Method of boosting a glass melting furnace using a roof mounted oxygen-fuel burner

In an industrial glass furnace which contains recuperators, regenerators, electric boost or other devices for providing heat to glass batch material an oxy-fuel burner mounted in the roof of the furnace provides additional heat to melt the batch material. A method of mounting and using such a roof-mounted oxy-fuel burner including the operating parameters to maximize heat transfer while minimizing the disturbance of the batch material is disclosed.




This invention relates to the use of at least one oxygen-fuel burner in the roof of a glass melting furnace to boost production capacity or maintain current production capacity with either reduction of electro-boost or as a result of deterioration of existing heat recovery equipment such as recuperators or regenerators. The process involves the replacement of a portion of existing or previously existing air-fuel or electrical energy capacity with oxy-fuel energy. With the exception of end-fired regenerative furnaces and electric furnaces the process involves the blocking of regenerative ports or isolation of recuperative burners. In particular the design selection, angling and positioning of the burners over the raw batch materials entering the furnace improves the rate of melting, increase product yield, better energy efficiency and improve glass quality. Accurate control of the stoichiometric ratio of combustion in the burner, rich lean interaction of burners and furnace zonal fuel/oxygen staging are used to optimise heat transfer while minimizing oxides of nitrogen and sulfur dioxide emissions.

Regenerative, recuperative, electric and direct fired furnaces have been commonly involved in the manufacture of glass and related frit products.

Air-fuel regenerative furnaces fall into two categories: cross-fired and end-fired. Cross-fired regenerative furnaces have multiple ports typically three to eight on each side of the furnace that connect to either a common or compartmentalized regenerator to preheat the combustion air. The regenerators which come in various shapes and sizes reverse every 15-30 minutes dependent on furnace operation. During each reversal cycle combustion air from a fan passing through one passage in the reversal valve enters the base of the regenerator on one side of the furnace and is preheated prior to entering the ports which connect to the furnace. Fuel in the form of oil and/or gas is injected either, under, over, through or side of port to produce a flame which is combusted in the glass melting furnace. The hot products of combustion exit the furnace through the opposing side port, down through the regenerator checker bricks releasing heat and then exiting to the exhaust stack through a second passageway in the reversal valve. As the air-side regenerator cools, the exhaust regenerator heats until the reversal valve reverses and combustion air enters the previously hot exhaust regenerator.

The glass is melted partly due to the radiation of the air-fuel flame but mainly from re-radiation from the roof and walls which are heated by the products of combustion. To obtain higher furnace glass production capacity, many furnaces use electric boost by means of electrodes immersed in the glass. This is costly and can cause damage to the glass contact tank walls. Through time, regenerators can start to block due to thermal/structural damage and/or carry-over of raw glass forming materials, also known as batch materials or batch, or condensation of volatile species released from the glass batch. As the regenerators start to block or fail, the preheat temperature of the air in the furnace will reduce. Because of the increased pressure drop, the exhaust side will limit the removal of exhaust gases and therefore limit energy input into the furnace thus reducing furnace glass production.

To recover production capacity lost to preceding regenerator issues or to increase production in a non-encumbered furnace, oxygen has been used by four means: general air enrichment with oxygen, specific oxygen lancing under the port flames, installation of an oxy-fuel burner between first port and charging end wall, and water-cooled oxy-fuel burners installed through the port. The capacity increases from these technologies is limited by access, process requirements or refractory temperature limits.

The End-Fired Regenerative furnace is similar in operation to a cross-fired furnace, however, has only two ports in the end wall which connect to individual regenerators. Regenerator deterioration is the same mechanism as in cross-fired furnaces and similarly electric and oxygen boost is utilized.

To recover production capacity lost to the aforementioned regenerator issues or to increase production, oxygen has been used by three means: general air enrichment with oxygen, specific oxygen lancing under the port and installation of oxy-fuel burners through the furnace side walls down tank. These technologies are typically limited on capacity because of location and concerns for overheating of the furnace.

The recuperative furnace utilizes at least one recuperator type heat exchanger. Unlike the regenerator, the recuperator is continuous with hot concurrent flow heat exchanger where exhaust gases preheat combustion air which is ducted to individual air fuel burners along the sides of the furnace. Recuperative furnaces can also use electric boost. As with regenerative furnaces, recuperators can start to lose their efficiency and ability to preheat the air. They can become blocked or develop holes.

