Method for mitigating cell degradation due to startup and shutdown via cathode re-circulation combined with electrical shorting of stack

A fuel cell system that employs a process for minimizing corrosion in the cathode side of a fuel cell stack in the system by combining cathode re-circulation and stack short-circuiting at system shut-down and start-up.


FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a fuel cell system employing a procedure for minimizing cathode corrosion in the cathode side of a fuel cell stack, according to an embodiment of the present invention.


The following discussion of the embodiments of the invention directed to a process for minimizing corrosion in a cathode side of a fuel cell stack by combining a cathode re-circulation process and a stack short-circuiting process at system start-up and shut-down is merely exemplary in nature, and is in no way intended to limit the invention or its applications or uses.

FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of fuel cell system 10 including a fuel cell stack 12 having a cathode side 14 and an anode side 16. A compressor 20 provides compressed air on a cathode input line 22 through a control valve 18 to the cathode side 14 of the fuel cell stack 12. Hydrogen gas is provided from a hydrogen source 24, such as a compressed gas tank, on an anode input line 26 through a control valve 28 to the anode side 16 of the fuel cell stack 12. Cathode exhaust is output from the fuel cell stack 12 on a cathode exhaust line 34 through a control valve 36. Likewise, anode exhaust is output from the fuel cell stack 12 on an anode exhaust line 38 through a control valve 40. In some fuel cell system designs, the anode exhaust on the line 38 may be re-circulated back to the anode input line 26 on line 32.

A cooling fluid is pumped through the fuel cell stack 12 and a cooling fluid line 50 by a pump 52. A heat exchanger 54, such as a suitable radiator, cools the heated cooling fluid heated by stack operation. The speed of the pump 52, and thus the pumping capacity, can be selectively increased or decreased to provide a desired fuel cell stack operating temperature, such as 800C. Also, the size of the heat exchanger 54 and the speed of a fan (not shown) that may force air through the heat exchanger 54 can be controlled for the same purpose. A controller 72 controls the operation of the various valves, pumps and switches in the system 10 consistent with the discussion herein.

During normal stack operation, the valves 84 and 90 are closed, the pump 80 is off, and the valves 18, 28, 36 and 40 are open to provide the air flow to the cathode side 14 of the stack 12 and the hydrogen gas to the anode side of the stack 12. Also, a switch 60 is closed to provide output power from the fuel cell stack 12 to a primary load 62, such as a vehicle drive-train, on an external circuit 64. Switches 66 and 68 are open to prevent power from the fuel cell stack 12 from being delivered to an auxiliary load 68 and a shorting resistor 70, respectively.

When the system 10 is shut-down, the switch 60 is opened and the switch 66 is immediately closed so that output power from the stack 12 is delivered to the auxiliary load 68 to disconnect the primary load 62, but avoid an open circuit voltage. Further, the cathode side control valves 18 and 36 are closed, and a cathode re-circulation pump 80 is turned on to re-circulate the remaining gas in the cathode side 14 through a re-circulation line 82 to the cathode input line 22. Additionally, a bleed valve 84 is selectively opened and closed to bleed a low concentration of hydrogen gas from the source 24 into the re-circulation line 82. In one embodiment, the concentration of hydrogen gas bled into the line 82 is less than four percent. There are several techniques for bleeding hydrogen into the cathode side of a fuel cell stack at system shut-down that are known in the art.

The anode side 16 is maintained slightly above the ambient pressure by bleeding a small amount of hydrogen gas into the anode side 16 through the control valve 28. The concentration of oxygen in the line 82 and the cathode side 14 will begin to decrease as a result of the hydrogen-oxygen reaction and the electricity that is drawn by the auxiliary load 68 will cause the cathode potential to decrease. When the cell voltages in the stack 12 are reduced to a predetermined range, such as 0.2-0.8V, the switch 66 is opened and the switch 68 is closed to short-circuit the output of the stack 12 across the resistor 70 to dissipate the remaining amount of stack output power.

