
  • Patent Application
  • 20140280416
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    May 28, 2013
    11 years ago
  • Date Published
    September 18, 2014
    10 years ago
Noise is removed from a data set by performing an integral transform operation that converts instances of noise into identifiable artefacts in the transformed data set. A model of the artefacts is constructed by creating a full-domain or partial-domain noise model and performing the same integral transform operation on the noise model. The resulting transformation of the noise model is adaptively subtracted from the transformed data set to remove the noise. The adaptive subtraction may employ a least-square error filter.

In marine geophysical data acquisition, measurements may be taken of wavefields that have been initiated by geophysical energy sources such as air guns, marine vibrators, electric bipole antennae, and magnetic coils. The geophysical energy sources may be positioned at known locations in a geographic area. In a marine setting, the sources may be towed behind one or more boats traveling a prescribed course, usually a group of equidistant parallel lines. The geophysical sources are caused to emit energy. For example, when the geophysical source is a seismic source, sonic pulses are emitted, and sensors record reflected sonic waves as voltages from transducers. The data received may be compiled into a data set with time and distance along and across the sampling paths. Such data is commonly used to prospect for geologic resources such as oil and gas deposits.

The data set obtained typically contains information of interest indicating the geology of earth strata below the geophysical equipment. Unfortunately, however, the geologic information is usually obscured by substantial noise from a wide variety of sources. Coherent noise sources, such as hydrostatic pressure variations, cavitation of boat propellers, and seismic interference, are usually well-defined and easily removed. Incoherent noise sources, however, such as tugging noise caused by sudden movements of a vessel or sensor due to wave motion, strumming or vibration of cables, and swell noise, are more difficult to remove.

Conventional methods of removing incoherent noise from geophysical data typically employ various rigorous de-noising procedures. These procedures typically involve cascaded applications of various de-spiking and de-noising techniques. A user is often required to iteratively process the data, testing parameters and performing quality control. Such procedures are expensive, time-consuming, and imprecise. If the parameterization is too conservative, noise remains in the data. If the parameterization is too aggressive, geophysical information may be affected. Thus, there is a continuing need for new methods of removing incoherent noise from geophysical data.


So that the manner in which the above-recited features of the present invention can be understood in detail, a more particular description of the invention, briefly summarized above, may be had by reference to embodiments, some of which are illustrated in the appended drawings. It is to be noted, however, that the appended drawings illustrate only typical embodiments of this invention and are therefore not to be considered limiting of its scope, for the invention may admit to other equally effective embodiments.

FIG. 1A is a schematic visual representation of a data set having an incoherent noise event.

FIG. 1B is a schematic visual representation of a data set that has undergone an integral transform process converting an incoherent noise event into an artefact.

FIG. 1C is a schematic representation of the process of using a computer to perform the integral transform process that converts the data set of FIG. 1A to the data set of FIG. 1B.

FIGS. 2A and 2B are flow diagrams summarizing a method of removing incoherent noise from a data set.

To facilitate understanding, identical reference numerals have been used, where possible, to designate identical elements that are common to the figures. It is contemplated that elements disclosed in one embodiment may be beneficially utilized on other embodiments without specific recitation.


To remove incoherent noise from a data set, the data set may be subjected to a transformation that creates an identifiable pattern from each incoherent noise event. The pattern may be modeled to remove the incoherent noise from the data set. FIG. 1A is a schematic visual representation of a data set 100 having an incoherent noise event 104. The data set 100 has a domain 102 over which the data set 100 is defined, and the incoherent noise event 104 has a subdomain 106, which is a portion of the domain 102 in which the incoherent noise event 104 may be localized. FIG. 1B is a schematic visual representation of a data set 150, which is the data set 100 after an integral operation, such as an integral transform process, has been performed. The data set 150 has a domain 152, which may be the same as the domain 102 or different, depending on the integral operation. The data set 150 contains an artefact 154, which results from applying the integral operation to the incoherent noise event 104, and which is localized in a subdomain 156, which may be the same as the subdomain 106 or different.

A model of the artefact 154 may be constructed by modeling the incoherent noise event 104 and performing the integral operation on the model of the incoherent noise event 104. The artefact 154 may then be substantially removed from the data set 150 by adaptively subtracting the model of the artefact from the data set 150. Multiple artefacts may be removed by repeating the adaptive subtraction using parameterized iterations of the model. Multiple artefacts may also be removed by subtracting coherent events from the data set 100 to yield an incoherent noise set, performing the integral operation on the incoherent noise set to form an artefact set, and adaptively subtracting the artefact set from the data set 150.

