This invention provides the manufacture of ferroelectric crystalline metal oxide thin films by means of a low cost chemical solution deposition method that involves the use of low thermal budgets.
Specifically, this invention is related to the production of ferroelectric polycrystalline thin films (<500 nm) on selected substrates (semiconductors, metals, polymers, etc), by the combination of the photochemical solution deposition technique (PCSD) and the seeded diphasic sol-gel process (SDSG). More particularly this invention is related to the disclosure of a technique for depositing polycrystalline ferroelectric thin films such as lead ziconate titanate (PbZr1-xTixO3, PZT) (and others) on different substrates and with thickness higher than 100 nm and lower than 500 nm, at temperatures lower than 400° C. for integration with microelectronic and micromechanical devices, e.g. MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems), FRAM (Ferroelectric Random Access Memories) or DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memories) and flexible microelectronics.
The present invention provides a method of fabrication of ferroelectric crystalline metal oxide thin films with well-defined properties at crystallization temperatures lower than those referred in the literature using a chemical solution deposition approach and the combination of the two low temperature synthesis methods, previously developed separately by the inventors: the Photo Chemical Solution Deposition (PCSD) and the Seeded Diphasic Sol Gel (SDSG). The combination of the nucleation of the crystalline phase in the films at low temperatures, by the photo-activation of the precursors chemistry, in addition to the simultaneous promotion of the crystallization, by introducing nanocrystalline nucleus, allows the preparation of crystalline ferroelectric films at low temperature (<400° C.) with well-defined dielectric and ferroelectric response.
Ferroelectric (FE) thin films (TF) have received wide attention because of their growing use in many applications in microelectronics devices [1,2]. Their high dielectric constants have been used in Dynamic Random Access Memories, DRAMs, the possibility of reverting the spontaneous polarization under the electric field has been employed in the fabrication of Non Volatile Ferroelectric Random Access Memories, NVFERAMs, MicroElectroMechanical Systems, MEMS, and NanoElectroMechanical Systems, NEMS make use of their piezoelectric activity, the pyroelectric response is the basis of infrared sensors, and more recently the tunability of the dielectric permittivity with the electric field is being exploited in tunable microwave devices [3].
The solid solution between lead titanate (PbTiO3) and lead zirconate (PbZrO3) (Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3), known as PZT, is presently the most commonly used compositional system for piezoelectric applications with a high technological interest. Within the so-called morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), that occurs for the composition of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 (PZT 52/48), PZT exhibits enhanced dielectric and piezoelectric properties [4]. It is believed that due to the 14 possible directions of polarisation (eight [111] directions for the rhombohedral phase and six [001] directions for the tetragonal phase) in MPB compositions the reorientation of the polar axis is facilitated and the electrical properties enhanced [5,6].
Film fabrication techniques can be divided into two general classes: physical vapour deposition (PVD) techniques and chemical deposition techniques, this including chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and chemical solution deposition (CSD). In the former, atoms from a source are transferred in a continuous and controlled manner under a vacuum atmosphere (>10−5 Torr) to the substrate, in which the nucleation and growth of the film occurs atomistically. Depending on how the particles (atoms or ions) are removed from the target, the following PVD techniques are considered: rf sputtering, ion beam sputtering, electron beam evaporation and laser ablation, among others. The former allows for careful control of film thickness and orientation, and compatibility with the semiconductor integrated circuit processing. The difficulty in controlling the stoichiometry of multicomponent films, the slow rates of deposition (normally around 1 Å/s), the need for high-temperature post-deposition crystallization annealing and the high cost related with equipment acquisition and maintenance are the main disadvantages of these methods [7].
