The present invention relates to a novel method of using SPR technology to quantitatively measure the concentrations of a group of cardiac biochemical markers such as CK-MB, troponins, myoglobin, FABP, GPBB, BNP and MPO, etc., which can be used for the early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and myocardial infarction.
It has been recognized that it would be advantageous to develop a label-free and high-throughput technique to simultaneously detect the concentrations of multiple cardiac biochemical markers in a serum sample. The METHOD FOR QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENT OF CARDIAC BIOCHEMICL MARKERS relates to a novel method of using SPR technology to quantitatively measure the concentrations of a group of cardiac biochemical markers such as CK-MB, troponins, myoglobin, FABP, GPBB, BNP and MPO, etc., which can be used for the early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and myocardial infarction. The METHOD FOR QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENT OF CARDIAC BIOCHEMICL MARKERS provides an efficient formula to make a mixed SAM in and a method of using thereof for the immobilization of relevant antibodies in an SPR system for the quantitative evaluation of a group of cardiac biochemical markers in a serum sample
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology has been employed for quantitative and qualitative analysis in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, physics and engineering. SPR technology has become a leading technology in the field of direct real-time observation of biomolecular interactions.
SPR technology is highly sensitive to changes that occur at the interface between a metal and a dielectric medium (e.g., water, air, etc). In general, a high-throughput SPR instrument consists of an auto-sampling robot, a high resolution CCD (charge-coupled device) camera, and gold or silver-coated glass slide chips each with more than 4 array cells embedded in a plastic support platform.
SPR technology exploits surface plasmons (special electromagnetic waves) that can be excited at certain metal interfaces, most notably silver and gold. When incident light is coupled with the metal interface at angles greater than the critical angle, the reflected light exhibits a sharp attenuation (SPR minimum) in reflectivity owing to the resonant transfer of energy from the incident light to a surface plasmon. The incident angle (or wavelength) at which the resonance occurs is highly dependent upon the refractive index in the immediate vicinity of the metal surface. Binding of biomolecules at the surface changes the local refractive index and results in a shift of the SPR minimum. By monitoring changes in the SPR signal, it is possible to measure binding activities at the surface in real time. Traditional SPR spectroscopy sensors, which measure the entire SPR curve as a function of angle or wavelength, have been widely used, but offer limited throughput. The high-throughput capability of a high-throughput SPR instrument is largely due to its imaging system. The development of SPR imaging allows for the simultaneous measurement of thousands of biomolecule interactions.
Typically, a SPR imaging apparatus consists of a coherent p-polarized light source expanded with a beam expander and consequently reflected from a SPR active medium to a detector. A CCD camera collects the reflected light intensity in an image. SPR imaging measurements are performed at a fixed angle of incidence that falls within a linear region of the SPR dip; changes in light intensity are proportional to the changes in the refractive index caused by binding of biomolecules to the surface. As a result, gray-level intensity correlates with the amount of material bound to the sensing region. In addition, one of the factors determining the sensitivity of a SPR imaging system is the intensity of the light source. The signal strength from the metal surface is linearly proportional to the incoming light strength, so a laser light source is preferred over light-emitting diode and halogen lamps.
The SPR instrument is an optical biosensor that measures binding events of biomolecules at a metal surface by detecting changes in the local refractive index. The depth probed at the metal-aqueous interface is typically 200 nm, making SPR a surface-sensitive technique ideal for studying interactions between immobilized biomolecules and a solution-phase analyte. SPR technology offers several advantages over conventional techniques, such as fluorescence or ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) based approaches. First, because SPR measurements are based on refractive index changes, detection of an analyte is label free and direct. The analyte does not require any special characteristics or labels (radioactive or fluorescent) and can be detected directly, without the need for multistep detection protocols. Secondly, the measurements can be performed in real time, allowing the user to collect kinetic data, as well as thermodynamic data. Lastly, SPR is a versatile technique, capable of detecting analytes over a wide range of molecular weights and binding affinities. Therefore, SPR technology is a powerful tool for studying biomolecule interactions. So far, in research settings, SPR based techniques have been used to investigate protein-peptide interactions, cellular ligation, protein-DNA interactions, and DNA hybridization. However, SPR based approaches have not yet been explored in clinical medicine, especially in clinical laboratory medicine.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the leading cause of death in most of the industrialized countries. Myocardial infarction (MI) as a pathologic concept was recognized at the beginning of the 20th century. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the definition of acute MI includes the presence of two of the following three criteria: 1) characteristic chest pain, usually of more than 30 minutes; 2) diagnostic electrocardiogram (ECG) changes; and 3) a rise and subsequent fall of serial levels of cardiac markers. Effective intervention in acute MI is undoubtedly dependent upon early diagnosis. In cases of massive cardiac injury, the above criteria will be met easily. However, in the event of occlusion of small coronary branches or extensive collateral circulation to the ischaemic area, the typical clinical or ECG findings may not be present.
According to the criteria for acute MI laid by the WHO, cardiac markers can facilitate the diagnosis of MI. Biochemical markers have long been the cornerstone of diagnosis and continue to play an important role, especially in the group of patients with low to medium risks. The use of biochemical markers to diagnose acute MI can be dated back to 1954 when aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was first used, which subsequently stimulated a number of investigations on different compounds. Creatine phosphokinase (CK) replaced AST in late 1960's and Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was started to be used as a late marker in 1970's. Since the early 1980's, the more specific CK isoenzyme (CK-MB) has become the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of acute MI. For more than 15 years cardiac form of troponin I has been known as a reliable marker of cardiac tissue injury. It is considered to be more sensitive and significantly more specific in diagnosis of MI than the golden markers of last decades, including CK-MB, myoglobin, and LDH isoenzymes.
