1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to forming a domain inversion structure in a ferroelectric substrate and its application in broadband light generation based on the quasiphase matching (QPM) technique.
2. Description of the Related Art
In the development of the QPM based optical nonlinear devices such as wavelength converters, precise control of domain inversion of ferroelectric materials is necessary. One example of the wavelength converters is disclosed in a literature “J. A. Armstrong et al., Physical Review, vol. 127, No. 6, Sep. 15, 1962, pp. 1918-1939”. In this literature, the wavelength conversion device employs a wavelength conversion element in which a periodical domain inversion grating is formed along the grating direction so as to satisfy the QPM condition. By inputting fundamental light of an angular frequency of co into the wavelength conversion element, the wavelength conversion is achieved so as to obtain converted light of an angular frequency 2ω, i.e., second-harmonic generation (SHG). The period of the domain inversion grating Λ is decided by the QPM condition (i.e. 2ω(n2ω−nω)=2πc/Λ, where n2ω and nω are refractive indices at 2ω and ω, respectively, c is light velocity in vacuum). Instead, if a pump light with an angular frequency of 2ω is launched into the same device, a signal and an idle light at angular frequency ωs and ωi, respectively, are generated (where 2ω=ωs+ωi) through the spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) process. In the SPDC process, a similar QPM condition has to be satisfied, i.e. 2ωn2ω−ωsns−ωini=2πc/Λ, where n2ω, ns and ni are refractive indices at 2ω, ωs and ωi, respectively, c is light velocity in vacuum. Since a number of pairs of ωs and ωi can satisfy the QPM condition for a fixed period, the generated SPDC light usually has a broad bandwidth around an angular frequency of ω.
To achieve efficient wavelength conversions, high uniform periodically domain inverted structure through out the thickness of the crystal is required. To achieve wavelength converters with high efficiency and large output power, a substrate with high optical damage threshold (such as MgO doped lithium niobate) has to be employed. Due to the nature of non-perfect doping, however, special attention has to be paid in poling the doped substrates.
One method to form the periodically domain inverted structure in doped ferroelectric materials (e.g. MgO doped lithium niobate) is based on the corona discharge technique, which is disclosed in literatures “C. Q. Xu, et al., U.S. provisional Patent No. 60/847122; Akinori Harada, U.S. Pat. No. 5,594,746; Akinori Harada, U.S. Pat. No. 5,568,308; A. Harada, et al., Applied Physics Letters, vol. 69, no. 18, 1996, pp. 2629-2631”, as shown in
It is well known that the corona discharge method can overcome the non-uniform doping problem since migration of the surface charges deposited by the corona discharge is very slow. As a result, crystal poling takes place as far as the local coercive field is achieved. While uniform domain inversion can be achieved by employing the corona discharge technique, the shape of the inverted domain is not good. In other words, the inverted domain usually does not go through the crystal vertically along the thickness direction of the substrate, which causes problem if the developed domain inverted crystal is used in a form of bulk.
Another method to form the periodically domain inverted structure in MgO doped lithium niobate is based on the electrostatic technique, which is disclosed in literatures “M. Yamada, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,193,023; M. Yamada, et al., Applied Physics Letters, vol. 62, no. 5, 1993, pp. 435-436; J. Webjorn , et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,875,053; Byer, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,714,198, U.S. Pat. No. 5,800,767, U.S. Pat. No. 5,838,702”, as shown in
While the electrostatic technique is successful in poling non-doped crystals with vertical domain shapes, it is difficult to achieve uniform poling due to the non-uniform doping. The nucleation of the domain inversion forms randomly on the surface of the substrate. As a result, distribution of the electric field applied across the substrate is changed when crystal poling starts and thus causes non-uniform poling.
One method to solve the problem is to reduce the required electric field for crystal poling, which is disclosed in literatures M. Nakamura, et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 38, 1999, pp. L1234-1236; H. Ishizuki, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 82, No.23, 2003, pp. 4062-4065; K. Nakamura, et al., J. Appl. Phys., vol. 91, No. 7, 2002, pp. 4528-4534. The required electric field can be reduced by increasing poling temperature up to 170 C and/or reducing thickness of the substrate down to 300 um. Although these methods have some effect on achieving uniform poling of large period (>20 μm), it is difficult to achieving uniform poling of short period (<10 μm). In addition, increasing temperature causes difficulty in fabrication process and reducing substrate thickness limits applications of the developed crystals.
Another method to solve the problem is to use thick substrate and short pulse electric field in poling, which is disclosed in literatures K. Mizuuchi, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 6,353,495; K. Mizuuchi, et al., J. Appl. Phys., vol. 96, No. 11, 2004, pp. 6585-6590. In this method, due to the use of thick substrate (e.g. 1 mm thick) and short pulse poling voltage, the inverted domains do not go through the whole substrate. As a result, even through poling starts randomly due to non-uniform doping, the electric filed distribution is not changed even though poling starts at certain locations since the inverted domains do not go through the substrate and thus poling current is significantly suppressed. However, in this method, about half of the crystal is wasted since the domain inversion structure is degraded gradually and finally disappears from +c surface to −c surface of the substrate.
