The invention relates to the area of mineral processing, and more particularly to separation of crushed mined material containing minerals, which are luminescent under the action of exciting radiation, into products to be concentrated and tailing products. The invention can be implemented both in X-ray-luminescent sorters at all benefication stages and in product inspection devices, like diamondiferous raw materials testing.
There are some prior art methods for separating bulk mixtures of various minerals into concentrated and tailing products based on analysis of the registered signal of their luminescence arising under the action of electromagnetic radiation.
For example, a method is known for sorting out diamonds, both from a mixture of diamonds with other minerals and from a mixture of diamonds by their types, in particular, separation into type I or II based on analysis of spectral characteristics of registered thermoluminescence radiation of minerals [GB 1379923, B07C 5/342, 08.01.1975; GB 1384813, B07C 5/34, 26.02.1975]. In this method, the conveyed mineral mixture is irradiated first by exciting radiation from a source of gamma (Co60 isotope), X-ray or ultraviolet radiation, and after termination of the luminescence arising in minerals, at the next transportation section, the mixture is heated, which causes thermoluminescence of minerals that is registered and analysed by means of a grating spectral device. Diamonds are sorted out on the basis of differences in the spectral characteristics registered.
This method features a sufficiently high selectivity of mineral separation.
However, it has a rather low productivity as it requires quite a lot of time (up to several hundreds of milliseconds) for registration and analysis of characteristics. Therefore, its use under conditions of mining processing factories is extremely limited. In addition, in order to implement this method, it is preferable to use a radioactive radiation source (Co60 isotope) and a spectrometer with sufficiently high resolution.
A method is also known for X-ray-luminescent separation of minerals based on selection of a spectral range for registration of the integral signal of mineral luminescence, which is to be performed in the region of minimum spectral density of mineral luminescence of the separation tailing product [RU 2334557, C2, B03B 13/06, B07C 5/342, 27.09.2008].
The method has sufficiently high mineral separation selectivity.
However, its sensitivity is not sufficiently high for using in sorters with a high (100 ton/hour) and medium (10 t/h) production capacity, especially for extracting weakly luminescing diamonds, as in such spectral filtration of mineral luminescence the registered intensity of radiation of the mineral (diamond) to be concentrated will decrease by half.
Methods are also known for separating bulk mixtures of various minerals based on the use of differences in the absorption coefficient of X-ray and optical radiations between diamond and an associate mineral in analysis of the registered signal of their luminescence arising under the action of electromagnetic radiation.
For example, a mineral separation method is known consisting of mineral transportation by a monolayer flow, irradiation of minerals by penetrating radiation which excites their luminescence, registration of the luminescence intensity on the side of penetrating radiation and, on the opposite side, determination of the mineral transparency degree and separation of the useful mineral by its degree of transparency for penetrating radiation [RU 2303495, C2, B07C 5/342, 27.07.2007]. The mineral transparency degree for exciting X-ray radiation can be determined by difference of logarithms of luminescence intensities registered on the side of penetrating radiation flux and on the opposite side, or by logarithm of the ratio of these intensities.
With such mineral separation method, it is possible to detect all types of diamonds.
However its selectivity is not sufficiently high as the method's separation parameter does not take into account the optical properties of mineral and depends upon the linear dimensions of mineral (thickness), which varies significantly not only because of a spread within the grain size class of the material being separated but also because of differences in the position of irregularly shaped mineral objects with respect to the direction of effect of the exciting radiation at the moment of registration. In addition, the method does not allow reliable identification of weakly luminescing diamonds, especially among luminescence signals of associate minerals having intensive luminescence, since the use of a logarithmic amplifier in the luminescence signal processing unit with high amplification coefficient for weak signals being close to the natural noise level lead to significant errors.
The actual mineral luminescence signal registered within a certain period of time has kinetic characteristics and can be considered as superposition (overlapping) of two components. In general, such signal can contain a short-lived, or fast, luminescence component (“FC”), which arises virtually simultaneously (at an interval of several microseconds) with the beginning of exposure to the exciting radiation and which is absent immediately after its termination, and a long-lived, or slow, luminescence component (“SC”), intensity of which is continuously growing during exposure to the exciting radiation and decreasing relatively slowly (from several hundreds of microseconds to millisecond unities) after its termination (luminescence afterglow period).
