1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to methods of obtaining uniform and independent random numbers on computers. More specifically, said methods relate to the multiplicative congruential generator comprising
2. Description of the Related Art
Random number sequences on computers are required to have reproducibility and transportability for debugging simulation programs. Said reproducibility is the nature that the identical sequence of random numbers may be generated by demands of users. Said transportability refers to the generation of one and the same sequence of random numbers on transplantation to any other computers or computer languages.
Since the vast amount of random numbers needed for simulations never allows their storage in memory, the sole possible means left is some computational procedure to generate random numbers sequentially. Said requirements of reproducibility and transportability restrict the procedure to the arithmetic of integers which by nature is devoid of truncation and round-off errors on any computers and in any computer languages. Hence a uniform random number sequence on computers should exclusively be realized by some arithmetic as a sequence {x1, x2, . . . } of integers in a range [0, z) for a large but finite integer z, and should be transformed as {u1=x1/z, u2=x2/z, . . . } to the output sequence of rational numbers in the interval [0, 1) by division at every use.
For arbitrary positive integers z and T, any sequence {x1, x2, . . . , xT} of zero or positive integers in [0, z) may be concatenated to form a base-z numeral sequence,
x=0·x1x2 . . . xTx1x2 . . . xT . . . =x1/z+x2/z2+x3/z3+ . . .
with period T. Being excluded of uninteresting cases that said integers {x1, x2, . . . , xT} are all zero or all
x=(x1zT-1+x2zT-2+ . . . +xT)/(zT−1)=n/d,
where and hereafter n/d stands for an irreducible fraction with 0<n<d. Since d divides zT−1, d and z are coprime. Any length-T sequence {x1, x2, . . . , xT} of integers in [0, z), which may be an output of any random number generator on a computer, or a length-T sequence taken from natural or physical uniform random numbers discretized with the precision 1/z, thus has an obvious correspondence to a period of the numeral sequence to base z, representing an irreducible fraction n/d with z and n coprime to d.
The division process of the irreducible fraction n/d with 0<n<d to the base z is expressed in the identity and the inequality
rj+1=zrj−xjd, 0<rj<d, j=1, 2, 3, . . . ,
where {r1=n, r2, r3, . . . } are remainders of division that never vanish since n and z are both coprime with d. Upon division by zd these give a crucial estimate found by Nakazawa (2004),
0<rj/d−xj/z=rj/d−uj=(rj+1/d)(1/z)<1/z, uj=xj/z, j=1, 2, 3, . . . .
Thus, numbers {u1=x1/z, u2=x2/z, u3=x3/z, . . . } in [0, 1), irrespective of whether they are created by some computational methods or obtained from any physical random numbers, are approximated from above within a uniform error bound 1/z, by numbers of the sequence {v1=r1/d, v2=r2/d, v3=r3/d, . . . } formed by remainders of the base-z division process of an irreducible fraction n/d, if the denominator d is allowed to be any positive integer to which the base z is coprime.
The term rj in the sequence {r1=n, r2, r3, . . . } of remainders of base-z division n/d is congruent to nzj−1 modulo d for j=1, 2, . . . , with the value of rj taken in (0, d). If the modulus d is an odd prime or a large power 2i of 2, the sequence {v1=r1/d, v2=r2/d, . . . } is the multiplicative congruential random numbers of the prior art generated by the multiplier z, for the initial value (or seed) n and in the modulus d. We analyze the most general form of the modulus d characterized by its factorization into prime factors
in order to find and exploit the optimal technological setting.
Let d≧2 be any positive integer, and denote Z*d for the set of integers coprime to d. Equivalence or identity of elements of Z*d is defined by the congruence modulo d; constituents of Z*d may thus be represented by integers in the interval (0, d), which will be replaced with [0, d) for later conveniences. The set Z*d forms a group with respect to the multiplication modulo d, and is called the reduced residue class group modulo d. The order, or the number of distinct elements, of the group Z*d is defined to be Euler's function and denoted as φ(d). For a prime d=p, Z*p consists of {1, 2, . . . , p−1}, giving φ(p)=p−1. For a power pi (i≧2) of a prime p the group Z*p
0=0·p,1·p,2·p,3·p, . . . ,(pi-1−1)·p,
totaling to pi-1 in number. These give the following fundamental formula for any prime p:
φ(pi)=pi−pi-1=pi(1−1/p), i≧1,
which is always even with the sole exception of φ(21)=1. For any z∈Z*d define the cyclic sequence <z>, i.e. the cyclic (sub)group generated by z denoted in sequential form
<z>:≡{1=z0,z1,z2, . . . } mod(d).
