Method for manufacturing panes with high transmissivity in the visible range of the spectrum and with high reflectivity for thermal radiation

Method for the manufacture of panes with high transmissivity in the visible spectral range and with a high reflectivity for thermal radiation. The panes are coated by cathode sputtering. To the substrates S there is applied a first coating of a material of the oxide group ZnO, SnO.sub.2, In.sub.2 O.sub.3, TiO.sub.2, ZrO.sub.2, TaO.sub.5, SiO.sub.2, Al.sub.3 O.sub.3, or mixtures thereof, or of one of the nitrides AlN, Si.sub.3 N.sub.4 or their mixtures, or of aluminum oxynitride, titanium oxynitride, zirconium oxynitride or silicon oxynitride or their mixtures, in a thickness of 20 to 60 nm. A second layer 2 follows, of one of the metals Ag, Cu or mixtures thereof, in a thickness of 5 to 30 nm, a third layer 3 of one of the metals Pd or Pt or their mixtures, in a thickness of 0.2 to 5 nm, preferably 0.5 nm, and a fourth layer 4 which, as a metallic or suboxidic (less than stoichiometric) layer of one of the metals Ti, Cr or mixture thereof, or of an alloy with at least 15% of one of the metals, in a thickness of 0.5 to 5 nm, preferably 1.5 nm. Lastly, a fifth layer 5 is applied, of a metal that is the same as that of the first layer 1.

The invention relates to a method for the manufacture of panes with high transmissivity in the visible range of the spectrum and with high reflectivity for thermal radiation, by coating transparent substrates by cathode sputtering, and to panes manufactured by the method.
Such panes are intended, especially in winter, to prevent heat from being radiated away from a room to the outdoors. Suitable coating systems are generally referred to as "low-e" (low emissivity).
A low-e system of layers consists of various classes of coatings which have to have various properties and also to serve different purposes in this system:
a) In general, an electrically highly conductive layer, often a metal such as Ag, Au or Cu, with a very low emissivity coefficient, which is the actual low-e (low emissivity) coating.
b) Since, however, a metal layer has a high reflectivity for light (i.e., a low transmission of light) in the visible range, it is dereflectivized by means of additional transparent coatings. Another purpose of these transparent coatings is to assure a desired shade of color and a high mechanical strength and chemical resistance in the system.
c) In order to protect the thin metal layer against an aggressive ambient atmosphere both during the manufacturing process and after manufacture, and at the same time to assure good adherence of the next adjacent oxide coating, often a so-called blocking layer (barrier layer, adhesivizing layer) of metal or suboxide is applied to this metal layer.
In order to satisfy the above purposes, a low-e coating of the prior art has been built up as follows:
Substrate / Oxide / Silver / Blocker / Oxide.
The substrate is a transparent, inorganic or organic glass sheet or a transparent, organic film.
The silver is an electrically conductive layer.
The oxides form the anti-reflective coating, and
The blocker forms the protective coating for the silver layer and the adhesivizer for the oxide layer.
All of the low-e coating systems known heretofore react very sensitively to moisture, especially at elevated temperature such as during the summer months. Under such conditions the silver layer agglomerates and oxidizes, and for this reason dark specks form on the coating system. The metal blockers or suboxide blockers of metals such as Al, Cu, Cr, Zr, Ti, Ni, Zn, Ta and others or their alloys evidently do not sufficiently protect the present low-e system against corrosion.
A higher resistance of the low-e coating to sodium chloride is especially necessary if the manufactured panes are to be transported overseas. High resistance to sulfur dioxide, on the other hand, is necessary if the pane is to be used, for example, in heavy industrial regions where very high atmospheric pollution by sulfur dioxide prevails.
The low-e coatings known heretofore are mechanically soft and their chemical stability, especially against moisture (e.g., aqueous salt or sodium dioxide solutions), is unsatisfactory. Experience has shown that some of the known coating systems (U.S. Pat. No. 4,413,877, DE 33 07 661, EP 0 158 318, EP 0 226 993, U.S. Pat. No. 4,786,563) are completely destroyed within two hours under test conditions which are defined in DIN 50021 (NaCl test) or DIN 50018 (SO.sub.2 test).
