The present invention generally relates to monitoring and controlling continuous sheeting making systems using model-based controllers and more, specifically to techniques that account user-specified parametric uncertainty explicitly in designing the cost function weighting matrices in a CD-MPC to prevent actuator picketing and guarantee robust stability of the spatial profile.
The control problems involved in paper-making processes can be divided into machine-directional (MD) control and cross-directional (CD) control. MD control concerns the paper properties along the machine direction, and a lot of control strategies have been reported and implemented.
CD control aims to reduce the variability of the paper property along the cross direction and to tune the dynamical property to meet the end users' specifications. The paper property is measured by a scanner mounted downstream traversing back and forth across the paper sheet; various feedback control strategies are proposed to achieve consistency of the paper profile. CD control is a challenging control problem that may involves hundreds of process actuators and hundreds or thousands of process measurements, and process models typically have a large amount of uncertainty associated with them. There are spatial and temporal aspects to this problem. The spatial aspect relates to variability of the process measurements across the sheet while the temporal aspect relates to variability of each process measurement over time.
Model predictive control (MPC), a control strategy which takes control and state constraints explicitly into consideration, has seen thousands of applications in industry, and has been recently introduced into CD control in paper-making processes with the advance of computational capability as well as the development of fast QP solvers. The spatially-distributed CD process is a two-dimensional (spatial and temporal) frequency process, and the spatial response and temporal response are decoupled. Consequently, the controller tuning of CD processes can be separated into spatial tuning and temporal tuning. Spatial tuning aims to tune the weighting matrices such that the steady-state paper property across the paper sheet is consistent; temporal tuning concerns more about the satisfaction of performance indices in terms of settling times and overshoots.
Many research results on spatial tuning have been reported. The spatial frequency concept of spatially-distributed CD processes has been investigated and the application of the spatial frequency has been proposed for the controller design of CD processes. It has been reported that the spatial frequency response of a single actuator determined the spatial frequency bandwidth of a CD process. A constructive procedure to design spatially-distributed feedback controllers has been applied in paper-making processes. Some stability margin and parameter tuning criteria were obtained via rectangular circulant matrices (RCMs) for the unconstrained CD-MPC, which provided a guide in the parameter tuning algorithms. Furthermore, an approximate steady-state performance prediction technique was proposed to speed up the parameter tuning procedure for the constrained CD-MPC. An automated tuning method was presented for the CD process such that the performance and robustness could be simultaneously satisfied under unstructured uncertainty.
In CD control design, the spatial and temporal aspects of the control problem are normally handled independently. For the spatial aspect of the problem robust control performance is desired. This means that the control will remain stable and will keep the variability of the CD profile small in spite of uncertainty about the process model. However, there is lack of an easy-to-use technique to tune a CD controller to provide a robust spatial control performance in the presence of parametric model uncertainty. Besides, as the CD system has a limited spatial bandwidth, it is also desirable that the limited spatial bandwidth property be explicitly incorporated into the parameter tuning procedure.
The present invention is based in part on the development of a CD-MPC design that explicitly accounts for parametric model uncertainty while finding MPC cost function weighing matrices that prevent actuator picketing and guarantee robust stability of the spatial CD profile. Picketing refers to periodic variation patterns in the actuator array. The inventive technique includes: (i) determining the worst case cutoff frequency of all process models, given parametric uncertainty, (ii) designing a weighing matrix to penalize high frequency actuator variability based on the process model and worst case cutoff frequency, and (iii) finding a multiplier for the spatial frequency weighted actuator variability term in the MPC cost function that assures robust spatial stability.
In one aspect, the invention is directed to system which forms a material in a spatially-distributed multivariable-array cross-directional process wherein the system includes:
at least one set of actuator arrays each distributed adjacent the material in the cross direction (CD), wherein each set of actuator arrays is controllable to vary the properties of the material:
means for measuring and acquiring properties data about the properties of the material; and
a multivariable model predictive controller (MPC) for providing CD control to the cross-directional process, wherein the MPC, in response to signals that are indicative of the properties of the properties data, provides signals to the at least one set of actuator arrays to vary properties of the material, wherein the MPC includes means for automatically spatially tuning the MPC which includes:
(a) means for inputting nominal spatial model parameters and corresponding parametric uncertainty specifications;
(b) means for calculating worst-case cut-off frequency vw for all process models given the parametric uncertainty;
(c) means for designing a weighting matrix Sb to penalize high frequency actuator variability based on the process model and worst-case cut-off frequency;
(d) means for developing a robust spatial condition based on the parametric uncertainty specifications;
(e) means for adjusting a multiplier of Sb in a MPC cost function to satisfy the robust stability condition; and
(f) means for outputting the weighting matrix Sb and its multiplier.
