Method for rescuing and producing a virus in avian cells


  • Patent Grant
  • 12053518
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, July 15, 2019
    5 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, August 6, 2024
    a month ago
The present invention relates to methods of rescue and/or propagation of paramyxovirus species, particularly wherein both rescue and propagation are carried out in the same cell type; i.e., without the use of helper cells for viral rescue. The paramyxoviruses produced by the disclosed methods may encompass wild-type viruses, chimeric viruses, recombinant viruses or engineered viral products such as virus like particles (VLP). Viruses and/or viral products produced in the method according to the current invention are suitable for medical or veterinary use in such applications as treating or preventing infectious diseases, particularly avian paramyxovirus and human respiratory virus infections, and cancer treatment.

This application is a national stage filing under 35 U.S.C. 371 of International Patent Application Serial No. PCT/EP2019/069030, filed Jul. 15, 2019, the contents of which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.


This application contains a Sequence Listing which has been submitted in ASCII format via EFS-Web and is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. Said ASCII copy, created on Aug. 22, 2023, is named I04227013611500-SUBSEQ-NTJ and is 148,617 bytes in size.


The present invention relates to methods of rescue and/or propagation of paramyxovirus species, particularly wherein both rescue and propagation are carried out in the same cell type; i.e., without the use of helper cells for viral rescue. The paramyxoviruses produced by the disclosed methods may encompass wild-type viruses, chimeric viruses, recombinant viruses or engineered viral products such as virus like particles (VLP). Viruses and/or viral products produced in the method according to the current invention are suitable for medical or veterinary use in such applications as treating or preventing infectious diseases, particularly avian paramyxovirus and human respiratory virus infections, and cancer treatment.


Paramyxoviruses, family Paramyxoviridae, are single-stranded non-segmented negative-sense RNA viruses belonging to the order Mononegavirales. Avian paramyxoviruses (genus Avulavirus) comprise at least 13 species, the best characterized of which is Newcastle Disease virus (NDV), also known as avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (APMV-1; Murphy F.A., et al., 1995, Virus Taxonomy). NDV is the major cause of respiratory and neurologic disease in birds and poultry. The severity of Newcastle disease in poultry ranges from asymptomatic to deadly, depending on the pathotype (Kumar, S., et al., 2011, J. Virol. (85)13:6521-6534) and can result in losses of up to 90% of infected flocks. Even in geographical areas where NDV is well-controlled, it remains an economic burden due to the need to vaccinate and maintain strict biosecurity measures (Alexander, D J, 2000, Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz. 19(2):443-462). Naturally occurring low virulent NDV strains, such as LaSota and Hitchner B1 strains, are widely used as live-attenuated vaccines to control Newcastle disease in poultry.

Medical applications of NDV include human and veterinary vaccines and uses in cancer therapy. In contrast to other replicating viral vectors, NDV has several advantages as a vaccine vector. For example, there is generally no pre-existing immunity to NDV in humans. Humans and other mammals are largely unaffected by NDV due to natural host range restriction, although exposure to NDV can result in conjunctivitis and/or mild flu-like symptoms in humans. This RNA virus replicates in the cytoplasm, does not integrate into host cell DNA, and does not establish persistent infection, making NDV very safe. Additionally, recombination involving NDV is extremely rare. Also advantageous with regard to immunogenicity, NDV delivery via the intranasal route induces humoral and cellular immune responses both at the mucosal and systemic levels in avian, murine and non-human primate models (Nakaya et al., 2001, J. Virol., 75(23):11868-11873; Bukreyev et al., 2005, J. Virol., 79(21):13275-13284; DiNapoli et al., 2010, Vaccine 29(1):17-25; Ge et al., 2007, J. Virol., 81(1):150-158). NDV is additionally a potent inducer viral-specific immune responses and dendritic cell maturation (Qian, et al., 2017, Virus Genes, 53(4):555-564).

Newcastle Disease virus selectively replicates in and lyses tumorigenic cells, due at least in part to a dysfunctional type-I interferon (IFN) cascade in tumorigenic cells (Fiola, et al., 2006, Int. J. Cancer: 119:328-338). NDV has been used in numerous studies as an oncolytic agent, as it fulfills criteria in this capacity including efficient oncolysis, strong immunogenicity and tumor selectivity (Kalyanasundram, et al., 2018, Acta Tropica 183:126-133). In this regard, NDV has been shown to have oncolytic effect, including the triggering of apoptosis selectively in tumor cells. Furthermore, tumor debris, in combination with NDV components (pathogen-associated molecular patterns; PAMP), can stimulate a tumoricidal immune cascade (Kalyanasundram, et al., supra). Thus, NDV has usefulness both as a directly oncolytic agent and in anti-cancer vaccines prepared from NDV-infected whole cancer cells or cell lysates (PubMed Health “Newcastle Disease Virus (PDQ®) Health Professional Version”; published online Nov. 2, 2016; May 15, 2018).

The NDV genome is a non-segmented single-stranded negative-sense RNA with a length of 15,186, 15,192 or 15,198 nucleotides (Miller and Koch, 2013, Newcastle disease. In: Swayne, D. E., Glisson, J. R., McDougald, L. R., Nolan, L. K., Suarez, D. L., Nair, V. (Eds.), Diseases of Poultry. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 89-138). The NDV genome contains six genes which encode for nucleocapsid protein (NP), phosphoprotein (P), matrix protein (M), fusion protein (F), hemagglutinin protein (HN) and large protein (L). Additionally, V and W proteins are produced by RNA editing during P gene transcription (Millar and Emmerson, 1988; Stewad et al., 1993). It has been demonstrated that a foreign gene can be inserted as an autonomous transcription unit in NDV genome, leading to expression of the foreign gene in infected cells (Zhao et al., 2015, J. Gen. Virol., 96:40-45). Furthermore, delivery of a foreign gene to host cells by NDV can be accomplished without resulting in virus spread and infection (Kim and Samal, 2016, Viruses 8:183). NDV is thus promising as a recombinant vector for experimental vaccines against infectious diseases. It has been demonstrated that foreign genes can be inserted at different positions throughout the NDV genome without severely affecting replication efficiency or virus yield (Zhao and Peeters, 2003, J. Gen. Virol., 84:781-788). The NDV genome can be modified in various ways; for example, to contain additional elements, modified genes and/or heterologous coding sequences, such as sequences encoding antigens from other viral pathogens. Because of the ease of modifying the NDV genome, a recombinant NDV expression vector can be readily produced.

In particular, a recombinant NDV vector may be used for the delivery of antigens from other viral pathogens, such as respiratory viral pathogens, e.g. human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and/or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) was discovered in 2001 and is one of the most common causes for upper and lower respiratory tract infections in young children. Currently no vaccines are available. Antigens derived from hMPV and RSV include, e.g., fusion glycoprotein (F-protein) and matrix (M) protein. An hMPV vaccine—and in particular combined to a vaccine against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)—appears as an attractive medical and commercial option. Studies with inactivated RSV showed that natural infection with RSV following vaccination of infants with no prior exposure to the virus could result in enhanced respiratory disease (ERD), in some cases leading to death (Kim, et al., 1969, American J. of Epidem. 89(4):422-434). Since that study, it has been shown that vaccination with inactivated hMPV can likewise result in ERD in experimental animals (Yim, et al., 2007, Vaccine, 25(27):5034-5040), with a similar Th2 response as observed in earlier RSV studies. The potential causes for enhanced disease following vaccination with inactivated RSV are thought to be Th2-biased T-cell-memory responses, formaldehyde hypersensitivity and/or immature antibody production and its associated weak recognition of hRSV epitopes from natural infections (Ren, et al., 2015, J Gen. Virol. 96(Pt 7):1515-1520). Therefore, a vaccine against hMPV should ideally not only elicit strong mucosal and systemic immune responses, including the production of neutralizing antibodies and a CD8 T cell response (IFN response), but also a balanced Th1/Th2 immune response.

One well-known challenge to producing negative-strand RNA viruses, including NDV, is that naked viral RNA alone is not infectious. Expression of components of the viral ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP), namely N (alternatively referred to as “NP”), P, and L proteins of the virus, is essential for initiation of the first round of RNA synthesis leading to packaging of infectious viral particles (“viral rescue”) and for establishment of infection in the host cell. Mammalian cells are permissive to NDV rescue, but the virus is generally unable to replicate in mammalian cells or replicates only at very low levels, due at least in part to the induction of a strong interferon response, which leads to death of infected normal (not tumor) cells (Krishnamurthy S., et al., 2006, J. Virol. 80(11):5145-5155).

In this regard, the first reported rescue of a Mononegavirales from full-length cDNA was done with rabies virus (Schnell, et al., 1994, EMBO J. 13:4195-4203). Following that report, similar techniques were used to recover vesicular stomatitis virus, measles virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Sendai virus (Inoue et al., 2003, J. Virolog. Methods 107:229-236). This technique consisted of providing individual plasmids encoding each of the three proteins forming the viral polymerase complex (i.e., N, P and L) along with a plasmid encoding the full-length viral cDNA, with all plasmids under the control of a T7 promoter. The required T7 RNA polymerase can be supplied in the host cell, e.g., by infection of the host cell with recombinant vaccinia virus, vTF7-3, or by transfecting cells with a T7 expression vector under constitutive expression (e.g., with a CMV immediate-early promoter). While an efficient way of providing T7 polymerase, the presence of the vaccinia virus is not desirable in the production of drug products. Furthermore, the vaccinia virus may interfere with rescue of the virus of interest (see, e.g., WO2004/113517) and has a cytopathic effect that may obscure detection of the CPE of the rescued virus. An alternative method of providing T7 is to use a cell line which constitutively expresses T7 RNA polymerase, e.g., BHKT7 or BSR-T7/5. These T7-expressing host cells lines (or “helper cells”) are transfected together with the three helper plasmids and the viral expression plasmid under T7 promoter control to rescue infectious viral particles. These cells generally express much lower levels of T7, however, which reduces rescue efficiency.

Although T7-expressing helper cells are useful for viral rescue, they are generally not susceptible to viral infection, but must be co-cultured with permissive host cells, also referred to as “plaque expansion cells”. Co-culture with cells susceptible to virus infection facilitates amplification of the extremely low numbers of viral particles produced by the helper cells and allows propagation of a titer useful for many applications.

The rescue of Paramyxoviruses is known in the art to be of very low efficiency and often complex, requiring large numbers of transfected cells and repeated attempts, making the study and use of these viruses challenging (Beatty, et al., 2017, mSphere 2:e00376-16. While more efficient methods of rescue are regularly reported, these methods are generally optimizations of the above-described method; particularly with regard to requiring two cell types. The use of one cell type for both rescue and propagation has been described for paramyxoviruses, however, efficiency and reproducibility is poor, making it unsuitable for industrial application (see, e.g., WO2004/113517). Furthermore, many reported rescue protocols require additional steps, such as a heat shock step to increase efficiency of transfection (e.g., WO2004/113517) or multiple freeze-thaw cycles to release the vanishingly small numbers of viral particles obtained by rescue (e.g., Schnell, et al., 1994, supra). These steps are not ideal for inclusion in an industrial process, as they require significant time and energy input.

