- 1. The DNA sequence that encodes a gene product selected from the group consisting of the Streptomyces fradiae tylC, tylD, tylE, tylF, tylH, tylJ, tylK, tylL, and tylM biosynthetic gene products.
- 2. The DNA sequence of claim 1 that encodes the tylC gene product.
- 3. The DNA sequence of claim 1 that encodes the tylD gene product.
- 4. The DNA sequence of claim 1 that encodes the tylE gene product.
- 5. The DNA sequence of claim 1 that encodes the tylF gene product.
- 6. The DNA sequence of claim 1 that encodes the tylH gene product.
- 7. The DNA sequence of claim 1 that encodes the tylJ gene product.
- 8. The DNA sequence of claim 1 that encodes the tylK gene product.
- 9. The DNA sequence of claim 1 that encodes the tylL gene product.
- 10. The DNA sequence of claim 1 that encodes the tylM gene product.
- 11. A DNA sequence that encodes the translational-activating sequence of a gene selected from the group consisting of the Streptomyces fradiae tylC, tylD, tylE, tylF, tylH, tylJ, tylK, tylL and tylM biosynthetic genes.
- 12. The DNA sequence of claim 11 which encodes the translational activating sequence of a gene selected from the group consisting of the tylE, tylF, tylD, tylH, and tylJ biosynthetic genes.
- 13. A plasmid that is selected from the group consisting of plasmids pSKC13, pSKC16, pSFH60, pSFH61, pSFH62, pOJ163, pOJ190, and pHJL289.
- 14. A DNA sequence that encodes the Streptomyces fradiae tylF gene product, said product comprising the amino acid residue sequence: ##STR2## wherein ALA is alanine, ARG is arginine, ASN is asparagine, ASP is aspartic acid, CYS is cysteine, GLN is glutamine, GLU is glutamic acid, GLY is glycine, HIS is histidine, ILE is isoleucine, LEU is leucine, LYS is lysine, MET is methionine, PHE is phenylalanine, PRO is proline, SER is serine, THR is threonine, TRP is tryptophan, TYR is tyrosine, and VAL is valine.
- 15. The DNA sequence of claim 14 which is ##STR3##
- 16. A DNA sequence encoding the Streptomyces fradiae tylE gene product, said product comprising the amino acid sequence:
- AlaAlaGlyGlySerSerAlaAlaValLeuAlaAspPheAspArgProIleTrpGly
- ProIleGlyGlyGluSerAsnValGlyLysGluIlePheAlaLeuAsnHisTyrValHis
- LeuGlyValValHisGlyThrProThrAlaProHisAlaAlaThrAspGluProLeuGlu
- GlnHisGlnLeuSerAspValLeuSerLysValLeuGlyLeuSerThrLeuAspSerLys
- GlyProAspSerAspGlyGlyPheGlyProTrpTyrAlaThrTrpLeuAspGluIleVal
- TyrLeuGlyGlyProArgValHisProPheLeuAlaHisPheSerThrArgValHisGlu
- AsnIleHisSerGlyAspAspIleValIleAspPheProGlyTyrArgAlaAlaLeuGlu
- ThrLeuCysGlyProAspAsnGlnAspGlyValValThrThrIleArgGlnGluGluAla
- HisSerLysAspGluIleAspLeuGlyTyrIleLeuGlyArgHisPhePheHisLysTrp
- MetArgLeuSerGlyGlyGlyTrpGluProHisGlnTyrGlyGlyIleGlyIleGluLeu
- ValArgValGluGluAsnArgTyrGluArgPheHisArgAspTyrHisProThrPheTrp
- HisLeuSerGlyTrpLysProThrLeuTyrArgSerThrLeuGluAsnLeuAspProLys
- AlaSerThrCysGlyAlaLeuValThrAlaThrAlaGlnGlnAlaAlaLeuPheTyrThr
- AspIleHisGlyThrGlySerThrAlaTyrProPheLeuThrThrGlyArgThrGlyAla
- AlaArgGluArgCysProGlyPheLeuGluArgValLeuGluAspLeuGluTyrGluVal
- ArgMetAlaValPheGlyAspAspAspProAlaAlaArgArgValProAlaGlyGlnAla
- ValAlaLeuArgArgProValLeuAlaAspGlySerArgValAlaLeuGluValLeuVal
- ProValAspAsnValProHisProAlaArgSerValIleGluAspValLeuValAlaThr
- ValAlaGluProGlyHisGluAlaValLeuGluArgValAspAlaAlaHisGlyGlyAla
- AlaArgIleIleGlnArgValLeuThrAlaGluLysGlnValAlaMet
- wherein ALA is alanine, ARG is arginine, ASN is asparagine, ASP is aspartic acid, CYS is cysteine, GLN is glutamine, GLU is glutamic acid, GLY is glycine, HIS is histidine, ILE is isoleucine, LEU is leucine, LYS is lysine, MET is methionine, PHE is phenylalanine, PRO is proline, SER is serine, THR is threonine, TRP is tryptophan, TYR is tyrosine, and VAL is valine.