There are several criteria for the selection of an ideal cardiac marker. For example, the ideal cardiac marker should: 1) have sufficient specificity for the diagnosis of myocardial damage, in the presence of skeletal muscle injury; 2) be highly sensitive and capable of detecting even mild myocardial damage; 3) appear in quantities that are in direct proportion to the extent of the injury; 4) be absent or present only in trace amounts, in the circulation, under physiological condition, and have the possibility to be detected as abnormal with even minimal elevation in their levels; 5) be technically easy to measure and should not be very expensive. Currently none of the available markers meet all these criteria. However, a combination of the following markers can be helpful for the diagnosis of MI.
CK-MB: CK has three isoforms: BB, MB and MM. The activity of CK is dependent on the muscle mass. CK-MM is predominant in both heart and skeletal muscle but CK-MB is more specific for the myocardium. The specificity of CK-MB is enhanced by the calculation of CK-MB to CK-ratio (CK index). The tissue CK-MB (MB2 isoform) is first released into the circulation after myocardial injury, and serum CK-MB (MB1 isoform) is formed as a product of CK-MB2, which results from the action of the serum enzyme carboxypeptidase. The proteolytic action of carboxypeptidase removes the terminal positively charged lysine to produce a more negatively charged CK-MB. The ratio of MB2 to MB1>1.5 is indicative of myocardial cell damage. The MB2 and MB2/MB1 ratio increase within 2 hours after the onset of chest pain, and peaks by 4-6 hours, but the sensitivity of the ratio increase with the time interval passed between the onsets of symptoms. The sensitivity ranges 8% at 2 hours, 56% at 4 hours and up to 96% at 6 hours. However, many false positive results have been observed in patients with urinary tract infections, cholecystitis, pulmonary oedema, congestive heart failure, urosepsis and many types of muscle diseases. Although skeletal muscle damage may result in the increase of MB2/MB1 ratio, the CK-MB index should be less than 4. MB isoforms have better sensitivity and specificity within 6 hours of infarct. Furthermore, increased MB2/MB1 ratio has been suggested to be associated with acute rejection in cardiac transplant patients, and also the ratio increased before histological changes of rejection has been seen on biopsy.
Troponin: the troponin complex regulates the calcium-dependent interaction of myosin with actin in muscle contraction. It consists of three subunits, troponin T (TnT), troponin I (TnI), and troponin C (TnC), which are located on the thin filament of the contracile apparatus. TnT anchors the troponin complex to tropomyosin, TnC binds calcium ions and initiates the contractile response, and TnI inhibits actin-myosin cross-linking. Separate genes code for the cardiac muscle, fast skeletal muscle and slow skeletal muscle isoforms of TnT and TnI. Thus, cardiac TnT and TnI have unique amino acid sequences that bind to specific monoclonal antibodies. On the other hand, identical TnC is expressed in cardiac and slow skeletal muscle in addition to a divergent fast skeletal muscle isoform, which prevents its use in the detection of myocardial injury. The regulatory troponin complex does not exist in smooth muscle. TnT is the tropomyosin binding subunit located on the thin myofilament of the contractile apparatus. In most patients, TnT release is biphasic. There are certain reports states that TnT has higher sensitivity and negative predictive value in detecting MI than conventionally measured cardiac enzymes. In contrast to TnI, TnT is not fully cardiac specific because it is expressed in regenerating muscle as well as in normal skeletal muscle and there is no evidence of myocardial involvement, and in patients with polymyositis. TnT is also elevated in confirmed myocarditis, pericarditis and heart contusion following blunt heart trauma. Moreover, spurious rises in TnT concentrations have been reported in patients with diverse underlying clinical conditions, such as polymyositis, rhabdomyolysis, chronic muscle disease, and renal failure.
Traditionally, TnT is detected by a specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method using two monoclonal antibodies for the detection of cardiac TnT in serum. In the ‘first-generation’ of TnT assay only the capture antibody is completely cardiac-specific. The detection antibody is only 78% cardiac-specific. This assay has about 1-2% cross-reactivity with skeletal muscle TnT. The cross-reactivity is found to be immunologic and resulting from unspecific absorption of purified skeletal TnT to the test tubes. The unspecific signal-antibody then detects these molecules. Thus, the ‘first-generation’ test could give false-positive results also in patients with severe skeletal muscle injury. The first assay of ‘premarket generation’ had a cut-off value as high as 0.5 μg/l. The cut-off value for the actual ‘first-generation’ TnT assay was 0.2 μg/l in the earliest studies and 0.1 μg/l in subsequent studies.
TnI is a smaller protein with molecular weight of 22.5 kDa. High TnI concentrations persist for at least 5 days, despite its biological half-life of 120 minutes, reflecting a continuing release of this protein from disintegrating myofilaments. Cardiac TnI is present in the circulation in three forms: free, as a TnI-TnC complex, and as a TnT-TnI-TnC complex. Actually, the predominant part of TnI circulates in the form of a complex. Furthermore; these three forms circulate in different degrees of proteolytic degradation. It appears that the amino terminal region of cardiac TnI molecule is more stable than the carboxyterminal region. These findings are important in explaining the wide variation of values measured with different TnI assays. Some assays have also been reported to be interfered by rheumatoid factor and heterophilic antibodies, which may lead to false increase of TnI. Human studies have demonstrated the absence of elevated levels of TnI in a variety of clinical conditions such as after endurance exercises, skeletal muscle injury, rhabdomyolysis, chronic myopathy, cocaine induced chest pain, hypothyroidism, non-cardiac surgery, and chronic renal failure.
