Method for low temperature catalytic production of hydrogen

The invention provides a process for the catalytic production of a hydrogen feed by exposing a hydrogen feed to a catalyst which promotes a base-catalyzed water-gas-shift reaction in a liquid phase. The hydrogen feed can be provided by any process known in the art of making hydrogen gas. It is preferably provided by a process that can produce a hydrogen feed for use in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. The step of exposing the hydrogen feed takes place preferably from about 80° C. to about 150° C.


[0002] 1. Field of the Invention

[0003] This invention relates to a process for the production of hydrogen. More specifically, this invention relates to a catalytic process for the production of hydrogen at low temperatures for use in methanol or proton exchange membrane fuel cells.

[0004] 2. Description of the Related Art

[0005] Fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen without combustion to form water and to produce direct current electric power. The process can be described as electrolysis in reverse. Fuel cells have been pursued as a source of power for transportation because of their high energy efficiency, their potential for fuel flexibility, and their extremely low emissions. Fuel cells have potential for stationary and vehicular power applications; however, the commercial viability of fuel cells for power generation in stationary and transportation applications depends upon solving a number of manufacturing, cost, and durability problems.

[0006] The most promising fuel cells for widespread transportation use are Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells. PEM fuel cells operate at low temperatures, produce fast transient response, and have relatively high energy density compared to other fuel cell technologies. Any fuel cell design must: (a) allow for supply of the reactants (typically hydrogen and oxygen); (b) allow for mass transport of product (water) and inert gases (nitrogen and carbon dioxide from air) and (c) provide electrodes to support catalyst, collect electrical charge, and dissipate heat.

[0007] Proton exchange membranes (PEM) fuel cells that typically utilize Pt on carbon support (Pt/C) as anode electrocatalyst operate at a lower temperature of 80° C. hold commercial promise. For methanol fuel cells, H2 feed can be produced via one of the following reactions:
1CH3OH + H2O3 H2 + CO2ΔH = +49.4 kJ · mol−1(1)CH3OH + ½O22 H2 + CO2ΔH = −192.2 kJ · mol−1(2)

[0008] Steam reforming of methanol in Reaction 1 is carried out at temperatures greater than 280° C. over supported Cu/Zn catalysts as described by Velu, Suzuki and Osaki in Chem. Communications, No. 23, 2341-2342 (1999). Partial oxidation of methanol in Reaction 2 is also feasible and the reaction is exothermic. See Cubeiro and Fierro in Journal of Catalysts. 179, 150-162 (1 998). However, a shortcoming of the above process is that the hydrogen feed produced in this manner has a high content of carbon monoxide (CO). It is known that Pt is readily poisoned by CO. Therefore, a major challenge to the commercializing of the PEM fuel cell technology is to produce H2 that is essentially free of CO. Several catalysts of the type Pt—Ru/C or Pt—Mo/C, have been formulated to increase CO tolerance of the Pt catalyst as discussed in a review article by Mukerjee, et al., Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters. 2(1) 12-15 (1999). But even at a CO content of 100 ppm in the H2 feed, severe catalyst poisoning is observed.

[0009] H2 produced via Reaction 1 or 2 contains more than 100 ppm CO. Currently, a catalytic water-gas-shift (WGS) step as illustrated by Reaction 3 is added to remove CO to acceptable levels (<20 ppm) prior to feeding H2 to the fuel cell.

CO(g)+H2O(g)H2(g)+CO2(g) ΔH=−39.4 kJ.mol−1  (3)

[0010] Reaction 3 is typically catalyzed by promoted iron oxides at temperatures greater than 300° C. as discussed by C. L. Thomas, in “Catalytic Processes and Proven Catalysts”, Academic Press, New York, 1970. As a result, such high temperature pretreatment unnecessarily adds cost to the process. Moreover, in the gas phase, Reaction 3 is in an equilibrium that invariably leaves some CO in the product H2 stream.

[0011] Accordingly, there is still a need in the art of PEM fuel cells to utilize hydrogen that is essentially free of carbon monoxide. Additionally, there is also a need to provide the hydrogen gas in a process that is conducted at low temperature by using inexpensive and simple methods.


[0012] It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to provide an improved process for the production of hydrogen gas.

[0013] It is a further object of the invention to provide a catalytic process for the production of hydrogen gas which contains reduced carbon monoxide content.