Chemical methods allow higher deposition rates, good stoichiometry control, and the production of large area defect-free films when compared with the previous ones. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD) is very attractive for industrial manufacturing of conformal functional films. However, the expensive equipment, limited availability and toxicity of sources of precursors for functional materials restrict the use of this technology. On the other hand, chemical solution deposition (CSD) methods, specially sol-gel, have been increasingly used for the preparation of films of functional materials. CSD techniques do not require vacuum ambience, are cheaper and faster, allow for a good stoichiometry control and production of large area defect-free films with good properties, although the texture degree of the film is inferior to that of films prepared by PVD. Wet chemical methods entail the preparation of the solution, the deposition of the solution onto the substrate by dip- or spin-coating and the subsequent thermal treatment of the as-deposited amorphous layer to remove the organics and to achieve the crystallization and densification of the coatings. Wet processes comprise sol-gel, metalorganic decomposition (MOD), electrochemical reaction and hydrothermal routes [8-13].
The crystallization temperature of post deposition heat treatment is a key parameter in the preparation of FE films by CSD. Many of the perovskite thin films are crystallized at temperatures well above 600° C., which degrade underlying electronics, semiconductor substrate or their metallization layers. For example, the heat treatment temperature of fabrication of sol-gel PZT films is around 650° C. to insure good dielectric properties, which constitutes a major drawback for PZT films integration. The low temperature synthesis of FE TF is then of paramount significance and more recently it became even more important due to the promising applications that can be envisaged if FE TF will be compatible with low cost low melting temperature flexible and rigid metallic and polymeric substrates.
For several years now the low temperature synthesis of ferroelectric thin/thick films has been attempted with modifications at the ‘precursor/green state film level’ and at the ‘post deposition processing level’. Concerning the modifications at the ‘post deposition processing level’ the most widely used is processing under rapid thermal annealing (RTA), thus transferring to ferroelectric films a processing technology typical of the semiconductor industry [14,15]. RTA of lead-based perovskite films minimizes the formation of fluorite/pyrochlore intermediate phases, detrimental substrate/film interfaces or volatilization of lead. Also, it greatly reduces the thermal budget required for crystallization, although the required process temperatures are still too high for some applications [1,6]. In the mean time other alternative methods such as laser-assisted crystallisation [16-19] or laser lift-off [20] are being used for the preparation of FE TF. The first one makes use of the local heating generated by the laser for the crystallisation of the electroceramic layer. The last one implies the fabrication of the crystalline layer onto a UV-transparent host-substrate at a high temperature (1000° C.) and then a transference to the semiconductor substrate by UV laser radiation at a low temperature (˜100° C.). Extensive and uniform films are not obtained by these methods, which difficult their industrial utilization.
Within the first set of modifications (at the ‘precursor/green state film level’), the use of seed-layers and of excess of the volatile components (e.g. excess PbO in lead zirconate titanate (PZT) and lead-contained system; Bi2O3 in strontium bismuth tantalate (SBT) and bismuth-containing system) or the combination of both, are widely reported in the literature. By using a lead titanate (PT) seed layer, the perovskite crystallization temperature was reported to decrease from 600° C. to 550° C. for 15 min for PZT TF [21]. With a PT seeded layer plus 50 mol % excess PbO, a single perovskite phase of PZT (53/47) films was obtained on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si at 500° C. for 2 h [22]. Perovskite crystallization temperature of 440° C. for 100 min for PZT (30/70) films has also been reported and it is attributed to the formation of a PtxPb interlayer [23]. By using 10% excess PbO and either a 10-nm PT or TiO2 nucleation layer, perovskite crystallization at 400° C. for 5 min for PZT (30/70) and PLZT (5/30/70) has been reported [24]. Precursor solutions containing Bi2SiO5 with large molar ratios of this compound to the ferroelectric phase make possible the CSD crystallization of ferroelectric thin films at temperatures by 150-200° C. lower than those of the original ferroelectric layer [25]. Concomitantly, the control of the solution chemistry to increase the homogeneity at the molecular level and thus, reactivity of the precursor has been used for the preparation of ferroelectric thin films at low temperatures as well In this way, PZT crystalline thin films in the titanium rich part have been obtained at ˜450° C. for very long annealing times and at 550° C. in the MPB region; similarly lead-free films (e.g. SrBi2Ta2O9) have been also prepared at ˜600° C.
