The invention relates to a method for transferring information and associated network transition units, and in particular, a method for transferring information within at least one time-division multiplex oriented communication network via at least one packet-oriented communication network.
The time-division multiplex oriented communication network is, for example, an ISDN data transmission network (ISDN—Integrated Services Digital Network). In the time-division multiplex oriented communication network the data is transferred in different time slots in accordance with a time-division multiplex method.
The packet-oriented communication network is a network in which the information or data is transferred in data packets. The packet-oriented communication network is for example a communication network operating according to the Internet Protocol. Another example of a packet-oriented communication network is an ATM network (ATM—Asynchronous Transfer Mode), in which, however, the data packets are referred to as cells.
Functions for operation, administration and/or maintenance in the time-division multiplex oriented communication network have been defined for example in the following standards of the ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) or ITU-T
(International Telecommunication Union—Telecommunication Standardization Sector):
Thus, the functions for operation, administration and/or maintenance relate for example to the activation of loopbacks or to error monitoring.
The invention relates to a method for transferring information within at least one time-division multiplex oriented communication network via at least one packet-oriented communication network. Functions for operation and/or administration and/or maintenance are implemented in the time-division multiplex oriented communication network with the aim of transferring information within the time-division multiplex oriented communication network.
The information relates for example to user data or voice data.
The invention discloses, in one embodiment, a method for transmitting information within at least one time-division multiplex oriented communication network via at least one packet-oriented communication network, the method continuing to allow functions for operation, administration and/or maintenance of the time-division multiplex oriented communication network to be used in the time-division multiplex oriented communication network. Associated network transition units are also to be specified.
In another embodiment according to the invention, at least some of the information is transferred via the packet-oriented communication network. At the same time at least some of the functions for operation, administration and/or maintenance are emulated by the packet-oriented communication network. As a result the functions specified for the time-division multiplex oriented communication network can continue to be used essentially without restriction.
In another embodiment according to the invention, a customer-side network transition unit is interposed between a customer area and the packet-oriented communication network. The customer-side network transition unit is also referred to as a CP-IWF (Customer Premises—Interworking Function).
In the embodiment, an exchange-side network transition unit is additionally interposed between the packet-oriented communication network and an exchange of the time-division multiplex oriented communication network. The exchange-side network transition unit is also referred to as a CO-IWF (Central Office—Interworking Function).
In other embodiments according to the invention individual functions for operation, administration and maintenance are. In this case, the functions known from the time-division multiplex oriented communication network are retained in the time-division multiplex oriented communication network and emulated in the packet-oriented communication network.
In still another embodiment according to the invention, the emulation is provided by functions of the packet-oriented communication network, in particular by the customer-side network transition unit and by the exchange-side network transition unit.
In another embodiment, the packet-oriented communication network is an ATM network which is implemented according to the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). By means of this embodiment powerful methods which have been defined in ATM standards, for example in the standards of the ATM Forum, can be used:
In another embodiment, the packet-oriented communication network is implemented according to the ATM Adaption Layer 1 or according to the ATM Adaption Layer 2. These layers are also referred to as AAL1 and AAL2 respectively (AAL—ATM Adaption Layer). The AAL2 layer in particular is well suited to a reduction in bandwidth during the transmission in the packet-oriented communication network, in particular for the connection of subscribers. Reference is made for example to the standard af-vmoa-0145.000, Section 2.3, CP-IWF ATM Interfaces, 2.3.1 Physical Layer, where XDSL methods (XDSL—X-Digital Subscriber Line) are cited as examples of transmission methods, i.e. the ADSL method (ADSL—Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) and the SDSL method (SDSL—Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Line).
In yet another embodiment the packet-oriented communication network is implemented according to the Internet Protocol. In this way, for example, the IP over ATM transmission method can be used.
