Method for Replicating and Synchronizing a Plurality of Physical Instances with a Logical Master

Design Data Management uses one copy of common data sets along with a plurality of instances, while continuing to utilize the existing design databases and existing CAD tools. Allowing a minimum amount of user intervention to create and maintain the common data set, Design Data Management employs replicating common data sets into one or more clone data sets. The method preferred provides for replicating and synchronizing one or more data sets with a master data set, comprises providing data design management of a master data set and at least one clone data set, and copying a master physical design data set into one or more physical instances to enable customization of said one or more physical instances. The master data set describes at least one of: a design component, a circuit macro, and a circuit entity, and comprises logical data sets, and it comprise physical design data sets. This permits all existing verification processes that are normally executed against the common data set to also be equally applied to the clones of said data set by way of automatic synchronization between of the common dataset and the clones.


The subject matter which is regarded as the invention is particularly pointed out and distinctly claimed in the claims at the conclusion of the specification. The foregoing and other objects, features, and advantages of the invention are apparent from the following detailed description taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which:

FIG. 1 shows a typical physical design topology for which our invention is intended to be used

FIG. 2 describes the most common approach for handling copy macros in physical design methodologies

FIG. 3 shows the method steps of the present invention

FIG. 4A uses an example to teach the use of the Master/Clone table

FIG. 4B illustrates VHDL cloning on the same example from FIG. 4A

FIG. 5 shows a typical design process flow employing the present invention

FIG. 6 illustrates the use of an automated Library Process to perform the cloning process

The detailed description explains the preferred embodiments of the invention, together with advantages and features, by way of example with reference to the drawings.


Turning now to the drawings in greater detail, it will be seen that FIG. 1 depicts a typical physical design structure comprising a plurality of physical entities hereafter referred to as macros. These macros defines arbitrary logic structure which typically have a hard physical boundary with absolute dimensions, aspect ratios, wiring layers, and they serve as the lowest level objects in the design hierarchy which participate in floor planning exercises. In FIG. 1, there are 3 unique macros denoted Macro_1 (10), Macro_2 (11) and Macro13 3 (12), which exemplify three unique logic design structures. The complexity of the logic structure within a macro is completely arbitrary, so one of said macros could represent something as simple as an Input/Output block while another macro could describe a complex entity such as a memory controller. Each of these macros arc not only unique behavioral blocks, but each macro is instantiated into the design as a unique instance and given the names inst_1, inst_2 and inst_3.

Also included in FIG. 1 are two additional instances of Macro_1(10), known as inst_4 (13) and inst_5 (14). Unlike inst_2 and inst_3, which are unique entities, inst_4 and inst_5 are identical copies of inst_1. One skilled in the art can appreciate how these copy instances are commonly used for elements such as storage devices (arrays) wherein several copies of a low-level building block must be logically stitched together to create a larger functional block. Another common usage of copy instances are for buffering nets throughout a chip topology. Copy instances are a very effective way of reusing a generic building block to enable a plurality of logic functions.

One key aspect of copy instances is that the same data sets are used for each instance. Referring to FIG. 1, the 3 instances of Macro_1 (10, 13 and 14) all use the same logical description (such as VHDL), layouts, wiring contracts and timing assertions

Another example depicted in FIG. 1 is the orientation of inst_5 (14) which is rotated 90 degrees with respect to the other instances of Macro_1 to achieve a different aspect ratio. In older, simpler technologies, it was possible to physically rotate a single layout. However, in today's complex methodologies this often isn't feasible, and a situation requiring instances of different aspect ratios typically translates into a need for each instance to have customized data sets.

FIG. 2 illustrates the most common solution in the industry today for resolving physical design challenges among a plurality of copy macros. Using Macro_1 as an example of a design component which is desirable to replicate, the drawing depicts three data sets for three instances (or copies) of Macro_1. The MAC_1A data set (20) comprises a piece of VHDL to describe the functional behavior, a LAYOUT file to describe the physical placement and wiring topology of the underlying gates, and a TIMING file to enumerate all the timing assertions, feedbacks and constraints. Although the example of FIG. 2 only depicts 3 files in the data set, one skilled in the art will appreciate how the data sets are closely related to the design methodology and can easily be extended to include a multitude of other files such as boundary contracts, pin listings, documentation, gate level netlists, technology rules, etc.

