Method for producing a tool which can be used to create surface structures in the sub-mum range


  • Patent Application
  • 20040052946
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    October 14, 2003
    20 years ago
  • Date Published
    March 18, 2004
    20 years ago
The invention relates to a method for producing a tool, and a tool which can be used to create optically active surface structures in the sub-μm range. Said tool comprises a support surface to which surface structures are applied by depositing material, said surface structures being raised in relation to the support surface. The invention is characterised in that the support surface is in-directly bonded with a mask (2) in which openings (3) having diameters in the sub-μm range are provided or can be placed; the support surface and the mask are subjected to a coating process during which coating material is deposited onto the support surface via the openings (3) in the mask; the mask is removed from the support surface when a partial amount of the average height of the end structure pertaining to the surface structures is obtained; and the coating process is continued without a mask and with similar or different coating material.


[0001] 1. Field of the Invention

[0002] The present invention relates to a method for producing a tool which can be used to create optically active surface structures in the sub-μm range, having a support surface onto which relief surface structures are applied by means of the deposition of materials. Furthermore, a corresponding tool is described.

[0003] 2. Decription of the Prior Art

[0004] In many light-optical applications, reflections of light have a disturbing respectively energy-diminishing effect on technical and optical surfaces and interfaces. For example, the readability of displays is distinctly impaired by the reflection of external light sources. Furthermore, in the case of glazed solar cell modules, reflection losses occur on the cover thereby considerably reducing the solar cell's efficiency.

[0005] To decrease reflection respectively increase transmission, technically complicated single layer or multi-layer systems have hitherto been applied to the surfaces in order to antireflect them. These surface finishes are, however, not only expensive but also unsatisfactory, because their effect depends largely on the angle of incidence and the wavelength of the light impinging on the surfaces.

[0006] Most recent antireflecting methods pursue a different approach, notably to design the transition in the refractive index at the surface of each optical component and not as hitherto abruptly but rather continuously. In order to do this, each surface is “roughened” respectively structured in order to copy the moth-eye effect known from nature. In designing such type surface structures, the average lateral dimensions of each structure must be distinctly smaller than the wavelength of the incident light in order to prevent the light from scattering and the increased diffuse reflection accompanying it. Furthermore, for an effective reduction of reflection, it is necessary that the structures have an aspect relationship, i.e. the relationship between the vertical to the lateral dimensions of the surface structures, in the magnitude of 1 or higher.

[0007] The production of such type surface structures with suitably shaped tool surfaces using hot stamping or injection molding processes by, for example, heating an optical element for surface coating by means of hot stamping until above the glass temperature of the material of which it is composed and structuring it at its surface accordingly with a stamping tool bearing a negative image of the microstructuring. Such types of stamping tools with a microstructured stamp can be made of nickel using galvanic methods, in which periodic surface microstructures can be obtained using photolithographic techniques. Such types of periodic surface structures are very efficient in their optical effect and far superior to the prior art stochastically distributed microstructure surfaces. They, however, have the drawback that they are produced with nickel. However, such types of stamps, also called “master”, possess low high-temperature resistance due to the material they are made of, and can therefore only be utilized for shaping the surface of organic glasses, such as for example optical elements made of PMMA. Moreover, the lifetime of such nickel master tools is short as distinct wear can be observed with repeated use due to their material. Finally, the production method of periodic structures using photolithography has the disadvantage that open surfaces or aspherical surfaces, often needed in technology, cannot be structured.

[0008] Steel mill tools coated with a layer of mechanically resistant, high-temperature resistant, ceramic material are prior art for the aforedescribed tools for transferring periodic structures onto preferably optical surfaces. With the suited selection of layer deposition parameters, these layers fulfill basically the aforeset requirements with regard to the aspect relationship and the lateral dimensions of the microstructures but not with regard to the regular, periodic arrangement of the surface structures as is the case with the aforementioned nickel master stamps.

