The invention relates to the electro-hydrodynamic technologies of processing hydrocarbon-containing substances with obtaining high molecular hydrocarbons and other liquid derivative products.
The invention relates to the electro-hydrodynamic technologies of processing hydrocarbon-containing substances with obtaining high molecular hydrocarbons and other liquid derivative products. As the substances for the processing there can be used coal, coal dust, wood and agricultural waste, as well as prepared for processing household and industrial waste, including oil processing waste (oil slimes), the waste of disposal facilities, of poultry farms, pig-breeding complexes, etc. The method includes the stage of the substances' conversion and synthesis in a mixture with water or electrolyte and is carried out by a two-stage treatment, comprising a primary electro-hydrodynamic processing by means of an exposure to high voltage, short-pulse discharges, and the main electro-hydrodynamic processing, carried out in strongly whirling counterflows, by means of an exposure of the mixture of the substance with fluid to an intensive cavitation, highly developed turbulence, acoustic pressure vibrations, high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field and electric currents, along with a simultaneous separation of the substances formed. The device, that implements the proposed method, contains blocks of primary electro-hydrodynamic mixture processing, a tangential nozzle swirling device, a vortex chamber with an inside block of coaxial tubular conductors and its cylindrical outer surface surrounded by a block of electrical windings, which generate high frequency alternating electromagnetic field in the vortex chamber.
The object of the invention is to increase the efficiency of the method as well as of the device for processing hydrocarbon substances by increasing productivity, improving environmental and economic performance as well as by expanding the types of the substances to be processed.
The said object is achieved by the following: the processing method, which includes the stages of the substances' conversion and synthesis in a mixture with water or electrolyte, is carried out by a two-stage treatment, comprising a primary electro-hydrodynamic processing, by an exposure to high voltage, short-pulse electric current discharges of variable frequency, and also comprising the main electro-hydrodynamic processing, carried out in strongly whirling counterflows, in the field with a high radial pressure gradient, by exposing the substance to an intensive cavitation, highly developed turbulence, acoustic pressure vibrations, high-frequency alternating electromagnetic field and secondary short-circuited electric currents induced in the conductive mixture, along with a simultaneous separation of the substances formed. The device, that implements the proposed method, contains blocks of primary electro-hydrodynamic mixture processing, a tangential nozzle swirling device, a vortex chamber with an inside block of coaxial tubular conductors and its cylindrical outer surface surrounded by a block of electrical windings, which generate in the vortex chamber high frequency alternating electromagnetic field, wherein the vortex chamber is made of a dielectric material, the inner surface of which is coated with a catalytic agent.
The device (
Mounted at the opposite end of vortex chamber 2 (
In vortex chamber 1 (
One or more tangential inlet fittings 3 (
The use of several dischargers 24 is determined by the necessity to reduce the electrical load on the electrodes and thereby to increase their life.
Dischargers 24 (
Chamber 22 may be equipped with two or more pairs of discharge devices 25 and 26 (
Discharge devices 25 and 26 (
Outlet fitting 4 (
The inner casing 35 of vortex chamber 1 (
The inner surface of outlet fitting 4 (
Shell 12 (
Nozzles 37, designed as a de Laval nozzle, are inserted in tangential inlet fittings 3 (
The proposed device operates in the following way. The mixture, prepared for processing, is fed from an external source to a block or several blocks of primary electrodynamic mixture processing 21 (
At dischargers 24 (
In case the chamber is provided with two or more pairs of discharge devices 25 and 26 (
Depending on the substance to be processed, either air or hydrogen or methane-containing gas or other gas is fed into fitting adapters 29 and 30 (
The use of short-pulse electrical discharges results in a strong mechanical compression, generation of powerful ultrasound, x-ray, ultra-violet and infrared radiations in the areas of discharge, which induce thermal and shock effects, electromagnetic fields, ionization, dissociative, cavitation as well as physical and chemical effects.
Supply of a gas fraction to the discharge area intensifies cavitation, initiates exothermic reactions of higher hydrocarbons' synthesis, reduces the required operating discharge voltage.
In chamber 22 (
Thus, the design, which implements the proposed method, leads to an increase of productivity for the substance to be processed, improvement of the environmental performance due to the lack of environmental emissions, enhancement of economic performance by increasing the liquid derivative products, as well as to an expansion of the types of the substances to be processed. All this facilitates an increase of the efficiency of the proposed method of implementation of the operational process of hydrocarbon substances' processing as well as of the design of the device for its implementation.