[0014] The present invention, which addresses the needs of the prior art, provides a process for the catalytic production of a hydrogen feed by exposing a hydrogen feed to a catalyst which promotes a water-gas-shift reaction in a liquid phase. The hydrogen feed can be provided by any process known in the art of making hydrogen gas. It is preferably provided by steam reforming or oxidation of methanol or by any other process that can produce a hydrogen feed for use in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. The step of exposing the hydrogen feed takes place preferably from about 80° C. to about 150° C. Formate is formed when the water-gas-shift reaction is base catalyzed.

[0015] The catalyst used in the process of the present invention can be selected from homogenous transition metal complexes. The transition metal of the complex is preferably a metal selected from Group VIII A of the periodic table, including, for example, Fe, Co, Ni, Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt and Cu. The transition metal can be coupled to at least one N donor ligand such as 2,2′-dipyridyl (BIPY), sodium salt of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, ethylenediamine. 1,10-phenanthroline, 4,4′-dipyridyl, 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (CYCLAM), N,N-Bis(2-hydroxybenzyl)ethylenediamine H4 (SALEN), or mixtures thereof. The catalytic process of the invention is carried out preferably in a highly basic liquid phase such as provided by water, methanol, glyme, polyglycol, other alcohols from C2 to C10 or ethers from C2 to C10 and mixtures thereof. The liquid phase is made basic by adding bases in an amount sufficient to promote formate formation. The pH of the liquid phase is preferably greater than 8.

[0016] As a result of the process of the present invention, a new integrated system that operates at low temperatures is provided. The system consists of two steps: 1) catalyzed methanol decomposition at a temperature of less than 150° C. to produce 1 mol CO and 2 mol H2 followed by, 2) fast and complete CO conversion to CO2 with concomitant production of 1 mol of H2 via the present invention. The present integrated system thus produces 3 mol H2/mol methanol at low temperature of less than 150° C. compared to schemes for methanol fuel cell systems that are under development.

[0017] Other improvements which the present invention provides over the prior art will be identified as a result of the following description which set forth the preferred embodiments of the present invention. The description is not in any way intended to limit the scope of the present invention, but rather only to provide the working example of the present preferred embodiments. The scope of the present invention will be pointed out in the appended claims.


[0018] The present invention is a process for the catalytic production of hydrogen feed at low temperatures for use in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. More specifically, the gaseous feed formed by the process of the present invention is hydrogen rich and contains very low levels of carbon monoxide.

[0019] In the process of the present invention a hydrogen feed can be formed by any process known in the art. A hydrogen feed is preferably formed by steam reforming or oxidation of methanol, methane or biomass. Hydrogen feed can also be obtained from gasification of coal and other carbonaceous materials including, without limitations, wastes of organic materials, plastics, farm, wood chips and other industrial wastes. Once formed, the hydrogen feed is exposed to a catalytic liquid phase homogeneous systems to achieve a water-gas-shift reaction for CO removal to levels less than 50 ppm. In the reaction known as water-gas-shift, water is reacted with carbon monoxide to yield hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This reaction is shown below:

CO(g)+H2O(1)H2(g)+CO2(g) ΔH=+2.8 kJ.mol−1  (9A)

[0020] This reaction operates at a low temperature of less than 150° C. CO is dissolved in the liquid phase and reacts with water on a homogenous catalytic system to produce H2and CO2.

[0021] For application to PEM fuel cells, two requirements must be met. These are: 1) the reaction preferably operates at a lower temperature of from about 80° C. to about 150° C.; and 2) CO removal to less than 50 ppm is achieved with fast reaction rates. In studies reported in literature, the mechanism of homogeneously catalyzed WGS reaction has been establishled. For example, in base-catalyzed WGS reactions, formate ion is invoked as an intermediate as shown in Reactions 4 and 5 below:

CO+OH→HCO2  (4)

HCO2+H2O→H2:+CO2+OH  (5)

[0022] The sum of Reactions 4 and 5 is the WGS reaction (3) above. Thus, catalyzed formate decomposition is also a measure of WGS activity of a catalyst.