- 17. The DNA sequence of claim 16 which is ##STR4##
- 18. A DNA sequence encoding the Streptomyces fradiae tylD gene product, said product comprising the amino acid sequence:
- SerHisProAlaArgSerProArgHisHisGlyArgTyrTrpArgIleThrGlnGlu
- IleGlyValArgLeuProArgProGluCysGlyThrValAspArgMetArgSerLeuAsp
- LeuArgGlnAlaProProGlySerProLysAspProTyrThrArgIleGlyGlyLysGly
- GlyValAlaSerValValThrArgAlaLeuAspLeuIleSerValGluGluProSerGly
- IleAsnMetValProTyrLysAspAlaGluValMetArgLeuThrAlaAsnValLeuAsp
- GluValHisIlePheSerArgThrGlnArgGlyAspGlyTrpIleGluIleThrGluGly
- AlaAlaAlaArgAlaValMetSerProIleValArgThrArgThrGlyGlyAsnGlyAsp
- ArgProGlyTyrValAsnGlyProArgValArgPheIleArgSerGlyPheGluAlaGly
- HisLeuGluAlaMet
- wherein ALA is alanine, ARG is arginine, ASN is asparagine, ASP is aspartic acid, CYS is cysteine, GLN is glutamine, GLU is glutamic acid, GLY is glycine, HIS is histidine, ILE is isoleucine, LEU is leucine, LYS is lysine, MET is methionine, PHE is phenylalanine, PRO is proline, SER is serine, THR is threonine, TRP is tryptophan, TYR is tyrosine, and VAL is valine.
- 19. The DNA sequence of claim 18 which is ##STR5##
- 20. A DNA sequence encoding the Streptomyces fradiae tylH gene product, said product comprising the amino acid sequence:
- AlaAspArgGlyThrProProAlaAlaAlaGlyAlaGlyAlaGlyThrGlyAspGly
- SerLeuLeuValAlaArgAlaProCysLeuAspGluAlaGluArgValGluGluTrpVal
- AlaProProProThrArgAspLeuValGlyGlyValGlyAspGluAspGlnArgPheVal
- ThrproAlaAlaArgGluCysGlnGlyAlaGlyValCysArgGlyThrAspIleArgVal
- ArgMetArgSerGlnGluLysAspAspGluArgGlyAlaThrTrpTrpAlaValProLeu
- GluTyrValGlyPheValAlaSerAspSerLysLeuArgLeuGlyAlaValAspThrThr
- ProArgLeuAlaProLeuArgGluLeuValAlaGlyLeuAlaValGluLeuGluMetArg
- AlaLeuAsnGlnGlyLeuCysGlnHisProGlyTyrGlyPheAlaValHisArgArgAla
- SerArgHisIleAspPheAlaGluProGluSerPheValAlaGluAspArgAsnAlaAla
- AlaLeuLeuPheValLeuGlyAspGlyAlaArgIleThrHisGlyAspIleGluIleAsp
- AlaThrAlaSerArgArgLeuGlyAspAlaIleSerLeuTyrArgLeuLeuGluAspVal
- AlaGlyProLeuLeuGlyProAsnValThrLeuGluArgTrpAlaThrProHisGlnLeu
- LeuValLeuValSerMetThrValMetSerAlaThrThrGluHisGlyAlaAlaLeuLeu
- LeuValAlaAsnAspLeuValAspAlaHisSerLeuGlyGlyGlyArgAlaGlnAlaVal
- MetSerGlyLeuMetGlyAspGlySerGluArgGlyThrLysGlySerIleLeuArgAsp
- LeuTyrAspArgLeuGluLeuLeuAlaGluLeuAlaGluGluGlyAlaAlaProArgThr
- AlaGlnGluThrArgGluGlnPheTyrAspArgAspGluTyrProIleAspLeuLeuArg
- CysIleValGlnThrAlaMetProLeuAlaPheAspAlaLeuLeuAspAlaGluAspGly
- ArgAlaThrLeuAspAspLeuLeuGlyThrValIleGlnGluValSerProArgLeuGlu
- ArgValArgArgLeuGlyPheGluProIlePheHisGlyArgLeuAlaGlyHisAspPro
- ProAspLeuThrLeuLeuSerArgSerAlaGluAlaGluGlyAspSerProSerLeuArg
- ProLeuLysAlaProHisIleSerValArgProAspAlaLeuLeuAlaArgValHisAsp
- GlnArgSerIleLeuTrpValProAlaGlyAspTrpLeuGluAlaArgAlaIleProGlu
- GluAlaArgLeuAlaAlaTyrGlnGluProProSerPheProCysThrArgAlaValPro