The data set 100 may be a geophysical data set, such as a seismic or electromagnetic (“EM”) data set, featuring data representing the propagation of energy, such as seismic or EM impulses or waves through a subterranean formation. The data set may be created by generating propagating energy from one or more sources and detecting the resultant energy of interaction with geographic features of the area surveyed using one or more geophysical receivers. Some or all of the sources and receivers may be mobile. For example, sources and/or receivers may be towed through water by one or more vessels. The data set may also be obtained from a vendor of such geophysical data. In a geophysical data set, subtracting coherent events includes identifying signals or events of interest for geophysical exploration and removing them from the data set. What is left is an incoherent noise set.

FIG. 1C is a schematic representation of the process of using a computer 160 to perform the integral transform process that converts the data set 100 of FIG. 1A to the data set 150 of FIG. 1B. The computer 160 is typically programmed to execute instructions that perform operations on geophysical data, such as the data set 100, to produce data useful for geophysical prospecting. The instructions may cause the computer to perform the methods described below in connection with FIGS. 2A and 2B. A computer-readable medium 162 may also contain such instructions that, when inserted into the computer 160, as illustrated by dotted arrow 164, cause the computer 160 to perform the methods described below. The computer-readable medium 162 typically contains a physical medium, such as a magnetically active substrate, on which the instructions may be recorded for transportation to a computer to be programmed to perform the instructions.

FIGS. 2A and 2B are flow diagrams summarizing a method 200 of removing incoherent noise from a data set. The data set may be a seismic data set, an EM data set, or any other data set including a signal to be preserved along with incoherent noise to be removed. The data set may also contain coherent noise (such as multiple reflection events, also known in the industry as “multiples”), which may be removed, if desired, before or after removing incoherent noise and/or performing wavefield decomposition. The data set is typically indexed according to one or more indices. In general terms, the data set is a tensor X of order N, where N is usually 2 or 3. Relating to seismic data, the indices are typically one or more spatial directions and time. The spatial directions relate to distance along a sampling path and distance from the line of the sampling path, and time relates to the elapsed time at which each seismic amplitude is detected. Typically, the seismic data represents seismic waves resulting from designed seismic perturbations, such as an array of acoustic emitters. Such a raw data set is generated or obtained at 202.

The data set typically has incoherent noise events embedded within. At 204, a large incoherent noise event is identified in the raw data set by depicting the raw data set graphically, for example using a graphical display system, or using statistical means. As described above in connection with FIGS. 1A and 1B, such large incoherent noise events may appear in the raw data set as narrow, statistically significant spikes, or as visually prominent spikes in the graphically depicted data. Statistical means may be employed to identify such spikes by, for example, computing a standard deviation of the data and identifying locations in the data set where data deviate from a norm by a quantity related to the standard deviation. Any suitable statistical means may be used.

At 206, a portion of the raw data set X surrounding and containing the identified large incoherent noise event, such as the subdomain 106 of FIG. 1A, is copied into a second data set S, which may have the same domain as the raw data set X or may be expanded to have the same domain as the raw data set X. The second data set S is a sample of the unfiltered incoherent noise.

In some embodiments, a model of the incoherent energy may be obtained directly as the second data set S by first extracting as much coherent energy from the un-filtered data as possible prior to any transformations or after transformation to a frequency domain. Numerous techniques may be used to extract coherent energy in the space-time domain or in the frequency domain. One such technique is described in Van Borselen, et al. (U.S. Pat. No. 8,339,896), which is incorporated herein by reference. The model of incoherent energy left after removing identifiable coherent energy may be used as a noise extraction in the method 100.

At 208, an integral transform is performed on the raw data set X and the second data set S. The integral transform is an operation of the form:



where f(v) is the kernel of the integral transform, and boldface generally denotes a mathematical object that may have non-zero rank, such as a vector. As such, the integral transform may be a multi-dimensional transform. The domain v of the kernel f(v) typically includes the domain of the raw data set X and at least one transform index, each transform index corresponding to an index of the raw data set X. Thus, defining v=u∪α, we may express some integral transforms as


The corresponding equation may also be written for the second data set S. Commonly used integral transforms that may be used in connection with the method 200 include, but are not limited to, a Fourier transform, a Laplace transform, a Radon transform, a Z transform. For discrete indexed data sets, such transforms are often performed numerically using known algorithms. For seismic applications, the raw data set X and the second data set S are indexed by spatial dimensions and time, so u=(x1, x2, x3, t) where three spatial dimensions are surveyed. Integral transforms such as Laplace and Fourier transforms performed on such data sets typically transform time into frequency and may transform one or more spatial dimensions into wavenumbers or inverse velocities, also referred to as “slowness”.