With all constituents taken in the interval [0, d), <z> is identical to the multiplicative congruential sequence generated by the multiplier z with the modulus d and the initial value n=1. For the initial value n∈Z*d the multiplicative congruential sequence is the coset sequence
n<z>≡{n,nz,nz2, . . . }≡{r1,r2,r3, . . . } mod(d),
again with all constituents taken in the interval (0, d). Periods of <z> and n<z> are one and the same, to be denoted T. Lagrange's theorem proves that T is a divisor of the order φ(d) of Z*d. If the group Z*d is itself cyclic and z is its generator, then Z*d is exhausted by the sequence <z> with the full period T=φ(d). Any coset n<z> is then identical with <z> as a periodic sequence except for the starting element n. The group Z*d is known to be cyclic only for following cases of the modulus d:
The group Z*d with composite modulus d formed by coprime factors acquires a significant structure regulated by Chinese remainder theorem. Fix an arbitrary integer s≧2 and take pairwise coprime integers d1, d2, . . . , ds. Define d:=d1d2 . . . ds, and
ej:=d/dj, 1≦j≦s.
Since ej consists of dk other than dj, dj and ej are coprime. Euclidean algorithm gives integers Dj and Ej that yield the identity
GCD(dj,ej)=1=djDj+ejEj, 1≦j≦s.
Define Uj:=ejEj determined by d1, d2, . . . , ds. Since ej consists of dk's other than dj, the above identity gives, with δjk for Kronecker's delta,
Uj≡δjk mod(dk), 1≦j, k≦s.
Here and hereafter 1≦j, k≦s will be used for short of 1≦j≦k and 1≦k≦s. Take arbitrary integers {zj|1≦j≦s}. The set of congruence relations
z≡zj mod(dj), 1≦j≦s,
have a solution z=z1U1+ . . . +zsUs. If z′ is another solution of the above congruence relations, then z−z′≡0 mod(dj) holds for 1≦j≦s, implying z−z′ is a common multiple of d1, d2, . . . , ds. Hence z−z′ is divisible by their least common multiple d, proving that the solution of simultaneous congruence relations is unique modulo d with the form
z≡z1U1+z2U2+ . . . +zsUs mod(d=d1d2 . . . ds)
for integers U1, U2, . . . , Us determined by d1, d2, . . . , ds. Since this is a congruence relation modulo d, integers U1, U2, . . . , Us may be replaced with any set of integers equivalent to them modulo d. This is a form of the Chinese remainder theorem that holds true for any number s=2, 3, . . . of coprime factors.
Let again d1, d2, . . . , ds be pairwise coprime positive integers for any s≧2, and set d=d1d2 . . . ds. Any element z∈Z*d is coprime to any of d1, d2, . . . , ds, so that there is an element zj∈Z*d
z≡z1U1+z2U2+ . . . +zsUs mod(d=d1d2 . . . ds),
or that any z∈Z*d corresponds to a unique set (z1, z2, . . . , zs) which is an element of the product set Z*d
(z1,z2, . . . ,zs)∈Z*d
corresponds to simultaneous congruence relations
which determine an element z∈Z*1
φ(d1d2 . . . ds)=φ(d1)φ(d2) . . . φ(ds).
As already noted, a composite modulus d for the group Z*d must not include any power 2i (i≧2) of 2 in order for <z> and n<z> in Z*d to realize uncorrelated sequences of random numbers. See Nakazawa and Nakazawa (2008a,b) for this discovery; Detailed Description of the Invention also gives related inferences with
d=d0d1d2 . . . ds, s≧1, dk=pki
Here p1, p2, . . . , ps are distinct odd primes, and d0 is either 20=1 or 21=2. The reduced residue class group Z*2={1} is a trivial group and φ(2)=1. The multiplicative formula of Euler's function gives the order of the group Z*d for the above noted modulus d as
for all cases of our interest.
Two or more odd prime factors in the composite modulus d introduce into the group Z*d new structures that are absent in moduluses formed by a single prime or by its power. Take for s≧2 the modulus d=d1d2 . . . ds with pairwise coprime positive integers d1, d2, . . . , ds, each of which is assumed to give a non-trivial group Z*d
z≡zk mod(dk), n≡nk mod(dk), 1≦k≦s.