The current invention provides simple and efficient methods for both rescue and propagation of viral particles in a single cell type. The herein disclosed methods comprise co-transfecting a recombinant paramyxovirus expression vector and three helper plasmids under T7 or CMV control, respectively, along with a constitutive T7 polymerase expression vector, into a paramyxovirus-susceptible avian cell line which is competent for propagation of the rescued viral particles. The process does not require the use of helper cells such as BHKT7, which are often not desirable for production of products for use in humans. Additionally, the disclosed rescue method is highly efficient (reproducible). An additional advantage is the relatively short time needed from transfection to harvest of a high-titer master virus seed bank, which can be reduced from several weeks using some of the prior art methods to as less than about one week. Prior art methods may be fast with low yield or slower. The herein disclosed invention is rapid, reproducible and leads to high titer.

In sum, previously-reported methods of virus rescue and propagation for paramyxoviruses are not optimal for industrial application. As disclosed herein, the current invention provides a robust and reproducible method of propagating viral particles in the same avian cell line as used for viral rescue. This method has the advantages of being simple, efficient, reliable and lacking various undesirable products from the use of helper cells, vaccinia virus, etc. Disclosed herein are steps for the cloning of a recombinant NDV full length genome and helper plasmids necessary for NDV rescue using the methods of the invention. In addition, the expression of foreign proteins by insertion of heterologous coding sequences into the recombinant NDV genome is demonstrated, illustrating the suitability of the methods of the current invention for the production of vaccines for the prevention of diverse diseases.


The present invention relates to improved methods for producing infectious paramyxovirus particles. Furthermore, the invention provides a recombinant paramyxovirus nucleic acid which is useful for production of wild-type paramyxovirus particles as well as for co-expression of heterologous proteins by reverse genetics. The invention further provides infectious viral particles and/or virus like particles, particularly for the preparation of pharmaceutical compositions or vaccines for use in methods of treating or preventing paramyxovirus infections or other viral infections in a subject.

Accordingly, it was an aim of the current invention to provide an improved method of rescue and propagation of paramyxoviruses. Preferably, the method is highly reproducible, simpler and more efficient than current methods and does not require the presence of products undesirable in a preparation for medical use. Furthermore, the method should reduce the necessity of the rescued virus to adapt to a heterologous host cell (such as a mammalian cell), potentially altering viral characteristics such as sequence, host infectivity and immunogenicity.

The problem underlying the current invention is solved by a method comprising a transfection step for virus rescue and a culturing step for virus propagation, both carried out in the same virus-susceptible cell line. The one-cell methods disclosed herein simplify and accelerate the production of high titers of infectious paramyxovirus particles by reverse genetics. The methods disclosed herein not only eliminate the need for the use of helper cells for paramyxovirus production, but also substantially reduce the time needed from rescue to drug product compared with state of the art methods. In sum, these improvements lead to a more pure drug product in a shorter timeframe.

In the current invention, it was found that the use of a virus-susceptible cell line increased the efficiency of virus rescue compared with previously-disclosed methods and substantially reduced the time needed from transfection of cells to obtaining high viral titers. As shown in the Examples, the rescue of an infectious Newcastle Disease virus (NDV) from a recombinant genomic vector (rNDV) in an avian cell line was highly efficient and reproducible, allowing subsequent rapid propagation of high titers of infectious NDV. Additionally, insertion of coding sequences of heterologous proteins into rNDV is easily performed, and viral rescue with these recombinant vectors resulted in high levels of expression of the heterologous proteins.


The present invention is further illustrated by the following Figures, Tables, Examples and the Sequence listing, from which further features, embodiments and advantages may be taken. As such, the specific modifications discussed are not to be construed as limitations on the scope of the invention. It will be apparent to the person skilled in the art that various equivalents, changes, and modifications may be made without departing from the scope of the invention, and it is thus to be understood that such equivalent embodiments are to be included herein.

In Connection with the Present Invention

FIG. 1 Map of the modified plasmid of the invention: “pBR322Mod” (pVVS01858). The low-copy-number plasmid pBR322 (SEQ ID NO: 24) was modified by insertion of a linker containing six restriction enzyme sites necessary for NDV genome cloning (Sse232I, FseI, PacI, Sbfl, AflII, AsiSI), with half restriction sites on the ends for insertion into the pBR322 double digested with EcoRI and HindIII. The linker was constructed by annealing nucleic acid oligomers oVVS01279 and oVVS01278 (SEQ ID NOs: 9 and 10, respectively) and inserted into EcoRI/HindII double-digested pBR322.

FIG. 2 Recombinant NDV genomic coding sequence for rescue of infectious NDV particles also allowing insertion of heterologous coding sequences. (A) Construction of a recombinant NDV cDNA clone encoding the complete 15,186 nucleotide (nt) genome of the LaSota NDV strain with inserted restriction sites was performed by synthesis of five individual DNA fragments (GeneArt), which were cloned into pBR322Mod: Fragment 1 (FGT1) (A-1-3238 nt; SEQ ID NO: 11); FGT2 (3213-6242 nt; SEQ ID NO: 12); FGT3 (6243-9327 nt; SEQ ID NO: 13); FGT4 (9328-11351 nt; SEQ ID NO: 14) and FGTS (11352-15186-B; SEQ ID NO: 15). The fragments were cloned sequentially into pBR322Mod (pVVS01858) using standard cloning procedures. The sequence of T7 polymerase promoter (SEQ ID NO: 6) was added at the 5′ terminus of FGT1 (“A” element in FGT1) and the sequence of the hepatitis delta virus ribozyme sequence (HDV Rz; SEQ ID NO: 8) and T7 terminator (SEQ ID NO: 7) were added at the 3′ terminus of FGTS (“B” element in FGTS). (B) Mutations were introduced into each intergenic region to create restriction enzyme sites (RE) between NDV protein coding sequences, allowing the insertion of coding sequences of foreign antigens into any desired intergenic region. The indicated RE sites within the NDV L protein coding region mark the ends of FGT4 and FGTS, which were used for cloning purposes. (C) Restriction enzymes sites in the constructed rNDV genome to facilitate cloning of inserts between NDV protein coding sequences. The table shows the identity and relative position of each restriction site as well as the mutations introduced for their insertion. The wild-type and mutant sequences of RE-5 (Sfi 1) are denoted as SEQ ID NOs: 137 and 138, respectively. (D) A frameshift mutation which was identified in the NDV L-protein coding sequence following splicing of FGTs 1-5 into pBR322Mod and also in the NDV L protein helper plasmid. The constructed helper L protein coding sequence “pVVS01861-Helper-prot. L NDV” (SEQ ID NOs: 139, 142) is aligned with the correct nucleotide and amino acid sequences of “PVVS01927-pCIneo-L JLS)”) (SEQ ID NOs: 140, 141). The frameshift resulted in failed rescue due to the 30 amino acid mutation introduced in the L protein by the frameshift mutation. To correct the frameshift in the rNDV and the NDV L protein helper plasmid, a 525 bp fragment (SEQ ID NO: 36) which contained a frame shift correction, was inserted between Kpnl-Kpnl restriction sites of the constructs. The resulting corrected final rNDV sequence (also referred to herein as “rNDV-FL”) is provided by SEQ ID NO: 16. (E) Schematic illustration of two possible alternatives for introduction of two foreign antigen coding sequences into the engineered rNDV vector, allowing production of a bivalent vaccine or the generation of VLPs. In the first example, Antigen 1 and Antigen 2 are inserted between coding sequences for NDV proteins NP and P (using the introduced AscI restriction site) and between proteins P and M (using the introduced FseI restriction site), respectively. In the second example, Antigen 1 and Antigen 2 are inserted between coding sequences for NDV proteins P and M (using the introduced FseI restriction site) and proteins M and F (using the introduced MluI restriction site), respectively, each foreign antigen being preceded by an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) allowing multicistronic translation.

FIG. 3 Schematic comparison of conventional viral rescue and propagation with the process of the current invention using rNDV as an example. (A) Viral rescue from conventional BHK-derived cells stably expressing T7 polymerase (BSR T7/5) by transfection with rNDV and three helper plasmids, followed by viral propagation in EB66 cells; and (B) Viral rescue directly in EB66 cells by transfection with an rNDV expression vector, three helper plasmids and the addition of T7 RNA expression vector, followed by viral propagation in EB66 cells. T7-RNAP: T7 RNA polymerase under CMV promoter; NP: Nucleoprotein of NDV; P: Phosphoprotein of NDV; L: Polymerase of NDV; rNDV: recombinant NDV in pBR322Mod; MVSB: Master virus seed bank. The latter rescue protocol can facilitate the production of an rNDV master virus seed bank in as little as one week; i.e., transfection on day 0; co-culture with fresh EB66 cells at day 3 or 4 and harvest of MVSB on day 2 or 3 after infection (co-culture).

FIG. 4 Standard virus propagation process in EB66 cells grown in CDM4Avian® chemically-defined medium. In Phase I, the EB66 cells are amplified; in Phase II, the cells are diluted, infected with virus and expanded.

FIG. 5 Cloning of foreign genes into the rNDV genomic coding sequence. (A) Autonomous transcription unit (ATU). Each foreign sequence is constructed as an ATU, which comprises a gene-end NDV sequence, a start-end NDV sequence, a kozak sequence and the foreign gene (SEQ ID NO: 143). Conserved nucleotide sequence motifs define the transcriptional gene start with addition of a cap structure to the mRNA and conserved nucleotide sequence motifs that define the gene end and cause the addition of poly(A) to the mRNA in all families. A region of genome RNA between the gene-end and gene-start sequences is found, which is called the intercistronic region. This region is not transcribed into mRNA and can range from two nucleotides to hundreds of nucleotides. For correct and efficient NDV virus replication, the design of the ATU necessarily follows the “rule of 6”, based on the observation that efficient replication of NDV RNA requires that the genome size is a multiple of six nucleotides (Peeters, et al., 2000, Archives of Virology, 145(9):1829-1845). (B) An example of an rNDV vector containing an ATU with the coding sequence for a full-length F-protein from a B2 strain of hMPV inserted between coding sequences for NDV proteins P and M (using inserted restriction site FseI).

FIG. 6 Proof of principle of rNDV cloning platform for foreign gene expression. (A) An ATU containing a green fluorescent protein coding sequence (GFP; SEQ ID NO: 33) is inserted between P and M (rNDV-GFP) and an ATU containing an hMPV matrix protein (M-protein; SEQ ID NO: 34) coding sequence is inserted between NP and P of rNDV (rNDV-M); (B) Expression of proteins in EB66 cells as measured by flow cytometry in fixed EB66 cells on d2 after infection. M-protein was detected with anti-hMPV Matrix-protein-mouse IgG2a at 2 μg/mL (Genetex GTX36792).