There are also low-e coating systems which do have satisfactory stability toward moisture (EP 0 304 234, U.S. Pat. No. 4,985,312). None of these coating systems, however, is sufficiently resistant to aqueous sodium chloride or aqueous sulfur dioxide (as established in standards DIN 50021 and DIN 50018).
It is the object of the present invention to create a low-e coating system with a very high resistance to moisture and to chemical attack.
This object is achieved according to the invention in that the silver metal layer, in a coating system of glass support/oxide/silver/oxide, is protected on one side or, better, on both sides, with a special blocker, namely, one that is composed of two layers, namely palladium or platinum and titanium or chromium or an alloy containing at least 15 atomic percent (at %) of one of the last two elements.

The figure is a fragmentary cross-sectional view, to an enlarged scale, of a coating system in accordance with the invention.

Preferably, the silver metal coating in a layer system of glass support/oxide/Ag/oxide is protected on one or both sides with a blocker which is formed as a single layer of a mixture or an alloy of the elements platinum and/or palladium with titanium and/or chromium, or with an alloy containing at least 15 at % of one of the last two elements.
Such a coating system is advantageously built up as follows:
(1) Substrate / oxide / silver / palladium / titanium / oxide, or
(2) Substrate / oxide / titanium / palladium / silver / palladium / titanium / oxide, or
(3) Substrate / oxide / silver / titanium-palladium / oxide, or
(4) Substrate / oxide / titanium-palladium / silver / titanium-palladium / oxide.
The thicknesses of the individual layers are as follows: first oxide layer approx. 40 nm, silver layer approx. 9 nm, palladium layer approx. 0.5 nm, titanium layer approx. 1 nm, titanium-palladium layer approx. 1 nm, and the final oxide layer approx. 38 nm.
In an exemplary embodiment wherein two blockers are provided, the thicknesses of the layers in the first blocker are best approximately equal to those in the second blocker. To improve the light transmission of the finished pane, the layers of the first and/or second blocker can advantageously be applied in suboxide (less than stoichiometric) form.
Surprisingly it has been found that such a blocker constitutes a very good adhesivizer between silver and the oxide layer. It has furthermore been found that a low-e coating system with the above-named two-layer blocker (layer system 1) or alloy blocker (layer system 3) is very resistant to moisture and aqueous sulfur dioxide solution. The chemical stability of the coating, especially against aqueous sulfur dioxide, is further improved in layer systems wherein the silver is protected with such a blocker on both sides (layer systems 2 and 4). Such coatings withstand tests according to DIN 50021 and DIN 50018 without any difficulty.
Panes in accordance with the invention can be made by applying the coatings in a vacuum with the aid of magnetron cathode sputtering. This process, used in pass-through apparatus, makes the coating of large panes of glass especially economical.
The production of the metal oxide layers by reactive magnetron cathode sputtering of metal or alloy targets can be performed in an atmosphere containing oxygen. The metal layers are applied by sputtering in an oxygen-free atmosphere. For slight modifications of the optical properties of the coatings it may advantageous to add small amounts of oxygen to the coating atmosphere.
In a sputtering apparatus equipped with a coating system for magnetron cathode sputtering, the following coatings were applied successively to a pane of float plate glass 2 mm thick, size 50.times.50 mm:
A zinc oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a zinc target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 40 mm.