[0023] The advantage of the present invention is provided by the thermodynamic advantage of Reaction (3A) as opposed to Reaction (3) above. In the prior art the WGS reactions are in the gas phase. As a result of a negative enthalpy, Reaction (3) tends to go backwards to produce large amounts of CO. In the present invention, the mechanism illustrated in Reaction (3A) indicates that the reaction goes only in forward direction because in the liquid phase the homogenous catalyst reacts with CO and then picks up water to form CO2. That is why by using a catalytic liquid phase homogenous system almost 100% of CO is converted to CO2.

[0024] Commercially available from Aldrich Corp. and several other vendors, several metals (heterogeneous) and metal complexes (homogeneous) have been employed as catalysts useful in the present invention. Under basic conditions, at pH greater than 8, formate formation is facilitated as shown in Equation 6 below:


[0025] (AM=Li, Na, K, Cs)

[0026] Thus, Equation 7 is a part of the WGS catalytic cycle:

AM−HCO2+H2O→AM−OH+H2CO2  (7)

[0027] Useful sources of formate include formate salts of lithium, sodium, potassium and cesium, all readily available commercially or these materials can be conveniently synthesized in batches in the laboratory according to procedures well known in the art. Useful bases for inclusion in the liquid phase include, without limitation, hydroxides, alkoxides, bicarbonates of lithium, sodium, potassium and cesium. Alkyl amines wherein the alkyl group is from C1-C4 are also useful bases for the purposes of the present invention. A preferred base is potassium hydroxide.

[0028] In the present invention, commercially available transition metal complexes, based on Ru, Ni, Rh, Pt, Co, Fe, Pd, Os, Ir, Cu metals in methanol/H2O solvent mixture are employed. Useful transition metal complexes for this invention are easily commercially available and include without limitation RuCl3.x H2O, Ru3(CO)12, NiCl2.6H2O, RhCl3.3H2O, CoCl2,K2 PtCl4, FeCl2, Ru(CO)5, Ni(CO)4, Rh6(CO)16, Co2(CO)8, [Pt(CO)(Cl2)]2 and mixtures thereof. For RuCl3.x H2O, x is an integer between 0 to 3.

[0029] A preferred catalyst is formed by dissolving RuCl3xH2O with a water-soluble ligand such as 2,2′-dipyridyl (BIPY) as manufactured by Aldrich, a commercial vendor. An organic solvent may be added such as methanol, ethanol and the like. Listed in Table 1 below are experiments that show the activity pattern of various catalysts useful in formate decomposition.

[0030] The experiments summarized in Table 1 were obtained by catalyzing 50 mmol of KHCO2 in 130 ml of a solvent mixture of 5% H2O/10% methanol/85% triglyme, all placed in a 0.5 L AE Zipperclave batch reactor at a temperature of 120° C. and a pressure of 1.4 MPa.
2TABLE 1Decomposition of Inorganic Formates Catalyzed by Metal ComplexesFinal GasAnalysisH2COTime% KHCO2Run No.Catalyst (mmol)mmolminutesDecomposition11140 22RuCl3.xH2O/—358070(3)3NiCl2.6H2O/BIPY512010(3)   (3)4RuCl3.xH2O/BIPY47<594(3)   (3)5RhCl3.3H2O/BIPY50<3080(3)   (3)6CoCl2/BIPY255 4(3)   (3)7K3PtCl4/BIPY43<1086(3)   (3)8FeCl3/BIPY330 6(3)   (3)9RuCl3.xH2O/BIPY50<2100*(3)   (3)*(T = 140° C.)

[0031] From Table 1 above, it is apparent that the preferred catalyst system contained Ru and N-donor ligands. N-donor ligands useful in the catalyst system of the present invention include but not limited to are 2,2′-dipyridyl (BIPY), sodium salt of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, ethylenediamine, 1,10-phenanthroline, 4,4′-dipyridyl, 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (CYCLAM), N,N-Bis(2-hydroxybenzyl)ethylenediamine H4 (SALEN).

[0032] The solvent system typically employed for the homogenous catalysts useful in the present invention is an organic and/or aqueous solvent such as methanol, ethanol, other higher alcohols. glymes, polyglycol, water and mixtures thereof. H2 is produced with extremely fast reaction rates. Turnover numbers as high as 8 mol H2/mol Ru/min have been obtained. When the catalyst system also contains N-donor ligands turnover numbers are enhanced and can vary from about 0.1 to about 12 mol H2/mol metal/min. Applying the process of the present invention to a gaseous stream of CO, H2O and H2 and CH3OH results in removal of CO to very low levels. For example, levels of carbon monoxide well below 50 ppm, and preferably less than 20 ppm can be achieved.