- TrpAlaIleSerArgArgGlyAlaAlaGluAspThrAspAsnAlaArgAlaAlaProLeu
- LeuIleGlyLysGlnSerProArgAlaAspGlySerSerSerVal
- wherein ALA is alanine, ARG is arginine, ASN is asparagine, ASP is aspartic acid, CYS is cysteine, GLN is glutamine, GLU is glutamic acid, GLY is glycine, HIS is histidine, ILE is isoleucine, LEU is leucine, LSY is lysine, MET is methionine, PHE is phenylalanine, PRO is proline, SER is serine, THR is threonine, TRP is tryptophan, TYR is tyrosine, and VAL is valine.
- 21. The DNA sequence of claim 20 which is ##STR6##
- 22. A DNA sequence encoding the Streptomyces fradiae tylJ gene product, said product comprising the amino acid sequence:
- TyrArgThrAspArgPheProAlaSerAlaAlaAspValGluGlyLeuHisTrpArg
- AlaLeuGlyLeuValAlaArgThrHisLeuAlaGlyThrAspLeuAspAspAspValAsp
- ProProSerGlyTrpArgArgAlaThrAlaProProAlaAspValLeuValValProGly
- GlyAspIleHisGlyCysProGlnAlaProGlyGluAspArgGluGlyValAlaGlyArg
- GlnAspIleGluAlaGlyAlaPheValArgGlyProProLeuValGlyAspIleGlyGln
- ValGlyIleGluArgAspGlyProGlyLeuValAspLeuGlnGlnGluArgLeuProVal
- GlyProArgGlyArgGlnGlyLeuArgArgProAlaProAsnGlnGlyGlyValLeuLeu
- ValProLeuValValThrGlnArgArgLeuValGlyProProLeuCysArgArgAlaLeu
- ProGlyProArgGluAspGluProArgGluProProAlaThrAlaGlyLeuThrValAla
- ArgProIleAspProGluArgGlyAlaAlaThrArgArgGlyAlaProSerArgGlyGlu
- AlaGluArgProVal
- wherein ALA is alanine, ARG is arginine, ASN is asparagine, ASP is aspartic acid, CYS is cysteine, GLN is glutamine, GLU is glutamic acid, GLY is glycine, HIS is histidine, ILE is isoleucine, LEU is leucine, LYS is lysine, MET is methionine, PHE is phenylalanine, PRO is proline, SER is serine, THR is threonine, TRP is tryptophan, TYR is tyrosine, and VAL is valine.
- 23. The DNA sequence of claim 22 which is ##STR7##
This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/198,672, filed Feb. 17, 1994, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/107/232, filed on Jul. 28, 1993, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 07/742,222, filed on Aug. 6, 1991, which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 07/351,350, filed on May 12, 1989, now abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 07/018,237, filed Feb. 24, 1987, now abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 06/890,670, filed Jul. 25, 1986, now abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 06/842,330, filed Mar. 21, 1986, now abandoned.
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Continuations (4)
Number |
Date |
Country |
Parent |
198672 |
Feb 1994 |
Parent |
107232 |
Jul 1993 |
Parent |
742222 |
Aug 1991 |
Parent |
351350 |
May 1989 |
Continuation in Parts (3)
Number |
Date |
Country |
Parent |
18237 |
Feb 1987 |
Parent |
890670 |
Jul 1986 |
Parent |
842330 |
Mar 1986 |