A silver layer with a thickness of 9 nm by sputtering a silver target in argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A palladium layer with a thickness of 0.3 nm by sputtering a palladium target in argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium layer with a thickness of 1.5 nm by sputtering a titanium target in argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A tin-ytterbium oxide layer by the reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 bar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
By means of the same sputtering apparatus the following coatings were applied successively to a float plate glass pane 2 mm thick, size 50.times.50 mm:
A zinc oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a zinc target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium-palladium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a TiPd target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a SnYb target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
In a sputtering apparatus of the same type the following coatings were applied successively to a float plate glass pane 2 mm thick, size 50.times.50 mm:
A zinc oxide coating by the reactive sputtering of a zinc target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A titanium-palladium coating of a thickness of 0.6 nm by sputtering a titanium-palladium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium-palladium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a titanium-palladium target in argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by the reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
In a sputtering apparatus of the same type the following coatings were applied successively to a float plate glass pane 2 mm thick measuring 50.times.50 mm:
A zinc oxide coating by the reactive sputtering of a zinc target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar, in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium-palladium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a titanium-palladium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A zinc oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
In a sputtering apparatus of the same type the following coatings were applied successively to a float plate glass pane 2 mm thick, size 50.times.50 mm:
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by the reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A palladium coating 0.3 nm thick by sputtering a palladium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a titanium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by the reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
In a sputtering apparatus of the same type the following coatings were applied successively to a float plate glass disk 2 nm thick, size 50.times.50 mm:
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by the reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A titanium coating of a thickness of 0.7 nm by sputtering a titanium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A palladium coating 0.3 nm thick by sputtering a palladium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A palladium coating 0.3 nm thick by sputtering a palladium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a titanium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by the reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
In a sputtering apparatus of the same type the following coatings were applied successively to a float plate glass pane 2 mm thick, size 50.times.50 mm.
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a titanium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
In a sputtering apparatus of the same type the following coatings were successively applied to a float glass pane 2 nm thick, size 50.times.50 mm:
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A titanium-palladium coating 0.6 nm thick by sputtering a titanium-palladium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium-palladium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a titanium-palladium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by the reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
In a sputtering apparatus of the same type the following coatings were successively applied to a float glass plate 2 mm thick, size 50.times.50 mm:
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by the reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A titanium-palladium coating 0.8 nm thick by sputtering a titanium-palladium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium-palladium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a titanium-palladium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
In a sputtering apparatus of the same type the following coatings were applied successively to a float plate glass pane 2 mm thick, size 50.times.50 mm:
A zinc oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a zinc target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a titanium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A zinc oxide coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a zinc target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
In a sputtering apparatus of the same type the following coatings were successively applied to a float glass pane 2 nm thick, size 50.times.50 mm:
A zinc oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a zinc target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a titanium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
In a sputtering apparatus of the same type the following coatings were applied successively to a float plate glass pane 2 mm thick, size 50.times.50 mm:
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 40 nm.
A silver coating 9 nm thick by sputtering a silver target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A titanium coating 1.5 nm thick by sputtering a titanium target in an argon atmosphere at a pressure of 3.times.10.sup.-3 mbar.
A tin-ytterbium oxide coating by reactive sputtering of a tin-ytterbium target in an argon-oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 4.times.10.sup.-3 mbar in a thickness of about 38 nm.
The coating systems produced were then tested for resistance to moisture, sodium chloride and sulfur dioxide. The procedures of the individual tests are as follows: cl Salt Spray Test
Test in accordance with DIN 50021 and ASTM B-117-79. The samples were exposed to an indirect salt water fog containing 5% NaCl. The temperature of the solution is C., that of the chamber C. The duration of the test is 24 hours.
SO.sub.2 Test
Test according to DIN 50018. In this test, 0.2 liter of SO.sub.2 was dissolved in 2 liters of distilled water. The samples were exposed to this atmosphere for 8 hours at a temperature of C. After that the samples were left in the open sample chamber to cool down to room temperature.
Dampness Test
In this test the samples were exposed for 48 hours to a temperature of C. and to a relative atmospheric humidity of 85%. Starting out from room temperature and moisture these conditions were reached in a half hour. Test apparatus is a climate test booth made by Heraeus Votsch.