In another aspect, the invention is directed to In a process control system having a multivariable model predictive controller (MPC) for providing control to a spatially-distributed multiple-array, sheetmaking cross-directional (CD) process having at least one manipulated actuator array and at least one controlled measurement array, a method of providing control of the multiple-array process that includes the steps of:
(a) tuning the MPC by the steps of:
(b) inputting the tuning parameters into the MPC; and
(c) controlling the multiple-array CD process with the MPC.
The present invention is particularly suited for so-called “single-beam” controller tuning which is tuning the MPC with respect to a single actuator array comprising of a plurality of manipulated actuators that are arranged in the CD and a corresponding single controlled measurement array. A feature of the present invention is a tuning algorithm which takes the limited bandwidth property into consideration to avoid harmful high-frequency picketing in the control actuator beam. Ubiquitously existing uncertainties make the spatial tuning challenging. The parameters in CD processes are usually identified through bump tests and are inevitably subject to model uncertainties, which may be highly structured. Furthermore, geometric misalignments of CD actuators and measurement profiles, sheet wandering and paper shrinkage, etc, also give rise to some nonlinear uncertainties to system models used in CD-MPC strategies. Thus, it is necessary that spatial tuning algorithms be robust to the uncertainties mentioned above.
Novel aspects of the present invention include:
(1) A weighting matrix Sb has been appropriately designed via the real valued Fourier matrix approach based on the system model and pre-specified parametric uncertainties. The newly designed S penalizes more on the undesirable high-frequency components so that reduced variability of the actuator and measurement profiles is achieved.
(2) A systematic automated design procedure has been developed for the spatial tuning of CD-MPC processes. Given a system model and user specified parametric uncertainties, the matrix Sb and the associated weighting parameters are automatically designed such that robust stability is ensured and better performance is achieved.
As shown in
The system further includes a profile analyzer 44 that is connected, for example, to scanning sensor 38 and actuators 18, 20, 32 and 36 on the headbox 10, steam box 12, vacuum boxes 28, and dryer 34, respectively. The profile analyzer is a computer which includes a control system that operates in response to the cross-directional measurements from scanner sensor 38. In operation, scanning sensor 38 provides the analyzer 44 with signals that are indicative of the magnitude of a measured sheet property, e.g., caliper, dry basis weight, gloss or moisture, at various cross-directional measurement points. The analyzer 44 also includes software for controlling the operation of various components of the sheetmaking system, including, for example, the above described actuators. To implement to the control system of the present invention, analyzer 44 can include memory 62 and processing devices 64 to execute software/firmware instructions for performing various operations related to MPC control of an industrial process. Interface 60 allows processing devices to receive data and provide signals to actuators or controllers.
As an example shown in
It is understood that the inventive technique is sufficiently flexible as to be applicable for online implementation with any large-scale industrial multiple actuator array and multiple product quality measurements cross-directional process that is controlled by a single-input-single-output (SISO) controller or by a multivariable model predictive controller (MPC) such as in papermaking. Suitable paper machine processes where paper is continuously manufactured from wet stock are further described, for instance, in U.S. Pat. No. 6,807,510 to Backstrom et al., and U.S. Pat. No. 8,224,476 to Chu et al., and U.S. 2015/0268645 to Shi et al., which are incorporated herein by reference. While the invention will be described with respect to a paper-making machine, it is understood that the invention is applicable to industrial plastic sheetmaking, rubber sheetmaking, and sheet metal operations.
I. CD-MPC Structure
As shown in
Nominal Model
The nominal model G(z) of a CD paper-making process is characterized by
where G0 is a constant matrix that characterizes the spatial response/gain of the CD process; h(z) is the temporal transfer function of the process, in which α and td are the time constant and time delay in the discretized version.