Myoglobin: Myoglobin is a 17.8 kDa protein present in the cytosol of skeletal and cardiac muscles but not smooth muscles. Because of its small size, myoglobin is rapidly released from the areas of ischaemic injury. It is rapidly removed from circulation, filtered through the glomerular membrane of kidney, and excreted in the urine. The early rise of myoglobin makes it a marker for early detection of acute MI. However, myoglobin is also released in other disease states, including post open-heart surgery, skeletal muscle injury, muscular dystrophy, renal failure, shock and trauma. Because of its low specificity, proper utilization of this cardiac marker should include the establishment of reference ranges with use of serial determinations on serum samples. The sensitivity and specificity is 90.1% and 74% respectively. If the repeat myoglobin level doubles within 1 to 2 hours after initial value, it is highly specific for acute MI. However, consistency of sensitivity and specificity is lacking due to several factors. The lack of specificity of myoglobin hampers its utility in the diagnosis of acute MI. Carbonic anhydrase isoenzyme III (CAIII), a skeletal muscle specific protein, might be able to improve the specificity of myoglobin. CAIII is found to be present in skeletal muscle but not in cardiac muscle. By measuring the ratio of myoglobin to CAIII, the source of myoglobin may be ascertained; myoglobin is increased in MI patients, whereas CAIII is not altered following MI. The use of the ratio can increase the specificity of myoglobin in the diagnosis of acute MI.
Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (FABP): FABP has a role in the uptake, transport, and metabolism of fatty acids within cells. Heart FABP is a cytoplasmic form of this protein that has been studied for its potential as a new marker of acute MI. FABP resembles myoglobin with respect to molecular weight (15 kDa), serum concentration changes and appearance in blood, but has a slightly higher specificity. FABP is a more sensitive and specific marker than Myoglobin for early diagnosis of acute MI, within 6 hours, particularly within 3 hours, after the onset of chest pain. FABP is a more suitable marker than CK-MB or myoglobin for early assessment of postoperative myocardial infarction. FABP is useful both in early diagnosis of acute MI, and in discrimination of acute MI from skeletal injury. However, one potential drawback of FABP as a cardiac marker is that it is not specific to the heart, being found as well as in high levels in skeletal muscle and the kidneys (and to a lesser extent in other tissues).
Glycogen Phosphorylase (GPBB): Glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB (GPBB, 96 kDa) is the predominant isoenzyme in human myocardium. GPBB is involved in the breakdown of glycogen. It is hypothesized that the release of GPBB into the plasma may be due to the increased glycogenolysis during an acute MI. GPBB is released early after the onset of acute MI and can be detected by immunoassays. Increased levels of GPBB can be detected in the serum approximately one to four hours after the onset of pain, earlier than current cardiac markers such as CK-MB, myoglobin, and troponin T or troponin I are noted. Thus, use of GPBB as a cardiac marker offers the potential of increased sensitivity combined with specificity for cardiac muscle damage.
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP): BNP was first isolated from pig brain in 1988, and later from human heart. BNP is synthesized and stored in atrial and ventricular myocytes, although plasma BNP originates mainly from the left ventricle. The release of BNP from ventricular myocytes is a result of myocyte stretch, and the effect of BNP release is to increase the glomerular filtration rate and inhibit sodium reabsorption, causing natriuresis and diuresis. Other physiological effects include the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, dilating both arteries and veins, leading to a reduction in arterial pressure and in ventricular preload; the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis is also inhibited. The plasma BNP concentration is raised when there is intravascular volume overload, increased central venous pressure and left ventricular dysfunction. The plasma concentration is related to the magnitude of the atrial or ventricular overload.
Plasma BNP is of value in ruling out heart failure: a normal plasma BNP concentration effectively excludes left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Plasma BNP is also increased in conditions associated with diastolic dysfunction, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis and restrictive cardiomyopathy. Disorders associated with right ventricular dysfunction, such as primary pulmonary hypertension, corpulmonale and pulmonary embolism, are also associated with increased plasma BNP concentration.
Myeloperoxidase (MPO): MPO is a haem-containing enzyme, abundant in polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Infiltration by these leukocytes is seen in the damaged atherosclerotic plaques associated with acute coronary syndromes. Leukocyte activation, seen in the plaques, is associated with the release of MPO, leading to the formation of oxygen free radicals, promoting an inflammatory response. Serum MPO has been shown to be an independent cardiovascular risk factor for patients with chest pain but with a negative serum TnT (i.e. patients with no evidence of myocardial necrosis on presentation). It may be that MPO is not only a marker, but also a direct contributor to the inflammatory process.
