force is directed against the gravitational force vector, i.e. upwards.
equation for lifting force for a wing for aircraft speeds (υ>1M), where M is Mach number, y=1.36805912 is adiabatic coefficient of air in the wall boundary layer by υ>1M
The following are examples of practical use of the invention.
1) Exceptionally acute nose angle, CAC1=B, which is the angle of divergence of the upper and lower contours, while the front edge of a wing (A) for supersonic aircrafts is extremely sharp like blade.
2) The lower contour (AD)—chord (b)—is a straight line forming a high-speed wall boundary layer, which has a large amount of kinetic energy and causes excess pressure along the lower surface of a wing (AD). A wing with this profile has minimal frontal drag and maximal lifting force and as a result extremely high aerodynamic quality against the prototype.
The main part of the upper contour (AC1) is represented by a horizontal straight line parallel to the motion vector of the aircraft wing or to the aircraft main longitudinal axis. The tail section of the upper contour from the point of the largest thickness (C1) of a profile up to the tailing edge (D) is performed as a flat curve (C1D). Because of the sharp front edge (A), which is the beginning of the upper contour, the interaction of the windstream with the upper contour is completely avoided, which leads to the elimination of wave drag and liberation from aerodynamic flutter in all flight modes of the aircraft.
Distinctive features of this profile are as follows:
1) The main parts of the upper contour AC1 and the lower contour BD can be parallel or not, it depends on the radius of curvature AB (
2) The sharp front edge directs all windstream under the wing onto the lower contour because there is no angle of incidence in the upper contour which is caused by parallel alignment of the upper contour to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.
3) The windstream interacts only with the lower contour (ABD) which has no segment with negative angle of incidence. Also, as studies showed, a high-speed wall boundary layer is formed along the lower contour at speed υ≦0.6 M at speed υ>0.6 M the wall layer ends at point (B), but because of the windstream a densified underlayer is formed under the wing, this underlayer supports the lifting surface of the wing (BD), as a result specific lifting force for a wing with this profile is two times greater than of the prototype. This feature becomes apparent when a wing moves through unperturbed air.
This is the basic profile, which can be used to design a series of profiles by changing angle of divergence of the upper and lower contours between 0° and 90°, and also by changing the height of the master cross-section widely. Supersonic aircrafts are equipped with wings with sharp front edges and acceptably low value of the master cross-section height, which depends on several technical conditions. Heavy-duty aircrafts are equipped with this profile or its variations, in this case height of the master cross-section depends on take-off weight and speed on the flight strip at the moment of take-off. The upper contour of the wing profile (AC1) is parallel to the motion vector of the aircraft or to the aircraft main longitudinal axis. Thus, setting angle of the upper surface of a wing with the proposed profile is 0°, while setting angle of a wing with the classic profile is always greater than zero and changes between 2° and 6°.
Concept of the invention has been confirmed by the practical realization of the method.
In order to confirm the realizability of the method and efficiency of the devices, four wing models with profiles according to
The test model was mounted on an AC commutator motor shaft with capacity of W=400 W, and speed n=14 000 rpm. The motor with the wing was installed on a massive platform which was fixed on an electronic balance pan “Nikoteks NPV-15 kg” with tolerance Δ=±0.005 kg. The balance pan was shielded by a large impenetrable duralumin disk.
The wing models were made of magnesium-aluminum alloy, their surface was thoroughly polished.
Experimental studies confirmed higher efficiency of wings with proposed profiles compared to the prototype representing a wing with the classic profile forming lifting force mainly through creation of exhaustion along the upper contour. The results are shown in tables 1-4 (see APPENDIX). Specific lifting force for a wing (Ys, N/m2) as a function of speed x is accepted as the control dynamic parameter. Let us compare the wing with the profile according to
1) υ3=25.068 m/s (B-1, table 1), Ys3=247.944 N/m2,
υ1=25.917 m/s (NACA, table 2), Ys1=64.378 N/m2,
2) υ11=62.777 m/s (B-1, table 1), Ys11=1724.982 N/m2,
υ5=62.207 m/s (NACA, table 2), Ys5=287.807 N/m2,
3) υ9=69.309 m/s (B-2, table 3), Ys9=1105.787 N/m2,
υ6=69.309 m/s (NACA, table 2), Ys6=355.972 N/m2,
4) υ10=56.516 m/s (B-1, table 1), Ys10=1388.486 N/m2,
υ6=56.413 m/s (B-2, table 3), Ys6=708.158 N/m2,
As ensues from this comparison of experimental results, the wing with the profile according to
Analysis of the results confirms that the proposed method for forming lifting force for a wing and series of profiles based on
Based on the above, one can make a conclusion that the proposed method for forming lifting force for a wing and devices for realizing said method can be implemented in practice with reaching the indicated technical result.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2010144348 | Nov 2010 | RU | national |
This application is a continuation of International Patent Application No. PCT/RU2011/000744, filed Sep. 29, 2011, which claims priority to Russian Patent Application No. 2010144348, filed Nov. 1, 2010, both of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | PCT/RU2011/000744 | Sep 2011 | US |
Child | 13748230 | US |