The second instance, MAC_1B (21), comprises the same data set, but in the common industry solution, some of these files would differ from their MAC_1A counterparts while others would be identical copies. For instance, if the physical challenge for MAC_1B centered around physical orientation or aspect ratios, then the LAYOUT would differ from the MAC_1A LAYOUT, but the TIMING file may be identical. Similarly, if MAC_1C (22) requires a unique timing solution, it may employ a customized TIMING file, while the LAYOUT may remain identical. In other circumstances, an instance may require customization to both the LAYOUT and TIMING files. In any event, the one file that almost always remains constant is the functional description, which is represented by the VHDL in FIG. 2. The most common approach to resolving these constraints is for the design team to start with physical copies of the “master” data set, and then customize the necessary files. In this example, the MACRO_1 data set would serve as the reference masters for creating the MAC_1A, MAC_1B and MAC_1C data sets.

Unfortunately one characteristic common to present day physical design tools and processes, such as the Cadence Design Framework, is the demand for all files comprising a data set to use the same macro or “cell” name. Thus, even though MAC_1B is functionally identical to MAC_1A, the tools prohibit the inclusion of the MAC_1A VHDL into the MAC_1B physical design data set. This process restriction is often resolved by simply copying the MAC_1A VHDL as MAC_1B and MAC_1C. Since they are functionally identical, it is known that as long as MAC_1A is functionally verified, then MAC_1B and MAC_1C are transitively verified in a conceptual manner. For smaller designs with a handful of copy macros, it is feasible to manually track the VHDL verification and ensure all copies of the VHDL are identical. However, as the need to employ copy macros on complex functions increases, many problems can ensue.

The first problem arises from a case wherein a massive number of copies must be made from a base macro. One example of such a situation is the inclusion of BR resistors in the preferred embodiment of the present invention. BR resistors are fabricated out of polysilicon and offer a great degree of control over their tolerance. They are prevalent in data transmission circuitry such as driver and receivers. Each instantiation of a BR resistor requires unique physical attributes, but they all refer to a relatively simple and constant piece of VHDL. The sheer number of BR resistor copies imparts substantial resource to manually copy and manage all the physical copies of VHDL. Furthermore, since most front-end verification methodologies strive to incorporate all pieces of the VHDL into verification models, this adds a great deal of unnecessary overhead to simulation model builds and potentially detracts from overall simulation performance.

A second problem which arises in complex designs, such as the preferred embodiment of the present invention, is the desire to use copy macros for complex I.P. structures such as a source synchronous interface macro. Source Synchronous interfaces are further described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,470,458, and are used to provide very high speed and high bandwidth interconnects by distributing a bus clock along with the data bits. The underlying functional macros are non-trivial and require substantial iteration through the verification process. Even with a small number of copy macros, manual management of the design iterations in order to synchronize the various copy VHDL files to the master VHDL is tedious at best, and error prone at worst.

The present invention seeks to resolve these problems through the use of the method by which one or more data sets pertaining to a first design component, designated as a master is automatically replicated into one or more corresponding clone data sets, wherein said steps are described in FIG. 3. Step 1 (30) consists of identifying which design component will serve as a master design component. This also includes identification of one or more data sets which will be replicated. Our invention permits a multitude of data sets to be replicated even though the majority of examples teach the invention through the use of replicating VHDL. Other examples of potential data sets for replication would be alternative high level or gate level descriptions such as ADA, Verilog or text-based netlists. Besides functional or logical data sets, the present invention also provides for replication of design documentation in the myriad of potential formats including HTML, XML or plain ASCII text. Since any text based file can participate in this method, it can also be applied to data sets such as timing assertions, pin lists, and test benches for verification.

FIG. 4A shows an example usage of our invention to replicate a component known as INV (40) which will become the master. In this example, the present invention will automatically replicate the requested data sets into three clones known as INV_H (41), INV_V (42) and INV_F (43). A practical situation for such an example would be the need for three variations of an inverter wherein INV_H (41) has a horizontal orientation, INV_V (42) has a vertical orientation and INV_F (43) is a high-power, high-speed variant. The master/clone table (44) contains the information which dictates how a master will be replicated. The preferred embodiment uses a data structure configured as a 3 column table wherein the first column denotes the master, the second column lists the data sets which should be replicated and the third column enumerates the identities of all the clones. In the example of FIG. 4A, the first record of said table declares the INV (40) as a master and instructs the present invention to create the 3 clones INV_H. INV_V and INV_F. In this case only the VHDL data set is replicated.

