The present disclosure deals with prediction of future performance of a fermentation unit provided with computer based data acquisition and control system, including parameters such as concentration of biomass, sugar and product of a batch/fed batch fermentation unit.
Fermentation processes involve a growth of microorganisms, utilizing the substrates and/or nutrients supplied and the formation of desired products. These processes are carried out in a stirred tank or other type of bioreactors with precise control of process conditions such as temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen. Due to complex metabolic networks and their regulation operating in the cell, the control of substrates and/or nutrients at appropriate levels is desired for the formation of the products. Quite often, fermentation processes are carried out in batch/fed-batch mode with the main concern being a reduction in variations in performance and yield from batch to batch.
In a batch fermentation unit, broth samples are analyzed every few hours in the laboratory for the concentrations of biomass, product and substrate to arrive at the performance of the unit. This approach is slow and a model based on systemic on-line monitoring will help in the timely detection of faults and in the implementation of suitable corrective actions to maintain desired performance. Process variables like sugar feed rate are adjusted to maintain the performance of the batch at desired levels. Factors like changes in characteristics of initial charge media, quality of the raw materials used and variations in process conditions influence the performance of the fermentation unit, resulting in considerable variations in the batch yields. Thus, a model for predicting the future performance of the fermentation batch based on real operating data will be a very useful tool in operation of the industrial fermenters.
Different approaches have been adopted to model batch/fed-batch fermentation units.
Fermenter models based on multivariate statistical algorithms (principal component analysis—PCA and Partial least squares-PLS) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been reported [Ignova M et al (1997), Lennox et al (2000), Karim M N et al (2003) Lopes et al (2002), Lennox et al (2002)] [Refs. 1 to 5] for monitoring and predicting the performance of the batch/fed-batch fermentation unit.
Multivariate statistics techniques like PCA and PLS and ANN based methods can be limited in their effectiveness when applied to batch processes due to the following reasons:
ANN based models use a large volume of data for model tuning and validation and cannot be easily extrapolated to different operating conditions. Thus, data driven modeling techniques are not suitable for developing models for on-line performance monitoring of batch fermentation units.
Fermenter models based on first principles, considering both kinetics and transport phenomena occurring in the fermentation process have also been reported in the literature.
Dhir et. al. [“Dynamic Optimization of Hybridoma growth in a fed batch Bioreactor”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 67(2), 197-205, 2000] [Ref. 6] have used a phenomenological model to represent the behavior of the fermenter, using an approach based on fuzzy logic to update the model parameters to match the model predictions with plant data. Fuzzy logic based approaches use trial and error processes that involve adjusting many parameters. Iyer M S et. al. [“Dynamic Reoptimization of a Fed-Batch Fermentor”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 63(1), 10-21, 1999.] [Ref. 7] use a non-iterative single step Newton method to update the model parameters of a phenomenological model. This method helps in reducing the model mismatch but does not minimize it. Both these methods were tested on simulated models and laboratory fermenters and are not based on real industrial scale fermenters.
Fermenter models based on phenomenological approaches as described above do not aim at estimating the model parameters by minimizing the error between the plant data and model predictions. They can be considered to be good approximate methods to address the problem of model mismatch. One way to address this issue is to estimate the model parameters by minimizing the error between the plant data and model predictions by using a nonlinear optimization technique.
A method is disclosed to predict the future performance of batch/fed batch fermentation processes using a phenomenological model. Since fermentation processes can be highly nonlinear and vary temporally in their behavior, the model parameters can be re-estimated on-line, to minimize the plant model mismatch. This approach can ensure that the model predictions are closer to the real plant behavior and can be used to improve the operational performance of the batch fermentation unit.
A method is disclosed for on-line prediction of future performance of a plant fermentation unit, comprising: on-line measurement of a plant parameter input variable, including at least one of agitator speed, airflow rate, level measurement, sugar feed rate, broth temperature, % of carbon dioxide and oxygen in a vent gas, and dissolved oxygen in a fermentation broth; entering off-line laboratory analysis results manually in a computer memory connected to a plant control system; fermenter model parameter re-estimation so as to reduce a mismatch between plant data and a model calculation; developing a non-linear fermentation process model which contains the model parameter including at least one of a maximum biomass specific growth rate, Kinetics constant, mass transfer coefficient, product yield constant and cell decay constant which cannot be measured either through on-line measurements or off-line laboratory analysis; and on-line prediction of a future concentration of at least one of biomass, sugar, product, dissolved oxygen in the fermentation broth, and oxygen and carbon dioxide in the vent gas based on current plant data so as to enable controlling the plant parameter using the predicted future concentration.
A method is disclosed for on-line prediction of future performance of a plant fermentation unit, comprising: measuring a control parameter which serves as an input variable of the plant fermentation unit on-line; entering off-line laboratory analysis results manually in a computer memory connected to a plant control system; estimating a value of a model parameter of a fermentation process model that would reduce a mismatch between plant data and a fermenter model calculation; developing a non-linear fermentation process model which contains the model parameter including at least one of a maximum biomass specific growth rate, Kinetics constant, mass transfer coefficient, product yield constant and cell decay constant which cannot be measured either through on-line measurements or off-line laboratory analysis; and predicting a concentration of at least one fermentation performance parameter based on current plant data to control the control parameter using the predicted concentration.