To recover production capacity lost from the aforementioned recuperator issues or to increase production, oxygen has been used by three means: general air enrichment with oxygen, specific oxygen lancing under the air fuel burners and installation of oxy-fuel burners either through the furnace side or end walls. These technologies are typically limited on capacity because of location restrictions and concerns for overheating of the furnace.

Direct fired furnaces do not utilize preheated air and are therefore less efficient than the preceding examples of furnace design. To improve thermal efficiency or increase production capacity, side wall oxy-fuel burners have replaced air fuel burners.

Electric furnaces or furnaces which utilize electricity for majority of melting are typically costly to operate and are subject to a shorter campaign life than the typical fossil fuel furnaces. Once designed it is difficult to increase the production capacity. This invention relates to hot top and warm top electric furnaces and is not applied to cold top furnaces

U.S. Pat. No. 5,139,558 to Lauwers discloses the use of a high-momentum roof-mounted auxiliary oxygen fired burner in a glass melting furnace which is directed to the interface of the melted and solid glass forming ingredients whereby the solid glass forming ingredients are mechanically prevented from escaping the melting zone.

U.S. Pat. No. 3,337,324 to Cable discloses a process for melting batch material in a glass furnace using a burner positioned to fire substantially down over the feed end of a water-cooled furnace.

U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/992,136, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,237,369, discloses the use of roof-mounted burners as the primary source of heat in a glass melting furnace having no regenerators or recuperators.


Briefly, according to this present invention, glass melting furnaces of all designs can be boosted using at least one roof-mounted oxygen fuel burners positioned over the raw batch materials as the materials enter the furnace to improve the rate of melting and improve glass quality and/or glass product yield. Because of the increased rate and yield of the glass melting generated by the design and positioning of these burners, depending on furnace condition and type, at least one or more of the following can be achieved: increased glass production, improved glass quality, reduction in electric boost, recovery of production lost due to inefficient heat recovery (i.e., blocked regenerators), reduction of oxygen use by replacing oxygen enrichment of the furnace atmosphere, reduction of oxygen use by replacing oxygen lancing, reduction of oxygen use by replacing conventional oxy-fuel burners positioned through the walls of a glass furnace, increased furnace campaign life, improved energy efficiency, reduction in emissions of oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sulfur, reduction in fossil fuel usage, reduction in cullet and increased product glass yield.

This invention may be applied to the following types of furnaces. In hot top electric furnace applications of this invention, at least one oxygen-fuel burner will be mounted in the roof of the furnace. In cross-fired regenerative furnace applications of this invention may necessitate at least one pair of the opposing ports to be fully or partially blocked or isolated. In end-fired regenerative furnace applications of this invention, at least one oxygen-fuel burner will be mounted in the roof of the furnace and the combustion air flow reduced by a portion of the original design maximum flow. In all recuperative furnace applications of this invention, at least one oxygen-fuel burner will be mounted in the roof of the furnace. In multi-burner furnaces, burners adjacent to the roof mounted burners should be removed and the air supply isolated. In single burner or single port applications the combustion air flow will be reduced by a portion of the original design maximum flow.

In all direct fired furnace applications of this invention, at least one oxygen-fuel burner will be mounted in the roof of the furnace. In multi-burner furnaces, burners adjacent to the roof mounted burners should be removed and the air supply discontinued. In single burner or single port applications, the combustion air flow will be reduced by a portion of the original design maximum flow.

In all the above cases the scope of the invention is effectively the same: glass melting which was previously performed by air-fuel or oxy-fuel including but not exclusive of furnaces that utilize electric boost or conventional oxygen boosting methods, is replaced by roof-mounted oxy-fuel burners positioned over the raw batch materials entering the furnace to improve the rate of melting and/or improve glass quality and/or glass product yield. Because of the ability to position these burners at specific locations, increased heat transfer to the unmelted raw batch materials is achieved.

In all cases at least one roof-mounted oxy-fuel burner is positioned over the raw batch materials entering the furnace to improve the rate of melting and improvement in quality is utilized and in all multi-port and multi-burner air fuel applications at least one pair of ports or pair of burners are isolated. In all single port and single burner applications the air and fuel are reduced to a portion below the maximum design. The more efficient roof mounted burners provide energy to replace the conventional energy removed from the process and the additional energy to achieve the desired process requirements. The positioning of the burners over the raw batch entering the furnace improves the rate of melting. The stoichiometric ratios and control of the roof-mounted burners and remaining air-fuel burners is critical to minimizing the emission of nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide.


