The invention relates to a method of processing a sequence of at least two or more multivariate signals coming from one source or object, wherein each signal is subjected to processing for classifying the signals according to a certain classification rule.
Such sequence of different signals are indicated in the present description and in the claims a multichannel signals, because normally the detection devices for the said signals is formed by a multichannel apparatus having a signal sensor or transducer for each on a certain number of selected channels of the measuring device.
Thus the invention deals specifically with a method for processing multichannel and multivariate signals
Generally, the said multichannel and multivariate signals are a set of signals from a single signal source or from a region comprising different signal sources interacting one with the other or being part of a network, and which signals are separately sensed for a predetermined identical duration, and vary with time.
Natural phenomena, such as physical, chemical, biophysical or biochemical phenomena are generally measured by using a plurality of sensors on signal sources which spontaneously generate said signals or are forced to generate signals, for instance during experiments.
For instance, in the field of physics, considering a region in space in which cosmic rays are to be measured, a number of sensors are used which are enabled to receive electromagnetic waves having different predetermined frequencies or frequencies within predetermined different frequency ranges. A further example consists in the study of high-energy particle collisions, for examination of elementary particles. Here again a number of sensors are provided, each adapted to sense an electromagnetic signal having a predetermined frequency and being sensed against time.
In the biophysical and particularly medical field, a set of multichannel or multivariate signals may consist of electroencephalogram patterns. In this case, several sensors, each receiving electromagnetic pulses from different areas of the brain provide time patterns of the electromagnetic activity of the corresponding area of the brain within the same time interval.
At present, multichannel and multivariate signals are examined assuming a coincidence in time of the effects indicated by the signals of each channel. These signals are interpreted by separately considering each time pattern of the signal of each channel and by comparing such patterns.
Nevertheless, in general, particularly for examination of complex phenomena, in which natural mechanisms are not wholly clear, this approach is an assumption that is not necessarily true and can lead to a misinterpretation of measured signals and of the natural mechanisms on which such natural mechanisms are based.
When these mechanisms are not known and the interactions between the causes of the signals from the different channels are also not known, then the assumption of a time coincidence is merely hypothetic.
Furthermore, when considering the measuring mechanism, it is obvious that nature does not generate signals specially construed to be sensed by the sensors used for sensing them, but sensors are external agents that explore natural events and the effect produced thereby.
On the basis of this principle, any processing of signals coming from an object and sensed on multiple different channels cannot be considered separately and the effect or process whereof information is to be extracted from the signals cannot be expected to be reconstructed from the sum of effects of separately processed channels, but the information in the signals of each channel are to be considered as a whole, which means that they are to be processed together. Therefore the natural process that associates the effects represented by the signals of each channel is substantially a sort of combinational asynchronous machine.
A significant practical example is given by the signals of an electroencephalogram, or EEG. A given number of probes is used to sense several different electromagnetic signals from a person, for a given period of time, each signal varying within said period of time and being registered on a channel. The signals come from different areas of the brain. The time offset between an action and a reaction of each area of the brain being monitored by the probes and which of said areas act on other areas are not known. Therefore, the assumption that a time coincidence or synchronism exists, for any moment in time, between the different signals of the channels is a rough simplification, having no scientific basis. A stricter hypothesis is the assumption that asynchronous relationships exist between the signals from the different channels and that information may be understood and extracted from the signals represented in the patterns of the EEG patterns, by processing all of the signals from all channels as a whole. This means that the EEG signals from all the channels being sensed or a portion thereof, have to be processed together.
Several different methods are known in the literature for processing EEG signals. These methods are based on processes of separate identification and extraction of the significant portions of the EEG signal of each channel. Once the significant portions of each signal have been detected, they are compressed and represented by indexes.
For instance, the document Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis of ERPs for the Detection of Alzheimer's Disease”, Robi Polikar, Mary Helen Geer, Lalita Udpa, Fritz Keinert Proceedings—19th International Conference IEEE/EMBS Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 1997 Chicago, Ill. USA, describes the use of Multiresolution Wavelet Analysis as a means to represent the information contained in EEG signals by using a small number of parameters. The parameters are used as records for representing each object for analysis by classification methods, such as processing by using predictive algorithms which provide a prediction on the pathologic conditions of the object.
The document “EEG filtering based on blind source separation (BSS) for early detection of Alzheimer's disease”, Andrzej Cichocki, Sergei L. Shishkin, Tomshimitsu Misha, Zbigniew Loenowicz, Takashi Asada, Tayakoshi Kurachi, Clinical Neurophysiology xx(2004) 1-9, Elsevier Ireland Ltd. uses the filtering method called Blind Source Separation for processing the signals of the EEG channels. Once more, signals are separately processed for each channel, without accounting for any possible interrelations between the sources of said signals and therefore between the signals from the various channels.
The document “A method for detection of Alzheimer's disease using ICA-enhanced EEG measurements, Co Melissant, Alexander Ypma, Edward E. E: Friteman, Cornelis J. Stam, Artificial Intelligence in medicine (2005) 33, 209-22, describes a method of classification of patients according to whether they suffer or not from Alzheimer's disease, based on multichannel EEG signals. In this case, analysis of EEG signals is effected by using automatic pattern recognition techniques on the patterns from each EEG channel for classification. The signals from EEG channels are subjected to a pre-processing step by using the so-called Independent Component Analysis (ICA) method.
According to the above documents, the signals from each EEG channel are analyzed separately, the signal of each channel, i.e. the relevant information of said signal of each channel, being synthesized in a small number of indexes or parameters, which are in turn processed by using a predictive or classification algorithm.
Therefore, the invention is based on the problem of providing a method of processing multichannel and multivariate signals as described hereinbefore, which can overcome the limitations of prior art methods in which the signals from the various channels are processed separately and later related to each other on the basis of an assumption of synchronism therebetween.
The invention solves this problem by providing a method of processing multichannel and multivariate signals as described hereinbefore, wherein the signals from each channel are subjected to
A first processing step by a recirculation artificial neural network being trained to generate the recorded multichannel and multivariate signals;
And a second processing step in which the weights of the connections between the knots of the recirculation neural network determined in the first processing step are processed by an artificial neural network.
The recirculation neural network is preferably of the non supervised kind. A particular family of recirculation neural network which can be used according to the present invention is a so called auto-associative neural network.
Regarding auto-associative neural networks, see for instance: Reti Neurali Artificiali a Sistemi sociali Complessi Volume I—Teoria e Modelli, Massimo Buscema e Semeion Group, 1999 Franco Angeli S.r.l. Milano ISBN 88-464-1682-1 or Elements of ArtificIal Neural Networks, Kisham Mehrotra, Chilukukri K. Mohan, Sanjay Ranka, 1997 A Bradford Book, The Mit Press, ISBN 0-262-13328-8.
It will be appreciated that the use of a non linear auto-associative neural network to process the signals from the multichannel and multivariate signal channels allows these signals to be processed together. The trained weight matrix so obtained represents information about the interactions between the channels.
Therefore, thanks to the inventive method, the signals from the various channels obtained from a source as defined above are processed together and processing does not involve extrapolation of separate relevant portions of the signals from the various channels, but synthesizes the process or event that generated the signals from the various channels as a whole by representing the interactions between the channels. Such synthesis is numerically represented by the trained weight matrix.
From the above it appears clearly that the core of the method is that the artificial neural networks (in the following indicate briefly as ANN) do not classify individuals by directly using the data consisting in the signals as an input. Rather, the data inputs for the classification are the weights of the connections within a recirculation (non-supervised) ANN trained to generate the recorded signal data. These connection weights represent an optimal model of the peculiar spatial features of the Signal pattern. The final classification is based on these weights and is performed by a standard supervised ANN.
The method according to the present invention is therefore a method that tries to understand the implicit function in a multivariate data series by compressing the temporal sequence of data into spatial invariants.