Combined detection: Simultaneous detection of a combination of cardiac biochemical markers (such as CK-MB, troponins, myoglobin, FABP, GPBB, BNP and MPO, etc) can be used for the early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and myocardial infarction. Both the sensitivity and specificity of the combined detection of these cardiac biochemical markers are significantly increased. Combined detection of various cardiac biochemical markers in a serum sample is valuable for early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and myocardial infarction. Traditionally, these cardiac biochemical markers are detected by using fluorescent label-based techniques that may be procedure-tedious and less accurate in quantification. In addition, fluorescent label-based techniques cannot detect all the markers simultaneously. SPR technology has the ability of providing unlabel, high-throughput, and on-line parallel analysis. The present invention provides a method of using SPR technology to detect the levels of these cardiac biochemical markers simultaneously in a serum sample for early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and myocardial infarction.
Choi S H, Lee J W, Sim S J. Enhanced performance of a surface plasmon resonance immunosensor for detecting Ab-GAD antibody based on the modified self-assembled monolayers. Biosens Bioelectron. 2005 Aug. 15; 21(2):378-83.
Before the present method of using SPR technology to quantitatively measure the concentrations of different cardiac biochemical markers in a serum sample is disclosed and described, it is to be understood that this invention is not limited to the particular configurations, process steps, and materials disclosed herein as such configurations, process steps, and materials may vary somewhat. It is also to be understood that the terminology employed herein is used for the purpose of describing particular embodiments only and is not intended to be limiting since the scope of the present invention will be limited only by the appended claims and equivalents thereof.
It must be noted that, as used in this specification and the appended claims, the singular forms “a,” “an,” and “the” include plural referents unless the context clearly dictates otherwise. Thus, for example, reference “a cardiac biochemical marker” includes reference to two or more such cardiac biochemical markers.
In describing and claiming the present invention, the following terminology will be used in accordance with the definitions set out below.
“Proteins” and “peptides” are well-known terms in the art, and are not precisely defined in the art in terms of the number of amino acids that each includes. As used herein, these terms are given their ordinary meaning in the art. Generally, peptides are amino acid sequences of less than about 100 amino acids in length, but can include sequences of up to 300 amino acids. Proteins generally are considered to be molecules of at least 100 amino acids.
As used herein, a “metal binding tag” refers to a group of molecules that can become fastened to a metal that is coordinated by a chelate. Suitable groups of such molecules include amino acid sequences including, but not limited to, histidines and cysteines (“polyamino acid tags”). Metal binding tags include histidine tags, defined below.
“Signaling entity” means an entity that is capable of indicating its existence in a particular sample or at a particular location. Signaling entities of the invention can be those that are identifiable by the unaided human eye, those that may be invisible in isolation but may be detectable by the unaided human eye if in sufficient quantity (e.g., colloid particles), entities that absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation at a level or within a wavelength range such that they can be readily determined visibly (unaided or with a microscope including an electron microscope or the like), or spectroscopically, entities that can be determined electronically or electrochemically, such as redox-active molecules exhibiting a characteristic oxidation/reduction pattern upon exposure to appropriate activation energy (“electronic signaling entities”), or the like. Examples include dyes, pigments, electroactive molecules such as redox-active molecules, fluorescent moieties (including, by definition, phosphorescent moieties), up-regulating phosphors, chemiluminescent entities, electrochemiluminescent entities, or enzyme-linked signaling moieties including horse radish peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase.
“Precursors of signaling entities” are entities that by themselves may not have signaling capability but, upon chemical, electrochemical, electrical, magnetic, or physical interaction with another species, become signaling entities. An example includes a chromophore having the ability to emit radiation within a particular, detectable wavelength only upon chemical interaction with another molecule. Precursors of signaling entities are distinguishable from, but are included within the definition of, “signaling entities” as used herein.
As used herein, “fastened to or adapted to be fastened”, in the context of a species relative to another species or to a surface of an article, means that the species is chemically or biochemically linked via covalent attachment, attachment via specific biological binding (e.g., biotin/streptavidin), coordinative bonding such as chelate/metal binding, or the like. For example, “fastened” in this context includes multiple chemical linkages, multiple chemical/biological linkages, etc., including, but not limited to, a binding species such as a peptide synthesized on a polystyrene bead, a binding species specifically biologically coupled to an antibody which is bound to a protein such as protein A, which is covalently attached to a bead, a binding species that forms a part (via genetic engineering) of a molecule such as GST or Phage, which in turn is specifically biologically bound to a binding partner covalently fastened to a surface (e.g., glutathione in the case of GST), etc. As another example, a moiety covalently linked to a thiol is adapted to be fastened to a gold surface since thiols bind gold covalently. Similarly, a species carrying a metal binding tag is adapted to be fastened to a surface that carries a molecule covalently attached to the surface (such as thiol/gold binding) and which molecule also presents a chelate coordinating a metal. A species also is adapted to be fastened to a surface if that surface carries a particular nucleotide sequence, and the species includes a complementary nucleotide sequence.
“Covalently fastened” means fastened via nothing other than by one or more covalent bonds. E.g. a species that is covalently coupled, via EDC/NHS chemistry, to a carboxylate-presenting alkyl thiol which is in turn fastened to a gold surface, is covalently fastened to that surface.
“Specifically fastened (or bound)” or “adapted to be specifically fastened (or bound)” means a species is chemically or biochemically linked to another specimen or to a surface as described above with respect to the definition of “fastened to or adapted to be fastened”, but excluding all non-specific binding.
“Non-specific binding”, as used herein, is given its ordinary meaning in the field of biochemistry.