Further features and other objects and advantages of this invention will become clear from the following detailed description made with reference to the drawings in which:

FIG. 1

is a cross sectional longitudinal view of a glass meting furnace in accordance with the present invention.


is a cross-sectional plan view of a cross-fired regenerative embodiment of the glass melting furnace of

FIG. 1

along line





is a cross-sectional plan view of an end-fired regenerative embodiment of the glass melting furnace of

FIG. 1

along line





is a cross-sectional plan view of a cross-fired recuperative embodiment of the glass melting furnace of

FIG. 1

along line





is a cross-sectional plan view of an end-fired recuperative embodiment of the glass melting furnace of

FIG. 1

along lines





is a cross-sectional plan view of a unit melter embodiment of the glass melting furnace of

FIG. 1

along lines




FIG. 3

is a cross sectional view of the glass melting furnace of

FIG. 1

along line



illustrating two oxygen-fuel burners adjacent the upstream end wall of the furnace.

FIG. 4

is an alternate cross sectional view of the glass melting furnace of

FIG. 1

along line



illustrating one oxygen-fuel burner adjacent the upstream end wall of the furnace.

FIG. 5

is a cross sectional view of an oxygen fuel burner and a schematic representation of a burner flame from the oxygen burner.


Referring to the figures, there is shown a glass melting furnace


for providing molten glass to a glass forehearth or refiner


wherein the molten glass is further refined and subsequently fed to one or more glass-forming machines such as containers, fiberizers, float baths and the like (not shown). In considering the figures, it will be appreciated that for purposes of clarity certain details of construction are not provided in view of such details being conventional and well known by someone skilled in the art once the invention is disclosed and explained. Specific items excluded are the regenerator ports, air-fuel burners and exhausts since these are different for each type of furnace.

The glass melting furnace


typically includes an elongated channel having an upstream end wall


and a downstream end wall


, side walls


a floor


and a roof


all made from appropriate refractory materials such as alumina, silica, alumina-silica, zircon, zirconia-alumina-silica chromeoxide and the like. The roof


is shown generally as having an arcuate shape transverse to the longitudinal axis of the channel, however, the roof may be of most any suitable design. The roof


of the typical glass melting furnace


is positioned between about 3-


feet above the surface of the raw glass-forming material. As well known in the art, the glass melting furnace


may optionally include one or more bubblers


and/or electrical boost electrodes (not shown). The bubblers and/or electrical boost electrodes increase the temperature of the bulk glass and increase the molten glass circulation under the batch cover.

The glass melting furnace


includes two successive zones, a melting zone


and a downstream fining zone


. The melting zone


is considered the upstream zone of the glass melting furnace


wherein raw glass-forming material is charged into the furnace using a charging device


of a type well known in the art. The raw glass-forming material


may be a mixture of raw materials typically used in the manufacture of glass. It will be appreciated that the composition of the raw glass-forming material (or batch)


is dependent on the type of glass being produced. Normally, the material comprises, inter alia, silica containing materials including scrap glass commonly referred to as cullet. Other glass-forming materials including feldspar, limestone, dolomite, soda ash, potash, borax and alumina may also be used. To alter the properties of the glass, a minor amount of arsenic, antimony, sulfates, carbon and/or fluorides may also be added. Moreover, color forming metal oxides may be added to obtain the desired color.

The raw glass-forming material


forms a batch layer of solid particles on the surface of the molten glass in the melting zone


of the glass melting furnace


. The floating solid batch particles of raw glass-forming material


are melted principally by at least one oxygen-fuel burner


having a controlled impinging flame shape and length mounted within the roof


of the glass melting furnace


. It will be appreciated that it has been found that the installation and proper control of at least one oxygen-fuel burner


in the roof


of the glass melting furnace


over the raw glass-forming material


in accordance with the present invention increases the melting rate of the solid raw glass-forming material and, at the same time, maintains the operating temperature of the surrounding refractory material within acceptable operating limits.

As used herein, the phrase “at least one oxygen-fuel burner” means one or more oxygen fuel burners. Furthermore, as used herein the phrase “principally by at least one oxygen-fuel burner” refers to the condition wherein the additional or recovered glass production capacity and replaced air fuel and or electric/oxygen boost energy for melting of the raw glass-forming material is from at least one oxygen-fuel burner. In one particular embodiment, as shown in

FIGS. 1 and 2A

the glass melting furnace


includes three oxygen-fuel burners


. A single oxygen-fuel burner


is positioned upstream of two adjacently positioned downstream oxygen fuel burners. However, it will be appreciated that any number of oxygen-fuel burners


may be positioned at almost any suitable location in the roof


of the furnace


over the batch to melt the raw glass-forming material


. For example, two oxygen-fuel burners


may be positioned in a side-by-side relation as depicted in

FIG. 3

or a single oxygen-fuel burner may be used as depicted in FIG.