This method is based on three general observations:
Any multivariate sequence of signals coming from the same source represents a non-synchronous temporal phenomenon: the behaviour of every channel is the synthesis of the influence of the other channels at previous but not identical times and in different quantities, and of its own activity at that moment. At the same times, the activity of every channel at a certain moment in time is going to influence the behaviour of the others at different times and in different quantities. Therefore, every multivariate sequence of signals coming from the same natural source is a complex asynchronous dynamic system, highly nonlinear, in which each channel's behaviour is understandable only in relation to all the others.
Given a multivariate sequence of signals generating from the same source, the implicit function defining said asynchronous process is the conversion of that same process into a complex hyper-surface, representing the interaction in time of all the channels' behaviour. The parameters of the said nonlinear function define a meta-pattern of interaction of all channels in time.
The n channels in a system for detecting or measuring time dependent multivariate signals represent a dynamic system characterised by asynchronous parallelism. The nonlinear implicit function that defines them as a whole represent a meta-pattern that translates into space (hyper-surface) that the interactions among all the channels create in time.
In accordance with a first feature of the invention, the auto-associative neural network has as many input nodes as channels and as many output nodes as channels.
Advantageously, a neural network known as Recirculation Neural Network, as described in greater detail in Reti Neurali Artificiali e Sistemi sociali Complessi Volume I—Teoria e Modelli, Massimo Buscema e Semeion Group, 1999 Franco Angeli S.r.l. Milano ISBN 88-464-1682-1, is used as a non linear auto-associative network.
Otherwise, a Multilayer Perceptron neural network may be also used, or any other non linear auto-associative neural network, whose trained weights represent the parameters that define the hypersurface of the trained records.
The auto-associative neural network has a single weight matrix and is trained in such a manner as to synthesize the parameters indicating how the channels have negotiated their interaction in parallel.
These parameters are described in the weight matrix, which is defined as a record corresponding to the object or to the source of the multichannel and multivariate signals processed by the auto-associative network.
In order that the signals from the multiple channels may be processed, such signals may be obviously sampled.
As a result of processing by an auto-associative neural network having as many input nodes as output nodes and channels, a weight matrix is provided with a smaller number of components as compared with the matrix formed by the sampled signals of all the channels. Considering a number m>0 of channels, then in a New Recirculation auto-associative network, the weight matrix will have m2+2m components.
Considering, for instance, a source wherefrom signals are measured on 19 different channels, then the weight matrix will have 399 components.
When signals are to be sensed, for instance, in a time interval of 1 minute, at 128 MHz, then each channel will be represented by more than 7000 (7680) numerical values and the whole matrix defined by the channels in columns and by the numerical values of the signal samples will have more than 15,000 numerical values.
Besides allowing parallel signal processing through all the channels, the use of an auto-associative neural network has the secondary advantage of reducing, without compression, the data of the matrix that represents the record of each object or each source, and corresponding to the weight matrix, in addition to the main advantage, consisting in that this weight matrix represents the logic of interaction between the signals of the channels and therefore the physical or physiological entities related to each channel.
The interpretation of the weight matrix also allows to reconstruct in space and time the interactions between the physical entities related to the signals provided by the various channels, as shown in greater detail below.
The processing of multichannel and multivariate signals by an auto-associative network may be considered as the reconstruction of a hypersurface representing the interactions between the channels.
Due to the possibility that the noise component has not been completely removed during this first processing step, an additional processing step may be provided which consists in processing the weight matrix for each object or each source by using a second New Recirculation auto-associative neural network, to obtain a compression of input data, the network having in this case as many inputs as components of the weight matrix obtained from previous processing of the multichannel multivariate signals by an auto-associative neural network and fewer outputs, depending on the desired compression.
In greater detail, the steps of this method have the purpose of providing at least one object or one source adapted to generate several different time-dependent signals;
Sensing each of these signals on a separate channel and in the same time interval, having identical start and end times for all signals of all channels;
Sampling the signals of each channel and generating a data matrix in which each line corresponds to one of the channels and each column corresponds to the sampling value of the signal of each channel in the corresponding sampling interval;
Providing an auto-associative neural network having as many input nodes as output nodes;
Training the auto-associative neural network so that the weight matrix describes the hypersurface that synthesizes the interactions between the channels;
Associating the weight matrix so obtained as matrices of variables that characterize the object or the source, i.e. the records of the object or the source.
In accordance with a further improvement, this method includes the processing of the weight matrix obtained from parallel processing of the various channel signals of the object or source, by a compression algorithm to reduce the number of elements composing the weight matrix and further filtering the noise components still contained in the signal.
Such compression is advantageously obtained by processing the weight matrix by an auto-associative neural network having as many inputs as weight matrix components and fewer outputs than inputs.
A few additional steps may be required, such as a step in which the weight matrix is scaled in view of the above compression step. In this case, the scaling step may be performed by table and not by column only, due to the need of maintaining the relationships between the numerical values of the original weight matrix of the multivariate sequence whereof this matrix is a synthesis.
Therefore, as a further step, the weight matrix is used to generate a map of the interactions in space and time among the channels and the physical or physiological entities of the object or source which generated the signal of the corresponding channel.
The above compression phase has the purpose of eliminating noise.
If we indicate with:
Wi=connection matrix of the i-th result of a measurement providing a sequence of signals on n channels;
Hi=vector of the fundamental information contained in each Wi matrix;
ηi=superficial and noisy information as codfied by each Wi matrix.
The H vector should, therefore, represent, for every measurement the set of parameters containing key information. To carry out this compression an Auto-Associative ANNs with hidden units was used, which is able to project each measurement's entire connection matrix into a much smaller space. Also in this case the Auto-Associative ANN can be a Multi layer Perceptron or the above mentioned and later nearer described New Recirculation Network.
The compression operation can therefore be summarized with the following steps:
in which:
GO=Implicit function of all connection matrices of the N measurements;
V[p]=Value matrix of the p-th inter layer of the ANN compressing the connection matrices;
Wijk=Trained connection matric of the i-th measurement used as the i-th. Input Vector with C cardinality
Hiq=vector of the i-th Hidden layer with S cardinality of the trained ANN that compresses the i-th Wi matrix used as Input Vecor fo the i-th measurement.
Z( )=Non linear function to transfer the element j,k of the Wijk with C cardinality into Hiq with S cardinality, where S<<C;
Through this further transformation, every signal of each measurement has been translated into a dataset. In this new dataset, every measurement is represented as a fixed group of parameters which, as a whole, should define the invariant patterns of that quality or event represented by the set of multivariate and multichannel signals of the corresponding measurement.
The invention also relates to a method for classifying objects or sources of multichannel, multivariate signals as defined above, wherein the method includes the processing of these signals by a classification algorithm such as a supervised neural network, a clustering algorithm, or the like.
According to this invention, the classification method uses a database of objects or sources of multichannel and multivariate signals, whose classification according to predetermined qualities or characteristics is known;
The signals from the channels of said objects or said sources are subjected to a processing step as described above by using an auto-associative network and/or possibly also to a step of compression of the components of the weight matrix so obtained;
Transformation by alignment of the lines of the uncompressed or compressed weight matrix into a vector;
Parameterization of the known and predetermined quality or characteristic by using numerical values;
Training and testing of a predictive algorithm by imposition of the vector for representing the numerical values of the weight matrix, either uncompressed or compressed, as an input, and of the parameters for representing the known and predetermined quality of characteristic as an output of said predictive algorithm;
Detection of multichannel and multivariate signals of one or more additional objects or of one or more additional sources whereof the predetermined quality or characteristic is not known;
Processing of the signals from the channels for each object or each source by using an auto-associative neural network and determination of the weight matrix;
Possible compression of the number of numerical components of the weight matrix;
Transposition of the numerical values of the uncompressed or compressed vector-like weight matrix, by alignment of the lines of such matrix;
Processing of said vector-like uncompressed or compressed weight matrix by using the trained predictive algorithm to determine the predefined qualities or characteristics from the output parameters of said predictive algorithm provided by said processing.