In another embodiment, the time-division multiplex oriented communication network is an ISDN network. In connection with the invention the following standards relating to the ISDN network are particularly relevant:
In another embodiment, parts of a primary multiplex access are replaced by the packet-oriented communication network. The primary multiplex access is also referred to as a Primary Rate Access. In one embodiment, the primary multiplex access is a so-called E1 access with a transmission capacity of 2,048 Mbit/s or a so-called DS1 access with a transmission capacity of 1,544 Mbit/s. The three above-mentioned standards relate to an E1 access. Integrating the packet-oriented communication network with the primary multiplex access allows the transmission bandwidth required on a subscriber access line to be considerably reduced. This enables transmission over two-wire copper lines, for example according to an XDSL method.
In one embodiment, furthermore, a multi time frame consisting of sixteen time frames, as described for example in ITU-T standard G.704, is used in the time-division multiplex oriented communication network. This time frame is explained in more detail below with reference to
In another embodiment, the start time slot TSO of each time frame is transferred over the packet-oriented communication network unchanged except for the mentioned changes in value, i.e. in particular without speech compression and without silence suppression.
Another embodiment relates to a customer-side network transition unit and to an exchange-side network transition unit, each of which contain function units during the operation of which the method steps related to the customer-side network transition unit and to the exchange-side network transition unit are performed according to the invention or one of its embodiments. Thus, the above-mentioned technical effects also apply to the two network transition units.
Exemplary embodiments of the invention are explained in the following with reference to the attached drawings, in which:
There are many reasons why support for an ISDN primary multiplex interface via the AAL2 (ATM Adaption Layer) using the principles and methods of the subscriber line emulation services (LES—Loop Emulation Services) according to the af-vmoa-0145.000 standard is desirable.
A concept for supporting an ISDN primary multiplex interface via AAL2/LES (ATM Adaption Layer 2/Loop Emulation Service) is disclosed in the following. Also, a text for supplementing the subscriber line emulation service (LES—Loop Emulation Service) using the AAL2 is proposed according to an exemplary embodiment based on the af-vxnoa-0145.000 standard, wherein the ISDN primary multiplex interface (PRI—Primary Rate Interface) is defined as a user-side interface. At the same time consistency with the support for the ISDN basic access interface (BRI—Basic Rate Interface) via AAL2 is ensured, as explained in the af-vmoa-0145.000 standard. The aim is to specify a solution that advantageously uses the powerful methods which have been defined for the subscriber line (loop) emulation service and which to date are not to be found in the approach for channel group transmission via AAL2 (AAL2 trunking). These powerful mechanisms include support for an embedded operation channel (EOC—Embedded Operation Channel), flexible assignment of a channel identifier (CID—AAL2 Channel Identifier) as well as channel activation using the ELCP protocol (ELCP—Emulated Loop Control Protocol).
An overview of the use of the ISDN primary multiplex interface in the world of classical time-division multiplex (TDM—Time Division Multiplex) is given below. Also specified are requirements which must be met if parts of the access digital section (DS—Digital Section) of the primary multiplex access are replaced by the ATM network. Furthermore, methods which meet these requirements are specified.
There are differences between the so-called DS1 (Digital Signal Level Number One) and E1 structures (E1—European Digital Signal Level Number One). The exemplary embodiments and explanations relate to the E1 structure. General statements applicable to both interfaces are however made wherever possible.
The operating and maintenance functions support methods and information elements which are required for control of the access digital section by an exchange ET or a service node.
An Sa5, Sa6, E and A bit of a time slot TS0 are relevant for indication and control purposes. The bit structure of the time slot TS0 and the multi time frame structure are defined according to ITU-T standard G.704 and are explained in more detail below with reference to
The following table shows the signals which are exchanged between the T reference point and the access digital section DS during the normal operating conditions and error conditions specified in ETSI standard ETS 300 011:
The signals exchanged between the access digital section DS and the exchange ET are specified in the following table:
The following additional signals are required in order to indicate error conditions which occur in relation to the access digital section DS:
The frame alignment signal is transmitted in even-numbered time frames (0, 2, 4, . . . ). The Sa bits, like the A bits (Remote Alarm Indication), are part of the signal not relating to the frame alignment. The Sa bits and the A bit are transmitted in the odd-numbered time frames (1, 3, 5, . . . ).