The accelerated flow processed in chamber 22 of blocks 21 (
In nozzles 37 (
Thus, the design, which realizes the proposed method of implementation of the operational process, leads to an increase of productivity for the substance to be processed as well as to enhancement of economic performance by reducing the energy load on the subsequent blocks. All this facilitates an increase of the efficiency of the proposed method of implementation of the operational process of hydrocarbon substances' processing as well as of the design of the device for its implementation.
The strongly whirling flow, formed in device 2 (
At the point of the internal and external flows' separation, shear axial velocities generate an intensive anisotropic turbulence, prevailing in the radial direction, in the field with a high radial pressure gradient.
Turbulent moles, moving in the radial direction, generate high frequency pressure fluctuations, intensify cavitation effects, lead to heating the flows, facilitate the formation of oxygen and hydrogen ions.
The radial pressure gradient in vortex chamber leads to a density separation of oxygen, hydrogen ions along with other flow elements. Hydrogen ions move into internal flow, and oxygen ions move into external flow, increasing the rate of exothermic chemical synthesis reactions.
The flows' rising temperature increases the water dissociation degree that obtains the properties of a solvent, reagent, catalytic agent, which, combined with catalytic agents on the inner surfaces of vortex chamber and of outlet nozzle, results in an increase of the rates and expansion of the types of exothermic chemical synthesis reactions.
Heating of the flow results in formation at the separation point of external and internal flows of a water-steam phase transfer, with steam condensation in external flow, which leads to its additional heating, growth of pressure, achieving the water boiling point, to the increase of the dissociation degree at the separation point, to creation of a static difference of electric field potentials. These effects facilitate the increase of the rates and expansion of the types of exothermic chemical synthesis reactions.
The increase of the rates of chemical synthesis reactions is facilitated by the use of catalytic agents. In external flow catalytic agents contain zinc, chromium, group VIII metals of the Periodic system of chemical elements and ZSM type zeolites with metal salts. At the outlet of internal flow, placed under an electric cathode potential, catalytic agents contain carbides, nitrides, borides and oxides of group IV metals of the Periodic system of chemical elements.
Thus, the vortex chamber design, which realizes the proposed method of implementation of the operational process, leads to an increase of productivity for the substance to be processed, to enhancement of economic performance as well as to an expansion of the types of the substances to be processed. All this facilitates an increase of the efficiency of the proposed method of implementation of the operational process of hydrocarbon substances' processing as well as of the design of the device for its implementation.
Strongly whirling external flow is moved to the opposite from swirling device end of vortex chamber 1 (
Alternating electric current is fed from external switching device to electrodes 15 and 17 (
Heating of water results in an increase of the dissociation degree. Water obtains the properties of a solvent, reagent, catalytic agent that facilitates an increase of the rate of exothermic synthesis reactions, which results in an increase of the substance processing productivity.
A medium, saturated with ionized hydrogen, is formed in inner volume 7 of block 6 (
The use of an electrolyte as a liquid component of the mixture to be processed expands the area of application of the method and the device according to the type of the substance to be processed, improves the environmental characteristics due to processing and disposal of hydrocarbon-containing industrial waste (for example, oil slimes). All this facilitates an increase of the efficiency of the proposed method of implementation of the operational process of hydrocarbon substances' processing as well as of the design of the device for its implementation.
In vortex chamber 1 (
From external switching device to the coils of conductors 20 (
By changing frequency and direction of electric current, a high frequency alternating electromagnetic field is formed inside vortex chamber, which creates a broadband resonance amplification of its own frequencies in the flows, including the frequencies of the radial fluctuations of charged turbulent moles, dissociated and ionized molecules, vibrations of collapsed cavitation bubbles and others.
In vortex chamber there takes place an intensification of heating processes, heat-mass exchange processes, formation of active charged particles, increase of the rates of the chemical reactions of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon products synthesis processes.
The proposed method is implemented as follows. It is prepared a fluid mixture, for example, water or electrolyte with a substance milled to dust, which is fed into one or more blocks for primary processing of mixture 21 (
Within the flow there are provided high voltage, short-pulse electric current discharges of variable frequency, generated by external switching device.
