Method for protecting a network from data packet overload


  • Patent Grant
  • 6189035
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, May 8, 1998
    26 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, February 13, 2001
    23 years ago
An internal network (16) is protected from being overloaded by an excessive number of data packets that originate from a source in an external network (10). In a preferred embodiment, data packet gate (20) receives each incoming data packet and determines whether it came from a trusted source. If it was not from a trusted source, and the number of data packets received recently from the same source exceeds a threshold, then data packets from that source are rejected. Preferably, when incoming data packets from all non-trusted sources exceed another threshold, additional data packets from all non-trusted sources are rejected.


This invention is directed to the processing of data packets that originate from an external network, such as the Internet, and are directed to users operating in an internal network.


If a large number of data packets is directed from an external network to users in an internal communication network, the internal network can become overloaded. This problem will be explained using the Internet as an example of an external network that is capable of sending an excessive number of data packets that can seriously hinder the operation of an internal network such as a radio data network or a paging network.

Users of the Internet are now able to send messages to individual radio receivers that operate in a radio network. The message starts at an Internet source, and is transmitted in the form of data packets to a radio network. The radio network transmits the received data packets to the addressee's radio receiver.

If an Internet source sends an excessive number of data packets to receivers in the radio network, the outbound channels of the radio network can become congested, and large bills can be run up for the addressed radio receivers. Such an attack on the radio network can be purposeful or inadvertent, such as by a sender of junk mail. In either event, the result is degraded service in the radio network, and large bills that are unlikely to be paid by unhappy recipients of the data packets.

A firewall between the Internet and the radio network is the traditional mechanism for protecting the radio network from an assault of the type described above. However, a conventional firewall also restricts arbitrary access by legitimate users. Moreover, some forms of such an attack, such as junk e-mail, can be successful, even through a firewall. Conventional packet filtering may protect the network, but it also can restrict access by legitimate users. Similar problems arise with other forms of external networks which are capable of sending large numbers of data packets to users in an internal network.


FIG. 1

illustrates a conventional communication system in which an external network, such as the Internet, transmits an excessive number of data packets to an internal network, resulting in an RF (Radio Frequency) overload in the case where the internal network is a radio data network;

FIG. 2

illustrates the use of a data packet gate, in the system of

FIG. 1

, for selectively limiting the number of data packets that pass through to the internal network in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 3

is a block diagram showing more detail of the data packet gate;

FIG. 4

is a flow chart illustrating how the data packet gate's packet processing preferably operates according to the invention; and

FIG. 5

is a flow chart illustrating how the data packet gate's cleanup process preferably operates.


Referring to

FIG. 1

, an external network


, such as the Internet, receives data packets from an external source


. The external source


is typically a personal computer, a computer server or other device capable of generating data packets. All such devices are sometimes referred to herein as packet sources.

The data packets (not shown) typically include at least a header and an information segment. The header includes information such as the source address, i.e., the address of the packet source (external source)


, the address of the destination, routing information, etc. The information segment includes all or part of a message that is to be sent to the intended destination.

As discussed above, the external source


may desire to send a large number of data packets to one or more addressees in another network. If the addressees are part of a radio data network, the outbound channels of the radio network could become congested and thereby seriously degrade network operation.


FIG. 1

, the data packets generated by the source


are sent via the Internet


and a communication link


to an internal network


such as a radio data network. The term “internal network”, as used herein, means a communication network that serves a number of users and transmits information without restriction from one user to another user; the internal network can also transmit information between its internal users and other networks that are separate from the internal network. Such other networks are referred to herein as “external networks” because they are part of the “outside world” as viewed from the perspective of the internal network



Data packets received by the internal network


are transmitted via a link


to an addressed user device


. In the case where the internal network is a radio data network, the user device may be a radio receiver that communicates with the internal network via an RF link. Other forms of user devices include modems, personal computers, and other devices that can communicate with the network


via a link


that may be RF, cable, or any other suitable form of communication link.

The conventional arrangement shown in

FIG. 1

can permit an RF overload to occur in the link


when an excessive number of data packets are received from the external network


. This problem is solved according to the invention by establishing a data packet gate



FIG. 2

) in the link


between the external network


and the internal network


, determining whether an incoming data packet is on a list of selected (trusted) sources, and, if not on the selected list, rejecting the data packet if the number of data packets from that source is greater than a threshold number. All data packets received from sources on the select list are passed through to the internal network. In this manner, the number of incoming data packets that are passed to the internal network is limited to a number which the internal network can handle without unduly degrading its operation. This mode of operation of the data packet gate


, and other features of its operation, are described more fully below.