A mineral separation method is known, which comprises mineral transportation in the form of monolayer flow of the material to be separated, irradiation of this material by penetrating radiation, registration, at an obtuse or straight angle with respect to the incident flux of penetrating radiation, of intensity of the short-lived and long-lived mineral luminescence components in overlapping irradiation areas and registration of intensity of the long-lived luminescence component only as well as registration of intensity of air luminescence, the latter being registered beyond the width of flow of the material to be separated, and separation of the useful mineral according to the result of comparison with the specified threshold value for the mineral luminescence intensity registered, which threshold value is proportional to the intensity of air luminescence signal [RU 2310523, C2, B07C 5/342, 20.11.2007].
The method makes it possible to enhance the separation selectivity due to the possibility of using, as mineral separation parameters, not only the difference in absorption of X-ray and optical radiations between diamond and associate mineral but also kinetic characteristics of the mineral luminescence signal that are registered both in the presence and the absence of exciting radiation.
However, due to insufficient sensitivity, the method does not provide reliable identification of the signal of weakly luminescing diamonds, especially among luminescence signals of a number of associate minerals having intensive luminescence.
The closest analogue of the invented X-ray-luminescent mineral separation method is the method including transportation of the flow of material to be separated, irradiation of this material by a sequence of exciting X-ray radiation pulses within a specified section of the material motion trajectory, registration of intensity of the mineral luminescence signal during each sequence period within the material motion trajectory section being irradiated, real-time processing in accordance with the specified conditions for each of the kinetic components of the registered signal for determination of separation parameters, comparison of the parameters obtained to the specified threshold values, and separation of the mineral to be concentrated from the transported material flow according to the results of comparison [RU 2437725, C1, B07C 5/00, 27.12.2011, U.S. Pat. No. 8,878,090 B2, B07C 5/346, B07C 5/342, B07C 5/34, May 23, 2013]. In processing of the signal registered, at first the luminescence signal intensity value in a specified period of time after termination of the exciting pulse is determined, the value obtained is compared to the threshold value specified for it, and, in case the threshold value being exceeded, the signal processing is performed in order to determine the value of separation criterion selected, the result of processing is compared to the specified threshold value of the separation criterion and the mineral to be concentrated is extracted from the material being separated if the result of comparison meets the specified criterion; in case the luminescence signal intensity value obtained is less than its threshold value in a specified period time after termination of the exciting pulse, the luminescence signal intensity value arising during the exciting radiation pulse is determined, then it is to be compared to the threshold value specified for it, and the mineral to be concentrated is extracted from the material being separated in case of the threshold value being exceeded.
Such mineral separation method provides extraction of all types of luminescent minerals to be concentrated from the flow of material being separated with a sufficiently high selectivity, because it uses, as separation criteria parameters, various relations between kinetic characteristics of luminescence signal registered both during exposure of the mineral material to the exciting radiation and after it (during the afterglow period).
However, recovery of weakly luminescent materials, for which the intensity of luminescence of the slow component is below the threshold value, for example, for so called type II diamonds, has the insufficiently high selectivity. This is due to insufficient sensitivity of registration of the fast component of the mineral luminescence signal because of high intensity fluctuations (from 1.5 V to 10 V) of the light signal produced by luminescence of air, various vapors, particles of rock and associate minerals, which are register together with luminescence signal of useful mineral during irradiation.
X-ray-luminescent sorters are also known, in which one or another method from above-described mineral separation methods can be implemented.
For example, an X-ray-luminescent sorter is known that includes a means for transportation of the material being separated, a photo receiving device installed with respect to the motion trajectory of the material being separated on the opposite side of the penetrating radiation source, a mineral luminescence signal processing unit, an air luminescence signal amplitude registration and storage unit and an actuator [RU 2310523, C2, B07C 5/342, 20.11.2007]. The penetrating radiation source is installed so that the width of the irradiation region should exceed the width of flow of the material being separated. The photo receiving device is connected to the first input of the mineral luminescence signal processing unit and to the input of the air luminescence signal processing and storage unit, the output of which is connected to the second input of the mineral luminescence signal processing unit. The output of mineral luminescence signal processing unit is connected to the actuator.
The sorter allows enhancement of the separation selectivity, as the location of the photo receiving device on the opposite side of the penetrating radiation source (at an obtuse or straight angle with respect to the incident flux of penetrating radiation) makes it possible to use differences in the absorption of X-ray and optical radiations between diamond and associate mineral in order to reduce the contribution of luminescence of associate minerals to the luminescence intensity being registered.