Advantageously, a so-called supervised neural network is used as a predictive algorithm.
According to yet another feature of this invention, the method of processing multichannel and multivariate signals and the method of classifying sources of multichannel and multivariate signals operating according to said processing method as described above are applied to multichannel signals of electroencephalograms EEG for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.
In this case, the objects are individual patients, each being subjected to encephalographic examination.
Encephalographic patterns of several different areas of the brain are detected for each object, separately on different channels, in the same time interval having the same start time and the same end time on all channels;
The signals of patterns are sampled, whereby a matrix is generated in which the lines are formed by the numerical channel sampling values;
Said data matrix is processed by an auto-associative neural network having as many input nodes and output nodes as there are channels, whereas the weight matrix obtained from such processing is used as a matrix of the records of each object;
Possibly but without limitation, the weight matrix for each object is further subjected to compression by using an auto-associative neural network having as many inputs as the elements of the weight matrix determined in the previous step, and fewer outputs.
By using an uncompressed weight matrix, a space-time map may be generated of the interactions among the areas of the brain associated to each channel;
Furthermore, to classify unknown objects according to the presence or absence of Alzheimer's disease, the invention includes the following steps:
Providing a database of known cases, comprising a predetermined number of objects whereof the pathologic Alzheimer's disease condition is known;
Subjecting each of said objects to encephalographic examination, and registering the signals of each channel of the electroencephalogram;
Processing said multichannel signals of the encephalogram for each object, as defined above, by sampling and processing them by an auto-associative neural network;
Using the weight matrix determined by said auto-associative weight matrix and possibly further compressed, and the parameters for representing the pathologic condition relative to the presence of Alzheimer's disease, to train a supervised neural network, by providing, as input data, the numerical values of the weight matrix, possibly compressed, or in a form in which the numerical components of said matrix are arranged in a vector-like form over a single line, and as output data of said supervised neural network, the parameters for representing the pathologic condition;
Classifying an object of unknown pathologic condition, by using said supervised neural network, which has been trained with the following steps:
Sensing the signals of the electroencephalogram channels for said object and constructing a data matrix formed by a single line per channel and by the corresponding sampled signal;
Determining the weight matrix of an auto-associative neural network having as many input nodes as output nodes and as channels;
Using such weight matrix, possibly further compressed relative to the numerical elements thereof, as a record representative of the object;
Transposing the numerical data of said weight matrix, possibly compressed, into a vector form, i.e. with all the lines into a single line;
Determining the output parameters of the classification supervised neural network and predicting the pathologic condition of the object, by providing said network with the numerical values of the possibly compressed weight matrix, transposed into vector form, as input data.
Further characteristics of the invention will form the subject of the dependent claims.
The characteristics of the invention and the advantages derived therefrom will appear more clearly from the following description of a few embodiments, with reference to the annexed drawings, in which:
The table of
Referring to
Numeral 10 designates an object or a source that generates a plurality of signals within a time interval. The signals may differ one another, for instance, in that each signal is generated by a specific element or a specific component of the object and/or source, which is thus formed by a combination of elements or components. The diversification among the signals may be also given by a different arrangement in space of the sources with respect to the morphology of the object or source, which has a predetermined extension in space.
Obviously, the generation of different signals from different areas of the object or source may coincide with the fact that the different signals are generated by different specific elements or components of the object or source.
A further difference among the signals may be given, for instance, by different spectrum ranges in which a given sensor senses the signals generated by the object or source in a given time interval.
In short, the source or object spontaneously generates or is caused to generate signals, for which signals a diversification rule may be defined, and an association may be established to a separate and independent sensing channel.
It will be appreciated that, in the embodiment of the figure, a number of sensors are arranged in space along the perimeter of the phenomenon or process under examination, i.e. the object or source 10. Each sensor 11 is independent and connected to a separate channel 12. This schematic representation only relates to one example, which is provided to generally show the logic structure. Depending on the specific types of objects or sources, a single sensor may be also provided to detect a set of signals, e.g. a wideband sensor, which is able to sense all the signals transmitted by the object or source, the signals to be associated to each of the available channels being obtained, for instance, by a processing step in which these signals are separated from the wideband detection signal of the sensor. Therefore, for instance, when considering an electromagnetic wave sensor providing a sufficient linear response in a predetermined relatively wide frequency range, a separation of portions of said signals may be performed by filtering them through increasingly narrow frequency ranges, within said wide frequency range of the sensor, each separated signal of each narrower frequency range, being associated to a separate channel.
Therefore, the term “multichannel” as used herein relates to a signal from a subject or a source, which is composed of several components or parts that may be separated from one another and be processed separately, e.g. for storage or display thereof.
The word “multivariate” relates to the fact that the signals show variations in the time interval during which they have been sensed and that such variations may depend on phenomena relating to one signal from one channel and/or to interactions of the signals of two or more channels or the elements or processes which caused them to be generated.
Still according to this diagrammatic view, the different signals or portions of a composite or complex signal are separated from one other either directly upon sensing thereof (as shown) or in a later separation step and are uniquely associated to a separate channel, e.g. for storage, display and/or post-processing. Therefore a matrix will be obtained for each object or each source, which is composed of one column and as many lines as there are channels, the column showing the behavior of the signal of the corresponding channel during the sensing time interval, as designated by 13 in
A subsequent step, in which the signals from each channel are sampled, leads to the representation of each object or each source by means of a matrix in which each line, still associated to its channel, has the numerical signal sampling values for each successive sampling interval.
This matrix generally has a large number of elements. For example, considering an EEG (electroencephalogram) channel, whose signal has been registered for about one minute, and sampling this signal at about 128 MHz, then the line corresponding to the channel will have more than seven thousand numerical elements (7680). Now, considering that there may be about 19 channels, the matrix that represents the object or source will be composed of 145,920 numerical elements.
The data matrix so obtained is still difficult to interpret, as separate evaluation of data from each channel and later hypotheses of relationships among the channels cannot be based on the assumption that the signals from the channels are synchronous, i.e. that a variation in a signal within a given time interval or at a given moment derives from the variation of a signal from one or more of the other channels within the same time interval or at the same moment.
Such assumption of synchronism is contradicted by simple and evident arguments. When considering as a source, for example, a region in space in which several different spectral components of cosmic radiation are to be sensed over, different channels, since the source is not uniquely defined and such radiation may be subjected to different effects during its propagation in space until it reaches the sensor/s, the assumption of synchronism is very restrictive and introduces a condition on the manners or mechanisms of interaction or non-interaction among the rays that have been sensed for each spectral range, therefore for each channel.
Similarly, considering as a source the electromagnetic pulses generated by particles obtained from inelastic collisions, e.g. high-energy collisions, some particles or radiations may, and often are, transmitted at times that do not coincide with the inelastic collision time, but after a predetermined delay.
Another example, which better shows that the hypothesis of synchronism among the phenomena described by the signals from the different channels is an apparent arbitrary restriction on the actual mechanisms of natural, physical or physiological processes, is given by the multichannel patterns of electroencephalograms. Here, the electromagnetic signals generated by different areas of the brain, and separately sensed on independent channels are indicators of cerebral activity in that area of the brain. However, the neurons and the areas of the brain continuously interact with one another with unknown delays. The assumption that any change in the pattern of a channel synchronously derives from signal changes in other channels involves the introduction of an at least partly false hypothesis in a mathematical evaluation or a mathematical model for evaluation of an object based on an electroencephalogram thereof.
Once the assumption of synchronism among the signals from all the channels is removed, i.e. when considering that these signals are asynchronous, then the object or source, as represented by all the signals from the channels, i.e. by the matrix of sampled signals has to be considered as a combinatorial machine, whereby the signals have to be processed together in parallel.