[0033] In the examples that follow, essentially complete formate decomposition as well as CO to CO2 oxidation with H2O is demonstrated. Such a system allows removal of CO to well below the 50 ppm level from a gas stream containing CO, H2O, H2, CH3OH.


[0034] The examples below further illustrate the various features of the invention and are not intended in any way to limit the scope of the invention which is defined in the appended claims. All materials used in the examples of the present invention are readily commercially available. Gas analysis data were collected on Gow-Mac 550 gas chromatographs, operating in the thermal conductivity detector (TCD) mode, as follows: H2 was analyzed on a 5 Å molecular sieve column manufactured by Linde Corp. (6 feet×⅛ inch) with N2 as the carrier gas, CO was also analyzed on a 5 Å molecular sieve column manufactured by Linde Corp. (8 feet×⅛ inch) with He as the carrier gas and CO2 was analyzed on Carboxen-1000 column (5 feet×⅛ inch) gas with He as the carrier gas.

Example 1

[0035] This example illustrates the catalytic activity of ruthenium trichloride for potassium formate (KHCO2) decomposition. A deep red solution resulted on adding 3 mmol RuC3.x H2O to 130 ml of 85% triglyme/10% MeOH/5% H2O solvent mixture. The red solution and 50 mmol of KHCO2 were loaded into an AE Zipperclave batch unit consisting of a 0.5 L pressure vessel, as manufactured by Autoclave Engineers (AE). The vessel was pressurized with 1.4 MPa N2 and heated to 120° C. The pressure increased with time at a constant temperature of 120° C. Heating was continued for 80 minutes until a constant temperature was attained indicating that gas evolution of mainly CO2 and H2 from formate decomposition had ceased. On cooling the vessel, a net pressure increase of 0.22 MPa was noted.

[0036] The final gas analysis at room temperature was as follows: H2=10.8%, CO2=4.1%, CO less than 50 ppm. N2 was calculated by difference with an accurate overall mass balance. The CO value of less than 50 ppm represents the detection limit of the gas chromatograph operating in that TCD mode. Equivalent amounts of 50 mmol each of H2 and CO2 were expected from the complete decomposition of 50 mmol KHCO2. The measured H2 concentration of 35 mmol was equivalent to 70% KHCO, decomposition. The interaction of produced CO2 with dissolved base such as KOH in the solution resulted in the CO2 value that was at 11 mmol lower than expected. These data established that the decomposition reaction was catalytic with respect to Ru because turnover numbers as high as 12 mol H2/mol Ru/min were obtained.

Example 2-Comparative

[0037] Example 1 was repeated without adding the catalyst RuCl3.x H2O. After 140 minutes at 120° C. the as phase was analyzed as follows: H2=0.8%, CO2=1.1%, CO=0.3%, 1 mmol of H2 produced was equivalent to 2% KHCO2 decomposition. This run established that the Ru catalyst was necessary to achieve KHCO2 decomposition.

Example 3

[0038] Example 1 was repeated using as the catalyst 1 mmol RuCl3. x H2O in the absence of H2O and the solvent mixture was adjusted to 90% triglyme/10% MeOH. The initial 1.40 MPa N2 pressure stabilized in 70 minutes at 2.46 MPa. The final analysis yielded H2=6.0%, CO2=1.4%, CO<50 ppm. From the measured concentration of H2, the KHCO2 decomposition was calculated to be about 30%. The data showed that the absence of H2O retarded tile decomposition reaction.

Example 4

[0039] In this example, the effect of the nature of the alkali metal associated with the formate was evaluated. The experimental conditions were the same as in Example 1 except that KHCO2 was replaced with an equivalent amount of NaHCO2 and only 1 mmol RuCl3.x H2O was used, After 188 minutes at 120° C., the final gas analysis was as follows: H2=9.5%, CO2=4.5%, CO=0.1%. NaHCO2 decomposition was calculated to be about 46%.

