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E.A. Hansen et al., Irrigation of Intensively Cultured Plantations with Paper Mill Effluent, 63 Tappi 139-143 (1980) (abstract, WRA No. 8101094). |
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Z. Tihanyi, Utilization of Waste Waters by Fast-growing Tree Species, Acta Facultatis Forestalis, Hungary (No. 3) 27-38 (1984) (abstract, CAB Accession No. 890635325). |
A. Bytnerowicz et al., The Air Pollution Accumulation Capabilities of Some Tree Species in the Vicinity of the Chemical Plant in Torun, 33 Bocznik Ssekcji Dendrologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego 15-28 (1980) (abstract, CAB Accession No. 801368477). |
K.E. Armolaitis, The Role of Horticultural Shelterbelts in Reducing Environmental Pollution, Lesnoe Khozyaistvo (No. 8) 33-35 (1986) (abstract, CAB Accession No. 870614942). |
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L.P. Kapel'kina, Use of Willows for Stabilization of Sandy Industrial Wastes under the Conditions of the Kola Peninsula, Lesovodstvo, Lesnye Kul'tury i Pochvovedenie (No. 10) 96-100 (1981) (abstract, CAB Accession No. 840696454). |
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Organic Gardening, Nov. 1989 “Taking Hardwood Cuttings”, pp. 26-27. |
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Selected abstracts from PTO database search, including “Nitrogen Fixing Research Reports 1988”, concerning root initials and depth of planting. |
Selected abstracts from PTO database search concerning filter strips, Nov. 1992. |