These give simultaneous congruence relations nzj−1≡nkzkj−1 mod(dk) for 1≦k≦s, which have the solution by Chinese remainder theorem in the following form:
nzj−1≡n1z1j−1U1+ . . . +nszsj−1Us mod(d=d1d2 . . . ds), j=1,2,3, . . . ,
As noted, integers U1, U2, . . . , Us are determined by {dk|1≦k≦s} and independent of {nk, zk|1≦k≦s}. The sequences <z> or its coset n<z> in Z*d
T=LCM(T1,T2, . . . ,Ts).
Resume the most general composite modulus d of our concern with the form
d=d0d1d2 . . . ds, d0=1 or 2, dk=pki
where p1, p2, . . . , ps are distinct odd primes. We now specify the largest period attainable with this modulus. The trivial group Z*2={1} for d0=21 always has the period T0=1 and, together with the case d0=20=1, Z*d
(the order of the group Z*p
note that pk is odd and pk−1 is even. Therefore, the period T of the coset sequence n<z> in the group Z*d satisfies
T=LCM(T0,T1,T2, . . . , Ts)≦LCM(1,2q1p1i
Since the group Z*p
The shuffling arising with moduluses formed by two or more odd prime factors induces effects reflecting structures of component groups, as is the case with periods noted in Theorem A. However, some drastic changes may also arise with the shuffling. The plot of the present invention is to make essential use of such a mechanism, which has its root in an obvious property of cyclic sequences and their cosets in reduced residue class groups.
Take for a while the simplest composite modulus d=p1p2 formed by two odd distinct primes p1 and p2. The largest order of a multiplier z, or the largest period of <z> on this modulus d=p1p2 was shown to be T=φ(d)/22−1=φ(d)/2, which is realized if primes p1, p2 are so chosen as to give coprime integers
q1:=(p1−1)/2, q2:=(p2−1)/2;
and if the multiplier z∈Z*p1p2 is constructed with primitive roots z1, z2 of moduluses p1, p2, respectively. Note that the coset sequence n1<z1> for any n1∈Z*p
nzj−1≡n1z1j−1U1+n2z2j−1U2 mod(d=p1p2), j=1, 2, . . . ,
breaks this spell on component sequences. First, they are allowed to repeat their periods any number of times, and problems of (repeated appearances of) their correlated first and second halves are dismissed. Second, the shuffling gives chances to construct the coset n<z> that is free from the similar spell. The following Theorem C, which is the heart of the present invention, clarifies this magical work of Chinese remainder theorem. This is a generalization of the result obtained in Nakazawa and Nakazawa (2008a,b).
Spectral tests have been the most powerful tool to assess the performance of a multiplier z of multiplicative congruential generators, typically with the modulus d formed by an odd prime d=p, or by a power of 2, d=2i. They remain to be an indispensable and powerful weapon to test multipliers of composite modulus generators, hence to test any random number sequences of finite length for their uniformity and independence, if they are computable at all. The inclusion of composite modulus cases, however, necessitates many reflections on structures to grasp correctly what has so far been passed unnoticed. The modulus in this paragraph is any positive integer d>4. The multiplier z and the initial value n are any elements in the group Z*d. The group Z*d need not be cyclic, nor z need be a generator. Let l=2, 3, . . . be an arbitrary integer, and let the coset sequence n<z> have the period T. Denote
n<z>≡{rj≡nzj−1 mod(d)|0<rj<d, rj+T=rj, j=1,2,3, . . . },
which includes the case n=1 of cyclic (subgroup) sequence <z>. We take sets of l consecutive numbers of n<z> as T points forming a sequence
{Pj(l)=(rj,rj+1, . . . ,rj+l-1)|j=1,2, . . . ,T},
in the hyper cube Cd in the 1-dimensional Euclidean space El with sides [0, d). As regards the geometry of these points, there are some crucial comprehensions that are indispensable in proceeding to full applications of spectral tests. We list their essence below.