Example 5

[0040] In this example, the conditions were kept constant as in Example 1 except that RuCl3.x H2O was replaced with 1 mmol Ru3(CO)12 which provides 3 mmol Ru equivalent. The final gas phase contained 9 mmol H2, 3 mmol CO2, 1 mmol CO. The produced H2 corresponded to about 18% KHCO2 decomposition.

Example 6

[0041] In this example, the effect of an added ligand was evaluated. Example 1 was repeated in the presence of 2,2′-dipyridyl. The initial 1.4 MPa pressure stabilized at 2.54 MPa in less than 5 minutes at 120° C. The gas analysis was as follows: H2=15.4%, CO2=1.7%, CO less than 50 ppm. The measured H2 concentration of 47 mmol corresponded to 94% KHCO2 decomposition. These data showed that the reaction was catalyzed by both Ru as well as the ligand. Sixteen turnover numbers each were obtained.

Example 7

[0042] Example 6 was repeated except that, in the solvent mixture, triglyme was replaced with polyglycol (Peg-400). The initial pressure of 1.4 MPa at room temperature increased to 2.39 MPa at 120° C. The pressure was further increased to 2.53 MPa in 20 minutes and then remained constant. The final gas analysis was as follows: H2=14.5%, CO2=2.9%, CO less than 50 ppm. The measured H2 concentration of 43 mmol indicated that about 86% KHCO2 decomposed.

[0043] In the above examples, formate was decomposed to hydrogen, carbon dioxide and less than 50 ppm of carbon monoxide in the presence of ruthenium metal complexes. Especially good results were obtained when the metal complexes were in the presence of 2,2′-bipyridyl. Examples 8-20 demonstrate that the decomposition of KHCO2 can be catalyzed by transition metal complexes other than Ru.

Example 8

[0044] Under the conditions of Example 1. RuCl3.x H2O was replaced with NiCl2.6H2O. The lime careen solution of the Ni complex was mixed with KHCO2 and the solution was heated to 120° C. under 1.4 MPa N2. At 120 minutes at 120° C., the pressure was constant at 2.25 MPa indications that any H2 production from KHCO2 decomposition had ceased. Gas analysis indicated that the gas-phase H2 value was constant. The final room temperature gas analysis was as follows: H2=1.8%, CO2=1.6%, CO<0.01%. 1These results indicated that only 8% formate decomposed was achieved.

Example 9

[0045] Example 8 was repeated with NiCl2.6H2O in the presence of 3 mmol of 2,2′-dipyridyl. After 105 minutes at 120° C., the final value corresponded to 10% decomposition of formate. The results of this experiment indicate that the added ligand only marginally accelerated the decomposition reaction.

Example 10

[0046] Example 9 was repeated except that NiCl2.6H2O was replaced with FeCl2. The solution was heated to 120° C. under 1.4 MPa N2. After 120 minutes at 120° C., the pressure was constant at 2.15 MPa. Gas analysis indicated that the gas-phase H2 value was constant. The final room temperature gas analysis was as follows: H2=0.9%, CO2=0.6%, CO<0.01%. The measured H2 yield indicated that only 6% formate decomposed.

Example 11

[0047] Example 9 was repeated except that NiCl2.6H2O was replaced with 3 mmol Fe(CO))5. After 30 minutes at 120° C., the pressure was constant at 2.33 MPa. The final gas analysis was as follows: H2=3.3%, CO2=1.5%, CO=4.7%. The H2 yield of 10 mmol corresponded to 20% KHCO2 decomposition equivalent. The reaction also produced 16.5 mmol CO.

Example 12

[0048] Example 8 was repeated with 5 mmol Fe(CO)5 as the catalyst. After heating at 120° C. for 129 minutes., the final pressure was constant at 2.37 MPa. The final gas analysis was as follows: H2=2.2%, CO2=2.1%, CO=2.1%. The produced H2 concentration of 6 mmol corresponded to 12% KHCO2 decomposition equivalent. In this run, 5 mmol CO was also produced as a gaseous product.

Example 13

[0049] In Example 8, NiCl2.6H2O was replaced with 3 mmol RhCl3.3H2O and 3 mmol of 2,2′-dipyridyl ligand was added. After 30 minutes at 120° C., the pressure stabilized at 2.43 MPa. The final gas analysis was: H2=13.5%, CO2=3.5%, CO<50 ppm. These results showed that 40 mmol H2 was produced. The H2 value corresponded to 80% KHCO2 decomposition equivalent.