[0009] Due to the non-periodicity of the microstructures applicable in the layers of mechanically resistant ceramic materials, these surface structures are called stochastic surface structures. In these stochastic surface structures not only the lateral arrangement of the single elements of the structure in the mechanically resistant ceramic material are irregular, but the quite varied growth of the single elements of the structure can be observed. The presence of large structural elements within the microstructure surface, however, leads to an undesiderable increase in diffuse reflection and at the same time to a decrease in direct reflection when being formed. With reference to this see: A. Gombert, W. Glaubitt, K. Rose, J. Dreibholz, B. Bläisi, A. Heinzel, D. Sporn, W. Döll, V. Wittwer, “Subwavelength-Structured Antireflective Surfaces on Glass”, Thin Solid Films 351 (1999), No.1-2, pp. 73-78.

[0010] The article “Fabrication of a Micro-Patterned Diamond Film by Site-Selective Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition”, by Sakamoto et al., Thin Solid Films, Elsevier-Sequoia S. A. Lausanne, CH, vol. 334, No.1-2, 4 December 1998 (1998-12-04), pp. 161-164, ISSN:0040-6090, describes a method of selective coating of substrates with a diamond film. Such types of substrates provided with diamond film structures are used in promising applications in technology, such as for example in microelectronics for field effect transistors. In order to obtain selective diamond depositions with dimensions of the structures in the sub-gm range, a property of diamond is utilized that it deposits on a platinum layer with approximately a 104 greater affinity than, for example, on a SiO2 surface. If suited platinum structures are provided on a substrate surface, all that is needed is full-surface PVD coating of such a type of pre-structured SiO2 substrate with diamond, which only deposits significantly on the Pt-structured areas. The selective, diamond coated substrate yielded by this method meets microelectronic needs, but it cannot be used as a heat-resistant tool, in the sense described in the introduction, due to the purposely selective coating.


[0011] The object of the present invention is to further develop a method for producing a tool and to provide said tool which can be utilized for fabricating optically active surface structures in the sub-μm range and which has a support surface on which relief surface structures are applied over the support structure by means of material deposition that, on the one hand, prevents the drawbacks arising with the aforedescribed stochastic surface structures, i.e. undesirable high diffuse and direct reflection, and, on the other hand, nonetheless ensures utilizing the tool under high temperatures in order to be able to antireflect optical or technical surfaces made of not only organic materials but also of inorganic materials with it.

[0012] The solution to this object on which the present invention is based is set forth in claim 1 describing the invented method. The subject matter of claim 12 is an invented tool which like the invented method is further developed by the features of the subclaims. Moreover, the advantageous features that further improve the inventive idea are given in the description with reference to the accompanying drawings.

[0013] According to the present invention, a method for producing a tool is disclosed, which can be used to create optically active surface structures in the sub-μm range and which has a support surface formed or processed to a desired macroscopic contour on which relief surface structures are applied by means of material deposition over the support surface, is further developed in such a manner that the support surface is directly contacted with a mask which is provided or can be provided with openings with diameters in the sub-μm range. Then the support surface with the mask is subjected to a coating process in which the coating material is also deposited through the openings of the mask onto the support surface. Upon reaching a partial amount of an average height of an end structure of the desired surface structures, the mask is removed from the support structure and the coating procedure is then continued without the mask. The partial surface structures formed directly after removal of the mask are used as growth or crystallization seeds for the continued coating procedure by means of which material deposition and further crystal growth occurs preferably at the crystallization seeds but also between the surface structures. Thus coating material is deposited on the entire support surface.

[0014] A particularly favorable time to remove the mask from the support surface is reached when the developing elements of the surface structures have reached approximately 0.5% to 80% of their desired end height.

[0015] By dividing the coating procedure into two parts, single surface structure elements are obtained whose lateral structure dimensions diminish with increasing height of the structure due to the subsequent, preferred material deposition on the coating seeds. In this manner, column-like formations with diminishing diameters are formed as surface structures on the support surface. In this manner protrusions can be completely avoided so that transfer of the surface structure onto optical or technical surfaces is readily possible in a molding procedure.

[0016] The arrangement with which the individual surface structure elements are deposited on the support surface is determined by the arrangement of the openings in the mask. In the simplest case, a layer of conventional photoresist varnish applied uniformly onto the support surface serves as the mask material. With the aid of suited photolithographic exposure techniques, openings of any desired size and distribution can be exposed into the photosensitive varnish layer in dependence on the exposure patterns.