. Nonetheless, in accordance with the present invention, the angular orientation of each oxygen-fuel burner


in the roof


of the glass melting furnace must be such that the flame


produced is directed substantially perpendicular to the glass batch surface to produce a flame which impinges on the glass surface to form an impingement area


. In a preferred embodiment, the oxygen-fuel burners


are positioned substantially perpendicular to the batch material at an angle of about 90 degrees relative to the raw glass-forming material


. The angle may deviate from the perpendicular in the direction of the downstream end-wall by as much as 30 degrees, but preferably less than 10 degrees. It has been found that the glass production rate and the quality of glass produced may be improved by melting the raw glass-forming material


with at least one downwardly firing oxygen-fuel burner


having a controlled impinging flame shape and length in accordance with the present invention.

The at least one oxygen-fuel burner requires fuel and an oxidant. The fuel can be either gaseous or liquid or combinations of both. Gaseous fuels include natural gas (methane), towns gas, producer gas, LPG, propane, butane and blends of the aforementioned gases. Liquid fuels include heavy, medium and light fuel oils, kerosene and diesel. Liquid fuels require to be atomized and/or vaporized. The atomization can be either by mechanical means or a secondary atomizing mediums which include air, steam, oxygen, any of the aforementioned gaseous fuels and in some cases an inert gas. Vaporization relies on the heat of the surrounding products of combustion gases to evaporate the oil. The oxidant can be either 100% pure oxygen or a blend of oxygen and inert gas with an oxygen concentration 40-100%. Referring to

FIG. 5

, the at least one oxygen-fuel burner


within the roof


of the glass melting furnace


has at least one fuel conduit


for providing fuel and at least one oxygen conduit


for providing oxygen flow. The oxygen-fuel burner


may have a capacity ranging from about 1-15 MM Btu/hr depending upon the glass melting furnace


size and desired pull rate. The oxygen-fuel burner


is designed to use a higher percentage of oxygen than is present in air and thus the temperature above the area of impingement of the flame


from the oxygen-fuel burner


is substantially higher than in a conventional glass melting furnace utilizing air-fuel burners. Notwithstanding, as well known to one skilled in the art the temperature of the flame


imparted by an oxygen-fuel burner


is dependent on the quality of the fuel and the oxygen/fuel ratio. In a preferred embodiment, the oxygen concentration of the oxygen-fuel burner


is typically at a level of about 95-125 percent of the stoichiometric amount of oxygen required to combust the fuel. The fuel to oxygen ratio can be varied, however, to produce a range of operating conditions in the glass melting furnace


to effect one or more desired properties, including, for example, redox level, glass color, the level of gaseous bubbles known as seeds in the trade and other glass properties.

The oxygen-fuel burner


extends downwardly from a burner block


located in the roof


of the glass melting furnace


. Each primary burner block


includes an opening having an inside diameter (id) which is at least as great as the external diameter of the largest conduit




dependent on configuration. The inside diameter (id) of the opening of the burner block


may range between about 2-8 inches. The end of the oxygen-fuel burner


primary combustion zone is located from the end of the burner block


a distance (LBb) between about 0-18 inches. The secondary and in some cases tertiary combustion zone is external to the burner block


. It will be appreciated that the opening of the burner block


between the end of the oxygen-fuel burner


and the end of the burner block in some instances acts to focus the burner flame and prevent the burner flame from spreading outwardly but moreover protects the conduits of the burner. The burner block


is made of a refractory material as well known in the art and may be of most any suitable outside shape such as rectangular and the like.

The bottom surface of the burner block


may be flush with the inside surface of the roof


or the bottom surface may project below the inside surface of the roof to a maximum distance of


inches to protect the burner block


from wear. Furthermore, as shown in

FIG. 5

, the fuel conduits


and oxygen conduits


of the oxygen-fuel burner


extend downwards within the burner block


and terminate at either substantially the same vertical height or totally different vertical heights from the exit of burner block



Dependent on height of burner block


from raw batch and desired operating conditions of the burner, the greater the fraction of fuel staging and oxygen staging internal and external to the burner block


will vary. Additional oxygen injectors


are positioned to delay complete combustion until after the flame has impinged on the raw batch. The location of these additional injectors


is dependent on number and position of roof mounted burners however can be located in any point of the roof and walls.