It should be noted that the master/clone table (44) contains additional records designed to illustrate a number of features of the present invention. For example, each master can have a unique list of data sets to replicate. There can be any number of data types, and the preferred embodiment utilizes a comma delimited list to define them. The last record also shows another variation wherein a*is used to indicate that all available data sets for the IORESIS master should be replicated.

In terms of the clones, the preferred embodiment permits the names of each clone to be enumerated. The number of clones is inferred from the list of names. For situations such as IORESIS, which calls for 1000 clones to be created, the preferred embodiment permits the use of shortcuts such as [1:1000] to automatically replicate the copies using the names IORESIS1, IORESIS2 and so on. Although FIG. 4A depicts several examples of defining clones, one skilled in the art can readily appreciate how the table can be implemented using a multitude of data structures with a variety of formats. It can also be seen that the present method of enumerating the clones and data sets can be easily be expanded to permit other shortcuts using pattern matching semantics such as those found in common programming functions like sed, awk, Perl, and so on.

Returning to the method steps of FIG. 3, Step 2 (31) is the Automated Cloning Process. In the simplest case, such as replicating a simple text file for a master, this step consists mostly of making a physical copy of the source data set using the clone name as the new file name. However, in a more complex case such as VHDL, several additional modifications are necessary. FIG. 4B shows a sample piece of VHDL for the INV_H (41) wherein the entity section (46) has been updated to replace the INV with INV_H in the entity declaration statement. Also, the architecture section (47) contains a similar modification in the architecture declaration. Without these modifications, the resulting clone VHDL would not be properly registered as INV_H to a typical VHDL compiler.

A further modification, which is applied to every clone file created regardless of data type, is the pedigree information (45) shown at the top of FIG. 4B. The preferred embodiment illustrates the use of text based files such as VHDL which permits the pedigree information to be embedded directly into the file. Our invention permits this section to be located anywhere within the file and will be inserted as comments adhering to the proper syntax depending on the target data set. In this case, the information, which shows the exact version and file name of the master data set, is implemented as VHDL comments. In the preferred embodiment, the pedigree information also includes a timestamp indicating when the clone was created. Although not shown, similar pedigree information could also be embedded into simple ASCII text files, HTML, XML or any other text based file.

Once the clone files are created, Step 3 (32) of FIG. 3 refers to checking the newly created clones into a data management repository. The preferred embodiment of the present invention utilizes the IBM Design Data Manager discussed in more detail by reference to U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,654,747 and 5,966,707. Although our embodiment contemplates the use of the IBM DDM, it should be noted to one skilled in the art that our invention can use any industry standard design management system offering basic version control capabilities along with mechanisms for depositing and querying the data sets, and provisions for defining policies or automated scripting. This step is a vital component in the present invention as it provides a critical link for the upcoming Data Management (DM) Audit step.

Another key aspect of our invention is Step 4 (33) which is the Iteration Monitor. This step employs an automated library process that executes each time a data set is checked into the design repository. The Iteration Monitor wakes up each time a new version appears in the library for any master declared in the master/clone table (44). The Iteration Monitor will automatically execute the algorithm in Step 2 (31) to create a new set of clones based on the information in the master/clone table (44). In addition, the newly created clones are automatically checked into the design repository. Although FIG. 3 shows the Iteration Monitor as a discrete step for purposes of teaching the invention, it should be noted to one skilled in the art that this step is a combination of Steps 2 and 3 and can be embedded in the actual implementation. For example, in the preferred embodiment of the present invention, the clones are initially created by the Iteration Monitor by simply performing a 2 step checkout/checkin procedure on the master once Step 1 is complete. The checkout/checkin acts as a trigger mechanism to kick off the Iteration Monitor to execute Step 2 (31) and Step 3 (32) without the need for user intervention.