The spatial gain matrix G0 has the parameterized structure as shown below:
where γ, η, ξ, and β are the process gain, attenuation, width, and divergence, respectively. They are utilized to characterize the spatial response of each specific actuator. For the kth actuator, ck is the alignment parameter that determines the center of the corresponding spatial response.
Model Uncertainty
Since model-plant mismatch is unavoidable in process operation and identification, model uncertainties are considered in this invention. Based on traditional definitions in robust control to represent model mismatch, it is assumed that the real process model belongs to a set of possible models, characterized by an unstructured or parametric perturbation on the nominal model in (1). As parametric uncertainty is easy to understand and specify by the end users in the pulp and paper industry, the real process model Gp(z) is then described by
where rγ∈[rγ,
CD Model Predictive Controller
For industrial CD-MPC controllers that are applied in paper mills, the following optimization problem is solved:
subject to the system dynamics defined in (1) and the constraints as follows:
ΩΔu(k)≤b−Γu(k−1), (5)
where Hp is the prediction horizon, and Hu is the control horizon; y(k)∈Rm and ysp(k)∈Rm are the predicted output profile and the corresponding reference signal; u(k)∈Rn and usp(k)∈Rn are the actuator profile and its reference; Δu(k)(=u(k)−u(k−1)) is the change in the actuator profile; Q1 to Q3 are diagonal weighting matrices; Q4 is the weighting matrix on the actuator bending/picketing in the following form:
where q4 is a scalar weight and Sb∈Rn×n is the “bending moment matrix”. Note that for the actuator profile, the first and second order derivatives are incorporated in the matrix Sb, and thus the bending behavior is penalized in the cost function of CD-MPC. Ω, Γ and b are the constraint matrices (vectors) derived based on the physical limitations of the process.
Temporal Filter
The traditional output reference trajectory is constructed as a step change, which requires the predicted output profile to track the output target immediately after the dead time of the process. For illustrative purposes, a known temporal filter is utilized to generate the reference trajectory Ysp(k) based on
Ysp(k)=Fα(ytrg(k)−dy(k)), (7)
where ytgt (k) is the output target, and dy(k)=yp(k)−y(k) is the disturbance estimated based on the process output yp(k) and predicted output y(k). Fα is the time domain implementation of fα(z) based on ysp(z)=fα(z)Im(ytgt (z)−dy(z)) and fα (z) is the temporal filter
where αr=e−ΔT/ατ; ΔT is the sampling time, and τ is the continuous-time time constant of the temporal transfer function of the process; Im represents an m-by-m identity matrix. Note that based on this filter, the aggressiveness of the control signal can be adjusted by the parameter α with Q2 set to a small-valued scalar matrix.
Closed-Loop Transfer Functions
In order to analyze the properties of the CD-MPC shown in (4), we calculate the equivalent transfer matrices with the unconstrained MPC, and then evaluate robust stability and performance of the corresponding closed-loop system. To aid the analysis, the closed-loop system can be rearranged in
Gp(z)=G(z)+Δ(z), (9)
in which Δ(z) (84) denotes the model uncertainty.
Robust stability is analyzed using the small gain theorem. Specifically, given the parametric uncertainties defined in (3), the closed-loop system in
Tud(z)=Kα(z)[I−G(z)Kα(z)]−1, (11)
Since the performance of CD control is characterized by its capability to suppress the disturbance, the closed-loop transfer function from the disturbance profile d(z) to the output profile y(z) is used to evaluate the performance
Tyd(z)=[I−G(z)Kα(z)]−1, (12)
where Tyd (z)∈Cm×m.
Tud (z) and Tyd (z) are employed as the key transfer functions in this paper for evaluating the closed-loop system performance.
Given the CD-MPC structure shown in
Note that in industrial practices, the prediction horizon Hp is normally selected to be 4 times the summation of the time constant and delay; the control horizon Hu=1 is usually utilized in large-scale MPC (can also be increased based on practical situations); Q1 is often fixed in robust tuning. Consequently, only Q3, Q4, and a are the tuning parameters in this analysis. As the spatial tuning and temporal tuning can be considered independently, we only consider spatial tuning in the work, and corresponding design objective is to tune the parameters so that: (1) the closed-loop system is robustly spatial stable and (2) the variability of the steady-state actuator and measurement profiles is minimized.