In accordance with the present invention, the downwardly directed impinging flame


produced by the at least one oxygen-fuel burner


is precisely controlled to give a flame length greater than or equal to the distance from the exit of burner block


to the surface of the raw glass-forming ingredients


and the surface of the molten glass and away from the surrounding refractory thereby reducing the risk of overheating the roof


and side walls


of the glass melting furnace


. The impinging flame


may be controlled by such control devices as are conventional and standard in chemical processing. For example, valves, thermocouples, thermistors coupled with suitable servo circuits, heater controllers and the like are readily available and conventionally used for controlling the quantity and velocity of the fuel and oxygen from the oxygen-fuel burner



The impinging flame


is precisely controlled by controlling both the relative velocity and the maximum and minimum velocities of the fuel and of the oxygen streams and the internal and external staging from the at least one oxygen-fuel burner



The maximum and minimum velocity of the fuel and oxygen flow impinging on the surface of the raw glass-forming material


must be controlled to prevent the disturbance of the batch material and entrainment of or the displacement of glass batch material against the side walls


and roof


while maintaining optimum convective heat transfer to the surface of the raw glass-forming material. It will be appreciated that the displacement of glass batch material against the side walls


and roof


will adversely effect the refractory material and possibly shorten the operating life of the glass melting furnace



In order to determine the proper maximum velocity for the fuel and oxygen flow a burner was vertically mounted and fired downwards into a bed of glass sand across which grooves had been made. While the burner was adjusted to different heights from the sand and burner retractions into the block (LBb) the firing rates at which sand movement was discerned was noted. The data from these experiments was compared against simulations run on a commercially available computational fluid dynamics code thus yielding a maximum velocity across the surface above which sand would be disturbed in the aforementioned experiments.



Height (feet)


5 ft

6 ft

7 ft

8 ft


























From these experiments the maximum surface velocity was ascertained by comparison with the CFD models to be approximately 21 m/s. Due to variations in batch material, batch glazing and batch particle cohesion the exact maximum may differ from the above calculated maximum, therefore, it should be possible for one skilled in the art to vary the maximum velocity up to approximately 25 m/sec. To minimize disturbance and entrainment of the batch material, however, the maximum velocity should be kept below 30 m/sec.

The maximum and minimum velocity of the fuel and of the oxygen of the oxygen-fuel burner


are also controlled to harness the maximum energy from the impinging flame


without damaging the surrounding refractory material. The maximum energy from the impinging flame


is achieved by minimizing the amount of heat released to the glass melting furnace


combustion space and maximizing the heat transfer to the raw-glass forming material


. The operational maximum and minimum velocity range for the oxygen-fuel burner


to generate an acceptable heat transfer rate to the raw glass-forming material


without damaging the refractory material furnace walls and superstructure is a function of the design and location of the oxygen-fuel burner, burner block opening geometry, the velocities of the fuel and oxygen from the oxygen-fuel burner


, burner staging, interaction of adjacent oxygen-fuel burners, fuel burners and furnace exhaust.

The second region, the stagnation region


, is the region where the flame


penetrates the thermal boundary layer and impinges upon the surface of the raw glass-forming material


. Within this region


, the flame


penetrates the thermal boundary layer and impinges on the surface of the raw glass-forming material building a sharp pressure gradient at the surface that accelerates the horizontal flow of the deflected flame causing the flame to spread outwardly radially along the impinged surface. The end of the stagnation region


is defined as the location on the surface of the raw glass-forming material where the pressure gradient generated by the impinging flame


drops to zero. Within the stagnation region


, by carefully controlling the momentum of flame


, the thermal boundary layer that naturally exists at the surface of the raw glass-forming material


is penetrated and eliminated and thus its strong heat resistive features are attenuated. Accordingly, the heat generated by the impinging flame


penetrates more easily into the partially melted raw glass-forming material


. Furthermore, within the stagnation region


the flame


luminosity significantly increases which enhances the radiation heat transfer into the relatively colder raw glass-forming material



At the radial limits of the stagnation region


the wall jet region


begins. In this region, the flame


flows essentially parallel to the impinged surface and the thermal boundary layer grows along the impingement surface and outward from the stagnation region


, thus the thermal boundary layer starts to build up restoring the surface resistance to the heat flow into the raw glass-forming material surface.