FIG. 7 Low expression of hMPV F-protein following insertion of the native coding sequence into rNDV. Insertion of the full-length wild-type F-protein coding sequence of A1 hMPV between P and M of rNDV

LaSota (rNDV-FA1) resulted in high NDV titers following rescue and propagation in EB66 cells (˜108-8.5 TCID50/mL; data not shown), but low expression of hMPV F-protein overall (10-15%) and essentially no presentation on the surface of the infected cells (˜3%) as measured by flow cytometry on permeabilized (“intracellular”) and non-permeabilized cells (“cell surface”). The full-length hMPV F-protein coding sequence (FA 1Native) is provided by SEQ ID NO: 27. F-protein antibodies used were DS7, which binds to both pre- and post-fusion forms of hMPV F-protein and MPEG, which is specific for the pre-fusion form (antibodies produced in-house).

FIG. 8 Propagation of NDV in EB66 cells following viral rescue in BSR-T7/5 cells (A) rNDV-GFP propagation in EB66 ® cells: Transfection was done in 6-well plates using helper plasmids and the rNDV-GFP plasmid (GFP insert between P and M NDV protein coding sequences). 0.5 mL of supernatant from the co-culture step (EB66 ® cells added on BSR-T7/5 transfected cells) was used to infect 15×106 EB66 cells/well in 6-well plates. The infection kinetics were monitored post-infection (d1, d2 and d3 post-infection) by visualizing GFP expression under a UV microscopy. (B) Kinetics of viral production of rNDV-FL (rNDV without heterologous insert); rNDV-GFP (P/M) and rNDV-FA1 (hMPV F-protein native nt sequence) in EB66 ® cells. A LaSota NDV positive control was also used. Two multiplicities of infection (MOIs) were compared for each experimental construct: 10−2 and 10−4, calculated based on a theoretical titer of 1×106 log 10 TCID50/mL. The TCID50 assay was determined on HeLa cells according to standard protocols. Immunostaining of the HN protein was done for the conditions rNDV-FL and rNDV-FA1. Titers were calculated according the Reed-Muench method (Reed, L.J.; Muench, H. (1938) American Journal of Hygiene 27:493-497) and are expressed as Log TCID50/mL. (C) Visualization of NDV NP protein and hMPV F-protein expression by immunostaining: EB66 cells infected with either the rNDV-FL or the rNDV-FA1 were stained with antibodies against NP protein of NDV (Abcam; Ab138719) or F M protein of hMPV (Abcam; Ab94800) in order to assess the expression of both proteins.

FIG. 9 Optimization of hMPV F-protein nucleotide sequence inserted into rNDV between the P and M protein coding sequences promotes expression in EB66 cells. (A) Comparison of total expression of hMPV F-protein with different coding sequences (FNative and FOpt1-5) following virus rescue in permeabilized EB66 cells. (B) Comparison of intracellular and surface expression of hMPV F-protein on d3 of passage 1 following infection of EB66 cells with NDV comprising FNative and FOpt1-5. (C) Comparison of total and surface expression of hMPV F-protein on d3 of passage 3. The native hMPV F-protein coding sequence (FNative) is provided by SEQ ID NO: 27 and the optimized F-protein sequences (FOpt1-Opt5) are provided by SEQ ID NOs: 28-32, respectively.

FIG. 10 Post-transfection kinetics and yield of rNDV-GFP with F-protein mutations in EB66 cells. Comparison of NDV-GFP production with wild-type F-protein cleavage site (trypsin; SEQ ID NO: 1) or introduced furin cleavage sites (furin sites 2, 3, 5 and 6; SEQ ID NOs: 2-5, respectively), or a Y527A point mutation. The GFP-coding nucleotide sequence (SEQ ID NO: 33) was inserted between the P and M NDV proteins using the xxx restriction enzyme. (A) Kinetics of virus rescue from day 2 to day 5 post-transfection as assessed by GFP expression and cytopathic effect. Titers (TCID50, indicated in log scale) were determined by measuring cytopathic effect (CPE) under visible light and by GFP production under UV light. Control constructs were rNDV-GFP with a wild-type (trypsin) cleavage site, the test constructs were rNDV-GFP vectors with four different furin cleavage site variations (2, 3, 5, 6) replacing the trypsin cleavage site or a Y527A point mutation. (B) Table showing TCID50 on days 3 and 6 post-infection under white light and UV light. (C) TCID50 curves of NDV-GFP (trypsin) and NDV-GFP with insertion of furin site 5 with and without daily addition of Trypzean at 0.75 USP/mL after infection.

FIG. 11 The rNDV platform of the invention offers a rapid process from recombinant sequence generation to obtaining an infectious titer of 109.5 to 1010.5 TCID50/mL rNDV. (A) Schematic of production timeline; (B) Viral titers observed at day 2 following infection of EB66 cells with rNDV rescued from several of the herein disclosed constructs (see table) and representative coomassie and silver staining of the harvested virus. NDV proteins L, HN, F, P, M and V (a product of editing during P gene transcription) are indicated by arrows.


Accordingly, in one aspect, it was an object of the present invention to provide an improved method for production of paramyxoviruses. In a first aspect, the present invention relates to a method of producing infectious paramyxovirus particles comprising the steps of (a) transfecting an avian cell line with a vector comprising a paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence under T7 control, a T7 RNA polymerase expression vector and three (helper) expression vectors comprising, respectively, paramyxovirus phosphoprotein (P), nucleoprotein (N) and polymerase (L) coding sequences under T7 control; and (b) culturing said transfected avian cell line under conditions favorable for virus propagation. In one aspect, the T7 RNA polymerase expression vector is under the control of a constitutive promoter; e.g., under CMV promoter control. In one aspect, the CMV promoter comprises an enhancer region, such as, e.g., the CMV promoter and enhancer sequence as provided by SEQ ID NO: 35.

in one aspect, the vector comprising a paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence under T7 control further comprises a T7 promoter sequence and a T7 terminator sequence. In one aspect, the T7 promoter sequence is positioned 5′ from the start of the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence, particularly immediately 5′ from the start of the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence. In one aspect, the T7 terminator sequence is positioned 3′ from the end of the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence, particularly immediately 3′ from the end of the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence. In a preferred aspect, the T7 promoter sequence has a sequence as defined by SEQ ID NO: 6 and the T7 terminator sequence has a sequence as defined by SEQ ID NO: 7. In a preferred aspect, the vector comprising a paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence under T7 control further comprises a ribozyme sequence, especially a Hepatitis delta virus ribozyme sequence (HDV Rz) as defined by SEQ ID NO: 8. In one aspect, the HDV Rz sequence is positioned 3′ from the end of the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence. In a preferred aspect, the HDV Rz sequence is positioned 3′ to the end of the paramyxovirus nuclei acid sequence and 5′ from the start of the T7 terminator sequence. In one aspect, the vector comprising a paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence under T7 control comprises 2 G residues or 3 G residues inserted 5′ to the paramyxovirus coding sequence.

In one aspect, the transfection step (a) of the invention includes an electroporation step. Electroporation, also known as electropermeabilization, is a technique known in the art of applying electrical pulses to cells to allow the introduction of genetic material, such as DNA, inside of the cell. This process of introducing genetic material is referred to as “transfection” when applied to eukaryotic cells and “transformation” when applied to prokaryotic cells. Electroporation of mammalian cells for transfection purposes can be accomplished in a variety of different ways with readily available protocols and devices, typically by the use of purpose-built electroporators, such as, e.g., the MaxCyte STX® Scalable Transfection System (MaxCyte, Inc.). Electroporators are devices which allow the application of an electrostatic field to a cell solution, typically cells in aqueous solution mixed with the genetic material for transfection of the cell. The mixture is placed into electroporation cuvettes and subject to electrical pulses in the electroporator.

In one aspect, the transfection step (a) of the invention includes the use of chemical transfection reagents. Chemical transfection reagents are positively charged compounds or molecules which complex with the negatively charged nucleic acids to be transfected and which are also attracted to the negatively charged cell membrane. Through a process involving endocytosis and phagocytosis, the complexes pass through the eukaryotic cell membrane and into the nucleus. In a preferred embodiment, the transfection reagents for use in methods of the invention include cationic liposome formulations, such as, e.g., lipofectamine reagents (Invitrogen), or calcium phosphate.

In one aspect, said favorable conditions in the culturing step (b) of the method of the current invention include the addition of trypsin to the culture at regular intervals, for example addition every few hours, addition twice or three times per day, addition once daily, addition every other day, preferably addition once daily. Trypsin cleavage sites are commonly present in viral proteins, particularly viral fusion proteins (F-proteins). The presence of trypsin during propagation of viruses can facilitate the efficient formation of infectious viral particles by aiding in processing of viral proteins, particularly viral F-proteins, and subsequent assembly of the particles, significantly increasing yields. In some cases, as outlined below, mutation of the trypsin cleavage site in F-proteins can eliminate the need for added trypsin during propagation. In a preferred aspect, favorable conditions for virus propagation in the culturing step (b) of the method of the current invention do not include the addition of trypsin to the culture.

In one aspect, transfection step (a) and culturing step (b) of the methods of the invention are carried out fully or in part in a chemically-defined (CD) cell culture medium. Chemically-defined culture media contain defined, highly-controlled and thus traceable components, virtually eliminating inconsistencies between batches that are related to media variability. Chemically-defined culture media are thus desirable for industrial processes, increasing production reliability and improving end-product quality. These advantages can also help reduce regulatory hurdles. In a preferred embodiment, the media for use in the methods of the invention are free from animal-derived components, e.g., sera. An absence of animal-derived components also improves product consistency and can simplify regulatory processes for new pharmaceutical products derived from cultured cells. In one embodiment, the chemically-defined medium is specially formulated for culturing of eukaryotic cell types, especially avian cell types. In a preferred embodiment, the chemically-defined medium is HyClone™ CDM4Avian medium (GE Healthcare Life Sciences).

In one aspect, the method of the current invention, particularly both transfection (a) and culturing (b) steps, is carried out in one eukaryotic cell type, such as a primary eukaryotic cell or a cell line. In one aspect, the eukaryotic cell may be a yeast cell. In one aspect, the primary eukaryotic cell may be an embryonic cell. In one aspect, the eukaryotic cell may be a mammalian, avian or insect cell line, e.g., a mammalian cell line, such as, e.g. an HEK293 cell line or a Vero cell line. In a preferred aspect, the method of the current invention is carried out in an avian cell line; in particular, in the same avian cell line for both transfection (a) and culturing (b) steps of the methods of the invention. Avian cells are permissive to infection by avian viruses, including avian paramyxoviruses. Susceptibility of the cell line to infection by avian paramyxoviruses is an important feature of the methods disclosed herein. In one aspect, the avian cell line is derived from chicken, turkey, quail, pheasant or duck cells. In one aspect, the cell line is a primary cell line. In one aspect, the cell line is derived from stem cells. In one aspect, the cell line is an immortalized cell line.