The traditional idea is to conduct the tuning based on the sensitivity functions Tyd∈Cm×m and Tud∈Cn×m which, however, have very large dimensions (n can be as high as 300, and m as high as 2000). Such large dimensionality makes the analysis and tuning difficult, and therefore a two-dimensional frequency analysis is introduced in the next section.
II. Two-Dimensional Frequency Analysis
This section describes the two-dimensional frequency analysis of CD processes and illustrates the decoupling property of the two-dimensional frequencies. The spatially invariant property is one of the most important features of CD processes; this allows us to approximate the plant model G(z) as an RCM, and further represent it in the two-dimensional (spatial and temporal) frequency domain. Thus, the multi-variable transfer function G(z) can be simplified into a group of single-input, single-output transfer functions. Denote {hacek over (G)}(z) as the two-dimensional frequency domain representation of G(z), and it can be calculated by
{hacek over (G)}(z)=FmG(z)FnH, (13)
where Fm and Fn are the complex Fourier matrices with dimension m and n, respectively. Without loss of generality, we assume m>n in this analysis. Then, all the frequency information of G(z) is contained in the following transfer functions:
{{hacek over (g)}(v1,z), . . . ,{hacek over (g)}(vn,z)}=DIAG(FmG(z)FnH), (14)
where DIAG(A) denotes the operation of getting the following elements of a rectangular matrix A∈Cm×n: DIAG(A)1={A(1, 1), . . . , A(k, k), A(k+1+m−n, k+1), . . . , A(m, n)}, where k=n/2 if in is even, or k=(n+1)/2 if n is odd; and
Note that based on (15), the spatial frequency response gain of G(z) at vj is |{hacek over (g)} (vj)|, where vj, j=1, . . . , n, are the spatial frequencies with engineering units.
Given the special structure of CD processes, it can be further shown that the corresponding sensitivity functions Tyd (z), Tud (z) are also RCMs. Thus, they can also be analyzed in the two-dimensional frequency domain as follows:
{ťyd(v1,z), . . . ,ťyd(vm,z)}=diag(Ťyd(z)),
{ťud(v1,z), . . . ,ťud(vn,z)}=DIAG(Ťud(z)), (16)
where diag(A) represents the diagonal elements of a square matrix A. Therefore controller tuning can be implemented based on the sensitivity functions ťud (v z) and ťyd (v, z) in the two-dimensional frequency domain. Following the idea of CD-MPC tuning for unstructured uncertainty, the tuning task can be separated into two parts: spatial tuning at z=1 (z=eiω, ω=0) via Q3 and Q4, and temporal tuning at v=0 via the parameter α (which has the same function as Q2). In the following, the spatial tuning is explored.
III. Spatial Tuning for CD-MPC
In this section, we develop the spatial tuning algorithm. In spatial tuning, the objective is to tune matrices Q3=q3In, Q4=q4SbTSb for robust stability and for improving consistency of the actuator and measurement profiles. First a new Sb matrix is designed to improve the spatial performance and then a tuning algorithm is proposed to automatically adjust the weights q3 and q4.
The New Sb to Shape the Spectra of the Actuator Profile
In this subsection, we first perform a spatial frequency analysis on the existing Sb and then propose a new Sb to improve the performance. Note that the spatial frequency representation of a signal can be calculated by the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), i.e., given a signal y∈Cm, its spatial frequency representation can be obtained by
{hacek over (y)}=Fm·y, (17)
where Fm is the Fourier matrix. To further analyze the signal in the spatial frequency domain, we need the following useful lemma.
Lemma 1. Given spatial signals y∈Cm and u∈Cn, and assuming N∈Cm×n is an RCM, if y=N·u, then
{hacek over (y)}=Ň·{hacek over (u)}, (18)
where Ň=FmNFnH.
Note that if N is a constant RCM, Ň in Lemma 1 denotes its spatial frequency domain representation.
In the cost function of CD-MPC, the cost term associated with Q4 is
where the matrix Sb can be approximated as an RCM; its spatial frequency domain representation can be calculated as
{šb(v1), . . . ,šb(vn)}=diag(FnSbFnH). (19)
To achieve better robustness and performance, the new Sb here is designed to be a high pass spatial filter whose stop band can be adjusted according to different CD processes. To achieve this objective, the definition of cut-off frequency, which is used to characterize the spatial frequency response gain of a CD process, is introduced as follows.
