Method of moment computations in R(L)C interconnects of high speed VLSI with resistor loops


  • Patent Application
  • 20060015832
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    July 13, 2004
    20 years ago
  • Date Published
    January 19, 2006
    18 years ago
A new moment computation technique for general lumped R(L)C interconnect circuits with multiple resistor loops is proposed. Using the concept of tearing, a lumped R(L)C network can be partitioned into a spanning tree and several resistor links. The contributions of network moments from each tree and the corresponding links can be determined independently. By combining the conventional moment computation algorithms and the reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD), the proposed method can compute system moments efficiently. Experimental results have demonstrate that the proposed method can indeed obtain accurate moments and is more efficient than the conventional approach.

1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to a method of computing moments in RLC interconnects of high-speed VLSI circuits, and more particularly, to a method of moment computations of lumped interconnect circuits with resistor loops.

2. Description of Related Art

With the advance of modem VLSI techniques, delay and signal/power integrity issues on interconnects have played a significant role on performances of an IC design. To address these issues effectively, interconnects are often modeled as lumped or distributed R(L)C circuits. Owing to the increasing wire density and the required modeling accuracy, the wire model for practical chip designs may be with a huge scale. This causes that using traditional circuit simulators, such as SPICE, to simulate such circuit become inefficient and impractical.

In order to solve this task, moment matching methods have been widely applied in the past decade for timing analysis, crosstalk estimations, power/ground network analysis, and generating reduced-order models of VLSI interconnect models, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 6,047,117, U.S. Pat. No. 6,308,304, U.S. Pat. No. 6,314,546, U.S. Pat. No. 6,347,393, U.S. Pat. No. 6,601,223, and U.S. Pat. No. 6,662,149. Since interconnects are often modeled as R(L)C trees, the moments at nodes on the trees can be calculated recursively in an efficient manner (L. T. Pillage and R. A. Rohrer, “Asymptotic waveform evaluation for timing analysis,” IEEE Trans. on CAD, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 352-366, 1990; C. L. Ratzlaff and L. T. Pillage, “RICE: Rapid interconnect circuit evaluation using AWE,” IEEE Trans. on CAD, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 763-776, 1994; Q. Yu, and E. S. Kuh, “Exact moment matching models of transmission lines and application to interconnect delay estimation,” IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 311-322, 1995; Q. Yu, and E. S. Kuh, “Moment computation of lumped and distributed coupled RC trees with application to delay and crosstalk Estimation,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 89, No. 5, pp. 772-788, 2001; and Q. Yu, E. S. Kuh and T. Xue, “Moment models of general transmission lines with application to interconnect analysis and optimization,” IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 477-494, 1996. However, if interconnect structures contain resistor loops (links), which have been widely considered in power/ground or clock networks, or dielectric losses, these moment computation formulas need to be modified due to dc currents flowing through these links.

In recent work, Chan et al. proposed a technique to compute the Elmore delay (or called the first-order moment) in general RC networks •P. K. Chan and K. Karplus, “Computing signal delay in general RC networks by tree/link partition,” IEEE Trans. on CAD, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 898-902, 1990•. Ratzlaff et al. extended the branch tearing for computing moments of the interconnect circuits with resistor loops •C. L. Ratzlaff and L. T. Pillage, “RICE: Rapid interconnect circuit evaluation using AWE,” IEEE Trans. on CAD, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 763-776, 1994•. The basic idea of the above two approaches is using the concept of Kron's method. The interconnect network can be partitioned into a spanning tree and several key links. As a result, delays at nodes of a given tree can be obtained by sequentially appending these links back to reconstruct the original network •R. A. Rohrer, “Circuit partitioning simplified,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 2-5, 1988•. The key techniques of tree/link partitions are the substitution theorem and the superposition theorem. If the circuit network contains only one resistor links, the computational cost is low. Nevertheless, for multiple resistor links, the problem becomes more complicated since the currents flowing through unopened resistor links are required to be known in advance. Ratzlaff et al. demonstrated that the computational costs are rather high with a large number of links.