In an exemplary approach disclosed herein, the average percentages of prediction error for concentration of biomass and product in the fermenter broth are about 15% and 10% respectively.
Parameters that can be re-estimated on-line are:
Maximum specific growth rate: μmax
Contois constant: Ksp
Contois saturation constant: KS
Nominal mass transfer coefficient: kLa0
Product yield constant: YP/D
Cell decay constant: Kdx
In batch fermentation operations, the process conditions and dynamic behavior change with time and model parameters have to be adjusted to represent the process better. The present disclosure provides a novel method of updating the model parameters and uses the updated model for predicting the future concentration of product, in a batch/fed batch fermentation unit. This provides useful information on future progress of the batch and based on the predictions, one can choose to adjust the control parameters (e.g., operating parameters and/or conditions) such as sugar feed flow rate, air flow or agitator RPM of the fermentation unit, to improve the product yield. The updated model can be used to optimize the operating conditions of the fermenter to maximize the yield.
Exemplary steps in implementation of the proposed online monitoring and control system are as follows:
pH control by manipulation of alkali flow rate
Fermenter temperature control by manipulation of coolant flow rate
Flow control for sugar addition
Pressure control by manipulation of vent gas valve
Flow control for inlet air
Adjustment of the agitator RPM through variable speed drive
Exemplary details of the various parts of the fermenter unit shown in
1—Fermenter broth pH transmitter.
2—Fermenter broth pH indicator controller.
3—Fermenter back pressure transmitter.
5—Fermenter back pressure indicator controller.
6—Fermenter vessel.
7—Fermenter discharge valve.
8—Fermenter temperature indicator controller.
9—Fermenter temperature transmitter.
10—Air flow indicator controller.
11—Air flow transmitter.
12—Sugar flow transmitter.
13—Sugar flow indicator controller.
Various steps involved in an exemplary fermentation process are given below:
At specified intervals (e.g., every few hours), broth sample is taken and analyzed in the laboratory for biomass yield in percentage by volume, concentration of sugar & alkali and the viscosity and product concentration.
DOSE, shown in
The schematic system for on-line prediction of performance parameters like concentration of biomass, sugar and product concentration of fermenter broth is also discussed hereinafter.
In an exemplary embodiment, an unstructured [cell is represented by single quantity like cell density (g dry wt/L)] and unsegregated [view the entire cell population to consist of identical cells (with some average characteristics)] model approach is used for modeling the fermentation process, as this modeling approach is more amenable for on-line applications like estimation, simulation and optimization.
The following exemplary assumptions are made while developing the model:
As described above, it has been found that improved prediction of broth concentration can be achieved by on-line updating of the model's parameters to account for the nonlinear and time varying behavior of batch fermentation process. The predictor is depicted in
The fermenter model, shown in
A brief description of the mathematical model of the Fermentation Unit is outlined below.
Fermentation processes can be carried out as a batch or fed-batch operation in a stirred tank type of bioreactors with precise control of process conditions such as temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen. Batch/Fed Batch fermentation units can be subjected to unmeasured disturbances leading to large variation in the product yields. Mathematical models can be used for better understanding the fermentation process and also to improve the operation to reduce the product variability and optimal utilization of the available resources.
The development of such a model for batch/fed-batch fermentation processes is disclosed herein to enable on-line prediction of desired performance parameters (e.g., process variables) like concentration of biomass and product. Exemplary fermentation processes are characterized by highly nonlinear, time variant responses of the microorganisms and some of the model parameters are re-estimated on-line to minimize the modeling errors, such that the model predictions are close to the real plant behavior. The model considers both kinetics and transport phenomena occurring in the fermentation process. The model assumes perfect mixing in the fermenter with the cell growth and product formation rate influenced by sugar and oxygen concentrations in the broth. The sugar consumption is accounted for cell growth, product formation and maintenance. The oxygen mass transfer rates are influenced by agitation rate, air supply rate and viscosity.
The model calculations are implemented in a computer that is interfaced with the microprocessor based system used for operation and control of the fermentation unit. Plant operation data can be used by the model to predict the future product concentration of the fermenter broth so that the operators can make suitable changes in the process conditions to maintain desired yield from the batch fermentation unit. Details of the fermenter model are given in the following section.
The batch/fed-batch process operation causes a volume change in the fermenter. This is calculated by:
Where V is the volume of the fermenter broth, Fin is the flow rate of sugar entering the fermenter, Fout account for the spillages and Floss accounts for evaporation losses during fermentation. The sterile water and nutrient addition term is included as Fstr.
Cell mass in fermenter broth is determined by the following equation:
where x is concentration of biomass in the broth at any time, xin is the concentration of biomass in sugar solution and specific growth rate μD is given by
S and CL are the concentration of sugar and dissolved oxygen in the broth.