As used herein, a component that is “immobilized relative to” another component either is fastened to the other component or is indirectly fastened to the other component, e.g., by being fastened to a third component to which the other component also is fastened, or otherwise is translationally associated with the other component. For example, a signaling entity is immobilized with respect to a binding species if the signaling entity is fastened to the binding species, is fastened to a colloid particle to which the binding species is fastened, is fastened to a dendrimer or polymer to which the binding species is fastened, etc. A colloid particle is immobilized relative to another colloid particle if a species fastened to the surface of the first colloid particle attaches to an entity, and a species on the surface of the second colloid particle attaches to the same entity, where the entity can be a single entity, a complex entity of multiple species, a cell, another particle, etc.
The term “sample” refers to any medium suspected of containing an analyte, such as a binding partner, the presence or quantity of which is desirably determined. The sample can be a biological sample such as a cell, cell lysate, tissue, serum, blood or other fluid from a biological source, a biochemical sample such as products from a cDNA library, an environmental sample such as a soil extract, or any other medium, biological or non-biological, including synthetic material, that can advantageously be evaluated in accordance with the invention.
A “sample suspected of containing” a particular component means a sample with respect to which the content of the component is unknown. The sample may be unknown to contain the particular component, or may be known to contain the particular component but in an unknown quantity.
As used herein, a “metal binding tag” refers to a group of molecules that can become fastened to a metal that is coordinated by a chelate. Suitable groups of such molecules include amino acid sequences, typically from about 2 to about 10 amino acid residues. These include, but are not limited to, histidines and cysteines (“polyamino acid tags”). Such binding tags, when they include histidine, can be referred to as a “poly-histidine tract” or “histidine tag” or “HIS-tag”, and can be present at either the amino- or carboxy-terminus, or at any exposed region of a peptide or protein or nucleic acid. A poly-histidine tract of six to ten residues is preferred for use in the invention. The poly-histidine tract is also defined functionally as being the number of consecutive histidine residues added to a protein of interest which allows for the affinity purification of the resulting protein on a metal chelate column, or the identification of a protein terminus through interaction with another molecule (e.g. an antibody reactive with the HIS-tag).
A “moiety that can coordinate a metal”, as used herein, means any molecule that can occupy at least two coordination sites on a metal atom, such as a metal binding tag or a chelate.
“Affinity tag” is given its ordinary meaning in the art. Affinity tags include, for example, metal binding tags, GST (in GST/glutathione binding clip), and streptavidin (in biotin/streptavidin binding). At various locations herein specific affinity tags are described in connection with binding interactions. It is to be understood that the invention involves, in any embodiment employing an affinity tag, a series of individual embodiments each involving selection of any of the affinity tags described herein.
The term “self-assembled monolayer” (SAM) refers to a relatively ordered assembly of molecules spontaneously chemisorbed on a surface, in which the molecules are oriented approximately parallel to each other and roughly perpendicular to the surface. Each of the molecules includes a functional group that adheres to the surface, and a portion that interacts with neighboring molecules in the monolayer to form the relatively ordered array. See Laibinis. P. E.; Hickman. J.: Wrighton. M. S.: Whitesides, G. M. Science 245, 845 (1989). Bain. C.; Evall. J.: Whitesides. G. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 7155-7164 (1989), Bain, C.; Whitesides, G. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 7164-7175 (1989), each of which is incorporated herein by reference. The SAM can be made up completely of SAM-forming species that form close-packed SAMs at surfaces, or these species in combination with molecular wires or other species able to promote electronic communication through the SAM (including defect-promoting species able to participate in a SAM), or other species able to participate in a SAM, and any combination of these. Preferably, all of the species that participate in the SAM include a functionality that binds, optionally covalently, to the surface, such as a thiol which will bind covalently to a gold surface. A self-assembled monolayer on a surface, in accordance with the invention, can be comprised of a mixture of species (e.g. thiol species when gold is the surface) that can present (expose) essentially any chemical or biological functionality. For example, they can include tri-ethylene glycol-terminated species (e.g. tri-ethylene glycol-terminated thiols) to resist non-specific adsorption, and other species (e.g. thiols) terminating in a binding partner of an affinity tag, e.g. terminating in a chelate that can coordinate a metal such as nitrilotriacetic acid which, when in complex with nickel atoms, captures a metal binding tagged-species such as a histidine-tagged binding species.
“Molecular wires” as used herein, means wires that enhance the ability of a fluid encountering a SAM-coated electrode to communicate electrically with the electrode. This includes conductive molecules or, as mentioned above and exemplified more fully below, molecules that can cause defects in the SAM allowing communication with the electrode. A non-limiting list of additional molecular wires includes 2-mercaptopyridine, 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, dithiothreitol, 1,2-benzenedithiol, 1,2-benzenedimethanethiol, benzene-ethanethiol, and 2-mercaptoethylether. Conductivity of a monolayer can also be enhanced by the addition of molecules that promote conductivity in the plane of the electrode. Conducting SAMs can be composed of, but are not limited to: 1) poly (ethynylphenyl) chains terminated with a sulfur; 2) an alkyl thiol terminated with a benzene ring; 3) an alkyl thiol terminated with a DNA base; 4) any sulfur terminated species that packs poorly into a monolayer; 5) all of the above plus or minus alkyl thiol spacer molecules terminated with either ethylene glycol units or methyl groups to inhibit non specific adsorption. Thiols are described because of their affinity for gold in ready formation of a SAM. Other molecules can be substituted for thiols as known in the art from U.S. Pat. No. 5,620,820, and other references. Molecular wires typically, because of their bulk or other conformation, create defects in an otherwise relatively tightly-packed SAM to prevent the SAM from tightly sealing the surface against fluids to which it is exposed. The molecular wire causes disruption of the tightly-packed self-assembled structure, thereby defining defects that allow fluid to which the surface is exposed to communicate electrically with the surface. In this context, the fluid communicates electrically with the surface by contacting the surface or coming in close enough proximity to the surface that electronic communication via tunneling or the like can occur.