The first bit in each of the odd-numbered time frames 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 forms the CRC multi time frame alignment signal, which takes the form of a bit sequence with the value “001011”. Bit one in the thirteenth time frame is the so-called E bit and serves to indicate the reception of an errored sub-multi time frame by setting the E bit from the value one to the value zero for each errored sub-multi time frame I. The first bit in the fifteenth time frame serves to indicate an error for each errored sub-multi time frame II.
The CRC method serves to provide protection against errored frames (framing) and for error performance monitoring. This includes the multi time frame methods which are specified in ITU-T standard G.704.
If the access digital section DS is replaced by the ATM network 10 and the advantages of the AAL2 are used, it is not possible to perform or implement a CRC-4 method between the exchange ET and the network termination unit NT1.
For this reason ATM methods are used for this purpose in the exemplary embodiments, although these methods do not offer the same possibilities as CRC monitoring.
VCC (Virtual Channel Connection) performance monitoring (PMo—Performance Monitoring) and continuity monitoring (continuity check) are to be used in both transmission directions for monitoring between the network transition unit NT1 and the line termination unit LT. A new computation according to the CRC-4 error monitoring method is performed in the line termination unit LT in the transmission direction toward the exchange ET. No changes are necessary for the CRC-4 method between the network termination unit NT1 and the customer telephony equipment TE.
The methods described in the following permit the emulation of an operation and maintenance method for a primary multiplex interface (PRI OAM—Primary Rate Interface Operation Administration Maintenance) via an interface with the subscriber line (loop) emulation service (LES Interface—Loop Emulation Service Interface).
The access digital section DS provides the means for transmitting indicator elements and for detecting error conditions at the T reference point interface and the V3 reference point interface as well as for supporting test methods.
The following functions are supported according to ETSI standard ETS 300 233:
The functions referred to are explained in more detail below with reference to exemplary embodiments. With regard to the above-mentioned functions, the reference specified in parentheses in each case indicates which emulated function F1 to F15 is used for the function concerned. The emulated functions F1 to F15 are explained in more detail below in this order with reference to FIGS. 3 to 17. The functions F4, F11 and F14 are not referred to in the above-mentioned list. The error condition on which the function F11 is based is an overlay composed of the error conditions on which functions F8 and F10 are based. The error condition on which function F14 is based is an overlay comprised of the error conditions on which functions F8 and F13 are based.
During a normal operating mode of the access digital section and in error conditions which permit the use of time frame signals, i.e. excluding loss of signal (LOS) or loss of frame alignment (LFA) at the T reference point of the network termination unit NT1 or the customer-side network transition unit CP-IWF, the information is transferred transparently in the time slots of the ISDN PRI signal via the access digital section D5. Similarly, the A, Sa4, Sa7 and Sa8 bits are also transferred transparently. The time frame and multi time frame alignment, the CRC-4 bits and the CRC error information (E bit) in both transmission directions as well as the Sa5 and Sa6 bits in the transmission direction toward the exchange ET are generated in the network termination unit NT1 or the customer-side network transition unit CP-IWF. In the case of a loss of signal (LOS) or a loss of time frame alignment (LFA) at the T reference point of the network termination unit NT1 or the customer-side network transition unit CP-IWF, a new time frame is generated. The A bit is set to the value zero. The Sa4, Sa5, Sa7 and Sa8 bits as well as the bits in the time slots TS1 to TS31 are set to the value one. These time frames are also known as substituted frames. A bit sequence consisting of Sa6 bits is used to indicate this error condition.