In a preferred aspect, the avian cell line is a duck cell line. In one aspect, the duck cell line is an immortalized duck cell line. In a preferred embodiment, the duck cell line of the invention is a continuous diploid cell produced from embryonated duck eggs, such as an EBx cell line as described in WO03/076601A1 and WO08/129058A1, which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. Briefly, the EBx cell lines are continuous diploid duck cells which are obtained by isolation, culture and expansion of embryonic stem cells from birds that do not contain complete endogenous proviral sequences or fragments thereof. In a first step, the cells are cultured in complete culture medium containing all factors to support cell growth and in the presence of a feeder layer, supplemented with animal serum and any additional additives as needed. In a second step, the culture medium is modified gradually to finally obtain complete withdrawal of the feeder layer, sera and any additives. This gradual withdrawal “weans” the cells to finally result in an adherent or suspension avian cell line which does not produce replication-competent endogenous retrovirus particles, which is capable of proliferating over a long period of time in a basal medium in the absence of endogenous growth factors, feeder cells and serum. Most preferably, the avian cell line is an EB66 ® cell line, a cell line which is particularly useful for the production of vaccines (Brown and Mehtali, 2010, PDA J Pharm Sci Technol. 64(5):419-25).

In one embodiment, the duck cells are derived from duck retina or embryonic fibroblasts, such as those described in WO2005/042728, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. In a preferred embodiment, the duck cells are an immortalized duck cell line, particularly an AGE1.CR cell line, i.e., AGE1.CR.pIX, or a DuckCelt®-T17 cell line. Particularly, the DuckCelt®-T17 cell line is a cell line with an ECACC accession number of 09070701, 09070702, 009070703, 08060501 or 08060502.

In one aspect, the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence is a genomic nucleic acid sequence; e.g., an entire genomic sequence, such as a wild-type genomic sequence. As used herein, the terms “recombinant paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence” and “paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence” are used interchangeably and may refer to a paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence that has been modified to code for an altered (mutated) protein, a paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence which has been altered strictly for improved expression (“codon optimized”) or a wild-type paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence which has been artificially constructed. In one aspect, the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence is a partial genomic nucleic acid sequence. In one aspect, the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence is an engineered genomic nucleic acid sequence or partial genomic nucleic acid sequence; i.e., a recombinant nucleic acid sequence. In one aspect, the nucleic acid sequence encodes a chimeric paramyxovirus; i.e., a virus comprising components from two or more viruses. As used herein, genomic sequence shall mean a sequence containing adequate genetic information to generate and pack infectious paramyxovirus particles; i.e., a wild-type or engineered genomic nucleic acid. In one aspect, the nucleic acid sequence may be a wild-type sequence or, alternatively, a sequence which is codon optimized for improved expression. In one aspect, the engineered genomic nucleic acid sequence or partial genomic nucleic acid sequence allows the production of infectious paramyxovirus particles, live-attenuated paramyxovirus particles and/or virus-like particles (VLPs). In one aspect, the VLPs are paramyxovirus VLPs. In a preferred aspect, the VLPs are heterologous VLPs, e.g., VLPs of human metapneumovirus or respiratory syncytial virus.

In one aspect, the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence used in the methods of the current invention, particularly in transfection step (a), comprises a paramyxovirus genomic coding sequence in whole or in part. As used herein, a “genomic sequence” or “genomic coding sequence” can be used interchangeably. Also as used herein, “paramyxovirus genomic coding sequence” and “paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence” can be used interchangeably. These terms refer to a DNA or a cDNA sequence, which contains sufficient genetic information to allow packing of an infectious paramyxovirus particle under rescue conditions as described herein. It should be noted that a viral genome may contain, in addition to protein-coding regions, intervening non-coding regions, e.g., introns. In one aspect, the infectious paramyxovirus encoded by the paramyxovirus genomic coding sequence is a wild-type paramyxovirus, a chimeric paramyxovirus or a recombinant paramyxovirus. In one aspect, the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence of the invention is at least 50% identical, 60% identical, 70% identical, 80% identical, at least 85% identical, at least 90% identical, at least 95% identical, especially at least 96%, at least 97%, at least 98%, at least 99% or 100% identical to the wild-type paramyxovirus genomic nucleotide sequence or, preferably, to a paramyxovirus genomic nucleotide sequence which is codon-optimized for expression in a cell of choice.

In one aspect, the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence codes for proteins which are at least 85%, at least 86%, at least 87%, at least 88%, or at least 89% identical to the wild-type paramyxovirus proteins, more preferably at least 90%, at least 91%, at least 92%, at least 93%, at least 94%, at least 95% identical to the wild-type paramyxovirus proteins, even more preferably at least 96%, at least 97%, at least 98%, most preferably at least 99% or especially 100% identical to the wild-type paramyxovirus proteins. In particular, the paramyxovirus F-protein may deviate from the wild-type F-protein sequence, particularly with regard to the trypsin cleavage site.

In a preferred aspect, the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence contains introduced mutations between the protein-coding regions of the viral genome. In one aspect, the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence is modified to contain one or more sites for insertion of heterologous coding sequences, i.e., restriction enzyme sites. In one aspect, the one or more sites for insertion of heterologous coding sequences are located before, after or between the paramyxovirus protein coding sequences. In one aspect, the one or more sites for insertion of heterologous coding sequences are located within the paramyxovirus coding sequences. In a preferred aspect, the sites for insertion of heterologous coding sequences are located between the NP and P coding sequences and/or the P and M coding sequences. In one aspect, the restriction enzyme sites are included between one or more of the protein coding sequences of the paramyxovirus; i.e., between NP and P, between P and M, between M and F, between F and HN and/or between HN and L. In a preferred aspect, the restriction enzyme sites are included between each of the protein coding sequences of the paramyxovirus; i.e., between NP and P, between P and M, between M and F, between F and HN and between HN and L. In one aspect, the modified paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence contains a sequence for enhancement of translation of inserted heterologous coding sequences, e.g., an internal ribosome entry site (IRES). An internal ribosome entry site (IRES) enables the translation machinery, i.e., the ribosome complex, to initiate translation at sites other than the viral initiation site.

In one aspect, the modified paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence contains one or more heterologous coding sequences; i.e. coding sequences for one or more foreign antigens or proteins (e.g., foreign genes), particularly antigens from viral pathogens, oncolytic proteins and/or immunomodulating proteins. In a preferred aspect, the heterologous coding sequences from a viral pathogen encode hMPV and/or RSV antigens. In one aspect, the hMPV or RSV antigen is an F protein or an M protein. In one aspect, heterologous coding sequences expressing F and M proteins are contained in the modified paramyxovirus nucleic sequence and can assemble to produce virus like particles; i.e., hMPV or RSV virus like particles (VLPs). In a preferred aspect, the heterologous protein is an hMPV or RSV fusion protein (F-protein). In one aspect, the F-protein is from an hMPV virus, particularly an A1, A2, B1 or B2 strain of hMPV virus. In a preferred aspect, the hMPV F-protein is selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NOs: 17-20, or an immunogenic protein with at least 95% sequence identity to any one of the amino acid sequences provided by SEQ ID NOs: 17-20. In a preferred aspect, the hMPV F-protein is a soluble F-protein, particularly a soluble F-protein modified to be stabilized in a pre-fusion or post-fusion configuration, especially a pre-fusion configuration. In one aspect, the RSV F protein is selected from any strain of RSV. In a preferred aspect, the F-protein is a protein with the amino acid sequence as provided by SEQ ID NOs: 21, or a protein with at least 95% sequence identity to the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 21.

In one aspect, the heterologous protein is an hMPV or RSV matrix protein (M-protein). In one aspect, the M-protein is from an hMPV virus, particularly an A1, A2, B1 or B2 strain of hMPV virus. In a preferred aspect, the hMPV M-protein comprises the amino acid sequence as provided by SEQ ID NO: 22, or an immunogenic variant with at least about 95% sequence identity to SEQ ID NO: 22. In one embodiment, the M-protein is from an RSV virus. In a preferred aspect, the RSV M-protein comprises the amino acid sequence as provided by SEQ ID NO: 23, or an immunogenic variant with at least about 95% sequence identity to SEQ ID NO: 23.

In one aspect, the modified paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence contains coding sequences for both hMPV and RSV F-proteins. In one aspect, the heterologous F-protein is a wild-type F protein. In one aspect, the heterologous F-protein is a soluble F protein; i.e., modified to omit at least the transmembrane region and cytoplasmic tail of the F-protein. In one aspect, the F-protein or soluble F-protein is modified to express a stabilized post-fusion conformation. In a preferred aspect, the F-protein or soluble F-protein is modified to form a stabilized pre-fusion conformation. In a preferred aspect, the F-protein or modified F-protein is an hMPV F-protein. In a preferred aspect, the foreign coding sequences are inserted into the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence as additional transcriptional units (ATU). In one aspect, an ATU according to the invention comprises or consists of a gene start sequence (GS) the foreign gene coding sequence, and the paramyxovirus gene end (GE) sequence. In a preferred aspect, the ATU is inserted into a multicistronic system which allows the independent expression of the foreign gene(s) by the use of Internal Ribosome Entry Site(s) (IRES) or other such expression systems.

In one aspect, the one or more heterologous coding sequences are for oncolytic proteins. In one aspect, the oncolytic proteins promote selective targeting of tumor cells in vivo or in vitro. In one aspect, the oncolytic proteins reduce viral clearance from the body, e.g., the body of a mammalian or avian subject, especially a human subject. In one aspect, the oncolytic proteins enhance tumor cell killing. In a preferred aspect, the oncolytic proteins are proteins known in the art to enhance tumor cell killing, i.e., apoptosis, e.g., an inducible heat shock protein (hsp), such as, e.g., hsp-70 or gp96. In one aspect, the oncolytic proteins are secreted toxins or prodrug convertases. In one aspect, the one or more heterologous coding sequences are selected from immunomodulating proteins. Immunomodulation is a strategy used in cancer therapy as a way of harnessing the immune system to attack and weaken the defenses of malignant cells. In this regard, preferred immunomodulating proteins are, for example, interferons (IFN), such as type I, type II or type III interferons and interleukins, such as especially IL-2. In one aspect, the foreign protein may be a protein which can inhibit tumor cell checkpoint inhibitors such as PD-1, PD-L1 or CTLA-4. In one aspect, the foreign protein is an antibody or an antibody fragment having an anti-tumor effect.