The discharges are distributed both along the length and along the circumference of axisymmetric flow, as well as jointly along the length and along the circumference. The number of discharges depends on the device's productivity as well as on the type of the substances to be processed.
In addition to these discharges, high voltage, short-pulse electric current discharges of variable frequency, that are placed along the radius of axisymmetric flow, between a pair of or several pairs of electrodes 27 and 28 (
Depending on the substance to be processed, the area of parallel radial discharges is supplied with either air or hydrogen or methane-containing gas or other gas, which is formed as axial streams directed towards each other, and which is fed into an axial clearance, forming in it a gas saturated area, wherein discharges are carried out.
The use of short-pulse electrical discharges results in a strong mechanical compression, generation of powerful ultrasound, x-ray, ultra-violet and infrared radiations in the areas of discharge, which induce thermal and shock effects, electromagnetic fields, ionization, dissociative, cavitation as well as physical and chemical effects.
Supply of a gas fraction to the discharge area intensifies cavitation, initiates exothermic reactions of higher hydrocarbons' synthesis, reduces the required operating discharge voltage.
The formed axisymmetric mixture flow, which includes a gas fraction, dissociated and ionized components, is accelerated.
Thus, the implementation of primary electro-hydrodynamic mixture processing within the proposed method leads to an increase of productivity for the substance to be processed, improvement of environmental performance due to the lack of environmental emissions, enhancement of economic performance by increasing the liquid derivative products, as well as to an expansion of the types of the substances to be processed.
The formed axisymmetric mixture flow is fed into tangential nozzle swirling device 2 (
Thus, the formation, within the proposed method, of a strongly whirling high-speed three-phase flow, containing cavitation, dissociated and ionized components, results in a possibility of carrying out the main phase of the electro-hydrodynamic mixture processing in vortex chamber, where the implementation of the operational process facilitates an increase of the efficiency of the proposed method of hydrocarbon substances' processing.
The strongly whirling flow, formed in device 2 (
External flow is directed away from tangential nozzle swirling device 2 (
At the point of internal and external flows' separation, shear axial velocities generate an intensive anisotropic turbulence, prevailing in the radial direction, in the field with a high radial pressure gradient.
Turbulent moles, moving in the radial direction, generate high frequency pressure fluctuations, intensify cavitation effects, lead to heating the flows, facilitate the formation of oxygen and hydrogen ions.
The radial pressure gradient in vortex chamber leads to a density separation of oxygen, hydrogen ions along with other flow elements; in this case hydrogen ions move to internal flow, and oxygen ions move to external flow, causing exothermic chemical synthesis reactions.
The flows' rising temperature increases the water dissociation degree that obtains the properties of a solvent, reagent, catalytic agent, which, combined with catalytic agents on the inner surfaces of vortex chamber and of outlet nozzle, results in an increase of the rates and expansion of the types of exothermic chemical synthesis reactions.
Heating of the flow results in formation at the separation point of external and internal flows of a water-steam phase transfer, with steam condensation in external flow, which leads to its additional heating, growth of pressure, achieving the water boiling point, to an increase of the dissociation degree at the separation point, to creation of a static difference of electric field potentials. These effects facilitate the increase of the rates and expansion of the types of exothermic chemical synthesis reactions.
The increase of the rates of exothermic chemical synthesis reactions is facilitated by the use as catalytic agents in external flow such catalytic agents, that contain zinc, chromium, group VIII metals of the Periodic system of chemical elements and ZSM type zeolites with metal salts, and at the outlet of internal flow—catalytic agents containing carbides, nitrides, borides and oxides of group IV metals of the Periodic system of chemical elements.
Thus, the processes implemented in vortex chamber through the proposed method facilitates an increase of the efficiency of the proposed method of implementation of the operational process of hydrocarbon substances' processing as well as of the design of the device for its implementation.
External flow is moved to the opposite from the swirling device end of vortex chamber 1 (
Alternating electric current is fed from external switching device to electrodes 15 and 17 (
Heating of water results in an increase of the dissociation degree. Water obtains the properties of a solvent, reagent, catalytic agent, which facilitates an increase of the rate of exothermic synthesis reactions, which results in an increase of the substance processing productivity.
In inner volume 7 of block 6 (
The more dense flow components are withdrawn through fitting 5 (
The use of an electrolyte as a mixture's liquid component expands the area of application of the method according to the type of the substance to be processed, improves the environmental characteristics due to processing and disposal of hydrocarbon-containing industrial waste (for example, oil slimes).