[0017] Another possible way to produce the desired mask provides for the use of an aqueous suspension in which the colloidal, bead-shaped particles are dispersed and which are applied to the support surface. After a drying process, the colloidal particles remaining on the support surface form the mask layer with the wide gaps between the particles corresponding to the openings through which material deposition forming the aforedescribed surface elements can occur. Further details for producing such a mask layer are given in the following sections of the description with reference to the accompanying drawings.

[0018] Especially suited as materials for forming the surface structure are the following elements: Ti, Al, Zr, Cr, Mo, Ni, W, Si B, and C as well as mixtures of elements of the just listed examples of elements. Furthermore, at least one of the layer-forming elements may be at least partially oxidized or nitrated.

[0019] Suited as materials for developing crystallization seeds in the first coating step are, in addition to the aforementioned elements, particularly also Ag, Au, Pd, Pt.

[0020] With the aid of such a coating, it is possible to produce a high-temperature resistant layer which can withstand even temperatures up to over 850° C. and permits molding of the surface structure on optical or technical surfaces made not only of organic, preferably, light-transparent plastics but, in particular, also composed of inorganic materials, such as glass.


[0021] The invention is made more apparent in the following using preferred embodiments with reference to the accompanying drawings by way of example without the intention of limiting the scope or spirit of the overall inventive idea.


to d show a schematic representation for producing surface structures on a support surface,

FIG. 2 shows a representation of surface structure elements on the support surface, and

FIG. 3 shows a cross section of a coated support surface bearing surface structure elements,


to c show the production of a mask of colloidal particles and their use as a mask for applying coating seeds.


[0026] The drawings of FIGS. 1a to d show on the left a lateral view and on the right a top view of the respective steps of the method. FIG. 1a depicts a lateral and a top view of the support of a tool, with a support surface 1 which is to be selectively coated. In FIG. 1b, a mask 2, which is provided with a multiplicity of openings 3 where the support surface 1 is surrounded free of the material of mask 2, is placed directly on the support surface 1. The mask material 2 can, for example, comprise a photoresist, which is removed locally and selectively at the sites of openings 3 after corresponding exposure and the subsequent etching process. Depending on the manner of exposure, the openings 3 form in a specific configuration within the mask 2. A top view of FIG. 1b shows an example of opening geometry and a corresponding configuration. The openings 3 represent dark areas on the support surface, the remaining areas are covered by the mask material 2, here white areas.

[0027] The mask 2 provided with openings 3 is then coated in a subsequent coating procedure in which particularly high-temperature resistant materials are deposited, preferably with the aid of a PVD process. In FIG. 1c, the mask 2 and the openings 3 are covered by a coating material 4, which deposits directly onto the support surface 1 particularly inside the openings 3. The coating of support surface 1 and the mask 2 can be interrupted as soon as the height of the coating inside the openings 3 reaches a level corresponding to approximately 0.5% to 80% of the average projected end structure height of the individual elements of the surface structure. When such a layer thickness is reached, mask 2 and the layer 4 are removed from support surface 1 with the aid of selective etching techniques. The material deposits 5 remain as single surface structure elements which have deposited directly on the support surface inside the openings 3, as FIG. 1d shows both in a lateral view and a top view. Then the coating process is continued and the surface structure elements 5 remaining on the support surface 1 after removal of the mask serve as coating seeds as shown in FIG. 2. In the further course of the coating process, the coating material is deposited on the entire support surface but deposited with preferred growth of the single structures in the region of the seeds.

[0028] The surface structures created with the aid of the aforedescribed method usually have, depending on the openings 3 inside the mask 2, 6 to 400 surface structure elements per μm2. Moreover, the single elements of the structure are usually spaced between 50 and 400 nm apart.

[0029] Especially good properties can be obtained if the surface structure has single surface structure elements whose respective size and shape can be divided into at least two different groups of surface structure elements. Fundamentally, the structure elements of one group are larger than those of the other group. Furthermore, the lateral spaces of the centers of the single structure elements are distributed approximately at least two characteristic, average distances M1 and M2. The following relationships have proven particularly advantageous for these two average distances: the value M1 should lie in a region between 50 nm and 180 nm, whereas the average distance M2 has values between 200 nm and 400 nm. Especially good results are yielded, for example, if M1=170 nm and M2=300 nm. Furthermore, it was discovered that the relationship of M2 and M1 should preferably be greater than 1.1 and smaller than 8, in particular 1.72.