The theory of auto-associative neural networks further provides the number of weight matrix elements, which is determined by the number of input nodes, corresponding in this case to the number of output nodes and to the number of channels. Therefore, given a number of input nodes m, the number of weight matrix elements results from the expression m2+2m. For instance, considering 20 channels, like in the above numerical example in which sampling of EEG signals resulted in more than 14,000 matrix elements, the weight matrix will have 440 elements wherefore, besides obtaining a description of the implicit function of interaction among the channels, each object or each source may be represented by a matrix having a dramatically smaller number of elements, and especially providing a numerical description of the implicit function of interaction among the channels, which has been extracted from the matrix of sampled signals of the various channels, after removal of noise information therefrom.
The various objects or the various sources may be also provided by detections performed simultaneously in different regions in space.
For example, particularly referring to the biomedical field, the objects may be a number of patients screened for the presence of certain diseases.
A more specific example, which typically provides multichannel signals for several different objects, is given by the electroencephalographic examination of patients.
Here, by using a plurality of probes or electromagnetic sensors, each being associated to a separate channel and each being associated to a region of the brain, electromagnetic signals are being sensed, which are simultaneously generated by these different areas of the brain, i.e. in the same time interval, having a predetermined duration.
Each object, i.e. each patient will be uniquely associated to the set of EEG patterns that are stored in the form of time-dependent signals and each of these signals is uniquely associated to a different channel.
A database of this type, where the records of each object are represented in the form of a data matrix in which each line includes the EEG signal sampling value for one of the channels, has a very large number of values, which are strongly affected by noise signals.
Here the invention provides a processing step in which an auto-associative neural network as described above is used to process the matrix of signal sampling values for each channel and each object, thereby obtaining a weight matrix for each object, which weight matrix is used as a record for the corresponding object.
Thus, noise may be filtered out of the numerical values of the sampled signals for the various channels, which describe the implicit function of interaction among the channels, i.e. among the mechanisms represented by the channels, and the number of numerical values identifying each object is considerably reduced.
In the specific example of signals from EEG channels of different patients, the database that represents all the patients will have, as a record for each patient, the weight matrix provided by the auto-, associative neural network.
As mentioned above, the weight matrix provided by the auto-associative neural network describes the implicit function of interaction among the channels and the entities represented by such channels. Particularly referring to the biomedical example of EEG patterns, since each channel is associated to a well defined area of the brain, the numerical values of the weight matrix may be interpreted to form a map of the space-time interactions among the different cerebral regions under examination.
The channels are designated by C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and in the biomedical example of an EEG examination, they represent for example five different areas of the brain.
From the above data matrix, a map may be formed in which the circles C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 represent the positions in space of the cerebral regions, in the biomedical example, or the entities or processes generating the signal of each channel. The arrows represent the interactions of interaction exchanges among the channels, only relating to weight matrix reinforcements. The width of these arrows is related to the size of the grey boxes that represent the absolute values in the three discrete intensity degrees of reinforcing, non-inhibitory interactions.
This map at least partly shows the mechanisms of interaction among the elements or processes that generate the signals from the various channels. In the specific case of electroencephalograms, the map highlights which area of the brain has interacted by a non-inhibitory signal with another area as well as the interaction intensity. A clearer overview is thus obtained of how the different areas of the brain have interacted, and of any abnormalities thereof.
The weight matrices obtained by using the method of this invention may thus be used as records for each object or for performing further processing steps, and particularly for classifying an object wherefor a set of signals was registered.
In this case, the first step consists in generating a database of objects or sources whose qualities or characteristics on which the classification has to be based are known. Therefore, for each object or each source, a set of signals, associated to the various channels, is registered and, after signal sampling, each object is processed by the auto-associative neural network, as shown in the diagram of
The classification qualities or characteristics are turned into numerical parameters, which are adapted to uniquely identify these qualities or characteristics, e.g. the presence or absence thereof, or a certain amount of presence or absence thereof.
The above steps are also carried out for objects or sources whose classification qualities or characteristics are not known.
In order to ascertain the class whereto an object or a subject belong, any predictive algorithm may be used, e.g. a neural network.
In this case, learning in the neural network will be of the supervised type. Network learning will be performed with known methods, by providing, as an input to the network, the records of each of the objects of the database of known objects, which records are numerical values of the weight matrix that was determined in the previous step, as described above, and by providing, as an output to the network, the parameters that uniquely identify the known quality or characteristic of the corresponding object.
As a rule, the network is trained by only using some of the cases of the database, whereas the remaining cases are used for control. In the control stage, the database cases that are not used for training are passed to the trained neural network as an input without providing the output parameters, i.e. the parameters for uniquely identifying the classification qualities or characteristics that are known for these cases. The output parameters provided by the network for processing the inputs of the remaining cases, the so-called controls, are compared with the parameters for identifying the known classification qualities or characteristics of control cases to check the prediction or classification quality of the network, the so-called fitness.
Now, if fitness is satisfactory, then the network may be provided with the records for the objects or sources whose classification qualities or characteristics are not known.
If the above step is only executed to determine the records for the objects or sources of the signals over several channels as a weight matrix obtained by processing these signals by an auto-associative neural network according to this invention, noise may still exist in the numerical data of the weight matrix, therefore a further weight matrix filtering and compression step.
This step consists in using an auto-associative neural network once again, this time for compression. Such network will have as many inputs as weight matrix elements and fewer outputs than inputs.
Generally, the auto-associative neural network used for compression is structured in such a manner as to reduce the number of numerical data that form the records of the objects to about ⅓ of the original elements or even less.
In the following the method according to the present invention is nearer disclosed by means of a special example which helps in better and more precisely highlighting the practical aspects of the method.
This specific example consist in applying the method according to the present invention for carrying out a parallel analysis of EGG signals and distinguishing between normal non-impaired subjects, those with mild cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease patients. The automatic classification of normal elderly (NOLD), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and Alzheimer's disease (AD) subjects can be reasonably correct when the spatial content of the electroencephalographic (EEG) voltage is properly extracted by artificial neural networks (ANNs).
Resting eyes-closed EEG data were recorded (10-20 electrode system; common average reference; 128-Hz frequency sampling) from 19 channels in 171 healthy ageing volunteers (NOLD) (Mean MMSE=27.7); in 180 AD patients (Mean MMSE=19.9) and in 115 Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subjects (Mean MMSE=25.2);
The spatial content of the EEG voltage (60 s) was extracted by the step-wise procedure according to the present invention. The core of the procedure was that the ANNs did not classify individuals by directly using the EEG data as an input. Rather, the data inputs for the classification were the weights of the connections within a recirculation (non-supervised) ANN trained to generate the recorded EEG data. These connection weights represented an optimal model of the peculiar spatial features of the EEG patterns at scalp surface. The classification based on these weight was binary (NOLD vs. MCI; MCI vs. AD) and was performed by a supervised ANN. Half of the EEG database was used for the ANN training and the remaining EEG database served for the automatic classification phase (testing). The best results distinguishing between AD and MCI and between MCI and NOLD were equal to 92.33% and to 93.46% respectively. The comparative results obtained with the best method so far described in the literature, based on blind source separation and Wavelet pre-processing, were 80.43% and 86.73% respectively (p<0.001). These results confirmed the working hypothesis and represent the basis for research aimed at integrating spatial and temporal information content of the EEG.
As already said, the core of the procedure is that the ANNs do not classify individuals by directly using the EEG data as an input. Rather, the data inputs for the classification are the weights of the connections within a recirculation (non-supervised) ANN trained to generate the recorded EEG data. These connection weights represent an optimal model of the peculiar spatial features of the EEG patterns at the scalp surface. The final classification is based on these weights and is performed by a standard supervised ANN.
The method according to the present invention is a method, therefore, that tries to understand the implicit function in a multivariate data series by compressing the temporal sequence of data into spatial invariants.