However, such sorter has insufficient sensitivity for reliable identification of the signal of weakly luminescing diamonds, especially among luminescence signals of a number of associate minerals having intensive luminescence. This is caused by the fact that the air luminescence signal to be registered by the photo receiving device has a sufficiently high intensity due to increased luminescing volume, which leads to an increase in the separation threshold value, as an identification criterion.
An X-ray-luminescent sorter is known that comprises a means for transportation of the material being separated, an X-ray radiation source, two photo receiving devices, one of which is located on the same side as the X-ray radiation source with respect to the irradiated surface of the material being carried, and the other one is located on the opposite side with respect to the motion trajectory of the material being separated, a digital luminescence signal processing unit, an actuator and receiving bins for tailings and concentrated products [RU 2303495, C2, B07C 5/342, 27.07.2007]. The digital luminescence signal processing unit is provided with functions for logarithmic amplification of the signals from two photo receiving devices, their differential (difference) amplification to be determined as the separation criterion, comparison of the obtained criterion value to the specified threshold value, and generation of a command to be issued to the actuator.
In such sorter, all types of diamonds can be detected.
However, its selectivity is not sufficiently high, as the separation criterion being determined depends upon the mineral dimension (thickness), which varies significantly not only because of a spread within the grain size class of the material being separated but also because of differences in the position of irregularly shaped mineral with respect to the direction of the primary X-ray radiation at the moment of registration. In addition, such sorter does not provide reliable identification of the signal of weakly luminescence diamonds, especially among luminescence signals of a number of associate minerals having intensive luminescence, because the very high amplification coefficient of logarithmic amplifier of the signal processing unit for weak luminescence signals near to the natural noise level leads to significant errors.
An X-ray-luminescent sorter is known, which we have taken as a prototype, that contains a means for transportation of the material being separated, a pulsed exciting X-ray radiation source located above the surface of the material being separated, with the possibility of its irradiation at the section of material free falling trajectory near the place of its descent from the means of transportation, a photo receiving device for luminescence registration located on the same side as the pulsed exciting X-ray radiation source in respect to the irradiated surface of the material being carried, with the possibility of combination of the area of registration of luminescence of the material being carried at the section of its free falling trajectory coinciding with the irradiation area, an electronic unit for setting the threshold values of the luminescence signal intensity and threshold values of separation parameters (criteria), a synchronization unit, a digital luminescence signal processing unit provided with functions for determination of separation parameters, comparison of the parameter values obtained to the corresponding specified threshold values and generation of a command to be issued to the actuator, an actuator and receiving bins for concentrated and tailing products [RU 2437725, C2, B07C 5/00, 27.12.2011, U.S. Pat. No. 8,878,090 B2, B07C 5/346, B07C 5/342, B07C 5/34, May 23, 2013]. The photo receiving device is capable of simultaneous amplification of the signal being registered with various amplification coefficients. As a separation parameters (useful mineral identification criteria), the digital luminescence signal processing unit is capable to determine the values of such luminescence signal characteristics as normalized autocorrelation function, ratio of the fast and slow signal components to the intensity of its slow component, and the luminescence decay time constant after termination of the exciting pulse as well as the value of intensity of the fast luminescence signal component.
Such sorter provides extraction of all types of minerals to be concentrated from the flow of material being separated with a sufficiently high selectivity, as it uses, as separation parameters, various ratios of the kinetic characteristics of the luminescence signal registered both during the mineral material exposure to the exciting radiation and after it (during the afterglow period).
However, in case of extraction minerals with low level of luminescence, for which the intensity of luminescence of the slow component is less than the threshold value, for example, with type II diamonds, the selectivity is insufficiently high. This is caused by the fact that the photo receiving device registers the signal of total intensity of luminescence arising during the effect of X-ray pulse irradiation. This signal includes both the intensity of the fast component of mineral luminescence and the intensity of air luminescence, various vapors, particles of rock and associate minerals. The intensity of this light signal has a high fluctuation (from 1.5 V to 10 V), which determines a relatively high threshold value of intensity of the luminescence signal fast component.
A very important aim of this invention is the better selective extraction of minerals to be concentrated from the material being separated due to enhancement of the sensitivity of registration in respect of the fast component of mineral luminescence. It is another object of the present invention to provide separation of minerals being concentrated by types simultaneously with the extraction. For example, this concept allows sorting of diamonds into diamonds of type I and diamonds of type II at any beneficiation stages, in particular, at the stage of primary concentration, with a high production capacity of the sorter (up to 100 t/h).