The other method to solve the problem is to use a thermal treatment process followed by electrostatic poling, which is disclosed in literature, Peng , et al. , U.S. Pat. No. 6,926,770. In this method, a uniform nucleation layer determined by the first metal electrode is achieved by a thermal treatment process at high temperature (e.g. 1050° C.). The heat treating of the first metal electrode and nonlinear crystal in ambient oxygen at lower than Curie temperature causes a shallow surface domain inversion, which can be realized by Li out-diffusion in heat treatment, or Ti-ion in-diffusion in heat treatment. After the thermal treatment, the second electrode pattern is formed, and pulsed voltage (higher than the coercive voltage of the crystal) is applied across the crystal to achieve deep domain inversion. However, due to the need of high temperature treatment and the formation of the second electrode, the whole process is complex, throughput of the product is low, and thus production cost is high according to this method. Instead of forming nucleation, proton exchange outside the regions of metal electrode is used to prevent nucleation in regions without covering of masks such as metal electrode patterns, which is disclosed in a literature: S. Grilli, et al., Applied Physics Letters, vol. 89, No.3, 2006, pp. 2902-2905. However, this method cannot guarantee formation of uniform nucleation underneath the metal electrode, and thus deep uniform domain inversion over large area has not been achieved by this method.
The developed periodically poled crystals can be used as nonlinear media required in the spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) process. SPDC is a well known optical nonlinear process, which is disclosed in many literatures such as M. Fiorentino, et al., Optics Express, Vol. 15, Issue 12, pp. 7479-7488; L. E. Myers, et al., J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 12, No. 11, 1995, pp. 2102-2116. In the SPDC process, a pump light with an angular frequency of ωp is launched into a nonlinear crystal, a signal and an idle light at angular frequency ωs and ωi, respectively, is generated. Typically, the pump beam passes through the nonlinear crystal for only one time and the generated SPDC light power is low. To enhance the efficiency of PDC, the crystal is put into an optical cavity, with high reflection at both ωs and ωi (double resonant), or ωs or ωi (single resonant). Although the output power of the PDC light can be enhanced by using the double or single resonant structure, the bandwidth of the PDC light is significantly reduced. For optical sensing and optical coherence tomography (OCT) applications, light sources with a broad bandwidth of spectrum and high output power are required.
The objective of the present invention is to provide a domain inversion method, which is especially effective in poling doped crystals. In this method, the first poling of the substrate with defined electrode patterns is first conducted using the corona discharge method to form uniform shallow domain inversions (i.e. nucleation) under the metal electrode patterns, and then the second deep poling is conducted based on the electrostatic method to realize deep domain inversion. Another objective of the present invention is to provide methods to achieve broadband light sources using a nonlinear crystal with a domain inverted structure.
According to one aspect of the present invention, as shown in
The present invention will be understood more fully from the detailed description given herein below, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
In the drawings:
The present invention solves the foregoing problems by means described below.
In the first preferred embodiment, as shown in
The corona discharge method used in the first poling can overcome the non-uniform doping problem since migration of the surface charges deposited by the corona discharge is very slow. As a result, crystal poling takes place as far as the local coercive field is achieved. Therefore, uniform shallow domain inversion (i.e. nucleation) can be achieved by employing the corona discharge technique. The depth of the shallow domain inversion ranges from few micrometers to hundred micrometers, which can be controlled by the voltage applied to the corona torch or wire, time of the applied high voltage, and distance between −c surface of the substrate the corona torch or wire. The typical voltage applied to the corona torch or wire can be set at a value between 1 kV and 100 kV (say 10 kV), and the time of the applied voltage can be set at a value between 10 seconds and 10 minutes (say 30 seconds).
In the second poling, since crystal poling starts from regions with a uniform domain inversion (i.e. nucleation), random nucleation process no longer occurs in the invented method. Therefore, lower electric field is required to pole the remaining of the crystal along the thickness direction and the field distribution is solely determined by the electrode pattern and is not affected by the nucleation process. As a result, uniform poling with vertical boundaries can be achieved in the second poling. The value of the applied voltage is set so that electric field achieves the coercive field of the crystal. It is worth noting that due to the random nucleation in doped crystal, which usually occurs in the conventional electrostatic poling, it is very difficult to achieve uniform poling. As a result, although the electrostatic technique is successful in poling non-doped crystals (which has no random nucleation issue), it is difficult to achieve uniform poling due to the non-uniform doping. The nucleation of the domain inversion forms randomly on the +c surface of the substrate, depending on local doping concentration. Therefore, distribution of the electric field applied across the substrate is changed when crystal poling starts and thus causes non-uniform poling.