This method is based on three general observations:
1. Any multivariate sequence of signals coming from the same source represents a non-synchronous temporal phenomenon: the behaviour of every channel is the synthesis of the influence of the other channels at previous but not identical times and in different quantities, and of its own activity at that moment. At the same times, the activity of every channel at a certain moment in time is going to influence the behaviour of the others at different times and in different quantities. Therefore, every multivariate sequence of signals coming from the same natural source is a complex asynchronous dynamic system, highly nonlinear, in which each channel's behaviour is understandable only in relation to all the others.
2. Given a multivariate sequence of signals generating from the same source, the implicit function defining said asynchronous process is the conversion of that same process into a complex hyper-surface, representing the interaction in time of all the channels' behaviour. The parameters of the said nonlinear function define a meta-pattern of interaction of all channels in time.
3. The 19 channels in the EEG represent a dynamic system characterised by asynchronous parallelism. The nonlinear implicit function that defines them as a whole represent a meta-pattern that translates into space (hyper-surface) that the interactions among all the channels create in time.
The idea underlying of the method according to the present invention resides in thinking that each patient's 19-channel EEG track can be synthesized by the connection parameters of an Auto-associated nonlinear ANN, previously trained about that same track's data.
There can be several topologies and learning algorithms for such ANNs. What is necessary is that the selected ANN be of the Auto-associated type (that is to say, that the Input vector be a target for the Output vector), and that the transfer functions defining it be nonlinear and differentiable at any point.
Furthermore, it is preferable that all the processing made on every patient be carried out with the same type of ANN, and that the initial randomly generated weights have to be the same in every learning trial. This means that, for every EEG, every ANN has to have the same starting point, even if that starting point is random.
Analyzing a patient's cognitive decline level on a patient means deciphering how well their brain works. Decoding this quality through the EEG track of a patient means to look into that track, that is variable over time on all channels, for those invariant patterns that characterize the functional health of that brain in that phase of its life.
The second main idea on which the method according to the present invention is based is that the quality of a brain's functioning can be decoded, on the basis of a good sample of its electric activity (EEG), through systems that can isolate the traits in the EEG that are invariant in relation to the track's time.
In this case it is preferable to use nonlinear Auto-Associated ANNs of the combinatorial and not of the sequential type in order to analyse the EEG.
In other words, the internal time of an EEG track is associated with the more or less free and/or random thoughts of every patient during the analysis. The patient's brain does not stop working when performing “with his/her eyes closed”, and s/he is also self-aware. The time dynamic inside the signal is completely subjective. There is no interest in the patient's thought sequence at that moment. The “background noise” of his cognitive activity, fuzzily indicates his cerebral engine's health state. This cognitive quality should be invariant during the EEG, and the recorded electric activity should retain a trace of it.
The above does not mean that the EEG track does not have a temporal pertinence, only that to understand the functional health of a brain, time is only a constraint to the manifestation of a spatial invariant.
This invariant is not obviously an invariant, on different time scales a brain, during its lifespan, varies in cognitive quality, but this is a macroscopic time span compared to the microscopic time span (1 or 2 minutes) during which an EEG track is recorded (unless the patient experiences a violent ischemia while recording the track).
Every Auto-Associated ANN in the method according to the present invention has to register on its connections the invariant spatial patterns characterizing every patient in that phase of their life.
The first embodiment of the method according to the invention consists in the application phase that may be defined as “squashing.: Indeed it consists in squashing and compressing an EEG track in order to project, on the connections of a nonlinear Auto-Associated ANN, the invariant patterns of that track.
Considering an EEG track with 19 channels in standard position, and a sampling frequency of 128 Hz for about 60 seconds, the squashing phase may be represented as illustrated in
If the following definitions are made
Fi( )=Implicit function of the ith EEG;
Xi=Matrix of the values of the i-th EEG;
Then, in the case of a two layered Auto-Associated:
It is possible to use different types of Auto-Associated ANNs to run this search for spatial invariants in every EEG.
As a first Type of Auto-Associated ANN there is considered a Back Propagation ANN without a hidden unit layer and without connections on the main diagonal (for short: AutoBp) as illustrated by the schmatic
This is a kind of ANN featuring an extremely simple learning algorithm:
The AutoBP is an ANN featuring N2−N inter-node connections and N Bias inside every exit node, for a total of N2 adaptive weights. It is an algorithm that works similarly to logistic regression, and can be used to establish the dependency of every variable from each other.
The advantage of AutoBP is due to its learning speed, which is due to the small size of its connections and to the simplicity of its topology and its algorithm. Moreover, at the end of the learning phase, the connections between variables, because they are direct, have a clear conceptual meaning. Every connection indicates a relationship of faded excitement, inhibition or indifference between every pair of channels in the EEG track of any patient.
The disadvantage of AutoBP is its limited convergence capacity, due to that same topological simplicity. That is to say, complex relationships between variables may be approximated or ignored (for details see Rumelhart D. E., Smolensky P., McClelland J. L., Hinton G. E., Schemata and Sequential Thought Processes in PDP Models, in McClelland J. L. and Rumelhart D. E., Exploration in the Microstructure of Cognition, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1986, Vol II. and Buscema M, Constraint Satisfaction Neural Networks, in Buscema(ed), Special Issue on Artificial Neural Networks and Complex Social Systems, Substance Use and Misuse, 33, 2, 1998, pp 389-408).
A so called New Recirculation Network is a further kind of Auto-Associated ANN. The New Recirculation Network (for short: NRC) is an original variation (See Buscema M, Recirculation Neural Networks, in Buscema(ed), Special Issue on Artificial Neural Networks and Complex Social Systems, Substance Use and Misuse, 33, 2, 1998, pp 383-388) of an ANN that has existed in the literature (See G. E. Hinton, J. L. McClelland, Learning Representation by Recirculation, in Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, November, 1988) and was not considered to be useful to the issue of auto-associating between variables. The structure of this ANN is illustrated in a schematic way in
The topology of the NRC (see
NRC then features N2 inter-node adaptive connections and 2·N intra-node adaptive connections (Bias). The advantages of NRC are its excellent convergence capability on complex datasets, that as a result manifests an excellent ability to interpolate complex relations between variables.
The disadvantages mainly have to do with the vectorial codification that the Hidden units run on the Input vectors, thus making it difficult to conceptually decode the matrix of its trained connections.
The MLP, with only one layer of Hidden units (
The advantages of MLP are its well-known flexibility and the strength of its Back-Propagation algorithm. Its disadvantages are its just as well-known tendency to saturate the Hidden nodes when in the presence of non-stationary functions, and the vectorial codification (allocated) of those same Hidden nodes.
Elman's Hidden Recurrent can be used for auto-associating purposes, again using the Back Propagation algorithm (for short: Auto Associative Hidden Recurrent AHR). It was used as a variation for MLP in our experimentation with memory set to one step. It is not possible to call it a proper recurring ANN in this form, because the memory would have been limited to one record before We used this variation only to give the ANN an Input vector modulated by the values of the previous Input vector at any cycle. Our purpose was not to codify the temporal dependence of the entrance signals, but rather to give the ANN a “smoother” and more mediated Input sequence. The number of connections in the RCR BP is the same as an MPL with extended Input, whose cardinality equals the number of Hidden units.
The Auto-Associated ANNs should have codified almost every pattern that is hidden during the squashing phase but which remains on its connections in every track. The implicit function, in fact, is the hyper-surface where all points in space of every EEG interpolate, as defined by their coordinates (the 19 channels).
It is believed that not all spatial models contained in an EEG refer to the brain's functioning quality and whose electric activity is represented by the EEG. Other invariant patterns, relating to specific characteristics of that brain at that moment, could be present: anxiety level, recurring thoughts, background noise in that minute-long recording, etc.
Separating the functioning invariants and the cerebral quality invariants from the others that are not needed for this task is recommended.
The hypothesis is that the health and cerebral quality invariant are more significant than the others, and thus the ANNs codified them in a more thorough manner. If this hypothesis is valid, then compressing the connection matrices, which has been obtained for every track, should eliminate the less deep spatial models, and leave the most significant ones unaltered. And the latter should correspond to the cognitive functioning invariants which are of interested here.