In the exemplary embodiment, instead of a full time-division multiplex frame (TDM Frame) being transferred via the ATM section, each time slot is mapped into a separate AAL2 channel. The time slots TS1 to TS31 contain user information and DSS1 signaling (DSS1—Digital Signaling System Number One). The time slot TS0 transfers error conditions or control information, e.g. loopback requests.
As mentioned already, some of the classical PRI-OAM methods (PRI-OAM—Primary Rate Interface-Operation Administration Maintenance) have to be emulated by means of ATM methods, whereby standardized methods defined in ITU-T standard I.610 are used. Thus, for example, the CRC-4 methods, the event indication and/or error indication in the access digital section DS and also the loopback methods are emulated by means of suitable ATM methods. The generation of the time frame and the generation of the multi time frame alignment signal are not possible in the network termination unit NT1 or the customer-side network transition unit CP-IWF in the transmission direction toward the exchange ET. The line termination unit LT or the exchange-side network transition unit CO-IWF handles these functions in the transmission direction toward the exchange ET. In the transmission direction toward the customer telephony equipment TE, the network termination unit NT1 or the customer-side network transition unit CP-IWF generates the time frame, the multi time frame alignment, the CRC-4 bits and the CRC error indication or error information.
In the upper part of each of the FIGS. 3 to 17 there is shown a table in the top row of which the columns of a table header are assigned in each case to the following elements in the order given below:
Rows 2 and 3 of the table header relate to the assignment of the columns in the transmission direction from the customer telephony equipment TE to the exchange ET. For this transmission direction:
The positions mentioned are also referred to in this order as the Tup, Tup, ATMup, ATMup, V3up and V3up interface.
Rows 2 and 3 of the table header are in each case assigned to the first row of the table body.
Rows 4 and 5 of the table header relate to the transfer of data in the transmission direction from the exchange ET to the customer telephony equipment TE. For this transmission direction:
The positions mentioned for this transmission direction are also referred to in the given order as the Tdown, Tdown, ATMdown, ATMdown, V3down and V3down interface.
The second or last row of the table body is assigned to the transmission direction from the exchange ET to the customer telephony equipment TE.
The following symbols are used in the fields of the tables:
In addition to the entities already explained with reference to
Two different loopbacks are supported, a loopback in the exchange-side network transition unit CO-IWF and another loopback in the customer-side network transition unit CP-IWF.
The loopbacks are activated as a result of special Sa bit sequences which are explained in more detail below with reference to
The function explained with reference to
The function explained with reference to
The CRC-4 monitoring is used to provide protection against incorrect time frames (framing) and for error performance monitoring of the access digital section DS. In order to enable service features such as free channel suppression, speech compression, voice activity detection and silence suppression, transparent transmission of the CRC-4 is not possible.
For this reason ATM monitoring methods such as VCC (Virtual Channel Connection) performance monitoring and VCC continuity monitoring are used simultaneously for the ATM section of the access digital section DS. The performance monitoring ensures real-time evaluation of the transmission quality for the selected VCCs at segment level or at end-to-end level. In the case of monitoring of the ATM section of the access digital section DS, the end-to-end VCC performance monitoring variant should be used. The performance monitoring is achieved by monitoring blocks from user cells. There are two applications of performance monitoring, namely forward monitoring and backward reporting together or forward monitoring on its own. In order to detect errored blocks of user cells it is sufficient to use only forward monitoring.