The last step in FIG. 3 is Step 5 (34), the Data Management Audit. This step entails querying the data management facility for version information on all the clones at a particular level or release. For each iteration of every clone (including all the necessary data sets of each clone based on the definition in the master/clone table), our invention extracts the pedigree information in each clone. It then queries the data manager for the version identifiers of each master data set in that same level (or release) and compares the two entities. If the versions are not equal, then the master/clone relationship has been violated and must be rectified prior to tape out. Failure to do so runs the risk that physical design verification was performed on a design iteration that is not representative of that used for architectural and functional verification. As an additional check, the preferred embodiment also does a file compare of the clone data set against the master to ensure all the content is identical.

FIG. 5 illustrates the design flow of the preferred embodiment which demonstrates the advantages of the present invention over the prior art. In this example, macro ABC consists of a VHDL data set (50) which is identified as a master. The Cloning Process (51) (which consists of the Iteration Monitor for the preferred embodiment) is used to create two clone pieces of VHDL, denoted ABC_1 VHDL (52) and ABC_2 VHDL (53). The physical design team is free to process each piece of VHDL either through Synthesis or a Manual PD Process (54). A key aspect here is the ability to process all three clones independently thereby affording complete customization to meet any physical design challenge. The physical design team treats all three clones as discrete design components. The output of the Synthesis/Manual PD Process (54) are the physical design data sets for master ABC (55), and clones ABC_1 (56) and ABC_2 (57).

Another important feature of the present invention is that only the master ABC VHDL (50) participates in the Functional Verification model (58). This is accomplished by instantiating traditional copy instances of ABC, as denoted by the industry standard notation of ABC(0:2). The functional verification model assumes that the design employs three identical copies of this macro. This is a valid assumption for the functional model as long as the DM Audit Step (34) confirms that every clone is derived from the master. The last step in FIG. 5 consists of running a boolean equivalence check between each clone VHDL and its associated PD data set to ensure the physical design team implemented a matching logical embodiment.

Our invention contemplates an additional aspect in a further attempt to improve productivity and reduce manual design errors. This entails the use of a Library Process for purposes of automatically applying the cloning procedure to all appropriate masters each time they are iterated through the Design Data Manager (DDM). This relieves the design team of tracking design changes and manually executing the method steps outlined in FIG. 3. Although our invention generally permits the cloning method of FIG. 3 to be executed entirely as a manual process, the preferred embodiment performs all necessary steps under the control of the Library Process Manager. Although there are a multitude of design data management systems on the market with the ability to run automated processes (sometimes called scripts or policies), our embodiment uses IBM's DDM Library Process Manager, described by reference in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,654,747, 6,088,693, 5,920,873, 5,812,130 and whose detailed description is beyond the scope of this application.

FIG. 6 describes the Clone Library Process (hereafter referred to as LP Clone). The present invention tangibly embodies said method steps as an application program which executes under the control of the Library Process Manager. The Library Process Manager in the IBM DDM permits the Library Administrator to define a plurality of automated steps to execute against desired data sets in the repository. The IBM DDM LP Manager comprises a great deal of flexibility which allows the Administrator to trigger said automated Library Processes during various data management actions such as checkout, checkin, promote, delete, etc. This allows the design team to find the best fit for their particular physical design methodology by triggering the cloning process whenever a data set is checked into the library, whenever a data set is promoted to a particular level (or release), or any combination thereof.

The LP Clone process begins with Step 1 (60) of FIG. 6 wherein the application locates and reads the Master/Clone table into an internal data structure. This is primarily done for efficiency and one skilled on the art can appreciate how an alternate embodiment could execute this step interactively with the forthcoming steps if performance is not an issue. Step 2 (61) establishes a Member Loop. In the preferred embodiment, the LP Manager interacts with the Design Data Management system to obtain a list of all the data sets undergoing the current DM action. For example, if a designer checks in four design components, the DDM will create a list of the four components including all the necessary information indicating their names, file types, source library level, target library level, timestamp info, etc. This list is known as a Member List, and the LP Manager makes it available to the application Library Process. Step 2 sets up a loop to process each member in this list.

Step 3 (62) checks each member in the Member List to see if it is a master component based on the internal data structure created from Step 1. In addition, it also checks to see if the data set being acted on is one of the target data sets defined in the Master/Clone table for that particular master. If neither condition is met, then control returns to the top of the Member List loop in Step 2 (61), and the next member is processed. If both conditions are met, then processing continues with the Cloning Process in Step 4 (63). This step comprises the necessary components of FIG. 3. In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, Step 4 (63) is actually implemented as the Automated Clone Process (31) described earlier. The application program is written in a manner by which is can be manually invoked by a user as an independent method step, in order to follow the process flow of FIG. 3, or it can be embedded into the Automated Library Process as Step 4 (63). This affords the greatest possible flexibility to the design community since the same application program can be run either privately by a designer, if they wish to create clones in their own private work space, or under the control of a Design Data Management system.