In other words, a new performance is carried out so as to eliminate the noisiest and most superficial traits of the previous codification, in order to isolate the gist of information regarding cognitive health in the original track.
If the following definitions are taken:
Wi=connection matrix of the i-th EEG chart, as obtained in the squashing phase;
Hi=vector of the fundamental information contained in each Wi matrix;
ηi=superficial and noisy information as codfied by each Wi matrix.
Then one can synthesize this additional phase of the method of the present invention, with the purpose of eliminating noise, with the following equation:
The H vector should, therefore, represent, for every patient (EEG) the set of parameters containing key information to their brain's health and quality.
To carry out this compression an Auto-Associative ANNs with hidden units is used, which hidden units are able to project each patient's entire connection matrix into a much smaller space. More specifically, both the Auto-Associated MLP (Multi layer perceptron), and the NRC (New Recirculation Network) can be used for this second additional phase.
The compression operation can therefore be summarized with the following steps:
Through this further transformation, every analyzed EEG track of the patient sample has been translated into a dataset. In this new dataset, every patient is represented as a fixed group of parameters which, as a whole, should define the invariant patterns of that patient's brain-functioning quality. Through this further transformation, every analyzed EEG track of the patient sample has been translated into a dataset. In this new dataset, every patient is represented as a fixed group of parameters which, as a whole, should define the invariant patterns of that patient's brain-functioning quality.
Both the “squashing” and the “noise reduction” phases of the method according to the present invention has been carried out blindly; based only on the patients' EEG track, without any indication of their clinical state. A verification has been carried out in order to verify whether the said two phases of the method according to the invention are able to find those spatial invariants of every patient which relate to the health and functioning status of their brain.
The diagnostic gold standard has been established, for every patient, in a way that is completely independent from the clinical and instrumental examination (MRI, etc.) carried out by a group of experts whose diagnosis has been also reconfirmed in time.
Every sample patient has been specifically diagnosed with the IFAST method. The diagnoses have been divided into the following three classes, based on delineated inclusion criteria:
“Normal” elderly patients (NOLD);
Elderly patients with “Cognitive decline” (MCI);
Elderly patients with “mild Alzheimer” (AD);
The last generated dataset was re-written, adding to every Hi vector (the invariant traits as defined by the noise reduction phase) the diagnostic class that an objective clinical examination had assigned to every patient. For example:
Patient 1: H1
Patient 2: H2
Patient . . . : H. . .
Patient M: HM
A new dataset called “Diagnostic DB” was created for easier comprehension.
At this point, a normal, supervised feed-forward ANNs was used to calculate the following classification function:
y=diagnostic class of the patient {Nold, AD, MCI};
Φ=a proper nonlinear function, simple or complex;
H=the ANN's Input vector, containing the invariants that IFAST found
r*=weight matrix/matrices defining parameters for the function that must be approximated.
To verify the supervised ANNs' ability for blind classification, the 5×2 CV protocol of
The ANNs' good or excellent ability to diagnostically classify all patients in the sample from the results of the confusion matrices of these 10 independent experiments would indicate that the spatial invariants extracted with the method according to the present invention truly relate to the functioning quality of the brains which were examined through their EEG.
It would mean that a brain's quality is concealed in the electric, a-temporal, background noise of a brain at rest.
Experimental Setting
Subjects and Diagnostic Criteria
The study population included:
a. 180 AD patients (Mini Mental State Examination: Mean=19.9, SD=4.9);
b. 115 MC1 subjects (MMSE: Mean=25.2, SD=2.4);
c. 171 healthy ageing volunteers (MMSE: Mean=27.7, SD=1.5)
The three samples were matched for age, gender and years of education. Local institutional ethics committees approved the study. All experiments were performed with the informed and overt consent of each participant or caregiver.
The present inclusion and exclusion criteria for MCI were based on previous seminal studies (See Rubin E H, Morris J C, Grant F A, Vendegna T (1989). Very mild senile dementia of the Alzheimer type. I. Clinical assessment. Arch Neurol. 1989 April; 46(4):379-82. Albert M, Smith L A, Scherr P A, Taylor J O, Evans D A, Funkenstein H H. Use of brief cognitive tests to identify individuals in the community with clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's disease. Int J Neurosci. 1991 April; 57(3-4):167-78. Flicker C, Ferris S H, Reisberg B. Mild cognitive impairment in the elderly: predictors of dementia. Neurology. 1991 July; 41(7):1006-9. Zaudig M. A new systematic method of measurement and diagnosis of “mild cognitive impairment” and dementia according to ICD-10 and DSM-III-R criteria. Int Psychogeriatr. 1992; 4 Suppl 2:203-19. Devanand D P, Folz M, Gorlyn M, Moeller J R, Stern Y. Questionable dementia: clinical course and predictors of outcome. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1997 March; 45(3):321-8. Petersen R C, Smith G E, Ivnik R J, Tangalos E G, Schaid D J, Thibodeau S N, Kokmen E, Waring S C, Kurland L T. Apolipoprotein E status as a predictor of the development of Alzheimer's disease in memory-impaired individuals. JAMA. 1995 Apr. 26; 273(16):1274-8. Petersen R C, Smith G E, Waring S C, Ivnik R J, Kokmen E, Tangelos E G. Aging, memory, and mild cognitive impairment. Int Psychogeriatr. 1997; 9 Suppl 1:65-9. Petersen R C, Doody R, Kurz A, Mohs R C, Morris J C, Rabins P V, Ritchie K, Rossor M, Thal L, Winblad B. Current concepts in mild cognitive) and designed for selecting elderly persons manifesting objective cognitive deficits, especially in the memory domain, who did not meet criteria for a diagnosis of dementia or AD, namely with:
i) objective memory impairment on neuropsychological evaluation, as defined by performances 1.5 standard deviation below the mean value of age and education-matched controls for a test battery including Memory Rey list (immediate recall and delayed recall), Digit forward and Corsi forward tests; ii) normal activities of daily living as documented by the patient's history and evidence of independent living;
iii) clinical dementia rating score of 0.5; and
iv) Geriatric Depression Scale scores<13.
Probable AD was diagnosed according to NINCDS-ADRDA (See McKhann G, Drachman D, Folstein M, Katzman R, Price D, Stadlan E M (1984) Clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease: report of the NINCDS-ADRDA work group under the auspices of department of Health and Human Services Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease. Neurology; 34: 939-44). Patients underwent general medical, neurological and psychiatric assessments and were also rated with a number of standardized diagnostic and severity instruments that included MMSE (See Folstein M F, Folstein S E, McHigh P R (1975). Mini Mental State: a pratical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. Journal of Psychiatric Research; 12: 189-198.), Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (See Hughes C P, Berg L, Danziger W L, Coben L A, Martin R L. A new clinical scale for the staging of dementia. Br J. Psychiatry. 1982 June; 140:566-72), Geriatric Depression Scale (See Yesavage J A, Brink T L, Rose T L, Lum O, Huang V, Adey M, Leirer V O. Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale: a preliminary report. J Psychiatr Res. 1982-83; 17(1):37-49), Hachinski Ischemic Scale (See Rosen W G, Terry R D, Fuld P A, Katzman R, Peck A Pathological verification of ischemic score in differentiation of dementias. Ann Neurol. 1980 May; 7(5):486-8), and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale (See Lawton M P, Brody E M (1969). Assessment of Older people: Self Maintaining ad Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, Gerontologist, 9: 179-186). Neuroimaging diagnostic procedures (CT or MRI) and complete laboratory analyses were carried out to exclude other causes of progressive or reversible dementias, in order to have a homogenous mild AD patient sample. The exclusion criteria included, in particular, any evidence of
(i) front temporal dementia diagnosed according to criteria of Lund and Manchester Groups (See Lund and Manchester Groups. Clinical and neuropathological criteria for fronto-temporal dementia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994; 57: 416-18);
(ii) vascular dementia as diagnosed according to NINDS-AIREN criteria (Roman G C, Tatemichi T K, Erkinjuntti T, Cummings J L, Masdeu J C, Garcia J H, Amaducci L, Orgogozo J M, Brun A, Hofman A. Vascular dementia: diagnostic criteria for research studies. Report of the NINDS-AIREN International Workshop. Neurology 1993; 43: 250-60) and neuroimaging evaluation scores (Frisoni G B, Beltramello A, Binetti G, Bianchetti A, Weiss C, Scuratti A, Trabucchi M. Computed tomography in the detection of the vascular component in dementia. Gerontology. 1995; 41(2):121-8 and Galluzzi S, Sheu C F, Zanetti O, Frisoni G B Distinctive clinical features of mild cognitive impairment with subcortical cerebrovascular disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2005; 19(4):196-203);
(iii) extra-pyramidal syndromes;
(iv) reversible dementias (including pseudo-dementia of depression); and
(v) Lewy body dementia according to the criteria by McKeith (See McKeith I G, Galasko D, Kosaka K, Perry E K, Dickson D W, Hansen L A, et al. (1996). Consensus guidelines for the clinical and pathologic diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB): report of the consortium on DLB international workshop. Neurology; 47 (5):1113-1124).