Once the cell voltage drops below the low end of the range, such as 0.2V, the controller 72 stops the re-circulation pump 80 and closes the hydrogen bleed valve 84. The controller 72 then opens a cross-over valve 90, opens the anode side control valves 28 and 40 and starts the compressor 20 to use air to purge the remaining hydrogen gas out of the anode side 16 for a short period of time at a high flow rate. A check valve 30 prevents air from the compressor 20 from flowing into the source 24. The compressor 20 is then stopped and the cross-over valve 90 is closed. Therefore, after the shut-down procedure, both the cathode side 14 and the anode side 16 of the stack 12 are filled with air and cathode side corrosion is minimized.

At the start-up procedure, after the cathode side 14 and the anode side 16 are filled with air and the switch 68 is still closed from the shut-down procedure, the re-circulation pump 80 is turned on and hydrogen gas is injected into the re-circulation line 82 through the bleed valve 84 at a slow flow rate to provide, for example, 1-2% of hydrogen gas, but not to exceed 4% of hydrogen gas, in the cathode side 14. As a result of the hydrogen-oxygen reaction in the cathode side 14, the voltage of the stack 12 decreases from zero to a negative voltage because the oxygen in the cathode side 14 is being depleted.

When the voltage of the cells in the stack 12 decreases to a predetermined range, such as −0.1V to −0.2 V, the pump 80 is slowed down to gradually decrease the stack voltage to a lower negative range, such as −0.2 to −0.4V. The re-circulation pump 80 is then stopped and the bleed valve 84 is closed. Further, the control valve 28 is opened to provide hydrogen gas from the source 24 to the anode side 16. At this time, there is almost no oxygen in the cathode side 14 because the oxygen is consumed by the hydrogen gas from the bleed valve 84. Further, the oxygen in the anode side 16 is also consumed by the hydrogen gas that propagates from the cathode side 14 through the membrane and the resistor 70 that dissipates electrons generated by the hydrogen electro-oxidation in the cathode side 14. Therefore, little to no carbon corrosion in the cathode side 14 will occur as a result of a voltage potential when the fresh hydrogen gas from the source 24 flows into the anode side 16.

After a few seconds, when the anode side 16 is filled with hydrogen gas, the switch 66 is closed to connect the auxiliary load 68 to the circuit 64, and the switch 68 is opened to disconnect the resistor 70 from the circuit 64. The output of the stack 12 is switched from the resistor 70 to the auxiliary load 68 during the start-up procedure to avoid burning out the resistor 70 when a large amount of current is generated. Further, switching from the auxiliary load 68 to the primary load 62 avoids an open circuit voltage condition that might damage the stack 12. The cathode side control valves 18 and 36 are then opened and the compressor 20 is turned on to deliver air to the cathode side 14. When the stack 12 is operating normally, the switch 66 is opened and the switch 60 is closed to connect the stack 12 to the primary load 62.

The foregoing discussion discloses and describes merely exemplary embodiments of the present invention. One skilled in the art will readily recognize from such discussion and from the accompanying drawings and claims that various changes, modifications and variations can be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the following claims.