Definition 1.
Assume the maximum gain of the spatial frequency response of a CD process is gmax. The cut-off frequency vc is the spatial frequency at which the following holds
As the process is almost uncontrollable above the cut-off frequency, the actuator profile with the spatial frequency components that is higher than vc is not desirable. Therefore, the stop band of the new Sb can be selected based on vc of a given CD process, which allows the new Sb to put more weights on the high spatial frequency components (>vc) in the input profile while putting small or zero weights on the spatial frequency that is smaller than vc. The first approach is to design the new Sb as a high pass Finite Impulsive Response (FIR) filter with the stop band that equals vc of a given process model. This can be realized by the following algorithm.
Executing Algorithm 1 yields the desired Sb. However, there exist two drawbacks for this method: (1) the stop band of Sb (which we denote as vb hereafter) may not equal vc exactly, because the length of the filter is limited by the size of the penalty matrix; (2) even if vb=vc can be achieved accurately, the transition band of the filter Sb still needs to be optimized based on the spatial frequency response of G(z).
Considering the aforementioned drawbacks, it is desirable to design Sb with a spectrum that is the mirror of the system's spatial frequency response with respect to the cut-off frequency. To achieve this target, we need to introduce the real valued Fourier matrix, which is defined below.
Definition 2.
The real valued Fourier matrix Fr∈Rn×n defined as
where q=(n+1)/2 if n is odd, or q=n/2 if n is even; vj=2π(j−1)/n is the spatial frequency.
The basic idea to generate the desired Sb with real valued Fourier matrix is that we first obtain the mirrored frequency response of a given process model by numerical methods, and then perform the inverse Fourier transform using the real valued Fourier matrix, resulting in a real valued Ss with the expected spatial frequency response.
Although the real valued Fourier matrix helps build a real valued Sb, we still need to ensure that the obtained Sb has the circulant property to retain the two-dimensional feature of the closed-loop system. Thus, we need to establish conditions on the pre-specified spectrum content to guarantee the circulant property of Sb.
Lemma 2.
Define km(j), j=1, . . . , n, as the pre-specified spatial frequency response gain of Sb. If km(j)∈R, ∀j, and km(j)=km(n−j+2) (j=2, . . . , (n+1)/2, if n is odd; or j=2, . . . , n/2, if n is even), then the Sb obtained via the inverse real valued Fourier transform is a symmetric real valued circulant matrix.
As Sb is a square RCM, the spatial frequency response gains of Sb equal its singular values. Therefore, as the real conjugate even property is guaranteed by km(j)∈R, ∀j, and km(j)=km(n−j+2) (j=2, . . . , (n+1)/2, if n is odd; or j=2, . . . , n/2, if n is even), the obtained Sb is a real valued symmetric circulant matrix.
The method using the real valued Fourier matrix approach is then summarized in the following algorithm.
Algorithm 2 (Design Sb based on the mirror of the spectrum of the system model).
Performance Analysis of the New Sb
As the new Sb is designed based on the frequency property of G(z), it is expected to provide better performance compared with that of the old Sb. In this section, the performance improvement is illustrated based on the sensitivity analysis.
To analyze the performance of the new Sb, we compare the sensitivity function Tyd (z) of the new Sb with that of the old Sb considering similar robustness (the peak value of Tud is the same). The details are shown in
It is worth mentioning that if there is no model mismatch, the new Sb can be designed with vb=vc, and should achieve performance improvement based on the above analysis. However, in the presence of parametric uncertainty, it is better to design vb to be robust over the model mismatch, specifically, to design vb according to the worst spatial model. To achieve this target, the prediction of the worst spatial model, given user-specified parametric uncertainties, is introduced in the next section.
Worst Spatial Model Prediction Under Parametric Uncertainty
In this section, a technique to find the worst spatial model under user-specified parametric uncertainties is proposed, which can help us design a robust Sb that takes the pre-specified model mismatch into account. Besides, it can also be utilized to develop a robust performance visualization method to help end users predict the possible control performance. First, we propose the definition for the worst spatial model as follows.
Definition 3.
Given the parametric uncertainty specifications
the worst spatial model refers to the spatial model that has the smallest cut-off frequency among all the possible models due to parametric uncertainty.