In the second preferred embodiment of the present invention, as shown in
The laser crystal 6 is pumped by the pump laser diode 9. Since the cavity mirrors 4 and 5 have high reflectivity at 1064 nm, laser oscillation occurs if the pump power of the laser diode 9 is higher than the threshold power of the designed laser. The threshold power of the laser is determined by the loss of the laser, consisting transmission loss at the cavity mirrors 4 and 5, absorption and scattering loss in the laser crystal 6 and nonlinear crystal 1, and reflection loss at the facets of the laser crystal 6 and nonlinear crystal 1. Since both the laser crystal 6 and nonlinear crystal 1 have anti-reflection (i.e. high transmission) coating at 1064 nm, the reflection loss at the crystal facets is negligibly small at 1064 nm. In addition, since high quality crystals are used, the scattering loss is also negligibly small. Furthermore, since the cut-off wavelength (i.e. a wavelength at which absorption starts becoming non-negligible) is much shorter than the wavelength discussed here (e.g. the cut-off wavelength is 340 nm in the case of MgO doped PPLN), the absorption loss in the nonlinear crystal 1 is negligible. As a result, the 1064 nm laser has characteristics such as high efficiency and high confinement of the laser light (i.e. most of laser light at 1064 nm is confined within the cavity and thus nonlinear crystal 1). As described below, these features are very helpful in achieving efficient SPDC.
As described above, intensive light at wavelength of 1064 nm is confined within the cavity and thus light intensity at 1064 nm in the PPLN nonlinear crystal 1 is very high. Since the QPM condition is satisfied in the PPLN crystal 1, 532 nm is generated efficiently due to the SHG process. In addition, since high reflection coating is employed at the two facets 2, 3 of the PPLN crystal 1, the generated SHG light at 532 nm is strongly confined within the PPLN crystal 1. The light intensity of 532 nm light can be maximized by choosing proper length of the PPLN crystal 1 and/or tuning of the temperature of the PPLN crystal by the temperature controller 10 beneath the PPLN crystal 1 so that the roundtrip phase in the PPLN crystal at 532 nm is an integer time of 2π.
Due to the existence of the intensive 532 nm light in the PPLN crystal 1, a signal and an idle light at angular frequency ωs and ωi, respectively, are generated around 1064 nm (where ω532−nm=ωs+ωi) through the spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) process. In the SPDC process, the QPM condition has to be satisfied, i.e. ω532−nm n532−nm31 ωsns−ωini=2πc/Λ, where ns and ni are refractive indices at ωs and ωi respectively, c is light velocity in vacuum, and Λ is the period of PPLN crystal. Since many pairs of ωs and ωi. can satisfy the QPM condition for a fixed period, the generated SPDC light has a broad bandwidth. It is worth noting that use of MgO doped PPLN crystal is very important to achieve high power, broadband source. Since the QPM condition can be satisfied over a broad range of ωs and ωi, which is especially true if a short PPLN crystal and/or chirped PPLN crystal is employed, very broadband light can be generated. In addition, since MgO doped PPLN is used, which has very high optical damage threshold, 532 nm light with very high intensity can be confined within the PPLN crystal, and thus broadband light with high power can be generated. Different from the conventional SPDC reported in the literatures, the pump light of the SPDC, i.e. 532 nm light, is strongly confined within the PPLN crystal, and thus the SPDC light with broad bandwidth is generated with high efficiency since the SPDC efficiency is proportional to the pump power. In addition, the generated SPDC light propagating towards the rear cavity mirror 4 is reflected back since the mirror has high reflectivity over a broad bandwidth at around 1064 nm, which further enhances the output power of the SPDC light. Since the front cavity mirror 5 has a narrow band reflection only at 1064 nm, the generated SPDC light experiences little reflection loss at the front cavity mirror 5. Further, if the 532 nm light is strong enough, the generated SPDC light may be further enhanced due to the parametric amplification process when the SPDC light passes through the PPLN crystal 1.
In the third preferred embodiment of the present invention, an alternative configuration of broadband source is presented, as shown in
In the fourth preferred embodiment of the present invention, as shown in
In the fifth preferred embodiment of the present invention, as shown in
In the sixth preferred embodiment of the present invention, as shown in
In the seventh preferred embodiment of the present invention, as shown in
In the eighth preferred embodiment of the present invention, as shown in
In the ninth preferred embodiment of the present invention, as shown in
In the tenth preferred embodiment of the present invention, as shown in
The above embodiments have described crystal poling of MgO doped lithium niobate. Of course, the methods described in the present invention can be applied to other ferroelectric materials such as LiTaO3, KTP, etc.
The above embodiments have included a metal electrode in crystal poling. Of course, liquid electrode and/or different combinations of the metal and liquid electrode can also achieve uniform crystal poling. These configurations can be combined in different ways with those explicitly described in the present patent.
The above embodiments have described the broadband light generation around 1064 nm. Of course, broadband sources centered at other wavelength such as 1310 nm can also be generated by the similar configures.
The above embodiments have described the heating unit attached with the crystals. Of course, other heating unit such as IR heater can also provide the similar effect of increasing the temperature of the crystals.
This application is entitled to the benefit of International Application Number PCT/US2008/001390 entitled “METHOD OF FERROELECTRONIC DOMAIN INVERSION AND ITS APPLICTIONS” filed Jul. 31, 2008.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/CA2008/001390 | 7/31/2008 | WO | 00 | 1/26/2010 |
Number | Date | Country | |
60952969 | Jul 2007 | US |