  • 1. A fuel cell system comprising: a fuel cell stack including an anode side and a cathode side;a compressor for providing an air flow to the cathode side of the fuel cell stack;a hydrogen source for providing hydrogen gas to the anode side of the fuel cell stack;a first switch for connecting power from the stack to a primary load;a second switch for connecting power from the stack to an auxiliary load;a third switch for connecting power from the stack to a shorting resistor;a cross-over valve for providing the air flow from the compressor to the anode side of the stack;a re-circulation line for re-circulating cathode exhaust gas to the cathode side of the stack;a bleed valve for selectively bleeding hydrogen gas into the re-circulating line; anda controller for controlling the system at start-up and shut-down, wherein the controller opens the first switch and closes the second switch to disconnect the first primary load and couple an output of the stack to the auxiliary load when the stack output voltage is reduced to a first predetermined range, re-circulates the cathode exhaust gas through the re-circulation line, bleeds a predetermined concentration of hydrogen gas into the re-circulation line, and uses the cross-over valve to purge the anode side of the stack with air at shut-down, and wherein the controller re-circulates the cathode exhaust gas through the re-circulation line, bleeds hydrogen gas into the re-circulation line until the stack voltage decreases to a second predetermined range and closes the third switch to short-circuit the stack at start-up.
  • 2. The system according to claim 1 wherein the first predetermined range is 0.2-0.8 volts.
  • 3. The system according to claim 1 wherein the predetermined concentration of hydrogen is less than four percent.
  • 4. The system according to claim 1 wherein the controller further bleeds a small amount of hydrogen gas into the anode side at shut-down so that the pressure within the anode side is maintained slightly above ambient pressure.
  • 5. The system according to claim 1 wherein the controller closes the second switch to connect the stack to the auxiliary load and then closes the third switch to connect the shorting resistor to the stack at shut-down.
  • 6. The system according to claim 1 wherein the controller closes the second switch and opens the third switch before closing the first switch at system start-up to connect the auxiliary load to the stack before the primary load.
  • 7. The system according to claim 1 wherein the second predetermined range is less than 0.2 volts.
  • 8. The system according to claim 1 wherein the system is on a vehicle.
  • 9. A fuel cell system comprising: a fuel cell stack including an anode side and a cathode side;a compressor for providing an air flow to the cathode side of the fuel cell stack;a hydrogen source for providing hydrogen gas to the anode side of the fuel cell stack;a first switch for connecting power from the stack to a primary load;a second switch for connecting power from the stack to a shorting resistor;a re-circulation line for re-circulation cathode exhaust gas to the cathode side of the stack;a bleed valve for bleeding hydrogen gas into the re-circulation line; anda controller for controlling the system at start-up and shut-down, wherein the controller selectively closes the second switch and selectively bleeds hydrogen gas through the bleed valve into the re-circulation line to combine both a stack shorting process and a cathode re-circulation process to minimize cathode corrosion.
  • 10. The system according to claim 9 further comprising a third switch for connecting power from the stack to an auxiliary load to disconnect the primary load but avoid an open circuit voltage at shut-down and to disconnect the shorting resistor before connecting the primary load at start-up.
  • 11. The system according to claim 9 wherein the controller bleeds a small amount of hydrogen gas into the anode side at shut-down so that the pressure within the anode side is maintained slightly above ambient pressure.
  • 12. A method for minimizing cathode side corrosion in a fuel cell stack at stack shut-down, said method comprising: opening a first switch to disconnect a primary load from the stack;closing a second switch for connecting an auxiliary load to the stack;turning on a cathode re-circulation pump to re-circulate cathode exhaust to the cathode side of the stack;selectively opening and closing a bleed valve for bleeding hydrogen gas into the cathode side of the stack;opening the second switch and closing a third switch to connect the stack to a shorting resistor when stack cell voltages drop to a predetermined range;opening a cross-over valve and starting a compressor to use an air flow to purge the anode side of the stack; andstopping the compressor and closing the cross-over valve when both the cathode side and the anode side of the stack are filled with air.
  • 13. The method according to claim 12 wherein the predetermined range is 0.2-0.8 volts.
  • 14. The method according to claim 12 wherein selectively opening and closing a bleed valve includes selectively opening and closing the bleed valve until the concentration of hydrogen in the cathode side is less than 4%.
  • 15. The method according to claim 12 further comprising stopping the re-circulation pump and closing the hydrogen bleed valve when the stack cell voltages drop reach a low end of the first predetermined range.
  • 16. The method according to claim 12 further comprising bleeding a small amount of hydrogen into the anode side to maintain the pressure in the anode side slightly above ambient pressure.
  • 17. A method for minimizing cathode side corrosion in a fuel cell stack at stack start-up, said method comprising: turning on a re-circulation pump and bleeding hydrogen gas into a re-circulation line to provide a predetermined concentration of gas in the cathode side of the stack;stopping the re-circulation pump and closing the bleed valve when the voltage of fuel cells in the stack reach a predetermined negative voltage range;filling the anode side of the stack with hydrogen gas;disconnecting a shorting resistor from the fuel cell stack and connecting an auxiliary load to the fuel cell stack;providing an air flow to the cathode side of the fuel cell stack; anddisconnecting the auxiliary load and connecting a primary load to the fuel cell stack.
  • 18. The method according to claim 14 wherein bleeding hydrogen gas into the re-circulation line includes bleeding enough hydrogen gas into the recirculation line to provide less than 4% concentration of hydrogen.