In general, the ferroelectric response of the films prepared by these low temperature methods is very weak, clearly denoting the incipient degree of crystallization of the perovskite films, what supports the reported need to post heat treat the films at higher temperatures.
The PhotoChemical Solution Deposition (PCSD) is based on previous literature that reported the formation of light-sensitive materials by using sol-gel process combined with UV irradiation [28, 29]. Single oxide films such as Ta2O5, ZrO2 or SiO2 have been prepared by this method at relatively low temperatures [30]. In the case of ferroelectric multioxide films, UV irradiation of sol-gel deposited layers has been used for the photo-patterning of the films [32-35]. Recently, PCSD was used and exploited for the fabrication of lead titanate based perovskite thin films by the Spanish Group [36]. PCSD is based on the use of sol gel precursors sensitive to the UV light [37] and on the use of UV radiation sources of high intensity (excimers lamps) [38] to catalyse the chemical reactions within the precursors towards the oxide crystallization. The photo excitation of certain organic compounds present in the sol-gel precursor solutions favours a rapid dissociation of alquil group-oxygen, reducing the temperature of formation of metal-oxygen-metal (M-O-M) of the final oxide material. This PCSD technique is available at the Spanish group and for that the group designed and constructed a laboratory-scale equipment that consists of a UV excimer lamp, which is assembled with a IR heating system (UV-assisted Rapid Thermal Annealing). This irradiation system can be combined with thermal treatments of the films at low temperatures in a commercial RTA equipment. The design of this laboratory-scale equipment is based on a UV-assisted RTA processor (Qualiflow Therm.—Jipelec. currently commercialised by Jipelec that was developed with the participation of the Spanish inventors, in the frame of the EU BRPR-CT98-0777 Project ‘Microfabrication with UltraViolet-Assisted Sol-gel Technology, MUVAST’. This processor is now used for the densification and crystallization of sol-gel, MOD (metallorganic deposition), CSD and MOCVD (metallorganic chemical vapour deposition) layers. Using PCSD, ferroelectric lead titanate (PbTiO3, PT) and modified PT (lead substituted by alkaline earth or lanthanide cations) thin films were prepared at temperatures over 450° C. onto Si-based substrates [39-42]. This approach has not been used for the low-temperature fabrication of PZT or any other lead free multi-oxide ferroelectric thin films.
Alternatively, the Portuguese Group has reported pure perovskite phase formation in PZT (52/48) films at 410° C. for 30 h and 550° C. for 30 min by using seeded diphasic sol-gel (SDSG) precursors [43]. The crystallization kinetics of PZT (52/48) films was studied and the overall activation energy was reduced from 219 kJ/mol (unseeded) to 174 kJ/mol for 1 wt % seeded PZT film and to 146 kJ/mol for 5 wt % seeded films [44]. The early stage of crystallization, structure, and microstructural development and electrical properties have been systematically investigated in these FE TF heat-treated at low temperatures ˜400° C. [45-47]. In this methodology perovskite nanometric particles are dispersed in the amorphous precursor and will act as seeds to promote the nucleation of the perovskite phase in the thin films at low temperatures. Perovskite PZT monophasic thin films were synthesised at 410° C., when using 5 mol % of seeds (600-700° C. are regular temperatures to obtain single phase MPB PZT films without seeds) [46]. Concomitantly BST thin films were prepared by this technique at 600° C. as well, (700-800° C. are regular temperatures to obtain single phase BST without seeds) [48]. Due to the presence of nanometric particles, the kinetics of the phase crystallization is enhanced and the total activation energy for the perovskite phase formation was reduced, the multiple nucleation centers generated by the seeds change markedly the microstructure of the films and, as a consequence, improved their electrical properties. PZT thin films prepared at 430° C. by SDSG exhibit reasonable ferroelectric properties adequate for applications that require metallic or even polymeric substrates [45,46]. In comparison with non seeded films ferroelectric response was even obtained for BST seeded films prepared at a 650° C. via SDSG [48].