The term “biological binding” refers to the interaction between a corresponding pair of molecules that exhibit mutual affinity or binding capacity, typically specific or non-specific binding or interaction, including biochemical, physiological, and/or pharmaceutical interactions. Biological binding defines a type of interaction that occurs between pairs of molecules including proteins, nucleic acids, glycoproteins, carbohydrates, hormones and the like. Specific examples include antibody/antigen, antibody/hapten, enzyme/substrate, enzyme/inhibitor, enzyme/cofactor, binding protein/substrate, carrier protein/substrate, lectin/carbohydrate, receptor/hormone, receptor/effector, complementary strands of nucleic acid, protein/nucleic acid repressor/inducer, ligand/cell surface receptor, virus/ligand, etc.
The term “binding” or “bound” refers to the interaction between a corresponding pair of molecules that exhibit mutual affinity or binding capacity, typically specific or non-specific binding or interaction, including biochemical, physiological, and/or pharmaceutical interactions. Biological binding defines a type of interaction that occurs between pairs of molecules including proteins, nucleic acids, glycoproteins, carbohydrates, hormones and the like. Specific examples include antibody/antigen, anti body/hapten, enzyme/substrate, enzyme/inhibitor, enzyme/cofactor, binding protein/substrate, carrier protein/substrate, lectin/carbohydrate, receptor/hormone, receptor/effector, complementary strands of nucleic acid, protein/nucleic acid repressor/inducer, ligand/cell surface receptor, virus/ligand, etc.
The term “binding partner” refers to a molecule that can undergo binding with a particular molecule. Biological binding partners are examples. For example, Protein A is a binding partner of the biological molecule IgG, and vice versa.
The term “determining” refers to quantitative or qualitative analysis of a species via, for example, spectroscopy, ellipsometry, piezoelectric measurement, immunoassay, electrochemical measurement, and the like. “Determining” also means detecting or quantifying interaction between species, e.g. detection of binding between two species.
The term “self-assembled mixed monolayer” refers to a heterogeneous self-assembled monolayer, that is, one made up of a relatively ordered assembly of at least two different molecules.
“Synthetic molecule”, means a molecule that is not naturally occurring, rather, one synthesized under the direction of human or human-created or human-directed control.
The present invention generally relates to a method of using SPR technology to detect cardiac biochemical markers. More specifically, the present invention relates to using SPR technology to quantitatively measure the concentrations of a group of cardiac biochemical markers in a serum sample, which can be used for the early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and myocardial infarction. In addition, the present invention provides an efficient formula to make a mixed SAM that can greatly enhance the immobilization ability of the metal surface, which is desirable for the immobilization of relevant antibodies for the detection of cardiac biochemical markers.
For the quantitative evaluation of cardiac biochemical markers, the antibodies used to detect the cardiac biochemical markers can be selected from the group consisting of the antibodies against a member selected from the group consisting of CK-MB, troponins, myoglobin, FABP, GPBB, BNP and MPO.
To enhance the sensitivity and specificity of the SPR immunoassay, a link layer is attached onto the gold film on the surface of a glass chip which serves as a functional structure for further modification of the gold film surface. So far, several immobilization chemistries are suitable for the formation of the link layer, including alkanethiols, hydrogel, silanes, polymer films and polypeptides. Moreover, there are several methods to attach the link layer onto the thin gold surface, such as the Langmuir-Blodgett film method and the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) approach.
The following examples will enable those skilled in the art to more clearly understand how to practice the present invention. It is to be understood that, while the invention has been described in conjunction with the preferred specific embodiments thereof, that which follows is intended to illustrate and not limit the scope of the invention. Other aspects of the invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art to which the invention pertains.
(A) Testing sample: serum (about 2 ml)
(B) Antibodies used to detect the cardiac biochemical markers: antibodies to CK-MB, troponins, myoglobin, FABP, GPBB, BNP and MPO, etc.
Step One: Formation of a Linking Layer on the Surface of a Gold-Film Glass Chip:
1. Cleanliness of Substrate
Metal substrates (copper, silver, aluminum or gold) were firstly cleaned with strong oxidizing chemicals (“piranha” solution—H2SO4:H2O2) or argon plasmas, then the surfaces of these substrates were washed with ultra pure water and degassed ethanol. After rinsing, the substrates were dried with pure N2 gas stream.
2. Preparation of Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs)
Single-component or mixed self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of organosulfur compounds (thiols, disulfides, sulfides) on the clean metal substrate have been widely applied for chemical modification to develop chemical and biological sensor chips.
Preparing SAMs on metal substrates was achieved by immersion of a clean substrate into a dilute (˜1-10 m M) ethanolic solution of organosulfur compounds for 12-18 h at room temperature.