Referring now to FIG. 2B, which contains more operations of the method 200, at 210 scaling and filtering are applied to the transformed raw data set XT and the transformed second data set ST to form a scaled spectral data set and a scaled spectral noise model, respectively. Scaling is typically applied using a simple coefficient matrix in the spectral domain, which may approximate any desired function. Filtering may be applied to remove any frequency ranges deemed appropriate. A scaling/filtering function Φ may be applied as follows:


where Φ is a coefficient tensor computed to have a desired effect on the data set, for example, removing certain frequency domains from the data set or applying a patterned transformation to the data set such as an exponential smoothing or filtering, and ∘ denotes the Hadamard product or component-wise product.

At 112, the inverse of the original integral transform is applied to the scaled spectral data set and to the scaled spectral noise model to form a patterned data set and a noise model. The inverse integral transform is an operation of the form:


where f1(w) denotes an integral transform kernel that is an inverse of the kernel f(v) with respect to the integral transform. Complimentarily, the domain w of the inverse kernel f−1 is typically the same as the domain v of the original kernel f. Thus, the patterned data set and the noise model are given by:



A particular integral transform may be said to be analytic if T−1T(X)=X. An integral transform may be said to be quasi-analytic if T−1T(X) X. In the case of a quasi-analytic integral transform, T−1T(X)=X+∂x, where ∂x is smaller than a selected threshold criterion.

Incoherent noise in the raw data set X may be observed to create identifiable artefacts in the patterned data set D. The artefacts typically create a pattern in the patterned data set D that may be observed directly in a graphical portrayal of the patterned data set D. As such, the patterned data set D may be said to be a patterned data set.

At 114, a least-squares error adaptive subtraction process is performed that minimizes the square of the element by element difference between the patterned data set and the noise model. A least-squares filter is found that, when applied to the noise model or the patterned data set, minimizes the quantity obtained by subtracting the two data sets, element by element, squaring each element of the result, and adding each squared element together. One example of the least-squares filter that may be used is a Wiener filter. Using the least-squares filter, the noise model is subtracted from the patterned data set to remove incoherent noise from the patterned data set. In the example of the Wiener filter, the filter is a coefficient matrix that is multiplied by the noise model to give a subtrahend, which, when subtracted from the transformed data set, removes an instance of incoherent noise from the transformed data set in an optimal way.

As noted above, the original data set may be a seismic data set, for example a data set of pressure readings as a function of three spatial dimensions and time. The noise model may be constructed by locating a large incoherent noise event in the data set, for example, by statistical analysis or by visual inspection of a graphical representation of the data set rendered by a computer. As such, the noise model does not need to be a precise model of the noise, but may be an estimate. The noise model may be copied from the data set into a new data set representing the noise. After transformation, scaling, and inverse transformation, the noise model can be considered an estimate of the actual noise event, and may be permuted by spatial and temporal offset variables, and a magnitude variable to form a model tensor. The least-squares method described above, for example the Wiener filter method, solves for the values of the offsets and the magnitude that most closely fits the transformed noise model to the largest incoherent noise instance in the transformed data set.

In one embodiment, the process of transforming an original data set and scaling and filtering the transformed data set is a wavefield decomposition process. In a wavefield decomposition process, wave-indicating signals that contain wave train information propagating in different directions are sorted into signals representing the separate wave trains. In one type of wavefield decomposition, geophysical data may be represented as pressure, which is a function of spatial coordinates and time p(x,t), and can be transformed to a frequency domain by computing the Laplace transform over time and the Fourier transform over horizontal spatial coordinates:



where α1 and α2 are components of wave slowness, or reciprocal velocity, in the horizontal directions. The transformed pressure data is then typically scaled by an exponential function of depth, depending on arrangement of sources and receivers. For example,



































where x3R refers to the depth of a receiver that generated the original data p(x,t) and









with c=√{square root over (κρ)}, where κ is fluid compressibility and ρ is fluid density. The result, P(isα2,isα,x3,s), is then transformed back to space and time (reverse Fourier and reverse Laplace) to form a patterned data set p′(x,t). In this embodiment, the patterned data set is a wavefield decomposed data set. Prior to reverse transformation, other filters and scaling operations, such as simple low or high frequency filters, may be applied.