In one aspect, the avian paramyxovirus of the invention is selected from any of avian paramyxoviruses (APMV) 1 to 13, also known as Avian avulaviruses 1 to 13. In a preferred aspect, the avian paramyxovirus is a Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV; APMV-1); i.e., the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence is an NDV nucleic acid sequence. In one aspect, the NDV is a lentigenic strain of NDV, especially a LaSota or Hitchner B 1 strain. A lentigenic strain is defined as having relatively lower virulence in birds. In one aspect, the NDV genomic coding sequence is from a moderate to high virulent strain of NDV, i.e., a mesogenic or velogenic strain, such as, e.g., AF2240. In one aspect, the NDV strain is an oncolytic strain; i.e., a strain with capacity to selectively induce apoptosis in tumors or cancer cells in vivo or in vitro. In one aspect, the oncolytic strain is a LaSota strain of NDV. In a preferred aspect, the oncolytic strain is the highly virulent AF2240 strain of NDV. In one aspect, the F-protein of the recombinant paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence is modified, particularly to comprise a furin cleavage site instead of a trypsin site, to enhance tumorigenicity. In one aspect, the F-protein of the recombinant paramyxovirus nucleic acid comprises a mutation of a conserved tyrosine residue, especially an alanine substitution. In one aspect, the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence is genetically modified to increase virus thermostability. In one embodiment, the NDV nucleic acid sequence of the invention encodes a wild-type NDV genome, a chimeric NDV genome, a recombinant NDV genome or a virus-like particle comprising NDV elements; especially a recombinant NDV (rNDV or rNDV-FL) as defined by SEQ ID NO: 16.

In one aspect, the NDV obtainable by the method of the invention is used as a virotherapeutic agent for cancer treatment; i.e., is oncolytic. In one aspect, the oncolytic NDV has a direct role in tumor cell killing. In one aspect, the oncolytic NDV has a mode of action including selective targeting of tumor cells, reduction of virus clearance from the subject's body and/or improved tumor cell killing. In one aspect, the oncolytic NDV is engineered to have enhanced therapeutic activity. In one aspect, the enhanced therapeutic activity of the oncolytic NDV includes expression of secreted toxins, prodrug convertases and/or proteins activating antitumor immunity. In one aspect, the anti-tumor effect of the NDV may be potentiated by the route of administration of the NDV particles (e.g., intratumor, intravenous, etc.) or by co-administration with other agents.

In one aspect, the recombinant NDV of the invention comprises an NDV F-protein with a modified protease cleavage site. The presence of a furin site (instead of a trypsin site) in the F-protein of some NDV strains correlates with higher virulence. This effect is likely due to more favorable processing of viral proteins for assembly of infectious particles. This modification in a recombinant NDV F-protein serves to facilitate the cleavage of the NDV F protein, which optimizes virus release from cells and can substantially increase virus yields during production. Additionally, this feature eliminates the need for trypsin during production, which must otherwise be removed during manufacture. The improved cleavage of the F-protein containing a furin site also serves to facilitate TCID50 reading (visible CPEs). In one embodiment, the wild-type protease (trypsin) cleavage site of the recombinant NDV F-protein (SEQ ID NO: 1) is modified to 112 RRQKR1L 117, from Beaudette C strain (“Site 2”, SEQ ID NO: 2; Panda et al., 2004, Microbial Pathogenesis, 36(1):1-10). In one embodiment, the protease cleavage site is modified to 112 RRRRR1L 117 from avian metapneumovirus (“Site 3”, SEQ ID NO: 3; Biacchesi et al., 2006, J. Virol. 80(12): 5798-5806). In one embodiment, the protease cleavage site is modified to 112 RRQRR1F 117 from virulent and mesogenic NDV strains (“Site 5”, SEQ ID NO: 4; Leeuw et al., 2003, J. Gen. Virol. 84:475-484). In one embodiment, the protease cleavage site is modified to 112 KKRKR1L 117, which is derived from the furin cleavage site of RSV (“Site 6”, SEQ ID NO: 5; Rawling, et al., 2008, J. Virol., 82(12):5986-5998). In a preferred aspect, the trypsin cleavage site of NDV (SEQ ID NO: 1) is replaced with a furin cleavage site, particularly a furin cleavage site selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NOs: 2-5.

In one embodiment, the F-protein of the recombinant NDV virus of the invention comprises a Y527A mutation. Tyrosine 527 is a highly conserved amino acid in the cytoplasmic domain of the NDV F-protein. A single Y527A point mutation, when introduced into the F-protein of LaSota NDV, resulted in a hyperfusogenic virus with increased replication and immunogenicity (Manoharan, et al., 2016, J. Gen. Virol., 97:287-292). In a preferred embodiment, the Y527A mutation is effected by replacing the codon TAC (Tyr) by GCC (Ala) in the position corresponding to amino acid 527 in the NDV F protein coding sequence.

In one aspect of the invention, the NDV nucleic acid sequence further comprises at least one nucleic acid sequence encoding at least one heterologous antigen. In one embodiment, the heterologous antigen is a wild-type or modified antigen from a human pathogen. In one aspect, the human pathogen is a respiratory pathogen, particularly a respiratory virus. In a preferred aspect, the human pathogen is a human metapneumovirus (hMPV) or a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), most preferably an hMPV, especially an A1, A2, B1 or B2 strain of hMPV. In one aspect, the heterologous antigen is an F-protein, preferably an hMPV or RSV F-protein, especially an hMPV F-protein. In one aspect, the F-protein is a full-length wild-type F-protein. In one aspect, the F-protein is a soluble mutant lacking the transmembrane and cytoplasmic portions. In one aspect, the soluble F-protein mutant is further modified to form a stabilized pre-fusion or post-fusion form. In one aspect, the heterologous antigen is an M protein from hMPV or RSV. In a preferred aspect the heterologous antigen is selected from the group comprising or consisting of hMPV F-proteins, e.g., as provided by SEQ ID NO: 17-20, RSV F-proteins, e.g., such as provided by SEQ ID NO: 21, hMPV M proteins, e.g., as provided by SEQ ID NO: 22 and RSV M proteins, e.g., as provided by SEQ ID NO: 23. In a preferred aspect, the nucleic acid sequence encoding the at least one heterologous antigen is codon optimized.

In general, codon optimization refers to the use of the degeneracy of the genetic code to change bases within codons in a given nucleic acid sequence such that protein expression is more favorable (e.g., in a particular cell type), but to maintain the amino acid sequence of the protein. Codon optimization addresses one or more parameters that are critical to transcription, translation and/or protein folding. In one aspect, the nucleic acid sequences provided by the invention, i.e., the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequences and/or the nucleic acid sequences encoding heterologous proteins, are codon optimized. In one aspect, the nucleic acid sequence is optimized by the use of an algorithm, e.g., such as those provided by GenScript (GS) or GeneArt (GA). In one aspect, the optimized nucleic acid sequence is modified to contain more CG (also referred to a CpG) dinucleotide pairs than the wild-type sequence; e.g., more than 20% CG dinucleotide pairs in the modified sequence, more than 25%, more than 30%, especially at least 33%. In one aspect, the optimized nucleic acid sequence is modified to contain less CG nucleotide pairs than the wild-type sequence; e.g., less than 20% CG dinucleotide pairs in the modified sequence, less than 10%, less than 5%, especially less than 1%, preferably 0%. In one aspect, the optimized nucleic acid sequence contains a substitute element from a heterologous protein. In a preferred aspect, the substitute element is a signal peptide.

In one aspect, the nucleic acid sequence encoding the heterologous protein is placed between the coding sequences for NDV NP and P proteins, between the coding sequences for NDV P and M proteins, between the coding sequences for NDV M and F proteins, between the coding sequences for NDV F and HN proteins or between the coding sequences for NDV HN and L proteins. In one aspect, the nucleic acid sequence encoding the heterologous protein is placed in the recombinant NDV genome vector by use of restriction sites introduced into the recombinant NDV vector, preferably the recombinant NDV defined by SEQ ID NO: 16, i.e., restriction sites AscI (NP/P), FseI (P/M), MluI (M/F), PacI (F/HN) and SfiI (HN/L). Restriction sites are well-known in the art and can be identified readily by reference to sources such as, e.g., Addgene, an online plasmid repository ( and a wide range of restriction enzymes are available commercially.

In one aspect, the method of the invention also comprises at least one purification step following culturing step (b). In a preferred aspect, the at least one purification step comprises a filtration step. In a preferred embodiment, the filtration step removes larger viral particles while retaining smaller viral particles. Such filtration steps are outlined, for example, in WO2016/156613A1, which is incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.

In one aspect, the method of the invention is followed by an inactivation step, preferably a formaldehyde inactivation step. That is, following propagation of infectious viral particles, either before, during or after further purification steps, the virus particles are inactivated, i.e., rendered non-infectious. In one aspect, the inactivation step may be accomplished by any method known in the art, such as by application of heat or radiation or by chemical inactivation, e.g., by use of formaldehyde. In a preferred aspect, the inactivation is carried out with formaldehyde.

In one aspect, the method of the current invention is used for the manufacture of a composition for immunization against a virus infection. In one aspect, the virus infection is caused by an avian paramyxovirus, especially a Newcastle Disease virus. In one aspect, the virus infection may be caused by any viral pathogen, preferably a pathogen infecting birds, mammals or, most preferably, humans. In a further aspect, the virus infection is caused by a human respiratory viral pathogen. In a preferred aspect, the virus infection is caused by an hMPV virus or an RSV virus, most preferably an hMPV virus.

In one aspect, the current invention provides a pharmaceutical composition comprising the virus particles obtainable or obtained by the methods disclosed herein for treating and/or preventing an infection, such as e.g. an NDV, hMPV or RSV infection. As used herein, the term “preventing” shall mean “protecting from”, e.g., completely eliminating the development of signs and symptoms of disease following exposure to a pathogen or greatly reducing the severity, duration or serious sequelae of the disease. A pharmaceutical composition is a composition intended for use in the pharmaceutical field or as pharmaceutic. It may optionally contain any pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or excipient, such as buffer substances, stabilizers or further active ingredients, especially ingredients known in connection with pharmaceutical compositions and/or vaccine production. In general, the nature of the excipients will depend on the particular mode of administration being employed. Such carriers may include, but are not limited to, saline, buffered saline, dextrose, water, glycerol, ethanol and combinations thereof. In a preferred aspect, the pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or excipient is an adjuvant as outline in greater detail below. The formulation should suit the mode of administration. For instance, parenteral formulations usually comprise injectable fluids that include pharmaceutically and physiologically acceptable fluids such as water, physiological saline, balanced salt solutions, aqueous dextrose, glycerol or the like as a vehicle. In addition to biologically neutral carriers, pharmaceutical compositions to be administered can contain minor amounts of non-toxic auxiliary substances, such as wetting or emulsifying agents, preservatives, and pH buffering agents and the like.

In a preferred embodiment the pharmaceutical composition is a vaccine composition, e.g., a vaccine. Preferably, such vaccine composition is conveniently in injectable form. Conventional adjuvants may be employed to enhance the immune response. The pharmaceutical composition or vaccine of the present invention may be used to protect a bird or a mammal, especially a human, susceptible to infection, by means of administering said pharmaceutical composition or vaccine via a systemic or mucosal route. These administrations may include injection via the intramuscular, intravenous, intraperitoneal, intradermal or subcutaneous routes; or via mucosal administration to the oral/alimentary, respiratory or genitourinary tracts. Although the vaccine of the invention may be administered as a single dose, components thereof may also be co-administered together at the same time or at different times. In the case of flock vaccination (i.e., to poultry), the vaccine of the invention may be administered in a variety of ways, e.g., in ovo; through intramuscular or subcutaneous injection; by wing stab; by feather follicle introduction; by nasal, ocular, cloacal or oral routes; by introduction to drinking water; or by spray, e.g., using an atomizer. In one aspect, the pharmaceutical composition comprises at least 101 viral particles, at least 102, at least 103, at least 104, at least 105, at least 106, at least 107, at least 108, at least 109, at least 1010, at least 1011, at least 1012, at least 1013, at least 1014, at least 1015 viral particles, preferably between 106 and 1014 viral particles. In one aspect, the final dose administered to a subject is about 106 particles/kg body weight of subject, about 107 particles/kg, about 108 particles/kg, about 109 particles/kg, about 1010 particles/kg, about 1011 particles/kg, about 1012 particles/kg, about 1013 particles/kg body weight of subject, preferably between about 109 and 1012 particles/kg body weight of subject.