Example 14

[0050] Example 8 was repeated with 0.5 mmol Rh6(CO)16 which corresponded to 3 mmol Rh equivalent. After heating at 120° C. for 60 minutes, the final pressure was constant at 2.54 MPa. The final gas analysis was as follows: H2=15.1%, CO2=2.6%, CO=0.17%). The produced H2 value of 41 mmol corresponded to about 82% KHCO2 decomposition.

Example 15

[0051] Example 14 was repeated with Rh6(CO)16 in the presence of added 3 mmol of 2,2′-dipyridyl ligand. The final pressure was constant at 2.40 MPa after 110 minutes at 120° C. The final gas analysis was as follows: H2=12.7%, CO2=2.8%, CO<50 ppm. The produced H2 value of 33 mmol corresponded to about 66% KHCO2 decomposition.

Example 16

[0052] Example 8 was repeated with 3 mmol of K2PtCl6 as the catalyst. The pressure stabilized at 2.52 MPa, after 25 minutes at 120° C. The final gas analysis was as follows: H2=16.0%, CO2=3.2%, CO<50 ppm. The formate decomposition was calculated to be about 87% from produced H2 concentration of 43.5 mmol.

Example 17

[0053] Example 16 was repeated with 3 mmol of 2,2′-dipyridyl ligand added to K2PtCl6. The final constant pressure was recorded at 2.61 MPa after 10 minutes at 120° C. The gas analysis was as follows: H2=16.0%, CO2=4.8%, CO<50 ppm. The formate decomposition was calculated to be 86% from the produced H2 value of 43 mmol.

Example 18

[0054] Example 17 was repeated, however, K2PtCl6 was replaced with 3 mmol of K2PtCl4. The final pressure stabilized at 2.57 MPa after 20 minutes at 120° C. The gas analysis was as follows: H2=16.9%, CO2=3.1%, CO<50 ppm. H2 was calculated to be 48 mmol that corresponded to about 96% formate decomposition.

Example 19

[0055] Example 8 was repeated after replacing NiCl2.6H2O with 3 mmol CoCl2 in the presence of 3 mmol of 2,2′-dipyridyl ligand. The final pressure was 2.08 MPa in 55 minutes at 120° C. The gas analysis was as follows: H2=0.7%, CO2=0.6%. The H2 value of 2 mmol corresponded to 4% KHCO2 decomposition.

Example 20

[0056] Example 8 was repeated after replacing NiCl2.6H2O with 1.5 mmol Co2(CO)8 which represents 3 mmol Co equivalent and 3 mmol of added 2,2′-dipyridyl ligand. The final pressure was 2.32 MPa in 150 minutes at 120° C. From the gas analysis, based on 8 mmol H2, KHCO2 decomposition was calculated to be about 16%.

[0057] Examples 21-25 illustrate the applicability of metal-catalyzed liquid-phase homogeneous systems to oxidize efficiently CO to CO2 in a gas stream containing a mixture of CO, H2O, CH3OH and CO2.

Example 21

[0058] 3 mmol of RuCl3.x H2O, 3 mmol of 2,2′-dipyridyl, and 0.3 mmol of KOH were dissolved in 130 mL 50% MeOH/50% H2O solvent mixture. The resulting deep red solution was loaded and sealed in a 0.5 L pressure vessel in the AE Zipperclave batch unit. The vessel was purged twice with 50 psi CO, charged with 0.767 MPa CO and the gas phase of the vessel was analyzed to be 99.8% CO, with no H2 detected. After heating the vessel, the pressure increased to 1.807 MPa at 130° C. and remained constant. A gas sample taken at time, t=0, at 130° C. analyzed as follows: H2=97.8%, CO<0.005%. The gas-phase composition remained constant after the solution was cooled to room temperature. From equivalent added CO, a total of 120 mmol H2 was produced. These data showed that the reaction was catalytic both in RuCl3.x H2O as well as in 2,2′-dipyridyl. Forty turnover numbers were obtained each for Ru and the ligand.