In the present invention there is provided a method of X-ray-luminescent separation of minerals including following steps:
a) Transportation of flow of the material to be separated;
b) Irradiation of this material by a sequence of pulses of the exciting X-ray radiation within the specified section of the free falling trajectory of the material and additional irradiation by exciting X-rays in the section of its transportation up to the boundary with the section of the mineral luminescence signal intensity registration;
c) Registration of the mineral luminescence signal intensity during each sequence period within the irradiated section of the material motion trajectory simultaneously on the irradiated side and on the opposite side of the material flow during each sequence period, while mineral luminescence on the opposite side of the material flow being registered in the spectral range of the maximum luminescence intensity of the material being concentrated only within the irradiated section of the material free falling trajectory;
d) The registered luminescence signals are real-time processed in order to determine the separation parameters in the case where the value of intensity of the slow component of luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of the material flow exceeds the threshold value specified for it;
e) Calculation of the separation parameters, wherein the value of ratio of the slow component of the luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of the material flow to the value of the slow component of the luminescence signal registered on the opposite side of the flow is additionally determined as the separation parameter;
f) Comparison of the obtained parameters with their specified threshold values;
g) The useful mineral is ejected from the material being separated if the result of comparison meets the specified criteria;
h) If, on the step d, the slow component of luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of the material flow do not exceeds the specified threshold value, then the value of intensity of the fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the side opposite to the material flow side is compared with the threshold value specified for it;
i) If the value of intensity of the fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the side opposite to the material flow exceeds the threshold value specified for it, then the value of ratio of the fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of the material flow to the value of fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the flow side opposite to irradiation is determined as the separation parameter;
j) If this latest separation parameter exceeds the specified threshold value, the useful mineral is ejected from the material being separated.
As distinct from the prior art method, in the proposed method for X-ray-luminescent separation of minerals, the material being transported is additionally irradiated by exciting X-ray radiation at the section of its transportation up to the boundary with the section of the mineral luminescence signal intensity registration, the values of mineral luminescence signal intensity are registered simultaneously on the irradiated side and on the opposite side of the material flow during each sequence period, the mineral luminescence signals on the opposite side of the material flow being registered in the spectral range of the maximum luminescence intensity of the material being concentrated only within the irradiated section of the material free falling trajectory, the luminescence signals registered are processed in order to determine the separation parameters in the case where the value of intensity of the slow component of luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of the material flow exceeds the threshold value specified for it, the value of ratio of the slow component of the luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of the material flow to the value of the slow component of the luminescence signal registered on the opposite side of the flow is additionally determined as the separation parameter, the result of processing of each luminescence signal is compared to the specified threshold values of the separation parameters and the mineral to be concentrated is isolated from the material being separated if the result of comparison meets the specified criterion; otherwise, the registered luminescence signals are processed if the value of intensity of the fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the side opposite to the material flow side exceeds the threshold value specified for it, and the value of ratio of the fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of the material flow to the value of fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the flow side opposite to irradiation is determined as the separation parameter, the result of processing is compared to the specified threshold value of the separation parameter, and the mineral to be concentrated is isolated from the material being separated if the result of comparison meets the specified criterion.
In processing the mineral luminescence signals where the value of intensity of the slow component of the signal registered on the irradiated side of the material flow exceeds the threshold value specified for it, as separation parameters it is also possible to determine such luminescence signal characteristics as normalized autocorrelation function, ratio of the total intensity of the fast and slow components of the signal to the intensity of its slow component and the luminescence decay time constant after termination of the exciting pulse.