The results were evaluated according to the following scoring:
Salt Spray and SO.sub.2 Test
1: Not attacked
2: Damage less than 1% (D<1%)
3: Damage of 1-5% (1%<D<5%)
4: Damage of 5-25% (5%<D<25%)
5: Coating still present but easily wiped off
6: Coating can be rinsed off with water
Dampness Test
1: Not attacked
2: Damage less than 1% (S<1%)
3: Damage 1 to 5% (1%<S<5%)
4: Damage 5 to 25% (5%<S<25%)
5: Damage 25 to 50% (25%<S<50%)
6: Damage more than 50% (50%<S)
The results are summarized in the following table where Ty (%) means the transmission in the entire visible light spectrum:
__________________________________________________________________________ STABILITYCOATING Mois-No. Oxide Blocker Ag Blocker Oxide Ty (%) ture NaCl SO.sub.2__________________________________________________________________________1 ZnO -- -- Ag Pd Ti SnYbO.sub.2 85.5 1.2 1.3 6.02 ZnO -- -- Ag TiPd SnYbO.sub.2 85.5 1.0 1.1 6.03 ZnO TiPd Ag TiPd SnYbO.sub.2 82.5 1.0 1.1 3.04 ZnO -- -- Ag TiPd ZnO 84.0 1.1 1.4 6.05 SnYbO.sub.2 -- -- Ag Pd Ti SnYbO.sub.2 85.0 1.5 6.0 6.06 SnYbO.sub.2 Ti Pd Ag Pd Ti SnYbO.sub.2 84.0 1.0 1.0 1.47 SnYbO.sub.2 -- -- Ag TiPd SnYbO.sub.2 84.5 1.0 2.5 5.08 SnYbO.sub.2 TiPd Ag TiPd SnYbO.sub.2 84.5 1.0 1.1 1.89 SnYbO.sub.2 TiPd Ag TiPd SnYbO.sub.2 83.0 1.0 1.0 1.2Samples tested for comparison10 ZnO -- -- Ag Ti -- ZnO 86.0 1.9 4.0 6.011 ZnO -- -- Ag Ti -- SnYbO.sub.2 86.0 4.5 6.0 6.012 SnYbO.sub.2 -- -- Ag Ti -- SnYbO.sub.2 85.0 4.0 6.0 6.0__________________________________________________________________________
In the appended drawing a substrate is represented which is formed of a plate of mineral glass. On the substrate S there is a first layer 1 with a thickness of 20 to 6 nm consisting of a material of the oxide group: ZnO, SnO.sub.2, In.sub.2 O.sub.3, TiO.sub.2, ZrO.sub.2, Ta.sub.2 O.sub.5, SiO.sub.2, Al.sub.3 O.sub.3 or mixtures thereof, or of one of the nitrides, AlN, Si.sub.3 N.sub.4 or their mixtures, or of aluminum oxynitride, titanium oxynitride, zirconium oxynitride or silicon oxynitride, or mixtures thereof.
To this coating is applied a second layer 2 of one of the metals Ag, Cu or mixtures thereof with a thickness of 5 to 30 nm.
To this coating is applied a third layer 3 of one of the metals Pd or Pt or mixtures thereof in a thickness of 0.2 to 5 nm.
To this third coating is applied a fourth layer 4 which is a metal or suboxidic coating of one of the metals, Ti, Cr, or mixtures thereof, or an alloy containing at least 15% of one of the metals, in a thickness of 0.5 to 5 nm.
Lastly, a fifth layer 5 of the same material as used in the first coating 1 is applied to the fourth layer.
All of the coatings 1 to 5 are applied by a cathode sputtering process which in itself is state of the art.
A pane in accordance with the invention has a light transmission of at least 40%, preferably 85%, and a reflectivity in the thermal radiation range (.lambda. approx. 8 .mu.m) of at least 80%, preferably about 90%.
While there have been described what are at present considered to be the preferred embodiments of this invention, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications may be made therein without departing from the invention, and it is, therefore, aimed to cover all such changes and modifications as fall within the true spirit and scope of the invention.