In this invention, an efficient moment computation technique based on tree/link partitioning will be proposed for R(L)C interconnect networks with single and multiply resistor links. In particular, we will focus on lumped R(L)C interconnect models. To address the issues with a single resistor link, we combine the conventional recursive moment computation formulae for R(L)C trees and the concept of tree/link partitioning. Thus the corresponding computational complexity can also retain linear. To simplify the computational complexity associated with multiple links, a reduced ordered binary-decision diagram (ROBDD) is constructed to store the state variables of the zeroth-order moments. Moments at nodes on R(L)C trees can be updated recursively. The computational cost is proportional to O(t2n), where t denotes the number of links and n represents the number of nodes. Since the number of resistor links for an general R(L)C interconnect network is much less than that of nodes, t<<n, the cost of moment computations can be reduced to O(n). Finally, two practical interconnect examples using current technology information, including an R(L)C tree network with multiple resistor links, and an RC mesh network, will be demonstrated to illustrate the accuracy of the proposed method.

Further benefits and advantages of the present invention will become apparent after a careful reading of the detailed description with appropriate reference to the accompanying drawings.


FIG. 1 is a represents a flow chart of the present invention;

FIG. 2 is used to describe the notation of the present invention;

FIG. 3 illustrates the steps of the tree/link partitioning technique for a single resistor link: (a) computing the kth-order voltage moments at nodes in a RC tree with a resistor link, (b) open the link Rlink and (c) the corresponding Thevenin equivalent circuit while Rlink is replaced by a current source with 1A;

FIG. 4 illustrates the steps of the tree/link partitioning technique for three resistor links: (a) the OBDD tree for multiple links, (b) the ROBDD tree and (c) the further simplified ROBDD tree for computing the kth-order moments (k>0);

FIG. 5 displays the generalized ROBDD tree for t links;

FIG. 6 gives the interconnect circuit in tree structure, where the length of TL1 is 30 mm, TL2=40 mm, TL3=10 mm, TL4=25 mm, TL5=20 mm, TL6=40 mm and TL7=15 mm;

FIG. 7 graphically compares the RLC tree's moment value comparison in MNA method and in the present invention; and

FIG. 8 graphically compares the CPU time diagrams of moment computation for RLC tree circuit via the MNA method and present invention.


The flow chart of the invention is shown is FIG. 1. Initially, two input files, circuit parameters of interconnects 102 and the order q 104, need to be included. Step 106 constructs the matrices of the modified nodal analysis. Step 108 partitions the circuit in 102 into a spanning tree and several resistor links. Step 110 updates the moments according to the influences of these incrementally added links. It can be achieved by applying the reduced-order-binary-decision-diagram (ROBDD). Step 112 ends the algorithm. The details of the above steps are described as follows.

The notation of this invention is described as follows. As shown in FIG. 2, nj 202 represents a node in the circuit and F(j) 210 represents the corresponding father node. For an RLC circuit, Rj 204, Lj 206, and Cj 208 denote the resistance, inductance, and capacitance between nodes nj and F(j). Nodes nk and nl are the corresponding son nodes of nj, which is defined as S(j)={nk, nl}. Rlink 212 is a resistor link.

Special R(L)C Trees

If an R(L)C interconnect network is with special tree structure, the computational cost can be further reduced. An R(L)C tree is comprised of floating resistors (and inductors) from the ground, and capacitors that connect nodes on the tree and to the ground. A lumped R(L)C-tree model excludes transmission lines, couplings, and resistor loops.

Let N={n0, n1, n2, . . . , nn} be the set of nodes in the tree network. Suppose that a voltage source with an impulse function δ(t) is connected between node n0 and ground. For each node njε{N−n0}, the grounding capacitor connected at node nj is denoted as Cj.Let Vj(s) and Ij(s) be the transfer functions of the voltage at node nj and the current entering into node nj, respectively. Expanding Vj(s) and Ij(s) in power series produces

where Vj,k and Ij,k are called the kth-order moment of the voltage vj(s) and the current Ij(s). At node n0, the voltage moments are V0,0=1 and V0,k=0 for k>0 . For each grounding capacitor Cj, the capacitive current ICj,k=CjVj,k−1. Its zeroth-order moment ICj,0 equals to zero and the kth-order (k>0) moment ICj,k equals to CjVj,k−1. The results imply that the capacitor is equivalent to an open circuit if k=0, or otherwise to a current source. For RLC trees, ELj,k=LjIj,k−1 represents the kth-order inductance voltage moment of ELj(s), which is the voltage drop across inductance Lj between nodes nj and F(j). If k>0, ELj,k is equivalent to a voltage source; otherwise, it behaves as a short circuit. Alternatively, for RC trees, since each Lj is ignored, each ELj,k is equal to zero.