The controlled flame heat generation in the free-jet region


is the result of the design of the oxygen-fuel burner


, inside diameter of the opening (id) of the burner block


and both the relative velocities and maximum and minimum velocities of the oxygen and fuel streams. By selectively controlling the design of the oxygen-fuel burner


, the burner block


geometrical design and the velocities of the oxygen and fuel streams a reduced shear stress between the oxygen and gas streams is produced providing controlled partial combustion and reduced thermal radiation emissions. It will be appreciated that by optimizing burner design and operation of the oxygen-fuel burner


, the flame heat generated in the free jet region


and the heat transfer resistance at the raw glass surface in the stagnation region


are minimized thereby maximizing the heat generated in the stagnation region.

The heat generated in the free-jet region


is the result of the following processes. First, the controlled partial combustion in the free-jet region


permits controlled combustion at the surface of the raw glass-forming material


thereby bringing the combustion process proximate to the surface of the raw glass-forming material. Bringing the combustion process proximate the surface of the raw glass-forming material


generates an elevated temperature gradient at the surface of the raw glass-forming material thereby improving the convection heat transfer. Second, the controlled partial combustion in the free-jet region


generates an acceptable temperature for the chemical dissociation of the combustion gases and the products of combustion. These dissociated species, once impinged on the relatively colder surface of the raw glass-forming material


, partially recombine, exothermically, generating significant heat at the surface of the raw glass-forming material. The heat from the exothermic reactions further augments the convective heat transfer process. The minimization of the heat resistance at the stagnation region


of the surface of the raw glass-forming material


is the result of the following factors.

First, the thermal boundary layer is eliminated through the controlled flame


momentum and the turbulence generated by the carefully controlled combustion characteristics at the surface of the raw glass-forming material


. Second, the localized surface heat generation allows for the conversion of the low thermal conductive raw glass-forming material


into a significantly better conductive molten glass material. This conversion allows for the heat generated at the surface to penetrate more efficiently into the raw glass-forming material depth.

In the cross-fired regenerative furnace


with regenerators


the preferred embodiment of the present invention utilizes at least one crown mounted burner


positioned over the raw batch materials entering the furnace to improve the rate of melting and improvement in quality to recover or boost production capacity or reduce electric boost capacity. Crown-mounted burner


impinges the surface of the batch material


in impingement area


. In all cross-fired regenerative furnace applications of this invention at least one pair of the opposing ports


will be fully or partially blocked or isolated. This will typically be the first port and perhaps the second port dependent on the amount of boost required. Additional roof-mounted burners can be located down the glass tank provided the crown mounted burners are positioned over the unmelted batch materials. The energy deliberated from the crown mounted burners replaces energy removed from the previously firing ports, the removed conventional electric or oxy-boost.

In the end-fired regenerative furnace of


with regenerators


the preferred embodiment of the present invention utilizes at least one crown mounted burners


positioned over the raw batch materials entering the furnace to improve the rate of melting and improvement in quality to recover or boost production capacity or reduce electric boost capacity. In all end-fired regenerative furnace applications of this invention the combustion air and conventional fuel requirements will be reduced from the previous design and replaced with energy from the at least one crown mounted burners


positioned over the raw batch materials and impinging the batch materials in impingement area


. Additional roof-mounted burners can be located down the glass tank provided the crown mounted burners are positioned over the unmelted batch materials. The energy deliberated from the crown mounted burners replaces energy reduced from the firing port, the removed conventional electric or oxy-boost.

In the cross-fired recuperative furnace of


with recuperator


the preferred embodiment of the present invention utilizes at least one roof mounted burner


positioned over the raw batch materials entering the furnace to improve the rate of melting and improvement in quality to recover or boost production capacity or reduce electric boost capacity. In all cross-fired recuperative furnace applications of this invention at least one pair of the opposing burners


will be fully or partially blocked or isolated using a block


. This will typically be the first zone of burners and perhaps the second zone dependent on the amount of boost required. Additional roof-mounted burners can be located down the glass tank provided the crown mounted burners are positioned over the unmelted batch materials. The energy deliberated from the crown mounted burners replaces energy removed from the previously firing ports, the removed conventional electric or oxy-boost.

In the end-fired recuperative furnace of


with recuperator


the preferred embodiment of the present invention utilizes at least one crown mounted burner


positioned over the raw batch materials entering the furnace to improve the rate of melting and improvement in quality to recover or boost production capacity or reduce electric boost capacity. In all end-fired recuperative furnace applications of this invention the combustion air and conventional fuel requirements will be reduced from the previous design and replaced with energy from the at least one crown mounted burner


positioned over the raw batch materials. Additional roof-mounted burners can be located down the glass tank provided the crown mounted burners are positioned over the unmelted batch materials. The energy deliberated from the crown mounted burners replaces energy reduced from the firing port, the removed conventional electric or oxy-boost.