In one embodiment, the pharmaceutical composition further comprises an adjuvant or immunostimulatory compound or substance. Adjuvants are substances that stimulate, enhance or enable a protective immune response against an antigen. The choice of a suitable adjuvant to be mixed with the viral particles made using the methods of the invention is within the knowledge of the person skilled in the art. Suitable adjuvants include an aluminium salt such as aluminium hydroxide or aluminum phosphate, but may also be other metal salts such as those of calcium, magnesium, iron or zinc, or may be an insoluble suspension of acylated tyrosine, or acylated sugars, cationically or anionically derivatized saccharides, or polyphosphazenes. The use of an aluminium hydroxide and/or aluminium phosphate adjuvant is particularly preferred, and antigens are generally adsorbed to these salts. Preferably, aluminium hydroxide is present at a final concentration of 0.15%. A useful aluminium phosphate adjuvant is amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphate with PO 4/A1 molar ratio between 0.84 and 0.92. Another adjuvant useful in the current invention is an aluminium salt that is able to provide an aqueous composition having less than 350 ppb heavy metal based on the weight of the aqueous composition, particularly an aluminium hydroxide containing less than 1.25 ppb Cu based on the final pharmaceutical composition comprising the virus, according to WO2013/083726A1, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The purity of alum adjuvant can influence the stability of viral vaccine compositions (Schlegl, et al., 2015, Vaccine 33:5989-5996). A further useful aluminium-based adjuvant is ASO4, a combination of aluminium hydroxide and monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL).

Immunostimulatory compounds or substances (adjuvants) may be used in compositions of the invention. In a preferred embodiment, the immunostimulatory compound in pharmaceutical compositions according to the present invention is selected from the group of polycationic substances, especially polycationic peptides, immunostimulatory nucleic acids molecules, preferably immunostimulatory deoxynucleotides, especially oligo(dIdC)13 (SEQ ID NO: 25), peptides containing at least two LysLeuLys motifs, especially peptide KLKLLLLLKLK (SEQ ID NO: 26), neuroactive compounds, especially human growth hormone, aluminium hydroxide, aluminium phosphate, Freund's complete or incomplete adjuvants, or combinations thereof. Preferably, the immunostimulatory substance is a combination of either a polycationic polymer (such as e.g., polyarginine) and immunostimulatory deoxynucleotides or of a peptide containing at least two LysLeuLys motifs and immunostimulatory deoxynucleotides, preferably a combination of KLKLLLLLKLK (SEQ ID NO: 26) and oligo(dIdC)13 (SEQ ID NO: 25); i.e., IC31®. In one aspect, the immunostimulatory substances are oil-in-water or water-in-oil emulsions, MF59, aluminium salts, Freund's complete adjuvant, Freund's incomplete adjuvant, neuroactive compounds, especially human growth hormone, or combinations thereof.

In one embodiment, the pharmaceutical composition may comprise a stabilizer. The term “stabilizer” refers to a substance or vaccine excipient which protects the immunogenic composition of the vaccine from adverse conditions, such as those which occur during heating or freezing, and/or prolongs the stability or shelf-life of the immunogenic composition in a stable and immunogenic condition or state. Examples of stabilizers include, but are not limited to, sugars, such as sucrose, lactose and mannose; sugar alcohols, such as mannitol; amino acids, such as glycine or glutamic acid; and proteins, such as human serum albumin or gelatin.


Terms and abbreviations

Amino acid

Autonomous Transcriptional Unit

Cell Boost

CD Avian
CDM4 defined avian medium (Hyclone)

colony forming units


Cytopathic effect

Deoxyribonucleic acid

Day post infection

Drug substance

Fetal bovine serum


Green Fluorescent Protein


Glasgow's Minimal Essential medium


human Metapneumovirus

Internal control

Luria-Bertani medium

Multiplicity of infection

Million viable cells per ml

Master virus seed bank

Newcastle Disease Virus

NDV full length recombinant plasmid aka rNDV


Polymerase Chain Reaction

Process development

Plaque forming unit


Protamine sulfate

Restriction enzyme

ribonucleic acid

Respiratory Syncytial virus


50% tissue culture infectious dose

Time of infection

N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone

Upstream process

Working cell bank

Working virus seed bank

Work package

Example 1 Generation of a Recombinant NDV Full-Length Genome Plasmid and Helper Plasmids for Viral Rescue

The NDV genome is a single-stranded negative-sense (anti-sense) RNA, which is non-segmented; i.e., follows a sequential pattern of gene expression. The genome of NDV is 15,186 nucleotides long (Krishnamurthy and Samal, 1998, J Gen Virol 79:2419-2424 and de Leeuw and Peeters, 1999, J Gen Virol 80:131-136) and contains six genes, which encode nucleocapsid protein (NP), phosphoprotein (P), matrix protein (M), fusion protein (F), hemagglutinin protein (HN) and large protein (L). Additionally, V and W proteins can be produced by RNA editing during P gene transcription (Steward et al., 1993, J Gen Virol 74:2539-2547).

One aspect of NDV and other negative-sense RNA viruses is that naked RNA alone is not infectious. In order to “rescue” infectious viral particles from a host cell transfected with a recombinant virus expression vector, the presence of components of the viral ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP), namely NP, P, and L proteins, is essential to initiate the first round of RNA synthesis. Therefore, the current technique of virus rescue for negative-sense RNA viruses by reverse genetics involves co-transfection into permissive cells of a vector containing the viral genome (rNDV), under the control of a T7 promoter, along with helper plasmids expressing NP, P, and L proteins. The T7 RNA polymerase is provided herein by an expression plasmid (also a “helper” plasmid) under constitutive expression which is transfected together with the other plasmids into the host cell. This co-transfection results in reconstitution of the RNP complex inside the cell, viral RNA genome transcription and translation and the recovery (“rescue”) of the full virus. From this step onwards, the viral cycle can proceed naturally, i.e., by infection of the host cell, and recombinant virions, encapsidating the modified genome, can be propagated and purified, if desired.

The aim of the work described in this example was to provide a vaccine platform based on an exemplary avian paramyxovirus, Newcastle Disease virus (NDV). Following is described the steps for cloning the NDV LaSota full-length genome into a single plasmid and the helper plasmids necessary for NDV rescue. Briefly, herein were generated 1) a plasmid carrying a recombinant NDV full-length genome under T7 control, modified by the insertion of unique restriction sites between each gene-coding sequence, 2) helper plasmids necessary to start the virus replication cycle, i.e., NP, P and L proteins of NDV and 3) a helper expression plasmid constitutively expressing T7 polymerase. The expression system described herein comprises a modified recombinant NDV nucleic acid sequence which allows insertion of foreign genes of interest in different positions in rNDV nucleic acid. The rNDV may be used to rescue wild-type NDV virus particles or to express or deliver foreign proteins or antigens of interest. The expression of heterologous proteins of interest as vaccine antigens is enabled by insertion of nucleic acid sequences encoding for them. The level of expression of heterologous proteins may be modulated depending on their position within the rNDV vector and the insertion of optional expression-enhancing sequences such as, e.g., IRES sequences.

Materials and Methods


Enzymes, buffers, media and reagents


T4 DNA Ligase

(HC) 500 u

Buffer Cut smart
New England Biolabs (NEB)

Buffer 1.1

Buffer 2.1

Buffer 3.1

Buffer tango
Thermo Scientific









MreI (Sse232I) (10
Thermo Scientific


Platinum Taq Hifi
Life Technologies

Prime star Max

Shrimp Alkaline

Phosphatase (rSAP)

Maxcyte EP buffer
Maxcyte, Inc.

Hyclone CDM4Avian
GE Healthcare Life Science

L-Glutamine (200 mM)


Bacterial Strains Used for Plasmid Construction and Amplification

One Shot® MAX Efficiency® DH5aTm-T1 R Competent Cells (Life Technologies, catalog number: 12297016), F-φ80lacZAM15 A(lacZY A-argF)U169 recAl endAl hsdR17(rk−, mk+) pho A supE44 relA1 tonA (confers resistance to phage T1).

JM110 Competent Cells (Agilent Technologies, Catalog #200239), JM110 Genotype: rpsL (Strr) thr leu thi-1 lacY galK galT ara tonA tsx dam dcm supE44 A(lac-proAB) [F′ traD36 proAB lacIqZAM15]. (Genes listed signify mutant alleles. Genes on the F′ episome, however, are wild-type unless indicated otherwise).

Techniques for plasmid generation and sequence verification

All restriction enzyme digestions and ligations, as well as sequencing for control purposes, were done using techniques well-known in the art and enzymes and buffers as listed in Table 1. Primers for sequencing are provided by SEQ ID NOs: 43-136. Plasmids were amplified by transforming competent cells using manufacturers' protocols and purification was done using kits. All plasmids generated were checked for correctness by both restriction mapping and sequencing using standard protocols.

Construction of a modified pBR322 vector with a multiple cloning site (pBR322Mod a.k.a. pVVS01858)

The cloning vector pBR322 (SEQ ID NO: 24) was modified by insertion of a double-stranded nucleotide linker carrying all RE sites necessary for NDV genome cloning including Sse232I, FseI, PacI, Sbfl, AflII and AsSI. The linker was constructed by annealing primers oVVS01279 and oVVS01278 (SEQ ID NOs: 9 and 10, respectively) and inserting the resulting double-stranded nucleotide into the EcoRI/HindII double-digested pBR322 plasmid (4330 bp) by virtue of half EcoRI and Hindll sites at the ends of the annealed linker. The resulting pBR322Mod plasmid is shown schematically in FIG. 1, with the inserted MCS at the top left, indicating the relative positions of the restriction sites.