By using the Kirchhoff's current law and the Kirchhoff's voltage law, voltage moments for each node njε{N−n0} in this lumped R(L)C tree can be calculated by the conventional recursive formulae as follows:

The corresponding computational complexity can be shown to be proportional to O(kn), where n is the number of nodes in the circuit and k is the given maximum order.

The aim of this invention is to reduce the cost of moment computations of R(L)C interconnect networks containing a few resistor loops (or links) by tree/link partitioning techniques. By investigating special interconnect tree structures, it can be shown that the computational cost about moments still preserves within the order O(kn).

Tree/Link Partitioning for Moment Computations with A Single Resistor Link

Suppose that a circuit graph G=(N,B) consists of a set of nodes N={n0,n1,n2, . . . ,nn} and a set of branches B={b1,b2, . . . ,bm. }. Then the circuit G can be partitioned into a spanning tree, containing n+1 nodes and n branches, and the complement of the tree (the so-called cotree), comprising t=m−n links BL={bL,1,bL,2, . . . ,bL,t}. For each node njεN, the kth-order moment Vj,k can be obtained by combining the contributions from the open circuit and the Thevenin circuit by the superposition theorem.

Suppose that a resistor link Rlink is connected between nodes np and nq in an RC-tree circuit, as shown in FIG. 3(a). Let Vj,k(o) be the kth-order voltage moment of Vj(o)(s) at node nj, which is obtained by using the recursive moment computation formulae, Eqs. (1) and (2), with an open Rlink as shown in FIG. 3(b). Let Vj(T) be the node voltage at node nj in the Thevenin equivalent circuit in FIG. 3(c). The kth-order voltage moment Vj,k at each node njεN can be calculated as below:

Vj=Vj(o)+IR·Vj(T)  (3)


Vd(o)=Vp,k(o)−Vq,k(o) represents the voltage moment difference between nodes np and nq. R(T)=VpT−VqT is the Thevenin equivalent resistor seen from Rlink .

Suppose that an R(L)C interconnect network are partitioned into an R(L)C tree and a link resistor Rlink. Each kth-order inductance voltage moment ELj,k for njεN will be set to be zero in the corresponding Thevenin equivalent circuit. Therefore, the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the RLC interconnect network is the same as that of the RC interconnect network mentioned in this section.

Tree/Link Partitioning for Moment Computations with Multiple Resistor Links

While the interconnect R(L)C network contains multiple resistor links, the moment computation method can still be used with some extensions. However, the problem becomes more complicated. For example, consider a circuit with three links {bL,1 bL,2 bL,3 }. If each resistor link is opened and replaced with a 1A current source incrementally, tracing the above steps will form an ordered binary-decision diagram (OBDD), as shown in FIG. 4(a). In our notation, block ‘O’ represents the ‘open circuit’ and block ‘T’ stands for the ‘Thevenin equivalent circuit’. Computing moments of each block (or circuit) is equivalent to solving the problem with a single resistor link. Each solid line and each dash line represent inputting Vj,k(O) and Vj(T) at node njεN, respectively. The exponential growth of the diagram with respect to the number of links t, 2t+1−2, may lead to algorithms with an exponential worst case time complexity. If the circuit contains a large number of links, the computational cost is very expensive.

In order to reduce the computational cost, an assistant reduced ordered binary-decision diagram (ROBDD) is constructed for storing the intermediate zeroth-order moments of the R(L)C circuits with unopened links. Thus the moments at nodes on R(L)C trees will be updated by these saved data. The data structure of the ROBDD is compact as shown in FIG. 4(b). Notably, the block number of the diagram is reduced to be square, i.e., (t2+3t)/2.

The ROBDD in FIG. 4(b) can be constructed by the following principles:

1. After replacing a link with a 1A current source, opening all voltage sources, and shorting all other current sources, the Thevenin equivalent circuits in the same level of the OBDD tree are the same. Hence circuits OT and TT are the same and circuits OOT, OTT, TOT, and TTT are the same. It can be concluded that the Thevenin equivalent circuits XX . . . XT in the same level are the same, where X may be O or T.