Example 22

[0059] The final solution in Example 21 was heated to 140° C. and then further charged with CO to 3.22 MPa. The gas analysis data as a function of time at 140° C. is given below:
3Gas AnalysisTime, minPT, MPa% CO% H2% CO203.17***53.2213.077.5*162.803.487.0*233.091.1281.9*353.230.2283.1*453.330.08384.0*903.380.01484.38.4*Not measured.

[0060] The above data shows that a quick drop in the CO concentration from 13.0% to 3.4% was observed after the first 16 minutes. Thereafter, the CO dropped from 3.4% to 0.014% in 90 minutes. The ratio of H2 produced to KOH was 0.71. These data illustrate that the reaction was dependent on the KOH concentration.

Example 23

[0061] This example further confirms that the CO removal from the initial gas stream is dependent on KOH concentration. A dark brown solution resulted on adding 3 mmol of RuCl3.x H2O, 6 mmol of 2,2′-dipyridyl in 85% triglyme/10% MeOH/5% H2O solvent mixture. 50 mmol of KOH was then added to the dark brown solution. The base dissolved but the solution became biphasic. The biphasic solution was initially heated to 115° C. and then to 140° C. under 1.10 MPa syngas (H2/CO=66%/34%). The gas analysis data is as follows:
4Time,Gas AnalysisminT, ° C.PT, MPa% CO% H2% CO211151.2036.328.0*51401.5034.053.30.5851401.6328.360.03.0* Not measured.

[0062] The above data shows that of the initial amount of 64 mmol CO (in syngas), 45 mmol remained unconverted after 85 minutes at 140° C. In this reaction, 20 mmol CO and 44 mmol H2 were consumed to generate products, likely methanol, in addition to CO2 and H2.

Example 24

[0063] Example 21 was repeated with 3 mmol of RuCl3.x H2O, 3 mmol of 2,2′-dipyridyl and 100 mmol KOH dissolved in 20% MeOH/20% H2O/60% Peg-400 solvent mixture. The dark brown solution was heated to 140° C. under 1.10 MPa syngas (H2/CO=66%/34%). After 3 minutes the gas analysis was as follows: H2=94.7%, CO=0.14%. The analysis after 27 minutes at 140° C. was H2=95.4%, CO<50 ppm. This data showed that the catalyst was: 1) effective in polyethylene glycol solvent, and 2) active in a solvent mixture containing high H2O concentration.

Example 25

[0064] Example 21 was repeated after replacing KOH with 100 mmol of KHCO2. Thus. KHCO2 served as a source of CO. The dark brown solution was heated to 140° C. under 0.67 MPa H2. The pressure increased to 2.46 MPa at 140° C. and continued to increase to 3.06 MPa. After 11 minutes, less than 50 ppm CO was detected. The corresponding H2 and CO2 values were 93.8% and 4.5% respectively.

Example 26

[0065] Example 21 was repeated with reduced loading of KOH2 (100 mmol instead of 300 mmol) and the vessel was charged with 1.20 MPa syngas (H2/CO=66%/34%) instead of 0.767 CO. On heating the solution to 140° C., the pressure increased to 2.0 MPa. The gas analysis after 60 minutes was as follows: H2=96.1%, CO2=0.2%, CO<50 ppm. Note that with an equivalent amount of (100 mmol) KHCO2 in Example 25. the corresponding reaction time was 11 minutes. These data showed that the reaction was faster with preformed KHCO2. Also, a comparison of the reaction time data in Example 21 in which 300 mmol KOH was used and a reaction time of 21 minutes showed that the reaction was also dependent on base concentration.

[0066] Thus, while we described what are the preferred embodiments of the present invention. further changes and modifications can be made by those skilled in the art without departing from the true spirit of the invention, and it is intended to include all such changes and modifications as come within the scope of the claims set forth below.