FIG. 3 shows a cross section of a tool with a support surface 1, which can preferably be created out of a metallic material, in particular out of a steel or out of ceramic materials or out of silicon. A multiplicity of surface structure elements 5, which are shaped column-like and taper upward are deposited onto the support surface 1. Provided between the single surface structure elements 5 are material deposits also in different coating heights due to the continued coating procedure. The surface structure elements preferably have heights whose highest heights h.H. in relation to the respective surrounding lowest layer height differs by the factor 1.6 from the lowest surface structure elements n.H. in the layer. Furthermore, the single surface structure elements 5 preferably have structure heights H lying between 50 and 1000 nm.

FIG. 4 shows an alternative masking and coating method to the one described in FIG. 1. In this case, the masking of the support structure 1 occurs before the coating process by means of applying an aqueous suspension of colloidal particles 6. The suspension 6 is applied onto support surface 1 with the aid of conventional microtitter devices 7. The a drying process according to FIG. 4b occurs resulting in a densely packed two-dimensional arrangement of particles on the support surface. This is followed by the coating procedure 8 required for placing crystallization seeds. The colloidal particles 9 remaining on the support surface 1 cover the support surface in such a manner that gaps form between the immediately adjacent colloidal particles 9 corresponding to the aforedescribed openings 3. The size of the particles 9 determines the spacing as well as the size of the openings 3. Preferably, the particles 9 can be composed of polymer materials or inorganic materials, such as for example silicon oxide and usually have a diameter of 50 nm to 50 μm. FIG. 4c shows a coating pattern yielded after the colloidal particles have been coated and correspondingly removed from the support surface 1.

[0032] The colloidal particles 9 can be selected in such a manner that their sizes are distributed by an average value (with a monomode size distribution being reached) or by at least two concrete values (with a bimode distribution being reached).

[0033] The invented method permits producing novel tools for surface structuring technical respectively optical surfaces. These tools are, in particular, high-temperature resistant. Furthermore, the applied new, submicrostructured mechanically resistant layers, preferably on steel, have the following advantages: the suited selection of the material to-be-applied onto the support surface permits obtaining a high-temperature resistance that allows using such molding tools not only for organic glasses but also for inorganic glasses, for example silicate glass.

[0034] The coating procedure is not restricted to plane support surfaces. With the aid of the invented method practically any desired contour can be coated permitting, in particular producing antireflective, non-plane optical components, such as for example aspheres.

[0035] A special variant of the tool designed according to the invention provides structuring the support surface before it is subjected to the coating procedure in the aforedescribed manner. In this case, the support surface is provided with indentations partially or full-surface. At the surface, the diameter of these indentations lies in the range between 1 μm and 30 μm. The indentations reach with approximately the same dimensions into the interior of the support substrate in such a manner that an aspect relationship of approximately 1 is present. The indentations are evenly distributed over the support surface and border each other directly with their on- the-support-surface-lying peripheral edges.

[0036] If the preceding measures are met, based on the invented method, after fabrication, a tool is yielded with which technical surfaces can be produced which possess dirt-repelling and or oil-repelling properties.
1List of Reference Numbers1support surface2mask, mask material3openings4coating material5surfaces structure elements6colloidal suspension7pipette device8ion respectively particle flow in the PVD process9colloidal particles

