A Precision Tape Casting Machine for Fabricating Thin Ceramic Tapes, R. B. Runk and M. J. Andrejco, Western Electric Co., Engineering Research Center, Princeton, N.J., Ceramic Bulletin, vol. 54, No. 2 (1975). |
Tape Casting: The Basic Process for Meeting the Needs of the Electronics Industry, Richard E. Mistler, Keramos Industries, Inc., Morrisville, Pa. 19067, Ceramic Bulletin, vol. 69, No. 6, 1990. |
Tape Casting, Richard E. Mistler, Keramos Industries, Inc., reprinted from Engineered Materials Handbook, The Materials Information Society, vol. 4: Ceramics and Glasses. |
Processing Parameters and Electric Properties of Doctor-Bladed Ferroelectric Ceramics, Chandler Wentworth and George W. Taylor, RCA Laboratories, Princeton, N.J., Ceramic Bulletin, vol. 46, No. 12 (1967). |