The invention will now be described in connection with the accompanying drawings, the previously mentioned FIG. 1 of which is a basic schematic diagram of an idealized conception underlying the invention;
FIG. 2 is an expanded isometric schematic view of a preferred device for practicing the methodology of the invention embodying solid state conversion arrays as implementation;
FIG. 3 is a similar diagram of such an array of the novel thermal-to-electric converter elements of the type shown in FIG. 2; and
FIGS. 4 and 5 are respective load power density and efficiency of performance graphs attainable with such an embodiment of the invention.
Turning first to the roadmap of our said FIG. 1, this involves an idealized theoretical explanatory scheme consisting of a hot-side surface SH and a juxtaposed cold-side carrier charge-to-electricity converter surface Sc separated by a small vacuum gap g. On the cold side, there is schematically shown a first quantum well WC1 having a lower electron potential level 1 and an upper level 2 and wherein an electron is introduced or supplied into the lower level or state 1 from a source of electrons called a reservoir r1, which may be at relative ground potential. As later explained, in practical implementation, the well WC1 may be inherently provided in a quantum dot, such as an appropriate semi-conductor dot, and the electron reservoir r1 may be a conductor of a conducting network interconnecting such dots in an array or matrix of dots distributed along the cold-side SC as later more fully described in connection with the embodiments of FIGS. 2 and 3.
Electrostatic coupling to the hot side surface SH produces a quantum-correlated image well charge on the hot side, This appears schematically in FIG. 1 as a well WH with two levels connected to an electron reservoir rh. As an electron is supplied from the cold-side reservoir r1 to the cold-side level 1 of the well WC1, accordingly, Coulomb electrostatic coupling between that electron and a matched carrier charge imaged on the hot side produces a quantum correlation between the cold side electron and such carrier, providing electrostatic interaction U that leads to excitation energy transfer from the hot side to the cold side, thereby elevating the electron in the cold-side well WC1 up to higher potential level or state 2, as indicated by the upward arrow portion shown below the symbol U. From this upper state 2, the electron may tunnel, as shown schematically at V, through a potential barrier PB to a matched level 21 in a second quantum dot well WC2 on its way to a second reservoir r2 which is at elevated voltage relative to ground, as schematically illustrated at +. The well WC2 permits only one level—level 21. The two cold-side reservoirs r1 and r2 are connected together through an electrical load, so-labeled. Thus, when elections are promoted in the first quantum well WC1, they have the possibility of tunneling to the second well WC2 and then continuing on to do electrical work before ending up in the first reservoir r1 at ground.
The level of the hot-side well WH relaxes to an electron reservoir rh comprising a continuum of excitation levels, wherein the level a is coupled to each level in the reservoir with a matrix element m2. Similarly, level b is coupled to each level in the corresponding continuum with matrix element m3.
Electric fields between an electron on the hot side well WH and an electron on the cold side, couple the product states |b>1> and |a>2> with coupling U such that excitation transfer can occur across the gap g. Level 1 of the well WC1, in turn, relaxes to reservoir r1 with matrix element m1 and level 2′ of well WC2 relaxes to reservoir r2 with matrix element m4.
The basic mechanism of the device is that high temperature on the hot side results in excited electrons in the hot-side image, with excitation transferred via electrostatic interaction coupling U (between the hot-side image charge, which is itself coupled to excited electrons and phonon modes, and the cold-side electron) to promote a cold-side electron from level 1 to level 2 in well WC1.
In summary, thus, an electron reservoir on the cold side supplies an electron to a lower state; and coupling with the hot side causes the electron to be promoted to an excited state, and then the electron proceeds to a second electron reservoir at elevated potential. An electrical load connected between the two reservoirs can be driven from the electrical current caused by the promoted electrons. Such a scheme can work with either electrons or holes (or in principle, both). We have called it a “single carrier converter” since, in accordance with the invention, it is only a single carrier that is promoted at a time, as opposed to photovoltaics, as in the before-mentioned DiMatteo patent, in which electron-hole pairs are created.
Physical Implementations
FIG. 2 presents an exploded view of a preferred physical structure of a thermal-electric converter constructed in accordance with the invention to operate in accordance with the methodology thereof as outlined in FIG. 1. As before explained, the cold-side surface Sc of the device is shown juxtaposed to the hot-side heat emitter surface SH with, for example, a micron or larger-dimensional vacuum gap g therebetween. The cold-side converter comprises an array of appropriate semi-conductor small elements or dots, two of which are shown as “Dot 1” and “Dot 2”, implemented as by well-known chip technology and in a chip substrate matrix schematically illustrated by S. In practice, these semi-conductor converter dots may assume any desired geometry, such as the rectangular boxes or bar elements shown, supporting and serving as quantum-confined electron energy excitation state wells (WC1 and WC2, FIG. 1) along (at or near) the surface Sc. Other forms of these semi-conductor elements may include small cylinders or wires, small quantum-well sheets or even molecules. The array of dot elements or the like will be conductor-interconnected, as earlier mentioned by, a network of conductors feeding and outputting electrons to and from the respective elements (reservoir r1, r2, etc. in FIG. 1) interconnecting the array of dot elements in series and/or in parallel fashion, as appropriate, and also formed into the substrate matrix S of the converter chip side of the device. In the device of FIG. 2, moreover, segments of these electron “reservoir” conductors are shown at “Reservoir 1” (r1 in FIG. 1) and at “Reservoir 2” (r2 in FIG. 1) as rectangular cross-section bus portions.