Design and construction of a recombinant NDV full length (NDV-FL a.k.a. rNDV and rNDV-FL) genome expression vector with sites for insertion of heterologous coding sequences Construction of an NDV cDNA clone encoding the complete 15,186 nucleotide NDV genome was undertaken using the sequence of LaSota strain (Accession No: AF077761) as a reference. In the final rNDV expression vector, as shown in FIG. 2A, the NDV coding sequence contained introduced restriction sites, the T7 polymerase promoter sequence was added at the 5′ terminus of the NDV genome and the hepatitis delta virus ribozyme (HDV Rz) and T7 terminator sequences were added at the 3′ terminus of the NDV sequence (Nakaya et al., 2001, supra). The full-length recombinant NDV expression plasmid (rNDV) was obtained by the digestion, ligation and insertion into pBR322Mod of five individual DNA fragments (FGT1-5; synthesized by GeneArt as follows: FGT1 (T7 promoter sequence plus 1-3209nt of NDV; “A-3209”;SEQ ID NO: 11), FGT2 (3210-6242nt of NDV; SEQ ID NO: 12), FGT3 (6243-9323 nt of NDV; SEQ ID NO: 13), FGT4 (9324-11355 nt of NDV; SEQ ID NO: 14) and FGTS (11356-15186 of NDV plus HDV-Rz plus T7 terminator; “11356-15186-B”; SEQ ID NO: 15). The restriction sites, which facilitate insertion of heterologous coding sequences into the NDV genome, were inserted between the coding sequences of each of the NDV proteins; i.e., between NP and P, P and M, F and HN and HN and L coding sequences by design of synthetic nucleotide sequences, as shown in FIG. 2B. FIG. 2C shows the placement of the five inserted restriction sites (RE1-RE5) relative to the protein coding sequences of the NDV genome and the introduced sequence mutations for each one. FIG. 2E provides two possible constructs containing coding sequences for heterologous antigens, either without or with an internal ribosome entry site (IRES).

Construction of helper plasmids for virus rescue

Briefly, the helper plasmids were constructed by insertion of coding sequences for NP, P and L proteins of NDV (SEQ ID NOs: 39, 40 and 41, respectively) or T7 RNA polymerase (SEQ ID NO: 42) into pClneo (SEQ ID NO: 38). The plasmid pClneo (Promega) is a constitutive mammalian expression vector for transient or stable transfection, which comprises the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate-early enhancer/promoter region (SEQ ID NO: 38).

Sequence analysis and correction

Sequence analysis of the full length cDNA rNDV as constructed above and the NDV L protein helper plasmid both showed 100% identity with the reference sequence (AF077761); however, virus rescue attempts using the rNDV were not successful. When the sequence of the recombinant L-protein helper (see FIG. 2D: “pVVS1861-Helper-prot L NDV”) was compared with the sequence of a reference helper plasmid containing an L-protein coding sequence (FIG. 2D: “pVVS01927-pClneo-L JLS)”; kindly provided by Ben Peeters), it was determined that the full-length cDNA rNDV (as well as the L protein in the helper plasmid) had a double frameshift in the coding sequence for the L protein, resulting in a 30 amino acid section of the L-protein being erroneous (FIG. 2D). This discrepancy in the published LaSota sequence has been noted by others in the field (Römer-Oberdorfer, et al., 1999, J Gen Virol 80: 2987-2995). The frameshift is not present in the LaSota clone 30 (Accession No.: Y18898.1) or in many other published available sequences of NDV strains (i.e. Hitchner B1, Accession No.: AF375823). Because a fully-functional L protein in both the rNDV genome and the helper plasmid used for rescue is essential for initiation and maintenance of the virus replication cycle, the frameshift was corrected using LaSota clone 30 as a reference sequence, by replacing the portion of the L protein coding sequence with the error with a corrected nucleotide sequence

(SEQ ID NO: 36). The sequence of the new, corrected vector was validated by restriction profile and sequencing. The final correct sequence of the rNDV is provided by SEQ ID NO: 16.

Example 2 Production of rNDV in EB66 Cells (Rescue and Propagation One-Step Method)

Virus rescue in EB66 cells

Viral rescue of RNA viruses is a method of generating viral particles by transfecting antigenomic cDNA or RNA into producing cells. As used herein, “plaque forming unit” (pfu) is used interchangeably with viral particle. In the case of rNDV rescue according to the current invention, the viral replication cycle is launched by the transfection of, in addition to the antigenomic cDNA (rNDV in pBR322Mod), helper plasmids encoding viral polymerase complex cDNAs (helpers P and L) and nucleoprotein (helper NP). Further, because EB66 ® cells do not constitutively express T7 polymerase, an additional plasmid expressing the T7 polymerase under a CMV promoter is also co-delivered. All helper plasmids are constructed on a pClneo plasmid (SEQ ID NO: 38) by insertion of coding sequences as provided in Table 2. A schematic comparison of a common rescue and propagation protocol using helper cells and the one-step protocol of the current disclosure is shown in FIG. 3.

The MaxCyte STX® Scalable Transfection System (MaxCyte, Inc.) was used to electroporate DNA into EB66 ® cells. The transfection was performed at a small scale using the OC-100 processing assembly (100 μL capacity; MaxCyte, Inc.). For each rescue, 10 μg of total DNA was transfected. The amounts and identities of the plasmids used in the transfection protocols are given in Table 2 below.


Plasmids and amounts used for rNDV transfection.


of insert

rNDV (FL or

with heterologous
P helper

NP helper

L helper


DNA preparation

    • Thaw the DNA, homogenize by vortexing the tubes and centrifuge briefly.
    • Transfer into a 1.5 mL microtube the needed quantity for each tested condition. DNAs must be enough concentrated (ideally 2 to 5tig/tiL) to have maximum final volume of 10 μL.

EB66 ® cell preparation for transfection

    • Three days prior to the transfection step (d −3), cell amplification is initiated from a seeding of 0.4.106 cells/mL in CDM4Avian medium+2.5 mM Gln).
    • Cell suspension is homogenized on d0.
    • 1 mL of cell suspension is harvested and cells are counted.

Transfection protocol

    • Pre-warm culture medium (CDM4 Avian+2.5 mM Gln) to 37° C.
    • Homogenize the cell suspension and take the needed cell quantity for the experiment: 10×10 6 cells for each transfected condition.
    • Centrifuge 5 min at 1200 rpm.
    • Remove the supernatant and resuspend cells in MaxCyte buffer to a final concentration of 1×10 8 cells/mL.
    • Transfer 100 μL cell suspension into the respective microtubes containing the prepared DNA.
    • Homogenize cells with DNA, avoiding bubbles.
    • Distribute 100 μL of each transfection mix into OC-100 cassettes.
    • Proceed to the assembly of the OC-100 on MaxCyte device following the instructions on the computer, selecting “OC-100” and the program “OPT9”.
    • Harvest the 100 μL of transfected cells using a P200 pipet and distribute the volume into one well of a 6-well plate, stirring with the pipet tip to distribute the cells in the well
    • Gently agitate the plate to further distribute the cells.
    • Incubate plate for 30 minutes at 37° C., 7.5% CO2 without shaking.
    • Add 2 mL per well of pre-warmed CDM4 avian media.
    • Incubate the cells up to 4 days, observing them daily for the appearance of CPEs

Propagation of virus on EB66 cells

    • Add fresh EB66 cells to the transfected cells
    • Add trypzean daily at 0.75 USP/MVC
    • Allow to incubate for 2-6 days before harvest

The above one-step protocol for rescue and propagation can be used to generate a Master Virus Seed Bank, which can in turn be used to infect EB66 cells to produce Drug Substance. An example of such virus production in EB66 cells is shown schematically in FIG. 4.

Example 3 Expression of Heterologous Proteins Inserted into the rNDV Vector

Insertion of heterologous coding sequences into rNDV Heterologous sequences for insertion into the rNDV vector were synthesized (GeneArt) as autonomous transcription units (ATU), consisting of a gene-end NDV sequence, a start-end NDV sequence, a kozak sequence and the heterologous coding sequence (see FIG. 5A). To ensure correct and efficient NDV virus replication, the ATU was designed to follow the “rule of 6”, based on the observation that efficient replication of NDV RNA is only possible if the genome size is a multiple of six nucleotides (Peeters, et al., 2000, Arch Virol, 145(9):1829-45). Each ATU is flanked by a restriction enzyme site for the cloning in the correct position between each gene of NDV, according to need. In the case of cloning hMPV F protein in the NDV genome, 5 different ATUs were synthesized (GeneArt), each with a single restriction site for the insertion of the F protein coding sequence into all possible intergenic positions in the NDV genome. An additional strategy was a construct with the hMPV F protein ATU being flanked by all 5 restriction enzyme sites (SEQ ID NO: 37). In one example (FIG. 5B), the hMPV F protein ATU from the B2 strain is inserted between NDV P and M protein coding sequences using the single FseI RE site (pVVS01866).

As schematically shown in FIG. 6, a coding sequence for green fluorescent protein (GFP; SEQ ID NO: 33) was inserted into rNDV between NDV P and M protein coding sequences by use of the FseI restriction site and a coding sequence for an hMPV matrix protein (M-protein; SEQ ID NO: 34) was inserted between NDV NP and P protein coding sequences by use of the AscI restriction site. Viral particles were rescued and used to infect EB66 cells. Briefly, 40 mL of EB66 amplified cells were transferred into T175 flasks, and infected with either NDV-GFP and/or NDV-M at an MOI of 10−3 TCID50/cell. Infected cultures were incubated at 33° C., 7.5% CO2, 135 rpm (IKA shaker) for one hour of adsorption. Infected cell cultures were then diluted with 60 mL (T175) of production media (CDM4 Avian) and re-incubated for infection kinetic. Trypzean at 0.75 USP/106 cells was added in all cultures at infection time and daily post infection.

Cells were fixed with paraformaldehyde and stained 2 days post-infection for flow cytometric analysis. For internal staining, cells were permeabilized before addition of the primary antibody with Perm/Wash buffer (Becton Dickinson). For surface staining, primary antibody was added before fixing the cells. The primary antibody was GTX36792 Anti M hMPV-mouse IgG2a (Genetex) at 211.g/mL and the secondary antibody was Fluorescein (FITC)-AffiniPure F(ab′)2 Fragment Goat Anti-Mouse IgG+IgM (Jackson ImmunoResearch Cat. #115-096-068). Expression of both GFP and M-protein was observed in virtually all infected cells.

As shown in FIG. 7, a coding sequence for full-length hMPV F-protein (FhMPV; SEQ ID NO: 37) was inserted between NDV P and M protein coding sequences by use of the FseI restriction site. Resulting recombinant viral particles were rescued and used to infect EB66 cell as described above. Two days post-infection, cells were fixed and stained with anti-NP (NDV) antibodies or Anti-F (hMPV antibodies DS7 or MPEG, to assess the expression of total hMPV F-protein and the presence of post-fusion forms of hMPV F-protein, respectively, by flow cytometry. As shown in FIG. 7, most of the infected cells expressed NDV NP protein, which was observed intracellularly and on the surface. Expression of FhMPV, however, was very low both intracellularly and on the surface. This observation suggested less than optimal conditions for expression of the FhMPV protein, in contrast with GFP and hMPV-M as shown in FIG. 6.