Monolayers comprising a well-defined mixture of molecular structures are called “mixed” SAMs. There are three methods for synthesizing mixed SAMs: (1) coadsorption from solutions containing mixtures of alkanethiols (HS(CH2)nR+HS(CH2)nR′), (2) adsorption of asymmetric dialkyl disulfides (R(CH2)mS—S(CH2)nR′), and (3) adsorption of asymmetric dialkylsulfides (R(CH2)mS(CH2)nR′), where n and m are the number of methylene units (range from 3 to 21) and R represents the end group of the alkyl chain (—CH3, —OH, —COOH, NH2) active for covalently binding ligands or biocompatible substance. Mixed SAMs are useful for decreasing the steric hindrance of interfacial reaction that, in turn, is useful for studying the properties and biology of cells.
3. Modifying SAMs
Methods for modifying SAMs after their formation are critical for the development of surfaces that present the large, complex ligands and molecules needed for biology and biochemistry. There are two important techniques for modifying SAMs:
(1) Direct Reactions with Exposed Functional Groups
Under appropriate reaction conditions, terminal functional groups (—OH, —COOH) exposed on the surface of a SAM immersed in a solution of ligands can react directly with the molecules present in solution. Many direct immobilization techniques have been adapted from methods for immobilizing DNA, polypeptides, and proteins on SAMs.
(2) Activation of Surfaces for Reactions
An operationally different approach to the functionalization of the surfaces of SAMs is to form a reactive intermediate, which is then coupled to a ligand. In this invention, we chose epoxy activation method to couple polysaccharide or a swellable organic polymer. In detail, 2-(2-Aminoethoxy)ethanol (AEE) was coupled to carboxyl-functionalized SAM using peptide coupling reagents (N-hydroxysuccinimide/N-Ethyl-N′-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide (EDC/NHS)), and the terminal hydroxyl groups were further reacted with epichlorohydrin to produce epoxy-functionalized surfaces. These were subsequently reacted with hydroxyl moieties of polysaccharide or organic polymer. Subsequently, the polysaccharide chains were carboxylated through treatment with bromoacetic acid more than one time. The resultant material offered for further functionalization with biomolecules.
Rather than using single-component for preparing the SAM in conventional methods, “mixed” SAMs were used in the present invention, which provides various functional groups and branching structures to decrease the steric hindrance of interfacial reaction that, in turn, is useful for studying the biomolecular interaction analysis.
In addition, the facile surface plasmon resonance senses through specific biorecognizable gold substrates in combination with dextran using 2-(2-Aminoethoxy)ethanol (AEE) as a crosslinking agent, not gold nanoparticles as reported. As reported, dextran-treated surface was normally reacted with bromoacetic acid only one time. In our experiments, multiple bromoacetic acid reactions were employed in order to improve the carboxylated degree of dextran surface. Therefore, linking layer on the surface of a gold-film glass chip of the present invention significantly decreases the steric hindrance of interfacial reaction that, in turn, is useful for ligands immobilization.
Step Two: Immobilization of Cardiac Biochemical Marker Related Antibodies on the Surface of the Linking Layer:
A dextran coated sensor chip was used in this invention. The surface of the chip matrix was first activated by injection of a suitable activating agent (such as EDC/NHS or EDC/sulfo-NHS); afterwards the activating agent was washed out and the ligand solution (the antibodies of cardiac biochemical markers in 10 mM acetate buffer) was injected. After coupling, the remaining active groups in the matrix were deactivated by injection of a suitable agent (such as ehanolamine solution), then the non-covalently bound ligand was washed out by a high ionic strength medium.
For most covalent immobilization methods, electrostatic preconcentration of the ligand in the surface matrix was achieved with 10 mM acetate buffer at a suitable pH (range from 3.5 to 5.5). In our experiments, the cardiac biochemical marker related antibodies were prepared in 10 mM acetate buffer with suitable pH at concentrations of 10-100 μg/ml.
For instance, the surface of a sensor chip was activated by EDC/NHS. The ligands (cardiac biochemical marker related antibodies) in the 10 mM acetate buffer with suitable pH were spotted onto sensor chip using a microarray printing device. 1 M ethanolamine hydrochloride (pH 8.5) was used to deactivate excess reactive esters and to remove non-covalently bound ligand. Printed arrays were incubated in a humid atmosphere for 1 h and stored dry at 4° C. prior to use.
An important consideration for reproducibility is the ability to control the amount of antibodies spotted on the matrix. Ideally, identical amount of antibodies should be immobilized in the same area. Therefore, the use of reproducible amount of antibodies is a critical step to ensure accurate results, especially in high-density array systems. Spotted technologies for reproducible delivery of microarrays of biological samples are preferred.
There are two ligand-coupling ways:
1). Direct Coupling
Amine coupling introduces N-hydroxysuccinimide esters into the surface matrix by modification of the carboxymethyl groups with a mixture of N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) and N-ethyl-N′-(dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide (EDC). These esters then react spontaneously with amines and other nucleophilic groups on the ligand to form covalent links. Amine coupling is the most generally applicable coupling chemistry, which is recommended as the first choice for most applications.
For most chemical coupling methods, preconcentration of a ligand on the surface matrix is important for efficient immobilization of macromolecules. This preconcentration can be accomplished by electrostatic attraction between negative charges on the surface matrix (carboxymethyl dextran) and positive charges on the ligand at pH values below the ligand pI, and allows efficient immobilization from relatively dilute ligand solutions. Electrostatic preconcentration is less significant for low molecular weight ligands.
Several important notes for the direct coupling are described as follows:
HBS-EP (pH 7.4) was first recommended. PBS (pH7.4) could be used as well.