In order to have a clear overview on spectral tests, resume the simplest case of an odd prime modulus d=p and its primitive root multiplier z. The number of lattice points is d=p, while the period T of <z> is the order of Z*p given by T=φ(p)=p−1. Points in El,
{Pj(l)|j=1,2, . . . ,T},
generated by l-tuples of the sequence <z> for any dimension l=2, 3, . . . , therefore, fill the lattice points almost fully, leaving only the origin vacant. Thus, the spectral test of a primitive root multiplier of an odd prime modulus gives an almost precise valuation of the geometrical distribution of points generated by one period of <z> in El.
{(rj/d,rj+1/d)|j=1,2, . . . ,T}
within a square that indicates the range −0.05≦x, y≦1.05 in E2 or xy-plane. Left plots show points with appropriately normalized coordinates
{(xj/z,xj+1/z)|j=1,2, . . . ,T}
corresponding to quotients that arise in the division process of the irreducible fraction n/d=1/251 to bases z=162, 61 and 127, respectively for
An epoch was marked by Fishman and Moore (1986) who initiated exhaustive spectral tests that examine all primitive roots for the prime modulus d=p=231−1. They adopted the criterion that a primitive root multiplier z is passable if λd(l)(z) is within the bound a=125% of geometrically ideal cases of the lattice (similar to the triangular lattice in 2-dimension) in all of dimensions 2≦l≦6. We note the smallest value
Fishman and Moore (1986) note that, when the upper bound a for passable primitive root multiplier z was taken more loosely as a=133.3%, intractably many primitive roots passed the test, so that they tightened to a=125%, reducing the total number of successful primitive roots jumpingly to 414, viz. 7.74×10−7%≅1/(1.29×106) of the total number φ(231−2)=5.346×108 of primitive roots for the prime p=231−1. Later for another heavily used modulus of the type d=2i Fishman (1990) reported exhaustive spectral tests on relevant multipliers z≡5 mod(8) for d=232, and also gave tests on the modulus d=248 examining (effectively) 227 of multipliers among 245 total candidates, viz. 1/(2.6×105) of relevant generators. Remembering with dearness that Cray 2 in 1991 recorded 2 giga flops and thinking over supercomputers of today, we may contend that exhaustive spectral tests for the modulus d=248 are now realizable to obtain the period T=246. Yet this period will not suffice for simulations on supercomputers today.
In preceding paragraphs features of spectral tests in prior art were seen by cases in which the set of points, generated by cyclic sequences and their cosets, occupy almost all of lattice points. A significant insight on the geometry of generated points, not the geometry of lattice points, are obtained from the simplest case of composite modulus d=p1p2 formed by two distinct odd primes p1 and p2. Structures of cyclic and coset sequences <z> and n<z> for this modulus have been analyzed in Theorems A, C. Visual information will give the quickest comprehension of implications.
q1=(p1−1)/2=23; q2=(p2−1)/2=30,
which are coprime and realize the case (I) of Theorem C. Each square represents the range −0.05≦x, y≦1.05 again. The multiplier z is
z=678≡20U1+7U2 mod(2867)
where z1=20 and z2=7 are primitive roots of primes p1=47 and p2=61, respectively, both with high scores in their respective 2-dimensional spectral tests. The group Z*2867 has the order φ(2867)=φ(47)φ(61)=46×60=2760, and the period of <z> and its cosets are the largest T=2q1q2=1380=2760/2. Points on the right square represent (rj/d, rj+1/d), while those on the left square show (xj/z, xj+1/z) obtained from the numeral sequence of the irreducible fraction 1/d=1/2867=0.{dot over (x)}1x2 . . . {dot over (x)}T to base z=678. Since 1/z is sufficiently small, points on the right and the left are close to each other.