Next, Step 5 Installs the Output Files (64) into the DDM. For this step the preferred embodiment capitalizes on the installation feature present in the IBM DDM Library Process Manager. The detailed behavior of this step is covered by reference to the cited data management patents, but in general, this step is charged with integrating the newly created clone files into the DDM as if they were manually checked into the repository by a user. The high level steps entail:

    • registering this file with the DDM if it's a brand new data set with no prior version history
    • checking the status of any locks which may exist on the file
    • checking in a current version of the file (if it happens to be in a checked out state)
    • checking in the new file and obtaining a new (unique) version number
    • physically depositing the file in the proper location space based on the DDM's file structure

Finally, the LP Clone process concludes with Step 6 setting the LP Result (65). The LP Manager of the DDM in our preferred embodiment offers the ability for application programs to record a result which can range from a simple success/fail return code, all the way up to text commentary describing the outcome of the processing step. These pseudo process results can also include additional information about the processing such as statistical data gathered during the execution of the LP, timestamp information, or other forms of meta data. This information is kept in the DDM database and associated to the specific version of the data set being installed. Users can query these results as a means of quality control to ensure required library Processes executed successfully on design components prior to tape out.

Our invention also contemplates an alternate embodiment to permit a non text-based file to participate as a master data set. For example, a design component may include a plurality of data sets wherein one of them is the design documentation described in a proprietary file format such as Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word. These file formats can't be easily manipulated thereby precluding the embedding of pedigree information directly into a replicated data set as shown in FIG. 4B. To accommodate this type of data set, the preferred embodiment employs a tagging scheme using the IBM Design Data Manager wherein the LP Clone process sets a pseudo process result for each clone data set that has been replicated which includes the version identifier and timestamp information of the master data set from which the clone was made. In this alternate embodiment, the DM Audit step (34) of FIG. 3 would simply query the clone's pseudo process from the DDM as opposed to extracting the pedigree data from the file. In either case, the outcome is the same; extraction of pedigree information pertaining to the master that was used to create the clone being audited.

While the foregoing disclosure shows a number of illustrative embodiments of the invention, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes and modifications can be made herein without departing from the scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims. Furthermore, although elements of the invention may be described or claimed in the singular, as one means at least one, the plural is contemplated unless limitation to the singular is explicitly stated.