It is important to note that benzodiazepines, antidepressant and/or antihypertensive drugs were withdrawn for about 24 hours before the EEG recordings.
The NOLD subjects were recruited mostly among non-consanguineous patients' relatives. All NOLD subjects underwent physical and neurological examinations as well as cognitive screening. Subjects affected by chronic systemic illnesses, subjects receiving psychoactive drugs, and subjects with a history of present or previous neurological or psychiatric disease were excluded. All NOLD subjects had a GDS score lower than 14 (no depression).
EEG data were recorded in wake rest state (eyes-closed), usually during late morning hours from 19 electrodes positioned according to the International 10-20 System (i.e. Fp1, Fp2, F7, F3, Fz, F4, F8, T3, C3, Cz, C4, T4, T5, P3, Pz, P4, T6, O1, O2; 0.3-70 Hz filtering bandpass). A specific reference electrode was not imposed to all recording units of this multi-centric study, since any further data analysis was carried out after EEG data were re-referenced to a common average reference. The horizontal and vertical electrooculogram was simultaneously recorded to monitor eye movements. An operator controlled, on-line, the subject and the EEG traces by alerting the subject any time there were signs of behavioral and/or EEG drowsiness in order to keep the level of vigilance constant. All data were digitized (5 min of EEG; 0.3-35 Hz band pass 128 Hz sampling rate).
The duration of the EEG recording (5 min) allowed the comparison of the present results with several previous AD studies using either EEG recording periods shorter than 5 minutes (See Buchan R J, Nagata K, Yokoyama E, Langman P, Yuya H, Hirata Y, Hatazawa J, Kanno I. Regional correlations between the EEG and oxygen metabolism in dementia of Alzheimer's type. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1997 September; 103(3):409-17. Pucci E, Belardinelli N, Cacchio G, Signorino M, Angeleri F. EEG power spectrum differences in early and late onset forms of Alzheimer's disease. Clin Neurophysiol. 1999 April; 110(4):621-31. Szelies B, Mielke R, Kessler J, Heiss WD. EEG power changes are related to regional cerebral glucose metabolism in vascular dementia. Clin Neurophysiol. 1999 April; 110(4):615-20. Rodriguez G, Vitali P, De Leo C, De Carli F, Girtler N, Nobili F. Quantitative EEG changes in Alzheimer patients during long-term donepezil therapy. Neuropsychobiology. 2002; 46(1):49-56. Babiloni C, Ferri R, Moretti D V, Strambi A, Binetti G, Dal Formo G, Ferreri F, Lanuzza B, Bonato C, Nobili F, Rodriguez G, Salinari S, Passero S, Rocchi R, Stam C J, Rossini P M. Abnormal fronto-parietal coupling of brain rhythms in mild Alzheimer's disease: a multicentric EEG study. Eur J Neurosci. 2004 May; 19(9):2583-90. Babiloni C, Binetti G, Cassetta E, Cerboneschi D, Dal Formo G, Del Percio C, Ferreri F, Ferri R, Lanuzza B, Miniussi C, Moretti D V, Nobili F, Pascual-Marqui R D, Rodriguez G, Romani G L, Salinari S, Tecchio F, Vitali P, Zanetti O, Zappasodi F, Rossini P M. Mapping distributed sources of cortical rhythms in mild Alzheimer's disease. A multicentric EEG study. Neuroimage. 2004 May; 22(1):57-67.) or shorter than 1 minute (Dierks T, Ihl R, Frolich L, Maurer K. Dementia of the Alzheimer type: effects on the spontaneous EEG described by dipole sources. Psychiatry Res. 1993 October; 50(3):151-62 and Dierks T, Jelic V, Pascual-Marqui R D, Wahlund L, Julin P, Linden D E, Maurer K, Winblad B, Nordberg A. Spatial pattern of cerebral glucose metabolism (PET) correlates with localization of intracerebral EEG-generators in Alzheimer's disease. Clin Neurophysiol. 2000 October; 111(10):1817-24). Longer resting EEG recordings in AD patients would have reduced data variability but would have increased the possibility of EEG “slowing” because of reduced vigilance and arousal.
EEG epochs with ocular, muscular, and other types of artefact were preliminary identified by a computerized automatic procedure. Those manifesting sporadic blinking artefacts (less than 15% of the total) were corrected by an Autoregressive method (see Moretti DV, Babiloni F, Carducci F, Cincotti F, Remondini E, Rossini P M, Salinari S, Babiloni C. Computerized processing of EEG-EOG-EMG artifacts for multi-centric studies in EEG oscillations and event-related potentials. Int J Psychophysiol. 2003 March; 47(3):199-216). Two independent experimenters—blind to the diagnosis—manually confirmed the EEG segments accepted for further analysis. A continuous segment of artefact-free EEG data lasting 60 s was used for subsequent analyses for each subject.
The entire sample of 466 subjects was recorded at 128 Hz for 1 minute. The EEG track of each subject was represented by a matrix of 7680 sequential rows (time) and 19 columns (the 19 channels).
The squashing phase of method according to the present invention was implemented using different Auto Associative ANNs:
An Auto-Associative BP with 2 layers (ABP);
A New Recirculation ANN(NRC);
An Auto-Associative Multilayer Perceptron with 3 layers (AMLP);
An Auto-Associative Hidden Recurrent (AHR).
Every Auto-Associative ANNs independently processed every EEG of the total sample in order to assess the different capabilities of each ANNs to extract the key information from the EEG tracks.
Table 1 summarizes the Auto-Associative ANNs types and parameters used during the processing.
After this processing each EEG track is squashed into the weights of every ANN resulting in 4 different and independent datasets (one for each ANN), whose records are the squashing of the original EEG tracks and whose variables are the trained weights of every ANN.
The second phase according to the invention is the noise elimination phase.
Each of the 4 datasets is compressed through another Auto-Associative ANN. The NRC was the ANN which demonstrated the best capability to do this task.
Table 2 define the criterions of this phase.
The classification phase of the method according to the present invention
The real target (AD or MC1 or NOLD) was added to each record into the 4 independent datasets. The validation protocol 5×2CV was applied blindly to test the capabilities of a generic supervised ANN to correctly classify each record (120 new inputs).
A supervised MLP was used for the classification task, without hidden units. In every experimentation, in fact, it as possible to train perfectly the ANN in no more than 100 epochs (RMSE<0.0001). That means that in this last phase one could have used also a linear classifier to reach up the same results.