Based on Definition 3, the cut-off frequency of the worst spatial model under parametric uncertainty can be obtained by
Lemma 3.
The cut-oft frequency vc for a given process model Gp(z) is independent of the process gain parameter γp.
Proof. As Gp(z) can be approximated as an RCM, vc can be obtained by f(x, ηp, βp, γp, ξp, ckp) for any k. Therefore, as γp is a multiplication term in f(x, ηp, βp, ξp, ckp), it does not affect the normalized shape of the spectrum of the system model Gp(z) based on the property of the Fourier transform, and thus is independent of vc.
The approach utilized here is to hold all the spatial parameters except one to analyze how the change of this parameter affects the cut-off frequency vc, and apply similar analysis to the parameters ηp, γp, γp, ξp, ε one by one. The results of the aforementioned method are shown in
The obtained worst cut-off frequency is denoted as vw, and will be utilized in the robust spatial tuning of CD-MPC.
The Automated Spatial Tuning
The spatial tuning of robust CD-MPC contains two parts: (1) the selection of the stop band vb of the matrix Sb; (2) the selection of q3 and q4. Note that following the idea in existing CD-MPC tuning methods, the weight q3 is selected to be the same as q4 to simplify the robust tuning problem (this new weight is denoted as qf).
In order to achieve the tuning objective, the analysis based on the sensitivity functions is utilized to provide some tuning guidelines, and then the automated tuning approach is proposed.
Similar analysis can also be applied to the parameter qf, and the results are shown in
Tyd(z=1)=(I+G0(Q3+Q4)−1GmTQ1)−1, (24)
Tud(z=1)=(Q3+Q4+GmTQ1G0)−1GmTQ1, (25)
where Gm=Σk=1Hp-tdΣl=1kαl-1.
The tuning objective is then to find the smallest qf so that the robust stability condition in the spatial frequency domain is satisfied, because it can provide the best performance while still guaranteeing robust stability according to the tuning guidelines in
However, in the presence of parametric uncertainty, the singular values of Δ(1) are hard to compute directly, and therefore the analysis on the uncertain term is carried out first. From (9), the uncertain term Δ(1) can be represented as
Δ(1)=Gp(1)−G(1). (27)
As uncertainties are specified on the model parameters, Gp(1) is also an RCM based on the method that generates the spatial gain matrix in (2). Then, Δ(1) is also an RCM according to the property that the RCM is closed on the summation operation, and therefore it can also be transformed into two-dimensional frequencies
{hacek over (Δ)}(1)=FmΔ(1)FnH.
{δ(v1,1), . . . ,δ(vn,1)}=diag({hacek over (Δ)}(1)). (28)
Then, since the singular values equal the gains along the spatial frequencies, equation (26) can then be represented in the two-dimensional frequency domain as
where ťud (vj, 1) is the sensitivity function Tud(z) with z=1.
Existing tuning approaches for large-scale systems normally consider unstructured uncertainty, in which Δ(1) is a constant for all spatial frequency. In the proposed approach, however, we consider parametric uncertainty to improve user-friendliness, and therefore the key problem here is to calculate the singular values |δ(vj, 1)|, ∀j, given the user-specified parametric uncertainties in (3), which can be mathematically formulated as
It is worth noting that μ analysis cannot be applied here because of the large dimensionality of CD processes (n can be as high as 300, and m as high as 2000) and the nonlinearity of f(x, γp, ηp, γp, ξp, ckp).
Due to high nonlinearity of f(x, γp, ηp, γp, ξp, ckp), based on which Gp(z) and G(z) are generated, explicit representations of the maximum singular values of Δ at vj, j=1, . . . , n, are hard to achieve. Therefore the following approach is utilized to obtain an approximate solution to the problem in (30). Given the temporal frequency z=1, as the singular values of Δ can be obtained by its spatial frequency gains, we can analyze how the spatial gain changes along the spatial frequency with respect to each of the spatial parameters. We increase each of the parameters from its lower bound (50% of the nominal value) to the upper bound (150% times the nominal value) in (3) with all the other parameters fixed, and analyze the change of the spatial gains. The results of this analysis are shown in
It is observed that in
Note that in the optimization problem in (31), only the extreme case spatial parameters are considered, which simplifies the problem at hand.