  • 1. A process for catalytic production of a hydrogen feed which comprises: providing a hydrogen feed; and exposing said hydrogen feed to a catalyst which promotes a water-gas-shift reaction in a liquid phase.
  • 2. The process of claim 1, wherein said hydrogen feed is provided by steam reforming, oxidation of methanol, oxidation of methane, oxidation of biomass, coal gasification or gasification of organic wastes, plastics wastes, farm wastes or wood chips.
  • 3. The process of claim 1, wherein said exposing step is conducted in a temperature range from about 80° C. to about 150° C.
  • 4. The process of claim 1, wherein formate is formed in a base-catalyzed water-gas-shift reaction.
  • 5. The process of claim 4, wherein said water-gas-shift reaction is conducted in the presence of a base added in an effective amount to promote formate formation.
  • 6. The process of claim 5, wherein said exposing step is conducted at a pH greater than 8.
  • 7. The process of claim 5, wherein said base is selected from hydroxides, alkoxides, carbonates, bicarbonates of lithium, sodium, potassium or cesium, amines having C1 to C4 or mixtures thereof.
  • 8. The process of claim 1, wherein said catalyst is a homogenous transition metal complex.
  • 9. The process of claim 8, wherein said transition metal is selected from the group consisting of Ru, Ni, Rh, Pt, Co, Cu, Pd, Ir and Fe.
  • 10. The process of claim 8, wherein said catalyst is a transition metal coupled to at least one N-donor ligand.
  • 11. The process of claim 10, wherein said N-donor ligand is selected from 2,2′-dipyridyl, sodium salt of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, ethylenediamine, 1,10-phenanthroline, 4,4′-dipyridyl, 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane, N,N-Bis(2-hydroxybenzyl)ethylenediamine H4 or mixtures thereof.
  • 12. The process of claim 1, wherein said liquid phase is water, methanol, glyme, polyglycol, other alcohols from C2 to C10 or ethers from C2 to C10, and mixtures thereof.
  • 13. The process of claim 1, wherein said hydrogen feed has a CO concentration in an amount from about 50 ppm to less than about 20 ppm.
  • 14. A process for reducing CO content of a hydrogen feed for use in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, said process comprising producing said hydrogen feed from formate in a liquid phase in the presence of a formate decomposition catalyst.
  • 15. The process of claim 14, wherein said process for producing hydrogen feed from formate is conducted in a temperate range from about 80° C. to about 150° C.
  • 16. The process of claim 15, wherein said formate is selected from formates of sodium, potassium, lithium and cesium.
  • 17. The process of claim 14, wherein said liquid phase is selected from water, methanol, glyme, polyglycol, other alcohols from C2 to C10 or ethers from C2 to C10, and mixtures thereof.
  • 18. The process of claim 14, wherein said formate is generated from CO and hydroxide in a basic solution wherein the process is a water-gas-shift reaction.
  • 19. The process of claim 18, wherein said water-gas-shift reaction comprises the steps of: (a) producing formate from CO and water; and (b) decomposing formate in the presence of water to form said hydrogen feed and carbon dioxide.
  • 20. The process of claim 14, wherein said formate decomposition catalyst is a homogenous metal complex.
  • 21. The process of claim 20, wherein said homogenous metal complex is a transition metal complex having a metal selected from group VIII A.
  • 22. The process of claim 21, wherein said metal is selected from the group consisting of Fe, Co, Ni, Ru, Rh, Pd, Os, Ir, Pt and Cu.
  • 23. The process of claim 21, wherein said transition metal complex is selected from the group consisting of RuCl3.x H2O, Ru3(CO)12, NiCl2.6H2O, RhCl3.3H2O, CoCl2, K2PtCl4, FeCl2, Ru(CO)5, Ni(CO)4 Rh6(CO)16, Co2(CO)8, [Pt(CO)(Cl2)]2 and mixtures thereof.
  • 24. The process of claim 23, wherein said transition metal complex is in the presence of 2,2′-dipyridyl.
  • 25. The process of claim 14, wherein said hydrogen feed contains an amount of CO from about 50 ppm to less than about 20 ppm.
  • 26. A process for the production of a hydrogen rich gas from a gas stream including CO, H2O, H2 and CH3OH which comprises oxidizing CO to CO2 in the presence of a liquid-phase homogenous catalytic system.
  • 27. The process of claim 24, wherein said homogenous catalytic system is a metal complex coupled to at least one N-donor ligand.
  • 28. A process for catalytic production of a hydrogen feed which comprises: providing a hydrogen feed; and exposing said hydrogen feed to a homogenous catalyst which promotes a water-gas-shift reaction in a liquid phase at a temperature from about 80° C. to about 150° C.
Government Interests

[0001] This invention was made with Government support under contract number DE-AC02-98CH10886, awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The Government has certain rights in the invention.

Divisions (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 09817468 Mar 2001 US
Child 10328667 Dec 2002 US