Production of rNDV with Heterologous Coding Sequence Inserts

rNDV constructs with GFP and hMPV F-protein inserts were assessed for kinetics of heterologous protein production following EB66 cell infection. Transfection was done in 6-well plates using helper plasmids and the rNDV-GFP plasmid (GFP insert between P and M NDV protein coding sequences). 0.5 mL of supernatant from the co-culture step (EB66 ® cells added on BSR-T7/5 transfected cells) was used to infect 15×106 EB66 cells/well in 6-well plates. The infection kinetics were monitored post-infection (d1, d2 and d3 post-infection) by visualizing GFP expression under a UV microscopy. As shown in FIG. 8A, GFP production was already visible by day 1 after infection as visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Kinetics of viral production of rNDV-FL; rNDV-GFP (P/M) and rNDV-FA1 (P/M) and a LaSota NDV positive control were examined using two multiplicities of infection (MOIs): 10−2 and 10−4, calculated based on a theoretical titer of 1×106 log 10 TCID50/mL. The TCID50 assay was done on HeLa cells according to standard protocols. As shown in FIG. 8B, the presence of a heterologous protein did not seriously hinder the production of a high titer. Immunostaining of the HN protein was done for the conditions rNDV-FL and rNDV-FA1. Titers were calculated according the Reed-Muench method and are expressed as Log TCID50/mL. Furthermore, production of hMPV F protein was verified by fluorescence microscopy using antibodies against the NP protein of NDV (Abcam; Ab138719) or the F_protein of hMPV (Abcam; Ab94800).

Example 4 Improvement of Heterologous Protein Expression

Codon Optimization of the FL hMPV A1 F-Protein

Poor protein expression in host cells can sometimes be attributed to use of sub-optimal codons; therefore, following the observation that FhMPV did not express well in the rNDV system, the sequence was optimized for expression in human cells by two commercial providers; GeneArt (GA; FOpt1) and GenScript (GS; FOpt2). The GA optimized sequence was further altered as follows: 1) to have a higher CpG dinucleotid content (33%; FOpt3), 2) to contain the signal sequence from the NDV F-protein instead of the hMPV F-protein (FOpt4) and 3) to have a lower CpG dinucleotide content (0%; FOpt5) (see Table 3 below).


Codon-optimized hMPV A1 F-protein coding sequences.

Nucleic acid construct

FNative (wild-type)

GeneArt (GA)

GenScript (GS)

GA + high CpG content

GA + signal peptide

from NDV F-protein

GA + low CpG content

Comparative Expression of Optimized hMPV F-Protein Coding Sequences in rNDV Following Rescue and Up to Three Passages

The codon-optimized sequences were cloned into the rNDV vector by use of RE FSEI. EB66 cells were transfected with the rNDV vectors and helper plasmids and allowed to rest 4 days after electroporation. Following that, 500 μL of the transfected cells were transferred into fresh EB66 cells and allowed to incubate for 3 days. As shown in FIG. 9A, total cellular expression of hMPV F-protein (permeabilized cells) was substantial with all F-protein sequences. After purification of the rescued virus, fresh EB66 cells were infected (p1) and allowed to incubate for 3 days before assessing total and cell-surface hMPV F-protein expression. As shown in FIG. 9B, the wild-type hMPV F-protein nucleic acid sequence resulted in the lowest expression at passage one. Finally, EB66 cells were infected with passage 3 (p3) rNDV particles with the respective hMPV F-protein coding sequences. As shown in FIG. 9C, the native hMPV F-protein coding sequence again resulted in very low levels of expression. The optimized sequences, however (with the exception of FOpt4) expressed high levels of the protein both internally and on the cell surface. It should be noted that day 1 antibody staining was done at 37° C. and day 3 staining at 4° C. to optimize surface staining, which may account for some increased surface staining observed in FIG. 9C. At higher temperatures, the antibody/F-protein complexes may be internalized (Leemans, et al., 2017, J Virol 91(14):e00184-17).

Example 5 Modification of the NDV F-Protein in rNDV-GFP

Many of the more virulent NDV strains, i.e., mesogenic and velogenic strains, possess an F-protein comprising a furin cleavage site instead of trypsin site, which results in the viral particles being more readily processed in the host cell. Alteration of the trypsin site in the current rNDV vector, therefore, might be expected to improve purification yield and/or enhance replication and immunogenicity in the host. Another mutation in the NDV F-protein, a Y527A point mutation, has been shown to enhance fusogenicity of the virus particles and to enhance immunogenicity (Manoharan et al., 2016, supra). As such, either of these changes in the NDV F-protein may be expected to enhance production and/or immunogenicity of NDV.

The trypsin cleavage site was modified in the rNDV-GFP expression vector (GFP coding sequence inserted between NDV P and M proteins as shown in FIG. 6A) in four different ways as shown in Table 4 below and a Y527A mutation was also introduced. These modifications should facilitate the replication and assembly of NDV particles in the methods disclosed herein, providing several advantages in terms of production and also with regard to effectiveness of the final drug substance:

    • 1. Improve kinetics and efficiency of virus release from cells, increasing virus yield during production;
    • 2. Avoid the need for daily addition of trypsin and for subsequent trypsin removal during the DSP (in case of trypsin site mutations);
    • 3. Facilitate TCID50 reading due to a more pronounced CPE; and/or
    • 4. Improve viral replication in the subject to be treated.


Sequence modification of the F-protein of rNDV

Change in

Source of


112 G-R-Q-G-R↓L 117
La Sota NDV



Furin site 2
112 R-R-R-R-R↓L 117
Beaudette C NDV


Furin site 3
112 R-R-Q-R-R↓F 117


Furin site 5
112 R-R-Q-R-R↓F 117
virulent and

mesogenic NDV


Furin site 6
112 K-K-R-K-R↓L 117
RSV F-protein

NDV F-protein

As shown in FIG. 10, modification of the trypsin site of the F-protein of rNDV resulted in kinetics of viral rescue similar to or better than kinetics of rNDV with the wild-type (trypsin) cleavage site. The furin site 5 cleavage site, present in some virulent strains of NDV, rendered NDV rescue substantially more efficient, with high levels of GFP expression by day 3 after rescue (see FIG. 10A). The furin site 5 mutant yielded about one log higher titers compared with the wild-type (trypsin) NDV at day 3 and day 6 post-infection (FIG. 10B). Furthermore, the furin site 5 mutant allowed rapid production of high NDV-GFP titers in the absence of trypsin treatment (FIG. 10C).

The terms “identical” or “percent identity” in the context of two or more nucleic acids or amino acid sequences refer to two or more sequences or subsequences that are the same. Two sequences are “substantially identical” if two sequences have a specified percentage of amino acid residues or nucleotides that are the same (e.g., at least 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99% identity) over a specified region or over the entire sequence, when compared and aligned for maximum correspondence over a comparison window, or designated region as measured using one of the following sequence comparison algorithms or by manual alignment and visual inspection. Optionally, the identity exists over a region that is at least about 50 nucleotides (or about 10 amino acids) in length, or more preferably over a region that is 100 to 500 or 1000 or more nucleotides (or 20, 50, 200 or more amino acids) in length. In some embodiments, the identity exists over the length of a protein, such as an F protein.

For sequence comparison, typically one sequence acts as a reference sequence, to which test sequences are compared. Methods of alignment of sequences for comparison are well known in the art. See, e.g., by the local homology algorithm of Smith and Waterman (1981; Adv. Appl. Math. 2:482-489), by the homology alignment algorithm of Needleman and Wunsch (1970; J. Mol. Biol. 48:443), by the search for similarity method of Pearson and Lipman (1998; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:2444-2448), by computerized implementations of various algorithms (GAP, BESTFIT, FASTA, Jalview and TFASTA in the Wisconsin Genetics Software Package, Genetics Computer Group. 575 Science Dr., Madison, WI), by multi-sequence alignment implementation using, e.g. CLUSTALW (Larkin et al., 2007, Bioinformatics, 23:2947-2948) or MAFFT (Katoh and Toh, 2008, Briefings in Bioinformatics 9:286-298), or by manual alignment and visual inspection (see. e.g., Brent et al., Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Ringbou ed., 2003)). Two examples of algorithms that are suitable for determining percent sequence identity and sequence similarity are the BLAST and BLAST 2.0 algorithms, which are described in Altschul, et al., 1997, Nuc. Acids Res. 25(17):3389-3402 and Altschul et al., 1990, J. Mol. Biol. 215:403-410, respectively.

The entire contents of all of the references (including literature references, issued patents, published patent applications, and co-pending patent applications) cited throughout this application are hereby expressly incorporated by reference.

  • 1. A method of producing infectious paramyxovirus particles comprising the steps of a) transfecting a duck cell line with (i) a vector comprising a paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence under T7 control, wherein said vector comprising a paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence under T7 control additionally comprises a T7 promotor sequence as defined by SEQ ID NO: 6 and a T7 terminator sequence as defined by SEQ ID NO: 7;(ii) a T7 RNA polymerase expression vector; and(iii) three further expression vectors comprising, respectively, paramyxovirus phosphoprotein (P), nucleoprotein (N), and polymerase (L) coding sequences; andb) culturing said transfected duck cell line under conditions for production of infectious paramyxovirus particles.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein said T7 RNA polymerase expression vector and three further expression vectors are under control of a constitutive promoter.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, wherein the infectious paramyxovirus is a wild-type paramyxovirus, a chimeric paramyxovirus, or a recombinant paramyxovirus.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence is modified to contain one or more restriction enzyme sites for insertion of a heterologous coding sequence located between the paramyxovirus protein coding sequences.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence contains coding sequences for one or more foreign antigens.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein said paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence contains coding sequences for one or more foreign antigens selected from the group consisting of antigens from viral pathogens, oncolytic proteins, and immunomodulating proteins.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, wherein said paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence contains coding sequences for one or more human metapneumovirus (hMPV) antigen and/or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) antigen.
  • 8. The method of claim 1, wherein said paramyxovirus nucleic acid sequence contains coding sequences for fusion (F) protein and/or matrix (M) protein from human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and/or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
  • 9. The method of claim 8, wherein said F and M proteins assemble to produce hMPV or RSV virus-like particles.
  • 10. The method according to claim 8, wherein said F protein from hMPV or RSV is a wild-type F protein, a modified F protein, an F protein in pre-fusion conformation, or an F protein in a post-fusion conformation.
  • 11. The method according to claim 8, wherein said hMPV F protein is selected from the group consisting of SEQ ID NOs: 17-20 and immunogenic variants having at least 95% sequence identity to any one of SEQ. ID NOs: 17-20.
  • 12. The method of claim 1, wherein the paramyxovirus nucleic acid is a Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) nucleic acid, an NDV LaSota strain nucleic acid, an NDV Hitchner 131 strain nucleic acid, or an NDV AE2240 strain nucleic acid.
  • 13. The method of claim 1, wherein the paramyxovirus nucleic acid encodes a wild-type Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) genome, a chimeric NDV genome, a recombinant NDV genome, or a virus-like particle comprising NDV elements.
  • 14. The method of claim 13, wherein the recombinant NDV genome is defined by SEQ ID NO: 16.
  • 15. The method of claim 2, wherein the constitutive promoter is a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
18183324 Jul 2018 EP regional
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/EP2019/069030 7/15/2019 WO
Publishing Document Publishing Date Country Kind
WO2020/012037 1/16/2020 WO A
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