Performance monitoring is activated during the connection setup as part of the VCC method. In addition the activation or deactivation can be configured for each VCC with the aid of a telecommunication management network (TMN). For communication between the VCC end points, special OAM cells (OAM—Operation Administration Maintenance) are used, namely the FPM cells (FPM—Forward Performance Monitoring) and the BR cells (BR—Backward Reporting). The following parameters are obtained with the aid of performance monitoring:
The CRC-4 checksum is computed afresh at the point of transition from the ATM network 10 to the time-division multiplex oriented network 12, i.e. in the transmission direction toward the exchange ET. If errors are detected as a result of VCC performance monitoring and continuity monitoring in the exchange-side network transition unit CO-IWF, this results in a CRC-4 error at the V3up interface of the exchange-side network transition unit CO-IWF (see explanatory remarks relating to
VCC continuity monitoring is performed according to ITU-T standard I.610. Of the various functions specified in ITU-T standard I.610, the following are used:
VCC performance monitoring is likewise performed according to ITU-T standard I.610, the following options of ITU-T standard I.610 being used:
The function explained with reference to
In addition, as shown in
There follows an overview of the errors that occur and the associated error indications which have to be detected and transmitted in each case by the network transition unit.
These error indications are generated in the network termination unit NT1 or the customer-side network transition unit CP-IWF and transferred in the Sa6 bits to the exchange ET.
The function explained with reference to
An error in the signal originating from the ATM network 10 is detected in the customer-side network transition unit CP-IWF as a result of end-to-end VCC continuity monitoring, loss of a cell, loss of cell alignment or cell synchronicity or due to a physical connection failure, in particular as a result of a loss of signal (LOS—Loss of Signal) at the XDSL level (XDSL—X-Digital Subscriber Line). The exchange-side network transition unit CO-IWF begins with VCC continuity monitoring (CC—Continuity Check) after the relevant VCC has been established. The VCC continuity monitoring is performed according to ITU standard I.610. Of the various options specified in the I.610 standard, the following are used:
The function shown with reference to
The function explained with reference to
AIS at the V3 Reference Point of the CO-IWF and Transfer to the CP-IWF
The function explained with reference to
Exemplary Embodiment with Specification of the Basic Text for an ATM Standard
There follows an explanation of a further exemplary embodiment in which an expanded basic text is proposed for ATM standard af-vmoa-0145.000. Based on the exemplary embodiments already explained above, it is shown which text sections of the af-vmoa-0145.000 standard are to be replaced or supplemented. New sections are also specified.
Changes or addenda are indicated by a note at the beginning of each section, e.g. by “replaces section x.y.z of the af-vmoa-0145.000 standard”. Some sections must be added in the af-vmoa0145.000 standard because the aspects mentioned therein are not covered by the current basic document. This is indicated by a note, e.g. by “new section x.y.z required in af-vmoa-0145.000”. Subsections which contain no such comments are purely informative.
The text proposed in the exemplary embodiment still has to be revised for the purpose of drafting a basic text so as to bring it more closely into line with the structure of the af-vmoa-0145.000 standard.
(Replaces Section 1.1 of the af-vmoa-0145.000 Standard)
The extension of the subscriber line loop emulation service using ARL2 for ISDN PRI services which are described in this document satisfies a need of the market for an efficient transfer method for carrying ISDN PRI traffic over a broadband subscriber line connection such as e.g. an XDSL line between a customer terminal equipment and the public circuit-switched or line-switched telephone network. The intention is to use the extension for access trunking to the public circuit-switched network with leased lines, as used mainly for the connection of PBXs (PBX—Private Branch Exchange).
The classical ISDN PRI is based on conventional time-division multiplex (TDM) methods with extended requirements and OAM principles (OAM—Operation Administration Maintenance) which have been specified for monitoring the circuit-switched connection. For this reason an ISDN PRI emulation service which uses the principles of the ATM/LES must also meet these requirements.
The methods required for this are specified in this document.
(Replaces Section 1.2 of the af-vmoa-0145.000 Standard)
This specification explains the methods which permit the efficient transfer of ISDN PRI (2048 kbps/E1 signal) services over an ATM network between two network transition units (IWF—Interworking Function). The network transition units are located:
Also specified is the use of virtual ATM links via AAL2 for transporting bearer information and signaling. The virtual links used shall be PVCs (Permanent Virtual Circuit).