The optimal pH for ligand immobilization is critically affected by the pH and ionic strength of the coupling buffer. The optimal condition for immobilization of cardiac biochemical marker related antibodies was 10 mM acetate buffer at pH 5.0.
EDC/NHS (0.2 M N-ethyl-N′-(dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide/0.05 M N-hydroxysuccinimide) was injected to activate the surface.
The ligand solution was printed to the activated sensor chip surface.
1 Methanolamine hydrochloride (pH 8.5) was used to deactivate unreacted NHS-esters. The deactivation process also removed any remaining electrostatically bound ligand.
2) Indirect Coupling
Most macromolecules contain many groups that can participate in the amine coupling reaction, and immobilization is usually easy. There are, however, situations where other coupling methods may be preferable:
Ligands where the active site includes particularly reactive amino or other nucleophilic groups may lose biological activity on immobilization
In certain situations, the multiplicity of amine coupling sites may be a disadvantage. The average number of attachment points for proteins to the matrix is normally low.
Several important notes for the indirect coupling are described as follows:
(1) HBS-EP (pH 7.4) was first recommended. PBS (pH7.4) could be used as well.
(2) NHS/EDC was injected to activate the sensor chip surface.
(3) 20 μg/ml of streptavidin in 10 mM acetate buffer at pH 5.0 was injected.
(4) 1 Methanolamine hydrochloride (pH 8.5) was injected to deactivate excess reactive esters and to remove non-covalently bound streptavidin.
(5) 10 μg/ml of biotinylated protein in HBS-EP (pH 7.4) was injected.
Step Three: Testing a Sample:
1. Preparation of the Serum Sample to Reduce Unwanted Binding
Unwanted binding may cause binding of analyte to non-specific sites on the surface, or binding of non-analyte molecules in the sample to the surface or the ligand. It is preferred to prepare the serum sample in order to obtain the best results.
One or more steps can be done for the serum preparation illustrated as follows:
(1) Inclusion of a surface-active agent, such as Surfactant P20 or Tween, in buffers and samples could help to reduce binding to non-specific sites, but could not guarantee that all binding would be biospecific.
(2) The use of physiological (0.15 M) salt concentrations could reduce non-specific electrostatic effects in most cases.
(3) Addition of zwitterions, such as taurine or betaine, could also help to reduce non-specific electrostatic adsorption.
(4) Addition of carboxymethyl dextran at approximate 1 mg/ml to the sample could reduce non-specific binding to the dextran matrix by competition effects.
(5) Addition of other monoclonal antibody at approximate 10 ug/l˜10 ug/ml to a sample could amplify the signal.
(6) The serum sample could be diluted 2-10 fold by using 1-10% of BSA, 5-50% of Bovine Calf Sera, 10-50% of mouse serum or 10-50% of rabbit serum.
2. Sample Testing
To quantitatively analyze cardiac biochemical markers (such as CK-MB, troponins, myoglobin, FABP, GPBB, BNP and MPO, etc) in a serum sample, relevant antibodies of representative cardiac biochemical markers were immobilized on the surface of the linking layer at predetermined concentrations, which allowed the antibodies to react with various concentrations of representative cardiac biochemical markers in the serum. For example, the antibody to FABP (20 μg/ml) could be immobilized on the surface of the linking layer; diluted FABP samples at concentrations of 0, 1, 10, 100, 500, 1000 and 5000 ng/ml were injected, respectively, over the immobilized surface.
Subsequently, the antibody-cardiac biochemical marker reaction was detected with SPR system according to the standard operation procedure. Known concentrations of representative cardiac biochemical markers and the relative resonance units (RU) of SPR were used to establish the standard curves, including the threshold curves. In comparison with standard curves, the concentrations of different cardiac biochemical markers in a serum sample were measured and quantified.
For comparison purposes, the same serum sample was checked for the same cardiac biochemical markers as detected with SPR technology by using a fluorescent label based technique. The presence of different concentrations of cardiac biochemical markers in a serum sample detected by SPR technology was consistent with those detected by a fluorescent label based technique.
In summary, as illustrated from the above detailed description and examples, the present invention demonstrates that the concentrations of different cardiac biochemical markers in a serum sample were positively related to the RU. In addition, the present invention also provides a more efficient formula to make the dextran coated sensor chip for improved immobilization of cardiac biochemical marker related antibodies. The present invention demonstrates that SPR technology can be used to reliably detect cardiac biochemical marker related antibodies coated on the linking layer and the antibody-cardiac biochemical marker reactions. In addition, the concentrations of different cardiac biochemical markers in a serum sample measured by SPR system were consistent with those as detected with a fluorescent label based technique.
It is to be understood that the above-described embodiments are only illustrative of application of the principles of the present invention. Numerous modifications and alternative embodiments can be derived without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention and the appended claims are intended to cover such modifications and arrangements. Thus, while the present invention has been shown in the drawings and fully described above with particularity and detail in connection with what is presently deemed to be the most practical and preferred embodiment(s) of the invention, it will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art that numerous modifications can be made without departing from the principles and concepts of the invention as set forth in the claims.
This invention claims priority, under 35 U.S.C. § 120, to the U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/827,179 filed on 27 Sep. 2006, which is incorporated by reference herein.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/US07/77869 | 9/7/2007 | WO | 00 | 3/20/2009 |
Number | Date | Country | |
60827179 | Sep 2006 | US |