The least-squares filter is typically constructed, as noted above, using a process such as Wiener filtering or L2 energy minimization. The second data set S described above may be a noise extract n(x,t), and may be transformed into a noise model n′(x,t) as described above. In a full-domain non-iterative embodiment, the noise model may then be parameterized by offsets in x and t, and by amplitude A, to form a parametric noise model n(x,Δx,t,Δt,A). A regression filter can then be constructed that minimizes the square of the error, ext=p′xt−cΔxΔtAnxΔxtΔtA in tensor notation, where c is the coefficient tensor dimensioned on the offsets Δx, Δt, and the amplitude A. Using a parametric noise model in this way enables solving for offsets and amplitudes that determine the most complete removal of all incoherent noise artefacts from the patterned data set in a single regression or least-squares fit, after which the regression filter is applied to the noise model and the result subtracted from the patterned data set. In other embodiments, other methods may be used to generate a noise model without using a regression filter. Examples of such methods include a steepest descent method and a conjugate gradient method.

In a small-domain iterative embodiment, the second data set S may have a domain that is the minimum needed to extract the noise sample, much smaller than the domain of the raw data set X. The second data set S can be transformed into a noise model N with a domain much smaller than the transformed data set D. In such an embodiment, the patterned data set may be divided into windows, each window having a domain that is the same size as the domain of the noise model, and an iterative least-squares fit may be performed that minimizes the difference between the window of data and the noise model on each successive window. For each window, a coefficient tensor for the noise model is computed that minimizes the square of the error in each window. The coefficient tensor is applied to the noise model and the result adaptively subtracted from the patterned data set in each window. The subtraction is adaptive because the noise model is adapted to each window by a least-squares filter over the domain of the window.

In a full-domain iterative embodiment, the second data set S may have a domain equal to the domain of the raw data set X, and after transforming, filtering, and inverse transforming both, a least-squares fit is performed to define a coefficient tensor. The coefficient tensor is applied to the noise model, and the result subtracted from the transformed data to remove one instance of incoherent noise. The process of forming a noise model is then repeated by identifying a second noise instance in the raw data set X, transforming, filtering, and inverting the noise instance, performing a least-squares fit, and removing the second noise instance.

In each iterative embodiment described above, a change parameter may be computed at each iteration that represents the degree of improvement in the overall data each time a noise instance is removed. The iterative process may be repeated so long as the change parameter satisfies a threshold criterion, such as a quantity that defines an end-point of the iterative process. The change parameter may be the sum of all elements in the data set that is adaptively subtracted in each iteration. Alternately, the change parameter may be the sum of all elements of the coefficient tensor.

The various embodiments of the method 200 described above may be performed using a computer or a collection of computers, operating locally or over a network, to perform the mathematical operations. Numerical methods are typically used to perform the integral transforms, the statistical operations, and the least-squares regression and fitting. Using the method 200, noise removal is postponed until after transformation, scaling and filtering, and inverse transformation of the raw data set. The data set obtained after noise removal may be stored on a physical, non-transitory medium for distribution or transportation, if desired.

It should be noted that a synthetic noise event may be used in place of an extracted noise event in all embodiments of the method 200. Any mathematical model of incoherent noise, such as a spike function, impulse function, or Kronecker delta function may be used. The Dirac delta function may also be used, either in the continuously differentiable form:











or in the non-differentiable form:















In such an embodiment, a transformation step may be effectively eliminated by observing that the integral transforms of such functions are typically analytical, so an unscaled and unfiltered noise model may be directly constructed in transform space, if desired.

The synthetic noise model may also be derived from another data set. A noise sample from a first data set may be saved and re-used as a noise sample for processing subsequent data sets.

If the integral transform is analytic, the data set subjected to noise removal may be reverted to its original form, with the noise removed, by reversing the mathematical transformations that produced the patterned data set. After noise removal, the de-noised data set may be transformed, the scaling and filtering operations inverted, and the result inverse transformed to produce the de-noised data in its original format. The same procedure may be performed with quasi-analytic transforms with the result that the de-noised data set is a close representation of the original data set with the noise removed. The transformation and inversion that produces the patterned data set may be referred to as a “forward transformation”, and the transformation and inversion that produces the de-noised data in its original format may be referred to as a “backward transformation”.

While the foregoing is directed to embodiments of the invention, other and further embodiments of the invention may be devised without departing from the basic scope thereof.