  • 1. Method for manufacturing panes of high transmissivity in the visible range of the spectrum and with a high reflectivity for thermal radiation, comprising:
  • coating transparent substrates by cathode sputtering, to form
  • a first layer of a material selected from the oxide group consisting of ZnO, SnO.sub.2, In.sub.2 O.sub.3, TiO.sub.2, ZrO.sub.2, Ta.sub.2 O.sub.5, SiO.sub.2, Al.sub.3 O.sub.3 and mixtures thereof and the nitride selected from the group consisting of AlN, Si.sub.3 N.sub.4 and mixtures thereof and oxynitride selected from the group consisting of aluminum oxynitride, titanium oxynitride, zirconium oxynitride and silicon oxynitride and mixtures thereof, with a thickness of 20 nm to 60 nm,
  • a second layer of a metal selected from the group consisting of Ag, Cu and mixtures thereof, with a thickness of 5 to 30 nm,
  • a third layer of a metal selected from the group consisting of Pd, Pt and mixtures thereof, with a thickness of 0.2 to 5 nm,
  • a fourth layer of a material selected from the group consisting of a metal Ti, Cr and a mixture and suboxides thereof, in a thickness of 0.5 to 5 nm, and
  • a fifth layer of a material that is the same as the first layer.
  • 2. Method according to claim 1, which includes applying at least one of the oxide layers in a reactive atmosphere of inert gas and oxygen (O.sub.2), the nitride layers in a reactive atmosphere of inert gas and nitrogen (N.sub.2), the oxynitride layers in a reactive atmosphere of inert gas, oxygen (O.sub.2) and nitrogen (N.sub.2), and applying the metal layers in an inert atmosphere.
  • 3. Method according to claim 1, in which the oxide layers are selected from the group consisting of SnO.sub.2 and In.sub.2 O.sub.3 and their mixed oxides with a content selected from the group consisting of Mg oxide, Al oxide, P oxide, Ti oxide, Y oxide, Zr oxide, and Ta oxide of 0 to 20 at % and one of the oxides of the elements with the atomic number 57 to 71 of the periodic table from a range of 0 to 5 at %.
  • 4. Method according to claim 1, in which the zinc oxide layer is formed with a content of aluminum oxide of 0 to 10 at %.
  • 5. Method according to claim 1, which includes sputtering the layers from a metal target.
  • 6. Method according to claim 1, which includes sputtering the oxide layers selected from the group consisting of ZnO, SnO.sub.2 and In.sub.2 O.sub.3 and their mixed oxides from a target of a material selected from the group consisting of metal and metal alloy of the base elements with an admixture of at least one of the elements with the atomic number 57 to 71 of the periodic table and with a content of Al.
  • 7. Method in accordance with claim 1 which comprises forming on the first layer and between the first layer and the second layer a first additional layer of a material selected from the group consisting of Ti, Cr and a mixture and suboxides thereof, in a thickness of 0.5 to 5 nm, and forming on the first additional layer a second additional layer of a metal selected from the group consisting of Pd, Pt and mixtures thereof, with a thickness of 0.2 to 5 nm.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
4135701 Oct 1991 DEX
US Referenced Citations (5)
Number Name Date Kind
4098956 Blickensderfer et al. Jul 1978
4534841 Hartig et al. Aug 1985
4548691 Dietrich et al. Oct 1985
4790922 Huffer Dec 1988
4938857 Gillery Jul 1990
Foreign Referenced Citations (8)
Number Date Country
0233003 Aug 1987 EPX
0283923 Sep 1988 EPX
2836943 Feb 1980 DEX
2931309 Feb 1980 DEX
288822 Oct 1983 DEX
3825671 Mar 1989 DEX
3941046 Jun 1990 DEX
2186001 Aug 1987 GBX
Non-Patent Literature Citations (1)
JP 63-238260 A., In: Patents Abstracts of Japan, C-563, Jan. 27, 1989, vol. 13, No. 39.