All this facilitates an increase of the efficiency of implementing the operational process in the vortex chamber and, consequently, of the entire process as a whole.
The flows, formed in vortex chamber 1 (
By changing frequency and direction of electric current, a high frequency alternating electromagnetic field is formed inside vortex chamber, which creates in the flows a broadband resonance amplification of its own frequencies, including the frequencies of the radial fluctuations of charged turbulent moles, dissociated and ionized molecules, vibrations of collapsed cavitation bubbles and others.
In vortex chamber there takes place an intensification of heating processes, heat-mass exchange processes, formation of active charged particles, increase of the rates of the chemical reactions of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon products synthesis processes.
Implementation of the method of exposing the prepared flow to an electromagnetic effect in vortex chamber, with formation of broadband resonance amplification of its own frequencies, results in an intensification of physical and chemical processes, and thus in an increase of the efficiency of implementing the operational process of hydrocarbon substances' processing in vortex chamber and, consequently, of the entire process as a whole.
Electro-hydrodynamic treatment is being performed by way of complementary feeding thus processed mixture with argon from an external source.
Conducting such a treatment with a complementary introduction of argon intensifies the process of breaking down long molecules in worked-on hydrocarbons, for example finely crushed polyethylene, which in turn expands application field for the described method.
Implementation of the method, and its realization in the device, of exposing the prepared flow to an electromagnetic effect in vortex chamber, with formation of broadband resonance amplification of its own frequencies, results in an intensification of physical and chemical processes, and thus in an increase of the efficiency of implementing the operational process of hydrocarbon substances' processing in vortex chamber.
Among the other details, the flow chart illustrates the following aspects of the invention:
I—Destruction Module (D-module)
II—Separation Module (S-module)
D-module realizes the following operations:
Preparing and feeding input product mixture for destruction;
Creating annular, axis streaming with an even distribution of mixture in its cross-section, flow.
Step 1 (Box 301) is forming an annular flow, which is surrounded by and interacts with a toroidal flow.
Step 2 (Box 302) is responsible for generating a high speed, high pressure water flow by way of creation of revolving with a high frequency within its formation plane, radial, accelerated water streams, which are in turn forming a flat, high frequency revolving, annular water flow for into the Step 3 (Box 303).
Function of S-module is a preliminary separation of suspended mixture limiting Step maximal dimensions of solid components:
Step 4 (Box 304) is dividing a suspended mixture based on densities of its components.
Step 5 (Box 305) is further separating a suspended mixture into components by way of formation of divided, coaxial flows.
Step 6 (Box 306) is responsible for increasing peripheral and radial components of the speed within the plane of circular flow formation.
Step 7 (Box 307) is for a compensation of lowering a radial gradient of pressure by way of profiling an outer surface of the external flow.
Step 8 (Box 308) is executing profiling by revolving Bernoulli lemniskate around a central axis of the flow and thus narrowing a flow passage from the initial point of an axisymmetric flow formation.
Step 9 (Box 309) is for concentrating solid components in a peripheral part of the external flow and those with a lower densities—in a paraxial field of the internal one.
Step 10 (Box 310) determines a beginning of formation of coaxial flows with a defined interval of density.
Step 11 (Box 311) is forming a coaxial flow at the input to generate flows with a wider density distribution as in a confluent flow.
Step 12 (Box 312)—output for treated product.
Thus, the above said evidences the achievement of the invention's object of the implementation of the method of hydrocarbon substances' processing, along with the device for its implementation, which ensures an improvement of the efficiency of implementing the operational process of hydrocarbon substances' processing by increasing productivity, improving environmental and economic performance as well as by expanding the types of the substances to be processed.
It is to be understood that while the apparatus and method of this invention have been described and illustrated in detail, the above-described embodiments are simply illustrative of the principles of the invention and the forms that the invention can take, and not a definition of the invention. It is to be understood also that various other modifications and changes may be devised by those skilled in the art which will embody the principles of the invention and fall within the spirit and scope thereof It is not desired to limit the invention to the exact construction and operation shown and described. The spirit and scope of this invention are limited only by the spirit and scope of the following claims.
Number | Date | Country | |
62744064 | Oct 2018 | US |