The achievement of the technical result is also provided by the proposed X-ray-luminescent sorter that includes a means for transportation of the material being separated, a source of pulsed exciting X-ray radiation located above the surface of material being transported and capable of its irradiation in the section of the material free falling trajectory near the place of material descent from the means of transportation, a photo receiving device for luminescence registration located on the same side as the pulsed exciting X-ray radiation source in respect to the irradiated surface of the material being transported, so as to combine the area of registration of luminescence of the material being transported in the section of its free falling trajectory with the irradiation area, a means for setting the threshold values of the luminescence signal intensity and threshold values of separation parameters, a synchronization unit, a digital luminescence signal processing unit provided by functions for determination of separation parameters, comparison of the parameter values obtained to the corresponding specified threshold values and generation of a command to be issued to the actuator, an actuator and receivers for the concentrated and tailing products, the sorter additionally including a source of exciting X-ray radiation located above the surface of material being transported so as to ensure its irradiation in the section before the material descent from the means of transportation, and a photo receiving device provided with a means for filtration of the spectral range of the maximum intensity of luminescence of the mineral to be concentrated and located on the side opposite to the exciting X-ray radiation sources in respect of the trajectory of motion of the material being separated, with the possibility of restriction of its field of vision to the irradiated section of the material free falling trajectory so that the distance from the centre of the receiving window of the photo receiving device to the middle of the irradiated section of the material free falling trajectory should meet the following relation:
h=L/2*tg β/2,
L is the largest linear dimension of the irradiated section of the material free falling trajectory;
β is the aperture of the photo receiving device;
and the digital luminescence signal processing unit is capable of simultaneous real-time processing of luminescence signals from at least two photo receiving devices and is additionally provided with functions for determination, as the separation parameters, of the value of ratio of the slow component of the luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of the material flow to the value of the slow component of the luminescence signal registered on the flow side opposite to irradiation, and the value of ratio of the fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of material flow to the value of the fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the flow side opposite to irradiation.
As distinct from the prior art sorter, the sorter additionally includes a source of exciting X-ray radiation located above the surface of material being transported so as to ensure its irradiation in the section before the material descent from the means of transportation, and a photo receiving device provided with a means for filtration of the spectral range of the maximum intensity of luminescence of the mineral to be concentrated and located on the side opposite to the exciting X-ray radiation sources in respect of the trajectory of motion of the material being separated, with the possibility of restriction of its field of vision to the irradiated section of the material free falling trajectory so that the distance from the centre of the receiving window of the photo receiving device to the middle of the irradiated section of the material free falling trajectory should meet the following relation: h=L/2*tg β/2 where
L is the largest linear dimension of the irradiated section of the material free falling trajectory;
β is the aperture of the photo receiving device;
and the digital luminescence signal processing unit is capable of simultaneous real-time processing of luminescence signals from two photo receiving devices and is additionally provided with functions for determination, as the separation parameters, of the value of ratio of the slow component of the luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of the material flow to the value of the slow component of the luminescence signal registered on the flow side opposite to irradiation, and the value of ratio of the fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the irradiated side of material flow to the value of the fast component of the luminescence signal registered on the flow side opposite to irradiation.
The additional source of exciting X-ray radiation can be made in the form of a pulse X-ray radiation generator or in the form of a constant X-ray radiation generator.
The means of filtration of the spectral range of photo receiving device can be made in the form of a differential optical filter.
The field of vision of the photo receiving device located on the side opposite to the exciting X-ray radiation sources in respect to the motion trajectory of the material being separated can be restricted to the material free falling section coinciding with the section of its irradiation, by means of structural elements of the sorter linked with the photo receiving device by mutual arrangement.
The field of vision of the photo receiving device in the direction of material flow motion can be limited on one side by the edge of the means of transportation of the material being separated, and on the other side by a screen being non-transparent for optical radiation and installed on the side opposite to the exciting X-ray radiation sources transversely to the material free falling trajectory.
The combination of distinguishing and restrictive features being proposed in the inventions meets the “novelty” criterion as it has not been described in the literature known to the inventors.
The combination of distinguishing features and their interrelationship with the restrictive features in the inventions proposed makes it possible to resolve a technical contradiction, i.e. increase in the intensity of the luminescence signal being registered ensures better sensitivity, thereby improving selectivity of extraction; however, this increases the intensity of the light signal from all minerals and air registered during exposure to an X-ray radiation pulse, which leads to a decrease in the sensitivity with respect to the fast component of the luminescence signal and a decrease in the selectivity of extraction of the material being concentrated. The combination of operations proposed in the invention allows enhancement of sensitivity of registration during the effect of X-ray radiation pulse (with respect to the fast component of the luminescence signal) as an increase in the signal/noise ratio due to reduction of fluctuation and a decrease in the level of intensity of the light signal generated by air, various vapours and rock particles and registered during irradiation. The combination and sequence of operations proposed allow taking account of various manifestations of natural peculiarities related not only to the mineral being concentrated but also to the whole material being separated, such as the structure and elemental composition, during interaction with radiation. Identification and accounting of such peculiarities are decisive for the mineral separation criterion being proposed in the invention. The X-ray-luminescent sorter being proposed for implementation of the method fully ensures achievement of the technical result. Hence the technical solutions proposed meet the “inventive step” criterion.