In the direct-fired furnace of


The preferred embodiment of the present invention utilizes at least one crown mounted burners positioned over the raw batch materials entering the furnace to improve the rate of melting and improvement in quality to recover or boost production capacity or reduce electric boost capacity. In all direct fired furnace applications of this invention the combustion air and conventional fuel requirements will be reduced from the previous design and replaced with energy from the at least one crown mounted burners positioned over the raw batch materials. In multi-air-fuel-burner


applications at least one burner


will be isolated. Additional roof-mounted burners can be located down the glass tank provided the crown mounted burners are positioned over the unmelted batch materials. The energy deliberated from the crown mounted burners replaces energy reduced from the firing port, the removed conventional electric or oxy-boost.

In an electric hot top furnace the preferred embodiment of the present invention utilizes at least one crown mounted burners positioned over the raw batch materials entering the furnace to improve the rate of melting and improvement in quality to recover or boost production capacity or reduce electric boost capacity. Additional roof-mounted burners can be located down the glass tank provided the crown mounted burners are positioned over the unmelted batch materials. The energy deliberated from the crown mounted burners replaces energy reduced from the firing port, the removed conventional electric or oxy-boost.

In all cases nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide can be reduced by the careful selection of stoichiometric ratio of the different roof-mounted burners and remaining air fuel burners. Referring to


as an example in the cross-fireed furnace application., the burners


mounted in the AL or AR positions are operated with excess stoichiometric oxygen to create a fuel lean (oxidizing) zone in the furnace. By operating either burner


at position BC and or burners at the second port


with less than stoichiometric oxygen or air creates a fuel rich (reducing) zone in the furnace. The remaining ports are operated with excess stoichiometric oxygen to create a fuel lean (oxidizing) zone in the furnace. This rich-lean-rich configuration effectively stages the combustion zones of the furnace to optimize heat transfer and minimize nitrogen oxide formation by creating a carbon monoxide screen.

The at least one roof mounted oxygen-fuel burner


may be either placed in a new air-fuel glass melter furnace


or retrofitted into an existing air-fuel glass melter furnace to increase the glass quality relative to an air-fuel only fired furnace. It will be appreciated that the present invention facilitates a substantial pull rate increase, reduction in glass melting furnace


wall temperature and improved glass quality as compared to the same air-fuel furnace that is not retrofitted with at least one roof mounted oxygen-fuel burner as described herein. Furthermore, as will be readily appreciated by one skilled in the art, the use of at least one oxygen-fuel burner as opposed to an all air-fuel system appreciably reduces NO



One demonstration of this invention was the oxygen boosting, 100% oxygen conversion, re-conversion to oxygen boost and finally conventional air fuel firing of an existing hot 3-port cross-fired regenerative furnace. The furnace was initially firing all air fuel. Port#


firing was replaced with at least one roof mounted oxygen fuel burner. The furnace fired conventionally air fuel regenerative on remaining two ports. Port#


firing was replaced with at least one roof mounted air fuel burner and the furnace fired conventionally air fuel regenerative on the third port. Port#


firing was replaced with energy in the already installed roof-mounted oxy-fuel burners. The furnace capacity was increased from 55 to 85 tons per day with reduced energy input from 23.5 mmBTU/hr to 18 mmBTU/hr. The furnace was re-converted to air fuel firing in incremental stages. This example demonstrates the ability to selectively boost an existing air fuel furnace. The process does not require water-cooled burners.

The patents and documents described herein are hereby incorporated by reference.

Although the invention has been described in detail with reference to certain specific embodiments, those skilled in the art will recognize that there are other embodiments within the spirit and scope of the claims.