  • 1. A method of removing noise from a data set, comprising: using a computer to perform a transformation on the data set, the transformation comprising: performing an operation on the data set that transforms incoherent energy features into artefacts having an identifiable structure to form a patterned data set, the operation comprising an integral transform;using the data set to construct a model data set containing incoherent noise from the data set that, when subjected to the operation, produces artefacts similar to the artefacts in the patterned data set;performing the operation on the model data set to form a noise model;constructing an energy minimizing filter from the patterned data set and the noise model;applying the energy minimizing filter to the noise model to form a filtered noise model; andsubtracting the filtered noise model from the patterned data set to form a transformed data set.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the noise model is constructed by removing coherent energy events from the data set.
  • 3. The method of claim 2, wherein the model data set is constructed by removing coherent energy events from the data set.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the operation comprises a wavefield decomposition.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the energy minimizing filter is a least-square error filter, and constructing the energy minimizing filter from the patterned data set and the noise model comprises forming a parametric noise model from the noise model and constructing the energy minimizing filter based on the parametric noise model.
  • 6. The method of claim 1, wherein the data set is seismic data gathered over a geographic domain and a time domain, the model data set contains a noise sample extracted from the seismic data, and the noise model is adaptively subtracted from the patterned data set.
  • 7. The method of claim 1, further comprising performing an inverse of the transformation on the transformed data set to form a denoised version of the data set.
  • 8. The method of claim 6, wherein the model data set has a domain that is the same as the domain of the seismic data, the noise model is parameterized by offsets in the geographic and time domains, and in amplitude, and the noise model is adaptively subtracted from the patterned data set by constructing an energy minimizing filter that comprises a tensor dimensioned on the offsets and amplitude.
  • 9. The method of claim 6, wherein the model data set has a domain that is the same as the domain of the seismic data, the energy minimizing filter is a Wiener filter, and the method further comprises: constructing a second model data set containing a second incoherent noise sample;performing the operation on the second model data set to form a second noise model;constructing a second energy minimizing filter from the patterned data set and the second noise model;applying the second energy minimizing filter to the second noise model to form a second filtered noise model; andsubtracting the second filtered noise model from the patterned data set.
  • 10. The method of claim 1, further comprising constructing a visual representation of the patterned data set using a graphical display.
  • 11. A method of geophysical surveying, comprising: collecting seismic data over a geographic area using an array of seismic sources and receivers;compiling the seismic data into a data set; andremoving noise from the data set according to the method of claim 1.
  • 12. A method of forming a geographical data product, comprising: collecting seismic data over a geographic area using an array of seismic sources and receivers;compiling the seismic data into a data set;removing noise from the data set according to the method of claim 1 to form a de-noised data set; andstoring the de-noised data set on a physical non-transitory storage medium.
  • 13. A method of removing noise from a data set, comprising: performing a wavefield decomposition on the data set to form a wavefield patterned data set;constructing a model data set containing an incoherent noise sample;performing the wavefield decomposition on the model data set to form a noise model;constructing an energy minimizing filter from the wavefield patterned data set and the noise model;applying the energy minimizing filter to the noise model to form a filtered noise model; andsubtracting the filtered noise model from the wavefield patterned data set to form a de-noised data set; andperforming an inversion of the wavefield decomposition on the de-noised data set.
  • 14. The method of claim 13, wherein the energy minimizing filter is a least-square error filter.
  • 15. The method of claim 13, wherein the data set is seismic data gathered over a geographic domain and a time domain, the model data set contains a noise sample extracted from the seismic data, and the noise model is adaptively subtracted from the wavefield patterned data set.
  • 16. A method of geophysical surveying, comprising: collecting seismic data over a geographic area using an array of seismic sources and receivers;compiling the seismic data into a data set; andremoving noise from the data set according to the method of claim 13.
  • 17. A method of removing noise from a data set, comprising: using a computer to perform a transformation on the data set, the transformation comprising: extracting coherent energy signals from the data set to form a coherent model;subtracting the coherent model from the data set to form an incoherent model;performing a wavefield decomposition on the data set to form a wavefield patterned data set;performing the wavefield decomposition on the incoherent model to form a noise model;constructing an energy minimizing filter from the wavefield patterned data set and the noise model;applying the energy minimizing filter to the noise model to form a filtered noise model; andsubtracting the filtered noise model from the wavefield patterned data set to form a de-noised data set; andperforming an inversion of the wavefield decomposition on the de-noised data set.
  • 18. The method of claim 17, wherein the data set is seismic data gathered over a geographic domain and a time domain and the noise model is adaptively subtracted from the wavefield patterned data set.
  • 19. The method of any of claim 11, wherein at least some of the seismic sources and receivers are mobile.
  • 20. The method of claim 19, wherein the mobile seismic sources and receivers are towed through water by a vessel.

This application claims benefit under 35 U.S.C. §119(e)(1) of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 61/784,213, filed Mar. 14, 2013, which is incorporated herein by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61784213 Mar 2013 US