The implementation of the proposed method for X-ray-luminescent separation of minerals is performed as follows. The material being separated is transported on a substrate ensuring its movement in the form of a monolayer flow. This material flow is irradiated by exciting X-ray radiation ensuring sufficient occupancy of the long-lived (metastable) states of atoms of the mineral being concentrated during the period of material transportation over the irradiated section of the substrate. As a result, the luminescence of air and minerals from permitted atomic transitions occurs. When the material flow descends from the transporting substrate, it is irradiated by a sequence of pulses tp of exciting X-ray radiation within the specified section of the material free falling trajectory. The length of this section is selected with consideration for the material transportation velocity, repetition frequency, duration and strength of X-ray radiation pulses, and the section width is limited by the width of incident flow of the material being separated. As a result of mineral exposure to pulses tp of X-ray radiation (
where Tc is the convolution parameter;
where F0 is the initial value of the exponent in the luminescence decay region (at t>tp).
The values of separation criterion parameters obtained are compared to the specified threshold values of these parameters, and the mineral to be concentrated is extracted from the material being separated if the separation criterion conditions are met. In such case, a high selectivity of extraction of the mineral to be concentrated is achieved, as the increased intensity of the registered mineral luminescence signals Uirr(t) and Uopp(t), in particular, weakly luminescing ones, allows identification of their kinetic characteristics and, in particular, detection of the presence of SC (Uscirr(tsc) and Uscopp(tsc)) and performance of their analysis (processing) for conformity to the mineral being concentrated with respect to the separation criterion parameters selected, which take into account, on aggregate, the kinetic and spectral characteristics of the signals Uirr(t) and Uopp(t) of luminescing minerals and transparency of the luminescing mineral for X-ray and optical radiations. Sensitivity of separation (threshold value Usc0) is determined by the minimum value of the signal Uscirr(tsc) at the specified moment of time tsc being typical for the mineral being concentrated. If the value of signal Uscirr(tsc) obtained does not exceed the value of Usc0 (Uscirr(tsc)≦Usc0) (
The detailed implementation of the above-mentioned method is explained by the example of operation of the X-ray-luminescent sorter proposed in the invention.
The sorter (
Transportation means 1 is made in the form of a sloping chute and is designed for transportation, at the required velocity (for example, at the velocity within the range from 1 to 3 m/s), of the flow of material 2 being separated through the areas of irradiation, registration and separation (cut-off). Sources 3 and 4 are made in the form of X-ray radiation generators and are designed for irradiation of the flow of material 2 being separated. Photo receiving devices (PRD) 5 and 6 are designed for converting the mineral luminescence into electrical signals Uirr(t) and Uopp(t), respectively. Unit 7 for digital processing of signal U(t) is designed for processing signals Uirr(t) and Uopp(t) from PRD 5 and 6, respectively, for determining the values of separation parameters specified, for comparing the parameter values obtained to the corresponding specified threshold values and for generating a command to actuator 10 to separate the mineral being concentrated according to the result of comparison. Unit 9 is designed for synchronization of the required operating sequence of assemblies and units included in the sorter. Source 3 is located above chute 1 and is designed for irradiation of the flow of material 2 being on chute 1. Source 3 can be made in the form of an X-ray radiation generator or in the form of a constant X-ray radiation generator. Source 4 is made in the form of a generator producing continuous sequence of X-ray pulses and located above the flow of material 2 being separated; it is designed for irradiation of flow 2 in the section of free falling trajectory of material 2 near the place of its descent from chute 1. PRD 5 and PRD 6 are installed on different sides with respect to the surface of flow 2 being irradiated by source 4. PRD 5 is installed above the surface of flow 2 being irradiated by source 4 for registration of luminescence from the section of its free falling trajectory, which coincides with the irradiation region (excitation/registration area). PRD 6 is installed on the opposite side of the irradiated surface of flow 2 with the possibility of restriction of its field of vision to the section of free falling trajectory of material 2, which is irradiated by source 4 (excitation/registration area). Distance h from the centre of receiving window of PRD 6 to the middle of the section of free falling trajectory of material 2, which is irradiated by source 4, can be determined by the following relation:
h=L/2*tgβ/2 where
L is the largest linear dimension of the irradiated section of the material free falling trajectory;
β is the aperture of the photo receiving device.