Although the monotonicity property cannot be rigorously proved, it is intuitive in that the maximum singular value, which characterizes the system behavior, usually happens at the largest amount of model mismatch. This is also verified by extensive simulations, in which we compare the maximum singular values of Δ from the proposed approach with that of a large number (>500) of Δ's generated randomly within the pre-specified uncertainty region for different processes. We only show the results for one of the typical processes, which is a single beam CD process that the dry weight is controlled by the primary autoslice, and the pre-specified parametric uncertainties are
The results are shown in
Based on the tuning guideline of qf and the robust stability condition in (29), the desired qf can be found by utilizing a bisection search for the smallest qf that satisfies (29), which can be normally completed in about 2 second on a desktop with Intel i5 core and 6G memory.
As illustrated in
(1) Input the nominal spatial model parameters and the corresponding parametric uncertainty specifications. The “nominal spatial model parameters” refers to the parameters of the mathematical model of the process obtained from the bump test and model identification procedure. The “parametric uncertainty” refers to the trust ranges around the nominal spatial model parameters, which characterize the possible mismatch between the identified model and the real process.
(2) Calculate the worst-case cut-off frequency vw for all the possible models given the parametric uncertainty. The “worst-case cut-off frequency” refers to the smallest cut-off frequency of all possible models given the parametric uncertainty specifications (the definition of cut-off frequency is shown in Definition 1). Based on this definition, the cut-off frequencies of a large number of models based on the parametric uncertainty need to be calculated to find the worst-case cut-off, (illustrated in equation (22)). Based on Lemma 3 and the monotonicity property (shown in
(3) Design a weighting matrix Sb to penalize high frequency actuator variability based on the process model and worst-case cut-off frequency. The “Sb” is a weighting matrix in the fourth penalty term (Q4) of the MPC cost function as shown in equation (6), and it controls the actuator bending/picketing behavior. The “high frequency actuator variability” refers to the actuator bending/picketing behaviour that includes frequency components beyond the worst-case cut-off frequency. To prevent the high frequency actuator variability without unnecessarily limit the actuator movement, it is desired to design Sb as a spatial filter whose spatial frequency response is (or is close to) the mirror of the actuator frequency response (shown in
(4) Develop a robust spatial stability condition based on the parametric uncertainty specifications. “Robust spatial condition” refers to the requirement on the spatial frequency response of the closed-loop system, which guarantees the robust stability under the parametric uncertainty. Given the robust spatial condition, the frequency responses of a large amount of uncertain models generated based on the parametric uncertainty need to be tested (illustrated in equation (30)), which requires a lot of computational time; based on the monotonicity property between the model parameters and the corresponding frequency response (shown in
(5) Adjust the multiplier of Sb in the MPC cost function to satisfy the robust stability condition. The “multiplier of Sb” refers to the scalar weight of the Sb matrix defined in equation (6).
(6) Output the weighting matrix Sb and its multiplier.
IV. Simulation Results with Real-Time Simulator
We apply the proposed new Sb and the automated robust tuning algorithms to a process model obtained from a paper mill in Canada. This is a single beam process in which the dry weight of the output profile is controlled by the primary autoslice.
In this test, the parametric uncertainty specifications are given as
By utilizing the technique in (23), the worst cut-off frequency vw of the process model for the given parametric uncertainties in (33) can be obtained, and then the spectra penalization weighting matrix Sb is designed based on the stop band vb=vw. The spatial tuning results in a qf that equals 0.026 (see
In some embodiments, various functions described above are implemented or supported by a computer program that is formed from computer readable program code and that is embodied in a computer readable medium. The phrase “computer readable program code” includes any type of computer code, including source code, object code, and executable code. The phrase “computer readable medium” includes any type of medium capable of being accessed by a computer, such as read only memory (ROM), random access memory (RAM), a hard disk drive, a compact disc (CD), a digital video disc (DVD), or any other type of memory. A “non-transitory” computer readable medium excludes wired, wireless, optical, or other communication links that transport transitory electrical or other signals. A non-transitory computer readable medium includes media where data can be permanently stored and media where data can be stored and later overwritten, such as a rewritable optical disc or an erasable memory device.
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Number | Date | Country | |
20180087221 A1 | Mar 2018 | US |