q1=(p1−1)/2=21, q2=(p2−1)/2=29
are coprime, <z> has the largest period T=2q1q2=1218, and the group Z*2537 is divided into two by the cyclic subgroup <z> and its coset. However, both of q1 and q2 are odd, and the setting falls in the case of Theorem C (II) realizing −1∈<z>. Thus, only one of these halves of sequences <z> and n<z> may be used as uncorrelated random numbers. This inclusion of −1 in <z> manifests itself in the right plot of
The present invention chooses settings of cyclic sequence <z> in the reduced residue class group Z*d for a composite modulus d, where −1 is excluded from <z> by design. An example was shown in
d=2867=47×61, z=1298≡29U1+17U2 mod(2867),
where z1=29 and z2=17 are excellent primitive roots for p1=47 and p2=61. The right plot of two-dimensional spectral test shows nearly triangular lattice. Comparisons with
We saw what to be seen. We make use of a group Z*d with a composite modulus d in order to exploit the noted improvements given by the shuffling, and also to exclude −1 from the cyclic sequence <z>. The group Z*d for any modulus d has integers in [0, d) as its elements, with vacancies that may also be said to be distributed evenly therein. We choose parameters so as for these vacancies to be small in number, and sequences <z> and n<z> will sweep as large a portion of Z*d as possible, for uniformity and for the strength of spectral tests. Lagrange's theorem restrains that the (sub)group <z> may occupy only an integral portion of Z*d. And a composite modulus group cannot be cyclic. The largest portion that <z> can occupy in Z*d is thus the half, and the structure of the period shown in Theorem A rules that the modulus should then comprise s=2 odd distinct primes. The factor d0 of 1 or 2 in the modulus has no effect on the period and its participation in the shuffling is merely as a constant factor for d0=2:
nzj≡d+(d+1)(n1z1j+n2z2j+ . . . +nszsj)mod(2d),
so that we discard d0 altogether. We are thus left with the form d=d1d2, with d1=p1i
Component groups Z*p
For the shuffling in <z> and its coset to be effective, we require T1≅T2≅t. Then the period of <z> is T=T1T2≅t2. Now the computability of spectral tests puts a practical limit on T or on t≅T1/2. Component moduluses dk=pki
Therefore, the ratio V of the number of voids, i.e. integers in [0, d) left unoccupied by the elements of Z*d, to the total number d of lattice points is
This factor for a fixed t is minimized at i1=i2=1. The best setting for our aim is thus provided by moduluses of the form d=p1p2 comprising two distinct odd primes of similar magnitudes, on the premise that we exploit the largest period setting of Theorem A.
Summarizingly, we have first to determine the computable largest period T=t2. Then we choose distinct odd primes, p1, p2≅t; the choice should obey prescriptions of Theorem A and Theorem C that integers q1=(p1−1)/2 and q2=(p2−1)/2 are coprime and have different parity, one even and the other odd. The multiplier z is then formed by primitive roots z1, z2 of primes p1, p2, respectively, by congruence relations z≡z1 mod(p1) and z≡z2 mod(p2).
The aim of the present invention is to provide a method to obtain uniform and independent random numbers with long periods and certified statistical quality, which may be realized on computers and their operating systems with the smallest computational cost.
The invention claims a method of obtaining uniform and independent random numbers comprising:
The heart of the invention is in selecting said primes p1, p2 that give coprime integers q1, q2 with different parity. This prescription expels −1 from the cyclic sequence <z> generated by said multiplier z, enabling the use of the whole sequence, obtained from <z> or its coset by normalization, for uniform and independent random numbers without recognizable correlations over the whole period.
In the presented invention, the design of a generator of uniform and independent random numbers starts by choosing the period T, which will need some trials in order to find the largest magnitude of T so as for resultant spectral tests to be computable.
Given the period T, two odd, distinct primes p1, p2, for the formation of the modulus d=p1p2, should be chosen with similar magnitude, typically of the order of T1/2, so as to minimize the ratio to d of the number of voids, viz. the number of integers in the interval [0, d) left unoccupied by the elements of the group Z*p1p2 (i.e. multiples of p1 and p2 in the interval [0, d) including 0),
under the fixed period T=φ(d)/2≅p1p2/2. There exist further indispensable restrictions in choosing primes p1, p2 Namely, integers
q1=(p1−1)/2, q2=(p2−1)/2
should be coprime, and should have different parity. Caution should also be paid to prevent the excessive closeness of p1 and p2.
A successful case of the invention p1=47 and p2=61 is shown in
As the procedure to construct the generator, the established prior art then follows to choose best primitive root multipliers, {z1, z′1, . . . } of the prime p1 and {z2, z′2, . . . } of the prime p2, by exhaustive spectral tests of 6-th degree. The list shown below,
reproduces the smallest values
z≡z1 mod(p1), z≡z2 mod(p2), 0<z<d=p1p2.
The procedure of solution given by Chinese remainder theorem may be briefed as follows.
The final work is to perform the spectral test, up to the appropriate degree l, on the multiplier z in the group Z*d with the composite modulus d=p1p2. The procedure is the same as in prior art, but some exposition will be in order. The aim is to obtain the largest distance λd(l)(z) between the neighboring lattice hyperplanes determined by d, z and l. Given a possibly composite modulus d>0, a multiplier z∈Z*d and l=2, 3, . . . for the dimension, the spectral test examines the lattice which may be regarded to be spanned by the following bases or basis vectors,
e1=(1,z,z2, . . . ,zl-1),
e2=(0,d,0, . . . ,0),
e3=(0,0,d, . . . ,0),
. . .
el=(0,0,0, . . . ,d).
The lattice itself is the set of vectors formed by all of linear combinations of these basis vectors with integer coefficients. Since these are manifestly linearly independent and any integral multiples of e2, e3, . . . , el may be added to e1 without destroying this linear independence, the first basis vector e1 may be taken in the sense of modulo d, though we proceed as above. Let Cl(d) denote the hypercube of El whose coordinates are all in the interval [0, d). For any lattice vector to be in Cl (d) the first coordinate requires that the coefficient c1 of e1 should be among 0, 1, . . . , d−1. Upon assignment of one of these d values to c1, the coefficient cj of ej for 2≦j≦l is determined uniquely by the requirement that c1zj−1+cjd is in the interval [0, d). There exist thus d lattice points (or seats for the l-tuples of numbers from n<z>) in the hypercube Cl(d), irrespective of l. It may also be noted that the hyper parallelepiped, so to say, spanned by basis vectors has the volume (corresponding to the determinant obtained by arranging basis vectors in rows) dl-1, which is another way of saying that there are d lattice points in Cl(d) of volume dl. For a given set of numbers d, z∈Z*d and l=2, 3, . . . , the aim of the l-dimensional spectral test is to search the largest distance between neighboring (l−1)-dimensional hyperplanes that contain the same set of l−1 linearly independent lattice vectors. The problem is transformed tractably by the use of dual lattice (or reciprocal lattice of solid state physics) spanned by its basis vectors
f1=(d,0,0, . . . ,0),
f2=(−z,1,0, . . . ,0),
f3=(−z2,0,1, . . . ,0),
. . .
fl=(−zl-1,0, . . . ,1),
which give characteristic inner products with lattice basis vectors as follows:
(ej,fk)=dδjk, 1≦j, k≦l.
The setting reveals that the problem is identical with the spectral test for a primitive root multiplier z for an odd prime modulus p, if only we replace p with d and translate the distribution of points from <z> to that of their seats. We thus need to find the length |f|min of the shortest vector with non-vanishing length in the dual lattice, which gives λd(l)(z)=d/|f|min. In short, the spectral test of the present generalized setting is completely the same with the prior art for primitive root multipliers of odd prime moduluses.
If z turns out to be unsatisfactory in the closeness of its λd(l)(z) to the theoretical optimum
The computability of spectral test is a difficult problem. Some rough estimates were discussed in Addendum of Nakazawa and Nakazawa (2008b). The core of spectral tests is in the preparatory procedure to find a small length L of the dual vector formed by linear combinations of integral multiples of dual basis vectors using, typically, Schmidt orthogonalization. Once this is done giving a small enough L, the spectral test needs to take only dual lattice vector f=(a1, a2, . . . , al) in Cartesian coordinates fulfilling the condition
a1+a2z+a3z2+ . . . +alzl-1≡0 mod(d), |aj|≦L, 1≦j≦l.
Namely, the test sifts all vectors filling the above restriction out of (2L+1)l/2 candidates, computes their lengths, sorts out the shortest |f|min of such lengths, and gives finally the valuation
A composite modulus of the type d=2id′ with large index i and an odd d′ should not be used. Though this was found, and noted in detail, in Sec. 7B of Nakazawa and Nakazawa (2008a,b), some visual information will be in order at this place.
The key prescription of the invention is that one of said {q1, q2} is even and the other is odd. This ensures generically that −1≡d−1 mod(d) is expelled from the cyclic sequence <z>, that the whole of the sequences <z> and n<z> may be used for random numbers, and that for any l=1, 2, 3, . . . these sequences in the group Z*p1p2 yield l-tuples of consecutive integers which, regarded as points in El, form a set devoid of improbable symmetry with respect to the center Md=(d/2, d/2, . . . , d/2) of the hypercube in El of sides [0, d]. In the contrary case, shown for example in
In closing, we reflect on our path through the jungle we have waded; it started from the setting of finite sequences of integers, periodic sequences, irreducible fractions, and their replacement by cyclic sequences in reduced residue class groups. We arrived at the group Z*p1p2 for distinct odd primes p1, p2 forming the modulus, its element z for the multiplier giving the coset sequence n<z>, and the normalized coset sequence {vj} with period T=φ(p1p2)/2,
{vj=rj/d|r1=n, rj+1=zrj mod(d), 0<rj<d, 1≦j≦T}.
Note that {vj=rj/d} is not the aimed random numbers. The output should be the original sequence {uj=xj/z|1≦j≦T} corresponding to the integer sequence {x1, x2, . . . , xT} from which we have started. Yet, it is at once to realize this final link. The identity of the division process for n/d in numerals to base z readily gives, with the use of periodicity vj+T=vj for any j,
uj:=xj/z=(zrj−rj+1)/(dz)=rj/d−(rj+1/d)/z=vj−vj+1/z, 1≦j≦T.
which form a set of linear transformations from {vj} to {uj}. Here we remind ourselves that vj=rj/d has so far been regarded to be defined as an irreducible fraction without any approximation, while the above noted transformations realize uniform random numbers {uj} that were taken as the discretization of natural random numbers with the smallest unit 1/z. We come here also to realize that the original sequence of integers {xj} was taken in the interval [0, z) without any restrictions on the magnitude of z; it may thus happen that the irreducible fraction n/d representing the concatenated sequence of {xj} may have the base z larger than d, as with the case of 2/7 with its decimal sequence 0.285714 for z=10. Even if z>d is the case, the closeness of {uj=xj/z} to {vj=rj/d} within 1/z holds true. But the relation 1/z<1/d implies that the sequence {uj} traces properties of the normalized coset sequence {vj}. Thus, 0 can never arise in {uj}, or duplicated values can never occur in the original sequence {xj}. If the given sequence of integers {xj} in the interval [0, z) happens to give an irreducible fraction n/d with d smaller than z, the sequence should be discarded as inadequate for uniform and independent random numbers. We should tighten starting assumptions: The upper bound z of integers x1, x2, . . . , xT should fulfill 0<z<d in the result of the representation by an irreducible fraction x=n/d. Since this is a natural and usual premise set at starting the search for a good sequence {uj} by spectral tests of multiplicative congruential generators, there arises no practical problem. Usual practices tell us that a good multiplier z<d has the magnitude d1/2 or larger, which may be interpreted that its multiplication on the preceding integer rj should give rj+1=zrj>d to be pulled back modulo d with sufficient frequency. This gives an empirical rule that good random number sequence should be realized with z fulfilling 1>>1/z≅1/d1/2>>1/d. Now that vj=rj/d is in effect the discretization in unit of 1/d, the use of these {vj} in the transformation uj=vj−vj+1/z is excessive in precision. It is then all natural to discard the term −vj+1/z. In order to avoid confusion we denote {v′j} for the representation of {vj} in the smallest unit ∈, obtained by truncating and rounding off vj=rj/d. The choice of ∈≅1/z makes the term −v′j+1/z irrelevant, and we may use {v′j} itself as the approximation of {uj} within small errors of the order of 2/z, say. This is not only a simple and economical way, but also realizes the range [0, 1] for {u′j:=v′j} by 1/d≦vj=rj/d≦1−1/d. It notably admits the appearance of duplicated values in one period T of {u′j=v′j} reproducing a natural property of random numbers in the original sequence {uj}, but not in {vj}. Last but not least, the valuations of spectral tests on {vj} are inherited also by {u′j=v′j}, just as by the exact {uj}.
We thus recommend in the present invention the use of said {v′j}, with the smallest unit of values taken as ∈≅1/z or smaller, as the most economical and natural method of generating uniform and independent random numbers. We note that all of
The present invention is believed to have found a remedy of faults in primitive root multiplicative congruential generators and devices to realize more economical spectral tests, together with general theoretical prospects on uniform and independent random number problems. We advocate ways suggested in Nakazawa and Nakazawa (2008b) to extend the period of random number sequences with tested statistical properties. Structures found might well be said rich and significant, but many problems are certainly left unclarified. Learning many pitfalls met in the history of random number theory, we hope in earnest that this survey is free from any such pitfalls. Contributions are waited for from people in various fields, in presenting excellent multipliers they find for their own rights along with the progress of computers, as well as in giving still new methods realizing excellent uniform and independent random numbers.
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