  • 1. A method of melting batch material in a glass furnace having at least one regenerator or at least one recuperator, and at least one existing end-fired air-fuel burner or at least one pair of existing cross-fired air-fuel burners, said furnace having sidewalls, a back wall, a front wall and a roof, and including an upstream melting zone and a downstream fining zone, the method comprising the steps of:providing at least one burner disposed at the roof of said furnace over said batch material in the melting zone; reducing fuel and combustion air flow to the at least one existing end-fired burner or the at least one existing pair of cross-fired burners; providing a flow of gaseous oxidant to said at least one roof burner; providing a flow of gaseous fuel to said at least one roof burner; generating a flame from at least said one roof burner to replace energy reduced from the existing burner or burners and to provide additional energy; and, controlling said flame to have a velocity sufficient to maximize transfer of heat from said flame to said batch material during which transfer said batch material remains substantially undisturbed.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein the step of generating said flame includes the step of controlling the velocity of said flame to be less than approximately 30 meters per second near the surface of said batch material.
  • 3. The method of claim 2 wherein the velocity of said flame is controlled to be less than approximately 25 meters per second near the surface of said batch material.
  • 4. The method of claim 2 wherein the velocity of said flame is controlled to be less than approximately 21.1 meters per second near the surface of said batch material.
  • 5. The method of claim 1 further comprising the step of at least partially blocking said at least one regenerator or said at least one recuperator in said furnace.
  • 6. The method of claim 1 wherein the step of providing said at least one burner further comprises the step of: providing said burner recessed within a burner block between 3 and 18 inches.
  • 7. The method of claim 1 wherein the step of generating said flame results in a flame having a length at least the distance from the bottom of a burner block holding the burner to the surface of the batch material.
  • 8. The method of claim 1 wherein the roof burner is mounted substantially perpendicular to the surface of the batch material.
  • 9. The method of claim 8 wherein the roof burner is mounted up to 30 degrees away from the perpendicular and toward the downstream end-wall of the furnace.
  • 10. The method of claim 8 wherein the roof burner is mounted not more than 10 degrees from the perpendicular and toward the downstream end-wall of the furnace.
  • 11. The method of claim 1 wherein the at least one roof burner is an oxygen-fuel burner.
  • 12. A method of melting batch material in a glass furnace having at least one regenerator or at least one recuperator, and at least one existing end-fired air-fuel burner or at least one pair of existing cross-fired air-fuel burners, said furnace having sidewalls, a back wall, a front wall and a roof, and including a melting zone and a fining zone downstream of the melting zone, the method comprising the steps of:providing at least one burner disposed at the roof of said furnace over said batch material in the melting zone; reducing fuel and combustion air flow to the at least one existing end-fired burner or the at least one existing pair of cross-fired burners; providing a flow of gaseous oxidant to said at least one roof burner; providing a flow of gaseous fuel to said at least one roof burner; generating a flame from said at least one roof burner to replace energy reduced from the existing burner or burners and to provide additional energy, said flame impinging the surface of said batch material; and, controlling said flame to have a length and a velocity sufficient to maximize transfer of heat from said flame to said batch material during which transfer said batch material is not entrained and remains substantially undisturbed.
  • 13. The method of claim 12 wherein the step of generating said flame provides a flame having a length at least the distance from the bottom of a burner block holding the burner to the surface of the batch material.
  • 14. The method of claim 12 wherein the roof burner is mounted substantially perpendicular to the surface of the batch material.
  • 15. The method of claim 12 wherein the at least one roof burner is an oxygen-fuel burner.
  • 16. The-method of claim 15 including at least one of: increasing glass production; recovering production lost by inefficient heat recovery; reducing oxygen use by replacing oxygen enrichment of the furnace atmosphere; replacing oxygen lancing; replacing burners positioned through the furnace walls; increasing furnace life; improving energy efficiency; reducing emissions of oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sulfur; reducing fossil fuel usage; and, reducing cullet.
  • 17. The method of claim 12 further comprising the step of at least partially blocking said at least one regenerator or said at least one recuperator in said furnace.
  • 18. The method of claim 17 wherein the step of at least partially blocking said at least one regenerator having opposing regenerator ports includes at least partially blocking or isolating at least one pair of opposing regenerator ports.
  • 19. The method of claim 17 wherein the step of at least partially blocking said at least one recuperator includes at least partially blocking or isolating at least one pair of opposing cross-fired air-fuel burners.
  • 20. The method of claim 5 wherein the step of at least partially blocking said at least one regenerator having opposing regenerator ports includes at least partially blocking or isolating at least one pair of opposing regenerator ports.
  • 21. The method of claim 5 wherein the step of at least partially blocking said at least one recuperator includes at least partially blocking or isolating at least one pair of opposing cross-fired air-fuel burners.
  • 22. The method of claim 11 including at least one of: increasing glass production; recovering production lost by inefficient heat recovery; reducing oxygen use by replacing oxygen enrichment of the furnace atmosphere; replacing oxygen lancing; replacing burners positioned through the furnace walls; increasing furnace life; improving energy efficiency; reducing emissions of oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sulfur; reducing fossil fuel usage; and, reducing cullet.
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