The field of vision of PRD 6 (
The sorter (
As a luminescing mineral appears in the excitation/registration area L, the characteristics of light signals coming from PRD 5 and 6 to processing unit 7 are changed. Unit 7 will first determine the values of Uscirr(tsc) and Uscopp(tsc) of the intensity of signals Uirr(t) and Uopp(t) to be registered at the moment of time tsc after termination of the effect of pulse tp, compare the value of Uscirr(tsc) obtained to the specified threshold value of Usc0 and, if Uscirr(tsc)>Usc0 (
In case where unit 7, in comparing the value of Uscirr(tsc) to the specified threshold value of Usc0, detects that Uscirr(tsc)≦Usc0 (
The mutual arrangement of sources 3 and 4 in the sorter ensures an increase in intensity of signals U(t) of weakly luminescing minerals in the flow of material 2 being separated not only due to an increase in the strength of X-ray radiation acting on material 2 but also due to the duration and sequence of its effect. In this process, the conditions for registration and processing of signals U(t) developed in the sorter by means of PRD 5, PRD 6 and unit 7 ensure a considerable reduction of the intensity and fluctuation of the background luminescence signal Ubopp during the action of X-ray radiation pulses from source 4. So the sorter provides the enhancement of sensitivity of registration of all mineral luminescence signals U(t) including minerals with a low luminescence intensity. In addition, the sequence of operations and the set of separation criterion parameters specified for processing these signals in device 7 ensure not only the selectivity of extraction of all types of minerals to be concentrated but also the possibility of their separation by types during one cycle. For example, the sorter makes it possible, in selective extraction of diamonds from the flow of material 2, to separate diamonds being present in material 2 into diamonds of type I having a sufficient intensity of luminescence signals Uscirr(tsc) and Uscopp(tsc), and diamonds of type II where SC is practically missing in the luminescence signals Uirr(t) and Uopp(t).
Synchronisation unit 9 and digital signal processing device 7 can be combined and made on the basis of a personal computer or microcontroller with a built-in multichannel analogue-to-digital converter. Device 8 for setting the threshold values can be made on the basis of a group of switches or a numerical keyboard connected to the microcontroller. Synchronisation unit 9 can also be made as a generator of pulses with the duration tp and period T on TTL logic IC of K155 or K555 series. PRD 5 and 6 can be made in the form of multichannel devices on the basis of photomultipliers of FEU-85 or R-6094 (Hamamatsu) type. The number of channels in PRD 5 and 6 is determined by the width of flow of material 2 being transported, which is necessary for ensuring the required production capacity of the sorter as well as specified sensitivity of PRD. Actuator 10 can be made in the form of a multichannel device on the basis of pneumatic valves of VXFA type manufactured by SMG, Japan, or mechanical damper devices. Means 14 for filtration of the spectral range of luminescence of the mineral to be concentrated in concentration of the diamond-containing material can be made in the form of light filters installed in-line and manufactured on a serial basis, for example SZS20 and ZhS10 according to GOST 9411-91. The method for X-ray-luminescent separation of minerals and the X-ray-luminescent sorter proposed in the invention meets the “industrial applicability” criterion.
The X-ray-luminescent sorter version shown in
Thus, the proposed method for X-ray-luminescent separation of minerals and the X-ray-luminescent sorter for carrying out the method not only ensure enhancement of the selectivity of extraction of any types of minerals to be concentrated from the flow of material being separated, including minerals with low luminescence intensity, but also allow simultaneously separating them by types.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2013120814 | Apr 2013 | RU | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/RU2013/001039 | 11/21/2013 | WO | 00 |
Publishing Document | Publishing Date | Country | Kind |
WO2014/178753 | 11/6/2014 | WO | A |
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
4848590 | Kelly | Jul 1989 | A |
7763820 | Sommer, Jr. | Jul 2010 | B1 |
8766129 | Kazakov | Jul 2014 | B2 |
8878090 | Vladimirov | Nov 2014 | B2 |
Number | Date | Country |
1379923 | Jan 1975 | GB |
2303495 | Jul 2007 | RU |
2310523 | Nov 2007 | RU |
2437725 | Dec 2011 | RU |
Entry |
Translation of Russian Written Opinion; Russian Written Opinion; and Russian International Search Report for PCT/RU2013/001039. |
Publication for PCT/RU2013/001039. |
Number | Date | Country | |
20160038979 A1 | Feb 2016 | US |