The product formation is described by non-growth associated product formation kinetics. The hydrolysis of product is also included in the rate expression
where, p is the concentration of product in the broth at any time, pin is concentration of product in sugar solution, k is a constant, πR is the specific product formation rate defined as:
The consumption of sugar is assumed to be caused by biomass growth and product formation with constant yields and maintenance requirements of the microorganism.
where SF is the concentration of sugar in a sugar solution and σD is the specific sugar consumption rate defined as:
The consumption of oxygen is assumed to be caused by biomass growth and product formation with constant yields and maintenance requirements of the microorganism. The oxygen from the gas phase is continuously being transferred to the fermentation broth.
where CL,in and CL are concentration of dissolved oxygen in the sugar solution entering and broth respectively. σO is the specific oxygen consumption rate, defined as:
The overall mass transfer coefficient, kLa is assumed to be function of agitation speed (rpm), airflow rate (Fair), viscosity (μ) and fermentation broth volume and is defined as:
where the subscript 0, refers to nominal conditions. The saturation of dissolved oxygen concentration, C*L, is related to the partial pressure of oxygen, pO2, using Henry's law:
where DO2, is the measurement of dissolved oxygen available from the plant measurements.
The gas phase is assumed to be well mixed, and the airflow rate is assumed to be constant.
Where yO2,in and yO2 are mole fraction of oxygen in the air and fermenter vent gas, P and T are the pressure and temperature of vapor space in the fermenter, P0 and T0 are pressure and temperature at normal conditions and R is the gas constant and Vg is the volume of vapor space in the fermenter.
The introduction of variables that are easy to measure while being important in their information content has been very helpful in predicting other important process variables. One such variable is CO2 from which cell mass may be predicted with high accuracy. In this work, CO2 evolution is assumed to be due to growth, product biosynthesis and maintenance requirement. The carbon dioxide evolution is given by:
Where yCO2,in and yCO are mole fraction of carbon dioxide in the air and fermenter vent gas and σCO2, is the specific carbon dioxide evolution rate defined as:
A list of various kinetic parameters used in the model are listed below:
Maximum specific growth rate: μmax (h−1)
Contois saturation constant: KS
Oxygen limitation constant for growth KO (mg/L)
Cell decay rate constant: Kdx (h−1)
Specific rate of production: Πmax (g/L/h)
Contois constant: Ksp (L−2/g−2)
Inhibition constant for product formation: Ki (g/l)
Oxygen limitation constant for product: KOP (mg/L)
Product hydrolysis rate constant: Kd (h−1)
Cellular yield constant: YX/D (g cellmass/g sugar)
Product yield constant: YP/D (g product/g sugar)
Maintenance coefficient on sugar: mD (h−1)
Cellular yield constant: YX/O (g cellmass/g oxygen)
Product yield constant: YP/O (g product/g oxygen)
Maintenance coefficient on oxygen: mo (h−1)
Nominal mass transfer coefficient: kLa0 (h−1)
Nominal rpm: rpm0
Nominal air flow rate: Fair,0 (m3/h)
Nominal viscosity: μ0 (cP)
Nominal volume: V0 (L)
Henry's constant: h
Normal pressure: P0 (atm)
Gas phase volume: Vg (L)
Gas constant: R (atm m3 gmol−1K−1)
Normal temperature: T0 (K)
Cellular yield constant: YCO2/X (g carbon dioxide/g cell mass)
Product yield constant: YCO2/P (g carbon dioxide/g product)
Maintenance coefficient on oxygen: mCO2 (per h)
Initially, model parameters of the fermenter model in DOSE are estimated with plant data in off-line mode and tuned to match with real plant data. The tuned model can be used to predict the performance parameters of the fermenter.
In the on-line mode, the model will receive the real-time process data like air flow rate, agitator RPM, sugar flow rate, dissolved oxygen and vent gas composition (oxygen and carbon dioxide) from the plant control system and also the analysis of fermentation broth (biomass yield in percentage volume, concentration of sugar, alkali and product) from the laboratory at specified intervals (e.g., once every few hours). This combination of real-time process data and off-line laboratory data is used to reconcile the measurements and estimate the model parameters. Periodic re-estimation of model parameters reduces the model mismatch and brings the model behavior closer to real operating conditions of the fermenter. The updated model will be used to predict the performance parameters. This cycle of parameter estimation and performance prediction are repeated periodically for monitoring the performance of the fermenter in real-time.
It will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that the present invention can be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or essential characteristics thereof. The presently disclosed embodiments are therefore considered in all respects to be illustrative and not restricted. The scope of the invention is indicated by the appended claims rather than the foregoing description and all changes that come within the meaning and range and equivalence thereof are intended to be embraced therein.
This application claims priority as a continuation application under 35 U.S.C. §120 to PCT/IB2006/000155 filed as an International Application on 28 Jan. 2006 designating the U.S., the entire content of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | PCT/IB2006/000155 | Jan 2006 | US |
Child | 12219778 | US |