The regulatory scope of this specification covers:
This specification is intended to support the delivery of ISDN PRI services to customer premises via bandwidth-constrained ATM connections such as those provided for example by DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) systems.
In this reference model, only those entities are shown that pertain to the ISDN PRI services. In one implementation the equipment providing the CP-IWF function may also include data interfaces toward the customer, e.g. an Ethernet. The data traffic originating from such interfaces or terminating at such interfaces is carried over AAL5 or another appropriate AAL on the same ATM interface to the ATM network as the traffic in the voice band.
The service node shown in
The physical connection between the CP-IWF and the ATM network is typically provided by a DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), an HFC (Hybrid Fibre Coax), a fiber optic link or a radio link. The ATM network may be a full network, a single ATM switching element or simply a direct interconnection between a CO-IWF and a CP-IWF.
The ATM virtual circuits through the ATM network between the CP-IWF and the CO-IWF shall be PVCs or SPVCs (Soft Permanent Virtual Circuits) which carry the following traffic:
The CO-IWF and CP-IWF described in this specification are functional units which may be implemented as standalone devices, as parts of larger devices, or distributed among several different devices. This specification does not dictate the implementation of any one of these configurations.
CO-IWF Functionality
(In Addition to Section 1.7 of the af-vmoa-0145.000 Standard)
This specification identifies the narrowband interfaces and specifies the ATM interfaces at the CP-IWF and the CO-IWF.
The IWFs may also provide other interfaces for management and administration purposes, but these are not specified in this document.
IWF Narrowband Interfaces
Physical Layer
On the physical layer, an IWF (CP- and CO-) should support DS1 or E1 circuits according to the ITU-T standards G.703 and G.704 depending on the application.
The channel structure of the primary multiplex interface (Primary Rate Interface Channel Structure) specified in ITU-T standard I.412 should be supported.
This means:
A CP-IWF must support suitable interfaces for ISDN PRI connection to a telephony equipment in the customer area. The specifications for this interface include:
A CO-IWF must support appropriate interfaces for ISDN PRI connections to the telephone network (in compliance with ITU-T standard Q.512).
On the signaling layer, an IWF shall support one of the following signaling systems depending on the required application:
Signaling systems with common channel:
An ATM VCC between a CP-IWF and a CO-IWF may include traffic from precisely one ISDN primary multiplex interface.
DSS1 signaling for ISDN PRI lines and the B channels of the narrowband interface are carried in the same ATM VCC in different AAL2 channels. Time slot TS0 of an ISDN PRI shall be mapped into the AAL2 channel with the channel identifier CID=16.
Time slot TS0 contains the frame alignment signal or the signal not relating to the frame alignment which is used for transferring the maintenance and alarm information.
Signaling Between CO-IWF and CP-IWF for the ISDN PRI (Replaces Section 3.3.2 of the af-vmoa-0145.000 Standard)
The protocol reference model for a CP-IWF with ISDN PRI in the direction toward the user-side interface is illustrated in
Selection and Changing of Coding
(The First Part of this Section is Informative)
The same methods are valid as specified in the af-vmoa-0145.000 standard because the support for the H channel structures specified in ITU-T standard I.412 is not provided. These channel structures require time frame integrity. For this reason, AAL2 methods such as silence suppression and speech compression can only be used simultaneously for the entire H channel. Thus, for example, a change of coding profile within a profile would only be possible if it simultaneously affects all bearer channels. This means that in the case of an H0, H11 or H12 channel the profile change must take place for all 6, 23 or 30 B channels simultaneously.
(The Following Text Supplements Section 3.4.2 of the af-vmoa-0145.000 Standard)
Time slot TS0 of the ISDN PRI is mapped into the AAL2 channel with the CID=16. The SSCS (Service Specific Convergence Sublayer) specified in ITU-T standard I.366.2 is used in this channel with PCM64 coding and a change of coding profile is not permitted because the information contained in time slot TS0 must be transferred transparently. Consequently no speech compression and no silence suppression should be used for this channel.