The breakthrough realization, in accordance with the invention, that in an appropriately dimensioned structure, the charge movement in the quantum dot on the cold side surface Sc will promote movement in the image charge on the nearby conductive hot-side surface SH, and that this movement of the image charge would constitute a surface current, led to the two-level system model of the invention herein presented and with the same dynamics as the image charge, and hence the same classical power description. It has been found, moreover, that the equivalent coupling strength is quite large and independent of the gap thickness, at least in the limit that the system is electroquasistatic.
In the device of FIG. 2, the hot side surface SH may accordingly be a simple flat surface as of a metal, semi-metal or highly doped semiconductor. The metal surface has surface image charges induced by the cold-side electrons and the charges act as an effective dipole with zero energy separation that is coupled to thermally excited electrons and phonos. Across the gap g, the cold-side is shown as comprising the before-mentioned two quantum dots on the surface SC; Dot 1 having two levels (well WC1 of FIG. 1) and they couple to the hot-side imaged dipole (image well WH of FIG. 1) via the electrostatic Coulomb coupling interaction before described. Dot 2 has one level (in well WC2 of FIG. 1) and it couples to the excited upper level of Dot 1 (state 2 in well WC1 of FIG. 1) through the tunneling (V). The lower level of Dot 1 (level 1 in well WC1), as before stated, relaxes to the ground voltage conductor Reservoir 1 (r1 in FIG. 1). The Dot 2 level relaxes to conductor Reservoir 2 which is at the elevated voltage +. Reservoir conductor 1 is shown having a horizontal branch bus portion extending from the vertical leg of the bus conductor in order to couple the lower level of Dot 1, the branch being oriented horizontally to Dot 1 and facing the center of Dot 1, with a distance. Reservoir conductor 2 is shown parallel to Dot 1 and it runs parallely along the surface SC next to Dot 2, with a distance. Where desired, these dot and conductor elements may also be oriented at other angles, including substantially perpendicular to the plane of the surface SC.
The cold-side structure is repeated as an array over the surface SC as shown in FIG. 3, with the Reservoir 1 conductor buses linked together, and the Reservoir 2 conductor buses linked together, and within Reservoirs 1 and 2 connected through the load as in FIG. 1.
In a simulated specific structural design of this implementation, we obtained the following exemplary results. The temperature on the hot-side is 1300K, and that on the cold-side, 300K. Dot 1 has x×y×z dimension 120 Å×100 Å×100 Å and is of the preferred material InSb. The energy separation of the Dot 1 levels is 0.2 eV. The relaxation time of InSb at 0.2 eV is 1.ps. The hot-side is metallic copper, in this equipment, of which relaxation time at 0.2 eV is 0.57 fs. Dot 2 has dimension 50 Å×100 Å×100 Å and is horizontally pointing to the top part of Dot 1. (FIG. 2 is not drawn to scale). Dot 2 is of material Ga0.31In0.69Sb. The distance between Dot 1 and Dot 2 is 100 Å. Reservoir 1 branch is horizontally positioned 50 Å away from the center of Dot 1. Reservoir 2 is located 50 Å next to Dot 2. Both reservoirs are preferably made up of n-type InSb doped such that its relaxation time at 0.2 eV is 10 ps. The relaxation time for an n-type InSb with doping level 3×1017 cm−3 at 0.2 eV is 52 ps, and it is expected that the relaxation time will decrease to zero as the doping increases, since this is the behavior at DC. Therefore there exists a doping level with any desired relaxation time. The surrounding matrix material substrate on the cold side is preferably GaSb.
As before mentioned, the electrostatic interaction between the surface charge and the cold-side dipole is independent of the vacuum gap thickness in the electroquasistatic regime. For thicknesses greater than the wavelength corresponding to the energy separation of cold-side levels 1 and 2 divided by 2π, however, the effects of transverse photons may compromise the device performance. The absorption wavelength corresponding to 0.2 eV is 6.2 μm, and hence the gap should be below about 1 μm in this case.
Shown in FIG. 4 and FIG. 5 are the power on load density and efficiency, respectively, as a function of voltage for the device. This is based upon the assumption that each device unit occupies an area of 1000 Å×1000 Å=10−10 m2. The calculated maximum power on load density is 202 W/cm occurring at voltage 107 mV. FIG. 5 shows that the maximum efficiency 49.8% occurs at voltage 129 mV and the corresponding power on load density is 173 W/cm2.
Further modifications will occur to those skilled in the art and such are considered to fall within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims.