Method of manufacture for a metal pallet

A method of manufacture of a metal pallet having a deck member formed as a grate or grid by the perpendicular intersection of plural rod members with flat bar members positioned on edge, where the rod members are embedded within the flat bar members by pressure resistance welding such that the upper surface defined by the rod members is even with the upper surface defined by the flat bar members.


This invention relates generally to the field of methods of manufacture pallets used to support heavy items or equipment, or large numbers of discrete items such as bags or boxes, for movement by a handtruck or forklift, and more particularly to such pallets made of metal rather than wood. Even more particularly, the invention relates to the manufacture of metal pallets where the deck member is formed by intersecting members in a grid or grate pattern, and where the technique of pressure resistance welding is utilized.

Pallets for supporting objects are well known. The most common pallet is wooden and comprises two planar deck members composed of sheets or individual slats, the deck members being separated by upright supports to allow for insertion of the tines of a handtruck or forklift between the deck members so that the pallet can be raised and moved to a different location. Another common pallet construction utilizes a single deck member supported by legs, the legs properly spaced to allow for insertion of the tines beneath the deck member. Wooden pallets, while cheap to manufacture, have a limited life under the best circumstances, are readily susceptible to damage and decay, are difficult to dispose of or recycle, and have limited support capacity To solve these problems, metal pallets have been developed—the metal material providing longer life, less likelihood of damage and degradation, and increased support capacity. A problem with metal pallets is that the pallet itself is heavier and the materials and methods of construction are costlier than for a wooden pallet. To address the weight issue, metal pallets have been developed where the deck member is formed by intersecting bars or rods to define or grid or grate as the upper surface rather than having a solid or extended upper surface to bear the goods. Examples of these pallets are seen in U.S. Pat. No. 2,652,219 to Arthur, U.S. Pat. No. 3,756,167 to Wilson and U.S. Pat. No. 4,323,016 to Flesher et al. Arthur and Wilson perpendicularly weld a layer of parallel rods across a sub-layer of parallel rods, while Flesher et al. shows intersecting square profile members. A problem with each of these is that the tops of the intersecting members used to create the grid or grate are not even, such that the upper surfaces of the members running in one direction are higher than the upper surfaces of the members running in the other direction. This creates a deck member with an upper surface likely to snag the objects placed thereon whenever the objects are slid across its surface. One solution to this problem is illustrated in U.S. Pat. No. 4,690,360 to Looker, where a thin sheet is affixed across the intersecting members, but this construction adds unnecessary weight to the pallet.

It is an object of this invention to provide a metal pallet construction where the deck member of the pallet is formed as a grid or grate by intersecting a plural number of parallel rod members perpendicularly with a plural number of parallel flat bar members positioned on edge such that an elongated thin edge of each flat bar member is its upper surface, where the upper surface of the deck member is flat and planar and the upper surfaces of the rod members are even with the upper surfaces of the flat bar members, in that the rod members are joined to the flat bar members by pressure resistance welding such that a portion of the thin edge of the flat bar member is melted and the rod member is pushed into the flat bar member to create a flush upper surface deck member in all directions.


The invention is a metal pallet, and its method of manufacture, for supporting relatively large loads a short distance above the ground or floor such that the pallet can be lifted and moved by a handtruck or fork lift, and comprises in general a deck member formed by perpendicularly intersecting a plural number of parallel rod members and a plural number of parallel flat bar members, where the flat bar members are positioned on edge such that one of the elongated thin edges defines the upper surface of the deck member in combination with the rod members, the rod and flat bar members forming a grate or grid enclosed by a peripheral framing edge member and preferably an outer frame member. Horizontally disposed skid members are connected to the deck member by skid uprights attached to the outer frame and interior uprights joined between adjacent flat bar members by a bridging member, to create a space to receive the tines of the handtruck or fork lift. The rod members are connected to the flat bar members using a pressure resistance welding technique, where the metal of the flat bar member is melted at the junction point and the bar member is pressed into the flat bar member such that the upper edge of the flat bar and the top of the round bar are flush and form a substantially flat and planar upper surface on the deck member in all directions.


FIG. 1

is a top view of the invention.

FIG. 2

is a side view of the invention.

FIG. 3

is an end view of the invention.

FIG. 4

is a perspective view of a portion of the invention showing the intersection of the rod and flat bar members, as well as an upright and bridging member.

FIG. 5

is a side view of the pressure resistance welding apparatus with a rod member positioned atop the flat bar members prior to the application of electrical current and pressure.

FIG. 6

is a partial top view of an alternative method for construction of the rod member, flat bar member and framing edge member assembly.


With reference to the drawings, the invention will now be described in detail with regard for the best mode and the preferred embodiment. In general, the invention is a metal pallet


, and its method of manufacture, for supporting a relatively large weight or large numbers of discrete items, where the pallet


includes a deck member


maintained sufficient distance from the floor or ground to allow for entry of the tines from a handtruck or forklift beneath the deck member


in order to lift and move the pallet


. The pallet


is formed from a combination of aluminum, steel, stainless steel or similar metal components, preferably welded to create a strong and rigid finished product. Standard welding techniques may be used to join the majority of the components, but a platen welding technique is most preferably utilized to join the rod members


to the flat bar members


such that the rod members


are pressed into molten portions of the elongated thin edges


of the flat bar members


and the material allowed to harden in order to create a flat, planar upper surface


of the deck member



As shown in

FIGS. 1 through 3

, the pallet


comprises in general a deck member


supported a short distance form the ground or floor in a horizontally disposed manner by support means


which comprise skid members


, preferably three in number and positioned parallel to the deck member


, connected to the deck member


by interior upright members


and skid upright members


. Skid upright members


are preferably curved to preclude the pallets


from snagging when pushed along the ground or floor, and preferably each skid member


and its two skid upright members


are formed by bending a single piece of one-half to one inch square profile tubing. The skid upright members


are joined to the deck member


by welding or other suitable means, preferably being affixed to the framing edge member


or the outer frame member


. The underside of skid members


may be provided with wear strip members


, preferably composed of a thin flat bar material welded or adhesively affixed to the skid members


. The wear strip members


are provided to prevent damage and wear to the skid members


themselves. Cross brace members


, likewise composed of one-half to one inch square profile tubing are preferably perpendicularly attached between adjacent skid members


to maintain proper separation and alignment.

The interior upright members


are preferably attached above the midpoint of each skid member


and each is connected to a horizontally disposed bridging member


to create a T-shaped combination, with the bridging member


connected to the deck member


by welding or other suitable fastener means between two adjacent flat bar members


, as seen in FIG.


. The interior upright and bridging members are also preferably composed of one-half to one inch square profile tubing. In order to sufficiently maximize the load capacity of the pallet


, the interior upright members


and skid upright members


should be separated no farther than twenty four inches. Preferably the upper surface


of the deck member


is positioned approximately five inches above the ground or floor.

The deck member


comprises a plural number of wire or rod members


intersecting with a plural number of flat bar members


, where each of the flat bar members


is positioned on edge with one of its elongated thin edges


being the top surface, as shown in FIG.


. Preferably the rod members


are aligned in parallel to each other and the flat bar members


are aligned in parallel to each other, with the flat bar members


aligned perpendicularly to the rod members


. The rod members


are preferably solid members, circular in cross-section with a diameter of about one-eighth inch, such that they are relatively rigid. The flat bar members


are preferably solid members, about one-half to one inch wide with a thickness of approximately 0.080 to 0.130 inches, such that they too are relatively rigid. Preferably the diameter of the rod members


is greater than the thickness of the flat bar members


. The ends of rod members


and the ends of the flat bar members


are preferably connected to a rectangular framing edge member


, which is preferably formed of one or more pieces of thin flat bar, bent at the corners and also positioned such that one of the elongated thin edges forms the top surface. Preferably, a rectangular outer frame member composed of one-half to one inch square profile tubing is attached to the outside of the framing edge member


to further strengthen the pallet


, with the skid upright members


connected directly to the outer frame member



The pallet


is manufactured by properly positioning the flat bar members


in parallel manner spaced approximately four inches apart, with an elongated thin edge


of each flat bar member


facing upward. In a batch assembly process, two longer flat bar pieces are aligned on each side to form two sides of the framing edge member


, with the extended portions then folded and welded to define the other two sides of the framing edge member


, a shown in FIG.


. Alternatively, the rod member


and flat bar member


grid assembly may be formed in a continuous production process, with the other components attached in subsequent individual steps. One or more of the rod members


, as shown in

FIG. 5

, are then laid perpendicularly across the top of the elongated thin edges


of the flat bar members


, likewise preferably spaced about four inches apart. A platen or pressure resistance welder


, comprising a base


, a press or platen


, and means to apply electrical current, is then utilized to join the rod members


to the flat bar members


by the technique of pressure resistance welding. Electrical leads


are attached to the one or more rod members


and the flat bar members


beneath the intersection junctions, electrical current is applied simultaneously or step-wise as required in sufficient amount to cause melting of the flat bar members


at the intersections, and a platen


is pressed down on the rod members


from above. The metal material of the flat bar members


melts at the intersection contact junctions due to heat build-up from electrical resistance factors, such that the rod members


are pressed into the thin edge


of the flat bar members


to a distance such that the rod members


are embedded into the flat bar members


and the top of each of the rod members


is flush and even with the thin edge


of the flat bar members


, as shown in FIG.


. The molten metal encases the rod members


and is allowed to harden. This creates a deck member


with a flat, planar upper surface


in all horizontal directions, even though the deck member


is formed in a grid or grate pattern by the intersecting rod members


and flat bar members


. To finish the pallet


, the outer frame member


is formed and attached to the framing edge member


, and the support means


is formed and joined to the deck member


by attaching bridging members


to adjacent flat bar members


and skid upright members


to the outer frame member



The pallet


as described shows improved characteristics over other grate or grid pallets, in that the upper surface


of the deck member


is flat and even in all horizontal directions since the rod members


are embedded into the flat bar members


with the upper surface defined by the tops of the rod members


being even with the upper surface defined by the tops of the flat bar members


, thus allowing items to be slid across the deck upper surface


. The rod members


also prevent lateral folding or deflection of the flat bar members


, and the combination of the rod members


, flat bar members


and framing edge member


create a pallet


capable of supporting a concentrated load in excess of 4000 pounds with no deflection when constructed as set forth above, a capacity almost double that of typical wooden pallets now in use. The metal pallet


is much lighter than other metal pallets capable of supporting similar weight since the deck member


is formed as a grid or grate.

It is understood that equivalents and substitutions for certain elements described above may be obvious to those skilled in the art, and the true scope and definition of the invention therefore is to be as set forth in the following claims.

  • 1. A method of manufacture of a metal pallet comprising a deck member having a planar upper surface formed by the intersection of a plural number of rod members with a plural number of flat bar members, the flat bar members each having an elongated thin edge and positioned such that the elongated thin edge is the top surface of the flat bar members, where the rod members are embedded within the flat bar members such that the upper surface of the rod members are flush with the top surface of each of the elongated thin edges of the flat bar members in order to define the planar upper surface of the deck member, the method comprising the steps of:providing a pressure resistance welding apparatus comprising a platen to apply pressure and a base to support a plural number of said flat bar members; placing said flat bar members onto said base; placing one or more said rod members across said top surface of each of said flat bar members; attaching electrical leads to said flat bar members adjacent the intersections of said one or more rod members and said flat bar members; applying current to said flat bar members in sufficient amount to cause melting of said flat bar members at said intersections; moving said platen to apply pressure to said one or more rod members to force said rod members into the melted intersections of said flat bar members until said upper surface of said one or more rod members is flush with said top surface of each of said flat bar members.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, where said flat bar members are placed in a parallel manner.
  • 3. The method of claim 2, where said one or more rod members are placed perpendicular to said flat bar members.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, where said one or more rod members are plural in number and are placed in a parallel manner.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, further comprising the steps of providing framing edge members and placing said framing edge members to the outside of said flat bar members, such that said one or more rod members also contact said framing edge members.
  • 6. The method of claim 5, further comprising the steps of providing an outer frame member and connecting said outer frame member to said framing edge member.
  • 7. The method of claim 6, further comprising the steps of providing skid members and connecting said skid members to said outer frame member.
  • 8. The method of claim 7, further comprising the steps of providing skid uprights, interior upright members and bridging members, connecting said bridging members to said interior upright members, connecting said skid uprights to said skid members and said outer frame member, and connecting said interior upright members and said bridging members to said skid members and to some of said flat bar members.
  • 9. The method of claim 5, where said framing edge members are longer than said flat bar members, and further comprising the steps of bending and connecting said framing edge members to said flat bar members.
  • 10. A method of forming a metal pallet comprising a deck member having a planar upper surface formed by the intersection of a plural number of rod members with a plural number of flat bar members, the flat bar members each having a top surface and an elongated thin edge and positioned such that the elongated thin edge defines the top surface of the flat bar members, where the rod members each have an upper surface and are embedded within the flat bar members such that the upper surface of the rod members are flush with the top surface of each of the elongated thin edges of the flat bar members in order to define the planar upper surface of the deck member,the method comprising the steps of arranging said flat bar members such that said elongated thin edges are the top surface, laying said rod members across said top surfaces in intersecting manner, attaching electrical leads to said flat bar members beneath the intersecting junctions of said rod members, and applying pressure against said rod members while simultaneously applying current through said electrical leads to melt the top surface of said flat bar members in order to press said rod members into said flat bar members to create a planar upper surface deck member.
  • 11. The method of claim 10, further comprising the step of creating a framing edge member around said flat bar members.
  • 12. The method of claim 11, further comprising attaching an outer frame member to said framing edge member, and attaching support means to said deck member.
Parent Case Info

This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 09/281,516, filed Mar. 30, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,095,292.

US Referenced Citations (5)
Number Name Date Kind
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Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 09/281516 Mar 1999 US
Child 09/577727 US