2. Circuits OTO and TOO are similar except for different driver positions. Links bL,2 and bL,1 are replaced with two 1A current sources in circuits OTO and TOO, respectively. Instead, the same open circuit voltage Vd(O) by opening link bL,3 is observed in the two circuits.

3. Except for circuits O, OO, and OOO, all other circuits are independent on order k. Therefore, a further reduced OBDD is constructed in FIG. 4(c). The voltages of circuits OOT, OT, and T need to be saved for updating the voltage moments of circuits OOO, OO, and O, respectively. The computations only involve t operations.

With aids of the above information, we can build a generalized ROBDD diagram, as shown in FIG. 5, to reconstruct the original circuit with t links. The diagram is composed of two classes of blocks as follows.

1. Block T(i,j) is the Thevenin circuit that all independent sources are set to be zero, links {bL,1, bL,2, . . . bL,i} are opened, and link bL,j is replaced with a 1A current source.

2. Block O(k,i) is the kth-order moment model that links {bL,1,bL,2, . . . bL,i} are opened.

In the above example, circuits OOO, OOT, OTO, and TOO are equivalent to blocks O(k,3), T(3,3), T(3,2), and T(3,1), respectively. Similarly, circuits OO, OT, TO, O, and T behaves as blocks O(k,2), T(2,2), T(2,1), O(k,1), and T(1,1), respectively. The solid and dash lines have the same definitions as in FIG. 4.

The computational complexity can still retain linear as long as the number of links is much less than the number of nodes, i.e., t<<n. The complexity analysis is as follows. In FIG. 5, only the blocks at the lowest level, O(t), T(t,t), . . . , T(t,1), involve calculating voltage at each node by recursive moment computation algorithm. The cost is about O((k+t)n), where k is the maximum order of moments. Alternatively, other blocks use Eqs. (3) and (4) to calculate node voltages so that the cost is about O(k(t−1)n+(t−1)2n). In general moment-matching problems, k<<n. Therefore, the computational complexity of the proposed approach is dominated by O(t2n). If a circuit network contains only a few links, then only time complexity O(n) is required for moment computations. However, considering the worst case where O(t)=O(n), the cost will grow up to O(n3).

Experimental Results

As shown in FIG. 5, a circuit composed of nine lines and four resistor links {R1, R2, R3, R4} is studied. The transmission lines are modeled as lumped RLC networks. Each line in the circuit is distributed per 5 mm. Hence the number of node is equal to 44 and the order of the corresponding MNA matrices is equal to 92. For comparison studies, the traditional MNA-based method and the proposed method are investigated. To check the accuracy of our method, the first 10-order moments are compared in FIG. 6. It is believed that the moment error appearing in the high order may be contributed by the floating-point arithmetic operation errors. In order to compare the computational complexity, each line is distributed with variable lengths: {0.2 mm, 0.3 mm, . . . , 1 mm }. The node numbers of the networks will be set to 1136, 755, . . . , and 226, respectively. FIG. 7 shows the CPU time comparison diagram of the traditional MNA-based method and our method. It can be easily observed that our method can outperform the traditional MNA-based method.

Although the invention has been explained in relation to its preferred embodiment, it is to be understood that many other possible modifications and variations can be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as hereinafter claimed.

  • 1. A method of moment computations in R(L)C interconnects of high speed VLSI with resistor loops, wherein an assistant reduced ordered binary-decision diagram (ROBDD) is constructed for storing the intermediate zeroth-order moments of the R(L)C circuits with multiple unopened links and the moments at nodes on R(L)C trees is updated by these saved data.
  • 2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the ROBDD diagram is composed of two classes of blocks: 1. block T(i,j) being the Thevenin circuit that all independent sources are set to be zero, links {bL,1,bL,2, . . . bL,i} are opened, and link bL,j is replaced with a 1A current source; and 2. block O(k,i) being the kth-order moment model that links {bL,1,bL,2, . . . bL,i} are opened.
  • 3. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein except for circuits in blocks O(k,i), all other circuits are independent on order k; the voltages of circuits in blocks T(t,t), T(t−1, t−1), . . . , T(1,1) need to be saved for updating the voltage moments of circuits in blocks O(k,i).