These two techniques, PCSD and SDSG, have been proved to be low cost approaches for the synthesis of FE TF at low temperatures, but the combination of these techniques for the preparation of thin films has not yet been tried. Indeed, the combination of the nucleation of the crystalline phase at low temperatures, for example by the modification of the precursors chemistry, with the simultaneous promotion of the crystallization, for example by introducing nanocrystalline nucleus looks highly promising, for a reliable integration of FE TF with semiconductor substrates at temperatures compatible with those used in the Si-technology [49], as well as with other low melting temperature substrates; e.g. polymers and metal, opening the possible use of oxide based ferroelectric materials on the emerging flexible microelectronics [50].
The object of this invention is:
A new processing technology to fabricate ferroelectric thin films at low temperatures, lower than 400° C. for the case of PZT thin films, with optimised ferroelectric response, and the ferroelectric thin films directly and indirectly obtained by this technology. This methodology involves the combination of Seeded Diphasic Sol-Gel (SDSG) precursors and PhotoChemical Solution Deposition (PCSD).
The development of a fabrication method of ferroelectric films at low temperatures is compatible with a wide range of non-refractory substrates (semiconductors, polycrystalline ceramics, glass, metal and polymers).
A processing technology for the fabrication at low temperatures of ferroelectric crystalline oxide thin films, among others PbZrxTi1-xO3 (PZT) (<400° C. for PZT) with ferroelectric properties appropriate for integration in devices is disclosed. The method is also valid for the fabrication of ferroelectric thin films of bronze tungsten (A2B2O6), perovskite (ABO3), pyrochlore (A2B2O7) and bismuth-layer (Bi4Ti3O12) structures, in which A and B are mono, bi-, tri-, tetra- and pentavalent ions. The method is based on the combination of SDSG precursors with PCSD methodology. This invention provides a method for the fabrication of polycrystalline ferroelectric, piezoelectric, pyroelectric and dielectric thin films, dense and without cracks with thickness above 50 nm and below 800 nm on single crystal, polycrystalline, amorphous, metallic and polymeric substrates at low temperatures and with optimised properties and it comprises the main following steps:
i) synthesis of a modified metal-organic precursor solution of the desired metal oxide composition with a large photo-sensitivity in the UV wavelength range;
ii) preparation by a sol gel process of nanoparticles of the desired composition, similar or dissimilar to the crystalline compound to be obtained from the previous precursor sol;
iii) dispersion by the use of a dispersant agent and ultrasonication of the former crystalline nanoparticles in the precursor sol to prepare a stable and homogeneous sol-gel based suspension;
iv) deposition of the previous suspension onto substrates by either dip, spin or spray process, followed by drying and partial pyrolysis with heat treatment;
v) UV irradiation in air or oxygen of the deposited layer and further thermal treatment in air or oxygen of the irradiated layer at temperatures below 400° C.;
vi) repeat iv) and v) to grow films with thickness between 50-1000 nm.
The method here disclosed comprises as a first step the preparation of a sol gel precursor of the required metallic elements and modified to make it UV sensitive. For that, the metal alkoxides of Ti(IV) and Zr(IV) are modified with a b-diketonate (e.g. acetylacetone, CH3COCH2COCH3). These modified titanium and zirconium alkoxides are reacted with lead acetate in an alcoholic medium (e.g. ethanol, C2H5OH), obtaining the PZT sol precursor. This sol has an enhanced UV absorption, as shown in
The preparation of nanoparticles of the required composition is the second part of the process. The nanoparticles may have the same or different composition from the precursor sol and are prepared by sol gel method. The particle size and particle size distribution is a critical parameter.