Table 3 documents the mean results after 10 different processings for each dataset for each different classification (AD vs. MC1 and MC1 vs. NOLD). In order to split each dataset into two halves (Training and Testing), an evolutionary algorithm was used. This algorithm allows one to split the entire sample into two sub-samples with a similar function of probability distribution (See Buscema M., Grossi E., Intraligi M., Garbagna N., Andriulli A., Breda M., An optimized experimental protocol based on neuro-evolutionary algorithms. [ . . . ], in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (2005) 34, 279-305). Consequently, every experiment was conducted in a blind and independent manner in two directions: training with sub-sample A and blind testing with sub-sample B vs. training with sub-sample B and blind testing with sub-sample A.
Subsequent to generating 5 independent couples of sub-samples for every dataset and for every type of classification with the T&T Evolutionary Algorithm described above the well known 5×2CV validation protocol was implemented.
The following tables 4 and 5 note the mean results for the classifications of AD vs. MCI and the mean results for the classifications of MCI vs. NOLD respectively.
The AER achieved the best results in the first classification task (AD vs. MCI=92.33%); the AMLP achieved the best results in the second classification task (MCI vs. NOLD=93.46%).
Various types of non-reversible forms of dementias represent a major health problem in all those countries where the average life-span is progressively increasing. There is a growing amount of scientific and clinical evidence that the brain is reacting to the aggression of neurodegenerative agents by plastic reorganization, which makes it able to retain brain functions at an acceptable level before clear symptoms of dementia appear. The length of this pre-symptomatic period is currently unknown but the in the case of AD, often preceded by MCI, it lasts several years. Even in the absence of an efficacious treatment, able to block progression and/or to reverse the cognitive decline, it is generally agreed that early initiation of the available treatment (i.e. inhibitors of anti cholinesterase drugs) provides the best results Therefore the method according to the present invention is a significant advancement in the fight against dementias being a non-invasive, easy-to-perform and low-cost tool giving diagnostic informations capable of screening with an high rate of positive prognostication of a large at risk population sample (i.e. MCI, subjects with genetic defects and a family history of dementias or other risk factor).
Although EEG, would fulfill-up all the previous requirements, the way in which it is presently utilized does not guarantee its ability to accurately differentially diagnose MCI, early AD and healthy non-impaired aged brains. The neurophysiological community always had the perception that, there is much more information about brain functioning embedded in the EEG signals than those currently being extracted in a routine clinical context. The obvious consideration is that the generating sources of EEG signals (cortical post-synaptic currents at dendritic tree level) are the same ones as those being attacked by the factors producing symptoms of dementia. The main problem was that in the signal to noise ratio the latter is largely overwhelming the former. A simple metaphor can help one to understand the complexity of the underlying problem: the EEG fluctuations at the 19 recording electrodes resemble the fluctuations of 19 stock exchanges securities over time (minutes, hours, days etc.) in which the purchases/sales ratios are carried out by millions of invisible investors, following a logic which is unknown to the analyzer, but which is based on the intrinsic mechanism regulating the market. In this context, the “analyzer” ignores all the following variables:
a) why the value of a given security (EEG signal) in increasing or decreasing at each time; i
b) how many investors (neurones, synapses, synchronous firing) are active with regard to that stock at a given time;
c) when new investors, eventually organized, suddenly enter the market that is regulating that security and significantly alters the trend of the previous fluctuations (i.e. the subject's condition is altered because of an ‘external’ or ‘internal’ event);
d) rules determining the inner dynamics of the market, the reasons why investors purchase or sale.
The only two variable that the “analyzers” knows with certainty are the following:
1) The chaotic stock market entirely depends upon the interplay of a large number of investors (brain, neurons, synapses);
2) the investor's styles and abilities are embedded within the dynamics (variability) of the stock securities.
The reasons why the clinical use of EEG has been somewhat limited and disappointing with respect to early diagnosis of AD and identification of MCI—despite the progresses obtained in recent years—are due to the ongoing, following, erring, general principles:
A) identify and synthesize the mathematical components of the signal coming from each individual recording site (EEG channel exploring only one, discrete brain area under the exploring electrode) and to sum-up all of them in the attempt to reconstruct the general information;
B) focus on the time-variations of the signal coming from each individual recording site, and
C) mainly employing linear analysis instruments.
The basic principle which is proposed in the method according to the present invention is very simple: all the signals from all the recording channels are analyzed together—and not individually—both in time and space. The reason for such an approach is quite simple and self-explaining: the instant value of the EEG in any recording channel depends, in fact, upon its previous and following values (how many, and in which amount for each previous state?), upon the previous and following values of all the other recording channels (how many, and in which amount for each previous state?).
In summary, the aim of the “analyzer” is not to analyze the language of each individual recording channel, but to evaluate the meta-language which considers the holistic contribution of all the recording channels. We, in fact, believe that the EEG of each individual subject is defined by a specific background signal model, distributed in time and in the space of the recording channels (19 in our case). Such a model is a set of background invariant features able to specify the quality (i.e. cognitive level) of the brain activity, even in a so called resting condition. We all know that the brain never rests, even with closed eyes and if the subject is required to relax. The system that we have applied in this research context completely ignores the subject's contingent characteristics (age, cognitive status, emotions etc.). It utilized a recurrent procedure which squeezes at progressive steps the significant signal and progressively eliminates the non-significant noise.
The experimental tests has confirmed the hypothesis that a correct automatic classification of NOLD, MCI, and AD subjects can be obtained by extracting spatial information content of the resting EEG voltage by ANNs. The spatial content of the EEG voltage was extracted by the method according to the present invention. This has been done by a method in which the ANNs did not classify individuals using EEG data as an input. Rather, the data inputs for the classification were the weights of the connections within an ANN trained to generate the recorded EEG data. These connection weights represented a useful model of the peculiar spatial features of the EEG patterns at scalp surface. The results document that the correct automatic classification rate reached 92.33% % for AD vs. MCI and 93.46% for MCI vs. NOLD. The results obtained are superior to those obtained with the more advanced currently available non linear techniques. These results confirmed the working hypothesis and represent the basis for research designed to integrate EEG derived spatial and temporal information content using ANNs. They also prompt future studies for the early identification of MCI individuals manifesting extremely high chances—being at risk—of progressing to AD, based on the present procedure.
From methodological point of view it has been demonstrated the need to analyse the 19 EEG channels of each person as a whole complex system, whose decomposition and/or linearization can involve the loss of many key information.
The most of researches on EEG, also using advanced techniques (wavelet, neural networks, etc.), consider each channel quite independent from the others. In the best cases, literature try to extract from each channel some key information. That because the whole dynamics of the channels is considered full of misleading information, in other words, full of noise.
Obviously, noise is spread out in one minute of any EEG at 128 Hz. But, non linear associations in a dynamical system are not necessary noise. As Mandelbrot demonstrated in stock market field, irregular behaviour is sometime the fingerprint of a specific class of non stationary systems: these systems show a very long memory (some features shape the system dynamics all the time), wild randomness behaviours and their frequency distribution do not follow the classical normal distribution law.
With this kind of complex systems is not possible to establish a priori which information is relevant and which is not. Non Linear Auto Associative ANNs are one of the way to extract from these systems the maximum of linear and non linear associations (features) able to explain their “strange” dynamics.
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Again the purpose of the method was to classify patients as belonging to the group of those that suffer from the mild form of Alzheimer's disease or to the group of normal patients. This condition was parametrized by the numerical values 0 and 1 respectively, as shown in the Test column.
The patients of the Controls column were used as controls. Each patient was assigned the weight matrix obtained by the method according to this invention, as described above, and further compressed to obtain 128 numerical parameters.
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The method of the invention which provides processing of multichannel signals of objects or sources by an auto-associative neural network to determine a weight matrix that might act as a record for such object is also useful and advantageous in combination with a clustering algorithm, such as a Self Organizing Map.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
06115223.7 | Jun 2006 | EP | regional |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/EP2007/055646 | 6/8/2007 | WO | 00 | 5/10/2010 |