Referring now to

FIG. 3

, the data packet gate


includes an input buffer


that receives data packets from the internal network


. After being buffered in a conventional manner, the data packets are passed through at


to a conventional output buffer


and, from there, transmitted to the external network


for distribution to the proper external source


. Thus, data packets that originate from the internal network


are transmitted to their destination in the external network without limitation or modification.

Data packets originating in the external network


are received by a conventional input buffer


and then subjected to an external packet process


that is described in detail below. Suffice it to say that the process


rejects selected incoming data packets to avoid congestion in the internal network. After processing, the data packets that are to be admitted to the internal network are applied to a conventional output buffer


. The buffered data packets are coupled to the input of the internal network


which distributes the packets to the proper user device


according to the destination address that is included in each data packet.

The data packet gate


also includes a source address table


, a total packet counter


, and a periodic timer


that starts a periodic cleanup process


. The functions of elements






are described below in connection with

FIGS. 4 and 5

. The processes




are preferably executed by a conventional microprocessor or computer that is programmed as shown by the flow charts of

FIGS. 4 and 5


FIG. 4

shows the process (indicated by reference numeral



FIG. 3

) that is applied to each data packet sent by an external network and received by the gate


. Some of the notation in

FIG. 4

is directed specifically to the Internet, but the substance of this process is applicable to the processing of data packets from any external network.

In the first step


, a determination is made as to whether the incoming data packet has an IP (Internet Protocol) address that is stored in the source address table




). The table


is a memory which stores the addresses of data packet sources, such as the addresses of the external sources


and the address of any originator of a data packet that is sent to the internal network


. Preferably, a source address is first stored in the table


on the first occasion of a data packet having been received from that particular source.

If the IP address has been previously stored in the table


, the process advances to step


to determine whether the IP address is on a selected list of trusted sources, i.e., a list of legitimate data packet sources that are not expected to flood the internal network with unwanted data packets, and which are permitted to send unlimited data packets to the internal network. That list may be stored in part of a memory that stores the source address table


or in a separate conventional memory.

If the received data packet is determined to be from a trusted source per step


, the program advances to step


where the packet is accepted for distribution to its addressed user


. This program is then exited at step


until the next data packet arrives from an external network, at which time the processing begins anew at step


for the next incoming data packet.

If the IP address of an incoming data packet is not found in the table




), the process advances to step


to determine whether the source address table


has room to receive another source address entry. If the table


does not have room for another entry, the data packet being processed is discarded at step


, and the program is exited at step



If the execution of step


found that the table


did have room for the entry of another source address, the process would proceed from step


to step


for entering the data packet's IP address into the source address table


. In the next step


, the received data packet is noted as being from a particular IP source and a flag is set to indicate that the particular IP source has sent a data packet to the internal network.

According to one aspect of the invention, a recent packet count is maintained for each IP source that sends data packets to the internal network during a most recent cycle, where a cycle is a time period of several minutes or hours during which the gate


receives incoming data packets. In the next step


, that recent packet count for the present IP source is incremented by one.

The present process also maintains a count representing the count of all data packets received. This count is maintained in the total packet counter




). If that total count exceeds a predetermined upper limit, then data packets from all non-trusted sources are rejected. This action protects the internal network from sophisticated forms of overload attack, as where a router or other device is modified to send large numbers of data packets having different source addresses.

Referring again to

FIG. 4

, step


causes the total packet count to be incremented by one. In the next step


, a determination is made as to whether the recent packet count (for this particular IP source) exceeds a predetermined threshold. If the answer is affirmative, the process advances to step


where the data packet is discarded, and then to step


to exit the program.

If the answer to step


is negative, the program proceeds to step


where a determination is made as to whether the total packet count (incremented in step


) exceeds its threshold. If the answer is negative, the packet is accepted (step


). Otherwise, the packet is discarded at step



The program shown in

FIG. 4

is executed for every data packet that is received by the gate


. Consequently, the source address table


tends to become full after a period of time, and the recent packet count (step


) will eventually reach its threshold. Therefore, the program shown in

FIG. 4

is preferably executed for a predetermined period of time (e.g. for a cycle of 15 minutes), after which a “clean-up” process is performed. This sequence repeats periodically, with a clean-up process following each cycle of execution of the data packet processing shown in FIG.