  • 1. A method for producing a tool which can be used to create optically active surface structures in the sub-gm range, having a support surface onto which relief surface structures are applied over said support surface by means of material deposition, wherein said support surface is directly contacted with a mask in which openings with diameters in the sub-μm range are provided or can be provided, said support surface including said mask is subjected to a coating process in which the coating material deposits through said openings of said mask onto said support surface, and said mask is removed from said support surface when a partial amount of an average end structure height of said surface structures is reached and the coating procedure is then continued without said mask using the same coating materials or different coatings materials, which are deposited onto said entire support surface in such a manner that said coating material settles between said surface structures.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein said removal of said mask is carried out when approximately 0.5% to 80% of the average end structure height of said surface structures has been reached.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1 or 2, wherein said coating is carried out in such a manner that surface structures form whose lateral structure dimensions decrease with increasing distance from said support surface.
  • 4. The method according to one of the claims 1 to 3, wherein, in order to produce said openings inside said mask, said support surface is covered with a mask layer and said mask is perforated using photolithographic, electron beam or ion beam methods as well as a selective material removal method.
  • 5. The method according to claim 4, wherein the mask material is a photoresist layer or a photosensitive coating.
  • 6. The method according to one of the claims 1 to 3, wherein a suspension with colloidal, bead-shaped particles which form said mask on said support surface after a drying process is applied onto said support surface.
  • 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein said colloidal particles are composed of polymer materials or of an inorganic material and have a diameter in the 50 nm to 50 μm size range.
  • 8. The method according to one of the claims 1 to 7, wherein said mask is designed in such a manner that an areal distribution of said openings of 6 to 400 openings per 1 μm2 is provided.
  • 9. The method according to one of the claims 1 to 8, wherein said openings are spaced approximately between 50 and 400 nm apart.
  • 10. The method according to one of the claims 1 to 9, wherein said coating process is a PVD process in which at least one of the following elements is used as the coating material: Ti, Al, Zr, Cr, Mo, Ni, W, Si, B, C.
  • 11. The method according to claim 10, wherein for coating said mask and the directly accessible support surface, alternatively or in addition the elements Ag, Au, Pd, Pt are utilized for developing crystallization seeds.
  • 12. The method according to claim 10 or 11, wherein at least one of said elements utilized as said coating material in the continued coating process is at least partially oxidized or nitrated.
  • 13. A tool for surface structuring and fabrication of optically active surface structures in the sub-μm range, produced according to a method according to claims 1 to 12, having a support surface onto which relief surface structures are applied by means of material deposition over said support surface, wherein applied onto said support surface, which is designed, plane, or not plane, in particular curved, is a layer of high-temperature resistant material having relief surface structures over said support surface, said surface structures having dimensions in the sub-gm range having heights between 50 and 1000 nm and having distances apart between 50 and 400 nm.
  • 14. The tool according to claim 13, wherein said surface structures have practically the identical shape and size or possess discrete shapes and sizes.
  • 15. The tool according to claim 14, wherein said surface structures are dividable into at least two discrete shape and size groups the arrangement of which is subject to an order on said support surface.
  • 16. The tool according to claim 15, wherein the centers of said surface structures each have mutual lateral spacing distributed by at least two characteristic, average distances M1 and M2, with for M1 and M2 apply: M1=M2 or M2>M1, with 50 nm<M1<180 nm and 200 nm<M2<400 nm or with M1=170 nm and M2=300 nm or with 1.1<M2/M1<8 or with M2/M1=1.72.
  • 17. The tool according to one of the claims 13 to 16, wherein the magnitude of the greatest difference in height between the highest surface structure and the respective surrounding indentation is less than a factor 1.6 of the magnitude of the smallest difference in height between the smallest surface structure and the respective indentation surrounding it.
  • 18. The tool according to one of the claims 13 to 17, wherein the surface structures have different structural heights and elevations measured from the respective indentations surrounding them, which lie between 50 and 1000 nm.
  • 19. The tool according to one of the claims 13 to 18, wherein said support surface is made of metal, preferably steel or stainless steel, of ceramic materials, quartz glass or of silicon.
  • 20. The tool according to one of the claims 13 to 19, wherein the uncoated support surface is smooth or structured.
  • 21. The tool according to claim 20, wherein said structured uncoated support surface has indentations the diameter of which at said support surface and depth of which lies in the range from 1 μm to 30 μm.
  • 22. The tool according to claim 21, wherein said indentations have aspect relationships which lie in the order of magnitude of 1.
  • 23. Use of said tool according to one of the claims 13 to 22 as a stamping means for surface structuring optical or technical surfaces in order to obtain antireflective surfaces.
  • 24. Use according to claim 23, wherein said tool can be utilized at temperatures above 400° C.
  • 25. Use according to claim 23 or 24, wherein said to-be-antireflective optical or technical surfaces being composed of organic, preferably light-transparent plastics, or inorganic materials, such as glass.
  • 26. Use according to claim 23, wherein a tool whose support surface is prestructured according to claims 21 or 22 is utilized for fabricating dirt- repelling and/or oil-repelling technical surfaces.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
10039208.3 Aug 2000 DE
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/EP01/09232 8/9/2001 WO