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"A Fast Las Vegas Algorithm For Triangulating a Simple Polygon" by Kenneth L. Clarkson et al.; Proc. of the Annual ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry, 1988; pp. 18-21. |
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"Triangulating a Simple Polygon in Linear Time" by Bernard Chazelle; Discrete Computer Geometry 6 (1991); pp. 485-524. |
"Decomposing a Polygon Into Its Convex Parts" by Bernard Chazelle et al.; Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing; Atlanta, GA. 1979; pp. 38-48. |
"A Linear-Time Algorithm for Triangulating Simple Polygons" by Robert E. Tarjan et al.; Proc. Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1986; pp. 380-388. |
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"Polygon Decomposition And Switching Function Minimization" by J. O'Rourke; Computer Graphics And Image Processing 18; (1982); pp. 382-391. |
"A Theorem On Polygon Cutting With Applications" by Bernard Chazelle; 23.sup.rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science; 1982; pp. 339-349. |
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"Decomposing a Polygon into Simpler Components" by J.M. Keil; SIAM Journal of Comput. 14 (1985); pp. 799-817. |
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"The Art Gallery Theorem for Polygons with Holes" by F. Hoffman et al.; Proc. 32.sup.nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science; Publisher: IEEE Computer Science Press, Oct. 1991; pp. 39-48. |
"A Fast Convex Hull Algorithm" by Selim G. Akl et al.; Information Processing Letters, 7 (1970); pp. 219-222. |
"Triangulating a Simple Polygon" by Michael R. Garey et al.; Information Processing Letters, 7 (1978); pp. 175-179. |
"Another Efficient Algorithm for Convex Hulls in Two Dimensions" by A.M. Andrew; Information Processing Letters, 9 (1979); pp. 216-219. |
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"A Linear Algorithm for Finding the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon" by Duncan McCallum et al.; Information Processing Letters, 9 (1979); pp. 201-205. |
"Traditional Galleries Require Fewer Watchmen" by J. Kahn et al.; SIAM Journal of Algebraic and Discrete Methods, vol. 4, No. 2; 1983; pp. 194-206. |
"A Non-Hamiltonian, Nondegenerate Delaunay Triangulation" by M.B. Dillencourt; Information Processing Letters, 25 (1987); pp. 149-151. |
"Traveling Salesman Cycles are Not Always Subgraphs of Delaunay Triangulations or of Minimum Weight Triangulations" by M.B. Dillencourt; Information Processing Letters, 24 (1987); pp. 339-342. |