Referring now to

FIG. 5

, the illustrated flow chart shows the clean-up process that is executed for each source address that is stored in the source address table


. The process begins with step


to determine whether the source address being examined is the address of a trusted source. If the answer is affirmative, this process is finished (step


) and no action is taken. For the next source address in the table


, the process starts again at step


. If this next source address is not a trusted source, the next step


asks whether a data packet was received from this particular source during the last cycle. If the answer is negative, this source address is deleted from the source address table


and its position in memory is released to be made available for storing a new source address (step


) and the process is discontinued per step



Returning to step


, if a data packet from the source address being examined was received during the last cycle, then the process proceeds to step


. In this step, the recent packet count for the source address is divided by 2. In the next step


, a determination is made as to whether the halved recent packet count is less than a release threshold that represents a relatively low count that is characteristic of little activity during the last cycle. If the answer is affirmative, the source address is deleted and its position made available for storing a different source address during the next cycle. If the answer is negative, the source address is maintained as an entry in the table


and its packet received flag is cleared at step


. (This flag was set in step


, FIG.


and tested in step


, FIG.



Thus, each source address that was relatively active during the last cycle maintains its entry in the source address table


, and its recent packet count is halved to allow additional data packets to be received during the next cycle without exceeding the threshold in step




). Source addresses that were totally inactive or insufficiently active to meet the release threshold are removed from the source address table


to make room for other source addresses that become active during subsequent cycles.

Referring back to step


, it is not critical that a source's recent packet count be divided by 2. It could be divided by any number N, or otherwise reduced by a predetermined factor.

The above-described method provides a safeguard which prevents accidental or intentional flooding of an internal network by an external network transmitting an excessive number of data packets to the internal network. This technique is particularly important for protecting RF communication networks, such as radio data networks and paging networks, from a data packet assault from an IP source using the Internet, because the outbound channels of these networks can easily become congested. In the case of protecting a paging network, the data packet gate may be situated in a paging terminal. The packet gate may also be a stand-alone device or situated in other equipment such as a web proxy or firewall.

Although the invention has been described in terms of a preferred embodiment, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that various alterations and modifications may be made without departing from the invention. Accordingly, it is intended that all such alterations and modifications be considered as within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.

  • 1. In a communication system having an internal network which receives, via a communication link, data packets from packet sources in an external network for further transmission to users in the internal network, a method for protecting the users from receiving an excessive number of data packets originating from the packet sources, comprising:a) establishing a data packet gate in the communication link and, at the data packet gate; b) receiving a data packet and identifying its packet source; c) incrementing a packet count for the identified packet source; d) rejecting the data packet if the packet count exceeds a threshold; and e) passing the data packet to the internal network if the packet count is below the threshold, wherein a data packet includes a source address and further including establishing an address table that stores source addresses, and comparing the source address of a received data packet to the source addresses stored in the address table, and wherein if the source address of a received data packet does not match an address stored in the address table, and if the address table does not have room to accept another source address, then the received data packet is rejected; and wherein if the source address of a received data packet does not match an address stored in the address table, and if the address table has room to accept another source address, then the source address of the received data packet is stored in the address table.
  • 2. In a communication system having an internal network which receives, via a communication link, data packets from racket sources in an external network for further transmission to users in the internal network, a method for protecting the users from receiving an excessive number of data packets originating from the packet sources, comprising:a) establishing a data packet gate in the communication link and, at the data packet gate; b) receiving a data packet and identifying its packet source; c) incrementing a packet count for the identified packet source; d) rejecting the data packet if the packet count exceeds a threshold; e) passing the data packet to the internal network if the packet count is below the threshold, wherein the packet count for an identified packet source is incremented as data packets are received during predetermined time cycles, and between predetermined time cycles each packet count is reduced by a predetermined factor, and f) establishing an address table that stores source addresses from which data packets have been received, and wherein if a reduced packet count for a source address is below a release threshold, the source address is removed from the address table.
  • 3. In a system having a communication network which receives, via a communication link, data packets from Internet sources for further transmission to receivers within the communication network, a method for protecting the receivers from receiving an excessive number of data packets originating from the Internet sources, comprising:a) establishing a data packet gate in the communication link and, at the data packet gate; b) receiving a data packet having an Internet source address; c) incrementing a first packet count associated with the Internet source address; d) incrementing a second packet count representing a total count of data packets received from at least some Internet source addresses; and e) rejecting the data packet if either the first packet count exceeds a first threshold, or the second packet count exceeds a second threshold, wherein the packet count for each identified packet source is incremented as data packets are received during predetermined time cycles, and between predetermined time cycles each packet count is reduced by a predetermined factor; and f) establishing an address table that stores addresses from which data packets have been received, and wherein if a reduced packet count for a source address is below a release threshold, the source address is removed from the address table.
US Referenced Citations (2)
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5835726 Shwed et al. Nov 1998
5914936 Hatono et al. Jun 1999