Application Identifier (AppId)
(Supplements Section 4.1.1 of the af-vmoa-0145.000 Standard)
In addition an application identifier must be specified for:
The SSCS type to be used on each channel of an AAL2 VCC will vary according to the usage of that channel. Channels that are used to carry media streams (ISDN B channels) shall use the SCCS specified in ITU-T standard I.366.2. The channels that are used to carry the control and management level traffic (ELCP, DSS1 in the ISDN D channels and LES-EOC) shall use the SCCS specified in ITU-T standard I.366.1.
The SCCS specified in ITU-T standard ITU-T I.366.2 shall be used to carry additional failure and alarm messages such as are included in time slot TS0 of the ISDN PRI application, but without speech compression and/or silence suppression and VAD methods (Voice Activity Detection).
CID Allocation
(Supplements Section 4.4.1 of the af-vmoa-0145.000 Standard)
In the case of support for ISDN PRI the CID with the value sixteen shall be used for transferring time slot TS0 of the ISDN PRI signal. This CID is assigned during system startup, with the channel being activated at the same time.
Signaling and Control Methods
The information contained in this section must be assigned to the corresponding sections of the basic text in order to fit into the structure of the af-vmoa-0145.000 standard.
Additional signaling and control methods for ISDN PRI are disclosed.
Signaling Methods for the ISDN PRI
The ISDN PRI consists of:
Each active B channel, the signaling channel (DSS1 signaling), the ELCP protocol and the channel containing the frame alignment signal or the signal not relating to the frame alignment shall be transferred in a separate AAL2 channel of the same VCC. B channels are allocated dynamically to the AAL2 channels using the ELCP according to the call status. The AAL2 channels for the ELCP and the frame alignment signal and for the signal not relating to the frame alignment are allocated statically.
For DSS1 signaling, the AAL2 channel is allocated dynamically by the CO-IWF using an ALLOCATION message, as in the case of the ISDN BRI.
For the signal relating to the frame alignment and for the signal not relating to the frame alignment (TS0), the AAL2 channel is identified by the CID with the value sixteen.
Detection of Unused Channels (Idle Channel Detection)
The CO-IWF receives no explicit indication of the seizure or release of a channel, as in the case of the LES and a V5 or a GR303 SNI. The CO-IWF must therefore be informed by means of other measures.
The proposed solution is that the CO-IWF detects the call status “Idle” as a result of the monitoring of the DSS1 messages in time slot sixteen of the narrowband interface.
Based on the messages for call setup and release, the CO-IWF will seize or release the necessary ARL2 channels using ELCP.
The signaling information itself is transferred transparently between the IWFs using the SSSAR (Service Specific Segmentation And Reassembly) and the SSTED methods (Service Specific Transmission Error Detection) in accordance with the af-vmoa-0145.000 standard.
ISDN PRI Specific OAM Methods and Tables of the Alarm States
(A New Section is Required in the af-vmoa-0145.000 Standard)
(The text contained in the Loopbacks section above should be inserted here, i.e. including the explanations concerning the functions F1 and F2 as well as
Error Monitoring
(The text contained in the Error monitoring section above should be inserted here, i.e. including the explanations concerning the functions F3 to F7 as well as FIGS. 5 to 9).
Error Indication
(The text contained in the Error indications section above should be inserted here, i.e. including the explanations concerning the functions F8 to F15 and FIGS. 10 to 17).
List of Reference Characters
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
01108481.1 | Apr 2001 | EP | regional |
This application claims priority to International Application No. PCT/EP02/03753, which was published in the German language on Oct. 17, 2002, which claims the benefit of priority to German Application No. 01108481.1 which was filed in the German language on Apr. 4, 2001.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/EP02/03753 | 4/4/2002 | WO |