These nanoparticles will be dispersed by ultrasonication in the photo-active sol to prepare a stable and homogeneous sol-gel based suspension. To guarantee an optimized dispersion, organic dispersants may be used. This suspension may be applied to any type of substrate by spray, spin or dip coating and followed by heat treatment cycles. The physical nature of the substrates may vary also from single crystals, polycrystalline, glass, metals to polymers, being such substrates preferably selected from the group consisting of platinized single crystal, Indium-Tin-Oxide ITO coated glass, low refractory metal foils, polymer plates, stainless steel and carbon steel plates, and polycrystalline ceramic substrates. Following each cycle of deposition, the coating is dried on a hot-plate, UV-irradiated and crystallized at temperatures below 400° C., using low thermal budgets that imply the use of RTA. Irradiation and crystallization may be carried out in air or oxygen. Deposition, drying, irradiation and crystallization are repeated until the required thickness is attained as schematically illustrated in
Typical formulations are described below and it is emphasized that these formulations are not critical but may be widely varied to thin films of different dielectric materials to be used in microelectronic devices. PZT films processed by this method have the remnant polarization value of 5-15 m C/cm2, and maximum polarization varying between 10 to 23 m C/cm2, comparable to those of films processed by conventional methods at higher temperatures.
Besides the PZT composition, some examples of other film compositions that can be fabricated by the method herein disclosed include generally complex oxides of titanates, niobates, tantalates, zirconates, tungstates and bismuth based of the of bronze tungsten (A2B2O6), perovskite (ABO3), pyrochlore (A2B2O7) and bismuth-layer (Bi4Ti3O12) structures, in which A and B are mono, bi-, tri-, tetra- and pentavalent ions, to which this discovery is extended.
Preparation of the Metal Organic Based Sols
1. Photosensitive PbZr1-xTixO3 Sols
As an example, a sol with x=0.48, PZT52/48, not containing any excess of lead.
Sols with an equivalent concentration of 0.2 moles of PbZr1-xTixO3 per litre of liquid are synthesized by using as reagents commercial titanium bis-acetylacetonate diisopropoxide (Ti(OC3H7)2(CH3COCHCOCH3)2, zirconium tetra-isopropoxide (Zr(OC3H7)4), lead acetate (Pb(CH3CO2)2.3H2O and an alcoholic medium (ethanol, C2H5OH). Molar ratios of Ti/Zr/Pb of 0.48/0.52/1.00 are used. Acetylacetone (AcacH CH3COCH2COCH3) is added to the Zr(OC3H7)4 in a molar ratio of Zr/AcacH of 1/2. After heating, a transparent yellowish sol is obtained.
2. Preparation of the Sol Gel (Diphasic Sol)
PZT powders of nanometric dimensions are dispersed in ethanol. This suspension is added to the photosensitive PZT sol, previously prepared and this mixture is ultra-sonicated until a stable and homogeneous suspension is obtained. The particle size varies between 20 to 100 nm. And the weight percent of powders varies between 0 to 10% of the suspension weight.
As a consequence of the combination of the role of the chemically modified precursors, responsible for the nucleation of the required crystalline phase at low temperatures with the role of the nanocrystalline particles to facilitate the nucleation and growth of the crystalline phase, the films heat treated at these very low temperatures (375° C. for the case of PZT films) exhibit a well developed degree of crystallinity as illustrated by the XRD patterns of
The disclosed methodology is applicable to microelectronics and optics industries to fabricate thin film capacitors for embedded applications, ferroelectric memories to substitute semiconductor memories, ferroelectric thin film wave guides and optic memory displays, surface acoustic wave substrates, pyroelectric sensors, microelectromechanical systems (MEMs), impact printer head as well as displacement transducers where low-cost and non-refractive substrate can be used for cost-effective products.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
104751 | Sep 2009 | PT | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/IB2009/055699 | 12/11/2009 | WO | 00 | 9/28/2012 |