  • 1. A method for replicating and synchronizing one or more data sets with a master data set, comprising the steps of: providing management of a master data set and at least one clone data set, andcopying a master physical design data set into one or more physical instances to enable customization of said one or more physical instances.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1 wherein said master data set describes at least one of: a design component, a circuit macro, and a circuit entity, and comprises logical data sets and physical design data sets.
  • 3. The method according to claim 2 including a step of replicating logical data sets to one or more instances of logical clone data sets.
  • 4. The method according to claim 1 wherein the steps include: identifying one or more design components to serve as said master data set, andfor said master data set: a. defining the number of and data type of a plurality of said clone data sets for each said master data set, andb. identifying names and instance nomenclature for each of said clones; andemploying an automated process to create said clone data sets by replicating said master data sets, andproviding for associated pedigree information to establish a linkage between said master and clone data sets;enabling a deposit of additional data sets corresponding to the one or more design entities participating in a master-clone replication into a design data management system wherein said additional data sets include physical design data sets, and: a. independently altering said physical design data sets and/orb. customizing each of said physical design data sets pertaining to each of said clone data sets; andutilizing an iteration monitor to automatically detect updates to a master data set, andfurther replicating said updated master data set into one or more new iterations of corresponding clone data sets, andemploying a design data management audit to ensure said master data set is properly synchronized to each corresponding clone data set.
  • 5. The method according to claim 4, wherein in defining a master data set providing a master/clone data structure while providing for each master the steps of: (a) enumerating one or more file types of each of said clone data sets;(b) enumerating one or more names of each of said clone data sets, and(c) specifying file types, and(1) permitting the use of a wildcard or * as a shortcut specifying all file types to be cloned; while(2) permitting the use of commas, colons, dashes and other commonly used iteration characters as a shortcut for enumerating a large number of clone data set instances.
  • 6. The method according to claim 4 wherein said automated cloning step of employing an automated process to create said clone data sets by replicating said master data sets may be executed by a user program invoked in a command shell or through the use of a GUI or as part of an automated library process.
  • 7. The method according to claim 4 wherein said iteration monitor step of utilizing an iteration monitor to automatically detect updates to a master data set may be executed by a user program invoked in a command shell or through the use of a GUI or as part of an automated library process.
  • 8. The method according to claim 4 wherein a design data management system enables automated replication and iteration monitor steps to be configured as one or more of: automatic library processes, policies, and scripts, and wherein an application library process is programmed to trigger “ON” basic data management actions including checkout, check-in, and promotion of a master data set in the design data management system (DDM) and,wherein a Library Process Manager (LPM) interacts with said application library process to present a member list of data sets being acted on by DDM action, andsaid library process automatically filters out any data sets not participating in the master/clone process by interaction with the master/clone data structure, andeach member matching the definition in the master/clone table is processed and replicated into the prescribed clone data sets, andresulting clone data sets are installed into the DDM by: (1) registering a file with the DDM if it is a brand new data set with no prior version history;(2) checking the status of any locks which may exist on the file;(3) checking in a current version of the file if it happens to be in a checked out state;(4) checking in the new file and obtaining a version number for the new file;(5) physically depositing the file in the proper location space based on the DDM's file structure; and(6) setting a library process result for each installed clone data set which may include success/fail return code, timestamp information and other arbitrary meta data.
  • 9. The method according to claim 4 wherein a file type identified as a master data set to be replicated is unrestricted as to file type.
  • 10. The method according to claim 4 including: providing the steps of: (1) automatically embedding pedigree information data compromising a version or iteration identifier and timestamp information of a corresponding master data set and embedding said pedigree information data directly into said cloned data set in the form of comments when said master data set is a text based file;(2) employing a version control tagging scheme to associate the version identifier of the clone data set to the version identifier of the corresponding master data when said master data set is a proprietary file format.
  • 11. The method according to claim 10 wherein said text file is in the form of ASCII, VHDL, Verilog, HTML, or XML.
  • 12. The method according to claim 10 wherein said proprietary file format is a form of pdf, Microsoft Word, Cadence DF II, or AutoCAD.
  • 13. The method according to claim 4 wherein a data management audit is used to compare pedigree information of said clone data sets to the latest release version of corresponding master data sets to ensure all masters and corresponding clones are properly synchronized prior to a tape out.
  • 14. The method according to claim 1 wherein a master data set comprises logical data sets which are replicated into instances of logical clone data sets and are identified to serve as said master data set.
  • 15. The method according to claim 14 wherein the steps include: defining for said identified master data set the number of and data type of a plurality of said clone data sets for each said master data set, and identifying names and instance nomenclature for each of said clones.
  • 16. The method according to claim 15, including: employing an automated process to create said clone data sets by replicating said master data sets, and,providing for associated pedigree information to establish a linkage between said master and clone data sets.
  • 17. The method according to claim 16, including: a. enabling a deposit of additional data sets corresponding to the one or more design entities participating in a master-clone replication into a design data management system wherein said additional data sets include physical design data sets, and:c. independently altering said physical design data sets, andd. customizing each of said physical design data sets pertaining to each of said clone data sets.
  • 18. The method according to claim 17 including: utilizing an iteration monitor to automatically detect updates to a master data set.
  • 19. The method according to claim 18 including: replicating said updated master data set into one or more new iterations of corresponding clone data sets, andemploying a design data management audit to ensure said master data set is properly synchronized to each corresponding clone data set.
  • 20. A logical verification model comprising a program of instructions incorporated in tangible media for execution of a logical verification model for performing a physical design method, including use of a plurality of instance copies of a logical master element, and wherein one or more of said instance copies have corresponding clone instances replicated from a master data set, and wherein one or more of said clones utilizes a nomenclature unique from said master data set in order to accommodate the physical design method, and wherein said clone instances are logically equivalent to said instance copies, and wherein said verification model and further permitting said logical verification model uses said instance copies while physical design activities are performed in parallel on said clone instances.